Fondation Résonnance-Liban

National Network

Au Collège Orthodoxe de l'Annonciation

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
La Fondation Résonnance, créée par Elizabeth Sombart et reconnue de pure utilité publique, est née du désir d’offrir la musique au plus grand nombre de personnes dans l’exigence qu’implique la Pédagogie Résonnance. Filiale de la Fondation Résonnance, la Fondation Résonnance-Liban œuvre dans sa mission à travers le pays depuis 2005.
Mission and Objectives

La Fondation allie par sa mission "d'offrir la musique dans les lieux où elle n'est pas" un projet de civilisation et d’écoute, à la fois culturel, éducatif et humain, dont l’essence est d’offrir à tous un chemin qui ordonne le monde affectif à travers les vibrations sonores

Main Projects / Activities

1. Offrir gratuitement la musique sous formes de concerts et classes d'éveils dans les lieux tels les :
• hôpitaux
• prisons
• instituts pour handicapés
• Instituts de réhabilitation pour toxicomanes
• établissements médico-sociaux (EMS)
• maisons de soins palliatifs
2. Créer et de gérer les Écoles Résonnance dont les principes fondateurs sont :
• la gratuité
• l’absence d’examens et de compétition
• sans limite d’âge
• l’enseignement de la Pédagogie Résonnance
3. Promouvoir la formation des musiciens à la Pédagogie Résonnance : phénoménologie du son et du geste. Il s’agit de la connaissance de la phénoménologie de la musique associée à la maîtrise du corps et de la respiration (phénoménologie du geste) par l’enseignement dispensé dans des master classes ou dans le C.I.E.P.R. (Centre International d’Etudes de la Pédagogie Résonnance) créé par la
Fondation Résonnance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shireen Maalouf


National Network

Malab Balade st., Kassis bldg #20
Tohwita- Furn el Chebak

961 1 280957
961 1 280957
Mobile Phone
961 3 739304
Mobile Phone (other)
961 70 132498
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
IN CONCERT is a non-profit organization composed of volunteer staff lead by a 5-member steering committee. The IN CONCERT project existed since 2002 and was officially recognized as an association in December 2005. Most of our funding up to that point came from cultural centers or from private societies with the “French Cultural Center“and the “Goethe institute” acting as main sponsors for our activities. Following its official recognition, IN CONCERT is planning for expansion of its activities to cover major cities and to establish permanent venues for cultural events with a full-time dedicated staff. The main activities of in concert cover workshops, concerts, jam sessions, exchanges between musicians from different backgrounds and communication around music.
Mission and Objectives

IN CONCERT seeks to act as a catalyst for discovery and development of actual music and cultural activities in Lebanon.
Its main mission is to decentralize musical activities from Beirut towards non-conventional spaces within the capital, and other cities and towns.
IN CONCERT provides the opportunity for talented musicians, young and/or professional; national and/or international, with different styles to engage audiences.
IN CONCERT equally hopes to initiate exchanges between professionals and amateurs at the national and international levels through jam sessions and workshops. IN CONCERT is in favor of artistic creativity, and acts as a source of information and venue of dialogue and communication between the audience and musicians.

Main Projects / Activities

Part of the annual event «Fête de la Musique» in Beirut since 2003 and decentralizing this national fiesta to Tripoli in 2005.
Co-organizer of an annual “Ethno Cyprus” event in Cyprus since 2005.
Give the chance to discover national and international groups in convivial spaces.
Conducting workshops.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samar Kehdy
Head of the organisation
Samar Kehdy
Contact (2) Full Name
Bernadette Daou


National Network

Freeway Tower
3rd floor
Sin El Fil highway


+961 1 491 497
Telephone (other)
+961 1 493 496
+961 1 491 497
Mobile Phone
+961 70 954 057
Mobile Phone (other)
+961 70 89 17 49
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. SARL (société à responsabilité limitée) 9 salariés 2. CA 500.000 USD environ 3. Ventes en gros, organisations d'evenements, services, sponsoring, institutions/ fondations 4. voir missions et principales activites 5. 2 societes soeurs: La CD-Theque (detaillant), Tunefork (studios d'enregistrement), points de vente en Syrie, Jordanie, Egypte, etc..., Theatre Monnot, Le Tournesol
Mission and Objectives

