Dipartimento Architettura Arte Contemporanea-Regione Sicilia

National Network

via regina margherita n.38

Tel.039 091 7025471 -
Fax 039 091 213765
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
335 5789419
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1.The organization is made of : ! General Manager to which refer three Services ( Contemporary Architecture, Contemporary Art, administration )led by three diretors. Each service include two responsable chiefs and employes. In total, the staff is composed of 30 persons. 2 e 3.The Department budget is financed by regional resources(avarage € 2.500.000,00 ) and UE funds (avarage € 75.000.000,00 4. Workshop, Art and Arcfhitecture Meetings, Seminars, scholarships, books, urban qualification structural works, etc 5. DARC as branch of Sicilian Regional Administration can operates with different partners depending on the kind of activities
Mission and Objectives

promoting knowledge of contemporary art abroad, in concordance with the National Ministry for Foreign Affairs;
spreading knowledge of contemporary art in general and encouraging young artists’ works, even through competitions;
promoting joint projects of new architectural buildings with social and cultural relevance and the restructuring of existing ones;
promoting participation of young designers to joint projects;
promoting projects characterized by an integrated approach between environmental perspective and cultural one, with particular attention to rural architecture;
promoting education on contemporary architectural and urban culture and artistry, in cooperation with universities and local authorities;
performing research in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscaping, even through post-graduate training in the field of conservation and valorization of cultural and environmental heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

The Department identify and catalogu contemporary artistic and architectural heritage, and establish an “Historical Archive” of the most important Sicilian architects’ works.
to identify contemporary artistic works in Sicily in several fields (painting, sculpture, design, photography, cinematography, visual arts, artistic handicraft, music, dance, theater) in order to promote their integration and development;
to set an annual calendar of exhibitions, conferences, seminars, congresses, awards, scholarships and grants to be realized in cooperation with the main national and international museums and universities;
to organize touristic and cultural routes on Sicilian contemporary art, by linking local museums, galleries, buildings and exhibitions of acknowledged artistic quality, in order to promote them and to increase Sicilian cultural supply;
to promote cultural changes among art schools, internships and seminars through an international cooperation program;
to promote coordination in participation in national and international events like exhibitions, competitions, awards and so on.

Contact (1) Full Name
fausto spagna
Head of the organisation
Dirigente Generale
Contact (2) Full Name
silvana montalbano

Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e della Comunicazione Università degli Studi di Lecce

National Network

Via Salesiani n. 25

0039 0832 296527
Telephone (other)
0039 0832 296545
0039 0832 296528
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 348 5155463 / 0039 339 8357558
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 338 5716746
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
1) 32 docenti + 7 personale amministrativo ; 9 membri équipe. 2) €182.739,86 (con residui complessivi – fondo cassa €610.781,00 al 01.01.2007). 3) MIUR, Università, Enti pubblici e privati. 4 / 5) Comune Lecce (progetto di formazione e aggiornamento per operatori socio-educativi – 2006); Provincia Lecce (progetto di ricerca formativa, sussidiarietà e assistenza dopo la revisione costituzionale del Titolo V – 2006); Grecia Salentina (Archivio della memorizzazione – 2005); Fondazione Rico Semeraro (protocollo d’intesa realizzazione master – 2005); CORECOM – Puglia (news e notiziabilità); Comune Martano (POR misura III punto 2 azione C: giovani a rischio, anziani e disabili); POR Puglia (mis. III punto 14 azione C: “Inform-azione donna” – 2006/07)
Mission and Objectives

Attività di ricerca e formazione a quanti – tra studiosi della materia, studenti e cittadini – fossero interessati ai nostri progetti e al nostro metodo di lavoro. Dare visibilità alle numerose e articolate ricerche, al fine di condividere le nostre occupazioni e ad implementare relazioni con il territorio, contribuendo così allo sviluppo di un dialogo fecondo in ordine alla crescita della società civile.

