النسيج الجمعوي للإعاقة بالمغرب

National Network

13 شارع الزرقطوني عمارة سميف أسفي
46000 أسفي

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

النسيج الجمعوي للإعاقة بالمغرب له أهداف مسطرة لتكوين وتأهيل الأشخاص في وضعية إعاقة.تضم 5اعضاء المكتب و50 منخرط ميزانية محدودة في مجموع الإنخراطات تقريبا 1500 درهم ،قمنا بدورتين تكوينيتن في مجال تركيب المشاريع وتدورين في مجال الإعاقة،وتقديم الخدمات لتقريب الإدارة لهم وتمكينهم من التجهيزات المعينة مثل الكراسي المتحركة،الشركاء: التعاون الوطني-وزارة التضامن والتنميةالإجتماعية

Mission and Objectives

التكوين والتأهيل وتقوية القدرات المعرفية لدى ذوي الإعاقة
الندوات والمحاضرات
المهرجانات الثقافية والفنية
تكوين للجمعيات العاملة في مجال الإعاقة

Main Projects / Activities

ندوات في مجال الإعاقة
مهرجان الثقافة والإبداع لذوي الإعاقة
مسابقات رياضية
خرجات ورحلات

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تنضيم ندوات ثقافية
دورات تكوينية في التنمية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

أريد الإنضمام لشبكة أناليند من أجل نشر العلم والثقافة وتبادل الثقافات والحوار

Contact (1) Full Name
بهيجة خبيزي
Job Title
Head of the organisation
السيدة بهيجة خبيزي
Contact (2) Full Name
حياة لقبيبي
Job Title (2)
أمينة المال

Oguzhan Akbaba (individual associated expert)

National Network

3 rue Christopher
1617 Gasperich

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Software developing

Mission and Objectives

Putting art in the middle of the life.

Main Projects / Activities

Enjoying art and life

Contact (1) Full Name
Oguzhan Akbaba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Oguzhan Akbaba

National Association Education for Life

National Network

BLV Zogu i Pare, Nd 53, H 3, Ap 39, Tirane, PO Box 2435

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

National Association Education for Life – “Shoqata Kombëtare Edukim për Jetën”/SHKEJ, is an Albanian NGO created on the 18th of February of 2003. It is registered as a legal entity near The Court of Tirana. SHKEJ was created by a group of youngsters, inspired to be near people in need. It operates as an Albanian NGO promoting Human Rights and Social Integration of human beings based on International Conventions and National legislation. SHKEJ, to fulfill the vision that ‘’every human being is well prepared to face life challenges and achieve a balance in everything they do’’, takes action towards societies and vulnerable groups promoting rights, facilitating social integration, and taking part in developing their future by offering different services, building capacities by making educative activities and advocacy.

Mission and Objectives

To achieve SHKEJ’s goal, the work approach is based on The Model of Community Centre with its vision ‘’ to support and build capacities for a developed community for families, lobby the culture of caring about children’s welfare, and offer available access for services in the territory. Community Centre promotes the education of vulnerable groups and aims to reduce poverty in marginalized communities, increases capacities for youngsters to create the perspective of a better future, and empowers families so they can take better care and protection for their children. The Community Centre offers preventive services to support Children's Protection by preventing and reducing the exploitation possibilities and their labor.

Main Projects / Activities

Sustainable Development of Multi-Functional Service Models for Community Empowerment. Equal access to digital skills and online safety for the most vulnerable children and young people in Albania. Strong Service Providers Acting Together during Covid-19 for Children and Youth in the harder to reach areas (Strong4Children&Youth). Education, and Economic Empowerment for sustainable development in the community. Promoting Recovery and Resilience in the framework of Human Rights education and Prevention of Human Trafficking amid Covid-19 outbreak among affected Communities in the sub-urban areas in the Municipality of Tirana

Contact (1) Full Name
Erion Prendi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Erion Prendi


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

It is formed at the date of December 25, 2015 at Nouakchott the capital of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, an Association called " FORUM PANAFRCAIN YOUTH ASSOCIATIONS " FORPAJA MAURITANIA.The name of the Association can be changed if necessary, the modification of the name of the Association is the responsibility of the General Assembly.The constituent members of this association, the list of which is attached to this statute, have decided as follows :The purpose of the Forum is to supervise, train, support and integrate young people as well as their networking and facilitation in the preparation of development projects in the youth sector . Promote good relations between young people, both national and international ;
Promote a culture of peace and social cohesion (in order to be able to develop)
Promote the moral, intellectual, cultural and sporting development of all young people ;
Fight against the various challenges that threaten the population in general and young people in particular violence, radicalization and terrorism;• The Development of Mauritania and by Africa and the world.Contribute to bringing out the priorities of the country's youth as part of a national and participatory position of young people in post 2015 development policies in Africa.
Defend the interest of the community in general and of the youth in particular , Promotion of the role of youth in the consolidation of peace

