Ashab Elganh

National Network

14 st khaled bn alyaled alex - egypt

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Association defamatory development works to enable youth groups and Alemraep Matny-funded and has multiple partnerships with civil society organizations and governmental and Mossat works by a number of staff 3
Mission and Objectives

Cooperative society = better life
Work on community development and healthy intellectually, socially, educationally and psychologically

Main Projects / Activities

- Preparation of the child educationally, physically and socially and economically makes him a human being, which only goes back to the community of the progress and prosperity.
2 - Providing support and psychological health, social, legal and economic development of the families living in conditions of Assaah.
3 - care for the elderly and to support health, psychological and social for them.
4 - Altaom with the role of the elderly and clubs to develop their potential to gain access to excellent services to the elderly.
5 - to contribute to the cultural growth of the local community through seminars, meetings and conferences and roundabouts and cultural training.
6 - Providing a helping hand to the surrounding environment, which would contribute to the development of the local community.
7 - Mushar culture of volunteerism in the community Chelates on the various classes and categories.
8 - create a state of mobility in the cultural and developmental environment of the Assembly.
9 - Mushar development of culture in all its forms and in the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ebtsam Hassan
Head of the organisation
Ebtsam Hassan Abd Elmaksod
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Mohamed Shahata

Association Comprehensive development IN Naga elhafean

National Network

Qena-dishna-Naga elhafean

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
see attachment
Mission and Objectives

The Vision:-
Communities advanced economically, culturally العزب والسمطا
and socially-minded and enlightened a healthy environment Sound
THE Message
WE Association Comprehensive development Naga elhafean us outstanding expertise in development, working to provide educational services and environmental health, economic and cultural good programs and projects in various development while preserving the authentic values.

Main Projects / Activities

see attachment

Contact (1) Full Name
Rashwan Mostafa Abd elHamid Mostafa
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ali Rashwan, Abd elRahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Mostafa Abdallah Ahmad Taha

Association of Human Development

National Network

10th Street Mansoura

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Board of Directors - Executive Management - Financial Management - Media Unit Society's funding is: Self-financing + Altythsal funding through grants by the Assembly for the implementation of projects Development of democratic practice for rural girls Project to strengthen the culture of complaint Observatory Electoral Observatory A new social contract Get your card Participated and watched The national reconciliation project Projects Polls Election Observation
Mission and Objectives

Work on human development in all fields of scientific and intellectually, socially, economically, and attention to human development and building maintenance person and his rights in accordance with the decisions of international human rights
The type and fields of work of the Assembly:
Cultural fields
Fields Almahotalimah
Fields of social (social assistance)
Care and protection of motherhood and childhood
The fields of youth welfare and raise their scientific and intellectual
Awareness of concepts of democracy
Promote a culture of human rights
Support of popular control and enhancing transparency and integrity
Civic education and the promotion of popular participation
The work of the Assembly to achieve its objectives in these fields through the following activities:
Democratic construction projects for local communities
Opinion polls
Development projects, the practice of democracy
Projects, leadership development and rural popular
Projects, monitoring and documentation
Preparation of brochures, pamphlets, periodicals
Preparation of training manuals

Main Projects / Activities

Democratic construction projects for local communities
Opinion polls
Development projects, the practice of democracy
Projects, leadership development and rural popular
Projects, monitoring and documentation
Preparation of brochures, pamphlets, periodicals
Preparation of training manuals

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Mohiey Eldeen
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Mohiey Eldeen
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Yosry


National Network

مصر ـ القاهرة ـ ش ثروت بين السريات أمام جامعة القاهرة
مصر ـ الإسكندرية ـ العجمي ـ الهانوفيل ـ امام بتك مصر ـ شاعر الخلفاء الراشدين ـ أمام أسماك التوؤمان ـ الدور الرابع


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
احنا شباب مستقلين دعمنا ذاتي عددنا 8 اشخاص 7 مشاركون وشخص اساسي يقوم بالتمويل الذاتي ليس لنا ميزانية ثابتة مما يعوق عملنا بعض الشىء ولكننا مستمرون
Mission and Objectives

نهدف نشر مزيكا الأندرجروند بجميع انحاء الجمهورية

Main Projects / Activities

الموقع يحتوى على اقسام للأخبار وتقارير مصورة عن حفلات الأندرجروند مدعمة بالفيديو ومقالات يكتبها اعضاء الفرق الموسيقية او المستقلين منهم
ونعمل على تنظيم عدد من الحفلات لاندرجروند بمناطق مختلفة لنشر مزيكتهم

