Associazione Colli di San Miniato

National Network

56028 San Miniato (PI), Via Conti, 35.
San Miniato

+39 3476683273
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Association structure consist in: Partners' meeting; Board of Directors; President. At present, Colli di San Miniato employs one staff member; Partners are in number of 16. Budgetary resources available in a year are about 25.000 euro; main sources of funding are: public funding, private non profit organizations funding, own funding. Modalities of action are: organization and participation in information and dissemination events on sustainable agriculture and development; scholarship and training; collaborative project with others non profit association, public authorities, stakeholders, in order to promote sustainable development and in particular eco-turism, short distribution chain, conscious consumption.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Colli di San Miniato is protect and promote local agriculture for a sustainable development.
In particular, the aim of Colli di San Miniato is informing stakeholders and general public on issues such as: traditional products, quality in agriculture, organic agriculture, nutritional education, role of agriculture in protecting the environment, conscious consumption.

Main Projects / Activities

Implementation of products' traceability system; quality control system and brand; promotion of short distribution chain; dissemination of information about traditional agricultural products and working methods, organic production, nutritional education, sustainable development and environmental issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serse Dainelli
Head of the organisation
Serse Dainelli

Associazione Compagnia delle Opere Campania

National Network

via Duomo 266 Napoli

+39 081/284071
+39 081/284057
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Felice Siciliano

associazione creativi della notte music for peace onlus

National Network

via borgoratti 37 - 16132 genova italia

0039 010 8603934
Telephone (other)
0039 010 8603933
0039 010 8603934
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 335 5277005
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 349 5277005
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
associazione onlus - membres de l'equipe : 10 temps/plein et 50 benevoles temps/partiel - 100 partenaires 350.000 euros Institutions et sponsors prives 1- projet educatif dans les ecoles de Liguria : sensibilisation de 60 000 enfants ( 6 a 19 ans)aux droits de l'homme et a la solidarite et au dialogue entre les cultures 2 -Sensibilisation au moyen d'un bus (musique et expositions de photos des missions passees)de la population dans son ensemble sur les memes thematiques 3- Festival de musique (2 semaines en juin) sensibilisation de 500 000 personnes sur les memes thematiques Ces trois activites donnent lieu a des dons en nature de chaque personne sensibilisee Ces dons (nourriture, materiel medical...)tries et ranges dans des contenairs et distribues lors des missions humanitaires (1 ou 2 par ans - 14 jusqu'a ce jour) Partenaires principaux : region de Liguria; provinces et mairies de Genova, Spezia, Imperia et Savona
Mission and Objectives

Mission et objectifs :
Sensibilisation de la population et en particulier les jeunes aux problemes qui affectent le monde, pour changer les mentalites dans une revolution pacifique qui passe par le dialogue interculturel.
Faire comprendre que chaque individu par son action aussi petite soit-elle, en s’unissant aux autres, peut obtenir de puissants resultants.
Temoigner par les images prises lors des missions passees de l’association, des effets devastateurs de la guerre, de la faim et de la pauvrete, dans un but de sensibilisation.
Promouvoir le respect des droits humains, de la paix et du dialogue intercultural.

Main Projects / Activities

Les activites de l’association ont quatre composantes transversales:
1- Projet educatif dans les ecoles de Liguria : 6 educateurs interviennent dans 269 ecoles pour sensibiliser 60 000 enfants ( 6 a 19 ans) aux droits de l'homme, a la solidarite et au dialogue entre les cultures. Pour les plus jeunes, les educateurs, utilisent en priorite le jeu dans leur travail. Pour les enfants de 12 a 14 ans: visualisation de films, photos et jeux de roles; Pour les 15/20 ans, temoignage d’un ressortissant d’un pays concerne par les missions et debat. Les ecoles organisent des recoltent de dons
2 –Musique/ bus (musique et expositions de photos des missions passees) sensibilisation de la population sur les memes thematiques
3- Festival de musique : sensibilisation de 500 000 personnes sur les memes thematiques. Entree gratuite en echange d’un don en nature
4- Distribution des dons lors des missions humanitaires (cf. site)

Contact (1) Full Name
stefano rebora
Head of the organisation
stefano rebora
Contact (2) Full Name
valentina gallo

associazione culturale amici della tunisia

National Network

via degli etruschi 3

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
structure: 30 peoples budgetary: 0 sources: autofinancing modalities...: cultural exhanges
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

improve relations between italy and tunisia

Contact (1) Full Name
giuseppe favilla
Head of the organisation
giuseppe favilla
Contact (2) Full Name
fabrizio livi

