National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Asso EFH : Espace femmes et handicaps
Son but est de promouvoir toutes les initiatives artistiques des femmes souffrant de déficiences physiques ou sensorielles, et soutenir toutes les actions qui permettent leur épanouissement et leur émancipation sur l'échelon national et international.
Vie de femme Arts et handicaps

Mission and Objectives

Créer des salons, des évènements afin de favoriser les rencontres entres les passionnés , amateurs d'art ( peinture, Sculpture...)
Participer et collaborer avec celles et ceux qui pensent que l'art est un vecteur de promotion de la créativité humaine et de paix entre peuples.
proposer des tables rondes autour des problématiques qui touchent les personnes en situation de handicap

Main Projects / Activities

Emancipation des femmes à travers l'art et la culture ( en particulier les femmes en situation de handicap)
Favoriser les rencontres entres artistes-peintres, sculpteurs ....
Promouvoir l'expression artistique
Mettre en évidence les problématiques sociétales au travers de l'Art.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Evènement coutumier
Rencontres culturelles , artistiques ( table- ronde, exposition, ...)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour élargir notre réseau et s'ouvrir aux autres individus qui aspirent aux mêmes actions que nous dans le monde.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

Kangelaste prospekt 18-65
20206 Narva Estonia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

femLENS is a nonprofit (registered in Estonia, nr. 80429622), volunteer-based, women-led association. It includes 2 board members and up to 10 volunteers in other departments (grants, copy-writers, designers, and researchers), depending on the current needs. femLENS works on a project-based budget with other NGOs, community centres, libraries, other groups, and crowd-funding. Our main funders so far are: German Embassy in Estonia, Dublin South County Council in Ireland. We teach documentary photography workshops and on digital literacy, host exhibitions, publish magazines and zines, and develop and organise online campaigns. Our previous partners: ENoMW - Belgium Balgaddy Child & Family Centre - Ireland Gdynia Youth Centre an Gdynia Library - Poland Basmeh Zeitooneh - Lebanon Parity NGO - Ukraine Futuro En Femenino - Spain Die Lernwerkstatt, International Women Space Berlin, Kunst trotz(t) Ausgrenzung, Amal Berlin - Germany VitaTiim - Estonia

Mission and Objectives

femLENS’ primary objective is to help women believe that their perspective is important, inspiring them to find the courage to develop their own voice through visual expression. The hope is not only to give the participants and the femLENS community a platform, but also to embolden women to carry that courage into other aspects of their lives. femLENS shares this mission through workshops, exhibitions, publications and advocacy across the globe.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2015, femLENS has held sixteen full workshops in twelve countries with more than ninety participants. We have worked with single mothers in Ireland, women with physical disabilities in Poland, female refugees in Lebanon and women vulnerable to human trafficking in Ukraine. We held several workshops in Germany, workshop with teenage girls in Estonia, online workshop with Palestinian women living in Israel, online workshop with women from Mexico, England and Congo and online workshop with Russian speakers, online workshop with Cameroonian women in media and Irish women network. We have published five issues of women-only documentary photography magazine - We See, a book “Unlearning the ordinary: through a lens for the commons*“, a photo book to celebrate five years of stories. “Unlearning the Ordinary: through a lens for the commons*”, two zines. Hosted a digital photo festival “HER|visual|STORY” in 2020. Since March 2021 we have: run 7 campaigns published 22 articles for campaigns featured 57 stories for the campaigns published one zine based on collective work (one zine in production) published 8 photo projects specifically for campaigns. In 2022 we published a community survey to gain a better understanding of the needs, challenges and ambitions of women image makers working with documentary photography.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are always looking to partner with non-profit associations, community centres, libraries and other groups who are interested in learning documentary photography and storytelling as a tool for documentation of the work and life of their communities. We have an active and growing community of women around the world who are eager and equipped to tell their authentic stories. Networking is a great opportunity to meet with community members, support the community to have free discussions and share personal stories, but also a potential source of collaboration projects between partners and femLENS. These opportunities altogether create a sustainable platform where ideas can be incubated into projects while receiving community support.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network is a chance to learn from other organisations and get a platform to share the work of femLENS' community, amplifying their voices for the broad audience. It is also a chance to find trusting, like-minded partners for future projects and collaboration.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Jekaterina Saveljeva
Job Title
Founder and facilitator
Head of the organisation
Jekaterina Saveljeva
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Vesselko
Job Title (2)
Co-founder and coordinator

