Groupe Scolaire Les Nouvelles Générations

National Network

Bousmail ajim
4123 Djerba

±21670 279 340
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are an international private school with the IB system. Around 100.000 Euros. We organise activities for students and national competitions to engage themin the civil word. There few partners engaged yes.

Mission and Objectives

To create reliable students and future global citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Creating national competitions and partnerships with local government that help students develop their learning skills.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I will supervise the process and helps students gain the best experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop my personal experience in debating and help my students improve their leading and speaking skills to gain more self confidence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kais Ben Temellist
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adel Haj Yedder


National Network

CARRER TRAJÀ 14 (INTERIOR) Accés pel Parc de la Font Florida
08004 Barcelona Barcelona

932 68 22 22
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

A l’Associació Atlàntida som una entitat sense ànim de lucre que treballem amb la immigració des de diverses disciplines i àmbits relacionats amb benestar social, salut, educació, cultura i món associatiu. L’Associació està formada per una xarxa de professionals de Catalunya, oberta a altres països de les dues ribes de la Mediterrània.

Mission and Objectives

A l’Associació Atlàntida el nostre propòsit principal són les persones i el seu benestar. Per aquest motiu som una entitat de caràcter social i sense ànim de lucre.

Treballem en la inserció de professionals estrangers a la societat d'acollida, promovent diverses activitats. Els nostres projectes estan pensats per donar suport a l'homologació de la formació acadèmica i la facilitació de l’accés al mercat laboral.

La nostra activitat principal és:

Servei d’Acompanyament al Reconeixement Universitari (SARU)
Projecte Interprofessions
Jornades formatives, publicacions i sessions d'estudi


Promoure la formació i la preparació dels professionals per millorar la relació i comunicació intercultural en les seves intervencions.
Contribuir a la inserció de les persones estrangeres en la societat d’acollida.
Propiciar espais de debat i de reflexió entre els professionals oberts al món associatiu de la immigració.


1) La governança amb una major participació dels nostres socis/es que se sentin corresponsables dels projectes de l’associació.

2) Les relacions institucionals que han de permetre establir vincles i afinitat amb uns interessos comuns amb les organitzacions professionals i l’administració.

3) L’activació de la intel·ligència col·lectiva dels i les professionals que des de l’anàlisi de l’entorn ens permeti captar les necessitats a respondre.

4) Alimentar el futur de l’Associació amb la satisfacció de la persona sòcia en el present.

Main Projects / Activities

1) SARU: Servei d'acompanyament al reconeixement universitari. El Servei d'Acompanyament al Reconeixement Universitari (SARU) ofereix:

Assessorament per tramitar el reconeixement de les titulacions estrangeres universitàries i acompanyament durant el procés d’equiparació dels estudis.
Orientació sobre els itineraris acadèmics recomanables per completar els estudis, amb l’objectiu d’afavorir el reconeixement universitari i de millorar el currículum acadèmic.
Informació i derivació cap a organismes competents en procediments d’acreditació i legalització de titulacions universitàries que han de tenir efectes a l’estranger.
Se'n poden beneficiar:

Persones residents a Catalunya amb formació acadèmica universitària d’una universitat estrangera.
Persones residents a Catalunya amb titulació universitària que volen estudiar o treballar a l’estranger.
El SARU és un servei que està en funcionament des del gener del 2010 fruit d'una iniciativa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Ministeri d’Educació, el Ministeri d'Universitats, l’Obra Social “la Caixa” i l’Associació Atlàntida.
2) Interprofessions: Des del Projecte Interprofessions donem suport al reconeixement de la formació acadèmica no universitària i facilitem l’accés al mercat laboral a les persones amb estudis cursats a l’estranger i que viuen a Catalunya, i que volen iniciar els tràmits d’homologació o convalidació dels seus estudis, ajudant-los amb:

