The Center for Mediterranean Culture and Urbanism

National Network

Arlozorov 50 st.
Bat Yam

Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
The Center for Mediterranean Culture and Urbanism in Bat Yam is a academic and cultural institution. Its aim is the development and advancement of wide methodological application, through academic research and cultural activities, and in both theory and practice, in two fields of knowledge: urban and Mediterranean cultures. In both these topics, the Center places its emphasis on the broadest directions of application available. Area of activity: The Center works and acts in the city of Bat Yam, but also goes out to perform its research in other areas, both local and foreign Mediterranean spaces. The city lies on the shore of the Mediterranean, and is one of the most densely populated in Israel. Since the city's inception, it has been settled by a variety of immigrant groups. Consequently, it is characterized by a mixture of smells, tastes, languages and styles, presenting a street experience that is both rich and warm, in both senses of the word. The city's scenery and outward appearance also present a wide variety of aesthetic languages.
Mission and Objectives

1. Gaining and collating information and experience, both local and global, on the
experience, the planning and the use of Mediterranean urban spaces.
2. Shedding light on current topics involved in the advancement of artistic and research agendas in Mediterranean cities (immigration, density of population, diversity of languages).
3. Initiatives to set up artistic and cultural actions that engage with what is culturally and ontologically present in Mediterranean cities.

Main Projects / Activities

1. A Mediterranean urban "Playlist": recording a disk which will document and preserve the music played and sung by the diverse communities of the city.
2. A series of meetings ("The Voice of the Community"): getting to know the musical map of the city through the mosaic of communities that sing in it.
3. A City with Roots: the establishment of an innovative database consisting of the application of Bar Mitzva work projects on their roots by students of Grade 7 in the city to an electronic data system in the Municipality.
4. "The Mayor team" - the project will provide a municipal team of young people from all over the city with material to examine and consider the public space of the Mediterranean city, and their recommendations will be passed on to the Mayor.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mali Barouch

Youth Forum Israeli - Yofi

National Network

49 Keren Hayesod str. Ashdod

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 54 7208433
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The Youth forum Ashdod-Israel is an association (NGO) created by youth and youth workers. While working with the local sector in the national level, an additional front has been developed in the international level. The organisation is active in the city of Ashdod. The city is allocated about 30 KM south of Tel-Aviv, and is the 5th largest city in Israel, with a population of more then 200,000 people. Within that, it has one of the most sensitive and vulnerable sectors of the Israeli society. In the international field, we are involve in huge Euro-Med networks (COMED, GLOBAL VOICE…) and realizing together youth exchanges and support measures. YOFI is also one of the biggest E.V.S coordinating, sending and hosting association in Israel and we cooperate in this field with European organizations doing the same. Our budget was in year 2005 about 150000 euros
Mission and Objectives

Our main aims are to develop educational projects about youth, intercultural understanding, peace and tolerance.
• We believe in the power of youth to change our country and world for a better place to live in. Through working in and out of the country.
• We also believe that only by mutual encounters and constant relationships between youth, peace can be obtained in our region.
YOFI, with its'' staff of volunteers, which all have strong roots in the heritage and education work in the city, has taken on it self several projects, and working in a large verity of themes: Among them, a large project of embracing and supporting families of new immigrants. Helping them absorb into the Israeli society and the employment circle; Daily work with Down syndrome children, helping them with their most basic needs, and more.

