Rosselli Morocco Foundation for science, arts and the Culture

National Network

104 Fondation Hassan 2
Harhoura Témara

+212 37 68 28 31
Telephone (other)
+ 212 37 77 85 95
+ 212 37 77 85 94
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212 63 21 88 55
Mobile Phone (other)
212 61 59 05 01
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
General Information
Bouchra boulouiz, President Mohammed Eleuldj Amine, Vice president Pasacl Fiorentino, Secretary-general Irad Yacoubi, Treasurer Secretariat Salwa Daif Consultants Zouheir Bentaibi, Consultant NTIC, Mohammed Eleuldj Amine, Data-processing Consultant, Alessandro Palmigiano, Right Consultant of the businesses, Azellarab Benouna, Economist, Louis Legrand, Developer Développeur, Bernard Dalmas, Formation-Education, Maneno Chuma Junior, Eng. Multi-media, Essaid Bellal, Consultant Development and Human Resources
Mission and Objectives

"Foundation Rosselli Morocco for sciences, arts, the culture, the sport, the durable development and the integration of the woman". The Association has as an aim: Activities of research applicable to the fields cultural, economic, legal and social. The engagement of the Foundation Rosselli Morocco appears in the following directions: Institutions and administration; industry, right, telecommunications, services and the technological innovation; Research and the instruction; Formation and the technology transfer; Projects of development in favour of the artists, the women. It organizes events in multicultural and social matter with value added like the day of reflexion and information.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Pascal Fiorentino
Head of the organisation
Bouchra Boulouiz
Contact (2) Full Name
Bouchra Boulouiz

Eden Foundation

National Network

Bulebel Industrial Estate

+356 21 807708
Telephone (other)
+356 21 807708
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Eden Foundation is a non-government organisation established in 1992 which works in partnership with people with developmental disabilities in order to help them achieve full inclusion. The Eden Foundation is an established educational facility for specialized programmes & learning incentives that are second to none. It offers therapy and educational programmes to more than 1000 children and 200 adults. Its governed by a board of Trustees under the presidency of Dr. Josie Muscat. The annual expenditure of the Eden Foundation is Lm800000. Of these the parents shoulder 10% and 30-40% is raised through fund-raising activities and donations. The state pays for the rest
Mission and Objectives

All people can learn, all people will learn if the conditions of learning are right

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the foundation are the organization of a number of services which aim to educate and integrate persons with special needs within the general society. These include: the provision of basic job skills courses; computer-related courses; job placements; a mentoring and job-coaching system; and an early prevention scheme that aims to tackle the issue of how to integrate young children with disabilities in the general educational

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Vince Borg (Chief Executive Officer)
Head of the organisation
Mr Vince Borg (Chief Executive Officer)
Contact (2) Full Name
Bro Austin Gili (Director of programme and services)

Asociación Lactobacili

National Network

Vila i Vila 82, tercero, primera

Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Lactobacili is a recently formed cultural association currently consisting of three board members. Up until now we have been partnering with individual artists and initiatives in places such as Spain, Palestine, Israel and Serbia. None of the groups we have worked with so far have been registered as a legal entity. We work a lot in sectors where informality is most common.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make use of the flexibility of thought and inter-disciplinarity of contemporary art practices in order to confront the basic necessities of local community. Coming from the recent tradition of community based social arts, our main methodology involves an ongoing presence in public space, doing workshops and interventions which incorporate neighbours and local artists.

Main Projects / Activities

'Obrador aleatorio silvestre'- is a project involving the promotion of social interaction on a local level, using an open laboratory of culinary experimentation as it's main focal point. This project is still at a germination stage.
'Real-time documentary embroidery'- an ongoing collaboration with artist Vahida Ramujkic, using the act of embroidering in public space to bring people together and talk about neighbourhood situations. This project has intervened in Cairo, Bristol, Barcelona and Belgrade.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aviv Kruglanski

Music Fund

National Network

Music Fund
Van Volxemlaan 164
1190 Brussel


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
STRUCTURE: non-profit making association, directed by General meetig and board of Directors (see website for members), STAFF: 1 fulle time coordinator + 1/5 director BUDGETARY RESOURCES:in 2008: 122.025.00€ SOURCES OF FUNDING: Different authorities (Ministery of Culture Flemish and French Community, province of Antwerp, City of Lille, Ministery of Foreign Affairs) + private sponsering and funding MODALITIES OF ACTION: Concrete projects (collections and donations of instruments and trainingprogrammes) MAIN PARTNERS: Palestine: Music schools: Al-kamandjati (Ramallah), Nablus The Culture (Nablous), Music school of Gaza (Gaza) Israel:Orpheus Foundation (Nazareth) Mozambique: Escuela Nacional de Musica (Maputo) South Africa: Melodi Music Trust (Soweto) DRCongo: Institut National des Arts (Kinshasa)
Mission and Objectives