Mission and Objectives

Analyze the current place of Mauritanian youth with regard to national development policies;
Promote citizen voluntary and participative youth engagement for growth econom ic supported ;
Develop an advocacy strategy aimed at inspiring targeted and inclusive actions on youth priorities Government programs developed in favor of youth;
Promote socio-institutional networking, intercultural mixing and more active and sustained regional cooperation at the level of African youth.
The fight against irregular migration and the challenges of violent extremism and radicalization of young people.
Promote the moral, intellectual, cultural and sporting development of all young people ;
Fight against the various challenges that threaten the population in general and young people in particular violence.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organize a forum of discussions and debates composed of networks of young people who have the common will to protect populations against youth radicalization, racism, xenophobia and violent extremism.
- Hold a series of preparatory meetings.
- To make campaigns of sensitizations and trainings of the young people without distinctions of color, language and religion.
- Organize cultural days with the civil society on the themes of the project. Mobilization, sensitization and communication through :
- Conducting awareness campaigns on the consequences of these behaviors of the youth.Raising awareness, education
and training.
to organize conferences, seminars on innovative projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To participate in the network activities in my country. To implement innovative projects that meet the aspirations and objectives of the network. To participate in the network activities by bringing our support, intellectual and moral and technical.
Increase the visibility of the network by focusing on digital communication.
to set up development programs to guide the network in its development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in the network activities in my country. To implement innovative projects that meet the aspirations and objectives of the network. To participate in the network activities by bringing our support, intellectual and moral and technical.
Increase the visibility of the network by focusing on digital communication.
To set up development programs to orient the network in the communities of our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
president and project coordonator of FORPAJA-MAURITANIA
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Léon Dubois

National Network

45 rue de vendeuvre
86170 Neuville de Poitou

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Léon Dubois is a visual artist based in Alexandria (EG) and specialized in the photographic contemporary interpretation of novels and literature. Since 2020, his collection "Maalesh, voyage en Méditerranée", inspired by Jean Cocteau's trip to Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and Greece, has been shown in several international exhibitions in the MENA region. Using exclusively black and white film photography, his artistic research explores the relationship between historical archives and collective memory. For the last two years his ongoing project “Looking for the Little Prince” aims to recreate a modern and postcolonial figure of the Little Prince by collecting personal memories from nowadays’ readers through the world. He is a grantee of Ateliers Médicis (Paris) and several artistic residencies in France and Egypt for the year 2023.

Mission and Objectives

These artistic projects aims to connect different cultures and gather the mediterranean people around a common literature. The studies of Jean Cocteau or The Little Prince allows me to express with photography our relation to the mediterranean. Using literature and photography is a way to reach a bigger audience and access to a better accessibility of arts and reflexions.

Main Projects / Activities

- 2022 : Alexandria Today Week (Co-funded by the E.U. in partnership with l'Art Rue, Anna Lindh Foundation, Shelter Art Space and 6 Bab Sharq)
- 2022-2025 : Looking for the Little Prince (An exploration of the representation of The Little Prince through the world)
- 2019-2022 : Maalesh, Voyage en Méditerranée (About Jean Cocteau's Mediterranean journey in 1949)
- 2015-2018 : Calais, en attendant la terre promise (About migration and refugees camps in France)

Contact (1) Full Name
Léon Dubois
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Léon Dubois

Foundation for Humanity and Freedom in the World

National Network

dr ait sidi mhand omhand ouaouizaght azilal
22400 ouaouizaghat

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Biography Summary My name is Lahcen ait khouya amer(ic75065). I was born in 1993 on the 19th of August in the ouaouizaght commune, the prefecture of Azilal, who lives in Douar Ait Sidi M’hand. He holds a baccalaureate degree in sicence humanities in 2011 and a basic license in geography, specializing in urban and rural development in 2015, then a professional license specializing in earth engineering in the year 2017 ,I received the attestation of a Democratic member from the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in 2021 Thank you, without forgetting a volunteer in the Essaouira Youth Hostel & Social Royal University, I previously worked in the Rainbow Riad in Marrakech 2017. Founder of the Foundation for Humanity and Freedom in the World I hope to start working today because I don't have money, no housing, no food.. Thank you My email lahcenaitkhouya123@gmail.com Thank you