Main Projects / Activities

• We are a member of a network of Euro-med youth organisations, working together against racism, xenophobia and violence.
YOFI, with its'' staff of volunteers, which all have strong roots in the heritage and education work in the city, has taken on it self several projects, and working in a large verity of themes: Among them, a large project of embracing and supporting families of new immigrants. Helping them absorb into the Israeli society and the employment circle; Daily work with Down syndrome children, helping them with their most basic needs, and more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shabi Michaeli
Head of the organisation
Shabi Michaeli
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilan Mamane

Conflict Zone Arts Asylum Israel

National Network

Alumim 36 Street ,
Ramat Gan

Ramat Gan

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Conflict Zone Arts Asylum is an aspiring group of artists from around the world who together under the leadership of Michael Ronen create works challenging conflict and political problems of the world we live in. It is a company which works against a backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and events in Europe such as the 7/7 London bombings and the Parisian riots. The company started out as a Conflict Zone Theatre Company in London in 2007. It became closer to that of an arts asylum (resulting in a name change), with the joining of a broader range of artists in its move to Berlin in October 2007. The company has since been responsible for employing and exposing fine artists, photographers, film makers and choreographers. Conflict Zone’s work is still however, strongly theatre-based and has such projects in planning for 2009. The company works towards writing new theatrical works and producing original productions. Partners up to date - UK - Finbourugh Theatre (January 2007), Young Vic Theatre (January 2007) Oval House (May 2007) , Soho Theatre (July 2007) , Aassembly Rooms Edinburgh Fringe Festival (August 2008) Germany , Berlin - Tacheles Kunsthaus (February-May 2008), Ballhaus Naunynstr (November 2008 - Today) France , Paris - Theatre de Solei (Future collaboration) Israel , Tel-Aviv-Jaffa - Arab-Hebrew Theatre (January 2009- Today), Yoram Levisntein Acting Studio. Acre Theatre Centre - Acre theatre Festival 2009, Nazereth Arabic Fringe theatre. Palestine - Jenin refugee camp cinema (tba)
Mission and Objectives

The Collective work towards:
a) Establishing a platform where people of opposing nations and different artistic backgrounds are given the opportunity to work together, thereby transforming the way conflict is expressed;
b) Addressing a market need to create high-end multicultural arts productions;
c) Helping educational departments, universities, research centers, think-tanks, and multilateral organizations in the examination of multicultural issues and policy development.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre Project
iWitness - Finbourugh theatre London January 2007
Conflict Zone Closing time - devised theatre piece of 5 playwrights from conflict areas (March-August 2007)
Conflict Zone Workshop Berlin - An Inter-disciplinary laboratory in Tacheles Kunsthaus Berlin , Workshop on the subject of Third Generation Israeli-Germans-Palestinians.
Workshop on the subject of mixed marriages between European women and arab men in Europe.
Krieg (War) - A theatre play by Lars Noren - Opening show of the 13TH Dialogue Festival in the Ballhaus Naunynstr , Berlin (January 2009)
Selos Guestworkers - A site specific performance at a Turkish Coffee House berlin , part of the Opening festival of the Ballhaus Nauynstr Berlin (October 2007)
Wonchconcert (HADIRA) - A site specific performance in a Tel-Aviv apartment preformed without words by an Israeli and Palestinian actresses. Arab-Hebrew theatre , Jaffa Israeli (May 2009)

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Ronen
Head of the organisation
Michael Ronen

Clipa Theater

National Network

38 Harakevet st.
Tel Aviv

+972 - 3 - 6879219
+972 - 3 - 6879232
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 - 54 -5467921
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Clipa Theater is Israel's leading visual theater group, established over 12 years ago in Tel-Aviv. Clipa produces 3-4 new performances every year, conducts annual workshops for students worldwide, and produces Clipa Aduma – an international festival for visual theater and performance art. Clipa Theater tours with its performances worldwide, as well as creating tens of international artistic collaborations. Clipa Theater employs 10 full-time members and approximately 20 freelancers: multi-disciplinary artists and performers, technical crew and producers. Clipa Theater is based in The Clipa Center for Performing arts in Tel-Aviv, which is home to the group's productions, studios, workshops and the annual Clipa Aduma international festival for visual theater and performance art. Clipa Theater's resources are based on governmental and independent cultural funds in Israel, as well as the Theater's independent revenues. Clipa Theater partners with artists, groups and festivals worldwide creating in the fields of visual theater.
Mission and Objectives