Jugendliche für Kultur e.V. (YouthX)

National Network

Universitätsstrasse 19
45141 Essen

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Jugendlichr für Kultur e.V. (YouthX) is a non-governmental organization established by 5 young people from Europe and the Middle East. We want to implement projects, exchanges, and seminars for European and Mediterranean youth together with our partners Wasla, Oyoun Masr Association, and Euro-Med Youth Federation. We aim for funding from Erasmus and from other local institutions.

Mission and Objectives

We want to build an international understanding and education about young people's welfare and their rights in society. As well as expanding the possibility of exchanging contacts and the sense of organization. It's crucial for us to educate our target groups about the importance of cultural diversity and the different aspects of digitalization in our society through innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

We want to organize both local and international projects about different subjects that are relevant and educational for different target groups. We also want to create campaigns, workshops, and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to make sure to work in a network as a team to bring out the benefits of our projects and seminars and to expand the knowledge for as many people as possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mina Aata
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Mina Aata
Contact (2) Full Name
Maya Mia

Genç Akademi Spor Kulübü Derneği

National Network

Büyükdere Mh. Prof. Dr. Nabi Avcı Bulvarı, ESOGÜ Meşelik Yerleşkesi No:4/1 İç Kapı: 111
26040 Eskişehir /

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Academy Sport Club Association is a non-profit non-governmental organisation working for generalizing daily sports and strategic entrepreneurship policies, innovation and youth employment habit among youngsters aged between 15-40. For this aim our association uses the desire of differentiation of youngsters and sports and projects as the tool. The main sport branches that our association has been applying are dragon boat, horse riding and climbing.

Mission and Objectives

Correspondingly, our association works in the field of advocacy for youth rights in different fields. Through these two main areas, we keep close contact with other association working for close aims in local, regional and international level. Our structure is being manage and ran by volunteers. Our core volunteer team runs this communication process according to their interest areas. In addition, Turkish Red Crescent Eskişehir City Branch is also a powerful partner for our association. Most of our managing volunteers worked for TRC Eskişehir Youth Department before. This close relation improves the quality of our activities. Youth Academy Sport Club Association mainly applies project based advocacy work. Also, we apply sport events for our volunteers.

Main Projects / Activities

Through different European Union funds, we have been implementing Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering, and European Delegation funds. We believe that youth work and capacity building for them is an important asset of shaping our future. Projects, networks, multi-cultural interactions are also the way to increase dialogue between different cultures. This small steps may turn into bigger collaborations. Therefore, we have been implementing ESC projects continuously. Currently, we are also implementing another networking project (Hippotherapy Turkey) funded by EU Delegation to Turkey under "Support to Civil Society Networks in Turkey". We are creating a network between organizations, and professionals for establishing a hippotherapy network in Turkey. In addition, we are doing advocacy for a hippotherapy legislation accepted by Ministry of Health in Turkey.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

System and Generation, and the Association of Civil Society and Development Institute (ACSDI) are experienced organization in Turkey. The experience and potential they have is obviously the reason that they were found qualified to be a part of Turkish Network. In addition to their valuable works, Youth Academy Sports Club Association can bring another perspective with its young, ambitious team. Both of the organizations do not work in sports related areas. Considering the realities of our new world, problems caused by malnutrition, obesity, regarding the habits of the modern world, the numbers of people who suffer from various diseases. Due to eating habits, and cultures, malnutrition based obesity, and related diseases can be seen often in Mediterranean cultures. Youth Academy might fill in that expertise of the network in Turkey as well as different funding mechanisms.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As Youth Academy Sports Club Association, we understand the value, and power of the networking. This is also why we decided that a network for hippotherapy in Turkey is needed for implementation of professional hippotherapy activities, and sustainability. Therefore, on the topics that we have been working such as youth empowerment, culture, policy advocacy, disabled people. We believe that being a part of ALF will be contribute to widen our vision, increase the impact of our works.

