Büro für PerspektivenManagement

National Network

Nibelungengasse 40 / II
A-8010 Graz

+43 660 30 40 500
Telephone (other)
+ 43 676 300 91 82
+43 316 368 316
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Small Business; 2 persons; focussing on organisational development, coaching an psychotherapy; special topics: psychodynamic organisational developmemt, economics and culture; realisation of projects corresponding with these topics (for example: "UN/FAIR TRADE", an exhibition in the "Neue Galerie Graz" 2007; the Büro für PerspektivenManagement acted as sicentific curator / another example: development of an East-West Center for the Styrian Government in 2008)
Mission and Objectives

establishing psychotherapy in a broad field of cultural and economical activities as an essential force helping people to get togehter; establishing transcultural work in psychotherapy

Main Projects / Activities

Psychotherapeutical Dimensions of Islam. Basic principles and elements of a transcultural language for emotional and psychological well-being
Concept for a European project towards improving work with immigrants and promoting cultural exchange between the
Orient and the Occident. (see additional project paper!)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Christian Eigner
Head of the organisation
Mag. Christian Eigner, Dr. Michaela Ritter
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Michaela Ritter

Women without Borders/SAVE-Sisters Against Violent Extremism

National Network

Kirchengasse 43/13


+43 1 533 4551
+43 1 533 4552
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Women without Borders/SAVE employs 5 staff members, and liaises with local partners in each SAVE chapter country. Funding streams include the Austrian Federal Ministries for Social Affairs and Women's Affairs, the Austrian Research Fund, the OPEC Fund for International Development, the McCaw Foundation, and the US State Department. Budgetary resources available in a year are approximately €600,000. Women without Borders/SAVE primarily conducts awareness-raising campaigns for women and students, translational research, creates supports networks for those affectd by violent extremism, and organizes regular conferences and speaking events to share best practices and expand the SAVE network. Please see the website for more information. Our main partners include the PAIMAN Trust in Pakistan, SMART NGO in India, the Parents Circle in Israel and Palestine, Karama in Egypt, and the Omega Institute in New York.
Mission and Objectives

Women without Borders is an international NGO dedicated to providing women with a platform to have their voices and concerns heard. Women without Borders supports women all over the world as they strive toward inclusion and participation in decision-making processes at all levels, and seeks to tap into women’s potential to bridge the gap between cultures. Through global dialogue, targeted information, and the development of model projects with international partner organizations, Women without Borders empowers women to achieve positive change. The organization also places a strong focus on education, for example through political empowerment educational programs for girls in Latin America, an international students’ campaign in India and Indonesia, and an income-generating training program for Indian women. Women without Borders launched SAVE-Sisters Against Violent Extremism in 2008, to sensitize women to the role that they can play in combating violent extremism. This initiative seeks to further the development of civil society in the interrelated fields of security and women’s participation in citizenship processes, and to support social movements.

Main Projects / Activities

Women without Borders' main focus is now the SAVE-Sisters Against Violent Extremism campaign. Within this context, Women without Borders/SAVE runs the Mothers for Change! campaign, which sensitizes mothers around the world to the role they can play in combating violent extremism; the Students Against Violent Extremism! campaign, to empower youths to challenge radical ideologies; the SAVE Women's Dialogue: New Ideas for a New Way Forward in India and Pakistan; an income-generating project for women in Mumbai; the Witness of History project to sensitize youth to the human effects of violent extremism and terrorism, and yearly international SAVE conferences in Vienna to exchange best practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elaine Hargrove
Head of the organisation
Edit Schlaffer

International Press Institute (Secretariat)

National Network

2 Spiegelgasse 2/29

+43 1 512 90 11
Mobile Phone
+43 676 956 9170
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
IPI is a global network of leading media executives and journalist from all over the world. Our secretariat is located in Vienna Austria carries out activities mandated in the IPI constitution, with input from IPI national committees and members all over the world and under the supervision of our board of directors. The major source of IPI’s funding comes from the dues paid by our members all over the world, approx. 45%, another 30-35%% comes from private foundations and corporations and 25-30% from government sources. IPI conducts conferences, events, and trainings globally on press freedom and journalism. We conduct direct advocacy missions throughout the world to promote press freedom, support the rights of journalist, and to raise awareness of violations. We partner with media professionals and companies, other organizations specializing in media and human rights related issues, and IPI will work with government organizations to address issues of common interest.
Mission and Objectives

