RedSapata Kunst-, Kultur- und Tanzinitiative

National Network

Grillparzerstr. 53, A-4020 Linz, Austria

0043 650 4822648
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Found in May 2008 as an initiative for freelance artists especially in the field of contemporary dance we try to improve the local infrastructure for artists and dancers. This does not only involve the implementation of regular workshops and classes but as well as a local, national and international network in order to promote contemporary theatre and dance art.
Mission and Objectives

We try to enable the production of contemporary dance pieces by strong communication with local authorities and fundraising. Due to the fact that the local conditions for contemporary dance and theatre art are not satisfying we try to to establish space for these arts representing all local and national freelance actors and dancers.

Main Projects / Activities

Establishment of a cultural centre for contemporary dance and theatre arts.
International Networks
Local dance projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Emmanuelle Vinh
Head of the organisation
Emmanuelle Vinh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilona Roth

Institut Afro-Asiatique de Vienne (Afro-Asian institute of Vienna )

National Network

Türkenstra?e 3
A – 1090 Vienne

+ 43 (0)1 310 51 45/311
Telephone (other)
+ 43 (0)1 310 51 45/210
+ 43 (0)1 310 51 45/312
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
A board of directors supervises the contents of the activities of the institute as well as the management committee which manages the general affairs of the institute. An economic and administrative sector which manages the general affairs of the institute; as well as another sector which is occupied of the cultural activities, scholarships and social affairs. 2. Figures of annual affairs : approximately € 800.000, 3. Private subsidies of the State, incomes of housing rental 4. Scholarships for students coming from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Residences and restoration for students, intercultural and inter religious meetings. Gallery, vault, mosque and
Mission and Objectives

The Afro-Asian Institute of Vienna is a centre of dialogue between the nations. It was founded in 1959 sponsored by of the Cardinal Franz Kanig, former archbishop of Vienna.
The Afro-Asian institute is a place of oecumenical, inter religious and intercultural dialogue. It constitutes a real Afro-Asian world located at the centre of Vienna .

Main Projects / Activities

. Scholarships for students from Africa , Asia , Latin America
. Residences and restoration for students .
. Centre of studies and practical information concerning the Afro-Asian world .
. study hall and cafeteria
. vault, mosque and Hindu temple

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Maria-Beate Eder
Head of the organisation
Recteur Konstantin Spiegelfeld
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikolaus Heger

Diakonie Austria

National Network

Steinergasse 3/12
1170 vienna

+43 1 402 67 54
+43 1 402 67 54 - 16
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Diakonie Austria has been established in 2009 out of of Diakonie Österreich (established 1968). Staff: 2 persons in the project department and support from the Diakonie network with one person each (part time) for fundraising, accounting, public relations. The yearly budget of Diakonie Austria ranges from € 800.000 to € 4.000.000 depending on the level of budget for Humanitarian crisis. Sources of funding are the Austrian Development Cooperation, European Union, foundations and private donors. Projects in Development Cooperation are located mainly in Palestine and Former Yugoslavia and in the field of support for people with disabilities and nonviolent conflict resolution; awareness raising for the conflict in Middle East has been the aim of youth camps with teenagers from Israel/Palestine/Austria for the last three years. Partners: eg. protestant organisations in Austria, Parents Circle Families Forum (Israel/Palestine), Music Schools in Israel and Palestine
Mission and Objectives

Diakonie Austria develops and promotes development cooperation projects with the aim of combating poverty and enabling sustainable improvements in the living standards of people from the so-called ‘Third World’ countries. Our work focuses on the key areas of; people with disabilities, training and education and conflict management within civil society.
Diakonie Austria projects aim to strengthen the independence and enterprise of the beneficiaries. For this reason, all projects are developed and implemented in cooperation with a local partner organisation. We see the people who live in and work on our projects as equal partners, with whom we share an on-going and mutual learning process. In this way, the long-term sustainability of the projects is assured.
We strive towards a fairer world. In crisis regions, this means that we engage to support organisations facilitating dialogue between parties from opposing sides of a conflict.

