
National Network

c/ Valencia nº5, 1er
08520, les Franqueses

Les Franqueses

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
we are a small organisation. We work on exchange artistic knowledge in theater and social circus around Europe (France, Italy, Turkey, Lithuania...) and Africa (Morocco, Algeria...). We work mostly in collaboration with Ser'p'art (Fr) and Arciragazzi (It) and local government
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Vagabundeart is to promote the life shows of all arts, create of meeting spaces for artists, mainly in the public space.
Also to guarantee and gave artistic tools to people with difficulties to aces to them.

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly we tour 2 months around landscape areas in different countries to spread social arts tools, for young people and educators.
We are now creating a local theater and circus school for children that would be itinerant.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Morera Garcia

Instituto Internacional de Música Ibérica

National Network

Calle Beltrán Bigorra 14, pta 13

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
IIMI is a small and flexible NGO working in international cooperation projects through music. Since 2005 we work in Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Latin America and Asia. Our sources of funding come mainly from the Spanish Cooperation, the Valencian Government and the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Our projects are pedagogical collaborations with local conservatories, sending teachers during the year and for concrete projects. IIMI is the founded and organises every year the JOCCA (Joven Orquesta y Coro de Centro América / Youth Central America Orchestra and Choir), that meets every year in a different central American country. Our main partners are: the Edward Saïd National Conservatory of Musica and Al Kamandkâti in the Palestinian Territories; the National Conservatories of Music and the Philharmonic National Orchestra in Morocco; Conservatories and Music Schools in Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Perú.
Mission and Objectives

1. Promote the training and education in the field of music and guitar in the world, focusing on developing countries.
2. To promote the spirit of peace, dialogue and reconciliation, primarily through music
3. Promote the dissemination of culture through the organization of shows and concerts worldwide, with emphasis on developing countries
4. Promote musical and artistic activities worldwide, with special attention to developing countries
5. Promote classical music in general and in particular the Spanish guitar music, choral music and the dissemination of their repertoire
6. Publicize new interpreters
7. Promote the recognition of artists who in the opinion of the association members deserve it
8. Publication of audiovisual material (videos, CD, DVD, etc.) and graphic (sheet music books, methods, etc.), pedagogical and artistic material, and the dissemination of it)
9. Activities and musical projects aimed at cooperation with the International Solidarity

Main Projects / Activities

JOCCA (Joven Orquesta y Coro de Centro América / Youth Central America Ochestra and Choir).
Musical Development program in the Palestinian Territories.
Musical Development program in Morocco.
Pedagogical activities and collaboration with musical institutions in South America.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Gálvez Pintado
Head of the organisation

Escuela de estudios Árabes – CSIC

National Network

Cuesta del Chapiz, 22 – 18010, Granada - Spain

+34 958222290
Telephone (other)
+34 958224754
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Antonio Almagro Gorbea (Director)

Fundación Centro de Iniciativas e Investigaciones Europeas en el Mediterráneo (CIREM) - Centre d'Initiatives et de Recherches Européennes en Méditerranée

National Network

Travessera de les Corts 39-43, 2n - 08028

00 34 93 440 10 00
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 34 616 48 49 64
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Le CIREM est une fondation privée à but non lucratif, spécialisée dans la recherche appliquée et l’assistance conseil en matière sociale. Administré par un Conseil d’Administration dont les membres sont issus du monde universitaire, de l’entreprise, de la politique…, il compte avec une trentaine de professionnels, sociologues, économistes, géographes, politologues... ainsi qu’avec un vaste réseaux de collaborateurs spécialisés. Les ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles s’élèvent à 3.250.000,00 euros : elles proviennent des administrations et entreprises locales, régionales et nationales, fonds de la Coopération Espagnole, de l’UE et d’institutions internationales. Le CIREM travaille dans la réalisation d’études et le développement de projets d’assistance technique en matière sociale, notamment les politiques de l’emploi, la formation et le développement territorial. La fondation travaille en partenariat avec d’autres acteurs espagnols, européens et méditerranéens engagés sur les questions sociales : universités, centres de recherche, organisations sociales, associations, bureaux d’études...
Mission and Objectives