The International Press Institute is a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists. We are dedicated to the furtherance and safeguarding of press freedom, the protection of freedom of opinion and expression, the promotion of the free flow of news and information, and the improvement of the practices of journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

IPI provides analysis of press freedom developments, advocates for the rights and safety of journalists. We also support journalists and the profession of journalism, advocate for people’s right to access of information in these ways:
• Monitoring and Awareness:
• Advocacy: IPI conducts advocacy missions each year. IPI delegates meet with high-level officials to push for Press Freedom.
• Research and Publication: IPI analysizes and reports on press freedom violations and related developments around the world publishing them on the IPI website (www.freemedia.at) and distributing them to IPI members and the media. IPI produces publications on topics in journalists and on press freedom issues.
• IPI Events: The IPI Annual World Congress and special event focus on press freedom and media issues and involve influential leaders in the news media industry.
• Journalism Training: IPI offers journalism training to select groups who other would not have access to such training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mike Waltner
Head of the organisation
Alison Bethel McKenzie

International Network for Educational Exchange (INEX)

National Network

Stauffergasse 43
A-1140 Vienna


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
INEX is a non-profit CSO with its main seat in Vienna, Austria. The organisational structure is based upon three divisions: At the heart of the organisation stands a team of 11 people from various academic and national backgrounds taking action for implementation of education for sustainable development. The Advisory Board consists of internationally reknowned academics and professionals, who support the strategic planning process, while the Student Ambassador Network transports the INEX mission through various countries in Europe. The yearly budget of around 150.000 Euro, is bundled in financially sustainable projects, while each contributes to the financial longevity of the organisation. INEX is funded through its network of partners in the academic and private sector as well as through participation fees.
Mission and Objectives

"We wish to see a world blessed with sustainble welfare for all."
A world featuring educational systems, that give every single human being in the industrialized world the horizon to understand the gobal impact of her actions, the ethical basis for compassion with her own human companions and the empowerment to implement change towards sustainable lifestyle and decision making for herself and her close surroundings.
“INEX is educating the leaders of tomorrow for sustainable development.”
By preparing future leaders for the world’s major challenges, sustainable environments can be envisioned and the world has a chance face a prosper future and healthy growth. Therefore INEX is spinning a network of educational institutions, corporate partners and other organizations in its quest to contribute to a better tomorrow.
INEX is working towards the attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development goals within the framework of the UNESCO Decade for Education on Sustainable Development.
This said, INEX creates innovative learning opportunities in order to prepare students for the challenges of a globalized world. Various traditional and non-traditional trainings and learning opportunities with top professors and consultants in Europe and Latin America, educational infrastructure as well as humanitarian aid programs are offered.
INEX has become a local competence center for Education on Sustainable Development by facilitating individual initiatives, student projects, research cases, local action agendas etc. With great appreciation the network has grown considerably, with partners all contributing their bits an pieces on the path towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Main Projects / Activities

* INEX Summer University
* INEX Language and Culture Program
* INEX Young Leaders Program
* Competence center for Education on Sustainable Development
* INEX Café: the Multilogueforum
* Sustainability Challenge: Learning 2.0; interdisciplinary & hands-on
* Events and Conferences on a regional and international scale
* Sustainability Day: interactive training sessions
* Internships and Volunteerships: work experience abroad
* Tailor-made study abroad programs for various target groups
* Dooka laká: giving back to society through carbon offsetting, rainforest
conservation and supporting educational systems in third world countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Fabienne Babinsky

yante - Youth, Art and Levante

National Network

Stumpergasse 57/60


Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
YANTE – Youth, Art and Levante, legal entity As a legal entity and organiser of the project, the non profit association YANTE – Youth, Art, and Levante, was founded and registered in Vienna, Austria, in June 2010 (ZVR register number: 841396785). The organisation is planning a community dance project for Palestinian youth from disfavoured backgrounds in cooperation with members of the Anna Lindh Foundation, from the various member states s.a PFF - Palestina, Multiculti - Portugal, DCCD - Denmark. The project shall take place between 18/07/2011 - 28/08/2011 where youth benefit from daily workshops. Each child shall benefit from 170 hours of community dance workshops where important values such as commitment, enthusiasm, respect, interest, passion are mediated through a multifaceted experience; a social, physical, emotional, cognitive and intellectual experience.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of YANTE – Youth, Art and Levante, legal entity are:
•To use and promote Art as a possibility to create open meeting places for a vivid cultural exchange and an intercultural dialogue
•To plan and implement intercultural Art projects for young people
•To give access and support the Artistic education of children living in conflict zones and/or economically weak environments.

