Young Muslim Women Austria | Junge Musliminnen Österreich

National Network

Märzstrasse 100/4 1150 Wien

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Young Muslim Women (JMÖ) is the first and only, German-speaking organization for young Muslim women and girls from the age of 15. They are an independent association led by and for selfconfident, young Muslim women. Through their work they support and accompany young women and their projects dealing with various issues and so they form a nationwide, multi-ethnic and interdisciplinary network. They promote and encourage the education, independence, mobility and personality development of young Muslim women as well as a modern understanding of Islam through the various activities they offer. In this way the young women´s and girl´s personalities are strengthened and they become professionally qualified as well.
Mission and Objectives

Women in general and Muslim women particularly are rarely found on leading positions and they hardly participate in social processes. These are facts as well as images inside the heads of many people. We want to change the unfortunate facts as well as the negative images inside the heads: our islamic feminism demands education, independence, an active participation in social processes and a compact and a functioning network for young women and girls. The aim we want to reach is that the Muslim women stands for education, strength, modernity and activism. An European-islamic identity is of course a part of it.

Main Projects / Activities

Twice a year the JMÖ organises its nationwide meeting called: “SISTERS GO”. Since the first meeting in August 2005 the SistersGO is the first and only nationwide activity organised by and for women.
Workshops, working groups, lectures, seminars and educational projects are also part of our program. Having this in mind we organised the successful cooperation project with the Federal Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumerism and the Muslim Youth of Austria. “FATIMA 2005 – A Qualification Offensive for Young Muslim Women”. (
We also pay attention to our health and support it through fitness and sports. No day passes on SistersGo without sports, no week without swimming, running, bowling, gym activities and no year without our participation in the Austrian “Frauenlauf”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Young Muslim Women Austria are the first and only, German-speaking organization for young Muslim women and girls.
We want to refer our experience of many years in the interdisciplinary network to many people and so they also can profit from our know-how. Additionally we can also do networking within the Muslim community because we have direct access to them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First of all it is important for us to actively participate in discussions to contribute our opinion to several topics. Furthermore it´s import for us to network and cooperate with other NGO´s and Organizations with different targets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amira Khlousy
Head of the organisation
Sevgi Kokac-Al-Khoutani