Main Projects / Activities

Frameworkprogram to support people with Disabilities to get access to education and labour (Palestine and Bosnia Herzegowina)
Ressource Centre for People with Disabilities in Voivodina (Serbia)
Networking conference in Prague "Assistive Technologies and the labour market"
Workshops focusing on nonviolent conflict resolution for women (Palestine)
Workshops for pupils promoting mutual understanding and peace in Israel and Palestine
Youth camps in Austria for Austrian/Hungarian/Palestinian and Israeli teenagers
Musicamp in Austria for Palestinian/Israeli and Austrian teenagers

Contact (1) Full Name
Dagmar Lassmann
Head of the organisation
Michael Bubik (CEO)

Institut für Archäologie – SCIEM 2000

National Network

Strohgasse 45
A – 1030 Wien

+43 (0)1 51581-6102 /6101
Telephone (other)
+ 43 (0)1 4277-43101
+ 43 (0)1 51581-6114
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 434 12 74
Mobile Phone (other)
+201 066 80 733
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
Special Research Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, jointly funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Academy, serving also as interface for the Institute of Egyptology and the Vienna Institute of Archaeological Sciences (VIAS), both Univ. of Vienna, and the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Cairo, each with different resources. The programme of SCIEM 2000 has 12-14 projects with directors based at different universities and institutions. 3.5 staff members are funded by the Academy, 14 by the FWF, numerous partners inland and abroad (s. website).
Mission and Objectives

The joint aim is interdisciplinary historical and archaeological research in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: excavations at Tell el Daba, Nile Delta, and in the Asasif in Luxor, sometimes at T. el Ajjul in Gaza, research on chronology and its synchronisation, on acculturation and on material culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Dagmar Melman
Head of the organisation
o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Bietak
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Angela Schwab

Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Fachschule für wirtschaftliche Berufe Kufstein (HLW Kufstein)

National Network

August Scherl Str. 1

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1.vocational highschool, 60 teachers 2.practically no resources for activities outside of teaching matters 3.Funding available only for teaching 4.teaching; occasional EU projects; UNESCO member school 5. UNESCO; EU
Mission and Objectives

As a UNESCO member school HLW Kufstein is devoted to intercultural and democratic teaching approaches.

Main Projects / Activities

SODA Project
UNESCO member school activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Veronika Bernard
Head of the organisation
Hofrätin Mag. Friederike Fuchsberger
Contact (2) Full Name
Mag. Ursula Neumayer

Austrian Red Cross

National Network

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 32, 1040 Wien

+43 (0)1 589 00-0
+43 (0)1 589 00-199
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Austrian Red Cross (ARC) is guided by the fundamental principles of the Red Cross Movement and it implements its humanitarian activities with the help of volunteers and employees. In Austria, ARC has a network of around 49000 volunteers, and at headquarters it employs around 500 staff members. ARC is the Austrian member of the International Red Cross Movement. The ARC puts emphasis on diversity and cultural awareness throughout all its activities. The ARC has good cooperation structures and partnerships with other stakeholders in its field, both within the Red Cross family as well as with other organisations on the International and European level. ARC has extensive experience in implementing EU funded projects, both as contracting and as partner organisation. The sources of income are service fees based on service contracts, contributions by supporting members, donations, inheritances, subsidies, fundraising, Red Cross lottery, disaster relief and development cooperation donations.
Mission and Objectives

Seven fundamental principles embody the work of all Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers worldwide. Adopted in 1965, these principles define the scope of the Red Cross' humanitarian work and provide a basis for promoting the ideals and humanitarian values of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
1. Humanity - people caring for people
2. Impartiality - aid doesn't differentiate
3. Neutrality - humanitarian initiatives need trust
4. Independence - our principles are maintained through self-determination
5. Voluntary Service - true aid must be free of self interest
6. Unity - only one in any given country, open to all
7. Universality - humanitarian values are global

Main Projects / Activities

ARC is active in the field of ambulance service, health and social services, blood programmes, disaster relief and development cooperation, tracing services, education and training, humanitarian law, youth and first aid.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johannes Guger
Head of the organisation
Dr. Wolfgang Kopetzky
Contact (2) Full Name
Bianca Blaickner

