Olaine Municipality Council

National Network

Zemgales iela 33, Olaine, Olaines novads, Lv-2114

+371 67146030
Telephone (other)
+371 67146017
+371 67963777
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 22019984
Mobile Phone (other)
+371 29276548
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Olaine municipality is a municipality in Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009(According to the Administrative territorial reform of Latvia) by merging Olaine parish and Olaine town the administrative centre being Olaine. Olaine municipality are is 296,3 km2 and population in municipality is 20,085. Olaine municipality council as well as the rest of municipalities in Latvia is elected council by the citizens and it works according to the Latvian legislation, observing interests of state and inhabitants of administrative territory. The budget of Olaine municipality draws up and approve department of finance.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Olaine municipality council is to contribute inhabitants social, cultural, economic and educational upgrowing and to take charge of inhabitants interests. Olaine municipality council follows the standards that are based on such value as objectivity, equal attitude, opennes and fairness.
1. To strengthen and diversify the local economy, culture, education and social life;
2. To improve and enhance the level of living standards for inhabitants in municipality;
3. Working within a framework of democratic principles to facilitate optimum public participation and community involvement;
4. Welcome, advocate, maintain and encourage projects, programmes and facilities for children, youth and also for disabled, aged people

Main Projects / Activities

Olaine municipality council have twinning agreements with partners from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Russia. Olaine municipality council every year realize a lot of projects, witch heighten inhabitants living standards.The biggest of them is:
# Tot lot playground development project in Olaine town;
# Development of swimming-pool, multi-functional ice-rink and athletic field in Olaine town;
Also every year we have calls for proposals in youth projects, where every young people can present ideas for youth and education upgrowing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilze Mazure
Head of the organisation
Janis Pavlovičs
Contact (2) Full Name
Sergejs Kirilovs

Sociala Lidzatbildiba

National Network

Apsu 19 Jelgava

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Non-governmental organisation "Sociala Lidzatbildiba" is founded in 2003 by persons believing in creation of active civil society through educational, creative projects. Organisation doesn't have stabile regular incomves because it functions on the project basis. Main source of funding are EU programms like Youth in Action, Leonardo da Vinci and others. Main type of activities are international volunteering projects, youth exchanges, local initiatives, educational trainings and seminars. Most of the proejcts are implemented in good cooperation with partners gained during its first 5 years of experience in many countries of Europe, Middle East and North Africa.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of "Sociala Lidzatbildiba" is to promote development of tolerant, socially responsible and active civil society.
- To fight against gender, nation, race, religion based dicriminatione in society by creative, educational, informative activities for society and young people in particular;
- To participate in the personal development of young people in directon of becoming active and responsible citizens of through non-formal education activities.

Main Projects / Activities

International youth exchanges on topics tied with fight against all forms of discrimination, with improvement of intercultural dialogue, with defining their own identity and discovering the value of diversity;
International volunteering projects that provides real discovery of different cultures, traditions, learning new languages, gaining new skills and knowledge in the fields they are interested;
Local initiatives that incourages young people to become active, learn to take responsability and organise events to make possitive changes in the local community;
Trainings and seminars to develope competences of youngsters and those who work with young people to develope and implement projects, use non-formal education and to find international partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zita Krastina
Head of the organisation
Madars Paics

Al - Shalom

National Network


+371 29516988
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
-Structure:head of organisation is its founder, but due to free accesibility to the project,anyone can participate in the project; -Budgetary resources:profitless; -Sources of funding:personal (it is planned to attract national & EU funds for non-music events` organisation) -Modalities of action:see "Main Projects/Activities" -Main partners:all who have wish to participate in struggle for brotherhoodly peace between Jews and Arabs and have a sense about rock/metal music too. One of most important partners - Israeli-Palestinian organisation MePeace (www.mepeace.org)
Mission and Objectives

Organisation`s mission is simple - peaceful life for our kids.
Many have both Jewish and Arab blood, but vast majority supposes that it can`t be possible...that Jews and Arabs are totally different strangers with only one connection - eternal hate.Rare knows the truth - we are brothers - semites.And we want to live in peace, whatever it takes.
Thankfully, there are now many organisations, devoted to this issue, but obviously no one has succeeded, because problem still isn`t solved...
We,already participated in this project, are Semitic brothers misunderstood and neglected in one more issue - we are rock/metal music performers and fans.We have to pay innocently twice - being named as satanists (for listening to such music), terrorists and enemies.But why many of Arab and Jewish rock music fans became Al-Shalom participants is because we know that nothing is so uniting and brotherhood establishing than music we love.You may call fans of such music as stereotyped as you wish, but it would be impossible to deny that fans of rock/metal music are enormously friendly towards each other.
So, we use proved tool for brotherhood in salvation of our national and cultural stereotypes - and this is our mission & objective too.