Créé en 1989, le CIREM est un organisme indépendant, à vocation de service public, qui se caractérise par son objectivité et la recherche de qualité et d’innovation.
Sa mission est celle de contribuer à l’amélioration des politiques publiques et de soutenir la résolution des problèmes auxquels se heurtent nos sociétés, moyennant l’actualisation de la connaissance et de son application, de nouveaux outils de travail et des méthodologies adaptées, permettant de dépasser les cadres d’intervention traditionnels.
Le CIREM travaille également au renfort des organisations sociales et participe au progrès des sociétés les moins développées de la région méditerranéenne et à leur intégration économique dans le contexte européen. Sur cette même ligne, le CIREM étend également ses activités dans d'autres sociétés émergentes de l'Amérique Latine.

Main Projects / Activities

La Fondation encadre ses projets dans trois grands domaines d’intervention :
• Ressources humaines et formation
• Emploi et politiques sociales
• Villes et territoire
Ces domaines d’analyse lui permettent de répondre de façon appropriée aux besoins issus de la nouvelle configuration mondiale caractérisant l’après guerre froide, où se regroupent de nouveaux phénomènes et problèmes sociaux liés à la gouvernance, aux nouveaux flux sociaux, aux déséquilibres économiques ou au besoin d’une croissance durable. Le CIREM étudie également la situation du marché de l'emploi, la formation continue, le développement local ou encore les politiques sociales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous souhaiterions jouer un rôle actif dans l’élaboration du travail de la FAL à l’échelon national, en mettant à contribution notre expérience européenne mais aussi celle que nous avons cumulée dans le bassin méditerranéen. Nous espérons entrer en contact avec les organisations partenaires avec lesquelles pouvoir échanger, voire même collaborer, et, plus largement, prendre part aux activités organisées par la FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous partageons avec la FAL le souhait de contribuer au rapprochement des populations des deux côtés de la Méditerranée en vue d’améliorer le respect mutuel entre les cultures. Ceci ne peut se faire, nous semble-t-il, que par la mise en relation d’un maximum d’acteurs diversifiés des différents pays concernés. En ce sens, le réseau FAL constitue une véritable opportunité à laquelle nous souhaiterions contribuer.
Aussi, nous partageons la vision promue depuis la FAL dans ses multiples recommandations aux pouvoirs décisionnaires et aux institutions et adhérons aux valeurs communes du réseau. En plus, dans nos activités nous sommes concernés par plusieurs de ses domaines d’intérêt, notamment l’éducation, la jeunesse, les villes et les migrations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuria Ferres, Coordinatrice Méditerranée
Head of the organisation
Oriol Homs i Ferret, Directeur général
Contact (2) Full Name
Xavier Nuet, Directeur Bureau de Gestion

Unescocat - Centre Unesco de Catalogne(Unescocat - Unesco Centre of Catalunia)

National Network

Mallorca, 285

+ 34 934 589 595
+ 34 934 575 851
Mobile Phone
+ 34-677 418 585
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Unescocat is an association of 10 active Catalan NGOs in the fields of UNESCO competences . The executive council , integrated by a representative of each association member , nominate the director of Unescocat, that ensure the daily operation of a team of 20 specialists of the educational, scientific , cultural and communication sector and 5 persons of the technical services. The annual budget of 1,5 millions euros , is provided from local public administration, Catalan, Spanish international, and private financings . The modalities of action are projects , seminars, international conferences , scholarships, publications .etc..
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of Unescocat - UNESCO centre of Catalonia are to telecast for the perfection, the documents and the activities of the UNESCO in the educational , the heritage , the knowledge access , the development and the environmental fields , and to encourage the peace culture , the education of the values and the human rights , the cultural and linguistic diversity , and the inter-religious dialogue .
These fields are ;
. Human rights .
. Education.
. Linguistic diversity
. Prevention and conflict resolution .
. Sustainable development
. Cultural diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The Center organizes in Catalonia several international high level meetings and has promoted initiatives in his own contexts :
Human rights and conflict prevention , environment defense , inter-religiosity and cultural diversity , as well as the promotion of the linguistic plurality , which enabled it to ensure several initiatives .
Nowadays ,Unescocat assumes the coordination between the associated schools to UNESCO in Catalonia , and the international coordination of the Mediterranean Occidental (PMO) of the Network of the associated schools to UNESCO which was entrusted to it by Paris UNESCO .

