El Nahda Association for Cultural and Scientific Renaissance - Jesuit Culture Center in Cairo

National Network

15 El Mahrany st.El Faggala

20 - 25920909
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
20 - 124122883
Mobile Phone (other)
20- 110236042
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The main structure is:Board members: 1 - Father Nabil Gabriel, Head of Administration 2 - Father William Sidhom, Vice Head of Administration (General Coordinator of the Association). 3 - Mohamed Abdel Daem, Secretary General 4 - Victor Fikry, Treasurer 5 - Nabil Morqos, member. Lieutenant Nadi Bishr, Secretary General of the department of Financial and Legal Affairs. Staff Father William Sidhom:General Manger Ramez Youssef: Executive Director Romani Farag: Administrative and Financial officer Mariz Kelada: Executive Secretar Samah Samir: Secretary Ramez Khalil: Studio Coordinator Mohamed Talaat: Theater Technical support Sobhi Kamel: general services Ashraf Awad, general services Mohareb Zaki, door keeper Our Major Donors : *Jesuit monasticism is our main donor; we receive annual donation; as we are the Jesuit Culture Center in Cairo. * The Ford Foundation * Commit Catholique Contre La Faim et Pour Developpement - C.C.F.D * The Hollandaise Embassy. * The Spanish Embassy. * Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity * Messiouer - A German Institute concerned with education. Modalities of Action is mainly Workshops,seminars, scholarships Main Partners involved : JesuitCultur Center in Alexandria , jesuit Culture Center in Menia
Mission and Objectives

El Nahda Association for Cultural and Scientific Renaissance was established in 1998 in Cairo and it is registered in Egypt with the number 4499. It came out of an initiative of Jesuit priests and brothers and some Muslim and Christian figures who take a special interest in cultural, civic and artistic life in Egypt as well as and many other subjects regarding Egyptian citizens and their urgent need for a scientific and cultural renaissance.
The Association began its work by taking into consideration the role of culture in human development. Therefore it attempts to create connections between the creativity and the discovery of hidden energies in each citizen.
After realizing some cultural activities without being legally recognized, the founders of the Association decided to step through the legal procedures to register it in order to ensure the continuity of its activities and be formally fully cooperative with local society.
Our Vision
We work with children and young people to help them to build a thinking mind and a loving heart. We push them to be creative, original and creative and to try to change the reality in a positive way. We work together to carry the message of our Association and to create a strong society that lives in relationship and reciprocity.
Our Message
El Nahda Association stands solidly behind human beings. It works with children and youth by teaching them to become emancipated, to find their own ways and opportunities and to vindicate their right to be educated, to express their own ideas and practice those forms of art that better represent their problems.
Our Goals
-Help people to be creative, critic and free
– Spread the opportunities to practice the art and freedom of expression
– Contribute to encourage children and youth to face local and international changes around them
-Provide a space for integration between different forms of art.

Main Projects / Activities

According to the United Nations Human Development Report 2008; El- Nahda Association was nominated: The best Egyptian NGO that implements best practices to improve the spirit of cooperation, initiatives and the right of all individuals to express their opinion and make their choices wisely and freely.
Our main Projects
a)Visual Arts
* Cinema School Workshop; (6 to 9 months of training and workshops,to give marginalized youth the opportunity to express themselves through producing low budget digital films)
* Animation Workshop; (produced nine films during more than 500 hours of work with children),* Cinema Club; (Each week a film is screened for almost hundred and fifty people coming from various poor areas of Cairo),
b)Performing Arts and Theater
*The team of People's Fantasy organizes workshops to develop actors' capacities and social artistic skills.
*Establishing 5 local Theatre groups,*Totana: (El Fagala district's talented Children theater group),
c)Program of Free Studies.d)Sports and Social Club. e)Education Improvement Project. f)The Library. g)Cultural Program (now implementing our 7th Program "Fagala is honored by its People"). h) Ramadan Tent (Iftar and artistic shows). i) Cognition Center for Research and Studies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Youssed Ramez
Head of the organisation
Father Wiliam Sidhom
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariz Kelada

Faculty of Mass Communication - Ahram Canadian University

National Network

Ahram Canadian University, Mehwar Markazei Street
6 October

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The faculty utilizes an advanced media education curriculum and has a community service center that implements research. training, and media production activities. The university is owned by the Al-Ahram Media Institution.
Mission and Objectives

