The Slovenian Science Foundation

National Network

Stefanova ul. 15
SI – 1000 Ljubljana

(+386) 1 426 35 90
Telephone (other)
(+386) 1 425 28 19 (International Co-operation)
(+386) 1 426 35 91
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The Slovenian Science Foundation (SSF) was established in 1994 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and 16 other founders, including some of the most prominent Slovenian organisations in research, education, business, finance and the media, to provide moral and financial support to scientific, economic and social development in Slovenia. It is an independent, non-profit institution. The structure of the Foundation: - Board of Trustees (the highest body of management) - Foundation Council (joint body consisting of founders and major donors) - Science Council (an expert advisory body concerned with the implementation of professional criteria and scientific excellence) - Director (manager appointed by the Foundation Council). Modalities of the SSF action include implementation of projects, scientific events on national and international level, grant schemes, publishing activities etc.
Mission and Objectives

The SSF sees in knowledge the instrument for sustainable development, progress and recognition of Slovenia in the international community. Since scientific discoveries and human resources are the most important factors of the knowledge-based society, the SSF fosters and promotes the development, absorption, modification and use of scientific findings; development of the research cadre and its work; excellence in science; international science co-operation and improvement of public understanding of science and key technologies.
The SSF, with its independent investments, advances mutuality in Slovenian science. It plans, directs, co-ordinates, and leads the chosen processes of implementing the National Research Programme, the Programme of Economic Development of Slovenia, and programmes of the European Science Foundation and European Union. Investments are directed to all currently active researchers ? their ideas, initiatives, and research project proposals.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities and competencies of the SSF are:
1. Co-ordinating larger projects (e.g. funded by European Commission, United Nations Development Programme…).
2. Developing and managing the national schemes of financial support.
3. Planning and implementing programmes for training of scientists (e.g. science communication workshops, project writing workshops…).
4. Publishing activities (own editions).
5. Organising the scientific meetings of national, European and global importance and dimension.
6. Planning and implementing the national science festival since 1994.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Edvard Kobal
Head of the organisation
Dr. Edvard Kobal, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Darja Cot, Head of International Science Co-operation

Sodobnost International

National Network

Belokranjska 5

+ 386 1 563 55 50
Telephone (other)
+ 386 1 437 21 01
+ 386 1 561 18 56
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 386 41 913 214
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 386 41 504 484
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
SODOBNOST INTERNATIONAL is a non-profit organisation publishing SODOBNOST, the oldest Slovenian journal for literature and the arts (founded in 1933), anthologies of short stories translated from various languages (reciprocally with foreign publishers), quality books by Slovene and foreign authors, plays and poetry, organizing playwriting workshops, international presentations of Slovene literature in translation etc., mostly with the financial assistance of the Slovene Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

To acquaint Slovene readers with the best of contemporary writing in other (especially lesser known) languages and to promote Slovene literature abroad.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Jana Bauer
Head of the organisation
Evald Flisar
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Vi?ar

Scientific and Research association for Art, Cultural-Educational programmes and Technology EPeKa

National Network

Pekrska 13

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
EPeKa is non-profit organisation, situated in Maribor, Slovenia. We are active on local, regional, national and international level. Our sources are public and also from sponsors. Our field of activities are contemporary art, music, ecology, youth programmes, non-formal education.
Mission and Objectives

Maribor will be European capital of Culture 2012 and European Capital of Youth 2013. Our associaton aims are to be interdisciplinar on various fields of art as well as research into ways of realising cultural programmes and projects, and establishing the platform to integrate artistic creativity, scientific research and technological paradigm in the contemporary setting, yet based on past knowledge and opening up future findings.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects in European Capital of Culture 2012 are contemporary art and comics exhibition, youth programmes. Others are music, ecology, volunteering, non-formal education,...

