Together asbl Luxembourg

National Network

9, rue de Reims, Luxembourg

+35(0)21 786 968
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The type of the organization is a non-profit making one and it’s the member of Together network, registered in 2005. It is a volunteer organization, and at the moment, we have no employed staff. As the resources of financing, we are using the grants for the concrete projects, and we are mostly active in Programmes “youth” and “Daphne2” in Luxembourg (youth exchanges-training – seminars-EVS) Our partners of the NGO are both local and international ones.
Mission and Objectives

The network of “Together” organisations is present in Europe and also in the process of establishment in the Middle - East : in Jordan and Palestine.
Using the opportunities for international mobility we wish to strengthen the appreciation of diversities in the large Europe concept and we try to support people in discovering other cultures and lifestyles and thus enriching their personal and professional developments.
We encourage volunteering – the principal of mobility of young people, European citizenship and active participation.

Main Projects / Activities

International level :
Sending volunteers
Local level :
Campain against violence,
local volunteers

Contact (1) Full Name
Miomir Vujovic
Head of the organisation
Luc Wendling (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Christof Mann

Jeunes Francophones en Action ( JFA)

National Network

Maison 7, L-6836

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Notre organisation se compose entre autres d'un comité de 9 jeunes francophones à travers le monde et regroupe tous les anciens jeunes de parlements francophones de jeunesse soit 300 jeunes environ à travers la francophonie. NOus organisons des formations par des jeunes pour des jeunes, des séminaires sur les thèmes des droits de l'homme, vie citoyenne, diversité culturelle et développement durable sachant que nous proposons régulièrement nos projets aux instances européennes chargées de soutenir les organismes de jeunesse. Nous travaillons surtout avec le Parlement francohone des jeunes et les Parlements nationaux de jeunes. Enfin on essaie de créer une vraie cohésion entre notre organisation et les Parlements nationaux de jeunes et le Parlement francophone des jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l’Association est de promouvoir la démocratie, la citoyenneté, les droits de l’homme, la diversité culturelle et le développement durable et d’encrer ces valeurs chez les jeunes. Il s’agit d’un réseau d’échange entre les jeunes de ce monde avec priorité aux jeunes francophones ayant participé au Parlement francophone des jeunes ou étant membres des Parlements nationaux des jeunes ou équivalent. Par les moyens d’éducation formelle et informelle, l’Association vise au meilleur épanouissement des jeunes et à la sensibilisation de leurs entourages sur les thèmes les préoccupant.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons 3 axes principaux:
- L’inter culturalité et l’esprit de groupe : Ce domaine a pour but de valoriser « l’esprit de groupe ». Trop souvent la cohésion du groupe, la compréhension à travers différentes cultures et modes de vies ne sont pas pris en compte dans le déroulé d’un projet mais la réussite de celui-ci tient bien à l’entente qu’il peut y avoir entre les participants. Notre but est donc de créer une atmosphère de partage.
- La vie démocratique et citoyenne : Un vaste sujet essentiel pour nos participants. Au programme : simulation, rédaction de résolutions, partage d’expériences personnelles. En d’autres termes, vivre et comprendre la démocratie.
- Le développement durable et écologique : Ce thème est fondamental pour notre génération. Le but est de partager sur le sujet et de sensibiliser chacun. Chaque jeune francophone a la possibilité, face à ce défi, d’être un acteur majeur pour changer la donne et promouvoir un avenir vert.

