Naš tetar

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
055 247 647
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are young art organization, based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in July 2010.
Mission and Objectives

Mission – As a cultural organization our goals are always both civic and artistic. We belive that art is one of the main factors that can inspire a shift of mentalities in a society. But in order to play its role and be an important factor for the evolution of the hearts and minds, art must constantly renew itself and its craft. And above all, keep a connection with the people.
Objectives – Main objectives are the research, creation, dissemination and transfer of knowledgein the field of art, primarly theatrical production.
Specific objectives
- Reinforce youth participation in civil society by stimulating initiatives.
- Promote social cohesion and cooperation between countries and communities through cultural activities.
- Reduce isolation and further develop quality of life of the border area through popular access to art and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a new organization that still doesn’t have any official project realized.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sladjana Milicevic
Head of the organisation
Leila Hadžić
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanja Maljković

Bosnia Initiatives for Local Development - BILD

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
BILD - Bosnia Initiatives for Local Development is a non-profit organization, based in Tuzla Bosnia-Herzegovina, registered with the central government of Bosnia-Herzegovina and authorized to implement programs throughout the territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of BILD is to implement practical local-level development projects that will help Bosnia-Herzegovina become a stable, multi-ethnic, democratic and prosperous country.

Main Projects / Activities

BILD's main projects are:
educational programs teaching practical skills to high school students, university students, and business professionals;
local development projects empowering women in eastern Bosnia through practical assistance that will help women harness their collective purchasing power, attain products at reduced prices, and establish sustainable sources of income;
local development projects that help establish income-generating activities at local community organizations thereby helping organizations become self-sustaining.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivana Knežević (061 847 257)
Contact (2) Full Name
Azra Pjanić (062 399 111)


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 33 664 369
Telephone (other)
00387 33 664 371
00387 33 664 371
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00387 61 505 186
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Red Cross Society of BiH is the largest humanitarian organisation in BiH, covering Federation and Republika Srspka. It consists of 135 local branches. Red Cross leadership is presented by its Presidency ( 10 members)and Assembly which meets twice a year.These bodies determine the policy of the Red Cross and scope of its work Operational work is done by its headquarters, seated in Sarajevo, and consists of 13 staff memebrs. National Society is funded partly from the budget and partly from the projects. National Red Cross implements mainly its traditional programs but keeps pace with contemporary trends.
Mission and Objectives

General goal of the Red Cross is to alleviate sufferings of people wherever it may be found, acting in line with seven principles of the Movement and the Law of BiH.

Main Projects / Activities

Red Cross Society implements its traditional programs and they are: Home care proram, Disaster management and response, Tracing service, Mine awareness, Population movement and migration, Humanitarian assistance. In addition to them Red Cross has implemented so far a number of other contemporary projects, including various campaign ( such as blood donation, Kid's festival, Mine awareness, TB awareness campaigns etc)

Contact (1) Full Name
Edina Ahmagić coordinator for migration and translator
Head of the organisation
Dušan Kulušić - General Secretary
Contact (2) Full Name
Elvira Šišić, Deputy General Secretary

Association of Urban Artists "Manifest" Prijedor

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 52 213 259
Telephone (other)
+387 65 633 229
+387 52 213 259
Mobile Phone
+387 65 633 229
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Society of Urban Artists “Manifest” Prijedor is a non-profit organization registered in 2003. with the Banja Luka Court of Original Jurisdiction. Due to the fact that the organization has more than two thirds of members under the age of 30, Prijedor Municipality registered Manifest as a youth organization. The overview of organizational history is in favor of the latter, so that a brief summary of organizational history would include: facilitation of youth bands (alternative music styles) through Manifest’s audio and video recording studio and rehearsal room facilities, organization of concerts, stage appearances and exhibitions of young artists, and activities related to civil society and strengthening of democracy and diversity, which are frequently “piggybacking” the musical and artistic component. Organizational structure consists of a General Assembly, president of Assembly and deputy president of Assembly. Budgetary resources available in a year are cca. 10,000 EUR. Sources of funding are Prijedor Municipality and non-governmental partner organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Main partners are: Municipality of Prijedor, Republika Srpska Ministry of Education and Culture, UNDP, MDGF, Wired Denmark, Balkan Rock Council
Mission and Objectives