Informació i assessorament respecte del procés d’homologacions i convalidació a l’estat espanyol de títols estrangers no universitaris.
Informació sobre la Inserció en la xarxa formativa formal: universitats, escoles d’adults, instituts d’estudis secundaris, i centres de formació professional.
Sessions grupals per abordar diverses temàtiques referides al món formatiu i laboral.
Suport, assessorament i coordinació amb la xarxa d’entitats relacionades amb la immigració, a través d’un treball conjunt d’intercanvi d’informació.
Orientació per millorar la formació relacionada amb la llengua i la cultura de Catalunya.
La convalidació i l’homologació de títols estrangers suposa el reconeixement de la seva equivalència respecte d’un determinat títol espanyol vigent, així com dels seus efectes inherents.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esther Silvestre
Job Title
Carrer de Trajà, 14 (Interior) Accés pel Parc de la Font Florida 08004 Barcelona
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Teresa Crespo
Job Title (2)
Carrer de Trajà, 14 (Interior) Accés pel Parc de la Font Florida 08004 Barcelona

Windcraft Loud

National Network

27 Xanthis Xenierou
1015 Nicosia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Windcraft Loud is a non-governmental organisation that was established in 2016 in Nicosia, Cyprus, with the status of a cultural association. Windcraft Loud is directed by a Board of Directors, which is elected during the General Assemebly of the members of the association. The members of the BoD work voluntarily for the scopes of the association. The current BoD was elected in October 2022 and consists of the following members: Elli Michael (president) Niovi Tsangara (vice-president) Michalis Hadjiantoniou (general secretary) Nadia Kornioti (treasurer) Andria Michael (member)

Mission and Objectives

Windcraft Loud's main goal is to promote and support music performance and creativity in all music styles through organising concerts, festivals and workshops, encouraging the creation of new music ensembles, supporting the networking of artists, promoting musicians and their discography etc., with a special focus on wind instruments. Furthermore, through its activities the organisation is aiming in strengthening interpersonal relationships and fostering mutual understanding among people of diverse cultural backgrounds, encouraging cultural exchange and promoting diversity, supporting social integration through involving disadvantaged/underprivileged/marginalized groups in music projects, encouraging collaboration of Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot communities through music and arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Its main activity is the organization of the international and well-established music festival “Windcraft Music Fest”, which is being organised since 2014 in the countryside (Katydata, Nicosia region). Furthermore, a series of concerts, workshops and educational and artistic activities are organised throughout the year.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Elli Michael
Job Title
President of the Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Elli Michael

Communities of Mediterranean (ComMedi)

National Network

Killeler 1

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

The social enterprise ComMedi (Communities of Mediterranean) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to the development and strengthening of civil society in the region of the Mediterranean.
Since its establishment ComMedi has developed a substantive experience and expertise in the fields of active citizenship, peace and reconciliation, development education, human rights education, intercultural dialogue, and participation.
The vision of the ComMedi is a dynamic, active and reactive civil society in Mediterranean that participates in and advocates for democracy, dialogue and civic engagement.
Our general idea is to carry out socially useful activity. The members of the organization are specialists of various fields, united around the idea of promoting education and European awareness among the youth and generally among the society, supporting people, helping people with fewer opportunities in their social integration, making youth participation in public life more active and strengthening the principles of civil society and democracy.

Mission and Objectives

Our work is based on experiential learning and non-formal education. We organize local trainings: working with schools (both teachers and students), municipalities, embassies and local NGOs and youth centers in cities or towns in Greece, Cyprus and other EU countries.
ComMedi also works on the international field: with the help of the Erasmus programme we organise trainings for and together with partners from Europe, Mediterranean and other EU countries. We deal with outdoor education, different art methods and cognitive behavioral coaching that brings a deep learning process through questioning and challenging participants. We work both with KA1 and KA2 actions of Erasmus projects.

