Associazione Musicale Bruno Maderna

National Network

Via G. Saffi, 7

+39 0543 405431
Telephone (other)
+39 0543 25929
+39 0543 415406
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 348 2937605
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 329 9059224
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Associazione Maderna is a non profit private organization admitted in the national iatlian register of "Associazioni di Promozione Sociale" The association has about 90 members, about 40 takes active part of the cultural projects. The organization staff includes Legal Representative, financial director, production manager, communication responsible, two secretaries, responsible for the musical bibliotheque, Doctor in Musicology, 35 orchestral professors. The yearly budget is about €400.000,00. The sources of funding are about €50.000 of public funds, €200.000 from private fundations and donors, €150.000 from the productions and performances. Associazione Maderna organizes classical music projects inside schools; simphonic, opera, ballet, chamber music productions, cooproductions with other cultural associations, circuitation of international artists, musical production in middle east and east coutries The partners are: Municipality of Forlì, Regione Emilia Romagna, Provincia di Forlì, Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, Amici dell’Arte Forlì, Atelier La Voce dell’Arte, Tones on The Stones Festival, JCE Festival, Umbria Music Fest, RavennAntica, San Paolo e Cappuccinini Choir, and others
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Ass.Maderna is to spread music culture, to form childs in a music culture direction, to make music productions and to manage and support a classical orchestra named Orchestra Maderna. This mission is carried out through the realization of projects inside schools, through projects of music, opera and ballet productions involving the best artist of Italy, Europe, and other countries, through the circulation of musicians in Italy Europe and other countries, throug projects af cultural and artist exchange between different cultures and countries

Main Projects / Activities

The concert season "La camera della Musica" in Forli'
Partecipation in the Tones On The Stones Festival
Partecipation in the Umbria Music Fest Festival
In 2003 Partecipation in the concert in Cairo for Ravenna Festival conducted by M° Riccardo Muti
In 2004 production of the Opera "Traviata" in Mumbay and New Delhi
In 2005 partecipation in a sinphonic concert with Mumbay Simphony Orchestra in Mumbay

Contact (1) Full Name
Miss. Katia Mattioli
Head of the organisation
Mr. Luigi Pretolani
Contact (2) Full Name
Miss. Anna Astori

Associazione no-profit Meridiano Europa

National Network

Via L. P. Casulli, 18
70017 Putignano (BA

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Meridiano Europa is a no-profit association of people/professionals operating in the field of EU, national and regional funded programs. Meridiano Europa mainly provide their services to public bodies (Chambers of Commerce, Local Authorities, Local Municipalities) facilitating their access to funded programs and development projects. Meridiano Europa – through the network of its own experts – can provide technical assistance in the following sectors: labor market and welfare, business cooperation, culture and heritage, sustainable development, tourism, environment, proximity policies, equal opportunities, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of Meridiano Europa is to help the process of European integration among public and private socio-economic bodies, supporting them in the implementation of development projects funded at many levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Meridiano Europa main activities:
? technical assistance in the projects planning phase (EU, National and Regional funds)
? technical assistance to the project management and actual project management;
? European politics promotion and specific training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Claudio Polignano (President)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Claudio Polignano (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Maria Luisa Losavio (external consultant)

Associazione NOVA

National Network

Viale Regione Siciliana 10750

+39 3398673714
+ 39 091 532950
Mobile Phone
+39 3398673714
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
NOVA Association is formed from persons who boast a remarkable experience in the within of the territorial development are to local level that to international level and that can boast a deepened acquaintance of the local necessities and the instruments who is possible to adopt in order to satisfy you. Annual budget is extremely variable Depending on external funds. Projects and actions realised by Nova Association are realised mainly using public funds and donations. Partners involved in the Associations's projects and activities are various: public authorities and private subjects as well as schools and other associations.
Mission and Objectives

Goal of Association NOVA is realize cultural and multisectoral actions to promote the global development, in its totality and integrity, thanks to the synergy of a great number of elements and tools correlate in order to improve the social conditions and to enrich the cultural resources also trough the cooperation of multicultural and religious groups.
At the same time, we think that it is not possible to realize local development without thinking to the promotion of the enterprises. We believe that fundamental instrument to reach these goals objectives are partnership and international cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Most recent project realised by Association NOVA was about the cultural, social and economic consequences of national policy on local subjects.