Music Fund provides material support to young musicians and music schools in developing countries and conflict areas.
We collect musical instruments, check them and repair them before distributing them. We also organise workshops and courses in instrument building and repair. The workshops take place in the regions where our partner schools are located and longer internships are held in Belgium in the workshops of instrument builders and repairers.
Thanks to Music Fund young musicians are given a chance to develop their musical talents. The different current and upcoming projects are a unique form of cultural development partnerships.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Collecting instruments: Music Fund’s first task is to collect instruments. In 2005 we organised the collections ourselves, but since the beginning of 2006 concert organisers in different European countries (France, Austria, Great Britain and Germany joined Belgium in this), take charge of this as part of concerts, festivals or other events.
The second phase is where the complex work begins: the instruments are collected, checked by experts and repaired and all details are carefully entered into a database.
2. Distributions: Around Christmas 2005 a first shipment of repaired instruments arrived in the Middle East by lorry. These musical instruments were then handed over in person to the different partner schools in Palestine (Gaza, Ramallah en Nablus) and Israel (Nazareth). Since then several large shipments have been organised in the Middle East and in Africa ( Mozambique + DRCongo)
3. Training:Since 2006 we have called in the help of a number of experts to set up initiation workshops in repairing, tuning and building musical instruments in the local music schools in South. This is a unique opportunity for Music Fund to complete a capacity building project that supports music education in a very concrete manner. Since 2006 we also provide longer internships in Belgium and at the partnerschools. Recently we also supported a student to obtain a diploma at a reputed school in France and will continue to offer other students this opportunity
4. Repair workshops in the partnerschools: In 2007 Music Fund started running repair workshops in several of its partner schools: in Ramallah in 2007 (in collaboration with other associations), in Maputo in 2007, in Nablus in 2008, and finally in Kinshasa in 2008. These repair workshops are an important part of our partnerships, because not only do they make it possible for the music schools to maintain their own musical instruments independently of Music Fund, they also create incomes as musicians from outside the music schools bring their instruments to these workshops for repair. They are an employment opportunity for people who have followed training courses in instrument repairs via Music Fund.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lukas Pairon
Head of the organisation
Lukas Pairon
Contact (2) Full Name
Olivier Marie

Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique

National Network

10 rue du Meridien
B-1210 Bruxelles

+32 2 229 38 21
+32 2 229 38 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Véronique LEFRANQ
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association de la Ville et des Communes( Association of the City and the Community )

National Network

boîte 4, rue d’Arlon 53, 1040 Bruxelles

00 32 2 238 51 47
00 32 2 280 60 90
Mobile Phone
00 32 475 49 27 66
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non profit association representing the local authorities of the Capital Brussels region. Structure : General assembly of members , board of director , office , president and director . Political and linguistic balance based on the composition of community councils . Staff employed : 24 persons , annual budget : 2.000.000 Euros , financed to the 50% of the voluntary contributions , the resources from the subsidies of the region and other institutional partners , council , training and information to the delegates and the employees , support to the institutional development . Partners : Region of Capital Brussels , European Union , Dexia Bank ,Holding communal et Ethias, Roi Baudouin Foundation .
Mission and Objectives

Promotion and defense of the communal autonomy and the local democracy. Capacity building and institutional development.

Main Projects / Activities

Consultancy in management , several trainings , organization of seminars , publications of information , political measures , diverse missions related with e.a the sustainable development and the international cooperation .

Contact (1) Full Name
Marc THOULEN, Directeur
Head of the organisation
Marc COOLS, Echevin à Uccle

SoCiuS – Support Centre for the non-formal Education of Adults

National Network

Gallaitstraat 86 / 4
1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2 215 27 08
+32 (0)2 215 80 75
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Socius, het steunpunt voor sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk, is een autonome organisatie die erkend en gesubsidieerd wordt door de minister van Cultuur om de sector van het sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk te ondersteunen.
Mission and Objectives

SoCiuS is a supportive and knowledge-developing organization for the broad field of socio-cultural work and practices in the Flemish Community of Belgium.

Main Projects / Activities

Socius betekent metgezel, tochtgenoot. Socius wil als steunpunt de reisgezel zijn van de sector en van zij die erin werken. In de missie van Socius zijn naast de belangrijkste doelgroepen ook de kerntaken van het steunpunt opgenomen en de wijze waarop deze worden gerealiseerd. Daarmee vormt de Socius-missie het kloppend hart achter de werking van het steunpunt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Els Bertels
Head of the organisation
Fred Dhont

University of Leuven (Belgium)

National Network

Tiensestraat 102
3000 Leuven

+32 (0) 16 32 60 07
Telephone (other)
+ 32 (0) 16 32 60 48
+ 32 (0) 16 32 52 09
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Research
General Information
Member of advisory board
Mission and Objectives

Member of advisory board

Main Projects / Activities

Member of advisory board

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie-Claire Foblets

Instituut voor Duurzame Mobiliteit (IDM) / Institute for Sustainable Mobility (IDM)

