Horizon Center

National Network

Zaarour center- airport highway

+961 1 452484
+961 1 452484
Mobile Phone
+961 3 977041
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
There are seven employees & more than 20 researches, our budget in a year approximately 50000$, our finance from products & publishing, our modalities are researches, seminars, workshops & studies in the development, human rights, technology, education, computer science, economics, social & health science, our partners are local & Arab NGO's & universities.
Mission and Objectives

The center's strategy and policies adopted:
- the cultivation and development of the obtainable human capabilities
- Revealing and recognizing human potentials of both the individuals and groups and make it rise.
- a better position for the Arabic society, determining to make it rise to escort progress and advancement , and prepare it to penetrate the 21st century with the positive indications and data that fit its culture, tradition and nature.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Carrying out the necessary specialized researches that concerned our societies by the help of expert researchers and scientists in our nations and others.
2. Translating and publishing these researches through available media and press to deliver it to Arab reader.
3. Forming and establishing communication and contact channels between researchers and those who are interested in the Arab society’s affairs to proliferate the best studies and researches of our center.
4. Issuing periodical and specific brochures (reports) and put it at the Arabic reader reach.
5. Making opinion polls among different sections of societies to set up an idea about the trends and views toward the current and expected events in the society where they live.
Thus, the fields and majors that we are interested within our center are: practical, economic, social, educational, computer science, human rights and health sciences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Hikmat chamseddine
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmad AbdulAmir Chamsuddin
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Hussein Al Rihani

Hariri Canadian Academy-HCA

National Network

Mechref P.O Box: 10 Damour-Chouf 2010

05/ 601386 / 90
05/ 601379 - 80
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
HCA is a non-profit institution for higher education. Schools and Programs: I- School of Business Administration II- School of Engineering Planned New Schools and Programs for 2006-2007 III- School of Science and Information Systems IV- Freshman Program V- Graduate Studies Modalities of Action - Business & Engineering Seminars - Scholarships Program: consists of Merit, Achievement, and Competition Scholarships. - Financial Aid Work-Study Program: aims to help financially strapped students to pay their tuition fees. Main Partners HCA was established in collaboration with Canadian academic institutions such as Capilano College and Memorial University, and is also collaborating with Deggendorf University in Germany and INSA University in France.
Mission and Objectives

The Hariri Canadian Academy was established with the vision of offering Quality Affordable Higher Education. Our mission is to foster personal and professional excellence and the development of leadership expressed in service to others for the common benefits of humankind.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hisham Kobrosly
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Abdul-Rahman A. Arkadan
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Zahi Ramadan Chairperson of the School of Business Administration

Arts & Communication Dept. - (Lebanese American University)

National Network

Lebanese American University, Chouran 135053

00961 1 811 964 , ext. 1272
Telephone (other)
00961 3 791314, ext. 1401
00961 1 867 098
Mobile Phone
00961 3 805 952
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
This is a full department at the Lebanese American University, employing 5 full-time faulty members, and more than 12 part-timers. In addition, the department employs 6 full-time staff members. The funding is allocated by the university. Funding for the university comes from tuition and gifts. LAU is a non-profit university overseen by a Board of Trustees based in New York, with a yearly turnover averaging 65 million euros.
Mission and Objectives

The arts & Communication Department has as its mission to offer a program of studies in different aspects of media, including a major in Communication Arts with emphases in journalism, film/tv, and theater. It prepares students to enter a career in media and to pursue graduate studies in related areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Over 60 course offering a year, catering to about about 150 students majoring in Communication Arts, in addition courses offered to the university at large. The department also organizes student and faculty productions and oversees the publication of the student newspaper, among other things.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ramez Maluf
Head of the organisation
Dr. Raed Mohsen, Chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Mona Knio

migrants' solidarity movement

National Network

19 santa marija street
hal safi

Hal Safi

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Migrants' Solidarity Movement is a organisation created in September 2008 in Malta. The board is composed of 4 people who are volunteers. MSM is part of SKOP, a local network of 15 NGOs. The budgetary resources depend on the funding MSM gets a year. Until now, MSM was funded by the European Commission through the Youth Programm. MSM is doing for now concrete projects and organises activities in Malta.
Mission and Objectives

MSM's overall goal and long-term objective is the creation of an all inclusive, multicultural society, free of racism, xenophobia and discrimination.
We focus on six points:
1.To effect positive changes within Maltese society towards immigration issues.
2.To promote cultural understanding and respect.
3.To encourage the integration of migrants within Maltese society.
4.To promote and campaign for human rights in regards to immigration issues.
5.To provide social support and services to the immigrant population in Malta.
6.To promote cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

MSM is currently running the project "Defeating language barriers". Taking a stand against exclusion and fighting marginalization Migrants Solidarity Movement decided to start an English proficiency project which will be offered for free to immigrants wishing to learn and improve their English. Learning English will also help immigrants when they leave Malta to go to other European countries.
The project ‘Defeating Language Barriers’ will run for six months starting from January 2009. The English lessons will run twice a week on a Monday and Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm. They will be held in the General Workers Union building in Valletta and will be run by certified English teachers working on a voluntary basis.