Centre for Christian-Islamic Encounter in the Archdiocese of Vienna

National Network

Vogelweidplatz 7
1150 Wien

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The ‘Centre for Christian-Islamic Encounter in the Archdiocese of Vienna’ is an integral part of the Austrian Catholic Church. This ensures a permanent and close contact with all departments of the archdiocese of Vienna. The Centre is run by Dean Fr. Martin Rupprecht, his secretary and his Muslim assistant and supported by a large pool of volunteers. Within the archdiocese the team is working on activities in the context of Christian-Islamic dialogue and is counseling the Viennese Archbishop, Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schönborn.
Mission and Objectives

Particular objectives:
* to establish a network between Catholic and Islamic institutions and organizations in Vienna
* to enable and attend encounter on all levels
* to provide education and retraining
* to cooperate with all international initiatives concerning the Christian-Islamic dialogue taking place in Vienna
* to assure consulting in the context of Christian-Islamic relationships and attendance of interfaith marriages.
The ‘Centre for Christian-Islamic Encounter’ is involved in the following activities:
- training of Turkish Imams coming to Austria
- annual Austrian-Indonesian Dialogue Symposiums in Vienna
- cooperation with the ‘Liechtenstein Institute on Self Determination at Princeton University’
- networking with the German Bishops´ Conference CIBEDO (Christian-Islamic Encounter and Documentation); with Institutions of Islamic and Christian organizations in Turkey; with the federation of European Islam-commissioners of the different Christian Churches “Journee d´Arras” and with the “Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue” at the Vatican.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we are preparing an exchange of lecturers of Vienna’s Catholic Theology Faculty and Islamic Theology Faculties in Ankara, Canakkale and Istanbul /Turkey in cooperation with the European Erasmus Program.
Another project we are currently working on is the compilation of a new science magazine, “Vindobona”. In cooperation with Turkish students, graduated from the University in Vienna, we are composing scientific articles in Turkish language to give an understanding of scientific topics being taught in Vienna to the academic public in Austria, Germany and Turkey. This contributes not only to scientific interchange, but also to international understanding and conciliation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dean Fr. Martin Rupprecht
Head of the organisation
Dean Fr. Martin Rupprecht
Contact (2) Full Name
Mag. Wilma Bruckner-Herradi

Freundeskreis der Friedensglocke des Alpenraumes

National Network

Untermarkt 5+7

6410 Telfs

0043 (0)5262 6961 1109
0043 (0)5262 6961 1109
Mobile Phone
0043 676 83038 109
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The friends of the bell of peace of the Alpine Region is a symbol of cooperation across the borders in the alpine region. It means an important link between the member states by seeking joint solutions in the fields of culture and economy, agriculture and traffic. Beside this internal meaning the international cooperation in the whole world is a regulation of this symbol of peace.
Mission and Objectives

Aim is the international cooperation, the meetings of people from different countries in spirit of the peace and the reconciliation.
In our municipality live 20% of Muslims (mostly from Turkey). For the meeting of the religions the peace bell is a special place of the tolerance and the respect.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the foundation of the peace bell symposia, meetings of all kind are carried out during the whole year between generations and citizens of all countries.
Prominent personalities are appointed yearly "ambassadors of the Friedensglocke", for example Kardinal Franz König, Erwin Kräutler, representants of cultur, economy and arts.
Yearly more than 200,000 people visit the bell and find meditation and good thoughts for the peace in the family, the native country and all over the world. Yearly youngsters from Israel (Jewish and Palestinian children) meet to a contemplative meeting with the peace bell.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yearly more than 200,000 people visit the bell and find meditation and good thoughts for the peace in the family, the native country and all over the world.
We can offer the varied interlinkings all over the world about your endowment to the visitors

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is very important to us to be in the contact with people and organisations who maintain the peaceful meeting of the people and cultures in the same manner and deepen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Ewald Heinz
Head of the organisation
Old Major Helmut Kopp