Contact (1) Full Name
İbrahim Serdar Koçar
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation

Collectif EuropaNova

National Network

64bis Avenue de New-York
75016 Paris

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

EuropaNova a 3 permanents : un directeur général, une directrice des études, une responsable de la communication. Elle est également composée d’un bureau et d’un conseil d’administration.
EuropaNova dispose d’un budget d’environ 200 000€ par an. Ses sources de financement sont aussi bien publiques que privés (environ 60% privés, 40% publics pour 2022 pour l’instant). Coté privé, nous avons des partenariats de financement avec certaines entreprises qui nous soutiennent de manière structurelle ou sur des projets précis. Nous pouvons citer Schneider Electric, BNP Paribas, Covéa, Suez.
Côté public, nous avons des subventions du Premier ministre français et du Secrétariat d’État en charge des Affaires européennes. Nous pouvons également obtenir des financements européens, via des appels à projet de la Commission européenne ou du Parlement européen.
Modes d’action : conférences (en présentiel ou en ligne), séminaires, formation dans des collèges/lycées.
Partenaires impliquées : entreprises, autres organisation non gouvernementales, association.

Mission and Objectives

EuropaNova, qui se définit comme un think and do tank, souhaite améliorer les prises de décisions européennes en informant davantage les dirigeants par une participation plus active et concrète des entreprises et des citoyens. C'est dans cette optique qu'EuropaNova analyse et publie des études sur l'actualité géopolitique, organise des conférences et des débats et forme des groupes de travail, afin de fournir aux décideurs et aux citoyens des outils d'informations sur les enjeux de notre société.
Nos principaux objectifs sont :
- Stimuler le débat d'idées sur l'Europe en nourrissant le débat public par des propositions concrètes
- Informer et sensibiliser les citoyens sur la construction européenne et ses enjeux
- Faire émerger de nouvelles générations de citoyens européens
- Mobiliser un large public par des actions originales et innovantes
- Promouvoir l’intérêt général européen
- S'investir pour plus d'équité, de justice et de responsabilité à l'égard des générations futures

Main Projects / Activities

EuropaNova mène un grand nombre de projets de débats, d’animation du débat public : Débats délibératifs en Europe, Elan, Conférence EuropaNova, Conversations européennes. Ces projets sont différents dans leurs formes mais ont un objectif commun, celui de rapprocher les citoyens des institutions européennes et nationales et des acteurs de ces dernières.
De l’autre côté, nous produisons un nombre important de contenus, avec de nombreuses publications (notes, études, interviews), ou des podcasts, afin de répondre aux grands enjeux qui agitent aujourd’hui l’Europe. L’objectif est de fournir des clefs de compréhension au grand public, tout en proposant des idées innovantes. Si nous traitons d’un grand nombre de sujets, nous sommes plus particulièrement concentrés sur les enjeux liés au changement climatique, les questions de voisinages, et les questions géopolitiques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EuropaNova qui, comme nous l’avons indiqué précédemment, se définit comme un think and do tank, se veut être un lieu de débats, un réceptacle à idées, un endroit où les idées se rencontrent, se confrontent, dans l’intérêt général européen.
Nous sommes particulièrement engagés sur le dialogue interculturel et intergénérationnel. Nous avons réalisé un grand nombre d’événements sur le dialogue entre l’Europe et d’autres zones géographiques dans le monde, en particulier le Moyen-Orient ou la zone euro-méditerranée. Nous pourrons donc apporter notre expérience de la mobilisation, du rassemblement d’acteurs variés, qui est reconnue et qui a déjà fait ses preuves.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le réseau de la FAL afin d’être pleinement intégré au sein d’une ensemble d’organisations partageant les mêmes valeurs, mais aussi pour pouvoir prendre part à des projets en faveur de davantage d’inclusion et de dialogue interculturel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Corentin Gorin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Corentin Gorin


