National Network

Avenue de la 1re division France libre - BP 10039 - 13633 ARLES Cedex

+33 (0)4 90 99 08 74
Telephone (other)
+33 (0)4 90 99 08 11
+33 (0)4 90 99 08 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Le Pôle Industries Culturelles & Patrimoines, association créée en février 2007, a été labellisé PRIDES par la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur le 30 mars 2007 et a été lauréat de la sélection nationale Grappes d’Entreprises, le 4 mai 2010. Il fédère une centaine d’acteurs (entreprises, laboratoires de recherche, centres de formation, associations, festivals internationaux) spécialisés dans toutes les activités de valorisation, de conservation, de restauration, de préservation, de transmission ou de diffusion des patrimoines bâtis, naturels, culturels et immatériels. Avec un budget de 310 000 euros, dont 90 000 provenant de fonds propres, le pole est subventionné par la mairie d’Arles, la chambre de commerce du pays d’Arles et par le Conseil Régional de la Région PACA. Notre association compte avec une structure permanente de 2 salariées, employées temps plein, à savoir: une directrice et une chargée de mission. Le conseil d’administration et Le bureau sont les instances de gouvernance où sont prises les principales décisions de la vie de la structure. Le Pôle contribue à l’animation et à la structuration des filières culturelles et patrimoniales par : - la mise en réseau des acteurs - la création et le suivi d’actions de développement économique centrées autour de 5 leviers: Innovation, TIC, International, Responsabilité Sociétale et Environnementale et Emploi-Formation. - le soutien aux projets innovants et de R&D collaboratifs L’action du Pôle s’inscrit pleinement dans la prise de conscience du rôle économique et social significatif joué par les activités liées aux patrimoines et à la culture. Le Pôle Industries Culturelles & Patrimoines constitue l’unique cluster européen centré sur ces thématiques. Exemples des activités Le Club des Start-Up : matinées d’information sur l’ensemble des problématiques liées au développement d’activité. Les ateliers sur la propriété intellectuelle et aspects juridiques: séances de travail collectives et individuelles avec un avocat spécialisé. Formation des salariés-Programme annuel de formations aux outils ressources humaines spécifiques aux activités des membres, transversales etc. Actu & Emergences, la journée du PRIDES: rencontres régulières des membres autour de présentations de projets et de l'actualité du Pôle. Participation annuelle au Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel à Paris Techa 2010, le Forum de l’Innovation Culturelle Archeomed : création d’un centre de conservation, restauration et valorisation des patrimoines et d’une pépinière d’entreprises dédiée aux métiers du patrimoine. ERESPA : Etude des Retombées Economiques et Sociales du Patrimoine dans des villes régionalesPatrimoines2014@Arles sous une forme innovante et performante, alliant conférences, ateliers, stands d’expositions et rendez-vous d’affaires a pour ambition de devenir LE RENDEZ-VOUS régulier des professionnels des Patrimoines. Etude sociologique des publics de festivals de musique du monde en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Mission and Objectives

Le Pôle Industries Culturelles & Patrimoines se positionne comme une structure fédératrice pour les acteurs intervenants dans toutes les phases successives ou imbriquées de la valorisation d’un territoire, de ses patrimoines et des ses cultures.
Créée en Arles en février 2007, il a permis, en moins de six ans, la création, la structuration et la valorisation de ce réseau avec comme moteur principal le développement économique de ses membres et de lui-même.
Il regroupe plus d’une centaine de membres, (entreprises, laboratoires de recherche, centres de formation, associations, festivals internationaux), localisé en majorité en Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Pôle permet à ses membres de mesurer leur degré de complémentarité et d’initier des partenariats et des collaborations.
Mise à disposition de conseils et de formations dans le domaine du juridique, des ressources humaines, du commercial, du marketing et de l’export est un véritable atout pour tous ces acteurs.
Le Pôle s’engage et engage ses membres dans des projets structurants de territoire et de développement de l’économie.
Au delà des actions d’animation et de communication, un des objectifs stratégiques du Pôle concerne la mutualisation d’emplois, de moyens et de lieux et l’ancrage territorial des activités du réseau