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefan Simoncic
Head of the organisation
Peter Tomaz Dobrila


National Network

Peričeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

+38640 418682
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Cona, institute for contemporary arts processing is NGO cultural institution based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Its main activity is production of contemporary art projects. Cona institute has an artistic director and producer and co-operates with various authors. Budgetary resources available per year are 30.000eur. Sources of funding are: Ministry of culture of Slovenia, Ljubljana City Municipality, international foundation and self financing activities. Modalities of action: intermedia and music arts production, publishing and education. Main partners; Intima Virtual Base, CoLaboRadio, KIOSK, Radio Slovenia, No-FM Beograd, free103point9 New York, ŠKUC Ljubljana, City art museum Ljubljana, Museum of Modern Art, RAM Live Roma, Roma Radio Art Fair.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission and objectives is to produce, research, develop and exhibit contemporary arts projects and to collaborate with individuals and organizations working on same art field.

Main Projects / Activities

Intermedia arts:
- long term project radioCona, with art works productions, FM and stream broadcasts and exhibitions, radioCona collaborates with more than 120 individuals and 15 international institutions.
- long term project Ballettika Internettikka
Sound arts: ZVO.ČI.TI Collection, A podcast collection of Slovenian contemporary sound art

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we will present and promote new ALF network partners. we will contribute to local Network as much as we could

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To collaborate on ALF region countries and to contribute of ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Irena Pivka
Contact (2) Full Name
Brane Zorman

El Caiman Producciones / The Cayman Productions

National Network

C/Reina Dona Maria 7-1

+34 96 333 15 82
+34 96 333 15 06
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 660 15 12 10
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 671032 278
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. El Caiman Producciones is a Cooperative society constituted in 2003. Nowadays is formed by 4 working associates. Besides, the staff is completed with an expert in management and cultural production. 2. The annual approximate budget of EL CAIMAN is 950.000€. 3. EL CAIMAN is budget in more than a 95% of own funds. 4. The main actions developed by EL CAIMAN are referring to programming of musical events and a festival that integrates musical proposes together with other artistic expressions, such as cinema and photography. EL CAIMAN orientates lot of its activities towards the intercultural promotion, the social incorporation, the peace, the tolerance and the respect of the Human Rights.
Mission and Objectives

Culture in general and music in particular gives experiences and emotions that will be shared easily with all the people.
Culture is a universal language that creates solidarity and incorporative contexts
EL CAIMAN Producciones is a Cooperative society orientated to the promotion and cultural management of projects with a strong social link and transformer in favor of a better World for everyone.

Main Projects / Activities

• Promotion of singular musical projects with a marked social commitment: Chambao, Nubla, Patriarcas de la Rumba and others.
Organization of the festivals and cultural events: “Port de les cultures” (Burriana), “Tarifa”, “Tánger”, “Mestizos” and others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Neus Fabregas Santana
Head of the organisation
Juan Merin Reig
Contact (2) Full Name
Lydia Borja Aznarez

Departament de periodisme i de ciències de la Comunicació

National Network

Edifici I
Campus de la UAB

08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

+34 219 35 99
Telephone (other)
+ 34 93 581 15 45
+34 93 581 20 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 686 502 805
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 699475957
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Department of Journalism and Communication Science is a Public Institution uncharged of the formation of futures journalists and experts in communication sciences, and researchers in these aspects. Also, is a research Centre in Journalism and Communication Sciences. The Staff is formed by a director and a secretary, and three vice-directors. The personal of administration is formed by three administrative people. The total number the department’s teacher is 85.
Mission and Objectives

1) Formation of journalists and specialists in communication
2) Formation of researchers in Journalism and Communication
3) Development in Research in Journalism and Communication
4) Accomplishment of seminaries, congresses in Journalism and Communication
5) International projection
6) Publications
7) Relation between university and society

Main Projects / Activities

1) Different European and International projects
2) Different National financed projects
3) Research Official Master in Journalism and Communication
4) Different Master in Journalism, Communication, Cooperation, Literacy Communication (National and International)
5)During the year: Different Seminars and Conferences