National Network

Lagjia 4, Rr.Enver Zazani, Banesë e ulët

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

MuZEH Lab was created in 2021 by two women with expertise in museology and heritage from Albania,
Dorina Xheraj-Subashi, CEO, and Inesa Sulaj, with the aim of activating culture and using other disciplines
such as museology and heritage as catalysts for providing dialogue with communities, to engage young people
towards multiple forms of culture and heritage. According to our status, we are a non-profit organization that
organizes activities for the good and interest of the public, the development and activation of young people and
the community with culture, and the use of the discipline of museology and cultural heritage as a form of
mediation, advocacy, promotion and interaction as links of the development and education of the society. Its
strategy focuses on the use of museum discipline and cultural heritage, with the belief that through them, civic
culture and, further, society grows and develops, is educated, activated, transformed, and grows. Beyond the
boundaries of getting closer with the society with different aspects of culture, the connection and civic
activation and dialogue from experienced and personal experiences are intended, within which are included
other sectors such as cultural heritage, archeology, arts, cultural tourism, creativity, documentation, protection,
preservation, digitization, and education. The center aims to advocate of museum institutions and museum
professionals and their involvement in discussions and their experiences with the museum itself, visitors, and the
public in activities and educational activities, seminars, discussions, and other performances. On the other hand,
the aim is to re-use arts and crafts as accompanying elements of life and re-activate them through educational,
didactic, and performance activities.

The strategy of the organization:
Creation of a new layer of community to engage citizens through culture and to use the field of museology and
objects as the meaning of understanding the evolution and challenges of society, as well advocating for museums,
in order to contribute to the well-being of citizens.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the organization:
To frame favorable conditions for the development of a creative, energic community and youngs having the
sense of belonging and pursuing an active civil position.

Aims of the organization:
To develop the creative potentials of youth and raise experience with heritage
To support youth and communities’ initiatives in educational, heritage, fields
To create conditions for active involvement, and dialogue of young people both in social, and cultural life
of the society
Encouragement and advocating for museum staff in the active life of heritage
Encouragement of youth and elders in active ways of dialogue through cultural phenomena
To develop international cooperation, to cooperate with foreign youth organizations from whom
youth, museum professionals, and artists may benefit from cultural diversity engagement,
Cooperate with museum professionals, cultural practitioners in cultural exchanges, artists in residence,
for mutual exhibitions, cultural trips, publications, and research.

Main Projects / Activities
Instagram: MuZEH Lab
Facebook: MuZEH Lab
Linkedin: MuZEH Lab

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization, we are quite new working in Albania and the Balkans but both of the founders of MuZEH Lab have a long experience in heritage and museology. We are looking forward to collaborating with other nonprofit organizations part of the network and sharing our experiences and building programs for our community in Albania. In addition, MuZEH Lab is an organizational member of the most important network in the museum field in the Balkans the Balkan Museum Network, and also a supporter of the Charter community, both have helped us to understand how to collaborate and engage in such networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because we can build connections with other organizations. It's such a great network for sharing ideas and valuable information with other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorina Xheraj Subashi
Job Title
Founder and Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dorina Xheraj Subashi
Contact (2) Full Name
Inesa Sulaj
Job Title (2)
Co- Founder


National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ONE HAND is a non-profit charity organisation with 5 board members, and 37 active members. To carry out our project we relay on donations from individuals through call for donations. We also partner up with private companies to sponsor our projects. We don't have a stable source of funding. Our yearly projects include : - Renovating schools in rural areas in morocco that are in a bad shape, distributing school supplies for kids in rural areas. - Holding medical consultations for people in rural areas by bringing medical staff and equipments. - Bringin food supplies to people who are marginalized in rural areas...