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La structure du Pôle a permis d’identifier et de créer un réseau de professionnel des activités culturelles et patrimoniales, réseau qui regroupe en fait plusieurs filières issues principalement du patrimoine bâti, du patrimoine environnemental et des paysages, de l’image, des multimédias, des spectacles et de l’évènementiel. C’est ainsi une centaine de professionnels déjà familiarisés avec le travail en réseau qui vont pouvoir intégrer le réseau de la FAL et y apporter une vision de la culture comme vecteur de développement humain et économique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Etre membre d'un réseau comme celui-ci facilite la création de partenariats dans la région euro-méditerranéenne et nous permettra aussi de postuler aux activités et programmes subventionnés par la FAL. En plus, nos adhérents rencontreront un environnement idéal pour échanger et partager leurs expériences et préoccupations qui sont parfois communes à celles d’autres organismes qui travaillent sur les mêmes problématiques.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Françoise LACOTTE

World Affairs Council

National Network

Po. box 5426
Amman 11163

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The world affairs council is a forum for free and responsible dialogue where new views and ideas on international affairs could be disseminated and explored. The affairs of the organization are run by a board of directors of 11 members, whose decisions are executed by the executive director. The total staff is made up of two persons. Funding is provided by member’s subscriptions only. The council arranges for lectures, debates, workshops, meetings and seminars. The council holds its weekly meetings every Tuesday. These meetings are intended for discussions of hot issues in the local or regional arena. Total membership is around 150. Yearly budget is around 50000 JD.
Mission and Objectives

The world affairs council is to promote a deeper understanding of international issues as well as Jordan’s role in a changing world by providing members with a national forum for informed discussion, analysis, and debate.
-help people relate their local concerns to global issues.
-empower members to participate in the national debate on domestic and world affaire and to undertake informed choices.
-encourage strategic alliances and cooperative programme with similar regional and international organization.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Fakhry Abu Shakra (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
H.E.Dr Abdul Salam Abadi

Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies

National Network

Tla'a Allai-Almawardy street -building no4 -first floor

+962 65602371
Telephone (other)
+962 5602384
+962 65603626
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+962 795048150
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Adaleh Center for Human Rights studies is currently one of the leading Jordanian human rights organizations Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies, since it was established in 2003 has fully committed to its mission of enforcing human rights values in Jordan. The vision and objectives of Adaleh Center are parallel with the objectives of the international standards that this project attempts to achieve. Adaleh feels proud of its goal-oriented contributions aiming at creating a society that his citizens enjoy basic human rights and freedoms, free from violations against human rights and where values of dignity, equality, tolerance, and respect are spread, Adaleh annual budgets falls in between 300,000 – 700,000 USD. Adaleh has an extensive experience in working with the following:1) civil society organizations, community based organizations, youth and women organizations;2) the Authorities, including but not limited to,judges, law enforcement officers, the Ministry of Labor, and the Ministry of Political Development; 3)lawyers, law practitioners and human rights experts; 4) marginalized groups: migrant workers (especially female domestic workers) and refugees; 5)doctors, health workers and forensic doctors. Adaleh’s outstanding experience in the field of migrant protection in Jordan has been highlighted in the US Government Trafficking in Persons Report three different times in the past five years. Adaleh is also a member of the following regional networks: the Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility (CARAM Asia), World Coalition against Death Penalty, World Organization against Torture, and the Steering Committee of the International Coalition for the Criminal Court. Adaleh source of funding are: EU delegation in Jordan , British embassy - Catholic relief services , Netherland embassy.
Mission and Objectives

. Our vision: Creating a mindful society that enjoys basic human rights and freedoms, free from discrimination and violations against human rights, and where values of dignity, freedom, equality, tolerance, and respect are spread over
Our aim:
• Elevating the respect towards freedom and human rights.
• Enhancing Democracy principles and the Rule of Law.
• Activating the judicial role and ensuring its independency.
• Enhancing law proficiency and ensuring its independency.
• Spreading awareness on human rights.
• Invigorating the human rights situation and documenting the human rights violation