We engage in capacity building activities and trainings to enhance knowledge and skills on cultural, artistic, sustainability and civic issues;
We raise awareness about the role and impact of the civil society in the development of transparent and democratic processes and the socioeconomic development of the society;
We engage in advocacy activities to strengthen civil society and its role vis-à-vis public institutions and the private sector;
We implement projects and activities in the fields of active citizenship and participation, development education, peace and reconciliation;
The main objectives of the organization are:
• Implement a number of studies and joint training to assist local authorities on matters of public interest;
• To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among the public
• To encourage public participation and strengthening links between local groups, schools, businesses and municipal authorities.
• To stimulate participation of young people for involvement in activities related to personal and social development activities for social adaptation of marginalized youth communities.
• To carry out active work for sustainable social development and democratic principles to promote civil society.
• To work for action and measures to restore and improve the quality of the environment.
• To improve the welfare of disabled people – their acceptance and finding a place in a family in a circle of peers, colleagues, friends and the middle part of the community in which they live.

Main Projects / Activities

ComMedi works with EU funded projects, various local funds and initiates activities as a social enterprise. We have been actively involved in local and international projects since the opening thanks to our broad network all around the Europe .To reach our target audience more easily and make greater impact at the local level, we cooperate with different organisations, schools and youth centers.
ComMedi implements projects in the areas of capacity building, active citizenship and participation, civil society strengthening, peace and reconciliation, development education and human rights education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Thanos Kyratzis
Contact (2) Full Name

Dråpen i Havet Stagona

National Network

14, D. Vernardaki str.
81100 Mitilini

(+46) 7 61 11 18 15
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6984983197
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Dråpen i Havet is a voluntary humanitarian organization established in 2015 and runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons. Its headquarters are situated in Oslo and in Greece it has 15 employees, 20 International Volunteers and 60 resident volunteers, who are for most young adults residing in refugee camps, whom we support with specific capacity building projects preparing them for integrating in European society. Our mission would not be achieved without the financial contribution of private donors, sponsors and support from individuals. Dråpen i Havet Stagona collaborates with volunteer field workers, with established aid organisations in each location such as UN agencies, international organisations, local NGOs and with the Greek authorities.

Mission and Objectives

Dråpen i Havet Stagona runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons.  The organisations’s vision is a world that respects the human rights and dignity of displaced people and its values are respect, loyalty, understanding and vigilance for these people. Our main objective is to support and promote the integration of the asylum seekers in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

We have four programmes directing all our activities:
1. Community Empowerment Mobilisation: Our various activities are directed at children, youth, women, and men, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups such as women, children, and unaccompanied minors. We use a community-based approach, involving beneficiaries in our programmes as much as possible in the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of activities. This helps us to better develop activities according to needs and increase ownership of activities and strengthen community networks.
2.Integration: Our aim is to support displaced persons’ integration in Greek society and improve their professional development. With increased knowledge about Greek society, more people can access resources and training, and find work and housing. We organise employability workshops and coordinate with relevant actors, connecting beneficiaries to already existing employment-related programmes. Our activities are: Info Hub, Interview Preparation and Employability Support
3.Non-formal Education: We aim to support displaced persons in accessing formal education and to promote their employability and integration in their host society. Our activities are: English classes, Greek classes and Computer classes
4.Humanitarian Aid: We work to ensure that displaced persons’ needs are met in a dignified manner. We assess the situation on each site and act according to demand. Our teams distribute and improve access to food, clothing, winter equipment, and hygiene items, and contribute to better health and well-being through activities both inside and outside refugee camps. Our activities are: Baby pack distribution, Diaper distribution, Food distribution, Open access to hygiene and sexual and reproductive health items, Seasonal clothes distribution, Emergency response distributions, Laundry services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The objectives of the organization align with the objectives of Anna Lindh Foundation. As a member, we want to promote the volunteer oriented activities of our organisation to an increased amount of young people from our local community in order to raise awareness about asylum seekers and promote participation and solidarity among the local people. Our long term goal is to encourage ethnic diversity, solidarity, tolerance for asylum seekers, equality and cultural understanding. As a member of the Foundation, we would like to share information and experiences and strengthen the intercultural dialogue and the foundations of the civil society while serving core European values of unity and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of an international network like Anna Lindh Foundation, will give us the opportunity to broaden our collaborations and take common action with other participating members in joint activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Job Title
Head of Operation / Programs Greece
Head of the organisation
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Contact (2) Full Name
Fania Zouni
Job Title (2)
Head of Finance