Mission and Objectives

Achieving peace and stopping wars

Main Projects / Activities

Achieving peace and stopping wars

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join the network in order to benefit from a grant or advance a monthly salary. Thank you

Contact (1) Full Name
lahcen ait khouya amer
Head of the organisation
lahcen ait khouya amer


National Network

20180 Oiartzun Guipúzcoa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

ABARKA ONGD is created to serves the community by seeking solution to problems and designing actions to prevent issues trough formal and non-formal education activities. ABARKA gathers together stakeholders such as trainers, facilitators, youth, social workers, youth policy makers, experts, volunteers and donors in different environments nationally and internationally. ABARKA is registered under Spanish law with charity Nº: AS/B/19631/2015 and hold the National Identification Number: G95836847 The focus of ABARKA is: At local level: • Empower youth and youth structures through the development of initiatives to support personal, social and cultural development, with a focus on active citizenship, civic education, promotion of youth participation, intercultural learning and a community-centred approach through formal, informal and non-formal education methodologies. • To promote equal educational, volunteering and labour opportunities for all, particular attention is given to hard-to-reach groups; • Balanced integration of different ethnic groups by transnational projects and activities taking into account the multilingual character of the European Union and the need to include underrepresented groups; • Promotes the intercultural dialogue, international exchange of knowledge and awareness through the active participation of young people; At international level: • Promoting lifelong learning volunteering as a tool to adapt to the constant changes and to achieve personal and professional growth; • Involving youth in international educational, scientific, cultural exchange programs; • Promoting intercultural dialogue through different initiatives and programmes, involving in Erasmus + and other EU initiatives. • Initiate projects and programs that develop opportunities for mutual understanding, intercultural learning, solidarity, societal engagement and volunteering; • Supporting projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens and raise the engagement of communities. Our target groups: Our beneficiaries, members and supporters are kids, teens, youth, youth workers, social workers, social volunteers, students, professors and social activists, companies, communities in developing countries. We also focus on people with fewer opportunities - cultural, social and geographical obstacles. Our targeting range of ages vary from 4 years old and up to 60 years old.

Mission and Objectives

ABARKA Mission Statement “To improve the lives of the people without border and in a meaningful way, with sensitivity to the international environment and culture in respect to the local realities.” The aims and goals of this Association are: • Cooperation for Development: develop actions and seek funding to improve education, health, sanitation, food, entrepreneurship and comprehensive training in Africa; with special focus on women and children. • Humanitarian Action: encourage citizen participation, cultural exchange and promote volunteerism North-North and from North to South. • Integration and Sustainability: To advise local authorities on development cooperation and international relations, likewise, promote social and professional integration of immigrants and socially excluded groups in Euskadi.

Main Projects / Activities

ctivities and Experience The activities of this association are: • In Spain:  Promote the recognition of young people’s skills and learning acquired through participation in youth work activities;  Raise the visibility of youth work, its impact on young people’s lives and its contribution to society.  Organizing social awareness campaigns.  Fundraising and financing for projects in Africa.  Advice and support in development projects in European Union, Neighboured Countries and Africa.  Organize and promote activities and events to publicize the projects of the Association.  To sensitize the public about volunteering and cooperation work.  Collection and delivery of material from Europe to Africa.  To promote cultural exchange between people of Africa and Europe.  Advice and support to public authorities, schools, companies and other associations for the effective integration of immigrants in Euskadi.  Raise awareness and train immigrants to adapt in Basque society. • In Cameroon: Since 2011, we have succeeded to organize more than 10 micro-projects based on cooperation for development with the participation of more than 54 international volunteers and 18 national volunteers. About 20 different cultures worldwide have participated to our projects focusing on:  Promotion of Information Technology and Communication  Promotion of health and education for responsible sexuality.  Promotion of intercultural exchange and language for development of mindsets  Promotion of entrepreneurship and leadership among youth.  Promotion of social responsibility with communities’ projects. In general, ABARKA work on promotion of societal engagement and solidarity: activities promoting debate/campaigns/actions on the themes of common interest in the larger framework of the rights; research and publication of informational materials and collaboration with organizations, institutions and individuals in the country and abroad. Further, we are organizing workshops, seminars, conferences and other national and international meetings on general and specific issues of the objectives of the organisation. ABARKA is very active in the organization of education, training and retraining programs which aim at improving, developing and broadening knowledge, skills and competences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have professional youth leaders, youth workers and trainers in our organization, who can support the young people. Professional experts in our organization have background in various fields and all of them are working in the field of non-formal education, health, cooperation for development, social and solidarity economy, rural entrepreneurship, youth development, children education. We make a lot of international cooperation projects, so we have good background experience in intercultural learning topics, leadership empowerment, personal development, human rights education, conflict management, organizational management, social inclusion, tolerance and migration issues and everything which is connected to youth with fewer opportunities in our activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in expanding our network and connect to the world. We believe that we need each other to grow and sustain our actions on the field. The ALF Network will give us this tranquility and help us improve our quality of service to our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Clotaire Mesmin Ntienou Tchiengue
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Clotaire Mesmin Ntienou Tchiengue
Contact (2) Full Name
Naroa Ibargoyen Gonzalez
Job Title (2)