Main Projects / Activities

Il Dipartimento è impegnato in cinque ambiti
di ricerca che ricoprono settori di ricerca di rilievo strategico:
- ambito delle scienze sociali
- ambito politologico - giuridico
- ambito delle scienze della comunicazione
- ambito linguistico-letterario e di storia dell’arte
- ambito dello spettacolo
I collegamenti con gli Enti pubblici e privati del territorio sono molteplici, con particolare riferimento al tessuto socio-economico, al no-profit, all'area dei servizi, ai processi migratori,
alle relazioni interetniche ed interculturali,
ai rapporti con i Paesi del bacino Mediterraneo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Prof. Giuseppe SCHIAVONE
Contact (2) Full Name

Dipartimento di Teorie e Politiche dello Sviluppo Sociale

National Network

Campus Coste Sant'Agostino, 64100 - Teramo
Teramo (Italie)

0039 0861266029
0039 0861266030
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3478107634
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Département universitaire, dirigé par un Directeur et géré par le Conseil du Département et par le Secrétariat. Ressources annuelles (2008-2009) par an : environ 260.000 €. Sources de financement : Ministère de l’Université, collectivités locales, entreprises privées. Recherche interdisciplinaire dans les domaines du développement local, des droits linguistiques, des rapports entre les institutions des Etats et leurs organisations, de la gestion des organisations complexes, de l’analyse des phénomènes liés aux organisations complexes dans les domaines économique et social. Soutien au projet LEM (Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée) par l’organisation de colloques avec publication des Actes et d’autres événements. Partenaires principaux : Association LEM-Italia, Association Forum des Langues de France, Fondazione Università di Teramo, Université de Turin, Université de Lecce, Université de L’Aquila, Université de Cassino, Maison d’édition Aracne de Rome, Institut Supérieur pour Interprètes et Traducteurs (I.S.I.T.) de Trente, Mairie de Faeto.
Mission and Objectives

Le Département de Théories et Politiques du Développement Social coordonne et promeut des activités de recherche interdisciplinaire dans plusieurs domaines, tels que : les droits de l’homme ; les droits linguistiques ; le développement local ; les institutions législatives, administratives et judiciaires des Etats et leurs organisations ; les institutions non étatiques et leurs organisations bureaucratiques, d’entreprise et de bénévolat ; les dynamiques gestionnaires et structurelles des organisations complexes ; la gestion des organisations complexes ; l’analyse des phénomènes liés aux organisations complexes dans les domaines économique et social.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Département se compose de spécialistes de plusieurs disciplines : des philosophes, des sociologues, des économistes et des linguistes. Les philosophes travaillent principalement à la définition de la notion de droit dans le cadre de nouveaux mondes possibles, sur l'éthique et la responsabilité d'entreprise.
La branche sociologique focalise son attention sur l'analyse et la gouvernance du développement local avec une attention toute particulière à l’égard des ressources immaterielles de la communauté.
Les économistes travaillent à des modèles de prévision des marchés. La branche linguistique fédère les autres disciplines à travers une approche sociolinguistique et une série d’actions d’envergure: des colloques internationaux annuels sur les droits linguistiques ; des Festivals sur les littératures minoritaires d’Europe et de la Méditerranée avec réalisation d’une Expositon itinérante sur les mêmes sujets. En partenariat avec l’Association LEM-Italia, création et direction d’un cycle de colloques en ligne (« Colloques virtuels »).

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Agresti
Head of the organisation
Everardo Minardi

DIPSA Dipartimento di Progettazione e Studio dell'Architettura

National Network

piazza della Repubblica 10
00185 Roma

+39 06 5733 2929
+39 06 5733 29 40
Mobile Phone
+39 335 8432560
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3356636368
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
nombre de membres: 43 professeurs et 5 administratifs Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles: 271.383,77 (2008) Sources de financement: mixtes, publiques et privées Modalités d'action: projects de recherche appliquée et théorique, séminaires, bourses annuelles, échanges, ... Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme: Comune di Roma, Municipalidad de Castrovirreina; Municipalidad de Huaytarà; ICCD; Enea; Università degli studi di Roma 3; COST 358 Union Européenne
Mission and Objectives

The department was created to promote and co-ordinate activities of scientific investigation and research and provide educational support in the field of architecture and related multidisciplinary subjects. Design research activities are organized in 6 fields: Architectural design; restoration; architectural history; building technologies and processes; survey and representation; environmental technical physics.