National Network

14, D. Vernardaki str.
81100 Mitilini

+46 7 61 11 18 15
Telephone (other)
+30 6984983197
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Dråpen i Havet is a voluntary humanitarian organization established in 2015 and runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons. Its headquarters are situated in Oslo and in Greece it has 15 employees, 20 International Volunteers and 60 resident volunteers, who are for most young adults residing in refugee camps, whom we support with specific capacity building projects preparing them for integrating in European society. Our mission would not be achieved without the financial contribution of private donors, sponsors and support from individuals. Dråpen i Havet Stagona collaborates with volunteer field workers, with established aid organisations in each location such as UN agencies, international organisations, local NGOs and with the Greek authorities.

Mission and Objectives

Dråpen i Havet Stagona runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons.  The organisations’s vision is a world that respects the human rights and dignity of displaced people and its values are respect, loyalty, understanding and vigilance for these people. Our main objective is to support and promote the integration of the asylum seekers in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

We have four programmes directing all our activities: 1. Community Empowerment Mobilisation: Our various activities are directed at children, youth, women, and men, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups such as women, children, and unaccompanied minors. We use a community-based approach, involving beneficiaries in our programmes as much as possible in the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of activities. This helps us to better develop activities according to needs and increase ownership of activities and strengthen community networks. 2.Integration: Our aim is to support displaced persons’ integration in Greek society and improve their professional development. With increased knowledge about Greek society, more people can access resources and training, and find work and housing. We organise employability workshops and coordinate with relevant actors, connecting beneficiaries to already existing employment-related programmes. Our activities are: Info Hub, Interview Preparation and Employability Support 3.Non-formal Education: We aim to support displaced persons in accessing formal education and to promote their employability and integration in their host society. Our activities are: English classes, Greek classes and Computer classes 4.Humanitarian Aid: We work to ensure that displaced persons’ needs are met in a dignified manner. We assess the situation on each site and act according to demand. Our teams distribute and improve access to food, clothing, winter equipment, and hygiene items, and contribute to better health and well-being through activities both inside and outside refugee camps. Our activities are: Baby pack distribution, Diaper distribution, Food distribution, Open access to hygiene and sexual and reproductive health items, Seasonal clothes distribution, Emergency response distributions, Laundry services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The objectives of the organization align with the objectives of Anna Lindh Foundation. As a member, we want to promote the voluntareer oriented activities of our organisation to an increased amount of young people from our local community in order to raise awareness about asylum seekers and promote participation and solidarity among the local people. Our long term goal is to encourage ethnic diversity, solidarity, tolerance for asylum seekers, equality and cultural understanding. As a member of the Foundation, we would like to share information and experiences and strengthen the intercultural dialogue and the foundations of the civil society while serving core European values of unity and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of an international network like Anna Lindh Foundation, will give us the opportunity to broaden our collaborations and take common action with other participating members in joint activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Job Title
Head of Operation / Programs Greece
Head of the organisation
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Contact (2) Full Name
Fania Zouni
Job Title (2)
Head of Finance

Red Europea de Mujeres Periodistas

National Network

Rbla. Catalunya, 10
08007 Barcelona Barcelona

34 630979305
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

La Red Europea de Mujeres Periodistas cuenta con 40 socias en diferentes comunidades del Estado español y tiene una empleada a tiempo completo. Los ingresos del año pasado (teniendo en cuenta el contexto actual) fueron de 20.000€. En la entidad no tenemos cuotas, pero si aportaciones voluntarias por parte de algunas socias. En general, los proyectos que realizamos tienen que ver con el género y la comunicación. Participamos en seminarios, mesas redondas y otras actividades en alianza con otras organizaciones afines. Las socias participan activamente en aquellas actividades que les interesa, así como proponen acciones para realizar.