Clipa Theater and the Clipa Aduma international festival for visual theater and performance art hold 3 main missions and objectives:
The first goal is that of promoting the field of visual theater in Israel, by exposing local audiences and artists to various forms of advanced theatrical creation taking place created in Israel and world-wide.
The second goal of is that of empowering and enriching local young and beginning artists. the theater is home to study programs and venues for young artists and creators in these fields, as well as supplies techinical and artistic support. The Clipa Aduma festival invites highly acclaimed and experienced groups and creators from around the world to hold open workshops and master-classes.
The third goal is creating significant cross-cultural exchanges and dialogue between Israeli and international artists. The theater and festival encourage artistic encounters and collaborations between local and international artists as a means of deepening and enhancing the artistic research and output of all partners.

Main Projects / Activities

Clipa Theater's main activities and projects:
Clipa produces 3-4 new productions every year - large-scale outdoor and site-specific creations as well as indoor stage creations.
Clipa holds every summer the Clipa Aduma international festival for visual theater and performance art.
Clipa holds twice a year the Performance Art Workshop, open to students and young creators from various disciplines.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alon Schwabe
Head of the organisation
Idit Herman
Contact (2) Full Name
Nili Maman

Centre for Proactive Peacemaking International (CPPI)

National Network

PO Box 18158 Beit Hanina- Jerusalem

+972 25818611
+972 25823842
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 523843239
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Staff employed:20 Resources available in one year:$ 150 000 Funding: Private donations and projects Actions: youth exchanges, peace seminars and competitions, peace education to youth Schools, NGOs, Churches, Municipalities
Mission and Objectives

To promote peace and peacemaking proactively among individuals, groups and nations by correcting the root causes of problems rather than dealing with their results; through proactive activities which lead to understanding,forgiveness and reconciliation.
Objectives: Teaching peace in schools and in youth associations, creating peace networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth for Peace- youth peace association ( age 15 to 18)
Youth peace courses in schools: Bethanina, Bethlehem and Gaza
Peace networking activities
Peace competitions

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Jamila Berardi
Head of the organisation
Ross Byars
Contact (2) Full Name
Manhal Samaan

Gate to Humanity (Sha’ar laAdam – Bab lil’Insan)

National Network

Shaar Laadam
Kibutz Harduf
D.N. Hamovil 17930

Kibutz Harduf

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Gate to Humanity is a non-profit organization, that includes about 25 employees and partners. Its fundings come from donations. It holds courses along the year, as well as concrete projects. The main partners are: Faiz Swaed, Yaacov Arnan, the German organization: "Tor zur Welt", the US organization: "ANN ARBOR" and the US organization: "The Zeitouna group".
Mission and Objectives

Gate to Humanity sprouted out of a reality where Arab and Jewish citizens in the Galilee met. Over the years a partnership was developed and the idea for the center was born, as a place where people from different cultures can meet and learn from each other.
Plans of the project began at 1998 and it went on ground at 2002. It is located in the forest between the Bedouin village of Ka'abiyye and Kibbutz Harduf in the Galilee of Israel, as an international community center for educational, artistic and ecological activities between Arabs and Jews.
The establishing of the center is a result of many years of congenial relations between ethnically diverse neighbors who have peacefully addressed the problems between old and new settlements. Everyone involved realizes that only a joint effort will resolve these problems, leading to the foundation of a new and different reality based on a common vision. This vision reflecting our ability to live together and our commitment to sharing resources, knowledge and culture.
Over the years the center initiated activities in different areas: agriculture, group theatre, language teaching, women's group, handcraft workshop of women, etc.
We understood that the way to grow is only a new and holistic thinking. It should include all the different life fields while putting emphasis on the evolution of the individual, the community and their connection to nature and the environment. In the recent years the vision is turning into reality. Gate to Humanity is becoming a communal educational center that aims to answer the need of creating a common culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Fire Of Peace Festival:
The Festival is the highlight of the artistic and social activities going on throughout the year, celebrating Jewish and Arab culture and understanding. It is entirely organised by volunteers who see it as their mission to create a place of living encounter between the different religions of the region, out of the deep belief that peace is not a faraway dream, but that it can be brought to life even in the simplest of acts.
The theatre track:
On 2005 Sha’ar laAdam initiated the of a theatre track in the Shfar'amr, high school and that turned to be a big success. Today the Shfar’amr theatre track includes three classes: 10th, 11th and 12th grades. This is a regular high school program, where the students are tested as part of their final exams, and In addition, they go through a special social experience. This is especially through meeting and working with the Jewish school at Harduf.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anat Shteckelman
Head of the organisation
Faiz Swaed
Contact (2) Full Name
Faiz Swaed