Main Projects / Activities

The Department “performs activities of research and consultancy services as part of contracts and agreements stipulated with external public and private bodies”.
These contracts have led to consultancy services related to research pursued by the DIPSA, representing the skills that the Department is able to offer.
The consultancy services are related to architectural design, urban mobility, documentation of architectural heritage as well as lighting and acoustic design.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Tonelli
Head of the organisation
Prof. Andrea Vidotto
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Geremia

Direzione cultura e creatività - Provincia di Gorizia

National Network

Via Diaz, 5

+39 0481545150
Telephone (other)
+39 0481545181
+39 0481546719
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of organization: 4 operational units: culture, youth policy, peace and cooperation, sports, with 12 employed; Budgetary resources alviabile in a year: 3.000.000 €/year, from various sources (national founds, local Autorities, sposnsors, private foundations); Modalities of action: agreement protocol (or memorandum of understanding), any other advantageous method based on cooperation. Main partners: Repubblica Italiana, Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, municipalities, foundations, cultural associations.
Mission and Objectives

Planning and menaging cultural events or culture institutions, multicultural discussions boards for the peace and the international and multiethnic cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities:
"Onde Mediterranee" - cultural music festival, held at most throughout the north of the Mediterranean Sea.
"In the Sounds of Places" - international festival of music - concert for International Peace.
"Stra-de" - project of cooperation for the management of waste water at the turn of the border between Serbia and Bosnia;

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Ossi
Head of the organisation
Enrico Gherghetta


National Network

Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 12/4A

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EPTA is a federation of social enterprises, established on 1st of june 2000. At present is composed by seven cooperatives with about 600 employees. The associated cooperatives work on social and sanitary services in the city of Bologna and its province, These services regard the social integration of disadvantaged people and the improvement of citizen wellness. The 2007 balance sheet shows a yearly turnover of € 3.940.209,00. The company capital is € 228.076,00
Mission and Objectives

see attached file

Main Projects / Activities

Assistance and education of children, young people, disabled and/or aged people; rehabilitation; contiuous training in social and sanitary fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mauro Rinaldi
Head of the organisation
Antonio Bria
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Formaggio

Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency

National Network

Via Libertini, 15/A
73100 LECCE

+39 0832 301 484
+39 0832 253 904
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
General Information
President and Legal Representative: Mrs. M.P. Adriana POLI BORTONE, Mayor of Lecce Administrative Director. Mr. MARTINA Mauro Secretariat staff: Mrs. PALAMA’ Maria Mr. MICCOLIS Giuseppe Mrs. CONTE Paola Partners: Founder Partners: City of Lecce, Italy; Lecce University, Italy; Foggia University, Italy; UNIMED, Rome-Italy. Honorary members: The Università Telematica “Guglielmo Marconi” (Rome, Italy); Patras University, Greece; CUM; Lecce School of Fine Arts, Italy. 2. The budgetary resources of the “Agency”, available in 2007, are equal to € 151.000,00. 3. For ordinary activity the agency has received Extraordinary Contributions for the years 2004-2005-2006s. For planning activities has received community, national and regional funds.
Mission and Objectives

