National Network

Registered office: via dei Candelai, 58 90131 Palermo Italy
Operative office: Piazza Leti Sansi, 3 06049 Spoleto Italy
Cambodian Branch office: Street 302, House 25A Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Spoleto and Palermo

+39 0743.252022
Telephone (other)
+39 0743.252001
Tel. +39 0743.252003
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1) has a Scientific Advisory board (4 members)and a Board of Directors(4 members),its number of staff employed is 10. 2) Budgetary resources available in a year are 160.000 €. 3)Grant programmes of the EU and national programmes of youth and further education in Italy. 4)Action 2 (EVS) and Action 5 (support measures)of Youth in Action Programme, International project Daphne, distance learning, project management and evaluation for Europaid project, .5) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: NGO's or University from Italy (CESIE Eurocultura, Università Tor Vergata),Germany (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Life e.V, RAA Brandenburg, Dissens e. V.), Portugal (Vertigem), French(Eurocicle FR), Cambodia(YRDP,KYSD,Youth for peace), Malta, UK(Goldsmith University), Austria(Maennerberatung Graz), Slovenia(The Peace institute).
Mission and Objectives

Aim of is to contribute in development, social promotion and insertion of the weak people into the workforce, to operate in order to defend human rights, children, immigrants and women; furthermore it wants to develop social cohesion and the respect of human dignity according to an harmonic and integrated development of cultures, conscious that through education, acknowledge of diversity and participation to decisional processes it is possible to pursue ideals of equality, democracy and solidarity.To pursue these objectives operates in different sectors: Education/Training; Vocational and Further Education; Defence and Valorisation of civil and human rights; Defence and valorisation of nature and environment; Gender main streaming and Equal opportunity; International mobility; Defense of minorities, children; youth and teenagers, immigrants; Promotion of good practices; Promotion of democratic processes; Cultural promotion and valorisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of are: Youth exchange, university education, informal learning , integration of disadvantage groups, gender main streaming, diversity management, social research,training of trainers, development of civil society initiatives, technical assistance to municipal initiatives, evaluation in development cooperation, organisation of study tour,organisation of seminars and informative events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marion Fischer
Head of the organisation
Monika Maria Savier
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Gonzi

C.I.D.E.S Centro Internazionale per l'Economia Sociale

National Network

via Lame, 118- 40122- Bologna - Italia

+39-051-55 2876
+39-051-55 5421
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure of the organization: Number of staff employed: 4 professionals. 5 cooperatives. Sources of funding: italian pubblic and private. Modalities of action: concrete projects. Seminars and research. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: social organization, cooperatives and ONG.
Mission and Objectives

Missione and objectives:
to promote the social economy.
to promote the human development,
the social integration and cooperation.
to study the social's territory needs.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities:
to give assistance in the process of cooperative creation, formation to the socials operators about the social economy, to do social studies and research, project, coordinate activities.
Main projects:
Boomerang - programme address to the young italian people resident abroad
and others international cooperation projects in Argentina ( Il Bastimento, Retexport, etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Pierpaolo Bergamini
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott. Nicola Busi

Camera Work

National Network

Via Salvemini, 1 Jesi

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Camera Work Group is a network of companies and professionals, which provide consultancy, services and tools in the fields of communication, information and marketing. Camera Work was founded in 1987. Thanks to its flexible organization Camera Work Group is able to respond efficiently and promptly to a wide and diversified range of client needs, both public and private organizations. Camera Work Group works according to the concept of network abilities: each project starts through teamwork made up of different professional skills, who are always able to find new solutions.
Mission and Objectives

The Camera Work Group is a network of companies and professionals, which provide consultancy, services and tools in the fields of communication, information and marketing. Camera Work was founded in 1987. Thanks to its flexible organization Camera Work Group is able to respond efficiently and promptly to a wide and diversified range of client needs, both public and private organizations. Camera Work Group works according to the concept of network abilities: each project starts through teamwork made up of different professional skills, who are always able to find new solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Camera Work Group is a network of companies and professionals, which provide consultancy, services and tools in the fields of communication, information and marketing. Camera Work was founded in 1987. Thanks to its flexible organization Camera Work Group is able to respond efficiently and promptly to a wide and diversified range of client needs, both public and private organizations. Camera Work Group works according to the concept of network abilities: each project starts through teamwork made up of different professional skills, who are always able to find new solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serena Cappannini
Head of the organisation
Ferdinando Blefari
Contact (2) Full Name
Ferdinando Blefari