Main Projects / Activities

Since establishment Adaleh had implemented many projects targeting different beneficiaries in Jordan and the Arab world ,the national projects aims aim building the capacity of target groups such : Judges ,general prosecutors ,Lawyers ,Youth ,Law enforcement officers ,civil society actors on issues related to Human Rights and democracy ,political participation , moreover our projects aimed at protecting the rights of migrant workers in Jordan we established a legal Aid Unit in the center to provide legal Aid and consultations free of charge to the migrants .
We also implemented projects targeted IRAQI’s officials and civil society actors our projects aim at building the capacities of Iraqi women, activating their participation in the political life more over the projects aimed at integrating GENEDER concepts in the local developments plans in addition to topics related to gender mainstreaming ,gender budgeting ,changing the gender traditional role …..etc.
Our regional projects targeting members of national institutions , civil societies and ministries in 8 countries (Iraq ,Lebanon ,Palestine ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,Egypt ,Syria ,Jordan ) the projects aimed at building their capacity on International instruments
We had many regional and European partners whom we cooperate with them in implementing our activities such as: Raoul Wallenberg institute in Sweden

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can contribute in suporting and pormoting the work of the netwrok in Jordan among different stakholders ,attract other Ngo to Join the network ,and encourge young people to partcipate in the different activities and porjects implemented by the netwrok in Jordan

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to Join the Network for more support to human rights and democracy issues in the world and in the members countries, and it will assist us in playing an important role in raising awareness about Human rights in the region and the world also for the work the network had done in enhancing the human rights situations and in creating a strong and reliable civil society platform
As it was indicated in the brief about ADALEH work, there is a similarity between the network themes and work and Adaleh work

Contact (1) Full Name
Luna Sabbah
Head of the organisation
Asem Miqdad

Al-Fawanees Theater Group

National Network

Jabal Lwebdeh
Akhdar Shanketi Street # 10


+962 6 4644885
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4655885
+962 6 4655885
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+962 79 5217062
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 79 5868622
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
- Structure: the management board is composed of 7 members (general assembly is composed of 32 members) - Budgetary resources: - Sources of Funding: Greater Amman Municipality - Ministry of Culture, in addition to some private sector companies. - Modalities of Action: (Theater performances, musical concerts, films screening, workshops, seminars, street performances... etc.) - Main Partners: Greater Amman Municipality - Ministry of Culture - Swiss Embassy - Astragali Theater Group / Italy - Luc Peton / France - SEDA / Sweden
Mission and Objectives

Amongst the priorities and objectives of the Amman International Theater Festival are the creation of a free space for independent theater groups and independent artists. It is a known fact that all theater festivals organized in the region are considered government activities, inviting government theater companies, except in some rare cases. In addition, those festivals are run by people who are usually with shallow talents in both the creative and the technical side of the activity.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the objectives of the festival cover the area of encouraging young artists with direct support and funding, whenever the financial situation allows that. It also provides them with the chance to participate and interact with other artists from all over the world.
The festival also gives special attention to continuous training where tens of workshops have been held in the different fields related to arts and cultural projects management.
1.Arab Arts Project
2.Young Arab Theater fund
3.Arab Theater Training Center
4. Nwasi (performance/ Tunisia)
5. 2 Joint production with Astragali Theater Group / Italy
6. Musical project between Rum Group and Becka - Sweden

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim A. Alfar
Head of the organisation
Nader Omran
Contact (2) Full Name
Nader Omran


National Network

Ibn Al Roomi St., Building #32, P.O.Box 940631 Amman 11194 Jordan

009626 5560080
Telephone (other)
009626 5560090
009626 5560090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00962 796161116
Mobile Phone (other)
00962 777770001
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
General Information
NATHAR for Aesthetic and Fine Art is non governmental organization, dedicated for art, culture and visual art studies. NATHAR consists of: a Board of Directors of (5) members, a Board of Trustees of (11) members, (5 ) permanent employeesl and (10) external contractors. NATHAR was established recently, on 19/02/2007. Funding sources are still limited, with a budget not exceeding € 25,000 for the first year. No sources of funding were found for the projects yet.
Mission and Objectives

NATHAR mission is to connect artists from the region and across the world, by performing distinguished art works, to help achieve more understand between the nations and societies. This is achieved through the following:
1- Organizing focus group discussions on art and cultural topics.
2- Convening art forums.
3- Developing plastic art and fine arts in general .
4- Holding art exhibitions and events.