Contact (1) Full Name
Melle Anne SOISSON
Head of the organisation
Melle Anne SOISSON
Contact (2) Full Name
Melle Manon LOISON

Cultura Latina Luxembourg asbl

National Network

275, rue de cessange

+352 26 89 74 29
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+352 621 299 396
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Cultura Latina Luxembourg asbl was created to promote integration, tolerance and fraternity among people. The way we use to vehicle our values is Culture, we are specialized in festivals. We promote an international Salsa Congress, the third edition will be held from 15 to 18 May 2008 in Luxembourg city. With the support of the Cultural Authorities and the City tourist Office of Luxembourg. We had an exchange with one of your members in 2007 during a meeting with Claude Frisoni, our pragmatic proposition is the exchange of arts, music and dance groups of your region to the scene of our Salsa Congress. This to add value to your existing events, for exemple the winner of your festival could have the possibility to perform with us. Your prized Artists could show up during our event. Please contac us for further details or take a look at our site. Best regards, Luis Alcala
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Luis Alcala
Head of the organisation
Luis Alcala
Contact (2) Full Name
René Forthoffer


National Network

61 avenue ST-Juste Parc des Chartreux Bat E 15

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Je suis étudiant e master 1 études européennes à l'université d'Aix-Marseille
Mission and Objectives

Je suis un étudiant et je souhaite intégrer la fondation afin d'avoir de l'expérience

Main Projects / Activities

je souhaite contribuer au développement de la fondation

Contact (1) Full Name
Djerroud Farid

Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

National Network

Toom-Kooli 17, 10130

372 6460 244
Telephone (other)
372 6448 079
372 6460 245
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Organization/company was founded: 11th of November 1925 Currently ECCI has 36 employees. In order to achieve its purposes, ECCI : ? -Represents the interests of its members in developing Estonian economic policy, participates in submitting proposals to state and governmental authorities for improvement valid legislation; ?-Establishes and develops the relations to foreign organizations and individuals, participates in activities of international organizations, represents its members within Estonia, in foreign countries as well as international organizations and institutions. Belonging to different associations of commercial chambers settles matters related to participation of its members in activities of these chambers.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of ECCI is developing of entrepreneurship and commerce as well as representing and protecting the interests of its members

Main Projects / Activities

Arranges business connecting events and presentations for the companies. Arranges commercial and industrial exhibitions as well as participation of its members in international exhibitions and fairs;
? Gathers and analysis information related to entrepreneurship and commerce keeps relevant databases and provides information services. Provides assistance in searching partners and execution market researches;
? Arranges publishing of information, advertising and training materials. Issues printed matters;
? Acknowledges and confirms certificates of origin and consignment documents for the products exported from the Republic of Estonia and other documents related to foreign trade as well as trade and transportation practice valid in the Republic of Estonia;
? Arranges issuing of Estonian bar codes in accordance with the requirements of EAN by international Bar Code Association;
? Issues ATA CARNET documents and other acknowledgements, certificates, information inquiries required for

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Kristina Tshistova
Head of the organisation
Mr. Siim Raie
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Kairi Jõesalu

Estonian Regional and Local Development Agency

National Network

Ahtri 8

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ERKAS is a development agency reporting to local self-governments, evolved from The Supportive Fund of Local Governments established in 1996 by three unions of local authorities: Association of Estonian Cities Association of Municipalities of Estonia The Union of Estonian County Municipals Its main area of activity was to issue loans to the local governments, in small volumes and for short periods. At the beginning of 2002, the founders of The Supportive Fund of Local Governments decided to overhaul it and thereby established Estonian Regional and Local Development Agency (ERKAS). It started to offer diverse project management services to public as well as to private sector. Budget 145000€, five employees
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ERKAS is to act as a national grass-roots development organization, which uses the benefits arising of cooperation between local governments supplies local governments, public and private institutions and organizations with a variety of goods and services, called for in their development activities with the overall aim to assist regional and local development
ERKAS is offering services to all public institutions and private outfits, involved in development activities, applicable to the whole of
local governments
the unions of local governments
other local administrative development organizations
composing the plans for development in aid and education
financing the projects in aid and education, by issuing small time loans
carrying out projects in aid and education, by generating seminal ideas for the projects, drawing up relevant documents, effecting project management, providing supervision over the projects in process, giving progress evaluation
generating, starting, managing, coordinating and bolstering the ideas of cross-border cooperation between local governments, counties and regions – with the eventual aim to put into effect the cooperation of local governments, counties and regions
generating the directions and ideas for development
composing the documents for development
finding the sources of funds
composing the documents for the given project and for its application
managing the projects of development
supervision over and evaluation of the projects