Casa del Cuculo

National Network

Via Ceppareto 14
Meldola (FC)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. The association has 1 President, 1 Vice-President, 1 Secretary, 1 Account Manager, and 8 Project Managers who are responsible for several projects. The staff includes 18 active people but they all work as volunteers, so there is no employed staff. Many more people are collaborating to the various activities and events, our network is really widespread. Partners: 3 local governments and about 15 private organizations of the territory. 2. About € 2000 3. Fund-raising activities and events, projects and collaborations with local governments. 4. Concrete projects, performances, workshops in schools and other environments… 5. Municipality of Bertinoro, Municipality of Meldola, Municipality of Forlì; Cultural Associations: Area Sismica, TILT – Uongai, Khatawat, Associazione Oltre…
Mission and Objectives

Our activities aim at promoting the artistic and cultural development of the territory, and increase the value of art and culture as means of union, socializing, social intervention and multicultural integration.
We intend to reach those objectives through the creation and promotion of educational and artistic activities and workshops, the design and circulation of research activities, and the conception and production of situations of mass hilarity.
The association is also a house that has always hosted many people of several origins and backgrounds, who have developed their cultural and artistic projects in its inspiring rooms. Therefore, since the establishment of the association, we have always tried to make a benchmark and a union place of the house, with the idea of developing it into an environment- and nature-friendly, energetically self-sufficient educational and multi-purpose centre.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Workshops and courses of WESTERN AFRICAN DANCE AND MUSIC, with a related ensemble performing shows and gigs.
2) Open group of people who hop in outdoor spaces and organize URBAN DANCE workshops.
3) Workshops, didactic activities, performances and events in order to promote a deeper ENVIRONMENTAL RESPECT AND AWARENESS.
4) Multiethnic and intercultural workshop of BALKAN MUSIC, in particular from Shkoder, collected 40 years ago by two Albanian musicologists. It has developed into a folk orchestra representing a special space for knowing a different culture and living an ensemble experience.
5) EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES in arts, theatre, dance, music, writing, aiming at developing human and natural resources, and promoting culture as a means of social action.
6) We support several activities linked to VISUAL ARTS, like painting exhibitions inside private houses.
7) We promote OSSÀNEMA, a band that blends odd eastern tempos, Mediterranean grooves and suburban ballads.

Contact (1) Full Name
Debora Teresa Stenta
Head of the organisation
Elena Salvucci
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcello Di Camillo

centro danza royal

National Network

Via San Marino 89/14 - 10137 Torino - Italy

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
we are a Dance School in which we have a part that is dedicated to a project called "La dimora coreografica". Inside this project we collaborate with Michel Hallet Eghayan (Lyon) with who we do the "Festival Intermed":La Compagnie de Danse Hallet Eghayan a choisi avec ses différents partenaires de fédérer leurs actions de coopération dans le cadre d’un réseau euro-méditerranéen intitulé InterMed, impliquant équipes artistiques et centres de formation, structures associatives et culturelles des pays représentés, avec le soutien de leurs collectivités territoriales : > Mariachiara Raviola, chorégraphe et co-directrice avec Alessandra Bentley et Elena Delmastro de la Dimora Coreografica / Centro Danza Royal pour Turin, > le Ness El Fen dirigé par Syhem Belkhodja à Tunis et le Ballet de Monastir, > la Compagnie Anania de Saïd Ait El Moumen, Taoufiq Izeddiou et Bouchra Ouizguen pour Marrakech, ainsi que Nadia Bouamoud, Inspectrice de la Danse au Ministère de la Culture, le Théâtre Mohammed V et l’AMESIP pour la Région de Rabat-Salé (Maroc).
Mission and Objectives