Contact (1) Full Name
C.Alessandro Mauceri
Head of the organisation
Dr. Antonia Lopez

Associazione Orchestra Giovanile Veronese

National Network

via Fontana del Ferro, 3 - 37129 Verona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure: OGV is a cultural association and non profit making organisation, registered in Veneto A.P.S. (regional register of social development organisations) • Number of members (31.12.2008): 81 • Number of staff members: 5 • Budgetary resources available in a year (2009): 35.000,00 € • Sources of funding: Contribution of members, public and private contributions. • Modalities of action: - Musical education of young generations - International Stage for Young Musicians - Concerts, Operas and musical performances - Youth musical exchanges • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: - Comune di Verona - Provincia di Verona - Teatro dei Vaganti - UNICEF - Comitato di Verona - Associazione di volontariato “Il Germoglio” – Verona - Regione Veneto
Mission and Objectives

Living together by making music together. OGV is involved in spread of musical education, with particular reference to young generations in difficult social position. More than sixty young girls and boys take part in the Youth Orchestra and Chorus; they play music together, preparing concerts and performances. Our musical works are original operas, composed appropriately for the OGV, which bring messages about children’s social world and civil rights and promote dialogue in the respect of the values and diversities of other cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

• Propaedeutic musical project in the public primary school. In this project are primarily involved schools with a large number of students from immigrant families.
• Summer Musical Stage for Young Musicians; during twelve days, the young musicians can live together, sharing musical experience and preparing an original performance. This activity in 2008 expanded to “Note di Pace” project, in order to host young Israeli an Palestinian musicians and encourage dialogue and peace. The 2009 opera is CURUPIRA, THE SOUND OF EARTH, about environmetal preservation.
• Musical performances about children’s world. IQBAL OPERA is a musical show about Iqbal Masih, the symbol of fight against child slavery. The opera was played for a school audience, at the end of an educational project about child labour. OGV also took part in the organization of the Child Labour Conference, which was held in Verona on December 11, with the intervention of Verona University, ILO, UNICEF, MLAL, BLLF.
• In November 2007 OGV started a musical exchange with a young choir or Detmold (Germany): performance of IQBAL OPERA and D’ENERGIA. The German choir went in Verona in October 2008 to execute two concerts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Gianfilippi de' Parenti
Head of the organisation
Valentino Perera
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Gianfilippi de’ Parenti (Valentino Perera)

Associazione Orlando

National Network

Via Borgonuovo n.2, 40125 Bologna

0039 051 219 5232-30
Telephone (other)
0039 051 4299 413
0039 051 219 5234
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 349 5725139
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Media
  3. Others
General Information
It is a no-profit association that manages the Women's Documentation, Research and Initiative Centre as well. Number of staff employed: 16 Members of the Association: 200 Budgetary resources available in a year: 1.000.000€ Sources of funding: Italian national and local authorities, European Union, UNIFEM, Private donors Modalities of action: training courses; national and international seminars; public meetings; publications; projects Main partners: In Palestine: Palestinian Working Women Society for Development; Jerusalem Centre for Women; Association of Women’s Action for Training and Rehabilitation)-In the Balkans: Tuzlanska Amika- In Italy: the WOMEN Network (Women of the Mediterranean, the Balkans and Eastern Europe), Peace School of Monte Sole, Regione Emilia Romagna, University of Bologna, , Lilith Network, WINE Network,, CNA/ ECIPAR
Mission and Objectives

The objective pursued by "Orlando" has been outlined since its creation in the setting up of a public space for women, which through research, documentation and the organisation of initiatives would promote, generate and widespread women's cultural analysis and production, and political practice. "Orlando" has contributed to women's empowerment and mainstreaming, namely the strengthening and centrality of women as subject, via the attention paid to and the support of links between women's networks in the city, as well as between national and international networks.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Library: documentation and promotion of women's culture and gender issues; recognized as national interest library by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities;
2. IT: Comprises: 1) Server Donne, an independent hardware at national level providing services and information on women and for women; 2) Internet Tea-room, a free IT and surfing literacy service.
3 Research: in the historical/documentary, theoretical/cultural and contemporary analysis
4. Training: continuous training actions, higher learning projects, special targets (migrants, handicap, detention centers, etc.) and guidance.
5. International: Projects of exchange, discussion and international cooperation in support of and together with women living in "difficult places": Chile (Temuco), Balkans (Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia), Israel/Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrizia Rampioni
Head of the organisation
Raffaella Lamberti
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinzia Bavieri

Associazione Pandora

National Network

via centotrecento 11 - 40126 Bologna

0039 051 226239
Mobile Phone
0039 3474645878
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3405791569
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Pandora is a no profit social-cultural Association found in Bologna in 2003. Pandora have a variable budget for her social and cultural activities, past year the budget were about 15.000 euro. The sources of founding come from public and private sponsor to their social and public promotions. Their actions are concrete projets, seminars, courses for an aware citizenships, etc. The Bologna Municipality, a network of several Association, The Province of Bologna and The Emilia-Romagna Region are the main partners involved in the organization's projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our association's main purpose is to increase the dialogue between various cultures inside our communal territory. Through courses and activities, our aim is to foster the process of social integration of foreign comunities in the growing multi-cultural society in which we live, with a special regard to women's and children's rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Meetings, events, seminars and courses for a cultural and reciprocal enrichment, discussing about intereligious dialogues and equal opportunities of gender.
A series of weekly or periodics conferences to increase tolerance and acquaintance in a context of pacific and friendly cohabitation beetween peoples, cultures, ethnies, religions in mediterranean mosaic and between nord-sud populations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maiorana Grazia
Head of the organisation
Maiorana Grazia
Contact (2) Full Name
Pergolizzi Maria Emanuela

Associazione Polisportiva Olimpia 71

National Network

vai Mercalli n. 23 Barra (NA)

+39 081 5723351
Telephone (other)
+39 0815723351
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Filiberto Fucile

Associazione Progetto Ragazzi per l'unità (Teens for Unity)

National Network

Via di Frascati, 328
Rocca di Papa (RM)

+39/06/949 6268
+39/06/949 6268
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
  2. Youth and education
General Information
N° 2 persons with full time as coordinators. N° 6 volunteers assisting on various tasks on a part time bases. Year 2006 budget: incomes € 28.994, expenditures € 19.244. Funding provided by fund raising and contribution from several groups of young people around the world. Actions: concrete project made by young peoples, exchanges, scholarships. Partners: Focolare Mouvement and other groups and associations of young people in various countries.
Mission and Objectives

WHO ARE WE? We are the Teens for Unity of the Focolare Movement and are present in 182 countries.
We are Christians but also belong to other religions and cultures that do not profess a religious creed.
We are united by one goal: to make universal brotherhood a reality by involving many other teenagers in the world in this project.
WHAT DO WE BELIEVE IN? Only love can change the world.
In the Gospel Jesus says, “Love one another as I have loved you”. We want these words to become a reality among all the people in the world.
WHAT DO WE WANT? Beginning with our cities and the surroundings we live in, we try all possible ways to break down barriers and divisions, with the certainty that a united world will become a reality among all people in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

We would like to give the opportunity of studying to many young people who live in more disadvantage Countries. For this reason we have given life to a solidarity fund for 29 schoolmates projects involving young people of several countries.
Engagement of social activities in the towns where the various groups of young people are living.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefano Comazzi
Head of the organisation
Agostino Spolti

Associazione Résonnance-Italia

National Network

Via Prati Fiscali, 215

+39 3381429629
Telephone (other)
+39 0699701385
+39 0697256838
Mobile Phone
+39 3381429629
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Depuis sa création, l'Association Résonnance-Italie combine la promotion et la diffusion de musique classique à l'action sociale et le dialogue humanitaire. L'importance de son action est amplifié par le fait que les concerts ainsi que des événements musicaux sont l'occasion pour partager la joie d’écouter de la musique ensemble et établir une relation profonde entre l'artiste, le public et l’oeuvre musicale. Les activités de l'Association se concentrent principalement dans la production de concerts de musique pour les personnes défavorisés (les personnes âgées, les malades, les handicapés et les orphelins). Les lieux privilégiés pour les concerts Résonnance sont les maisons de retraite, des hôpitaux ou des institutions spécialisées, les prisons, les orphelinats etc
Mission and Objectives

La Fondation Résonnance a pour mission :
I. D’offrir gratuitement la musique classique à travers les concerts dans les lieux où elle n’est pas tels les hôpitaux, les établissements médico-sociaux (EMS), les centres ou institutions spécialisés, les établissements pénitentiaires.
II. De créer et de gérer les Écoles Résonnance dont les principes fondateurs sont :
- la gratuité ;
- l’absence d’examen et de compétition ;
- l’ouverture à toutes et à tous, sans considération d’âge, de nationalité, de confession, de milieu socioprofessionnel ou de niveau technique ;
- l’enseignement de la Pédagogie Résonnance.
III. De promouvoir gratuitement la formation des musiciens à la Pédagogie Résonnance : phénoménologie du son et du geste

Main Projects / Activities

Dépuis le 2008, Résonnance Italia réalise à Rome et dans tous le territoire nazional plusieurs concerts au moins 70 par année dans les hôpitaux, les établissements médico-sociaux (EMS), les centres ou institutions spécialisés, les établissements pénitentiaires. Le projet intitulé "Porter la musique dans les lieux où elle n’est pas" combine la promotion et la diffusion de musique classique à l'action sociale et le dialogue humanitaire

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Bartolani

Associazione Terìaca

National Network

Via Conte Cungi 58 - Cap. 52048
Monte San Savino - Arezzo

0039 (0)575 84 94 84
0039. (0)575 29 62 59
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 338 150 12 67
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is dedicated to the study of popular culture and performing arts, with the particular goal of understanding the foundations of Italian expressive culture, with particular attention given to the narrative, scenic, and performative arts derived from the traditional cultures of the Italian peninsula, in direct contact with Mediterranean countries. Terìaca creates a profound dialogue between younger generations and artists of different religion and culture. Terìaca collaborates with: Accademia dell’Arte – Arezzo – Italia Scuola di Narrazioni di Nausika - Arezzo – Italia Art Jeunesse Eljem - Festival Découvertes Tunisie 21 – Tunisia, since 2003 Teriaca is a member of the Reseau Jeunesse Echange le Monde actively collaborating with its associated partners Info:
Mission and Objectives

Teriaca creates a profound dialogue between younger generations and artists of different religion and culture.
Teriaca’s activity is founded upon workshops and the coming together of different disciplines such as the study of traditional popular dances from Italy and other Mediterranean countries, theatre, voice, music, narration. The main objective is to investigate through art, anthropological and historical differences or perhaps the unique similarities between the different cultures of the Mediterranean.
Our Goals are conceived for and directed towards young artists all over the world, Italy, Europe, United States, Asia, developing in the of the Accademia dell’Arte and the Scuola di Narrazioni di Arezzo.
These cultural meetings are aimed at the creation of theatrical, musical and dance performances for open audiences at gatherings and international festivals. The objective of our art and music is that of creating the building grounds for peace and dialogue between cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Cross-cultural workshops and performances:
2003 Italy - Roma - Università di Tor Vergata
2004 Romans - Francia - Romans Carnaval?
2004 Morocco - Festival de Taroudannt. sustained by the Comunità Europea (progetto EUROMED)
2005 Lecce - Italia ?- Festival Mosaico Mediterraneo
2006 Italy - Lecce - Festival Popoli - Artistic Direction
2006 Albania – Tirana - European Culture Week, Nazional theater of Opera and Ballet
2007 Beginning of the collaboration with the Accademia dell’Arte di Arezzo:
2007 Identity / Universality, project for young poets,
Biennale International Romans 2008
2007 Terìaca – artistic direction of the Arezzo Festival :
2007 Terìaca - Play Art Festival:
2007 Festival Découvertes Tunisie 21, Eljem Tunisia - Direction of the Mediterranean Dance workshop

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianni Bruschi
Head of the organisation
Gianni Bruschi / Artistic Director