Main Projects / Activities

NATHAR plans to execute the following projects during 2007/2008:
1- Wadi Rum Desert Project (art work for artists from the north and south of the Mediterranean).
2- Mashrek-Magreb: Moroccan-Jordanian Cultural Days.
3- Across Jordan: joint artistic activity through Jordan River
4- Publishing books and art directories.
5- Preparing studies and researches on plastic, applied and visual arts
6- Issuing quarterly publications.
7- Holding conferences, workshops, forums and training sessions on art topics.
8- Encouraging art exchange between Jordan and other countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suad Ahmed Issawi
Head of the organisation
Suad Ahmed Issawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Lama Hourani

Friends of Achaeology Society - Jordan

National Network

4 th Circle -Amman - Bucharest Street -No 5 /PO Box 2440
Amman 11181

+962 6 5930682
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
079-9363951 Adeeb Abu Shmeis
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The friends of Arhaeology (FOA) in Jordan was founded in 1958 by a small group of Jordanian and non- Jordanian archaeologists and residents who wanted to expand awarness and enjoyment of jordan's rich heritage among the general public . Her Majesty Qween Rania al Abdullah the Honorary President of the Friends of Archaeology Society , and a voluntary board of directors ( nine members ) ,elected at an an annual general meeting of all FOA members from Jordanian Universities and local and international archaeological institutes . A director and a small administrative staff handle daily operations at the FAO center . Executive director , Assistant director , Secretary , Accountant ,Office boy . - The budgetary ressources available in a year is around 20000 JD's , which are collected from the membership fees , trips and activities organized y FAO , and donations .
Mission and Objectives

1.To protect and preserve archaelogical sites in Jordan , in cooperation with concerned Jordanian authorities and regional and international bodies . 2. To promote the cultural heritage of Jordan and to support and encourage the publication of books ,pamphlets and research . 3. To create awarness in the community , especially among young people , of the importance of archaeological sites in Jordan and the need to preserve and protect them . 4. Building a national coalition of NGOs working for protection of culture and natural heritage . 5. Working with other relevant parties to develop a national parks management and protection system in Jordan . 6. Establishing a network of volunteers that would help in developing FAO activities . 7. Developing educational materials and programs for teachers and students .