Main Projects / Activities

Now main activity is promotion of project itself.It includes mutual, virtual advertising, events organisation, social networking etc.
Also it is planned to organise Jewish - Arab events doesn`t devoted to music - such as Jewish-Arab food festival, congress of Middle East peacemakers`in North Europe,youth summer camps,cultural evenings, activity in national&international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mara Svelpe
Head of the organisation
Mara Svelpe

Education for Life

National Network

32 Shaham Street, Kiryat matalon
Petach Tikva 47190

+972 39277240
+972 3 9242550
Mobile Phone
+972 52 4595555
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Education for Life Israel was established as an NGO in 1999, and its purpose is to provide communication tools, processes and programs that develop a more respectful, caring and responsible approach to life. It has consistently grown in size and success and has provided educational interventions that promote self-understanding, self-development, planning and acknowledgement of diversity to scores of schools, kindergartens and parenting groups throughout the country. Programs cover a variety of Israeli society sectors, including secular, religious, Arab and Haredi. Courses are recommended by the Ministry of Education and recognized for in-service training benefits (gmul) by it. Education for Life's Director is Ofer Al-yagor who is an internationally certified trainer of Nonviolent CommunicationSM and Human Dynamics®. Ofer trains our trainers in these methodologies and also leads processes with the Lots® model used for planning in organizations. Ofer has many years of experience in the educational system as a teacher, pedagogical facilitator and principle and has been a part of the foundation since its founding in 1999. Yakarah Attias-Rosen our Deputy Director holds an MBA in Business Management and is in charge of Marketing, Business Development and Fundraising for the Amuta. Yakarah is a also a certified trainer of Nonviolent CommunicationSM and Human Dynamics® and leads organizational processes with the use of the Lots® model. We also has a full time office manager who in addition to running the office also deals with the area of accounting for the Foundation and manages the Foundation's website. The Foundation works with free-lance trainers trained by us, from all three sectors, including trainers from the Haredi sector. It has been very successful in the Haredi sector, gaining the trust of participants to such an extent that the latter have been prepared to learn processes from both secular and non-Jewish trainers – something quite unheard of in this sector. The Foundation's Budget for 2008 stands at 193,000 Dollars. Our main sources of income are from donations received from Organizations such as the UJA and Olivestone Foundation, payment from our public cients – mainly the educational system and regional councils and from work done in private businesses and organizations. Education for Life’s main mathodologies are: Nonviolent CommunicationSM which has been recommended by the Ministry of Education as an effective tool for the prevention of violence, Human Dynamics®, (understanding diversity), and Lots® (a planning, goal setting and measurement tool), and has the rights to disseminate these programs in Israel.
Mission and Objectives

Education for Lifes vision is Education by all for the wellbeing of children
*Well Being is the realization of ones own Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social and Spiritual potential Education for Life promotes a respectful, caring and responsible approach to life by providing intervention programs, processes and communication tools to educational communities.The foundation provides processes and tools which promote appreciation for diversity within the Israeli society and among diverse groups and sectors, this is done by promoting communication and behaviors that focus on needs, feelings and acceptance of the natural diversity between people. The foundation implements these life tools among children, their parents, counselors and trainers within their peer groups and in organizations who wish to promote Well Being as a way of life. Our main activities over the past year have been processes done in over 8 schools, 10 Kindergartens - not including a pilot activity in Ashdod with the Kindergartens – in cooperation with "sea of blue" an anti drug/alcohol/violence program, a city wide treaty/agreement in Shoham, work with Youth Groups in Gederot, 6 parent groups around the country, a co-existence program in the Gilboa Region in cooperation with the Olivestone Foundation, A trainers program in Non Violent Communication and Human Dynamics in JM for Hareidi, Religious and Secular Teachers in cooperation with the UJA. A pilot course in the Mechina Program in Beer Sheva for Beduin Youth in cooperation withthe Eric De Rothchild Foundation. A trainers course for broadening the milue of trainers for Education for Life - a modular course made up of 1 year with the option to continue for a second year and receive deeper training.