The Rana Arab-Jewish Women's Choir

National Network

Felicja Blumental Music Centre Assosiation
Shvil Hameretz 2
Tel- Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Rana Arab-Jewish Women's Choir has been independent since 2016 and consists of a unique group of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian women from Jaffa who have been singing together for more than fourteen years. Rana is the only Arab-Jewish women’s choir in Israel and as such serves as a unique example of the possibility and potential of creative collaboration and shared society. Furthermore, Rana provides a space for women’s empowerment, leadership and women’s voices, which are not heard enough in this region of the world. The choir's repertoire includes folk and women's songs from various cultures in the Mediterranean, as well as songs written by the members of the choir which are based on their own life stories and experience. Our songs are performed in diverse languages (Hebrew, Arabic, Ladino, Persian, Greek, Yemenite, and more). We believe that our organisation contributes to building the public’s faith in the possibility of a multicultural, equal, and shared society among Arabs and Jews in Israel and for peace among Israelis and Palestinians in the region.

Organization Structure: Women-led organisation with 4 permanent staff members and roughly 16 Choir members. Budgetary resources: mostly foundations and private donors. Modalities of action: Performances, Rehearsals, Song & Discourse Encounters. Main partners: The Rana Choir sits under the umbrella of The Felija Blumental Music Centre.

Mission and Objectives

The Rana Choir operates from the belief in the power of shared artistic creation to enable peace-building, to foster inter-communal cooperation and to deepen human relationships.
Our three primary objectives are:
- To provide a space for Jaffa’s Christian, Muslim, and Jewish women to meet, sing, and exchange cultural and interpersonal knowledge.
- To raise awareness of the possibility of a shared, peaceful, intercultural society in Israel.
- To create an opening for intercultural dialogue and exchange through women's voices, song and music for different audiences throughout Israel and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include:

Performances: Rana performs a number of concerts throughout the year as well as taking part in many events by organisations focusing on matters such as women’s causes and peace-building and takes part in performances for local communities on an ongoing basis. The choir meet weekly for rehearsals in which they persist in their commitment to listen, to empathise and to create music with one another.

Song and Discourse Encounters: These events include samples from Rana's musical repertoire as well as providing a platform for women of the choir to share personal stories and narratives, in both Hebrew and Arabic, from their experiences. This is followed by an open dialogue session with the audience in which audience members are invited to ask honest questions and share their thoughts and aspirations regarding Jewish-Arab relations in their communities. These encounters are offered for both local and international audiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mika Danny
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mika Danny
Contact (2) Full Name
Sharon Weitzman
Job Title (2)
Administrator and Producer

Vulnerable Group's Care Center

National Network

beit lahia , main street
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

12 employees 180,000$ OUR PARTNERS .1 Ministry of Social Developments .2 -UNRWA -.3 Sandra Elizabeth England .4 Welfare Associations -.5 Emirate Red Crescent Society -.6 IHH Turkey -.7 AMAN Association Malaysia .8 Save Children International .9 Ehsan Association England .10 Ministry of health .11Ministry of education and higher education .12 Union of health work Committees. Funding :international institutions , embassies , International trade unions

Mission and Objectives

.1 Rehabilitate and empower the children with special need/care physically, intellectually and mentally to be leaders in their community in the upcoming future. .2 Empower the youth and raise their awareness about malpractice behaviors as of but not limited to drug abuse, alcohols and crimes. .3 Contribute in improving the economic status and reduction of poverty through vocational training skills to prepare them to join the local and regional markets. .4 Empowerment of the most vulnerable females who has been exposed to domestic violence and gender based violence & provision of social protection. .5 Rehabilitates the elderly, physically, intellectually and mentally and integrates them in their families & society

Main Projects / Activities

• Physical fitness • Exercise and sport • Mental well-being • Mobility • Nutrition • At-home care • Community support for elder people • Prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) • Other forms of preventative health support

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building the capacity of people and grass-roots institutions in writing a project proposal and freezing funds . Raising the efficiency of employees working in the partner institution by providing training and previous experience . Supporting grass-roots institutions with financial financing through a partnership in providing financing projects .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Take advantage and benefit of the annalind network through the exchange of experiences and knowledge in the management of humanitarian and development projects . Building the capacities of employees and workers of the institution through participation in workshops and conferences for youth and women. The possibility of obtaining funding through the presentation of the most important projects and activities in its institution or center .