Contact (1) Full Name
solene guerinot
Head of the organisation
ann bugeja
Contact (2) Full Name
andre callus


National Network

19, St. Mary Street Valletta

+356 79057676
Telephone (other)
+356 27912388
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Il- Mahzen is an independent not-for-profit and non-governmental organization.
Mission and Objectives

• To carry out artistic ideas and cultural activities for the benefit of its members and the general public.
• To generate activity which will involve collaborative work between local and international artists and associations in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
• To provide a context for the advancement of informal, cultural learning amongst younger generations.
• To carry out research-based projects on folk traditions, contributing to preservation of local intangible heritage

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Jonathan Grima
Head of the organisation
Andrew Alamango


National Network

19, St. Mary Street,

+356 27020003
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Research
General Information
Il-Qlugħ is a non-governmental organisation (NGO), emerging from an athrpologial and artistic political actions. It is established in a time of economic crisis in the aftermath of global dominion by capital. The Overall goal of Il-Qlugħ is to be an autonomous, progressive and open tool in creating a better world based on; equality and respect, work and solidarity, peace and justice, social welfare and education, knowledge and truth, human rights and dignity, sustainable economies, care of nature and animals, religious harmony and cultural diversity, compassion and love, freedom and tranquillity, involving people from all walks of life no matter their gender, sex, age, belief, class or origin through the belief that “united we stand, divided we fall”
Mission and Objectives

Main Goals and Objectives
1.to promote localization as opposed to globalization where modernity meets tradition trough an exchange between the old and the new thus bridging the gap between the have and have-nots
2.to support the development of micro economies as opposed to the 'free' market economy where all living beings are free from exploitation thus life will count more than profit.
3.To advocate for a holistic environment of tolerance as opposed to the fundamentalist propaganda, state paranoia and bureaucratic-dream-killing-regimes where democracy means a plurality of voices

Main Projects / Activities

Main Fileds of Work and Actiites for 2009/2010
In achieving its aims and objectives, Il-Qlugħ will focus its activities on:
creating a network of people, non profits and existing networks working in the field of Il-Qlugħ's main Goals in Malta.
conducting research and make use of multmedia and the arts in order to assista and improve actions and campaigns within the network
implimenting a localisation programme by raising awareness of the local context tghrough the network
helping the Maltese network branch out with Mediterranean and other international networks

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr.Alex Abdilla
Head of the organisation
Mr.Alex Abdilla
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr.Jimmy Grima

Association Santé Sidi El Houari (SDH)

National Network

01 rue Benamar Ménouer Sidi El Houari 31000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association créée en 1991 dans le cadre de la loi 90-31 de 1990 par la réhabilitation d'un site historique abandonné en ruines, les Bains Turcs de 1708 et l'Hôpital du Campement de 1838 d'une superficie de 6000 m2. Dirigé par bureau de 12 personnes, un collectif intercellulaire de 28 bénévoles, 19 salariés. Création en 2005 d'une école chantier agréée en 2011 pour la formation et l'insertion professionnelle sur les métiers de la restauration des sites et monuments. dispose de plusieurs espaces d'éducation à la citoyenneté: espace protection du patrimoine, développement durable et écocitoyenneté, interculturalité. Source de financement: subventions aprés soumissions aux appels à projets nationaux et internationaux. Partenaires: AECID (Espagne), SCAC (France), mairie de Bordeaux, de Stains, Conseil Général de la Seine St Denis. Actions: école chantier (50 places pédagogiques); caravane du patrimoine et de l'interculturalité; ateliers culturels divers: ciné club; espace audio visuels...
Mission and Objectives

Education à la citoyenneté auprés des jeunes à travers : la culture du patrimoine, l'éducation aux écogestes, l'insertion socio professionnells, le développement communautaire et la mobilisaiton sociale.

