Betamed-Association des étudiants de la faculté de médecine de Sousse

National Network

Bureau Betamed
Faculté de Médecine de Sousse
4000 Sousse Tunisie


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Nous avons commencé a être actifs depuis le 2fevrier 2010 en tant que club culturel, mais nous n'avons eu notre visa d'association qu'en 2011, après la révolution du 14 janvier. L'association compte 256 membres s'organisant autours de 6 comités: Art et Culture;Journal;Sciences et Santé;Humanitaire;Sports et loisirs;Festivités;web et info. Le conseil administratif est formé par les membres du Bureau exécutif (au nombre de 6: Président; Vice-président interne; vice-président externe; secrétaire général; trésorier;vice-trésorier;protocole.)ainsi que les 7 chefs de comité. Les ressources budgétaires sont pour le moment auto-générées par l'association via des événements qu'on organise(soirées/concerts..) Plusieurs modalités d'action: Projets sur terrain, collaborations avec d'autres organismes, conférences,événements artistiques, Clubs d'activités, etc.. partenaires:Associamed/Faculté de Médecine de Sousse/Université de Sousse
Mission and Objectives

Betamed a pour objectifs :
A. Revitalisation de la culture et des sports et de loisirs au sein des universités et au-delà.
B. Implication des étudiants dans le domaine social et les activités humanitaires et de les familiariser avec le travail de bénévolat.
C. Encadrement scientifique et pédagogique aux étudiants à travers la promotion de la formation dans le domaine médical, l’organisation des forums et des conférences
D. de servir de liaison entre les étudiants des différentes universités
E. de défendre les droits de ses membres lorsque sont en jeu leurs intérêts généraux,

Main Projects / Activities

*Plusieurs Clubs ont été instaurés à la faculté: Club de Musique orientale/ Club de Guitare/Club de langue et de culture Japonaise/club de dessin morphologique/ club de dessin/ Cinéclub/ club de discussion et de débat/ club d'aerobic/ club de Salsa.
*Art et culture: Journée artistique:"Chakchouka Fanniya"/ concerts/ Expositions d'art.
Club de culture Politique( conférences d'information et séances de débat)
*Humanitaire: Excursion pour les enfants hospitalisés/ Collecte de vêtements/ caravane sanitaire et solidaire vers la région de Tataouine / collecte pour les camps de réfugiés au frontières Tuniso-Lybiennes.
*Santé: Workshop"le temps passe, pas le SIDA"/ compagnes de dépistage d'HTA et de Diabète/ caravane sanitaire à Sidi Abdelhamid.
*Tournois sportifs.
*Un journal semestriel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Malek Anoun
Head of the organisation
Yessine Jridi
Contact (2) Full Name
Marwen Horrigue

Youth in Action– MAK Most Doboj

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 53 226 307
+387 53 224 872
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+387 66 114 575
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 66 113 553
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
MAKMost is an apolitical, educational, and implementing organization, working for and with young people, consisted of children, youth and adults. Professional Management: 3 full-time employed key positions of ExcMng, Projects and Financ Managers. Associates - experts in target sectors. Pool of trainers-consultants. Teams of youth volunteers. Sectors of work: Education, (self)employment, voluntarism, consulting, sport and health. Target area: NE BiH. Beneficiaries: Youth, job seekers, local communities, NGOs, SMEs. Partnership: it's leading organization of Center for Rural Development network (public, private and partners from civil society sector). Other networks: TAC Association of trainers and consultants to SMEs in BiH; CS coordinating organization for LAG reg Doboj establishment. Average annual budget: from 30.000 to 100.000 Euro. Donors: MCSea/EC, ADF, IOCC/USDA, UMCOR/USAID, EC, Balkanactie/BelgianGovernment, Intercooperation/SDC, Zurich Canton, UNDP/EC/UNHCR, local authorities, private sector,etc.
Mission and Objectives