Main Projects / Activities

1. Fields trips to archaelogical sites in Jordan , guided by experts . 2. Lectures in English and Arabic on subjects related to Archaelogy and culture heritage . 3. Trips to neigboring and other countries to explore sites of archaelogical and cultural interests . 4. The FAO newsletters , Ancient Jordan , and momthly activities updates , are sent to all members , archaelogical centers , cultural centers and university departments . 5. Public awarness project activities and aticles : for the public at large : include advertissements in the main newspapers and public service annoucements , which aim to spread awarness about our national heritage and how we can protect it from the coming generations . 6. For school children : include special meeting and activities for schoolteachers , students and parents .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To engage with the organisation work on Shifting Focus To Intercultural Cities
Cities can be critical players for intercultural dialogue and cultural diplomacy. Against a backdrop of unprecedented human movements, as well as the impact of the refugee crisis on the region’s societies, future intercultural cities will be potential dialogue incubators and engines of social innovation. Investing in a comprehensive regional strategy for how to leverage the long- term role of cities will also contribute to a shift in intercultural dialogue work, embedding and interconnecting sustainable policies and practices at a local level. Such a strategy can be built on a two-fold approach: (i) Facilitating the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean network of local and regional authorities for the exchange of good practices related to diversity/integration management policies; and (ii) Supporting civil society for the promotion of intercultural action at the local level with a renewed attention to social entrepreneurship as an innovative mechanism for social participation. Valletta’s status as European Capital of Culture in 2018 is an opportunity to activate a far-reaching network of “Mediterranean” cities to act as champions for cultural diplomacy and intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To engage on the work o f Anna Lindh Foundation Shifting Focus To Intercultural Cities
Cities can be critical players for intercultural dialogue and cultural diplomacy. Against a backdrop of unprecedented human movements, as well as the impact of the refugee crisis on the region’s societies, future intercultural cities will be potential dialogue incubators and engines of social innovation. Investing in a comprehensive regional strategy for how to leverage the long- term role of cities will also contribute to a shift in intercultural dialogue work, embedding and interconnecting sustainable policies and practices at a local level. Such a strategy can be built on a two-fold approach: (i) Facilitating the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean network of local and regional authorities for the exchange of good practices related to diversity/integration management policies; and (ii) Supporting civil society for the promotion of intercultural action at the local level with a renewed attention to social entrepreneurship as an innovative mechanism for social participation. Valletta’s status as European Capital of Culture in 2018 is an opportunity to activate a far-reaching network of “Mediterranean” cities to act as champions for cultural diplomacy and intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Ghada Al Yousef
Head of the organisation
Prof. Moawiyah Ibrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
sh . Nofa Nasser; Adeeb Abu Shmeis

Friends of Development and Investment Association (FDIS)

National Network


00962 795836736
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Friends of Development and Investment Society / Jerash was founded in February 2007 by the authorization of the Ministry of the Interior. Its members are a number of experienced and active people in the public work. The society took into account that among its members a multitude of degrees in various science disciplines in order to enable the Society to participate in the planning of strategies for overall development in the governorate of Jerash in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Since the development of health is the pillar of the overall development, the society has included a number of specialists in many areas of health in its membership (doctors, public health professionals),and its members have many previous experiences in the areas of health education on a wide range of health issues such as meningitis, hepatitis, AIDS and others ...). The society and its members have also experience in organizing conferences workshops, coordination and networking with various institutions of civil society. Because the society realizes the integrated relationship between health development and the overall sustainable development, health issues are a priority in our future strategies, in order to make it a public concern rather than a burden on the health workers only. • 6. Balance between development and investment projects on the one hand and the preservation of cultural and popular heritage of the communities on the other. 7. Promote environment friendly tourism projects as the next era tourism and an important source of income for local communities, while maintaining the biodiversity and the preservation of nature and the environment. 8. Work to attract the awareness and training programs for the rehabilitation of local communities in all areas to deal positively with the development and investment projects and spread culture of development among the members of the community, and work on integration and communication between local communities and the investment projects, on the other. 9. Spread and clarify the concepts of development and investment, to help the community adopt these values, and concepts, and involve in the formulation of policies in the context of sustainable development for local communities.
Mission and Objectives

General objectives:
The society works to achieve the following objectives:
1. Work with the popular and official bodies in all possible and legitimate ways in order to create the environment to be attractive for investment, and supportive of the national economy in line with the royal visions, and to highlight the modern image of Jordan as a model of democracy and state of institutions.
2. Cooperation with all governmental and quasi-governmental and civil society institutions concerned with the overall sustainable development and to communicate with the Arab and international bodies and forums on the economic prospects for the detection of investment and development.
3. Work to involve local communities in development projects in all its aspects and give a chance to look at and participate in the formulation of development policies and investment to ensure that opportunities for increasing income, and gaining the support to them through a package of economic and social benefits.
4. To provide opportunities for women's gender through awareness, training and rehabilitation programs and to give them the proper role they deserve as they represent 50% of the community and including them in the core targeted groups.
5. Active participation in health development and involvement to make the task of the health concern a public one, and not a burden on the health workers only.