Advancing the studies and practice of journalism and media in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching, research, and training. A major project that is currently active is in collaboration with UNICEF and aims to build national capacities in the areas of communication for development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Laila Abdelmagid

Friends of environment & Development Association (FEDA)

National Network

145 El-Muiz Le Din Allah El-Fatemy St., El-Gamaleya, Cairo

+202 27873438
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1)Number of Staff: 19 Board of Directors: 15 Feda's Members: 50 2&3) Budgetary Resources & Sources of Funding: Egyptian Swiss Development Fund Embassy of Finland Unesco American Embassy Gtz 4)Applied development projects which include training session, seminars, educational & environmental activities such as: A) Environmental, social& economic studies were made for areas of Rosetta (coastal area), Wadi El Natroun(desert area)& Gamalia(historic area) ? Kahla Wakala ( Gamalia St.,) was renovated as a "workshops Complex" ? Kharoub Wekala (Tombakshia St.,) was re-built as "FEDA's Community's Development Centre). ? El Rabae Wekala (EL Moez St.,) is under construction as "FEDA's Training & Technical Upgrading Centre.
Mission and Objectives

Sustainable Development for Fragile Ecosystems.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects:
1) Sustainable Development for Gamalia (Historic Cairo)
2) Educational & Training Activities for Gamalia (Historic Cairo)
3) Crafts as a Window to Job Opportunities for the Poorest Youth.
4) Promoting Civic Education in Gamalia Schools.
1) Social ,Economical & Environmental studies for urban and fragile ecosystems.
2) Raising environmental awareness through training &community participation in projects concerned with environment's protection in fragile ecosystems.
3) Training courses for upgrading youth's skills (computer training), desert development ,crafts.
4) Training courses for empowering women's role in community development.
5) Areas in which FEDA is working:
a) Desert development.
b) Renovation and development of historical areas.
c) Rebuild the deteriorated buildings and use it in social services and training such as: clinic unit, nursery, library, literacy alleviation, child activities, empowering women's role in community.
d) Upgrade

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Adli Bishay (Chairman)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Adli Bishay (Chairman)

ICARCH Gallery

National Network

9 Hafiz Ibrahim St., Wabour El Miah, Alexandria, Egypt

+2 03 4270878
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
ICARCH Gallery is an international architecture gallery that promotes multi-culturalism through a variety of projects, including international architectural competitions, exhibitions, etc. We initiate and organize international architectural competitions that promote an active involvement with society, trying to better our lives through promoting peace, high cultural ideals, awareness of our global cultural heritage. All the works we receive we publish on our website, creating thus a virtual architecture museum, open to anyone. Thus, we create a forum for developing new ideas, relating architecture with other cultural fields and life in general. Until now we functioned independently, but we plan to associate ourselves with other organizations that have similar goals.
Mission and Objectives

Just like The Anna Lindh Foundation, ICARCH Gallery attempts to promote dialogue between cultures. This is why the focus of our projects are everywhere in this world where we believe a certain problem can be solved, or improved upon, by a significant and beneficial architectural gesture. Thus, we had projects in Paris, Florence, Chicago, Brasilia, and now Alexandria and Cairo.
Indeed, a peaceful and creative dialogue between cultures, across time and space is our main objective.
ICARCH stands for International Competitions in Architecture.
It also hints, sufficiently well, towards Icarus, Daedalus' son, who perished when he dangerously approached the Sun.
The name ICARCH has a few other meanings, but these are more obscure and we choose to leave them aside, for now.
ICARCH came into being from a deeply seated belief that architecture should be again intimately connected with broader cultural issues. It tries nothing else but to build bridges between diverse cultural fields, generally not connected with architecture.
More than this, it tries to "personalize" again architecture by re-connecting it with the "story of life" at a time when everything seems to point towards an increased abstractization and depersonalization, not to say alienation...! But how to "tell a story" through architecture is not very easy... perhaps a possible answer might derive from that intuition Gaston Bachelard had when he stated that a mollusk does not build a house to live in, but lives in order to build its house...!
There is an important difference here. If the "house" is not just another "product" to be quickly possessed and consumed by the voracious "consumer," but the culmination of his / her existential journey, then the house becomes, essentially, the most accurate expression of his / her biography, all the better if that biography had / has a certain relevance. And if the "house" expresses intimately that biography, we can only expect it to be rich, and sufficiently individualized to be able to receive a proper name. Not the name of its architect, but the name of the "author" of that biography, whose expression, in built form, it actually is!
We are interested mainly in "houses." but we use the word "house" in the most generic, almost archetypal way. At bottom, in architecture everything is a "house." A school is "the house of learning," a bank is "the house of money," a church is "the house of god," a library is "the house of books," etc... It is this very primal meaning that interests us, be it "real," or metaphorical.
To end: we can only say, together with Jean-Luc Godard, in his film "Notre Musique," (Our Music) that even a more or less banal castle like Elsinore, in Denmark, could become a very special one, once we learn that it was Hamlet who lived there...!
This is because, all of a sudden, the "house" becomes illuminated by a significant biography, that is, by an "earned life," that is, by a LIVED LIFE!
Thank you,
ICARCH Gallery