Mission and Objectives

La asociación surgió para visibilizar el trabajo profesional de las mujeres periodistas y trabajar por una información con perspectiva de género.
Como valores asume la lucha por la equidad, la justicia y la solidaridad entre las personas, muy especialmente la sororidad. Y hacemos énfasis en la diversidad, el empoderamiento de las mujeres, su participación activa, la interculturalidad, valores que nos ayudarán a vivir libres de violencias y en libertad.
Entre otros objetivos marcamos los siguientes:
- Promover encuentros, estudios, acciones y otras actividades de mujeres periodistas, comunicadoras y vinculadas a los medios de comunicación social para el conocimiento, el intercambio y la incidencia en la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres.
- Trabajar a favor de la erradicación de cualquier tipo de discriminación y de violencias contra las mujeres y para el empoderamiento de las mujeres.
- Establecer vínculos con otras asociaciones y/o entidades con fines similares tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
- Impulsar acciones y proyectos que tengan que ver con la justicia global y apoyar a aquellas entidades y sus proyectos, tanto en el Norte como en el Sur, que trabajen para promover una ciudadanía activa en la defiende y la promoción de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, el fomento de la paz y la erradicación de las desigualdades.
- Crear una red de mujeres periodistas del Mediterráneo.

Main Projects / Activities

Entre los diferentes proyectos que realizamos destacamos los siguientes por su continuidad:
Empoderamiento en temas de comunicación a entidades de mujeres y entidades de orígenes culturales diversos.
Acompañamiento en comunicación a ONG de cooperación.
Aportaciones para un mejor tratamiento de las violencias en los medios de comunicación.
Sensibilización sobre la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing, en concreto el Capítulo J sobre Mujeres y Medios de Difusión.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Desde la participación y difusión de actividades que tengan que ver con las mujeres y los medios de comunicación, promoviendo el respeto por la diversidad en todos sus aspectos y visibilizando el trabajo que aportan las mujeres.
Sumarnos a la visibilización y defensa de los derechos humanos de las personas, muy concretamente, el de las mujeres, para ayudar a construir sociedades más democráticas, respetuosas e igualitarias.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Para compartir buenas prácticas y proyectos entre las diferentes entidades que compartimos este espacio. Y para estar en contacto con otras organizaciones y periodistas con las que podamos establecer sinergias y alianzas para poder transformar la sociedad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alicia Oliver Rojo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
María José Ruiz Fité

Youth National Development

National Network

Tarik Al Jadidah

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

وظائفنا الأساسية
​​نحن نستخدم المنتديات والمؤسسات والوطنية وقنوات الاتصال المحلية والوطنية ، وعند الاقتضاء ، للدعوة إلى الاعتراف بالمتطوعين وتقدمهم في العمل التطوعي وفي القضايا ذات الأهمية الحاسمة.
تطوير المعرفة ونشرها
نحن نشجع تطوير معرفة جديدة حول العمل التطوعي من خلال البحث ، وأنشطة التعلم المنظمة ، وتبادل تلك المعرفة بنشاط.
التعاون الدولي والإقليمي
نشارك بالمؤتمرات أو عبر الإنترنت مع قادة في العمل التطوعي لمناقشة وتعميق فهمنا المشترك للعمل التطوعي وإمكاناته كقوة عالمية من أجل الخير. تشمل الأمثلة ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر ، المؤتمرات الإقليمية والوطنية ، والاجتماعات الشخصية لشركائنا.
مشاريع الشباب التي تضمن مشاركتهم في المجتمع
هذه المشاريع هي حاجة مجتمعية للشباب للمساهمة في توعية وتمكين الشباب في العمل التطوعي ، مثل مشروع الدورات التدريبية ، مشروع خدمة المجتمع ، مشروع معسكرات المتطوعين ، الشباب مشروع تعليمي ....
الشركاء الاساسيون: منظمات دولية من برنامج الامم المتحدة للمتطوعين
طريقة التمويل عبر مشاريع تقدم للجهات الداعمة