To promote actions aiming at the protection, restoration, preservation, valorisation and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage;
To Analyse, study and promote interactions between different cultural, legal and socio-economic systems, the methods of development and promotion of policies relative to the promotion, development and preservation of the cultural heritage;
To Interact and integrate the scientific and professional know-how in the broad field of the protection and promotion of the cultural heritage;
To detect an updated and advanced scientific policy in every characteristic phase of the management and promotion of works of historical and cultural value;
To supply techno-operative supports consistent with the goals already mentioned;
To collect, select and classify as samples extremely meaningful interventions in the field of cultural heritage and to distribute on computerized networks/ computer system those samples;
To test new methods aimed at establishing knowledge, documenting, restoring, managing and promoting the cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects in progress:
4. CARIPLO funds
5. Communitarian Programme Culture 2000

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Maria Palamà
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Prof. M.P. Adriana Poli Bortone
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Giuseppe Miccolis

Euromed Heritage Program,Regional Management Support Unit - RMSU

National Network

Via di San Michele 18

0039 (0)6 58332194
0039 (0)6 58179396
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Euromed Heritage Programme aims at strengthening relations between the EU and Mediterranean partners. Euromed Heritage supports Mediterranean countries in their efforts to promote and care for their heritage. The Regional Management and Support Unit has been set up for Euromed Heritage Programme to assist partners and beneficiary countries in achieving project objectives. The RMSU works together with the Europe Aid Co-operation Office and benefits from the scientific and logistic support of the Italian Institute for Catalogue and Documentation , and from the technical know-how of the International Center Cities on Water. The RMSU staff is composed by 8 professional people and short term experts. The budgetary resources for the period 2003-2006 are € 30.000.000 (30 millions).The following issues are included in the RMSU activities: Support, Visibility, Training, Monitoring.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional Management and Support Unit has been set up for Euromed Heritage Programme to assist partners and beneficiary countries in achieving project objectives.
Role of the RMSU is to ensure coherent implementation, full exploitation of opportunities, regional co-operation, project ownership and sustainability, exchange of information and results.

Main Projects / Activities

The RMSU role is to provide Technical and Administrative Support in the implementation of projects, with proactive counseling and assistance.
The RMSU has launched the website www.euromedheritage.net, a forum for all Euromed Heritage Partners, with news, details of events, FAQ section, guidelines on best practice and a reserved area for EH II members. The final Euromed Heritage Conference will take place in Istanbul, an opportunity for Heritage III coordinators and partners to meet representatives of EC, RMSU and partners of Euromed Heritage I and II projects.
A variety of training opportunities are to be specifically created based on consultation with all project partners. The aim is to provide the partners with the skills they require and to encourage independence and sustainability for projects in the long term.
Initial introduction "courtesy" visits are to be made by the RMSU project managers to all project coordinators in their count

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Carpano
Head of the organisation
Roberto Carpano - Coordinator
Contact (2) Full Name
Chiara Caporilli

European Genetics Foundation

National Network

via San Vitale, 40/3/d 40125 Bologna

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
1) The European Genetics Foundation (EGF) is a no profit organization founded in 1995.Its Administration Board is composed by: Giovanni Romeo, Roberto Ravazzolo, Michele Bianco, Martin Bobrow, Stefano Di Donato, Jennifer Howse, Victor A. McKusick, Number of employed: 20 Some projects partners: The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics , Cesnet, Tif, National and kapodistrian University of Athens Cairo University, The Chronic Care Center, Bogazici University, EGE University, University of Tunis 2) 896.920,98 3) UE, National funds, private donations 4) a) Projects of international cooperation b) The Festival of Music and Genetics c) Advanced training in the field of Medical Genetics 5) University of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna Region, Gaslini Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Besta Institute (Milan), MIUR, European Commission, World Health Organisation, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, France), European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and March of Dimes
Mission and Objectives

•To promote the scientific and professional education of young European geneticists with particular attention to the applications of genetics in the field of preventive medicine
•To establish and manage a center of excellence for advanced training in the fields of genetics and genomics
•To award merit-based fellowships for the study of genetics
•To organize events that bring together science and music in order to establish a link between science and the Mediterranean cultural world (the Festival of Music and Genetics)
•To encourage the dialogue among science philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and geneticists coming from the Mediterranean area in order to analyze the ethical, social, legal and religious implications of the genetic discoveries.
•To organize congresses, courses, international prize-giving and round tables to increase awareness of genetics related issues and to encourage public participation.