Recent developments in more than a decade long history have put Manifest in the role of artistic collective that provides support and logistics to young artists and bands that do not belong to the musical mainstream in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Within its technical capacities in the rehearsal room and recording studio in Prijedor, made from scratch by Manifest's volunteers and bands, and with the help from Danish organizations «Wired» and «Balkan Rock Council» (from 2002 to 2007), this became the core actitivity in the organization. It largely contributed to the development or urban cultural scene in Prijedor, facilitating the promotion of musical bands in town. Volunteer effort, combined with the help from donors in equipment (stage equipment, mini sound system, audio and video production equipment), facilitated these activities to a great extent and improved the technical conditions in the rehearsal room that Manifest set up in a leased facility, making it possible for a larger number of bands to intensify the rehearsals and appear at manifestations that the organization regularly organizes .
Manifest is also an active member of Prijedor Municipal Youth Council, where it is known for its strong efforts in securing better treatment of youth by local officials.

Main Projects / Activities

Project activities develop in respect to following aspects:
- cultural aspect that includes the production of cultural content for youth component in the local media, that would include promotion of new ideas, tolerance and diversity, in support of youth democracy
- political aspect that includes lobbying with the municipal authorities and communication with general public that can put pressure on authorities in order to achieve better and more responsible treatment of youth issues.
- legal aspect that includes advocacy of compliance with state and local regulations and documents that regulate youth issues, of which the most important are the Law on Youth Organizing and Youth Policy document.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dejan Dejanovic
Head of the organisation
Dejan Dejanovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Dino Mrkalj

Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
TPO Foundation is structured as local NGO with 3 full time employees, 3 part-time employees and dozen of associates on various project activities. Approximate Annual budget is 200.000 BAM Source of funding comes from donations. Main partners are: Medica Zenica, Lara Bijeljina, Zena BiH Mostar, Forma F Mostar, Krajiska suza S. Most, Udruzene zene B. Luka, Perpetum Mobile B. Luka, Vesta Tuzla, Fondacija Cure Sarajevo, Infohouse Sarajevo, IMIC Sarajevo, Nahla Sarajevo.
Mission and Objectives

TPO Foundation mission is contribution to development of democratic civil society, increased awareness on gender equality, establishment of partnership ethics and promotion of accountability and responsibility in family, society and political life in BH, via implementation of educational, research, psychosocial and intercultural program activities.
TPO Foundation was developed from HNI TPO organisation network with headquarters in Amsterdam, present in BH from 1998, implementing projects in the filed of psychosocial care, education and reconciliation and dialogue among returnees population.
Since 2004, by HNI TPO Amsterdam decision, local team in BH works as and independent nongovernmental organisation under the name of TPO Foundation, however, formal registration was completed in 2006.
During 2004, TPO Foundation as a local organisation, directed its activities toward educational and research projects in cooperation with BH, European and USA universities.
Mission realization
TPO Foundation mission is implemented via several strategic areas:
Education - Cooperation with universities and other organisations in implementation of education reform in BH. Establishment of education centres in cooperation with educational and cultural institutions offering programs for intercultural, multi-religious and civil education, predominantly for the youth population.
Preparation of curriculum, syllabi, and studies in cooperation with the state institutions and other organisations.
Research - evaluation of situation in the field of education, human rights, gender equality, with the purpose of preparation of adequate policies and specific project activities. Promotion of scientific approach, sensitive to gender and cultural individual differences.
Gender equality - Promotion and implementation of local and international standards on gender equality and support to state mechanisms for equality at all levels of governance.
Advocacy - Advocacy for changes in action policies and adoption of new with the aim of development of democratic civil society, and awareness- rising in society on importance of active involvement and participation of citizens in decision making.
Capacity strengthening - Preparation of training packages in cooperation with respective state institutions as well with other international institutions and organisations. Support to education reform , health care and social rehabilitation via training of professionals and promotion of strengthening of user's initiatives, and psychosocial support to children and youth.
Intercultural dialogue - Promotion of intercultural dialogue, peace and reconciliation in cooperation with NGOs, both BH and international, dedicated to this issues. Organization of public debates and round tables, meetings of artists, academics, and NGO activists capable of providing solutions for joint work and co-existence, from their perspective. Organisation of meetings in small local communities with the aim of gathering representatives of divided communities in BH and opening a dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