Contact (1) Full Name
Eugeni Giral Quintana
Head of the organisation
Eugeni Giral Quintana
Contact (2) Full Name
Xavier Ginesta

Departamento de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

National Network

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid

+34 914974523
+34 913975364
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Waleed Saleh (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rosa Martínez (Researcher)

Departamento de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

National Network

Facultad de Filología ; Universidad Complutense ; 28040-Madrid

00 34 91 394 55 86
00 34 91 394 53 75
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Martos Quesada
Head of the organisation
Juan Martos Quesada
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Ould Baba

Department of Arab And Islamic Studies

National Network

B. P. 99

0034-965903400 - 3409
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The strucure of the group is: group university , with some professors of different categories . our group counts: 4 chair professors , 1 conference master , 2 on hires ( 6 doctors) we count on the fixed ressources of university , moreover those who generate the group with various accorded research projects . Since our activities concerns the reasearch and education , the modalities of action realized are mostly seminars , exchanges , collaborations among universities ... Thus the group counts on the network of academics contacts in various places of the world , which can be associated to our activities .
Mission and Objectives

The activities of the group are directed towards research , education and the knowledge diffusion , in various fields of Arabic and Islamic research : literature , History ,Islamology , Al-Andalus , religious minority , cultural institutions ,etc ..
with inter-disciplinary methodologies who tries to advance in its lines of research , with a personnal work and in a contact with other groups , by impelling the scientific discussion and the knowledges exchange .
Moreover ,We try to diffuse in the society the results of our work by the publication of our studies , the technical assistance and the collaboration with various institutions , and the encouragement of points of reflexion .

Main Projects / Activities

Development of proper research and the participation in research projects financed by various organizations ( UNESCO , Ministry of culture , Ministry of technological innovation ,..)
Means of diffusion and scientific discussion " Shark El Andalus " review .
Estudios Mudéjares y Moriscos» and site Literatura de Mudéjares y Moriscos» in the virtual library Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra of Alicante university .
directed by María Jesús Rubiera Mata.
organization of seminars , and international scientific congresses , with the publication of acts . Education and technological assistance specialized to media and communication institutions , in arabic and islamic subjects .

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

Fondación Internacional del Teaotro del Mediterráneo

National Network

C/ Ricardo de la Vega, 18
28028 Madrid


0034 91 355 58 67
0034 91 72 63 711
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0034 696 941 929
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 687 553 862
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Il s'agit d'une Fondation dont l'équipe comprant un noyau dure de 6 personnes et qui peut aller selon les activités développées jusqu'à 40 personnes. Les ressources budgétaires annuelles sont de 1.245.784 euros. Les sources diverses de financement proviennent des communautés autonomes, du ministère des affaires étrangères, du ministère de la culture, des mairies de Madrid et Alcorcon. Les principaux partenaires sont les membres du réseau international de l'IITM.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs de la fondation sont principalement la création d'un espace de dialogue interculturel, la promotion d'artistes étrangers et espagnols au travers de festivals qui accordent un espace important aux débats, la défense des droits de l'homme et la promotion de la collaboration culturelle en tant qu'instruments permettant la compréhension entre les peuples et les cultures méditerranéennes.

Main Projects / Activities

Les activités principales sont le Festival International de théâtre Madrid Sur, le Festival des Deux Rives que nous organisons dans 5 villes marocaines, le programme de "L'arrivée de l'autre dans l'imaginaire de l'enfance et de l'adolescence", qui s'adresse aux jeunes(traitant de la tolérance et de l'immigration, il se développe en milieu scolaire avec l'aide d'artistes et de professeurs)et L'autre théâtre, programme pour les handicapés. L'ensemble de ces activités sont complétés par des conférences, journée, etc.. développées dans le cadre du programme Al Mutamid, du programme Prometeo ou du programme de Formation et de Dialogue Intreculturel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Monleón
Head of the organisation
José Monleón
Contact (2) Full Name
Delphine Salvi