Contact (1) Full Name
Agustí Colomines (directeur)
Head of the organisation
Enric Masllorens
Contact (2) Full Name
Onno Sero (coordinateur projets)

Oikodrom - the Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability

National Network

Stutterheimstraße 16-18
1150 Vienna


+43-1-984 23 51
+43-1-984 23 51-2
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Oikodrom is a private research institute founded in 1994 by Heidi Dumreicher. It generates future images and strategies for human settlements in countries all over the world - from Europe to China and to the Mediterranean Islamic countries - under a concept of strong sustainability. The Oikodrom-team creates mental and physical spaces where change can come about. The emerging future scenarios contribute to the creation of systemic knowledge as well as to the participatory implementation of sustainability processes in human settlements. Oikodrom National and International Cooperation Partners and Networks Ader Fez, Agence pour la Medina de Fes, Morocco Ambiente Italia, Milano Ars Electronica Center, Linz Augusto Boal, Rio de Janero Austrian Foundation of Agricultural Studies Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf, Environmental Planning Department Bei Da, Peking University, China Center for Sustainable Cities, Lexington, KY, USA Centre National de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, OranEl M'Naoue, Algeria Cemagref - Institut de recherche pour l'ingénierie de l'agriculture et de l'environnement) China Agricultural University, CIAD, Beijing, China China Center for Town Reform and Development, State Council - CCTRD, Beijing, China City of Vienna, MD-EU Garabet Film, Luxemburg Hua Yu Design ltd., China IFEAD - Institut Francais d'Etudes Arabes Damasc, Syria International Cooperation Division, Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center, Ministry of Land and Resources - LCRC, Beijing, China JB Architecture, Beaune, France KLF, Austrian Ministry of Education, Research and Arts Middle Eastern Technical university Ankara, Turkey Mimar for Engineerign Consultancy, Cairo, Egypt Minotaurus Film, Luxembourg Mountain-River-Lake Development Office of Jiangxi Province North Energy Associates Ltd., Great Britain NPO Sustain, Graz, Austria Regionalforum Wien 15, Austria Sans Mimarlik, Turkey Sheffield Hallam University, Resources Research Unit, School of Environment and Development, Great Britain Town House Gallery, Cairo, Egypt Université de Constantine, Laboratoire Villes et Patrimoine, Algeria Universite D. Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Silviculture, Vienna, Austria University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control, Austria University of Kassel, Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, Germany University of Liverpool, Great Britain University of Vienna Department of East Asian Studies/Chinese Studies University of Vienna, Institute of Risk Research University of Zhengzhou, China University of Shanxi, North China Centre for Cultural Studies Via Maris Inc, Gaza, Palestine Vienna University of Technology, Department of Building Physics, Austria Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Transport Division, Germany Yunnan Academy of Social Science Yunnan Nationalities University Zhengzhou University, Center for Sustainable Development in Towns and Villages, China
Mission and Objectives
See the link at the homepage!