Main Projects / Activities

100 – 130 children shall work daily for a span of 5 weeks with Royston Maldoom, the initiator and leader of numerous community dance projects around the globe for the past 30 years, and his colleague Tamara Mclorg, alongside the Brazilian boi trainer Helder Vasconselos. The workshops shall result in a dance performance to the Music of “Tryst”[the meeting], by the Scottish composer James Macmillan.
The project shall promote cultural participation for the consolidation of social cohesion by choosing 90% of the children from disfavoured backgrounds, and 10% will be composed of 100 – 130 children shall work daily for 5weeks with Royston Maldoom, the initiator and leader of numerous community dance projects around the globe for the past 30years, and his colleague Tamara Mclorg, alongside the Brazilian boi trainer Helder Vasconselos. The workshops shall result in a dance performance to the Music of “Tryst”[the meeting], by the Scottish composer James Macmillan.
The project shall promote cultural participation for the consolidation of social cohesion by choosing 90% from disfavoured backgrounds, 10% will be composed of privileged children attending private dancing classes. The children shall be into 2groups of 50 – 65 each. During weekdays each group will receive 2Workshops of 6hours each with Maldoom and 2Workshops of 4hours each with Helder, in addition to 2workshops on the weekend with Maldoom of 6hours each where the 2groups come together. However during the last week both groups shall work together on stage for 6hours daily.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Arouri
Head of the organisation
Nadia Arouri
Contact (2) Full Name
Jörg Fend

Verein fuer antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative - Dar al Janub

National Network

Kleistgasse 8/3, 1030 Vienna

0699 102 78 978
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
"Verein" according to the Austrian law. Responsible body: "Obmann, Schriftführer, Kassier" All employees are volunteers (10 persons working regularely- 20-30 persons for different projects and activites). Budget ressources from membership fees and private contributions in a year: 15 000 Euro; Different projects are funded by public donors (Austrian development Agency, City of Vienna MA 7, MA 17). The action is mainly organized in concrete projects. Or main partners are Thabit Organization, Lebanon, Palestinian Charitable Society, Nablus, Society for Austrian Arab Relationship, Vienna, Südwind, Vienna, Jewish voice for a just peace, Austria, Koordinationsrat zur Unterstützung Palästinas, Austria, Palestinian return Center, London.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives are to push forward the authentic understanding of the developments in the Arab World in Europe, to inform the European public, about the humanitarian and political reality in the Arab world, above all in Palestine.
The goal is to improve the relation between Europe and the Arab world, by analyzing and criticizing the colonial attitude of Europe.
We consider as necessary to show the authentic viewpoint of the Palestinians in Europe. The NGO is trying with his work to give a contribution to ensure and push forward the legitimate rights of the Palestinians, especially the right for an independent state and the right for return for the Palestinian refugees.
On the other side we also give a contribution to the participation and political empowerment of immigrants (mainly of Arab and Turkish origin) in Austria.

Main Projects / Activities

- Project "Open Sesame!", grant aided by the Municipal Department 17 for Diversity and Integration of the City of Vienna. The main aspect of this project is the interaction between migrants and non-migrants in Vienna
“Cultur in Exil” - Exhibition, lectures, panel discussion
An exhibition about Palestinian diaspora, historical information about the Nakba, the project of Palestinian woman in Lebanon, the humanitarian situation and the meaning of Palestinian culture in exil.
“Palestine – Development Behind Walls”, grant aided by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). The main aspect of this project is to picture Palestine - the development inside Palestine and in the Palestinian Refugee camps, the political and social aspects of the Palestinian question - within Austrian society and show the authentic viewpoint of Palestinians to the European public.
Delegation to the Palestinian Refugee camps in Lebanon in Cooperation with the Palestinian Return Center, London.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcus Scholz
Head of the organisation
Peter Leidenmuehler
Contact (2) Full Name
Peter Leidenmuehler