Main Projects / Activities

ERKAS is engaged in the sphere of development. We are interested in being involved as partner in different international development projects. ERKAS has a good contact network thanks to what we can easily find you the best specialists and co-operation partners in Estonia and in foreign countries, depending on your needs. We have good international project leader experiences in:
Development assistance co-operation projects funded by Estonian state budget
ERKAS organizes and manage resources in such a way that the project will be completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints. We optimize allocation and integration of inputs needed to meet pre-defined objectives. Even though generally project development and management is seen as a whole and unique process, we can provide each part of the project management stage as a separate service if needed by a client to accomplish his project.
generation and partnership development
project development and application
contracting and start up
conducting state and EU procurement processes
project implementation
project closure
ERKAS regularly completes researches and planning for Estonian local authorities. All the plans created take account of actual and future sustainable development and environmental needs of the communities.
environmental impact assessment (EIA)
country planning
comprehensive planning
detailed planning
thematic planning
landscape planning
environmental design
transport planning
tourism planning

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Estonian ALF Network coordination

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To cooperate with Mediterranian countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Toivo Riimaa
Head of the organisation
Reljo Saarepera
Contact (2) Full Name
Merike Välimees

The Association of Estonian Cities (AEC)

National Network

Ahtri 8
15078 Tallinn

+372 694 34 15
Telephone (other)
+372 694 34 11
+372 694 34 25
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+372 50 73 150
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 52 86 974
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The members of the association are all 33 cities in Estonia, in addition 14 rural municipalities, which comprise 70% of total population in Estonia. Highest body: General Meeting (142 members) Council (71 members) performs duties imposed by General Meeting Management Board (7 members) manages and represents the association. Bureau (12 full-time employees) organises the actual work and current management. The budget of AEC is formed by the membership fees, the amount of which depends on local governments budgetary revenues.
Mission and Objectives

AEC participates actively in providing conditions of activity in public sector, legislative drafting included; negotiations about the balance of the state budget and local budget; the development and defence of local government policy in social, health, education, culture, environment and other areas which affect local living conditions.
AEC protects and represents common interests of members in relation to constitutional institutions, authorities and organisations, fosters the development of local governments, files motions about adoptions, amendments and rectifications of acts and other legislations, promotes cooperation among members and coordinates joint activities, represents members in international organisations, develops foreign cooperation and connections and advises local government officials.

Main Projects / Activities

The AEC has representatives in several international organisations:
The Committee of the Regions of the EU (CoR), the Congress of Local and regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Standing Committee for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities (COPPEM). AEC is a member of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Baltic Sea States Sub-regional Co-operation (BSSSC), Union of Baltic Cities (UBC), participates in the Monitoring or Steering Committees of INTERREG III A, C, INTERREG IV B, C, URBACT.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toivo Riimaa
Head of the organisation
Jüri Vöigemast
Contact (2) Full Name
Inga Köster

The Open Estonia Foundation

National Network

Estonia pst. 5a

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
1. Executive director, 5 programme coordinators, 3 assistants 2. Budget in 2005- $1 466 421 3. Open Society Institute 4. Different projects and activities conducted and organized by the OEF European program, the "East-East" program and the Baltic-American Partnership Program (BAPP) for the Support of a Civil Society. 5. Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations, Estonian State Chancellery, NGO Open Republic.
Mission and Objectives

For fifteen years, the foundation’s programs have been united by a vision of open society and democracy, civil society, social responsibility, and people’s equal opportunities in democratic decision-making processes. The objective of the Open Estonia Foundation is to contribute to the development of an innovative and self-regulating civil society in Estonia that is based on active participation.