Main Projects / Activities

establishing FDIS’s Resiliency and Life Skills International School as the first of its kind in Jordan, and it will:
 Teach youth the necessary skills to resist social (peer) pressures to smoke, drink, and use drugs
 Help youth to develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence
 Enable youth to effectively cope with anxiety
 Increase their knowledge of the immediate consequences of substance abuse
 Enhance cognitive and behavioral competency to reduce and prevent a variety of health risk behaviors

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by sharing the information with our partners & counterparts

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to expand our Internationale network and enhance the cooperation with our European neighbors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghadeer Nassar
Head of the organisation
Muna Alalul
Contact (2) Full Name
Muna Alalul

Haya Cultural Center – HCC

National Network

P.O. Box 940 148 Amman 11194

Telephone (other)
+962 65665196
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Haya Cultural Center, established in 1976 as the first non-profit cultural institution in Jordan. It focuses on developing children's and youth's abilities and skills in various cultural, academic, educational, and social aspects, fostering their creativity and honing their talents. Re-opened in 2014 after extensive modernization and expansion, the center now offers a range of facilities and programs aimed at education, innovation, social and economic development, all empowered by culture and artistry.
As a versatile vendor, we provide:

Our offerings include specialized academies in art, music, drama, and a music academy.
We also operate a nursery for employee children,
We organize workshops
We offer a wide range of team-building activities and programs for corporates and organizations.
Additionally, our family day programs cater to diverse family needs for different entities including corporates and organizations.
rental spaces including halls, training rooms, playgrounds, a football field, and a fully equipped theater.
We receive funding to implement projects focused on:

Cultural and Art projects
Early childhood development
Individual development for children and youth
Sustainable sectors, social and economic development.

Mission and Objectives

HCC is a model provided of a broad variety of cultural and artistic programs that empower a large number of children, mentors, parents, to exploit their skills and develop their talent Objectives : 1- Providing qualitative art and culture services and activities to children at minimal fees by professional teachers that help build children'cultural identity 2- Motivating creative thinking and empowering children to project and communicate 3- Encouraging children to research discover and absorb their rich history and heritage of Jordan and bridge with other cultures 4- Creating strategic partnerships with private, public and international partners to improve and extend the services

Main Projects / Activities

The center manages programs funded by local and international NGOs, addressing inclusion, inequality, women's empowerment, youth empowerment, social development, and technology. Today, the Haya Cultural Center is a cultural and artistic village, featuring extensive spaces, meeting rooms, a kindergarten, art halls, an educational kitchen, a planetarium, a theater, and open playgrounds.

1 - Daily activities : - Theatre and drama - Arts and crafts - Science and environment - Planetarium - Library - Microsoft electronic library - Outdoor playground activities - Traffic training 2 - School holiday's programmes (winter summer) 3 – Kids Talent Academy, programme for summer 2006 4 – Film club project 5 – Awarness campaigns on various important issues 6 – Mobile environment, art and culture training and awareness workshops throughout the directorates of Amman in partnership with Greater Amman Municipality 7 – Participation in various cultural festivals and activities (Jerash festival for Culture and Arts, the Arab Children's Congress, Unesco and Unicef children's activities and the Children's Peace and Song Festivals) 8 – Annual Handicrafts Competition for Children 9 – Specialized courses in ballet, dance, computer, music, drawing, drama, swimming, football, and other courses 10 – Youth musical concerts

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Recently renovated

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Recently renovated

Contact (1) Full Name
Reem Al-Adwan
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein/ Reem Al-Adwan-General Manager
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Halig
Job Title (2)
Business Development Manager
Name of Organisation
Haya Cultural Center HCC