Main Projects / Activities

Formations à la gestion et la communication associatives; animation sur les lieux de vie et d'étude des jeunes (lycées, colléges, université, coté unversités, quartiers, rues, places publiques. galas artistiques; productions audio visuelles sur le patrimoine local, défense des monuments et sites historiques; actions de volontariats telles nettoyage, reboisement, occupation de site...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

apporter notre expérience de 20 ans d'activité associative, nos connaissances en gestion associative et en connaissances dans divers domaines: histoire, patrimoine matériel et immatériel, monuments historiques.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Fédérer et renforcer l'action interassociative; renforcer nos capacités; apprendre des autres à cultures différentes; échanges entre les personnes et les organisations; formations diverses; comprendre la réalité mondiale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Benboussetta Nadgib
Head of the organisation
Bereksi-Reguig Kamel-Eddine
Contact (2) Full Name
Benamar Ismahane

Membre individuel: Mr Djaoui Menad (Université de Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi ouzou)

National Network

B.P25A poste Ait-Ikhlef 15327 Tizi ouzo

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Djaoui Menad

Festival Culturel et Itinérant du Film Amazigh (Cultural and Itinerant festival of the Amazigh Film)

National Network

BP 127 Bibliothèque Nationale d’Algérie El Hamma

+213 21 67 91 12
+213 21 67 91 12
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+213 62 41 51 48
Mobile Phone (other)
+213 50 22 82 91
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Festival institutionalized by the Ministry for the Culture; 6 permanent and 12 contractual; Institutional partners: Ministry for Culture CNCA, ONDA and cultural like the Festival Cork (Ireland) Festival of the Short film of Clermont Ferrand (France), Ayam Festival of Beirut; 5.000.000 Algerian Dinars; Events of the annual festival, cycles trainings in direction of the film enthusiasts, seminars, glance on a host country
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of the film Amazigh d'' Algérie;Encouragement and provide help with the writing near the young realizers; Initiation and sensitizings with the trades of the cinema near the young people and the children

Main Projects / Activities

Films carried out within the framework of the formation; Center resources (File Filmic of the film amazigh); Various publications (catalogues and reviews); Film preview; Homage to Algerian scenario writers

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Bani Hakim
Head of the organisation
M. Assad Si El Hachemi

Editions Lalla Moulati

National Network

43 bis, bd. Krim Belcacem à Alger / Wiclefstr. 30 à Berlin

00 49 30 3965774 (Berlin)
Telephone (other)
00 213 21641446 (Alger)
00 49 30 3959281 (Berlin)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 213 61569822 (Alger)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Equip with 4 people (editors, illsutrateurs, translators) with the specific recourse people outsides 2. Own resources 3. Writings, editions and translations of tales for children, demonstrations around the tale for children, meetings and sensitizing of the children to the reading 4. Globalization Agency, Berlin - Newspaper El Watan /Alger - L` Institut Goethe In Algiers - National Education, Algeria - Scouts Moslems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nous avons mis au point des programmes de narration de contes et de lectures (en 4 langues) pour enfants et jeunes pour l`Afrique du nord et l`Europe, en direction de milieuxsociaux chauds à forte composante de migrants musulmans. L’objectif est de raviver la joie de la lecture volontaire. L’apprentissage du fait interculturel devient de plus en plus indispensable. Partenaires : - Globalization Agency, Berlin - Journal El Watan /Alger - L` Institut Goethe à Alger - Education Nationale, Algérie - Scouts Musulmans Algériens Nous cherchons des partenaires qui soutiennent - la Caravane du livre en Afrique du nord et en Euro - des sponsors pour le livres que nous voulons donner aux jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

Our programs of tales and readings refer to the North-African treasures of poetries, tales and legends, the treasures which contain many allusions to the democracy. This identity heritage can be mobilized against the attraction of the violence poked by Islamism, all particularly auprès of youth, but also against the retrograde project of the relations between the two sexes such which it is preached by Islamism (p. e.g. with through the still long-lived motivations of the matriarchy in the Berber cultural heritage).
Nos programmes de contes et de lectures se réfèrent aux trésors nord-africains de poésies, de contes et de légendes, des trésors qui renferment de nombreuses allusions à la démocratie. Cet héritage identitaire peut être mobilisé contre l’attrait de la violence attisée par l’islamisme, tout particulièrement auprès de la jeunesse, mais aussi contre le projet rétrograde des relations entre les deux sexes tel qu’il est prôné par l’islamisme (p. ex. à travers les motivations encore vivaces du matriarcat dans l’héritage culturel berbère).

Main Projects / Activities

The Caravan of the book: We publish ourselves of the books for children and young people and we organize ourselves 4-6 towers of the Caravan per year in North Africa, in Germany, in France, in Austria and Switzerland. We offer demonstrations of tales and reading with active participation of the young people
La Caravane du livre
Nous publions nous-mêmes des livres pour enfants et jeunes et nous organisons nous-mêmes 4-6 tours de la Caravane par année en Afrique du Nord, en Allemagne, en France, en Autriche et en Suisse. Nous offrons des manifestations de contes et de lecture avec participation active des jeunes

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabine Kebir
Head of the organisation
Saddek Kebir