a)Pilot research project: 'Survey on tolerance in BH and USA among Muslims, Orthodox and Catholics' in cooperation with State University Arizona , with the purpose of comparison of tolerance level among mentioned population in Bosnia and abroad.
b)Research project: Women, religion and politics, in cooperation with IMIC Centre where 20 towns and villages were paid a visit and 529 participants interviewed. The purpose of the research was to examine impact of religious heritage and cultural and customary tradition on woman status in public life and politics.
c)Publication of book Women, Religion and Politics with cooperation with IMIC centre and Centre for interdisciplinary post-graduate studies with the support of Soros Foundation and Canton Sarajevo government.
d)Implementation of Article 5 of CEDAW Convention with the purpose of elimination of discrimination toward women especially in the rural communities. Project is being implemented with the support of Ecumenical Women's Solidarity Fond.
e) Training seminar: Gender-based Violence and Mutireligious Dialogue
f)Development of school books for Culture of religion in partnership with Goethe Institute and OSCE.
g)Empowerment of Women Voters: 101 reason why vote for women

Contact (1) Full Name
Naida Pekmezovic
Head of the organisation
Emir Siljak
Contact (2) Full Name
Zilka spahić - Šiljak

TIM System

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 33 77 77 07
Telephone (other)
+ 387 33 77 77 01
+ 387 33 77 77 03
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 207 495
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 61 272 906
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
TIM System Agency from Sarajevo is specialized for campaigns of public interests. TIM System is a national, independent, full marketing agency, which is the market positioned in the top marketing and production activities. Our professional relationship we have proved the quality of completed projects, as well as the satisfaction of our clients.
Mission and Objectives

TIM System is unique compared to other large players because it is domestic and independent of any agency chain. We deliver services to both domestic and international clients.
Our people come from diverse professional backgrounds and posses wide knowledge of international standards. We follow world trends and offer you cutting edge communication best suited to your needs and budget. Our in-house facilities consist of graphic design stations, video and audio editing suites, audio studio for recording and mastering, video animation and postproduction facilities.
TIM System develops its professional production activities using the most advanced digital video and audio equipment in order to offer top quality audio and video recordings and production. In addition, TIM System engages some of the professional staff: radio presenters and actors.
TIM System production service also includes development of concept, journalistic work on content and editorial finalizing of the program.
We wish to emphasize that we have the most media and production tasks performed for domestic and international institutions, including:
The Council of Ministers BiH campaigns promoting human rights
Council of Europe - a campaign promotion human rights, tv series,
"Human Rights from A to Z"
OHR-TV series about the return of "How much longer until the return"
OSCE - the campaign "Choose brighter side of life"
Central Election Commission - Campaign 2008 ELECTIONS
The Government of the Federation-campaign promoting social responsibility
Government of Canton Sarajevo - a campaign promoting social responsibility
Government of Brcko District - Campaign promotion Brcko District - 10 years District, a documentary film for the EXPO 2010 fair in Shanghai ...
FBiH Ministry of Health-promotion campaigns of social responsibility
Ministry of Refugees and Displaced FBIH-documentary "Return to Hope"
Ministry of Culture and Sports FBIH - Campaign promotion of cultural and historical heritage
Ministry of Physical Planning and Environmental campaigns promoting environmental protection, tv spots, documentaries, outdoor advertising, " Save nature for the time of the coming "
and many others ...
Our agency's creative team led by renowned journalist bh Sanela Prašović- Gadžo, who worked 17 years at the Public Broadcasting Service, the work of journalists, reporters, correspondents from the Tribunal in The Hague, the editors of the news program, and as editor of one hundredth of political debate shows, interviews with foreign and domestic officials.
Sanela Prašović Gadžo created and terms of reference for this tender and wrote a short screenplay.

Main Projects / Activities

TIM System BH as a leading production house expressed interest in the production of TV documentary. Our goal is through the story of documentary TV show the connection between people of different religions who live in the Balkans.
So, the movie would be filmed in the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatian and Macedonian.
Documentary film to show people a link to the thread of these areas, a working title is: The same love, is not it?

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanela Prašović Gadžo
Head of the organisation
Sanela Prašović Gadžo
Contact (2) Full Name
Edisa Fulurija

The Association of Concentration Camp Torture Survivors, Canton Sarajevo

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Association of Concentration Camp Torture Survivors of Canton Sarajevo, a non-governmental organization (NGO) was established in 1996. Consisting of nine municipal associations and 6000 survivors, 5000 men and 1000 women, association members are Muslim, Croat, Serb and Roma. These highly vulnerable, low income survivors suffered inconceivable torture and extreme violations of human rights during detention in concentration camps. The association has three main tasks: • educate society about the violence and torture committed against humanity in the concentration and detention camps • assist members in creating a viable living environment • assist members in acquiring psychological and physical resources Our organization employees 3 people, all of them were victims of torture during the detention in the concentration camp. The main sources of funding: 1.Ministry for War Veterans'Affairs, Canton Sarajevo 2.United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture 3.The Society for Threatened Peoples International, Germany ASSOCIATION POJECTS  Computer School – Basic and Advanced computer training on Microsoft Office and Windows.  English School – Classes for all levels of language.  Sewing Classes – Classes of basic and advanced for garment construction, use of sewing equipment including sewing machine and construction of household items.  Nature Empowerment Program – One week program for members to learn strategies for healing and relaxation. 
Mission and Objectives

Return as many members as possible to a normal life, so that we too can be participants in civil society and take responsibility for our future.

Main Projects / Activities

 Computer School – Basic and Advanced computer training on Microsoft Office and
 English School – Classes for all levels of language.
 Sewing Classes – Classes of basic and advanced for garment construction, use of
sewing equipment including sewing machine and construction of household items.
 Nature Empowerment Program – One week program for members to learn strategies for
healing and relaxation.
 Human Rights Class – Class to address human rights issues in Bosnia Herzegovina
 Discount bus tickets.
 Support packages (with food and hygienic items) and computers donated and
 Medicine and psychological support in collaboration with the Center for Torture

Contact (1) Full Name
Alisa Muratcaus
Head of the organisation
Asim Zulic
Contact (2) Full Name
Jasmina Brankovic

AKOS, Organisation for Culture, Education and Sport

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 32 674061
+387 32 674060
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 154577
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 285415
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
AKOS – Association for Culture, Education and Sport is an NGO registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Organizational structure of AKOS is as follows: The President of the Association, The Board of Directors and The Administrative Board. There are no full-time employees but there are a few part-timers. The annual budget is around 30.000 KM (15.000 Euro) which comes from domestic and international donations and membership fees. The Association organises seminars, study circles, tuition classes, offers scholarships, provides hostels and other assistance for students. Our partners are mainly local NGOs that have similar goals and modalities of action.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is: by working together and using modern ways of planning and organisation educate a highly moral and exemplary generation of youth that would be capable of finding a solution for all contemporary issues.
Our objectives are:
- Education of youth
- Facilitating students to become future leaders
- Providing all kinds of assistance to students

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our projects are:
- Annual scholarships
- Students' dormitories
- Monthly seminars
- Educational visits and excursions
- Humanitarian help for disabled people
- Medical caravans

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ahmed Adilovic
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmed Adilovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Senad Biber

Arab Bridge Center for Dvelopment & Human Rights

National Network

Jordan-Amman-al_madenaa al ryadeah_ Ali ben al jhm .ST

06 5 165354
06 5 165354
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Budget in projects implemented by the Center relies on funding that can be obtained as a non-profit center and the relevant authorities in the project, where the membership fee has 200 JD, has been our funding in projects with the Ministry of Culture and the World Health Organization Budget in projects implemented by the Center relies on funding that can be obtained Center as a non-profit organization and the relevant authorities in the project so, where the membership fee has 200 JD, has been our funding in projects with the Ministry of Culture and the World Health Organization The partners understand UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Ministry of Culture Global Programme on AIDS IFAD
Mission and Objectives

Arab ridge center for human rights and development is a non- governmental non –profit organization that was established in 2005 according to Jordan law its main two focuses are human right and democracy in Jordan and arab world under the international criteria’s of human rightThe vision of its establishment formed by the by sight of all effort of the civil society organization in the global looking for safety the requirement of the dignity life that formed the golden triangle to the humans needs that : his right of security kfeed and health and we believe that will not come true unless after the cooperation of all international and Arab societies at the levels of individuals and government harmony to these looking forwards and to our depth feeling which comes from the necessary of the participation in sharing part of responsibilities toward the Arabic human

Main Projects / Activities

* Preparation of a draft definition of civil society institutions contents proposed law on associations 2009
* Preparation of a draft definition of civil society institutions contents of decentralization
* Preparation of a draft economic empowerment of persons with disabilities in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development 2008
* The preparation and drafting of cultural and social programs and health and Tolerance
* Numbers and wording of a statement of Oman to reduce the stigma and discrimination Maihi AIDS
* Social rehabilitation and legal assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Overseeing programs to raise awareness of AIDS in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
* Overseeing programs to deal with the events in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development.
* Social preparation for breast cancer.
* Oversee the training programs about the moderation of Islam in cooperation with the Ministry of Awqaf and the Ministry of Education and the Jordan Armed Forces, and Jordanian universities.
* Prepare and supervise workshops for the definition of the Convention against Torture in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Institute of Jordan and the Public Security Directorate.
* Prepare and supervise workshops to raise awareness of the negative effects resulting from medical waste on the environment in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Development Program of the United Nations, the Greater Amman Municipality.
* The numbers and training to strengthen the values of belonging and citizenship for college students, "Jordan, Balqa" second breeding Oman schools males and females, and rehabilitation centers, Salt Juweideh, Qafqafa, Perrin
* Numbers trainers training program submitted to the Canada Fund about tolerance and acceptance of other
* Ashraf and workshops to raise awareness of the protection of religious shrines in Jerusalem
* Numbers for a training program on dialogue and communication skills for the staff of the Social Security Corporation
* Numbers of the Conference of Fatwa and controls assets in cooperation with imams, academics and boys
Numbers program submitted to the Ministry of Planning on reducing child labor in Jordan.
* Numbers for the conference program the national education curriculum in collaboration with the University of Islamic Sciences
* Numbers of a training program for the Supreme Council for Youth on promoting the values of belonging and citizenship
* Preparation of a training program for the All Jordan Youth Commission about the culture of tolerance, dialogue and non-violence
* Legal code numbers submitted to the Ministry of Health on AIDS.
* Supervision and training of the control and monitoring of the parliamentary elections, "Capital Governorate third and fourth circuit 2007 2011 = 2013" in cooperation with the Center for the new Jordan.
* Member of the Arab Organization for Human Rights in Cairo in 2012.
• member of the national team for the reform of the criminal justice system in Jordan 2012 in cooperation with the European Union.
• a member of the Peace Without Borders (RSF) International 2012.
 cycle in the field of personnel training in Human Rights of the National Centre for Human Rights, 2006
 foundation course for civil society organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of human rights from the National Center for Human Rights 2007
 course in building the capacity of civil society organizations in the field of advocacy and lobbying of Adalah 2007
 cycle in the field of monitoring techniques to human rights violations of the National Center for Human Rights
 cycle governance of the institutions of civil society the center of the Arab world
 advanced course in the principles of lobbying Centre Partners in 2007
 cycle to gain support on closer institutions of civil society projects with USAID
 participate in a seminar to discuss the evidence of civil society organizations to develop government policies Zaha Cultural Center.
participate in a workshop on the use of international standards and references and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 2009
participate in the workshop the first Arab on Arab media crisis in Darfur with the National Center for Human Rights in 2009
participate in an association meeting on "a draft code of conduct for NGOs
participate in a seminar on "Social Security Act" with the National Center for Human Rights "in 2009
participate in the work of the Fourth Conference of the Asian Pacific Forum with the National Center for Human Rights in 2009
participate in the round table for the people of the province of the capital to study the national legislation governing the electoral process of 2007.
participate in local and international conferences in the field of counter-terrorism, renounce violence and extremism "2005.2006