Grassroots Jerusalem

National Network
+972 – 02 966 5655
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
Grassroots Jerusalem is a Palestinian urban and human rights organization focused on Palestinian communities in Jerusalem.
Mission and Objectives

Grassroots Jerusalem is a platform for active social, urban and human rights activists and organizations in Al-Quds.
We seek to create a strong grassroots network that will represent community voices that disobey, oppose and resist Israeli occupation and apartheid.
We amplify the local resources available for and from grassroots activists, leaders and organizations. We create virtual and real environments for meeting, sharing information, educating, growing and coordinating on shared issues of urgent and long term concern.

Main Projects / Activities

“Image and Identity”
“Image and Identity” is a participatory multimedia project that teaches Palestinian youth how to creatively articulate local culture, history, identity and space using photography, writing and mapping skills.
Youth work closely with Grassroots Jerusalem’s staff and Palestinian artists to create live maps of their communities and photographs that are exhibited locally, nationally and internationally at institutions of higher education.
Community Assessment
To support the grassroots initiatives, activist and leaders in Jerusalem, Grassroots Jerusalem is conducting a community driven assessment to amplify the voice of community members, identify issues of shared concern in Jerusalem and provide the information to community members so that they can connect, coordinate and advocate effectively.
Our assessment is a flexible tool that is created by the community and based on a participatory community model — making it community based and owned, the results unique for each community. We not only build the capacity of community members to build a community assessment, but to effectively use the information to make their issues priorities for local and international decision makers.
Through a series of mapping workshops, Grassroots Jerusalem is working with Palestinian community members to learn how to use GPS & open source technology to collect, analyze and use geospatial data for advocacy. Using Open Street Map, open source mapping technology, community members are creating the map of Jerusalem bottom-up instead of top-down. Adding historic landmarks and street names to the map, Palestinians are ensuring that their longstanding history in Jerusalem isn’t erased and that they have the skills to ensure that the Palestinian story of Jerusalem isn’t only the past, but the future.
But mapping isn’t just about recording history, it’s also about coordinating. To meet the urgent needs of Jerusalemites, Grassroots Jerusalem has created the Al-Quds Network, a social network for local urban and human rights activists and organizations, with incident reporting technology that enables community members to report and document human rights violations in real time. Using Frontline SMS, an open source software that turns enables users to send and receive group text messages, and USHAHIDI, community members are able to collectively document and create a picture of urban and human rights violations in Jerusalem.
Markaz Al Kul
Markaz Al-Kul is a space that provides activists with the tools and resources they need to organize, create and resist. A workspace and meeting point for anyone active in the Jerusalemite Palestinian community
Markaz Al Kul Legal Clinic
The Markaz Al Kul Legal Clinique is especially designed to meet the needs of East Jerusalem residents. Our unique legal unit brings together a network of lawyers that are familiar with the complex legal system in Jerusalem and are familiar with civil and human rights cases.
Grassroots Al Quds Network
The Grassroots Al-Quds Network is a online platform that enables urban and human rights activists and organizations in Jerusalem to connect, share knowledge and coordinate on issues of immediate and long term concern. The platform is open source, enabling activists and community based organizations to contribute and create a shared picture of the activities, initiatives and needs of Jerusalemites.