Main Projects / Activities

Education for Life’s intervention program is a practical implementable program dealing with school climate and the dialog skills which promote cooperation. The program has its roots in a world view and is supported by implementable applications and models. The basic assumption is that underlying each human behavior is a need, and recognizing these needs creates a basis for a common human connection and cooperation. The program is based on the model for Nonviolent Communicationsm , developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg.
Education for Life’s intervention program is aimed at internalization of principals and attitude of effective, respectful and caring dialog on the organizational as well as on the personal level, of the educational community. (teachers, students and parents)
Purposes of the program
 Creation of institutional climate conducive to personal and professional growth of each student and staff member.
 An improvement in the personal physical and emotional feeling of safety within the educational community
 Acquirement of skills for effective interpersonal communications
 Development of respectful authority and creation of a safe environment
 Improvement of communication and connection between the educational staff, the students and the parents.
The program offered is designed for a three year intervention, and measured through clear goals in qualitative and quantitive measurements, determined by the steering committee and the trainers.
Another project is one that tries to promote diversity and respect between Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews,his project’s goal is to promote understanding and positive communication between the students and teachers of the Arab school Ort Ahva Naura and the Jewish school Amal Emek Harod. In the course of the project, the students and teaching staff acquired respectful, assertive and empathic dialogue skills, based on the Nonviolent CommunicationSM model. The teachers were also trained in the application of Respectful Authority, developed by Education for Life, which enables the expression of respectful authoritative messages and the definition of boundaries while retaining the spirit of nonviolence. The teachers practiced these skills in workshops, and engaged their classes in educational activities built to help them internalize and practice the model.
In the final stage, the students participated in Open Space processes and planned joint projects for the well-being of their region.
The ninth graders organized a fun day for Arab and Jewish children hospitalized at Emek hospital. The children initiated, planned and executed the activities themselves and of their own accord.
The eighth graders interviewed people about living together in peace. They also made banners and stickers reading “Living together is possible” in Hebrew and Arabic, and distributed them at the state cup finals in soccer between the Bnei Sahnin (Arab) and Hapoel Haifa (Jewish) soccer teams. Here, too, the children were the ones who initiated, planned and executed the activities.
In light of the success and wonderful reports on part of children and teachers alike, the project is continuing this year, adding more children to the process, and training children in basic skills of Nonviolent Communication so they can peer train others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yakarah Attias-Rosen

Muntada-Arab Forum For Sexuality Education and Health

National Network

P.O.Box 8502,Haifa 31085


+972 4 8538814
Telephone (other)
+972 597177077
00 972 4 8538815
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 543302209
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 597177077
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Muntada - The Arab Forum for Sexuality, Education and Health - is a national organization committed to the social development of Palestinian society, by addressing educational and counseling needs as they relate to sexuality and reproductive health. Regarded locally as a major professional and intellectual nexus in the field of human sexuality, Muntada is also dynamically building connections with Arab and international networks in this field that share the principles of universal human rights and sustainable development. (Muntada structure is attached as a document)
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement
Based on its firm belief that sexual and reproductive rights are basic human rights--the realization of which contributes in a vital way to sustained human development--Muntada strives to promote these rights within Palestinian society, by addressing the sexuality and reproductive health needs of diverse age groups. Muntada aspires to substantially raise community awareness to sexual health challenges and to create counseling and educational programs that will effectively contribute to individual and family development. By partnering and engaging with various community sectors, and by employing methods that reflect sensitivity to the socio-cultural context, Muntada hopes to effectively deal with the serious sexual health challenges facing Palestinians on both the individual and community levels. These include high-risk sexual behaviors; sexual abuse, particularly among minors; sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); and the proliferation of harmful, inaccurate, and misleading sexual information, especially among youth.
Our Goals
 To raise in the Palestinian community awareness regarding sexual health and sexuality education, particularly among youth
 To combat all forms of sexual abuse
 To promote effective methods of reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases
 To enhance the right of each individual to freely choose a loving partner
 To establish sexuality-related counseling facilities for various age groups
 To create a professional and scientific foundation for the development of knowledge and skills of Palestinian and other Arab professionals working in sexuality and reproductive health
 To challenge erroneous and obsolete popular conceptions that denigrate women and, as a result, encourage psychological and sexual violence against them.