Main Projects / Activities

International Research Projects:
2009-2011: HAMMAMED - Raising awareness for the Hammam as cultural heritage for the Mediterranean area and beyond 2008-2010: Va2el - Valuing Education and Experience for Local councillors in Europe
2007-2009: Organic - Organic Regional Agriculture saving the Nature in China
2005-2008: HAMMAM - Aspects and Multidisciplinary Methods of Analysis for the Mediterranean Region
2002-2005: SUCCESS - Sustainable Users Concepts for China, Engaging Scientific Scenarios
2000-2005: From Information to Knowledge; Seven theses of Sustainability
National Research Projects:
2008-2010: Mappamundi (Bady Minck), Scientific advisory
2000-2008: In the Beginning was the Eye (Bady Minck), Scientific advisory
2008: Step by Step - Migration, Sustainability und Participation
1994-1999: Westbahnhof City as a Hill; The Sustainable City Implantation: An Urban Sustanability Project together with Richard S. Levine

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher
Head of the organisation
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher

ROTE NASEN Clowndoctors International (RNI)

National Network

A – 1170 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 318 03 13-14
Telephone (other)
+ 43 (0)1 318 03 13-28
+ 43 (0)1 318 03 13-28
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)699 13 18 00 19
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 43 (0)699 11 22 55 87
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Non-profit foundation made up of 6 international partner organisations in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. 3 staff members, 3 board members. 2. € 350.000,/year 3. Partner organisations, grants, sponsor co-operations, private donations, charity events. 4. Founding and developing ROTE NASEN organisations in other countries, trainings and workshops for international clowndoctors of the ROTE NASEN group in its training centre, the International School of Humour Vienna. Know-how transfer of artistic and management experiences, fundraising and public relations tools. Internal consulting, coaching and supervision. 5. ROTE NASEN Clowndoctors (Austria), ROTE NASEN Deutschland (Germany), Zdravotn? klaun Civic Organization (Czech Republic), Piros Orr Boh?cdoktorok Alap?tv?ny (Hungary), Cerveny Nos Clowndoctors (Slovakia), Rde?i Noski (Slovenia).
Mission and Objectives

RNI is the umbrella organisation of the international ROTE NASEN group.
The foundation’s mission lies in bringing humour, laughter and joie de vivre to the sick and needy by contributing to the international development of leading quality clown programmes in healing and caring facilities (children’s hospitals, geriatric institutions, rehabilitation centres, outreach programmes in disabled homes, women’s refugee houses, asylum centres).
The foundation’s main objective is to serve as a competence centre for establishing new RN organisations by providing start-up support, the exchange of management know-how, monitoring and international artistic training/coaching for clowndoctors through its International School of Humour.

Main Projects / Activities

Monitoring and quality control of partner organisations such as:
• Piros Orr Boh?cdoktorok founded in 1996 (Hungary)
• Zdravotn? klaun founded in 2003 (Czech Republic)
• Cerveny Nos founded in 2003 (Slovakia)
• Rde?i Noski founded in 2003 (Slovenia)
• ROTE NASEN Deutschland founded in 2003 (Germany)
Special outreach projects:
• Clowndoctors in Palestine – On Both Sides of the Border (2005/2006)
• “Clowns on the Road” in Argentina (2005/2006

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Culen
Head of the organisation
Monica Culen
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamara Seeliger


National Network

Fabian Ruehle

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Centropa is a Jewish history institute with offices in Vienna and Budapest. We have six full time and eight part time employees. Our annual budget is less than €1.000.000 per year, and the majority of funding comes from family foundations around the world as well as federal ministries in Germany, Austria, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary. We hold international teacher seminars each summer and work to build bridges between Jews and non Jews, Americans and Europeans. We work closely with Jewish museums, pedagogical institutes and education ministries in seven countries.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission consists of two parts: to use advanced technologies to capture Jewish memory, and then disseminate our projects to the widest audiences possible. Our goal is to create a project that is less about how Jews perished during the Holocaust, but is much more about how they lived--before, during and after. The concept: to create a digital bridge back to a world that you and I can no longer physically visit, but is one that lives on in the stories and old photographs of elderly Jews still living in fifteen European countries. Since few Jewish families remain in Bulgaria, Bosnia, Serbia and Greece, we emphasize our Balkan projects, and also work inside the Jewish community of Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