MISSION: Giving support to youth growing up into psychical and moral healthy, responsible, educated and economically secured adults, living into an equal, justly and healthy society. GOALS: 1.Supporting youth to reach their full physical, intellectual, spiritual and social possibilities 2.Encouraging them to be loyal to spiritual principles 3.Developing youth loyalty to their country 4.Developing the love and fancy for nature, sensibility for healthy life 5.Developing mutual people respect with all kinds of diversity 6.Making education available to everyone 7.Ensuring youth multicultural and education exchanges 8.Supporting youth enter into the labour market 9.Civil society development 10.Strengthening cross sector partnership

Main Projects / Activities

Environment: EKO CIZMA ...; Increasing civil society interest in environmental activities ...
Voluntarism and job creation: Sustainable Return and Local Organizations Capacity Building Support; By education, practical training, employment and benefits towards poverty reduction; Internship - youth voluntarism in a profession; Strengthening voluntary work in a community; Job Shop.
Healthy Life: Healthy Life promotion; Recreation as a tool for social integration.
Local Development: Through partnership towards local development; Built Local Communities Develop Tourism in Ozren sub region; By rural tourism towards sustainable local development; etc.
MENTORING: small civil society groups, NGOs
TRAINING AND CONSULTING: NGOs, Village Boards, business star-ups (Planning, HR Capacity Building)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 51 301 656
Telephone (other)
+ 387 51 349 030
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 65 966 824
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 65 640 113
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
-Organizational structure. Assembly, Director and the Steering Board.13 founder members, various professions: doctors, psychologists, artists, educators etc. - our budgetary resources : membership fees, donations, etc. - having in mind that we are non profit organization, our sources of funding are related to projects in realization -concrete projects (preparation phase, implementation and evaluation); various educational seminars in different areas of interest for the development of young population; exchange of skills and knowledge. - Local government, educational institutions, relevant institutions and services that deal with pedagogical and psychological work, partner NGOs that are engaged in similar or the same work
Mission and Objectives

Improvement and development of youth awareness of diversity in different areas of life, learning of human tolerance, stimulation of development of artistic skills, stimulation of environmental preservation and development of environmental awareness of children and youth, popularization creative ways of organizing the free time of children and youth; provision of educational and consulting services of medical, pedagogical and educational experts, providing technical support to the citizens users of these services; initiate legal regulation in the above fields.

Main Projects / Activities

-Project“why say NO to drugs”; participants: high school students, doctors, psychologists form the Centre for treatment of drug disease. Through the educational workshops students were introduced with the consequences of using drugs, and their prevention. This project continued with the implementation of peer education, and workshops which are conducted by students who attended the seminar. We were provided them working material: educational literature, pamphlet, posters, and experts from this field.
- “Children Creative Centre”- members: children; free workshops from the field of art; work with children from 6 to 12 years; develop their art skills; exhibitions, organizing literary evenings; integration of children with special needs. The Centre will be the place where children could express their talents, learn human tolerance, integrate with children from different cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Macan
Head of the organisation
Maja Macan director of NGO
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Arsenijević - Puhalo

Youth Council Konjic Municipality

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We have over 150 youth members but We havent a good foundation....Here is municipality Konjic which gives a little money for small projects....We are trying to GO be a stronger...
Mission and Objectives

We are have a lot of different projects which are very important for out city and country...We are trying to make a youth politics so stronger

Main Projects / Activities

Ecological-Education VMOK Camp in village Glavaticevo
Football Tournament for children under 12-16....Very popular project

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Prohić
Contact (2) Full Name
Senad Šljivo

