Associazione di Cultura Fotografica "Galleria Fotografica Anaf Luigi Ghiri"

National Network

Via Antonino Barbara 43 95041 Caltagirone (CT)

+39 0933/59672
Telephone (other)
+39 0933545671
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Sebastiano Favetta

Associazione di promozione sociale “Mondonuovo”

National Network

Via Tito Livio N. 28 – 71036 Lucera (Fg)

+39 0881.58.54.86
+39 0881.58.54.86
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Edoardo Monaco

Associazione di Rete Inca Italia

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

- Mission
To use culture and the arts to develop communities, promote diversity, human rights and the principles of equality for the benefit of all by advancing education, producing accessible materials and raising awareness as appropriate at local and international levels.
- Main Objectives
1. To support animators, artists and organizations by providing the appropriate training, seminars and further education in theory and practice at all levels
2. To disseminate proven methodologies and develop new/experiential methods of international arts and cultural development work
3. To create and carry out multilateral projects that enable the active networking and support of best practice exchanges between professionals and organizations
4. To maintain and enlarge the principles, values and benefits of formal and informal education in reaching and activating international populations of hidden youth potential
5. To offer practical support to local projects using culture and the arts within an international and intercultural dimension

Main Projects / Activities

Interdisciplinary team
INCA has created an interdisciplinary team composed of professionals of:
- animation and non formal education
- multimedia
- arts and culture
The international activities are:
• Implementation of festivals and events
• Intercultural exchanges
• Youth initiatives Coaching
• Seminars
• Camping
• Excursions
• Street Animations
• Job-shadowing
• Study Visits
• Conferences
• Training Courses
• Information
• Networking
• Workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuele Nargi
Head of the organisation
Vittorio Scocca
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Cataldo

Associazione di Volontariato Il Ventaglio

National Network

via Lame 118 - 40122 Bologna (BO)

+39 051 552876
+051 55 5421
Mobile Phone
+39 338 433 6860
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il Ventaglio” is a volunteering association operating in the social field, mainly by supporting migrants and their families, and by promoting intercultural dialogue and integration and social economy. The Association is composed by the President, a Directive Committee, and an Assembly of Members. The volunteering members are about 25; five of them are actually working in the directive staff. “Il Ventaglio” finds its economics sources in: - members’ contributions; - privates’ contributions; - public funds (especially from Emilia Romagna Region and Bologna Province and Municipality); - donations; - repayments; - incomes from activities by members and others. Budgetary resources in 2008 were about 21.408,79 euros (incomes) and 18.974,81 euros (outcomes). “Il Ventaglio” works especially on real projects, sometimes in partnership with other associations (for example migrant women associations in Emilia Romagna Region, intercultural institutions or other organizations of civilians and volunteers). It also organizes seminars to promote its purposes.
Mission and Objectives

The Association promotes the growth and the development of the economy based on the person as member of a community. The association believes on a human development where the social integration is in the centre: in this way, Il Ventaglio is carrying out some actions in order to encourage an intercultural social integration in Italy, understand the diversity as resource and not as a problem in the modern society or as a cause of division between people.
Il Ventaglio founded its actions in the human solidarity and its main objectives are:
- to interesting the public opinion on the social economy;
- to support intercultural educational projects;
- to promote volunteer initiatives;
- to encourage a real dialogue between the culture and exchanging of knowledge, promoting the intercultural integration.
- to combat the racism and discrimination;
- to promote the economical and social integration of the women and child.

Main Projects / Activities

Today, Il Ventaglio mainly works in the migration area, in particular with women and young people. During the last years, the Association has been developing some projects and activities like:
- “Intrecci”, addresses to promote and coordinate a network of the immigrant women associations in the Emilia Romagna Region.
- “Intrecci’s seminar” dedicated to the situation of women immigrants and civic integration in the Emilia Romagna Region.
- “Pomeriggi a quadretti”, an homework assistance service for children (especially immigrants sons) and summer activities (“Pacha mama” and eco intercultural projects )
- “3 donne sul 14” a documentary about the women immigrants in Bologna’s Province.
- “A banda larga II” an intercultural and multimedia project in which young volunteers told and wrote stories about their work with immigrant people in order to combat the racism and xenophobia in Italy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valeria Engroba Oberti
Head of the organisation
Carla Brezzo

Associazione Domiziana

National Network
Address Umberto I 51 81039 Villa Literno (CE)

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Uccisero Biagio

associazione ideagorà

National Network

Via Acireale 1/a Attention "guglielmino"

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
we create, develope and improve international network.
Mission and Objectives

internationalization of italian student, creation of cultural network.