Associazione culturale "La Maria del porto"

National Network

Associazione culturale "La Maria del porto",
Via F. Nigretti, 6
70059 Trani (Italy)


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association is composed by a directive commision, with a President and 6 members and other fellows.So the budgetary resources are provided by members, free donations and sponsors. Its amount is about 150.000 euros per year. Our modality of action is based on the diffusion of culture and art. Especially, we organize meeting with authors, theatral laboratory and laboratory of creative writing; cineforum, and other kinds of perfomances.In the month of Septemeber we are used to organize a very big event, called "I Dialoghi di Trani". This manifestation is a promotion of dialogue, a sort of Festival of sharing ideas and culture around a theme. These kind of activities are organized especially for schools, children, teenagers and all people who's interested in sharing with us the diffusion of culture and literature, exchanging ideas, projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our Association is a non-profit one; it doesn't have a political mission, nor religious. Our activity is just spreading culture in our country, through the diffusion of literature and art (music, theatre, artistic performances).

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are based on diffusion of literature and culture in schools, working with children and teenagers. This kind of activities are: laboratories of creative writing, meetings with authors of books. Even, one of our most important events is constituted by the manifestation called "I Dialoghi di Trani" a sort of festival of dialogue in which many national and internation writers, intellectuals and personalities are invited to discuss and present themes of actuality. For instance, this year will present the theme: "Co-Science and democracy". This festival is 3 days long, and we usually present books, have artistic and musical performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Lovecchio
Head of the organisation
Lucia Perrone Capano

Associazione culturale i313

National Network

Via mazzini 34, 10123 Torino

+39 346 5872032
Telephone (other)
+39 340 6208937
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
General Information
Cultural Association "i313” is a non profit all female organization; staff is composed by 5 members, 10 volunteers that support the organization. There are 3 main field of work: cinema and audiovisual- socio cultural- human rights. Association works in collaboration with many organisation (associations, informal groups, institutional subjects, etc.)active in Turin and Piedmont area in a socio-cultural field, as: Videocommunity association, Me-Dia-Re Association, the Gate project, Friendship Italia-Cina Association, Vatra association, San Salvario Local Development Agency, Carpatina association, ASAI association, etc... Projects of the Associacion have been financed by local institutions and foundations. Projects consists mainly in local cinema festivals and videodocumentary productions, involving people living in local communities. Budgetary resources available in a year is about of 80.000 Euro par year.
Mission and Objectives

In the past years we specialized in conception and realization of transcultural projects meant to create occasion of encounter, acquaintance and exchange among indigenous and migrating inhabitants of a same territory. We join our goals through audiovisual instruments.
In particular association has realized outdoor free film festivals in high immigration districts in the town of Turin and in Piedmont Region.
Our initiatives are inspired by community cinema philosophy: they are motion picture paths that conjugate artistic and cultural experience with social, relational and community dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

CinemaINStrada is the most significant project carried out annually by i313 Association. CinemaINStrada is a set of free outdoor projections of Italian and international films, chosen together with the largest communities (Romanian, Italian, Moroccan, Chinese, Peruvian, etc.) among the foreign residents in the areas where the films are shown.
The festival takes place in Turin in different squares of areas with high migratory density and is one of the few cultural events that actively involves all these communities which generally prove hard to engage. Films are shown in the original language, with Italian subtitles.
The festival is preceded by a 5 months of research in the field, during which members of the association walk around the chosen areas with a camcorder, asking people on the streets which film they would like to watch.
It is an interesting experience because our interviews spontaneously widen into other themes and what comes over is a choral expression of these communities’ fluid vision and understanding of the world, each community gaining an appreciation of others.
The interviews recorded in this phase are edited and shown during the festival, before the film.
These short 5-minutes videos amplify the sensation of belonging to the community and the expectations of the festival. The impact on the local community is strong also thanks to the fact that people can recognize themselves and their neighbours on the screen.
The final result is a melting pot that joins “high” to “low”, north to south and east to west; a mixture of genders, cultures and languages. A cultural proposal in which the audience can really identify itself.
Other projects: realization of videodocumentaries in a transcultural field, realization of workshops and cultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Rowinski
Head of the organisation
Cristina Rowinski
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Scotti