Incognito est une société consacrée à la production et à la distribution de musique et de produits culturels (livres, DVDs…)
La scène artistique des pays Arabes étant dominée par quelques majors régionales, concentrées sur la production et la diffusion de produits commerciaux, Incognito a pris naissance dans des conditions assez difficiles. Le manque de soutien étatique à la production culturelle dans la plupart de ces pays complique encore cette situation.
Incognito est la compagnie sœur du magasin de musique “La CD-Thèque”, créée en 1996, et rapidement devenue un acteur incontournable sur la scène culturelle alternative, lieu de rencontre des amateurs de musique en tout genre ; de nombreux artistes (jeunes et moins jeunes) qu’elle a commencé à produire, distribuer et promouvoir (musique, livres, DVDs).
En 2004, Incognito a pris en charge cette activité de production et mis en place le premier réseau panarabe de distribution de produits culturels alternatifs.

Main Projects / Activities

Incognito produit des artistes Libanais, Syriens, Jordaniens, Palestiniens et Égyptiens. Son catalogue comprend des talents émergents comme des artistes internationalement reconnus.
Son réseau de distribution (Liban, Syrie, Jordanie, Egypte, Emirats Arabes, Qatar, et même Europe et Etats-unis) couvre ses propres productions comme celles d’artistes alternatifs autoproduits ou de labels indépendants. Incognito est également le distributeur de grands labels indépendants internationaux (ECM, ENJA). Le catalogue musique tourne principalement autour de deux lignes éditoriales : « The New Oriental Sounds », panorama régional de la musique orientale alternative et « Beyrouth Incognito », regroupant la scène Beyrouthine ‘underground’ (Scrambled Eggs, Soap Kills…).
Son catalogue livres est surtout axé sur les arts visuels (BD, illustration, photo) et les artistes locaux/régionaux (Mazen Kerbaj, Zeina Abirached, Fouad Elkoury).
Incognito est ouverte à élargir sa gamme de produits culturels et organise également des évènements culturels, concerts, signatures pour promouvoir les disques et les livres qu’elle distribue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tony Sfeir
Head of the organisation
Antoine Sfeir
Contact (2) Full Name
Cecilia Jumez


National Network

Abdel Moneem Riyad street, El-Chaar bldg, ground floor, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
A BRIEF OVERVIEW: IRAB is a non-governmental organization established in 2003 in Beirut by a number of music experts and practicing musicians. The office is located in Hamra-Beirut. The organization obtained its legal status in 18 August 2005 under the decree no. 159/A.D from the Ministry of Interior. Not found anywhere else in the Arab region, this initiative is one of its kind’s, as its targets to unfold this fortune of neglected and forgotten Arabic music heritage, to archive it and to make it accessible and available to the public. The NGO is responsible to collect and preserve found public and private musical collections. To this date most of those collections have been compiled through personal initiatives that are carried out by important and serious music hobbyist from the regions since the start of the 20th century. Today if we don’t act promptly, those collections are under the threat of ruin and disappearance along with their passing collector. Irab relies on the funding of local, regional and international donors.
Mission and Objectives

Irab is a Lebanese non-governmental organization which aims at collecting, preserving and spreading the Arab and Eastern musical heritage. Irab also promotes contemporary musicians and singers involved in the development and promotion of Eastern musical heritage.
IRAB aims to promote, develop and support oriental music and widen the circle of IRAB’s friends, among them musicians, media institutes, in addition a number of music teachers and experts in the field. The organization works to protect the threatened oriental music heritage, educate the public on the importance of the Arabic music heritage, as well as the contemporary authentic music. It also aims to promote forgotten music by the reproduction of music works and to distribute these music records in local and international markets.
The ultimate aim of IRAB is to establish a musical documentary library where the public can come and listen to the music and access any information regarding any composer, singer or musical instrument and also through a website that the organization intends to launch.