Main Projects / Activities

National Model of United Nation, held in New York at the United Nation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Filippo Federico Ciuni
Head of the organisation
Stefano Rapisarda
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Rapisarda

Associazione IlClassico Musica e Arte

National Network

Via Meda, n.45
20141 - Milano

0039 – 02/8438027
Telephone (other)
0039 – 02/8438027
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 – 338/8426192
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 – 339/4493557
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1. Presidente/direttrice: Kina Karaca Responsabile amministrativa: Manuela Monaco Collaborano con l’associazione n.13 operatori culturali (docenti, coordinatori delle attività, registi,….). Tra i docenti, i collaboratori e soci figurano professionisti di spicco: Vittorio Casagrande (chitarrista), Carlo de Martini (violinista e direttore d’orchestra), Emilia Fadini (clavicembalista), Massimo Lonardi (liutista), Ada Mauri (pianista dell’Orchestra del Teatro Alla Scala. 2. Contributi per finalità istituzionali (annuo) : euro 88.000,00 3. Fino all’anno 2006 il contributo versato dagli allievi della scuola (adesione all’associazione e pagamento delle lezioni) é stato l’unica fonte di finanziamento. Nell’anno 2006 sono stati richiesti dei contributi ad una fondazione bancaria e alla Regione Lombardia per l’attuazione di nuovi progetti. 4. L’associazione IlClassico interviene attraverso l’organizzazione di corsi di musica, l’attuazione di progetti specifici di sensibilizzazione musicale presso le scuole elementari e materne, l’organizzazione di spettacoli
Mission and Objectives

I principali scopi dell’Associazione Il Classico sono:
- diffondere la cultura musicale, letteraria e artistica attraverso contatti fra persone, altri enti ed associazioni
- proporsi come luogo d’incontro e di aggregazione promovendo maturazione sociale e crescita umana e civile attraverso l’ideale dell’educazione permanente
- proporsi come luogo d’incontro e di aggregazione promovendo maturazione sociale e crescita umana e civile attraverso l’ideale dell’educazione permanente
- porsi come punto di riferimento per quanti svantaggiati o portatori di handicap possano trovare nella musicoterapia un sollievo al proprio disagio
- studiare e diffondere la musica etnica per una integrazione fra diverse culture che coesistono nella nostra zona al fine di stimolare la conoscenza e l’accettazione reciproca.

Main Projects / Activities

- Negli ultimi 3 anni L’associazione IlClassico ha organizzato : corsi (laboratori) in 5 scuole elementari/materne di Milano ; corsi individuali (pianoforte, violino, violoncello, arpa, chitarra, musicoterapica); corsi collettivi (teoria e solfeggio, armonia – composizione, educazione audiopercettiva; musica di camera; coro, cori di voci bianche); corsi propedeutici: 3 corsi di I e II livello.
- Nelle scuole ha attuato il progetto Recitarcantando volto a sensibilizzare bambini e ragazzi alla musica classica, per condurli, attraverso lo studio del canto corale alla capacità di realizzare da protagonisti l’ intero allestimento di spettacoli teatrali e concerti (parte musicale, scenografie e costumi) lungo tutto l’anno scolastico, in accordo con la programmazione didattica generale. Tale progetto sarà proseguito nel prossimo anno scolastico
- Nel mese di ottobre 2005, costituzione di un coro di Voci Bianche multietnico presso una scuola della zona 5 di Milano.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kina Karaca
Head of the organisation
Kina Karaca
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuela Monaco

Associazione Intercultutale Narramondi onlus

National Network

Via M.Rapisardi 68/A
90100 Palermo


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
2employés Volontaires,stagiaires et 12 personnes à contact LAP(emploi par projet) En utilasant l'approche méthodologique de la narration l'association prose et réalise periodiquement des ateliers interculturels de narration,dance,chant et theatre afin de promouvoir la confrontation parmi les différentes cultures présentes dans le territoire et de soutenir l'integration des immigrés et de leurs familles dns celui-ci.
Mission and Objectives

Apres avoir vu le travail effectué par l'association A.dreams nous avons décidé de participer à l'ètape concernant le documentaire (" A la Prochaine" )afin de connaitre tous les enfants et personnes impliqués dans ce projet.A ce propos l'association Narramondi a décidé d'entamer une relation de partenariat avec A.Dreams afin de le soutinir dans son projet "atelier retour 2007" en vu aussi d'une cooperation au cours des anneée prochaines en Sicile comme la mise en oeuvre d'actions artistiques dans le domaine du théatre,du chant,de la musique et de la narration pour les enfantes en cooperation avec l'association A.Dreams

Main Projects / Activities

A l'intérieur du projet "atelier reour 2007" l'association Narramondi soutiendra les enfantes d'israel et de Palestine en les mettant en contact avec les enfantes proches de leur domaine de ces deux centres Interculturels de formation et d'intégration éducative(Centro Mowgly e Projet Zisa-Noce).Nous leurs permettrons de se connaitre dans un premier temps par correspondance(lettres,image vidéo,photos, internet)en vu d'un jumelage dans les années à venir.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zalteni Refka
Head of the organisation
Concetta Oliveri
Contact (2) Full Name
Concetta Ilveri