Žene Za Žene International BiH

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 33 770 022
Telephone (other)
00387 33 770 070
00387 33 770 011
Mobile Phone
00387 61 526 799
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The organization Women for Women International in BiH represents the Bosnian branch of the international network of the Global Organization Women for Women International, whose headquarters is in Washington. The Organization aim is to provide social and economic support to the women of Bosnia and Herzegovina troughs trainings in various fields of women’s human rights and vocational skills. In addition beneficiaries (participants) receive sponsorship money (individuals from US every month send pocket money for those women who are in program). Program lasts 12 months. We have 30 people full time employed and additional 30 that work part time. In cooperation with local women’s association, local municipal officials, various institutions we implement our program in 20 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mains source of funding are sponsorship money from USA and various donors, most of them are from USA donors (private and institutions). Women for Women (Global Network) is winners of the Conrad N. Hilton Prize for 2006, the most important humanitarian award worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Organisation is to provide assistance to women during the post-conflict period to help them to rebuild their lives. The organisation Women for Women International provides moral and economic support to women to enable them to become financially independent and strengthened, and to underline the importance of their role in the family, the community and Society as a whole. Many of these women have, with our help, found the courage to start their own businesses and to employ not only members of their families, but also members of the local community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Sponsorships
Provide sponsorship/funding which also means emotional support by joining our women with a sponsor sister from the United States
- Education
Education is in the field of women's human rights is aimed at raising women's awareness of their rights. We promote women's human rights and leadership roles in the local communities.
- Technical skills
Training in traditional and non-traditional technical skills are organized in order to give value to those skills that women already possess and which allows them to gain new knowledge which in turn, will help them improve their position in the labor market.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adnan Džano
Head of the organisation
Seida Sarić
Contact (2) Full Name
Džemila Džanić

HA "Prijateljice" ("Girlfriends")

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 35 245 210
Telephone (other)
+387 35 245 211
+387 35 245 210
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Assembly (42 members), Supervisory Board (3 members), Board of Directors (6 members), director, 3 program coordinators; 13 full time and 35 part time employees, 3 volunteers (local and international) Budget: app. 281.000 euro a year Sources of funding: international organisations and individuals, local and cantonal government, local business community, membership fees, own services, fund raising events Modalities: concrete projects and own services Main partners: local NGOs, Tuzla Municipality, Social Welfare Center in Tuzla, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogue in Tuzla, Faculty of Social Welfare in Tuzla, Educational-Rehabilitation Faculty in Tuzla, Prosecutor's Office in Tuzla, Ministry of Social Welfare of Tuzla Canton, Pedagogue Institute of Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Education of Tuzla Canton and Republika Srpska, Ministry of Social Welfare of Tuzla Canton
Mission and Objectives

We advocate for better position and active participation of beneficiaries in community, providing psycho-social, educational, counselling support and services with possibility of employment, contributing so to democratic society development in general.
1st program component: psycho-social support and counseling
2nd component: education on civil society and local community empowerment
3rd program component: poverty alleviation through strengthening od female entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

-psycho-social individual and group support to traumatized persons, PTSP sufferers, domestic violence victims, etc.
-burn out prevention and alternative violence project seminars to professionals, NGOs, students, etc.
-playrooms for pre-school children
-speech therapy to school children
-peace building education for school children, school management and parents in 10 schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina
-reconciliation summer holidays for teenagers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia
-regional networking with partners from Sweden, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia gathered around platform of European integration of Western Balkan countries
-providing cleaning services on the local market
-sustainable agricultural activities for minority returnees

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasminka Tadic Husanovic
Head of the organisation
Jasminka Tadic Husanovic