Pendant 3 ans, les chorégraphes d’InterMed travaillent à une création commune autour du dialogue des cultures, réalisée avec un pool de jeunes danseurs en formation professionnelle choisis au sein des pays partenaires. Chaque année, une nouvelle étape de cette création est présentée dans tous les pays du réseau pour des soirées hautes en couleurs au cours desquelles sont également donnés des extraits des dernières pièces des compagnies impliquées, comme c’est le cas ce soir.
Le Réseau InterMed participe au rayonnement de chacun de ses pays partenaires au travers des différents champs couverts par ses actions :
> la formation professionnelle, qui permet aux jeunes danseurs de ces différents pays de la Méditerranée de s'ouvrir aux techniques de la danse contemporaine et de découvrir de nouveaux espaces de pratique professionnelle et de création; > la création d’œuvres collectives par les artistes de Méditerranée membres du Réseau autour de thèmes universels leur permettant de travailler ensemble ; > la diffusion de ces œuvres en Méditerranée dans le cadre d’un réseau franco-méditerranéen permettant aux populations de se réapproprier ensemble cet espace commun et de mieux se comprendre ; > l’éducation artistique des publics dans les pays partenaires au travers d’un faisceau d'initiatives, pour permettre de développer de nouvelles pédagogies et pratiques autour de l'art et de la danse, ferments et ciments de la vie sociale au cœur la Cité.

Main Projects / Activities

Programmazione didattica Centro Danza Royal:
Danza Classica: Elena Delmastro, Renata Justino, Elena Angeli, Fabiana Paganini, Elisa Virando, Daniele Trastu
Danza Contemporanea: Alessandra Bentley, Fabio Bellitti, Daniele Trastu, Raffaele Irace
Danza Modern: Elena Angeli
Danza Jazz: Daniela Camisassi, Elisa Virando
Danza Hip Hop: Paolo Giordana, Ilardi Nicoletta
Teatro per bimbi: Federica Berruti
Laboratorio Coreografico: Alessandra Bentley e Mariachiara Raviola

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandra Bentley
Head of the organisation
Elena Delmastro
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Delmastro

Centro Solidarietà Terzo Settore

National Network

Piazza Alessandro Manzoni, 16
71043 Manfredonia (FG)


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Solidarity Center Third Sector is a volunteer association established under Law No. 266, 1991 and the Regional Law (Puglia) No 11, 1994. The Solidarity Center Third Sector is entered: •at no 953 of the Regional Registry of Volunteers Puglia •at no 164 of the Municipal Register of Associations of Manfredonia. The Solidarity Center has 5 volunteers. The 2008 budget had total receipts 415 Euro, total payments 412.48 euros. The funds come from public istitutions and by members.The Solidarity Center organizes an annual conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and this year developed 2 projects under the Programme "Youth in Action 2007 to 2013".Partners involved: public authorities (Municipality of Manfredonia) and other non-profit organizations (TDM 2000)
Mission and Objectives

The Solidarity Center of Third Sector promotes the participation and active citizenship at local, national and European level, especially among young people, with a particular interest in the Social Responsibility of the Territory.

Main Projects / Activities

2 Projects in Youth in Action Programme: IT-12-24-2009-R1, IT-31-64-2009-R3, and sending organization for EVS 2009-IT-104
The main activities of the Solidarity Center of Third Sector include:
•the organization of Study Days on Corporate Social Responsibility;
•the desk on the Social Responsibility of the Territory;
•participation in the constitution and implement the programming committee of the Youth Center of the City of Manfredonia;
•participation in the actions of the Youth in Action Programme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annibale Morsillo
Head of the organisation
Annibale Morsillo
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Zullo

Centro Sperimentale MEDIARS

National Network

via Sangallo, 22, Rieti

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Based in a small town in the center if Italy, MEDIARS was funded in 2006 with a initial public award and we run an international workshop on interactive media in collaboration with a number of international universities and the local institutions. We use technology as a glue for the many disciplines and fields represented by the people involved in each project.
Mission and Objectives

MEDIARS ( runs programs on research, education and production focused on public places, multimedia installations, museum exhibits, performing arts with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team and work process.
Our goal is always to work across cultural differences and identities.