Main Projects / Activities

- Concerts: Irab is particularly the organizer of the festival "Musica" (editions from 2003 to 2009) which notably brought together Rima Khcheich (Lebanon), Marwan Abado (Palestine), Nasir Shamma (Iraq), Rami Khalifeh (Lebanon), and Hassan El-Haffar (Syria).
- Publishing books on music: In 2007, Irab published a book on the late singer Nour Al-Hoda written by Asaad Makhoul and titled “From the Cedars to the Pyramids”.
- Music Library: Within the ultimate objective of Irab is to establish a musical documentary library, where the public can come and listen to the music and access any information regarding any composer, singer or musical instrument.
- Collection of recordings: To this date, Irab has archived 15,000 hours of music recordings, some dating back to a century.
- Music Listening Salons: Salon on Al-Sayad Darwish, with the participation of singer Rima Kcheich, Zico House, May 2005.
Reproduction of CDs: Marwan Abado “Circles”, 2005. Nassir Shamma “ Rahil Al-Qamar/Fading Moon”, 2004.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassel Kassem
Head of the organisation
Mr. Bassel Kassem

Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (KRC)

National Network

Corniche el Mazraa, Zreik Center, 5th floor

00 961 1 302 631
00 961 1 701 692
Mobile Phone
00 961 3 379 612
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The number of employees at KRC is currently 5 and the number of consultants is 16. After the ending of the ongoing projects (October 2010), the number of employees will become 4. KRC has different sources of funding, we state the following: IRD, NSA, OAK, OSI, KRC's annual dinner and book selling. KRC's modalities of action differ according to the projects. There is concrete projects, seminars, trainings or other.
Mission and Objectives

Help alleviate the human suffering resulting from torture, both for the individual, the family members and the community, and enable people who have been subjected to violence and torture to achieve social integration through rehabilitation, and prevention of torture.
End impunity and bring to end acts of torture through the implementation of International Conventions and forcing the government to sign new ones and respect them.
Empower the capacities of marginalized categories of the society and introduce them to their rights, such as women, children, prisoners and detainees subject to violence and ill-treatment.
Prevent torture, violence and all forms of ill treatment through raising public awareness, conducting education and advocacy in order to promote knowledge of the reasons for torture, conventions and laws, treatment methods. By preventing torture we also ensure respect for human rights, social justice and a development towards a society without human suffering.
Lobby with other human rights organizations, in Lebanon, the Arab world and on the international level, in order to create an Arab program for fighting torture

Main Projects / Activities

1- Medical, Psychological, and Social Assistance to Victims of torture:
The overall objective of this project is to assist torture survivors in regaining their physical and psychological health in order to help them rebuild their lives and participate as fully as possible in society.
The specific objectives are providing free medical, psychological, social, and legal assistance to torture survivors.
2- Vocational Training for Victims of Torture:
This project aims at helping victims of torture and members of their families rebuild their lives, and get the education they need to enter the labor market as efficient and productive members.
3- Empowering the capacities of Iraqi Refugees:
The project aims at developing the skills of Iraqi refugees in Lebanon in order to offer them a bigger capacity to work and be productive members, and to enhance their chances to return to Iraq.
4- Decrease the marginalization of Lebanese women, victims of torture and domestic violence, domestic migrant workers and women refugees:
This project will help the target group compensate what they lost, as for their education, learn a profession, empower their skills, get certificates and make finding jobs easier, plus all the benefits they will get when they get introduced again to labor market, plus strengthening mechanisms that focus on their rights.
KRC offers medical and psychological assistance to the prisoners in Lebanese prisons, especially women.

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Mohammad Safa
Head of the organisation
M. Mohammad Safa

Lebanese Association for Educational Studies

National Network

Clemenceau-Amir Omar Street-Coop Building-2nd floor

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
- LAES is composed of general assembly and an executive committee members pay yearly dues. The executive committee is composed of seven members that are elected biannually, the committee consists of a president, a secretary general, an accountant, and the treasurer. Currently LAES employs two full time professionals. - It's budget has been around a quarter of a million dollars annually. - Ford Foundation, UNESCO Arab regional office, UNDP, World bank, CERD and some national banks have been the major providers for grants and studies.
Mission and Objectives

Since its establishment in 1995, the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) has been very active in achieving its mission which focuses on conducting educational research, dissemination of its research through seminars, conferences and publications of books. LAES has published so far 20 books, organized about a dozen seminars and conferences at the Lebanese of regional level.