Individual member: Dr. Tarek Eltayeb

National Network

Zieglergasse 57/25
A – 1070 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 5221867
+ 43 (0)1 5221867
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Eltayeb lives since 1984 in Vienna; he financed his studies at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration with various jobs (newspaperman, fly sheet distributor, dish washer, language teacher, later as translator and interpreter); doctoral dissertation at the Institute for Economic Philosophy on “Der Transfer von Ethik durch Technologie im Kampf zwischen Identit?t und Profit”; in 1997, doctoral degree in Social and Economic Sciences. Eltayeb is currently professor at the International Management Center/University of Applied Sciences in Krems. Since1985, Eltayeb also works as a writer.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Tarek Eltayeb

Service For Peace Austria

National Network

Rennweg 45/12
1030 Vienna


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0043 664 5316522
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Service for Peace consists of an official board listing 8 members and many dedicated volunteers, no one is employed. Through our newsletter we reach an audience of over 200 contacts. Our partnerships are project-oriented. For every project we invite new sponsors and partners. We have good relationships with diverse local companies, clubs and the municipality in Steyr as well as institutions in Vienna. For our next youth exchange we formed partnerships with organizations from Israel (Youth Forum Israel), Palestine (Ta’awon - Palestinian Conflict Resolution) and Germany (Youth Parliament of the City Plauen). For Peace has consultative status within the UN ECOSOC. Our sources of funding are donations from the partners mentioned above and grants, for example the EU Youth in Action Program, which we have received for two of our projects. Our main activities are service projects, international youth exchanges and trainings for our volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

Service For Peace means establishing peace through service. We provide service and learning opportunities through community projects in order to cross barriers of race, religion, class, creed, or national origin, and address urgent social needs. We believe that peace begins with the inner peace fostered by service to others and that active cooperation provides the foundation and the real hope for peace. Our projects also aim at the eight Millenium Development Goals.
Our focus is breaking prejudices against the Arab communities in Austria. We do this in three ways: 1. By bringing youth from Austria and other European countries to the Middle East, especially Palestine and Israel and 2. by organizing local volunteer projects or camps for Austrian youth, local refugees and visitors from Arab countries and 3. by educating youth in schools through the Middle East Suitcase program.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the first youth exchange in the summer of 2006, "Building Bridges to Bethlehem", SFP Austria has given the possibility to 120 young people from the Middle East and 4 other countries of the world either to come in contact with the Austrian culture or to participate in an exchange in Israel and Palestine. As a result of the youth exchange "Europe Meets Middle East" in February 2008 we created the Middle East Suitcase. This workshop project about the Middle East expands the intercultural and interreligious competences and understanding of the participants and promotes lively ways of education. The target audience is Austrian youth from youth centres, schools and organisations. To bring together the residents from young refugees homes in Steyr and Vienna and youth from Austria we organize various activities like the theater project “Let’s play together”, crafts, cooking, hiking and many more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bogdan Pammer
Head of the organisation
Bogdan Pammer
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnes Gumpelmair

Stiftung Pro Oriente

National Network

Marschallstiege II, Hofburg, A-1010, Wien - Austria

+43 15338021
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Johann Marte

Ludwig Salvator – Gesellschaft (Ludwig Salvator – Society)

National Network

Kostlergasse 1
A – 1060 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 585 45 45
+ 43 (0)1 585 45 45-25
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 22 53 003
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Head/secretary, associated members 2. Depending on sponsorship/subventions 3. Private sponsors, government 4. see below 5. Partners from the fields of economy, science and culture
Mission and Objectives

The LSS is aiming at the care and forward-looking development of the pan-Mediterranean legacy of the Habsburg researcher of the Mediterranean, Ludwig Salvador (1847 – 1915). This concerns numerous islands and coastal areas of the entire Mediterranean whose conditions between 1867 and 1915 were documented comprehensively in more than 70 scientific works.

Main Projects / Activities

• Translation of the scientific works of Ludwig Salvador in the respective national languages.
• Annual awarding of the “Ludwig Salvador Award” for science, arts and protection of environment/species in the Mediterranean region.
• International summer-academy Ludwig Salvador/Mall orca.
• Mediterranean forum for natural sciences and humanities, policy of peace and environmental protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Wolfgang Lohnert
Head of the organisation
Dr. Wolfgang Lohnert
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanne Stickler