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 we initiated at least fifty international architectural competitions and we received more than four hundred projects from more than thirty-five countries. All these works, original contributions to culture, are displayed on our website.
The latest competitions we just launched are: A BRIDGE FOR ALEXANDRIA - through which we try to unite, physically and symbolically the Coptic Church and the Mosque on the street Khalil Hamada that have been recently involved in the tragedy that left almost 30 people dead and many others injured. Through our project we try to promote peace and to unite the Crescent with the Cross, as a symbolical way to show that two religions should not necessarily be segregated, but united.
In the same spirit we just launched another project for Egypt, A NEW TAHRIR SQUARE - Cairo. We feel the existing Tahrir Square does not express any longer the socio-political realities of Cairo and Egypt in general and that a new spatial configuration for this important square is needed, after the recent revolution.
Please see the invitational texts for these two last competitions on our website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shahira Ihab Hammad
Head of the organisation
Ioan Dan Coma

Mada Foundation for Arts and Creative Education

National Network

80 El-max street

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mada "we need to create more space for art in our life" We are a group of artists-scholars-researchers and social workers we believe that our social responsibility can help in life which we can provide the society with our last experience and skills among the during projects we run. we have about 6 employers representing the council of trustees. •Budgetary resources available in a year: we run out our curently projects with the self fund and we are looking forward for funders and sponsors. •Modalities of action: arts projects, non formal education, intercultural dialouge. •Main partners: Adwar initiative, governmental youth centers.
Mission and Objectives

Developing new space for art which can help young artists through the youth exchange programs which they can apply for.*
*preserving the Egyptian cultural heritage in order to enhance the cultural identity.
*integrating the arts and culture in the sustainable development of communities through support and promotion of young artist.
*provide cultural services and the arts to the poor areas.
*support the creative education programs for student to become active participants in improving their daily lives by critical thinking and problem solving.
*creative education for the children and youth to have learn in interconnected programs which are nationally and internationally.
*Creative education for the parents to encourage and involves them in the education process.
*to help the young people to fined work by improving their education and personal skills.
*Support environmental education in school and community to engage young people in there society and local environments.
*increase community participation by building awareness of the value of environmental education .
*support the programs of voluntary services.
Initiating cooperation and partnerships with NGO's

Main Projects / Activities

1- Girls Helping Life, group of girls they held up an arts project to find out a creative solutions for the social participation while transfering their educational and arts experience and skills to the output produc which concern the fashion with their trends and customs which they are palying the role of the trainers in the society.
2-Creative Science Education,we participated as a group of trainers for developing the education systems in certain primary schools in cairo, Al Menia and alexandria through the arts trend as we consider it one of our non formal education program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Mohamed Shehata
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Mohamed Abd el-aziz