Mission and Objectives

تأسست شبيبة التنمية المحلية من أجل رعاية شؤون الشباب وتفعيل دورهم داخل بيئتهم للمضي بشكل منهجي مع السياسة التنموية للشباب. لذلك فإن هدف الجمعية الذي يشجع على تطوير الأعمال التطوعية وذلك من خلال تدريب المتطوع على فهم تقنيات العمل التطوعي وأن يكون مسؤولاً في مجتمعه
- تطوير فكر وشخصية المتطوع من خلال توفير التدريب الميداني له.
- نشر فكر التعاون المشترك في مجال العمل الاجتماعي للمتطوعين وتوحيد ذلك من أجل التفاعل مع الآخرين.
- تعزيز العلاقات مع الجمعيات الوطنية المحلية والمنظمات الرسمية وغير الرسمية.
- تطوير روح العمل الجماعي لدى المتطوعين وتوحيد جهودهم أثناء التفاعل مع الآخرين.
- إنشاء بيئة تقدر العمل التطوعي تقديراً عالياً عن طريق بناء وتبادل المعرفة التي تحفز وتعلم التطوع الفعال ، بما في ذلك توثيق ورواية قصص المتطوعين وتأثيرها.
 - الريادة في تطوير هياكل قيادية وطنية قوية ومستدامة للتطوع في المنطقة
- المساهمة بشكل كبير في تطوير أساليب وأدوات جديدة لقياس نطاق وأثر التطوع
تتمثل مهمة الجمعية في تدريب الشباب اللبناني عامة، وخاصة الشباب العربي عامة وضمان مشاركتهم في المجتمع. وتمكين القادة المتطوعين في جميع أنحاء الدول العربية في سبيل التعاون لتعزيز ودعم والاحتفاء بالعمل التطوعي بجميع الطرق على المستوى الإقليمي في الدول العربية والدولي.

Main Projects / Activities

 مشروع الخدمة المجتمعيّة
تنفّذ الجمعية قرار وزير التربية والتعليم العالي رقم 607 م/2016 حول تطبيق مشروع خدمة المجتمع في المرحلة الثانويّة وتعميم دليل المشروع الصادر عن المركز الوطنيّ للبحوث؛ حيث حدّد القرارفي المادّة الثالثة منه على ما يأتي:
تحدّد ساعات خدمة المجتمع في المرحلة الثانويّة بـ 60 ساعة خدمة، على مدى سنوات المرحلة الثانويّة الثلاث، فتكون 45 ساعة منها ساعات خدمة فعليّة ، و15 ساعة تخصّص للتخطيط والتحضير والمناقشة والتقويم، مع إمكانيّة تنفيذ كامل هذه الساعات خلال السنتين الثانويّتين الأولى والثانية.
تمنح الجمعيةشهادة لطلّاب الخدمة المجتمعيّة تبعًا لنظام الساعات المطبّق.
 مشروع الدورات التدريبيّة
تدريب ما يقارب من 700 شاب وشابة سنويًّا، بين عمر 15-24 سنة، على معلومات ومهارات متعلّقة بالمواضيع التطوّعيّة الآتية:
• مفهوم العمل التطوّعيّ؛
• التطوّع في المجالات الصحّيّة والاجتماعيّة؛
• كتابة المشاريع وتمويلها؛
• المهارات الحياتيّة الأساسيّة؛
• دورات متخصّصة (منشّطي أطفال، كيفيّة التعامل مع المسنّ وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصّة، الإسعافات الأوّليّة، بيئة، وغيرها من الدورات التي تعمل على بناء الشخصيّة)؛
• القيادة الايجابيّة.