Contact (1) Full Name
Micha Kurz
Head of the organisation
Micha Kurz and Khaled Farrag
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled Farrag

IMPACT-SE Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education

National Network

IMPACT-SE Research Institute
POBox 39095
Givat Ram Hebrew University
Jerusalem 91390


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
IMPACT-SE monitors tolerance in school education by studying textbooks and analyzing them by international standards. The institute is registered nonprofit and non-political research institute dedicated to the culture of tolerance by encouraging acceptance of the “other” and rejection of violent conflict resolution. IMPACT-SE’s developed a research methodology, which focuses solely on the texts and images and examines them without relying on interpretations, paraphrasing or trying to illustrate preconceived notions. Thus its reports are uniquely unbiased. IMPACT-SE works in research groups and is governed by a Board, a CEO and an International Advisory Board. The staff consists of 12 employees. The budgetary resources available in the year 2010 were $178,000 by donors such as the Goldman Foundation. The modalities of action are concrete research projects on curricula of various nations and publishing reports on the organization website.
Mission and Objectives

IMPACT-SE Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education is an independent, interdisciplinary, apolitical research institute that has developed a set of unique measurement tools compliant with international standards.
The institute, founded by Dr. Yohanan Manor in 1998, is headed by a board of directors from Israel, a CEO and an international board of world-renowned experts and scientists. The institute employs twelve researchers who work in groups in collaboration with experts in the field.
IMPACT-SE, headquartered at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem’s Givat Ram campus, publishes several reports a year, as well as reviews on the state of education and curricula in various countries and sectors.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main research projects for 2011 are completing and updating: to complete our research on the Palestinian Authority New Curriculum, and on the Israel's Jewish sector school textbooks as well as on Turkey schoolbooks. And to update our previous reports on Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran curricula.
Our project in communication for 2011 is to convey IMPACT-SE's findings to the Media and to policy makers: on PA and Iran to US and EU policy makers, on Egypt and Saudi Arabia to US policy makers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shelley Elkayam – (Education Counsellor)
Head of the organisation
Yochanan Manor – (Founder)

BEIT-ARIEL – Science Centre for Youth

National Network

39, Wingeit St
Beer-Sheva 84428

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Religion
  3. Research
General Information
Beit Ariel – science center for youth was established in 1986 thanks to the kind help from Mr. and Mrs. Rubenzadeh who have decided to establish Beit Ariel as a tribute to their son-Ariel, who’s life ended pre maturely at age 17. Beit Ariel makes Science available for everyone concentrating on under privileged community, Beit Ariel works through and with city hall Beer-Sheva, the board of education and the association for promoting scientific education. Beit Ariel serves the youth all year long every year since 1986. It provides both morning activities and afternoon activities for the young generation. In the mornings Beit Ariel welcomes youth and teenagers and helps them with their studies. Also in the mornings are lectures about different subjects such as physiology, genetic, ecology astronomy and environmental studies for different high schools
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ofir Itay
Contact (2) Full Name
Hofit Ohayon

Ma ville verte

National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'association est composée d'une présidente et d'une sécretaire.Elle est en attente de financement du conseil général pour la mise en oeuvre de ses actions.Elle table sur des projets concrets de créations de parcs et d'espaces verts tout en favorisant le dialogue interculturel dans son périmètre d'action.La mairie de secteur des 2/3 s'associe volontiers à son action.
Mission and Objectives

Créations de parcs et d'espaces verts.En dehors de l'embellissement des quartiers,l'association s'engage à faire respecter l'environnement dans un cadre éco-citoyen.L'association se donne aussi pour mission l'aide et l'intégration de la jeunesse des quartiers dans un programme de formation avec Euroméditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Favoriser un environnement éco-citoyen

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En y apportant de notre expérience en temps réel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons rejoindre le réseau du FAL,pour échanger d'une part nos expériences sur le terrain et d'autre part,nous doter d'outils qui ont permis à d'autres d'asseoir durablement le processus de communication interculturelle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation