
National Network

47 rue du Chemin Vert 75011

+33 (0)143140939
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 (0) 610048309
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Yvoir structure of production and diffusion in the alive spectacle will be the structure relay of the Siwa project - a first edition of this project will take place the 7 8 June 9, 2007 with the Theatre from the International City in Paris - "Siwa #0" is the first variation of the project which will be able to take multiple forms according to the partnerships set up in Europe and in the Arab world and which falls under one duration.
Mission and Objectives

to create and work out a reflector space dedicated to the creation and the contemporary representation of the Arab world. Siwa defends and accompanies by the initiatives and the innovative artistic steps of the Arab world. Installation of device of partnership allowing the artists to work in the duration in Europe and the Arab world - to create the conditions necessary so that develops and perdure a space of experiments of freedom. Siwa privileges the contemporary dramatic texts not translated in a leading policy.

Main Projects / Activities

Platforms of meeting and exchange between Europe and Arab world by the means of the alive spectacle - debates - projections - visual arts the project being to develop exchanges in multiple ways falling under a logic of partnership and the duration between artists, cultures, public and creators between intellectuals and artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yagoutha Belgacem
Head of the organisation
Yagoutha Belgacem
Contact (2) Full Name
Catherine Perez

26cc space for contemporary art

National Network

via castruccio castracane 28a

+39069818 2991
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization: 26cc is a non profit association. The staff is composed by 8 members, each member is responsible of an area (video, exhibition and performance, residency, press, archive, web, lectures and workshops, public relations) Budgetary resources available in a year: € 40.000 26cc organizes and hosts workshops, seminars, lectures, exhibitions, screenings and events and in late 2009 26cc will start a residency program for foreign artists and curators. Sources of funding: private sponsors, public institutions Main partners: municipality of Rome; Platform Garanti, Istanbul; Sparwasser, Berlin; press to exit,Skopje;Tranzit,Prague
Mission and Objectives

26cc is an independent space born by initiative and reflections of a group of young artists and curators, with the will to propose and promote contemporary culture on the basis of sharing, discussion of ideas and paths and active collaborations with other similar institutions throughout Europe.
26cc poses itself as a focal point, at the same time a physical space and a place for ideas from where to start paths, links, confrontations and relationships with the most actual contemporary researches in Italy and, above all, abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

2007 - "pay attention please" exhibition
2008 - "sensitive timelines" A project about narration and time - lectures, workshop and exhibition
- "Politiche – thinking through art" a two-days meeting with eight invited European no-profit organizations
- "STUDIOVISIT" ia project that aims to embrace, in a widest view, the emerging scene of contemporary
arts, with the purpose of favouring information and knowledge in various contexts, through public
presentation events.

Contact (1) Full Name
cecilia casorati
Head of the organisation
cecilia casorati
Contact (2) Full Name
gabriele gaspari


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Acas Services is a private company dealing with the production and the organization of art exhibitions and artistic and cultural events. Our staff is composed of 5 skilled people who can provide many services such as the press, the promotion and the communication office at a local, national and international level, under the direction of our art director Enrico Mascelloni, a curator and an art critic. The funding sources are private and come from the owner of the company. The budgetary resources necessary to set up a complete event go from a minimum of 50,000€ to 100,000€. The partners involved in the realization of projects may be cultural foundations (Fondazione 107 in Turin), art galleries (De Crescenzo e Viesti in Rome) and even colleges (Gordon College) depending on the nature and on the place where the event is going to be.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of this company is to organize art events that can contribute to the promotion of the contemporary art. In particular we deal with contemporary Asian and African art. The company has developed a cultural project called “Caravan Café”, which is based on the wealth of the visual culture of the Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

Palazzo dei Sette in Orvieto
“Femme terre” – Ousmane Ndiaye Dago
“ Apoteosi della danza” – Carlo Ciussi
“The Tamerlane Syndrome – art and conflicts in Central Asia – Collective exhibition
“Antonio Corpora (1959-1990)” Antonio Corpora
“Etrusco per scelta” - Massimo Campigli
“Believe it or not” - Allen Jones
“L’occhio è la finestra” - Sebastian Matta
“Mel Ramos”- Mel Ramos
“Il ritorno dei maghi” – Collective exhibition
“Praga magica – Oro e nero” – Collective exhibition
Castel dell’Ovo in Napoli
“Africa Nera – Hic Sunt Leones” – Collective exhibition
Castello di Otranto
“Oltre l’Occidente – rappresentazioni estreme nei tessuti orientali”
Haggerty Museum, Milwaukee, USA
“The Tamerlane Syndrome – art and conflicts in Central Asia – Collective exhibition
Fortezza da Basso in Firenze
“Little games along the silkroad”- Collective exhibition
Galleria De Crescenzo e Viesti in Roma
“Le armi dell’arte” – Collective exhibition

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Africa 70

National Network

Via Manzoni 32, 20052 Monza Milano

+ 0392308465
Telephone (other)
+ 039386627
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The organization is composed by: Steering Committee: sovereign body of the Association and meets once a year unless extraordinary convocation. Presidency: includes a President, a Vice Chairman and Executive Committee. Administrative sector: consists of an administration, purchasing an office and an office staff. Projects Office: program and manage the activities of the association. Relations with local institution and fundraiser department Staff composition: Headquarter 5 FT & 4 PT - Filed Offices 87 (18 exp.& 69 Local staff) Budgetary resources for year 2007: 2.374.700€ Source of Founding:Ministry of Foreign Affairs(763.160€)-EC(1.194.979€)-Other Public Founds(6.896€),Private Founds(409.664€) The NGO works through concrete project, exchanges and cultural production. All the project are implemented together with local partners(NGO and CBO). Partnership and affiliation: CONCORD/UE, ONG Italian Association, Lombardy NGO Association, UNA, EC and UN agencies.
Mission and Objectives

Africa'70 was founded in 1971 as a movement of civil and cultural assistance to the liberation struggles of the colonized African countries.
Thus, begins a journey of awareness and commitment against the inequalities between the North and the South, through a participatory approach and appreciating cultural differences.
The association puts the basis for its activities, the International Development Cooperation as an instrument for achieving peace and equality between peoples.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of development aid are the main areas of action for Africa 70. Here the main types of intervention:
- Development projects;
- Interventions of rehabilitation;
- Action in the environment;
- Interventions to increase awareness and education development;
- Speeches and cultural training
- Intercultural Dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Botta
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Leonelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Rudello

AGFOL – “Agenzia formazione lavoro”

National Network

via Pasini, 36/c
Marghera, Venice

+39 (0)41 2594311
Telephone (other)
+39 (0)41 2594331
+39 (0)41 2594350
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 5274322
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. Organization Structure, team members and partners AGFOL – “Agenzia Formazione Lavoro” – is a non-profit, limited liability co-operative society, established in order to respond to the professional requirements called forth by the transformations involving society, education and production, as well as to meet the demand of expertise within the fields of social services, education and cooperation. AGFOL’s board of directors ensures that the organization be managed by a single administrator or by a board of executives, in turn; therefore, the executive board of the association is as follows: a) Board of Members. b) Executive Group. c) Board of Mayors. 2. Yearly available budget resource a) Balance 2005: € 2,275.849/66 b) Balance 2004: € 2,840.616/37 3. Financial Sources AGFOL actions are committed to the following financial sources : a) European Social Fund. b) Funds related to EU Programs on cross-national projects. c) National and Regional Funds. d) Private Funding. 4. Action Plan (actual projects, exchanges, seminars,
Mission and Objectives

AGFOL aims at attaining a general community interest, in view of a promotion of the individuals as well as their personal and social integration through the planning and implementation of actions based on training, education, research and counseling on professional preparation, job organization and market.
AGFOL intends to constantly conjugate human values, such as the centrality of the individual, with the corporate needs for innovation and competitiveness. This is achieved by nurturing actions toward the promotion of employment policies and the advance of professional skills.

Main Projects / Activities

• CASADIS within the Community program for combating the discriminations at work. It is specifically addressed toward such discriminations that affect housing.
• EDURBAN Training of animator-educators to be introduced into the disadvantaged urban areas of Tirana. Project promoter is IAL Veneto.
• Promotion of women entrepreneurship in Fortaleza, Cearà (Brazil) – year II. Project promoter was ISCOS Veneto.
• Vocational training in primary sector for youth in Brcko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the second year Agfol has been involved in this project which aims at improving Brcko youth technical skill in agriculture and allows for exchanges between Bosnian and Italian peers.
• ESO CSA Certification of competency in selected specialist areas within small and medium-sized enterprises (Leonardo Da Vinci project).
• Vocational guidance courses for immigrants in Italy. In 2004 four 40-hour courses for immigrants in Italy have been implemented.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rodina Pier Giovanni
Head of the organisation
Bolpin Carlo
Contact (2) Full Name
Perale Stefano

AlmaTerra Association

National Network

10154 - TORINO

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. Intercultural Women's Association, non-profit, with a Directive Council of 7 members elected by the Assembly (1,200 members), 3 dependents and 30 collaborators. 2. About 500,000.00 Euro. 3. Public institutions and foundations. 4. Projects, exchanges, research, publications, cultural mediation, legal counselling, intercultural activities in the schools, artistic (theatre) activities, international cooperation. 5. Local institutions (Region, Province, Common, Area), Sanitary Directions, Direction of the Turin Prison, Policy Head Quarters, associations and non government organizations (NGO)
Mission and Objectives

a) to structure a space where migrant and native women live and work together
b) to counteract conditions of exclusion and marginality
c) to promote migrant women’s autonomy and integration, in particular by supporting their access to the labor market
d) to accompany migrant women along a path of awareness of their rights and duties
e) to invert the stereotype of the migrant as a person needy of assistance
f) to promote - through cultural projects managed particularly from "AlmaTeatro" - the knowledge, the fight against the racism, organizing intercultural stages and shows, exchanging experiences with national and international realities