Massar Egbari Music Band

National Network

75 Ismail Serry Street, Alexandria, Egypt.

+2 012 10 50 999
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0101902647
Mobile Phone (other)
+2 010 4993433
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Massar Egbari is an independent music band, based in Alexandria and established in 2005 by four members; Ayman Massoud (Keyboard), Tamer Attallah (Drums) , Hani Dakkak (Lead guitar and vocals) and Ahmed Hafez (bass guitar), they were joined in 2008 by Mahmoud Siam (guitar). The band is self funded and it performs locally, regionally and internationally since 2007. Massar Egbari presents music and songs dealing with, but are not limited to social problems. Love is not their main concern although it is sometimes reflected in their music. Through the members’ different musical backgrounds, the band is presenting a kind of Alternative Egyptian Music, mixing rock, jazz and blues with some Oriental music. MASSAR EGBARI means “Compulsory Detour”, which resembles the society we live in today. The Band specifically chose this title as it explains how people are expected, or rather, dictated to act and behave in certain manners. Both, in title and in spirit, the band pokes fun at typical social trends and ridicules impositions, which is clearly reflected in their music and chosen lyrics. The sarcastic name was created since the band members felt that the society is trying to imply its power and stereotypical ideologies over people thorough out their entire life leaving no space for personal creation and innovation.
Mission and Objectives

Massar Egbari has played a vital role since 2004 in setting a good model for independent music scene. They have enriched the scene with original lyrics tackling social problems as well as heritage music mixed with rock, jazz and blues with some Oriental music. On the local level, Massar Egbari ‘s aim is use music a tool to encourage different type of Youth to work towards the development of Egypt through promoting notions of solidarity and common good.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2004, Massar Egbari is giving solo concerts all over Egypt and also they performed in big events like the SOS Music and Art Beat festivals as well as Farah El Bahr Festival in 2009 and 2010.
In the International scene, the band participated in the festivals:Malta Arts Festival, Barisa Rock Festival in Istanbul, International Biennale of young artist from Europe and the Mediterranean (Puglia 2008) in Bari – Italy. In 2009, Massar Egbari was invited as a special guest in the International Biennale of young artists from Europe and the Mediterranean in Skopje, FYROM, and they performed 6 times on different stages in the city.
The band also participated in Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival in Ancona (Italy) in 2009. In 2010, Massar Egbari performed at the old Fort in Zanzibar (Tanzania) with 40 bands from other African countries in Sauti Za Busara Music Festival. The Festival is considered one of the most important music festivals in East Africa.In July 2010 , the band had a tour in FYROM.
They performed in Lokum Festival in Bitola, and played several gigs in Bitola and Ohrid. By the end of 2010, the band started to have gigs in the Arab world as they performed at Dubai International Film Festival in December 2010 , and in Quarein Festival in Kuwait in January 2011.
Massar Egbari has been designated by the Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Ms. Irina Bokova for the attribution of the title of “Young artist for inter-cultural dialogue between the Arab and Western worlds” for their outstanding contribution to foster exchange and Dialogue between Arabs and the Western Culture through Art. They were bestowed this title in an official ceremony in the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 12 April 2011 in the presence on International Media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hani El Dakkak
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ayman Massoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mahmoud Siam

Media Arts for Development

National Network

2054 Al Gomhorreya Buildings, Al Ma'rag City, Behind Maadi Carrefour

+20 2 2520 4021
Telephone (other)
+20 2 2520 4022
+20 2 2520 4023
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+20 16 6678825
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 10 918 3456
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
General Information
MADEV is a registered NGO with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity. It is led by our president, Mrs Marline Labib, the board of directors, and our Executive Director, Mrs Mona El Serafy. In 2008, our turnover was 982K EGP. Our major funding partners are USAID and the EC delegation in Egypt. Our major actions are media production and media training to achieve community development. We partner with other like-minded NGOs such as Save the Children, Association for Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW), and the Egyptian AIDS Society.
Mission and Objectives

MADEV’s mission is to use media arts as a tool to educate, inspire, motivate and encourage positive social development. MADEV believes that media production and media education empowers people towards a change in attitudes and behaviors that ultimately improves their lives.