Associazione Meditaeuropa - Laboratorio per il dialogo tra i popoli e le culture nello spazio Euro-Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Val Pusteria 27 48100 Ravenna

+39 0544 281611
+39 0544 281600
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 329 4199635
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1) The structure is composed of 10 people. Nobody is employed. 2) The available budget is abut 50.000 euro used to organize the Meditaeuropa Festival 3) All the budget is obtained by foud raising 4) We organize the festival, seminars, cinema, conferences, concerts, events, photo exibitions, etc.. 5) Main partners Comune di Ravenna Provincia di Ravenna Regione Emilia-Romagna Ministero degli Affari Esteri Parlamento Europeo Fondazione RavennAntica Ravenna Festival Università di Bologna - Sede di Ravenna Istituto Gramsci Emilia-Romagna Ravenna Teatro Eurosportello Fondazione Mediterraneo - Napoli
Mission and Objectives

The Association Meditaeuropa presents itself in the form of a Laboratory for the dialogue between peoples and cultures within the Euro-Mediterranean area, and it actually develops from the project called "Meditaeuropa", created since 2005.
Meditaeuropa has become an association with the purpose of achieving the following main goals:
promoting and reinforcing the dialogue, interaction, recognition, mutual respect and cooperation among peoples and cultures within the Euro-Mediterranean area;
identifying, developing and promoting spaces for cultural encounters among all Euro-Mediterranean countries and their people;
contributing to the Barcelona Process;
promoting the Euro-Mediterranean dimension of Ravenna and its territory;
Its action will therefore develop according to the following points:
organisation of meetings, discussions, conferences, seminars, concerts, theatre performances, art exhibitions and festivals;
access to the whole network of organisations committed to the same objectives of our Association;
stimulation of encounters, mutual knowledge and interaction with the immigrant communities in our territory.

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival Meditaeuropa is a cultural event organised by the Association Meditaeuropa with the support of the main institutions of the Province of Ravenna. It will be dedicated to the Mediterranean area, conceived as common space shared by peoples.
This Festival will offer a variety of events which will develop the conference's topic in multiple forms. The main theme "Mare Nostrum: the Mediterranean as both frontier and bridge that unites and divides" will indeed be observed according to a number of perspectives, from photographic exhibitions, literary meetings, cinema, music, to our "Dialogues", involving special speakers whose political, literary or academic work has been appreciated on the international level.
Our intent is to allow a multiple encounter and exchange of voices, languages, and experiences, which could generate tangible common spaces within the increasingly multi-ethnic city of Ravenna.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emiliano Galanti
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Cortesi

Associazione Musica Europa

National Network

Head Office: Viale America, 6
00060 Formello (Rome)

+39 06 39734576
+39 06 23328917
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 349 2993899
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 340 3420937
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure: 5 person; President and artistic director, General Manager, Financial director, secretary, artistic director assistant 2. The total budget in a year is 400.000,00 Euros. 3. Public income 45% of budget; Private income (sponsor) 42% of budget; concerts sale and ticket sale: 13% of budget. 4. Basic training (Arthmós project) and High training in arts with master classes and workshops, events production and organization of the International Festival of Young Musicians, production and organization of the World Youth Orchestra and World Youth Chamber Orchestra, , production and organization of “The Euro-Mediterranean Brotherhood” Mediterranean Tour Projects. 5.Estonian Academy of Music, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance-University of Limerick, State Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Jerusalem Rubin Academy, Mozarteum University - Salzburg, Trinity College of Music (U.k.), London Royal Academy of Music, Bilkent University (Ankara) ....others
Mission and Objectives

• to promote arts activities
• to promote the sharing of different cultures by young musicians of talent and national and international partnerships of importance
• Dialogue and brotherhood among diverse cultures
• to promote the brotherhood by the arts
• to give the new generation of musicians a voice in the crucial social and cultural issues still facing us in the third millennium and open communication lines between different cultures and religions.
• implementation of basic education in arts in the primary schools
• a dialogue between the population of the northern and southern Europe and an interchange between countries of the Mediterranean’s basin, Balkan countries, with significant participation of the 5 continents
• culture and musical creativity through the recognition of young professionalism
• the circulation of music-culture to a young audience
• promote a new idea of community between art and social involvement

Main Projects / Activities

World Youth Orchestra, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and its chamber orchestra WYCO. Orchestras of young musicians, from 16 to 26 years old, chosen from the Universities, Academies and Conservatories of the five continents and representing many ethnicities and religions that work together in a multi-cultural environment. In five years nearly 600 talented young musicians from 42 countries have participated in the orchestras. After a period of high training, master classes and rehearsal they take off for concerts and tour.
The Italian project World Youth Orchestra, Mediterranean Tour “Euro-Mediterranean Brotherhood” was initiated in 2003 in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Mediterranean and European institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Locatelli
Head of the organisation
M° Damiano Giuranna
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Bellioni