Main Projects / Activities

Welcoming (“accoglienza”), management of housing cohabitations, diurnal activities for re-socialization for the women victims of the trafficking in women, legal counseling, service of orientation to the labor-market, projects for the job placement, courses of socialization and formation to the care job and domestic collaboration, documentation center, Spazio Bimbi; a day-care for children 1-3 years, AlmaTeatro, AlmaSolidale: micro-credit for the association members, time bank, health and comfort, a tailoring/seamstress workshop, multiethnic kitchen, international cooperation, Hamm’am or Turkish Bath, cultural and linguistic mediation, training for cultural mediatory, training for public operators, workshop of intercultural animation in the schools and on the territory.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Antares 2000

National Network

Via Ettore Vulpiani n.6 00024 Castel Madama RM

+39 0774/448180
Telephone (other)
+39 0774/449539
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Paola Fabiani
Contact (2) Full Name
Marci Laughlin

Archeoclub Sez. Comprensoriale Jonico-Etnea "Etty Interdonato"

National Network

Via Carroti 40 - 95010 Santa Venerina, (CT) Italy

0039 095 7704163
Telephone (other)
0039 095 7792472
0039 095 7792472
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3408316705
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3476137724
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization: Our organization is a no profit foundation, composed by the president and his vice, an economist and 30 members. Every year we have a budget of about 3000 euros, this amount come from entrance fee, donations, contributes of public administrations. We organise seminars about archaeology, historical, cultural and artistic events. Main our partners are some local public administrations, other associations that collaborate with us.
Mission and Objectives

"Archeoclub d'Italia" is a national no profit and volontary organization, that was born in 1971. Its main target is to promote culture, protection and valorization of the places that are important for their history, culture and art.

Main Projects / Activities

Scholarships, archaeological Workcamps, conferences, other actions to promote the culture and the history of the Mediterranean area

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Cozzubbo
Head of the organisation
Carlo Di Bella
Contact (2) Full Name
Ines Torrisi

Arrivano dal Mare! Centro Teatro di Figura

National Network

viale Roma 33
Cervia (Ra)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Arrivano dal mare! is a social cooperative company. 8 people full time employed, 3 people part time normally (during festival's period, more people are involved in our activities). Budget 650.000 € Sources of funding: Public funds, UE funds, Private funds, selling of shows and organization of theatre events, inscription fees for theatre courses Modalitites of actions: Festivals / Production and co-productions of shows in the field of puppetry / Courses and Masterclasses / Seminars, Meetings / Exhibitions Main Partners Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali, Regione Emilia Romagna (Department of Culture and Department of Vocational Training), Provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna, many cities in our region, the member of the european puppet theatre network www.europuppet.org, UE (in 1992, 1999, and in 2003-2006 through Culture 2000) , ATF/Agis (National Associaton of Professional Puppet Theatre Companies), AUSLL (Health Public Institutions) and Volounteers Organisations for the projects involving handicapped people
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Activity Report
Main Project/Activities
International Puppetry Festival
Winter program
Summer program
Museo B&F Puppets and Figures Museum
The theatre company
The library and the video collection
The Atelier of the Figures, the first school for puppeteers in Italy

Contact (1) Full Name
Franco Belletti
Head of the organisation
Franco Belletti
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Giunchi

Associazione Cinefabrica

National Network

Via E. De Martino 25

+ 39 328 5764054
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cinefabrica is a cultural association that promotes and at the same time tries to enhance the value of the film culture in Italy and Europe.Established in 2002, it offers services and audiovisual productions in a novel way: through journeys and investigation, movement and observation and the continuous change of locations. Staff: 5 Co-workers: 10 Members of Association: 130 Budget (year): 50.000,00€ Funds: Public Projects - Private Sponsors
Mission and Objectives

Aims of Cinefabrica:
To collect, protect and share memories
To stimulate comparison, exchanges and dialogue among cultures and different lives
To improve and facilitate everyone’s access to culture through free film projections for all kinds of audiences
To encourage social aggregation
To promote locations and identities
To allow communities to actively participate
To provide tools for communication techniques(audiovisual, theatre and multimedia languages)
To stimulate creativity

Main Projects / Activities

Project name: Cinema Ambulante - memorie in viaggio
Cinefabrica is an itinerant reality.
For three years it has travelled around with its ‘movie-van’ projecting movie master pieces, films by the great masters of the seventh art together with reportages, created in the host reality.
Reportages, documentaries, short movies and interviews with members of the community, represent the storyboard for the construction of a historical memory of places and their social and cultural life.
The point of the ‘moving-cinema’ is bartering: great stories told through film in exchange for short stories told by people and places. Cinefabrica investigates realities, collecting and documenting them in order to recount its journeys through a logbook made of pictures, videos, music and texts. A trip through cultures and people. A trip in the present and across memory.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luca Acito
Head of the organisation
Cultural project (cinema, media, theatre)