National Network

IDM: Krijgslaan 281 (S8)
9000 Ghent-B

00 32 (0)9/ 264. 47.19 (academic staff)
Telephone (other)
00 32 (0)9/ 264. 47. 17 (secretariat)
00 32 (0)9/ 264. 49. 86 (secretariat)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 32 (0)485/ 73. 59. 51
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The IDM is a 'knowledge network' of scientific experts from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Ghent, together with external scientific experts of Ghent University or other universities. However, the Institute for Sustainable Mobility is a decentralized association, in which the departments operate as experts in solving problems of mobility. Ten researchers, equivalent of five full-time researchers, plus two voluntary researchers and a technical/administrative staff equivalent of two full time jobs. The Steering Committee (S) determines the policy of the Institute for Durable Mobility (IDM). The Institute is a part of the Ghent University, an autonomous nongovernmental institution with teaching and research as main tasks. The main partners of IDM are: MamMoeT,isaweb, the Belgian website on Road-safety and ISA, MOBIEL-UGent, Institute for permanent education, UGent, Kleurrijk Vlaanderen, Mobiel Vlaanderen, Mobile & Clean Technology, Verkeerskunde, Department Mobility and Urban Planning, Transport Technology.
Mission and Objectives

The engineer of the 21st century will be strongly confronted with the problems of mobility: at home, at work, in his/her patterns of transport, etc. He will be expected to come up with durable solutions, sustainable for the next generation. These solutions should meet all expectations regarding quality, safety, ecology, etc.
The problems of mobility pose new challenges to the engineer/applied sciences. These challenges are both in the field of technique/technology as in the field of spatial development. Technique and technology have contributed to our democratic society. The mobility questions ask for durable solutions which are sustainable for our society. It means creative and innovative entrepreneurship, starting at the university - the 'centre of knowledge' by excellence, where education and research meet.
The awareness that an integrated system (technical and social) is necessary in a global and regional environment, means that we have to work for with horizontal solutions for sustainable mobility.

Main Projects / Activities

Four main subjects can be distinguished:
1. Developing structured combinations of research: think about horizontal solutions on mobility - energy - clean technology.
2. The organisation of biennial training-cycles regarding mobility.
3. Developing internal quality-reinforcement regarding sustainable mobility solutions for staff, students and visitors at Ghent University.
4. The organisation of publicity-oriented activities regarding mobility (seminars, activities for the public and press).
Main projects:
1. 6th framework program on research (EU), technological development, Demonstration 2006- The integrated project "Hydra": From H2-blended fuel towards the ultimate H2-fuel - transition to the hydrogen economy. This project will start on 1 January 2006 and will run till 31 December 2009
2. Clean Technology for Public Transport (CTPT)
3. ISA, Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) is the generic name for advanced systems in which the vehicle "knows" the speed limit and is capable of using that information to give feedback to the driver or limit maximum speed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. George Allaert, Chairman IDM
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. George Allaert, Chairman IDM
Contact (2) Full Name
Wouter De Ruyter

Kaïros Danse

National Network

13, rue Ernest de Bavière
4000 Liège

32.4.341.39.94. (04/341.39.94. en Belgique)
Telephone (other) en Belgique)
04/250.56.75. (en Belgique)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0473/879.405. (en Belgique)
Mobile Phone (other)
0475/567.005. (en Belgique)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. The asbl Kaïros Danse was autonimously founded in 1994, in Liege, in an autonomous way. A Board of directors of three people manages the administration of the asbl. The asbl was created starting from a group of artists, pedagogues in dance, in theatre, music, song. 2. The annual financial resources come from the payments of the participant(e)s to the courses and training courses. That represents an annual average of 12.000 EUR. 3. The asbl Kaïros Danse falls under a dimension teaching, on the principle of the dance for all, accessible to all, being addressed mainly to the young adults as from 18 years.
Mission and Objectives

The asbl Kaïros Danse has the role of seeking, exploring, working out and promoting the technical body means and the modes of expression calling upon the creativity of the gesture, of the movement; it is based, on the occasion, on the music, the visual art, the theatrical text, the writing; it proposes its workshops with any person who wishes to be formed with the techniques suggested, without there being necessarily a professional project in the intention of the participant(e)s. Marie-Christine Wavreille animates many training courses in addition abroad: formations for psychomotricians in Milan, workshops in France, in Portugal (School Theatre and Dance of Lisbon), in Greece, in Holland.

Main Projects / Activities

Kaïros Danse asbl is requested to control the next international meeting of the "Voyage of the gesture", in which it has taken part for several years.
It plans to install it 15 days in July 2008, in Chiny, in Belgium (Province of Luxembourg); the partners of the network are: Coraï association of Palermo in Italy, Maria Joào Serrao of Portugal, Lebanon, Palestine, France. Some already accepted the call. Since 2000, Kaïros Danse participle with the network "Travels of the gesture", initiated by the association TRISUNIC/Subito Presto (France), which aims at the meeting of the artists of Europe and country of the Close relation, Moyen the East and the Maghreb.
In these various interventions former within the "Voyage of the gesture", the contribution of Kaïros Danse was directed towards the research and the training of young people participant(e)s according to its own teaching and methodological principles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie-Christine Wavreille
Head of the organisation
Marie-Christine Wavreille
Contact (2) Full Name
Roland Denis