Main Projects / Activities

- Seminar on "Reform of General Education in the Arab Countries"
- Seminar on "Educational Administration in the Arab Countries"
- Seminar on "Teacher Preparation in the Arab Countries"
- Annual Yearbook Series (5 titles).
- 15 other major studies and publications including:
- Higher Education and the labour Market in Lebanon
- Quality Assurance in Arab Universities

Contact (1) Full Name
Samir A. Jarrar
Contact (2) Full Name
Amal Bouzeineddine

Lebanese Band Association for the promotion of Music ("LeBAM")

National Network

Main Street

00961 4 871311
00961 4 972705
Mobile Phone
00 961 3 775222
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- LeBAM operates through a central Board to organize national and international activities and many quasi autonomous centers operated by their regional committees for regional teaching and activities. - Budget is made possible through various local donations by individuals and institutions. Several activities and instruments purchase and donations were funded by foreign organizations, including the City of Geneva, AMIDEAST, American Voices. - Action is effected through music teaching, exchange of teachers and conductors, training workshops of teachers and conductors, national and community based concerts. - LeBAM has mobilized a broad network of Lebanese and international partners, including the Lebanese National High Music Conservatoire, the Ministry of Education, similar foreign organizations and music experts, dozens of schools and municipalities in the areas of Lebanon where LeBAM operates.
Mission and Objectives

Promote the development and dissemination of music throughout Lebanon, as a tool for educational and social development, through:
(i) The free teaching of music on freely provided wind and percussion instruments to 12 to 18 years old youth in many centers throughout Lebanon, and
(ii) Organizing its music students in community-based harmonic bands and other ensembles, to perform public concerts.
LeBAM also aims to help develop the mandatory teaching of music in schools.
Membership of beneficiaries target the most needy and seeks gender, religious and regional diversity and integration.

Main Projects / Activities

- Music Centers: LeBAM currently has four music centers in various areas of Lebanon (Beit-Mery, Baskinta, Jdeideh, Baakline); it is planning to start three more during 2014 (Tripoli, Southern Beirut, Bequaa). The centers include about 350 students, 24 teachers, 3 conductors and assistant conductors, 3 visiting conductors.
- Community Symphonic Bands: LeBAM currently has five symphonic Bands of various levels of music proficiency. The best musicians are organized in a national youth orchestra (Honor Band)including about 60 musicians.
- International Summer Band Camp ("ISBC"): LeBAM has organized 3 ISBCs in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The last ISBC trained approximately 200 trainee students, 15 trainee music teachers and 8 trainee conductors.
- Concerts: LeBAM has organized dozens of local and national concerts, 2 concerts in Switzerland and a limited edition of a Festival of Bands.
- Music Library and Pedagogy:as part of its ongoing effort to develop music teaching and performing tools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Invite Network members to participate in the many activities of leBAM, both at national and regional levels. Many new joint projects can also be made possible, particularly due to the presence of symphonic bands and other music ensembles.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Develop collaborations and Synergies in Lebanon and throughout the Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ghassan Moukheiber
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ghassan Moukheiber
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Serghei Bolun (Music Director)

Lebanese Center for Civic Education

National Network

New Jdaydeh- Australian center- 6th floor
New jdaydeh

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Lebanese Center for Civic Education (LCCE) is a Non-Governmental Organization established in the year 2004 with the aim of spreading the concepts of Democracy and responsible citizenship in the Lebanese society. Our activities are centered within the educational system and the youth in the civil society, thus reaching out to Lebanese teachers, educators and students of all ages and from the public and private sectors of education. In addition, and through it’s strive to create a free public space and to suggest alternatives for a better future, LCCE also works with young journalists in order to promote their skills in the area of civic media. The center is managed by three full time staff with other staff being hired on contract basis depending on the projects at hand. LCCE has a wide experience of running projects and managing funds, whereby it has so far successfully managed funds worth $400,000 from a variety of international and national donors during the last 2 years... LCCE is Member of CIVITAS an International, non-governmental network that aims at strengthen effective education.
Mission and Objectives

The LCCE is a young team with a vision of a more just and democratic society. The members of LCCE have lived the situation of violence, sectarian strife, the absence of law and accountability, in addition to corruption and poverty in Lebanon. LCCE builds on the post-war experiences of finding common grounds, acceptance of the other, conflict resolution in a diverse society, and building coalitions as a foundation for a new democratic experience.
LCCE main fields of activity are:
1) Civil and non-sectarian culture;
2) Strengthening the culture of rights;
3) Strengthening the culture of conflict resolution using democratic and non-violent means;
4) Developing curricula for civic education;
5) Strengthening the internal capacities of civil society;
6) Suggestion of legal and legislative alternatives;
Exchanging experiences in a culture of dialogue