Main Projects / Activities

a) EGF coordinates projects of international cooperation, research, knowledge transfer and development of IT technologies. Thanks to these funds, EGF managed to provide more than 700 fellowships to graduate and post-graduate students and to launch a series of project aimed at transferring knowledge to countries of the Southern Mediterranean rim. Some examples: Eurogene (The First Pan-European Learning Service in the Field of Genetics, eContentplus Programme, Oct 2007-Sept 2010) and MedGeNet (FP6 RTD, Specific International Scientific Cooperation Activities, Oct 2006 – Sept 2008). Other European granted projects in which EGF is Work Package Leader are: Health-e-Child (FP6 RTD, Jan 2006 – Dec 2009) and Ithanet (eInfrastructure for Thalassemia Research Network Programme, FP6 RTD, April 2006 – March 2008).
b) 3rd edition Festival of Music and Genetics, which will have the following theme: Culture and Evolution of the Population of the Mediterranean Region.
c) Advanced training in the field of Medical Genetics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serena Paterlini
Head of the organisation
prof. Giovanni Romeo
Contact (2) Full Name
Margherita Beltrame

European Route of Peace - Strada Europea della Pace

National Network

Legal headquarter: Comunità Montana Umbria Nord
Via Matteotti, 17 - 06024 Gubbio (PG)
Operative office: Comunità Montana Catria e Nerone
Via Alessandri, 19 - 61043 Cagli (PU)


0039 0721781088
0039 0721780364
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3387659934
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Association takes care of the constitution (planning and organization) of a cultural route, the European Route of Peace, an ancient route that from Lübeck reaches Rome, passing through Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy. Since the year 1000, pilgrims, saints, popes, emperors, scientists, writers, merchants, travelers of the Grand Tour, have taken this route. The Association is open to all the institutions and government agencies located along the route and today consists of: the mountain communities of Alta Umbria, Catria e Nerone, Upper and Middle Metauro, the towns of Cagli, Gubbio, Foligno, Urbino, Peglio, Valfabbrica, Thann, in addition to the Marche and Umbria regions. The yearly budget is around € 70,000, coming from the membership fees, and from a contribution of Marche. The association is working with the European Institute of Cultural Routes in order to apply for admission to the Programme of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The project grounds along an historically documented path the concept of peace, the founding idea of Europe after the WWII. Since it is not a predictable nor permanently acquired value, the project is presented as a significant contribution to the European process of peace building, through the political unification and the promotion of peace in the consciousness of the individuals and of the ethnic, cultural, religious, social and economic communities to which they belong. The itinerary is intended as an initiation and pedagogic journey that, through the historical memory of places, leads to the discovery of the open concept of peace. A route that should be representative of the universal values of peace cannot be limited to a linear path: the network of the Route of Peace, therefore, also includes a number of places, research centers and initiatives of fundamental value for the theme of peace and located throughout Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

- Cooperation in terms of research and development.
The association is forming a Scientific Committee that will study the concept of social peace for a more united Europe.
- Cultural and educational exchanges for young Europeans.
The Italian Ministry of Heritage and Culture initiated a project for schools along the route.
- Practice of contemporary culture and arts.
The Association has established a partnership with the “Festival International Humour pour la Paix”, which is held each year at the Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg.
Segni Barocchi Festival 2009 organized a vocal and instrumental concert, entitled "New Discoveries on the Route of Peace."
- Cultural Tourism and sustainable development.
Creation of a pilot project on the Route of Peace from Pesaro to Foligno (I). Consistently with the Ethics Charter developed by the EICR, the goal is the recovery of the local resources that can be read through the filter of the theme of the route.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Caldarone
Head of the organisation
Gino Traversini