Ideal for Developing Cultural and Tourism Routes

National Network

Abdullah Al Azab St.
Building # 38 , 1st floor
P.O. Box 3471

11821 Amman

00 962 (0)6 567 21 46
00 962 (0)6 567 21 45
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 962 (0)79 565 44 66
Mobile Phone (other)
00 962 (0)777 65 44 66
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Component1: Path Development Com.2: Economic and Community Development Com.3: Operations & Jordan Country Director The Budget:120K for the year 2009. Funding sources: • Global Negotiation Initiative, Harvard U. • Dedeman Hotels • Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance • Rockefeller Brothers Fund • Kingdom Foundation (Prince Al Waleed bin Talal) Achievements in Jordan: 80 km of trail mapped  International and local tour groups walking in Jordan Local families are earning income International exchange walks High publicity and newspapers coverage The Jordan team includes the following expertise: • Tony Haward & Di Tyler, • Mahmoud Twisi, • Suhair Ismaiel, • Daniel Adamson, • Josh Weis, • Branwen Cale, • Micheal Fasheh, • Ramez Habash, Our partners and advisors … Our partners include the following: • Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Partner, • Ecodit Lebanon, Consultants and Capacity Building Advisor, • UNDP-Small GEF, Environment Protection Advisor, • Yarmouk University, • Fair Trade Jordan, • Petra Moon Travel Agency, • ‘Aaesha Al Ba’onyyah Forum, • JOHUD, • RSCN, • Ajloun Governorate, • Al Ayoun Municipality, • Some international school,
Mission and Objectives

Abraham Path in Jordan will be established to provide cultural, social, economic, and environmental benefits to the local communities.
Develop the Abraham Path as local and international recognized trail that allows visitors and local hosts to create cross-cultural friendships and enrich and enjoy nature, culture, history and adventure in an authentic, preserved environment, while concurrently creating sustainable economic opportunities for the local communities around the Path.
Strategic Objectives
The objectives can be stated as the following:
to promote economic development through sustainable, responsible tourism
to encourage cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding
to provide a focus for positive media coverage which highlights the unique heritage and hospitable people of this region
to help protect the natural environment and preserve the historic places of the Middle East
to open opportunities for the energy, idealism and creativity of young people from the region and from around the world

Main Projects / Activities

Abraham Path Jordan Country is working on the following projects/activities:
Determine the final walking trail and cultural route of the Abraham Path in Jordan (phase I),
Finalize the Abrahamic cultural, historic and ecological site research and cataloguing phase I),
Develop a final map showing attractions around the walking trail (phase I),
Create a GPS mapping for selected areas of the Path in Jordan (phase I),
Open new segment(s) on the Path.
Engage local communities along the Path (through conducting participatory rapid appraisals in new one or two communities), and or
Build the capacity of local guides and provide local certification program.
Build the capacity of community based organizations towards ownership of parts on the Path,
Hold international and local walks and tours on the Path,
Develop English and Arabic brochures for some areas identified on the trail.
Develop Abraham Path Jordan Marketing Plan,
Develop the network of volunteers and supporters,
Build new national and local partnerships,
Build the capacity of staff,
Fundraising activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suhair Ayyash
Head of the organisation
Ramez S. Habash
Contact (2) Full Name
Iyad Jaber

Knowledge Kingdom for Training & Consultations

National Network

142 Mecca Street, Haramine interception - Bassam Abbasy Complex, Floor (2), Office (202)
P.O.Box: (713027) Amman (11171) Jordan


+ 962 6 5549590
Telephone (other)
+ 962 6 5514344
+ 962 6 5540678
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0796633672 (Mohammad)
Mobile Phone (other)
0779033572 (Nisreen)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Number of Staff: (15) sources of funding: Self funding modalities of action: seminars main partners: goverment and private sectors
Mission and Objectives

Knowledge Kingdom provides training services, consultations and studies for the public sector and the various business activities in private sector. We also organize and conduct training conferences and develop business strategies in a professional and innovative manner of a high quality to satisfy the training needs of individuals, and enhance their skills and surpass their expectations in all fields that will influence towards positive change to cope with the latest developments in human resources development.
Vision: Knowledge Kingdom the best training center for consultations, studies, information technology in the local, regional and international markets.

Main Projects / Activities

IT Training
Conferences organizing and management

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad J. Al Shujaieh
Head of the organisation
Mohammad J. Al Shujaieh
Contact (2) Full Name
Nesreen Al Assal