Tuzla Youth Association

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 35 280 026
+ 387 35 280 026
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 61 804 691
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 62 353 814
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Tuzla Youth Association is a registered 17.march 2004, even though their work began even 2003. TUZLA YOUTH ASSOCIATION(YOUNG TUZLA OR UMT)is a youth association in the TUZLA CANTON, which at an innovative way to use a specific educational model, a model "YOUTH TO YOUNT" education, who follows the most modern trends in education of young people in the world and that is most acceptable model of education of youth. Using this model showed that young people always prefer to learn from those close to you, or from people of their age. Young people will direct the action, which carries the multiple effects: * occupies your body and spirit of youth in the critical pubertetskom and adolescent age and does not allow them to his energy and attention focus on the negative models of behavior and action * through action and theatrical expression to educate young people about various topics, to learn to live, and live on the scene uočavajući differences between good and evil * imaju mogućnost selekcije i pozitivnog izbora have the possibility of positive selection and election * young people are united by law of art where there is maximum social component and the Association of Young TUZLE allows them to! Users-Members of associations "YOUNG TUZLE" Tuzla are children and young city of Tuzla and the Tuzla Canton between ages 7 and 25 years who were successful representatives of primary and secondary schools tka, successful and Talented students in Tuzla, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Vienna, successful individuals, winners of the municipal, cantonal, state, European and world competitions, the representatives of other NGOs. Association in their work strives to: * Improving the cultural, social or environmental awareness by organizing various cultural and artistic, sporting, educational, social and environmental projects * Promoting the success of individuals through electronic, written and other media, and providing support to individuals in the realization of their ideas * Connecting with schools, other youth groups or associations, institutions, centers ... * Inclusion in international projects with the organization of workshops with different topics: theater workshops, dance seminars, workshop painting, music and other educational content.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of organization:
Improving the living conditions of young people in Tuzla and the surrounding area regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious, social and any other categories of membership.

Main Projects / Activities

7 big theatre performnace ( with 240 young people on stage)
5 big publicatinos ( About young people, about human work, about theatre education... etc)
5 art exhibitions ( About young people - graphic designer)
10 concerts ( Young music gropu from Bosnia)
International projects ( Entry in the international exchange project with young people from Italy, Germany, Macedonia, Denmark and France under the auspices of the Youth European Union; Realization of the international exchange of youth, Youth Together -
Many cultural events every year
Tuzla Youth Association is author (setter-on) Tuzla Youth Theatre ( For young actors from Bosnia)
Tuzla Youth Association is author (setter -on) Dance club Youth of Tuzla

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
HALIDA HASANAGIC, Coordinator of activities

Students association of Srebrenica

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 56 440 402
Mobile Phone
00387 61 408 284
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Member of Association could be each person that poses student status. Honorable member of Association could be a person that had trough his efforts contributed to the improvement of Association capacities and affirmation of Association. Membership is granted base on the, personally filled, handwriting registration card, which also represent application statement. This documentation and applicant photography shall be submitted to the person authorized by the Association Steering board. Budget: cca 15.000,00 EUR Sources of funding (Donate): Municipality of Srebrenica, Ministry of civil affairs BiH, Council of Europe etc. Previous Projects : 1.Improvement and promotion of tourist destination in Srebrenica Municipality 2.Development of Database on youth from Srebrenica that are currently resident in Canton of Tuzla 3.Support of youth returnees in rural regions of Srebrenica Municipality 4.Promotion of return process and animation of displaced Srebrenica population for registration within CBS for realization of their voting right in prewar resident municipality 5. Program prevention minor delinquency in the region of Srebrenica municipality (Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milici); Partners: Municipality of Srebrenica, Faculty of Low in Srebrneica, NGO sector in Srebrenica region etc.
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
Social and economical recovery and enhancement of life standard within Srebrenica youth population, improvement and protection of human rights, enhancement of civil institutions and improvement of democratic processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Specific Goals:
-Creation of democratic civil society founded on liberties, civil rights, BiH Constitution and State Law cohesion;
-Monitoring of overall law and social status within Association membership;
-Provision and improvement of general social security for Association members and provision of conditions for their education;
-Provision of all sorts of material and financial aid within Associations best efforts;
-Promotion of integrity, legality and strengthening of BiH as democratic state with all human rights;
-Counseling aid to the Association membership;
-Development of unification among Association membership trough facilitation of public gathering, round tables, seminars etc;
-Participation within all activities and goals that are projected for a benefit of Srebrenica youth population.