 مشروع مخيّمات العمل التطوّعيّة
تنفيذ اكثر من 5 مخيّمات سنويًّا تدريبيّة وخدمة مجتمع
• القيام بحملات بيئيّة وتأهيل جدران المدارس في مدارس القرى؛
• القيام ببرامج تدريبيّة منها (تقدير الذات وصنع القرار، تعزيز الشفافيّة، نشاطات للأطفال)؛
• حملات توعية في مدارس القرى للحوادث المنزليّة، الصحّة الإنجابيّة ؛المخدّرات والإدمان والتدخين؛ .
• تأهيل مبنى المدينة الكشفيّة في سمار جبيل؛
• إنشاء حديقة للأطفال في مخيم الربيع في مدرسة المرج البقاعيّة؛
• دورات عن القيادة الايجابيّة.
 مشروع نشاطات الأولاد الصيفيّة الترفيهيّة
 مشروع التعاون الدوليّ والإقليميّ
 مشروع بيروت نظيفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تعتبر مشاركة الجمعية في الشبكة قيمة اضافية مضافة حيث تفتح للشباب مشاركات كبيرة والتدريب وتعمل على تطوير شخصيتهم اما كيف نساهم في الشبكة في لبنان عبر
1. اعداد دورات تدريبية حول المهارات الحياتية
2. اعداد مشاريع وندوات داخلية وخارجية
3. اعداد مخيمات عمل تطوعية التي تساهم في التبادل الخبرات بين الشباب

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ان الانضمام للشبكة قيمة اضافية لنا وذلك بسبب
1. تحفيز الشباب
2.معرفة المستجدات حول الأنشطة التدريبية
3. لتبادل الخبرات

Contact (1) Full Name
karina AL Nakkach
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Afic hattab
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalal Hasaneien
Job Title (2)
Assistant of the Executive Manager

Vulnerable Groups Care Center (VGCC)

National Network

Near Alwehda St.
Palestinian Territories

00972 594647262
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information

An independent, non-profit organization, established on May 2013 in response to urgent needs for caring of those vulnerable groups basically; at North and East Gaza where the indicators of poor of the poorest, jobless, food insecurity, drop out of schools, psychosocial problems and malnourished is significantly the highest among Gaza provinces, as a negative long term impact of 4 offensive attack mainly at north Gaza. Vulnerable Group Care Center – VGCC, its main mandates is to provide theory of change, power shifting, through empowering children, youth and elderly to be independent, integrated and productive in their society. Its main programmes are directed toward building the capacity of the vulnerable groups ( children, women and elderly), living in north Gaza through provision of unique innovative integrated comperehensive psychosocial, occupational, educational, vocational and rehabilitation care to clients, care givers and family members as per needed, inside the center and outreach programmes. It’s worth mentioning that Vulnerable Group Care Center builds the capacity of local communities in practicing successfully its main pillars, includes accountability, transparency, democracy, lobbying & advocacy, peace building, tolerance, GBV prevention, Gender mainstreaming, Human Rights Based Approaches (HRBA), and active participation of target groups in all project cycle.

Mission and Objectives

MISSION: Through provision of holistic health, mental, social, psychological and economical care. MAIN OBJECTIVES .1 Rehabilitate and empower the children with special need/care physically, intellectually and mentally to be leaders in their community in the upcoming future. .2 Empower the youth and raise their awareness about malpractice behaviors as of but not limited to drug abuse, alcohols and crimes. .3 Contribute in improving the economic status and reduction of poverty through vocational training skills to prepare them to join the local and regional markets. .4 Empowerment of the most vulnerable females who has been exposed to domestic violence and gender based violence & provision of social protection. .5 Rehabilitates the elderly, physically, intellectually and mentally and integrates them in their families & society.

Main Projects / Activities

MAIN PROGRAMMES .1 Mother and child programme GVCC will provide mother and child health, mental health, social, and health awareness programmes, COVIDE 19, to contribute in reduction of mother and infant morbidity and mortality rates. .2 Social Protections of Women, Human Right Based Approach, GBV Prevention, Social protection, economic empowerment, Psychosocial and mental health. .3 Youth Promotion and Economic empowerment, health, social, psychological, cultural, education, income generation project, and sport programmes .4 Elderly Home Cares – provision of physiotherapy, assistive devices, occupational therapy, psychosocial and economic. .5 Emergencies and Relief Programme, Food Security and livelihoods, Cash for Work, Food, hygiene and kitchen kits during conflicts and Wars.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Rafat Hassouna
Job Title
Head of Project managments
Head of the organisation
Manal Alhalabi

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National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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26050 a' and '1'='1'
Bosnia & Herzegovina

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Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

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Mission and Objectives

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Main Projects / Activities

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Contact (1) Full Name
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Head of the organisation
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