Main Projects / Activities

The Eagle in You - a media training project for 1000 Egyptian youth over 3 years.
Love Life - A project to tackle HIV/AIDS in the Arab world using a TV docu-drama, web site and NGO capacity building.
Tomorrow Starts Now - a media training project for 200 Egyptian youth over 2 years.
Capture Life - A women's rights project, using the TV sitcom "Coiffeur Ashwaq" and the web site "Settat on Chat"

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Mona El-Serafy
Head of the organisation
Nabih Samir Labib

Movement and the development of community awareness

National Network

Temporary address Alexandria Montazah eltabia in the line of rashied to Rakta company over the house of Mr. Shazly above Studio hadeer

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Organization is composed of a Chairman and Deputy Financial Manager and the rest of the Board of Directors 13 Items And funding sources under study, A project is to unite the people of Alexandria to advance in the current period, and self-reliance in the reform of the conditions of the country by assembling the Association of every single street or area is made up of pensioners for their availability, and would do an inventory of existing problems in the street and look for solutions and what they can implement effort of self and what needs to the approval of the province We will help them in it. With regard to the need for the intervention of the governor will be among the priorities of the province, noting that all the Commonwealth Fund, its subjective.
Mission and Objectives

We are a movement of development and social awareness movement is purely a development was not aimed at any political activity. The name of our adherence to the movement without the initiative, because we will hasten and go down the fields in the project as will happen when we agree with the associations to implement the project on the ground. Renaissance of self-

Main Projects / Activities

project Alexandria by one And project Let's keep our heritage

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The facilities available to as much as you will find ... Valparwat We always start from scratch and we will see much success together with God's help

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To communicate and promote international voluntary work

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mahmoud El Shazly
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mahmoud El Shazly
Contact (2) Full Name
Nada Zakaria

Muslim Philanthropy Digital Library

National Network

AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74, New Cairo 11835, Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Digital Library team has 2 full time members, 4 part-time assistants. We are partners with the Women and Memory Forum and Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy. The initial funding was provided by IDRC. We have an AB with representatives from the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Women and Memory Forum, Al Azhar, IDRC and Indiana University. The digital library holds an annual workshop at a conference titled: Takaful: Arab Civic Engagement and Philanthropy, to disseminate research on Muslim philanthropy. An annual research paper is produced every year by MPDL.
Mission and Objectives

The Muslim Philanthropy Digital Library (MPDL) seeks to make widely available a repository of the world’s knowledge on all forms of philanthropy as expressed through original documents, reports, graphics, waqf registrations, scholarly analysis in Muslim-majority countries and Muslim communities worldwide.
Mission: Create an open-access global information resource and virtual library on the range of philanthropic practices in Muslim-majority countries and Muslim communities worldwide.
Vision: Establishing Muslim philanthropic practices and knowledge as an integral part of the contemporary global philanthropic realm.

Main Projects / Activities

Framework: The digital library comprises: a digital collection, and interviews section titled Voices of Philanthropy and a Visual Exhibition. The Library will hold a research workshop on an annual basis in addition to other lectures to be held at the American University in Cairo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sherine El Taraboulsi

Nazra for Feminist Studies

National Network

32 12\74B St, Maadi, 3rd floor, apar.18

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Nazra has 11 board members who are contributing in Nazra strategic plans, missions and different activities. Nazra also has five full time workers and three volunteers . Nazra is implementing different activities such as creating young feminist discourse, biweekly sessions to integrate gender issues to youth perceptions and work on violence against women in both legal and cultural aspects to assess to what extent violence is affecting legislations and culture in Egypt and documenting lives of feminists by producing short documentary films. Nazra receiving fund from the Global Fund for Women and Karama movement to end violence against women
Mission and Objectives

Nazra aims at establishing and entrenching Women’s rights in Egypt through research of the factors of determining the situation of women, providing special interest to two factors we consider the most important: legal codification and social variables. We believe it necessary to work to institute legislations that are more supportive of Women’s rights, applying local, regional and international tools to enforce such legislative progress. We think that this legal struggle must be accompanied by a thorough societal debate on Women’s issues; otherwise we would be risking a gap between the law and society which can undermine the whole venture.
In view of what we have articulated above, we aim at:
* Documenting the role of the Feminist Movement in the Middle East
* Studying the social and cultural contexts affecting the situation of women in the region
* Contributing to the formation of a new generation interested in women’s issues and capable of helping the field
* Helping other NGOs adopt a Gender-conscious perspective in their activities and policies
* Producing short documentary and feature films depicting the lives of women in the region

Main Projects / Activities

* Producing short documentary and feature films depicting the lives of women ‘s rights activists in Egypt
* Changing Masculinities, Changing Communities
* Adopting Young Feminist Discourse
* Biweekly storytelling meeting for youth to integrate gender issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Mozn Hassan
Head of the organisation
Mozn Hassan