Mission and Objectives

Bringing help to people who are in need Ensuring health and education to people in rural areas Helping homeless people in Casablanca and close areas

Main Projects / Activities

Humanitarian projects in rural areas : School renovation and school supplies distribution Bringing Food supplies and warm clothes to people in mountains and rural areas in morocco Bringing medical help and medical equipment to people in rural areas

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

4, rue des Arènes
75005 Paris

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information

Council for MENA Affairs "ForMENA" est une organisation internationale dédiée à la défense des valeurs fondamentales de la gouvernance démocratique, des libertés individuelles et du développement humain. L'organisation ForMENA est structurée comme suit : un conseil d'administration, un bureau et d'un secrétariat général situé au siège social à Paris (France). ForMENA a deux bureaux, l'un situé à Bruxelles (Belgique) chargé des affaires européennes et l'autre à Beyrouth (Liban) chargé des affaires de la région MENA. Grâce à la mise en réseau, au partenariat et au soutien d'autres organisations et associations, ForMENA contribue au développement de la synergie entre ses partenaires et ses valeurs.

Mission and Objectives

Nos valeurs: Nos valeurs sont l'intégrité, la transparence, le partenariat, l'ouverture et le respect mutuel. Toutes sont issues de notre engagement envers les principes de droits de l'homme, de la démocratie, de la tolérance, des libertés et de l'égalité. Notre mission: - Sensibiliser les citoyens et la société civile afin qu’ils jouent un rôle actif dans le processus de transformation démocratique et le développement de la sécurité humaine; - Travailler avec les institutions de l'Union européenne et autres organisations internationales ou groupes d'intérêt pour renforcer le respect des droits et des libertés des citoyens; - Favoriser le dialogue interculturel et promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle, la tolérance réciproque et la conciliation pacifique ; - Etablir des liens et des réseaux, au service des acteurs politiques, économiques, académiques, sociaux et culturels ; - Diffuser de l’information objective et plurielle au grand public.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organiser des séminaires, des débats et des conférences ou toutes autres réunions pouvant contribuer à la réalisation de son but ; - Développer des consultations, des formations et des visites d'études ; - Conduire de recherches, rédiger des rapports, publier des analyses et des commentaires ; - Organiser un réseau international de correspondants afin de faciliter l'échange et de diffuser des informations ; - Réaliser d'autres projets et actions qui promeuvent et soutiennent les objectifs et les valeurs de l'association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Basel Said
Job Title
General Delegate
Head of the organisation
Basel Said

Sea Breaze

National Network

18344 ATHENS

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Innovative embodied cognition training program for executives, managers, project teams and kids up to 18 years old. A world-class innovation and has already achieved its first gold medal to our national education leaders awards. Well-known and recognised to their field professionals (hyperbaric doctors, neuroscientists, psychologists etc). Our focus is on Non Technical Skills through Human factors, psychological safety and just culture.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to offer education, training and lectures that will help kids and adults to perform beyond resilience and conquer peaks in ALL five fields of operations: air, land, sea, cyber and space!

Main Projects / Activities

Non technical skills, human factors and STEAM activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lectures, event(s) co-organization, placing banner on our website and social media and other ideas that we may further discus

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because i strongly believe to the benefits and value that Anna Lindh foundation is offering

Contact (1) Full Name
Spyros Kollas
Job Title
Fouder | Speaker | Trainer
Head of the organisation
Spyros Kollas

Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania (2022)

This annual report depicts the situation of hateful and discriminative discourse in the Albanian media environment. The report is based on the media monitoring conducted from January 2021 – April 2022. The unit of monitoring has been the incidents that contained hateful and discriminatory discourse (HDD) produced by, shared or even allowed to be expressed in media outlets, including traditional, new and social media.