Main Projects / Activities

The programs of the Open Estonia Foundation are united by the following keywords:
? Open Europe and Europe’s new neighbors
? Equal rights
? Good governance
? Development of civil society
The promotion of civic initiatives and civil society takes place within the framework of the Baltic-American Partnership Program (BAPP).
The cooperation programs of the Open Society Institute network are carried out on the basis of the East-East Program.
The OEF also brokers the initiatives and trainings of the Open Society Institute.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Mall Hellam
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mall Hellam

Acco Dance Center

National Network

Eibshitz 3
Tel Aviv

+972 545 488470
Telephone (other)
+972 3 6051850
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
public foundation. staff: 5, dancers:8. Acco Dance Center founded by the Acco Theater Center and the Arts Council of the National Lottery. sources of funding: Israeli Lottery, govermental funding and private funds. weekly dance workshops, 2-3 productions a year and/or co-productions. mixture of jewish and arab dancers. ou rpartners are choreographers , musaicians and artists from all over the world, that are interested in working procecess based on personal materials.
Mission and Objectives

The project aims for creating an artistic home for dancers and choreographers. Our goal is to create a unique and pluralist performance methodology, which converses with political, cultural, social and private issues. The Acco Dance Center goal is to apply the methodology into new and original dance pieces, which are striving for excellence in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

weekoly workshops: for proffessionals: 2-3 productions a year: personal works development of the young choreographers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Guy Melamed
Head of the organisation
Guy Melamed

Estonian UNESCO Youth Association (EUYA)

National Network

Lille 9, 51010

+372 7362 955
+372 7362956
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 5665 6776 (Olga Bogdanova)
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 5669 0533 (Deniss Jershov)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
EUYA is non-governmental and non-profit organisation established in 2003 in cooperation with Estonian National Commission for UNESCO. EUYA has two persons on fill-time basis and around 10 volunteers acting on its behalf. EUYA operates on local and international level promoting culture, science, education and communication among its members and young people. Main target group of the organisation are youngsters aged from 15 to 30. Activity of EUYA is devided onto divisions (Training, Outbound, Indigo, Editing, etc.) according to the objectives and mission. Among types of activities are seminars, trainings, exchanges, cultural and educational events, conferences, festivals, volunteer programmes, etc. Main funding comes from local municipalities, ministries, European funds, sponsorship and membership policy. There has been no operational funds granted to EUYA yet. EUYA acts in cooperation with other European UNESCO clubs including WFUCA, UNICEF, ENAR etc.
Mission and Objectives

Main duties of EUYA are:
• Cooperation with regional education, science, social
and cultural sectors in and over Europe;
• Processing of correspondence with National Coordination
Body (Estonian National Commission
of UNESCO), UNESCO Clubs and EUYA members
requests for information, exchanges with other NGOs
maintaining official relations, invitations to meetings
and requests for representation of UNESCO main fields
of activities, etc.;
• Coordination of and support to the consulting
mechanisms, preparations for, the holding and follow up
to the national and international conferences,
consultations in the program of UNESCO globalisation
and joint program commissions; mobilization of EUYA
for the preparation of major international conferences,
• Centralization and dissemination of data and information
concerning cooperation with UNESCO clubs and National
Commissions, notably maintaining and updating
of the database and the website.

Main Projects / Activities

Working in the field of developing culture, education,
science and communication;
• Spreading the ideas of UNESCO among youth and grownup
population in different regions of and internationally;
• Uniting the representatives of different social, age
and ethnic groups for following the ideas of humanism
and tolerance;
• Organization of programs and projects of involving
the youth into regional development and youth policy;
• Publishing and distribution of diverse literature
of scientific, cultural and didactic character;
• Organization of didactic courses and camps
for representatives of all the age groups;
• Organization of and participation in educational
international exchanges, seminars and conferences,
reflecting the condition of present-day Europe in different
fields and spheres of activity, as well as establishing
personal and professional contacts;
• Creation of thematic libraries, student and youth clubs
for following the priorities of the preservation of world
heritage and intellectual values;
• Development of scientific, cultural and didactic values
by means of conducting exhibitions, conferences,
seminars and sports events;
• Stressing the spiritual values of national cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Bogdanova
Head of the organisation
Olga Bogdanova
Contact (2) Full Name
Deniss Jershov