Main Projects / Activities

Previous Projects :
1.Improvement and promotion of tourist destination in Srebrenica Municipality
2.Development of Database on youth from Srebrenica that are currently resident in Canton of Tuzla
3.Support of youth returnees in rural regions of Srebrenica Municipality
4.Promotion of return process and animation of displaced Srebrenica population for registration within CBS for realization of their voting right in prewar resident municipality
5. Program prevention minor delinquency in the region of Srebrenica municipality (Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milici);

Contact (1) Full Name
Almir Salihović
Head of the organisation
Almir Salihović


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 61 231 100
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
SAVart was legally registered in the beginning of 2010, members of SAVart are young artists and art historians (6 members). SAVart's members are equally and by their choice involved in projects and activities of the organization. It was registered because of same goals and ideas of improving and building the scene of contemporary art in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a new organization we are presenting ourselves with multimedia project in May 2010th. Project was applied for funds at regional ministry of culture and sport, federal ministry of culture and sport, European Cultural Foundation and some private sponsors in Italy and B&H. Project will be done with our partners from Italy, collective R.A.M..
Mission and Objectives

Our main goal is to help young artists in production and promotion of their work. By doing this we believe that we can help build the scene of contemporary art in B&H. Through our projects we want to communicate with artist within our country but as well to build networks with young artists from Europe and in this way exchange knowledge and experience.
One of important things, for us, is to make no difference between artists with and artists without formal education in field of contemporary art. We believe that products, ideas and ability to change our environment should be main criteria in art production.
- providing organizational support to contemporary artists
- creating artists networks within B&H and Europe
- building the scene of contemporary art in B&H
- showing abilities and needs of artists in B&H

Main Projects / Activities

Project in process, which will be SAVart's first project, is multimedia project called "Agoraphonia" which has several elements:
- Visual (metal installation, photography)
- Musical (instrument which transfers movement into sound, band from Italy)
- Performing (contemporary dance performance using Agoraphonia instrument as scene instrument)
- Interactive (instrument/installation is placed on city square where passing-by people become involved in the project)
After this project SAVart will continue with some movement installations, video art and projects with B&H artists as well as artists from Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elma Selman
Head of the organisation
Elma Selman

The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe /Country Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 33 713 130
+387 33 713 110
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 199 360
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
REC Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was established in March 1997, with the main goal of providing support to environmental protection, conservation and improvement. REC BiH operates as an international organisation, following the Charter on Diplomatic Status signed by the REC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in December 1999. It has a strong presence through its country office in Sarajevo, its field office in Banja Luka (since 1998) and project office in Mostar (since 2000). REC in B&H has 10 employees in all 3 offices. Since REC is project-driven organization, sources of finding are provided through varios donors by various projects.
Mission and Objectives

Since its establishment, REC BiH has promoted dialogue among various stakeholders involved in the field of the environment (governments, non-governmental organisations, scientific and research institutions, the business sector, media etc.). Activities are implemented in both entities of BiH (the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Republika Srpska), and also in Brcko District.REC BiH participates in assessing the current environmental needs of the country and offers financial and professional support and assistance to environmental protection activities. It supports the international exchange of data relevant to environmental protection and nature conservation; promotes dialogue between countries, organisations and sectors of society; and broadens the environmental awareness of society and the expertise of professionals and decision makers.
Country office expertise:
•Local initiatives
•Environmental education
•NGO support
•Environmental information/awareness raising
•Environmental law/environmental policy
•Aarhus Convention and public participation
•Water management
•Capacity building and institutional strengthening
•Environmental investment projects

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Education for Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans,
Project: Sharing Waters,
Project: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Local Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans,
Local Environmental Action Planning for Sustainability in Southeastern Europe,
Green Pack Project for Wester Balkans,
Project: "SECTOR: Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in South Eastern Europe"..etc...

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasna Draganic
Head of the organisation
Jasna Draganic
Contact (2) Full Name
Enisa Pulic