Associazione Culturale Musica e Arte

National Network

via Cosimo Giustini n. 9 – 00151 Roma - Italy

+39 06 58209051
Telephone (other)
+39 06 58209051
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Emanuela Petitti

Associazione Culturale “Teatri del Cielo”

National Network

Piazza VI Dicembre n.16 – ZIP code 94100

0039 0935 26435
Telephone (other)
0039 0935 22599
0039 0935 26435
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 338 4142084
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3397939439
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The cultural association “Teatri del Cielo” was established, with public act on 24th April 2002 as a non-profit organization, through an agreement between the Regional Province of Enna and some local cultural organizations which work in the cultural and artistic productions area. The association is part of a partnership which includes public and private partners. The members are: 1. Regional Province of Enna 2. Municipality of Enna 3. “Capua Antica Festival” association 4. Consorzio “Leonardo” 5. Società Prisma Spettacoli 6. Società Global Service 7. Oasi Editrice “Città Aperta” 8. Società Multiservizi The cultural association “Teatri del Cielo” gained a central role in proposing and organizing cultural events in the territory of the Province of Enna. It acquired its “excellence” role for the artistic qualities of its projects and activities, the managerial reliability of the partnership members together with the local authorities, Provincia e Comuni, the University of Enna “Kore”, la Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali and others organizations.
Mission and Objectives

• Organizing promotional activities to valorizzare the artistic and cultural patimony of the territory
• Organizing and promoting activities in the field of publishing, creatività, arts and entertainment
• organizing, managing and promoting cultural activities and services
• promoting together with the members of the partnership, projects on documentation, promotion, training and research of national and internazional importance, finalized on the artistic and cultural development of the territory.

Main Projects / Activities

• Teatri di Pietra Edizione 2005
• Teatri di Pietra Edizione 2006
• Project for increasing in value of the Library Heritage of Public Libraries of the Province of Enna: cataloguing of incunabola of public libraries of Province of Enna.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonella Licata
Head of the organisation
Michele Sabatino
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiziana Cameli

Associazione della Comunità Tunisina in Umbria

National Network

Via del Melo, 28 -06122. Perugia - Italia

00 39 389 420 44 18
00 39 075 3720113
Mobile Phone
00 39 389 420 44 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'Actu ou "Associazione della Comunità Tunisina in Umbria " a été fondée en Mars 2009 conformément au droit italien en matière de vie associative. Le comité fondateur est composée de sept membres tous de nationalité Tunisienne ou Italo-Tunisienne. Nos principaux partenaires sont "La consulta Cittadina per la rappresentanza della comunità straniera", la Commune de Perouse, la Région de l'Umbria, Le consulat de la Tunisie et l'ambassade de la Tunisie. La Région de l'Umbria compte à peut-près 9000 Tunisiens régulièrement résidents, nous agissons a travers plusieurs moyens tels que: la création d'un site internet, de pages sur les réseaux sociaux, des rencontres, des séminaires et de planification et réalisation de projets en collaboration avec nos partenaires.
Mission and Objectives

L'Actu ou "Associazione della Comunità Tunisina in Umbria " est une association non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, apolitique, areligieuse et dont l'objectif est de promouvoir l'intégration de la communauté Tunisienne résidente en Ombrie ,de réaliser des projets sociaux, culturels de promotion et de soutien de la cooperation entre l'Italie et la Tunisie.
Notre but est de représenter au mieux la Tunisie et de nouer et rapprocher les deux rives de la méditerranéenne en favorisant le dialogue et l'échange.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet de cours pour l’enseignement de la langue Italienne,
Projet de formation sur le droit civil, le droit du travail, …
Projet de soutien scolaire aux enfants des membres,Projet d’enseignement de la langue arabe,Projet d’enseignement de la langue française,
Projet de soutien pour la recherche d’emploi,Projet d’Assistance administrative et juridique,
Projet de programmes de divertissement et de temps libres (activités sportives, excursions, rencontres, activités culturelles et artistiques….),
Projet de sensibilisation aux sans-papiers et tunisiens avec antécédent de justice, programme de réhabilitation et d’insertion dans la vie sociale et active,
Activité de promotions de l’échange culturel de l’Ombrie et la Tunisie (festival de jazz, rencontres photographiques, festivals musicaux, …),Projet de promotion des échanges commerciaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott.ssa Ines Cherbib Ep Bousselmi
Head of the organisation
Dott.ssa Ines Cherbib Ep Bousselmi