Main Projects / Activities

Muntada’s Main Programs for 2010
• School Education Program: this project focuses on developing appropriate, culturally-sensitive school curricula in sexuality education and training of professionals for working with students and their parents, as well as enriching parents with tools to improve communication with their children in this sensitive domain, and provide students with skills to make their own healthy decisions and protect themselves from potentially harmful sexual practices.
• Sexual Health Promotion through Community Outreach Programs: this project focuses on raising awareness regarding sexual health and rights through community workshops with various groups of all ages and both genders, as well as the creation of a space where the community can access accurate information and services related to sexuality. It is worth mentioning that a large part of the workshops are based on the participatory approach, that is, the active involvement of all the participants through interaction, expressing their views to others and free-open discussions with others in the group. Muntada’s website plays a major role in providing this accurate information, counseling on line, and professional advice to all educators and professionals who access the website and ask for assistance
• Advanced Professional Training on Sexuality Education and Sexual Health: Muntada conducts two advanced training courses (112 hours) every year. Every year, at least 36 professionals graduate from this course.
• Continuous Professional Supervision and Training for Staff members and Volunteers: Continuous professional training and supervision takes place for Muntada’s staff members and volunteers. In this regard, the sessions with Mr. Mustafa Shala’tah, a prominent psychologist, will continue to be held every three weeks to support the trainers and facilitators in their field work

Contact (1) Full Name
Safa Tamish
Head of the organisation
Safa Tamish
Contact (2) Full Name
Natasha Khalidi

Functional Brain Center

National Network

Weizman 6 Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The center is composed of a state of the art brain imaging facility and a large neuroscience lab, hosting more than 20 graduate students from various disciplines (e.g. psychology, cinema, medicine, computer science and engineering). It is based on a cooperative initiative of Tel Aviv Medical Center and Tel Aviv University, starting at 2001, aimed to advance the study of the human brain via advanced imaging techniques such as MRI and EEG. Beside research the center is involved in organizing seminars and workshops and is leading a unique program on the interface between brain, emotion and culture.
Mission and Objectives

To advance our understanding of humans' values and drives through in-depth study of underlying brain operations and processes.

Main Projects / Activities

Brain research focusing on the effect of psychological, cultural and social processes on regulation of emotional behavior as manifested in anger, aggression and hostility.
The research method is multi-level and multi-modal ranging from brain imaging, physiological measures and analysis of verbal outputs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Talma Hendler
Head of the organisation
Talma Hendler
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamar Goldstein

Individual Member: Dr. Natalie Messika

National Network

Ushiskin 58

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
An archaeologist and a writer, specialized in the fields of 3D sites reconstruction, scriptwriting and other multimedia producing
Mission and Objectives

The production of joint multimedia and documentation projects dealing with the cultural and social heritage of the Mediterranean region

Main Projects / Activities

Archeological documentation projects in Israel like: Caesarea Maritima, Bet Shean\Scitopolis, Akko, Jodfat (Jotapata) Ramle and also Pompeii (Italy). My aim is to produce new project with partners coming from various EU and MEDA countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Natalie Messika

Individual Member: Etty Wieseltier

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
(Film Producer - Director - Editor)
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Etty Wieseltier

Individual member: Treister Noa

National Network

ha'ainav 2,

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
I'm an freelance artist and curator working in the Balkan, Israel and Europe as well as establishing and heading the Art Interventions Program
Mission and Objectives

Art Interventions – Art Interventions is an interdisciplinary program that brings artists and scholars to disenfranchised communities and locations to rethink together with the local population the social, political, economic and cultural situation, currently and through history and ascertain new perceptions and ideas. These ideas and the trust built in the community are later put into practice in social and economic initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

The Art Interventions Program included projects such as: Under Construction - with ex-miners communities, The Return of the Gastarbajters - with immigrants in the Balskan, Sex in transition and currently Poverty in Jerusalem.

Contact (1) Full Name
Treister Noa

Individual member: Yair Qedar (Deserco)

National Network

16 app.3 Amishav st.
Tel Avov

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
An independent filmmaker, in the fields of production, scriptwriting and editing
Mission and Objectives

The production of joint documentary TV films, dealing with the cultural and social heritage of the Mediterranean region

Main Projects / Activities

Mare Nostrum, a documentary TV series dealing with the past, present and future of the Mediterranean realities and vision from three angles: music, immigration and the harbour city. Our aim is to produce this project with a crew and partners coming from various EU and MEDA countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yair Qedar
Head of the organisation
Yair Qedar