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Can our cooperation with you to promote a culture of human rights and the promotion of the principles of dialogue and dissemination of respect in communities for the advancement of humanity everlasting values

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We join you because we are believers that cooperation with you will enable us to our goal which is to serve the humanitarian community in general it is possible that complement each other

Contact (1) Full Name
D.Ahmmad Shammout
Head of the organisation
D. Amjad.B. Shammout
Contact (2) Full Name
MR.Tamer Shammout

Association peuple et culture Finistère

National Network

7, rue Daumier
29 200 Brest

02 09 42 40 70
Telephone (other)
06 89 87 42 87
02 09 42 40 70
Mobile Phone
06 89 87 42 87
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Association law of 1901 of popular, adherent education with the Union Populate and Culture Board of directors (18 members including 5 at the Office) a permanent coordinator of the projects Budget year 2006 (110 000 €) Institutional partners (Town of BREST, the general Council of Finistere, the Regional Council of BRITTANY, DRAC of Brittany, ACSE-FASILD, FONJEP, European Union youth education. . . ) Installation of intercultural artistic projects See herewith card of identity ----------------------------------------------------------- association loi de 1901 d'éducation populaire adhérente à l'Union peuple et culture conseil d'administration de 18 membres dont 5 au bureau un permanent coordinateur des projets budget année 2008 : 120000 € partenaires institutionnels : Ville de BREST, conseil général du Finistère, Conseil Régional de Bretagne, LACSE, FONJEP, Commission européenne, . . .) mise en place de projets artistiques pour le dialogue des cultures accueil d'artistes en création résidence Atelier d'écritures Ateliers d'Arts plastiques
Mission and Objectives

to support the access of the whole of the population to the artistic and cultural practices, to take various initiatives to create a real participation of the citizens in the cultural life at the level local, regional, national, international.
favoriser l'accès de l'ensemble de la population aux pratiques artistiques et culturelles, prendre diverses initiatives pour créer une réelle participation des citoyens à la vie culturelle au niveau local, régional, national et international.

Main Projects / Activities

Meetings "writers of world" (J.L. Raharimanana, Habib Tengour, Sayouba Traore. . . ) and workshops of writings in partnership with the bookshop Dialogues and media library OJ FOURN of Pontanézen.
Photographic workshops of pinholes and work in laboratory with the "Club Photo Pinholes" of Pontanézen 12, street Watteau
Reception in creation-residence of plastics technicians coming from different cultural horizons: South Africa, Senegal, Mali, Morocco, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Madagascar, China. . And installation of the "banners of the world" every summer on the walls of the Town of Brest since 2001 and 2003 in Lorient, Marseille, Paris, Bamako
Rencontres "écrivains du monde" ( abdourhamane WABERI, Abdelkhader DJEMAÏ, Habib TENGOUR, Anouar BENMALEK. . . .)et ateliers d'écritures avec la médiathèque jo fourn
Organisations d'atreliers sténopés au Club photosténopés de PONTA
Accueil en création résidence de plasticiens venant d'horizons culturels différents (Afrique noire, Maghreb, Amérique latine, Asie, . . .)
Installation de bannières tous les été sur les murs de la Ville de Brest
de Lorient, Marseille, Paris, Bamako, . . .)
Création de bannières dans les collections poésie sans passeport
Actions éducative contre le racisme (affiches, cartes postales, autocollants, livres quadrilingue pour enfants)
organisation de la fête des langues du monde (samedi 13 juin : 9 ème édition)
Rencontres internationales de jeunes
Projet avec des partenaires européens (grecs italiens bulgares roumain letton, espagnols) "seniors in action"
animations jeux traditionnels du monde

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean Paul QUOIC
Head of the organisation