National Network

Staudgasse 26/1, 1180 Wien

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Assocreation is a non-profit association under austrian law for promotion of fine arts. 6 associates are working together with institutions like Ars Electronica, Europalia etc. for mostly interactive projects in public space. Without permanent basic founding, we are cooperating with companies and public authorities to set up a wide range of projects concerning visual arts.
Mission and Objectives

Assocreation considers itself an individual. Its agents work anonymously. The group confronts the public with the human being’s relationship to the space that surrounds him and the ground that upholds him. Its repertoire includes a series of physical works on display at the Bienal de Valencia, the Ars Electronica, the Fabrica Gallery Brighton, the Jack The Pelican Presents Gallery Brooklyn, the Künstlerhaus Vienna, the Kunsthalle Wien-Project Space, as well as on the streets of New York, Warsaw, Zurich, Copenhagen, Paris, and other cities.

Main Projects / Activities

2010 - Moon Ride. Interactive installation. Group exhibition “Warsaw Under Construction”, Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej. Warsaw (PL).
2010 - Bump – Asia / Europe. Telematic installation. Istanbul 2010 – European Capital of Culture. Üsküdar IDO, Istanbul (TR) / Eminönü IDO, Istanbul (TR).
2008 - Freedom. Documentation. Film “Sneaker Stories”, Katharina Weingartner, Vienna (AT).
2007 - Airlines. Installation. Group exhibition “Agorafolly Inside”, Europalia 07. La Centrale Électrique, Brussels (BE).
2007 - Red Carpet. Installation. Group exhibition “Agorafolly artist trail”, Europalia 07. Place des Palais / Paleizenplein, Brussels (BE).

Contact (1) Full Name
Christian Smretschnig
Head of the organisation
DI Roland Graf
Contact (2) Full Name
Roland Graf

A.MUS.E - Austrian Music Encounter

National Network

c/o Kanzlei Dr. Rainer Beck
Keesgasse 7

Graz, 8010

+43 664 4308065
Telephone (other)
+43 664 2549593
+43 316 822900 -90
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 664 4308065
Mobile Phone (other)
+43 664 2549593
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
„A.MUS.E – Austrian Music Encounter“ is a registered non-profit association according to Austrian law (1 chairman & 1 locum, 1 recording clerk & locum, 1 treasurer & locum – all on volunteer basis). Staff is only employed on contract for projects as a project management team (2008: 6 contract workers, 5 volunteers). The project budget for the last project year 2007/2008 was € 150.000. Main funding sources are public subsidies (public authorities in Austria, representative offices and embassies of different European countries, EC) – more third-party funds are intended. Modalities of action: Concrete projects (main project: “Sounding Jerusalem”), including arts education workshops for the youth and international students/artists exchange projects. Partners: local (Israel/Pal. Territorries) representative offices of European countries, different local institutions for arts and education
Mission and Objectives

· To use and promote music as a possibility to create open meeting places for human encounter, for a vivid international cultural exchange and for fostering the intercultural dialogue
· To plan and implement high quality music projects for and with young people
· To give access to children, youth and adults living in conflict zones and/or an economically weak environment to having a share in the dynamic process of international dialogue and exchange of culture

Main Projects / Activities

"Sounding Jerusalem" Festival
Old City - Eastjerusalem - Westjerusalem - Westbank/Gaza
The chamber music festival was founded in 2006 with the aim of fostering a cultural trilogue and human encounter between European, Israeli and Palestinian artists and audience to a maximum according to the current social and political possibilities.
The festival’s goal is to encourage ALL communities living in and around Jerusalem to have a share in and contribute to the international cultural discourse, irrespective of their social, religious or ethnic backgrounds.
With 25 concerts, 50 top level classical musicians from Europe and the Middle East as well as a rich educational programme for the youth all over the region of Jerusalem – from the Old City, West and East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Abu Gosh, Jericho, En Karem to Nablus and many other places - the ultimate aim is to go beyond human borders, opening space for a vivant process of intercultural differentiation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Beck
Head of the organisation
Erich Oskar Huetter
Contact (2) Full Name
Petra Klose