Main Projects / Activities

Projects managed by LCCE:
- “One World in Schools”, a commune project with “People in Need”, consisting of teaching children about human rights through documentary films.Funded by EU.
-“Expanding a Civic Education Model to Promote Active Citizenship, and Civic Spaces among Lebanese School Students”. Funded by Foundation for Future.
- “Building Leadership among the Youth: Shifting Focus from Political Role Models to Individual Capacities”- Funded by Save the children- Naseej program.
-Project “Investigative Journalism as a Tool for Fighting Corruption and Promoting Transparency and Accountability: The Role of the Faculty of Media in the Lebanese University”. Funded by TAG program, Amideast Lebanon.
- Project Citizen. Funded by center for civic education,US.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antoine Bou Chanine
Head of the organisation
Roula Mikhael
Contact (2) Full Name
Tara Micheal

Lebanese Centre for Social Research (LCSR)

National Network

Notre Dame University Louaizé
Zouk Mosbeh

Telephone (other)
+961 9218955 (ext.2349)
Mobile Phone
03/754880 (Abdo Kahi)
Mobile Phone (other)
03/336623- 03/089891 (NDU)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1- A Research Centre affiliated to NDU University : 1 researcher, 1 assistant 2- 50.000 US $ 3- NDU University and Various sponsors 4- Concrete research projects and seminars 5- University Research Centres and a committee of researchers
Mission and Objectives

- Developing scientific research in the framework of social, economic and political issues
- Establishing research and documentation that give access to basic data on public concerns issues
- Reinforcing the mechanisms of dialogue and participation in the fields of citizenship, democracy and human rights

Main Projects / Activities

- Conducting researches on societal and value systems matters
- Organizing conferences and seminars related to its research fields (two international conferences per year)
- Establishing a research network that includes academic and social researches
- Publishing researches and seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdo Badih El Kahi
Head of the organisation
Abdo Badih El Kahi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Eliana Yazbeck Kossaifi

Maharat Foundation

National Network

center Azure-block B-5th floor-new jdaydeh-el maten-mont lebanon-lebanon
New jdaydeh

00 961 3 612413
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Maharat Foundation has of a board of directors with a mandate of 3 years; maharat is managed by an executive director and has four full time staff with other staff being hired on contract basis depending on the projects at hand. Maharat has a wide experience of running projects and managing funds where it has so far successfully managed funds worth $600,000 from a variety of international and national donors such as CIDA, Sida, EU, OSI, Unesco and FFF. Through its projects Maharat aim at building the capacity of young journalists (trainings and resident workshops) in the field of human rights, peace building and media coverage, and build the consensus among different stakeholders in order to modify the legal framework in the field of media and freedom of expression in Lebanon (drafting alternative laws ,press conference, working group, lobbying and advocacy activities)
Mission and Objectives

Maharat is a specialized organization endeavouring to defend the freedom of opinion and expression. This is achieved by developing the media sector, advocating for legal reforms, building knowledge and awareness, disseminating information and building capacities of diverse social, media, culture and civic actors.

Main Projects / Activities

Maharat Foundation is an NGO founded in 2004 to monitor freedom of expression and its practices in Lebanon. Maharat acts as a watch dog to submit reports, indicators and alerts and lobby for the change in laws that limit freedom of expression.
MAHARAT is a member of IFEX.
Based on its strategic plan for 2012-1015, Maharat foundation will be working on the following:
Advocacy: to amplify and intensify advocacy actions for the freedom of expression and the organization of the media sector in Lebanon trough intensifying the media law reform campaign, Advocating for the abolition of prior censorship on cinema and theatre productions.
Training: to build the capacity of young journalists on human rights, peace building and media coverage.
Research and Resource Production: aim at: Creating knowledge, contributing in policy making, supporting the training program of Maharat

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Maharat can share with the network its experience on the field of media,and offer its professional experience to serve the national network goal and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the network will help us to exchange knowledge, information and experiences with its members

Contact (1) Full Name
Roula Mikhael
Head of the organisation
Aline Farah