Main Projects / Activities

We use the yearly workshop and symposium as playground to create international partnerships and look to host associations/groups from the Euro/Med area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Marianantoni

Centro Studi euromediterranei - La Rosa di Gerico

National Network

Via XX Settembre, 27/B, Roma - Italy

+39 0642013867
Telephone (other)
+39 06472871
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Baldassarre Armato (President and legal representative)

Co.Re. (Cooperazione e Reciprocità) - Consortium of social cooperatives

National Network

Via Provinciale Botteghelle di Portici, 139

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Co.Re. is a consortium of social cooperatives, which works from many years in the social sector offering to its members a real opportunity to grow up and to improve the level of their management skills in the social areas, and in running of the social cooperative. Services: Business administration; General contracting; Social project; Training and consulting support for the development of social enterprises Staff employed: 52 (6 full time; 46 contracted on project basis) 2006 consolidated turnover: 783.756 euros (54% public funds 46% private funds) Members: Thirteen members (11 cooperatives, 1 organization of social cooperatives, 1 Non Governmental Organization) Partnership: Public bodies like: • Regione Campania • Comune di Napoli Non profit organizaztons like: • Confcooperative • CGM – Consorzio Gino Mattarelli and two of its companies: Accordi and Luoghi per Crescere • Consorzio ASIS • Caritas diocesana di Napoli • Fondazione Umana-Mente Profit organizations: • Ikea – Afragola
Mission and Objectives

Co.Re. was thought as an “open space”, where members can share best practises, improve skills, organize training courses, conventions and debates about social and non profit sector.
Our purpose is to give a contribution to the realization of local communities development through:
• the implementation of a social enterprise network which are available to the collaboration and the integration with civil society organizations;
• the strengthening of associated organizations developing synergies between associated organizations, supporting the acquisition of managerial skills;
• implementing high quality services;
• promoting actions of active citizenship;
• promoting and supporting the start up of new organizations, capable to realize strategic plans based on community development approach;
• fostering a networking system among institutions, organizations and citizens associations which works in Naples.

Main Projects / Activities

Project “SAFIYA” - Equal Opportunity- activities in favor of immigrant women. Aggregation Center; Career / budget powers; Home for women in distress
Project SIPOSCA, (Italian Caritas – Program "Kosovo") Project reconciliation between Serbs and Albanians through training activities about intercultural dialogue and tolerance, mediation and conflict management, peace education.
Implementation of a residential home. “ CLORINDA- house of peace” comes to life to accept girls age between 12 and 17 years old in conditions of severe emotional, cultural and social deprivation
Action Research to analyse needs of children and their families in Naples
PROJECT "Caracoles"
Parenting support and promotion of foster care; local educative actions for teenagers
AGEA Program management of food aid to needy peple in Naples
Business administration and answering service of the project
Management of "Smaland" - IKEA store of Afragola(NA)- Space for Educational and recreational activities for children and young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianluigi Achella
Head of the organisation
Arnaldo Rossi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ciro Gagliotta

Codici - Agenzia di Ricerca Sociale

National Network
Address IV Novembre, 1 20124

+39 02 89053913
+39 02 36560403
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Indipendente social research agency, 2 person employed and 8 member of the organization. Budget available in a year: 270.000 Sources of funding: mainly public funding Modalities of action: concrete project
Mission and Objectives

Codici is an independent social research agency born to offer support and technical consulting to entities of the welfare system.

Main Projects / Activities

Codici is an independent social research agency. It assists public institutions, third sector organizations or private companies, helping them to understand and cope with social and cultural change. Codici’s researchers and social workers employ the tools of applied social research to analyze emerging social and cultural phenomena, and it offers consultancies, training courses and technical assistance on specific social and cultural topics and policies by supporting project development and evaluation for innovative social and cultural services. In the last few years, Codici has developped more and more projects with a strong integration between cultural and social elements or objectives, using often media and communication tools as means of change-making. Interculture and Migration are two of the main issues faced by Codici’s activities. Codici | Social Research Agency’s work experience has also given birth to its non profit, more markedly social work-oriented twin, Codici Onlus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Zamboni
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Breveglieri