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.Rafat Mohammed Hassona
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Rafat Hassona
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ahmed Bahjat Miqdad
Job Title (2)
PR Director

School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork

National Network

University College Cork
Western Road
Co. Cork

021 4903159
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

UCC is an award-winning institution with a history of independent thinking stretching back over 170 years. UCC is proud to be ranked in the top 1.1% of universities in the world. Our beautiful university opened its gates to just 115 students in 1849. We now have a student population of over 23,000. The School of Applied Social Studies is sited within the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences , providing an educational and research environment which promotes a culture of critical intellectual and practice enquiry in the social sciences based upon participation, inclusion and diversity.

Mission and Objectives

The School of Applied Social Studies’ mission is "to provide an educational environment which promotes a culture of critical intellectual and practice enquiry in the social sciences based upon participation, inclusion and diversity". This mission statement is underpinned by the objective of making equality an integral part of the intellectual, cultural, social and economic life of the University. The School believes that quality is best achieved through the pursuit of equality, based upon the principles of student participation, lifelong learning, community involvement and open access.

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching and Learning Our teaching programmes encompass three broad disciplinary areas: Social Policy Social Work Youth Work and Community Development. Our learning approach emphasizes critical thinking. We want our students to go out into the world ready to ask questions, but also are prepared to innovatively and creatively answer those questions. Through lectures, writing and community engagement, we give students the tools to empower their own futures and become the person they want to be with the necessary skills-set to pursue the career of their choice. Student participation is an essential part of the School's teaching and learning environment. Teaching methods encourage maximum student participation and include lectures, seminars, fieldwork, group and individual tutorials, group work, projects, meetings, workshops, practical exercises and written work. Research The School has a very active research community including academics and students at all levels. Many of the staff are affiliated to the Institute of the Social Sciences for the 21st Century (ISS21) working collaboratively across disciplinary boundaries on a variety of funded research projects and individual studies. A substantial volume of books, articles and reports have been produced by staff over the past five years. Approximately €2 million has been won by staff from Irish and European grants. Public Engagement and Community Involvement Many of the staff are involved in civil society working actively in the voluntary and community sector. Through the 'Science Shop' initiative, projects, placements and volunteering students play an active part in the community. Staff are also engaged in adult and community education in Cork and its environs. Diversity, Access and Widening Participation The School of Applied Social Studies is committed to promoting diversity through widening participation as part of the multicultural reality of Ireland in the 21st Century. We start from the premise that each person is unique. Our being different is what makes us unique as human beings. The School’s programmes seek to promote curiosity and appreciation of what is different, with a view to opening up new worlds of understanding to the learner. We value differences in class, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ideological beliefs and ability as the most valuable asset of the University. In all our programmes, diversity is valued as an important source of intellectual enrichment and personal development. Fourth Level and Graduate Education Programmes The School of Applied Social Studies has a very strong record at Fourth Level, guided by its philosophy of lifelong learning. In 2007, the School (in collaboration with the Sociology Dept.) was awarded €919,000 to develop its Graduate Research Education Programme under the PRTLI4 scheme. The School also offers a range of taught programmes including a D.Soc.Sc. “Practitioner Doctorate”; the MSW programme (100 students), an MSocSc in Social Policy; an M.Plan (Planning and Sustainable Development) with the Schools of Geography and Sociology (60 students). The School co-ordinates the part-time MSocSc in Third Sector Management which it teaches along with six other University Schools namely: Management and Marketing, Government, Economics, Food Business and Development, Law, and Accounting, Finance and Information Systems.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through my position in the School of Applied Social Studies, I can promote the development of relationships internationally, look at the possibilities for the development of networks, teaching and research opportunities which promote the values of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am very interested in the development of relationships with people across cultures and the impact that can have on all sorts of areas of the lives and opportunities of people everywhere. I am particularly interested in the promotion of peace, the position of women and the development of opportunities for deeper awareness and understanding.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Cindy O'Shea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Professor Maire Leane