Although we interviewed 1,300 elderly Jews, we did not use video in these interviews nor did we focus on the Holocaust. Instead, we collected 25,000 old family pictures, digitized them and set them into a searchable online database. We are now creating an innovative, online educational program that relies on short multi media films, followed by online study guides. We bring teachers from various backgrounds and countries together to watch these films in small groups, then work with other teachers to help them implement the programs in their classes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Edward Serotta
Head of the organisation
Edward Serotta
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabian Ruehle


National Network

deutsch minihof 52

03325 8852
Telephone (other)
0699 1080 9593
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0699 1080 9593
Mobile Phone (other)
0699 10732215
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
limmitationes is a cultural and networking organisation. we organize concerts, literature, exebitions, we organize workshops, mainly with young people. we do a networking for young rock/blues musicians ( ) and anotherone for nearly young professionals ( ); limmitationes is very connected with many organizations in poland, hungary, slovakia, slovenia and italy. our executive board constists of 15 persons, mainly artist. most of the work is done without payment. our budget per year is in the moment 60.000.- euro, supported by the region, the austrian government, some sponsors, by members and by entrancemoney.
Mission and Objectives

our interest is simle: we want to connect creative people, each age, to play music, paint, write literature and discuss about politics and philosophy. the result should be step by step more tolerance, open minds, less borders in our selves and outside;

Main Projects / Activities

limmitations does per year 25 concerts on our main place in eastern austria, several projects like "freie bühne" = open stage for young rockmusicians, "swivel project" with older young people, the largest rockseminar in austria in bildein, we organize tours for musicians every year ( 2009 for : marroccan group with abdeljalil kodssi, for sibirian singer stepanida borisova, for the blues musician debbie davies from the usa etc..... ; during the year we have some literary events, we organize 1-3 exebitions in austria and hungary and we do 2 small festival ( a) "points of intersection of music" and b) "chili jazz" = free improvised music.

Contact (1) Full Name
Udo Preis
Head of the organisation
Udo Preis
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Gross

Young Muslim Women Austria | Junge Musliminnen Österreich

National Network

Märzstrasse 100/4 1150 Wien

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Young Muslim Women (JMÖ) is the first and only, German-speaking organization for young Muslim women and girls from the age of 15. They are an independent association led by and for selfconfident, young Muslim women. Through their work they support and accompany young women and their projects dealing with various issues and so they form a nationwide, multi-ethnic and interdisciplinary network. They promote and encourage the education, independence, mobility and personality development of young Muslim women as well as a modern understanding of Islam through the various activities they offer. In this way the young women´s and girl´s personalities are strengthened and they become professionally qualified as well.
Mission and Objectives

Women in general and Muslim women particularly are rarely found on leading positions and they hardly participate in social processes. These are facts as well as images inside the heads of many people. We want to change the unfortunate facts as well as the negative images inside the heads: our islamic feminism demands education, independence, an active participation in social processes and a compact and a functioning network for young women and girls. The aim we want to reach is that the Muslim women stands for education, strength, modernity and activism. An European-islamic identity is of course a part of it.

Main Projects / Activities

Twice a year the JMÖ organises its nationwide meeting called: “SISTERS GO”. Since the first meeting in August 2005 the SistersGO is the first and only nationwide activity organised by and for women.
Workshops, working groups, lectures, seminars and educational projects are also part of our program. Having this in mind we organised the successful cooperation project with the Federal Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumerism and the Muslim Youth of Austria. “FATIMA 2005 – A Qualification Offensive for Young Muslim Women”. (
We also pay attention to our health and support it through fitness and sports. No day passes on SistersGo without sports, no week without swimming, running, bowling, gym activities and no year without our participation in the Austrian “Frauenlauf”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Young Muslim Women Austria are the first and only, German-speaking organization for young Muslim women and girls.
We want to refer our experience of many years in the interdisciplinary network to many people and so they also can profit from our know-how. Additionally we can also do networking within the Muslim community because we have direct access to them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First of all it is important for us to actively participate in discussions to contribute our opinion to several topics. Furthermore it´s import for us to network and cooperate with other NGO´s and Organizations with different targets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amira Khlousy
Head of the organisation
Sevgi Kokac-Al-Khoutani