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Gretly
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Gretly

Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Arts Center

National Network

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, El Chatby, Alexandria, Egypt

+ 20 3 4839999 ext: 1967
Telephone (other)
+20 3 4820457
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The BA aims to revive the role of the Ancient Library of Alexandria in encouraging dialogue and exchange between scientists, philosophers and artists alike. The Arts Center provides a forum to various expressions of arts in all its forms, and seeks to realize the goals of the BA in being Egypt’s window on the world and the world’s window on Egypt in the artistic field. Beside promoting the artistic capacities of artists from Egypt and the Arab world, the Arts Center seeks to be an incubator for the talents of children and young people, and provides training and development opportunities for them in world-class international institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Through building partnerships with institutions from different backgrounds, the Arts Center promotes exchange and mutual understanding between cultures. In its regular monthly events, the Arts Center supports high profile international contemporary arts from all backgrounds, as well as Egyptian contemporary art. It also hosts international artists for residencies and performances to create an energetic exchange of experience between local and international artists, and presents Egyptian and regional contemporary arts in venues abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Reem Kasem

Bridges of Trust

National Network

40 Al Tawfik buildings, Nasr City

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1- We Are 38 Members till now including the Founder 2- We are a non-Profit Organization depend on Charity Donations 3- Our Budget Is still under process and discussion
Mission and Objectives

Help to connect people to their Environment , culture and Communities and make them deal positively and working hard

Main Projects / Activities

Collecting Volunteers from all over the country and the region to improve the social working and environmental activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Ibrahiem
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Ibrahiem
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Gomaa

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

National Network

21 Abd El-Megid El-Remaly St., 7th Floor, Flat no. 71, Bab El Louk

+ 202 27963757
Telephone (other)
+ 202 27963726
+202 27921913
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
CIHRS has 32 employees, its headquarters are in Cairo and has a small office in Geneva. Modalities of actions International Advocacy: We train and build capacities of regional NGOs. Additionally we publish and annual report on human rights abuses in the region. Egypt Program – includes publications, lectures, seminars, forums and advocacy Education Program – training programs for diverse target groups and an annual 3 week Student’s Summer Course on human rights. Membership in networks and coordination with other NGOs Founding member of HRCNet; EcoSoc status at the UN; Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Network; IFEX
Mission and Objectives

CIHRS aims at promoting respect for the principles of human rights and democracy, analyzing the difficulties facing the application of International Human Rights Law and disseminating Human Rights Culture in the Arab Region as well as engaging in dialogue between cultures in respect to the various International Human Rights treaties and Declarations. CIHRS seeks to attain this objective through the developing, proposing and promoting policies, legislations and constitutional amendments. CIHRS works on human rights advocacy in national, regional and international human rights mechanisms, for this aim we coordinate and mobilize key players and NGOs from the Arab world. In addition CIHRS implements a program in human rights education -both for youth and ongoing professional development for Human Rights Defenders. CIHRS is a major publisher of information, a magazine, an academic quarterly, and scores of books concerning human rights, which represent the fruit of the research that we carry out.

Main Projects / Activities

International Advocacy Program
Through our office in Geneva, in close cooperation with the headquarters in Cairo, we train and build capacity of regional NGOs so as to increase the engagement of the Arab NGOs in international human rights mechanisms.
Egypt Program
Our aim is to elaborate a holistic means of engagement on human rights issues in Egypt through a carefully designed process of information gathering, research analysis, advocacy, litigation, campaigning, networking and capacity building. Through these actions we hope to have a cohesive plan of action of engagement on the various civil and political rights as well as economical, social and culture rights that are decisive for Egypt’s hopeful transition towards democracy.
Education Program: We organize several training programs for different target groups on human rights, including training for prosecutors, human rights defenders and NGO workers. In addition CIHRS organizes a 3 week annual summer course for university student.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziad Abdel Tawab - Deputy Director
Head of the organisation
Bahey El-Din Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Sally Toma

Ecole Girard

National Network

8 rue Gaber El Ghazali, Bulkley

03 542 01 37
03 542 45 02
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
- Ecole pour filles de la maternelle jusqu'aux bac - Congrégation: franscicaine - Nombre de membres de l'équipe est 100 employés environ. - Le budget dépend de la scolarité - Modalités d'action: 1- projets de classe (toutes les disciplines) 2- visites culturelles 3- conférences
Mission and Objectives

1- Apprendre avec plaisir
2- Enseigner autrement
3- Développer les compétences humaines, intellectuelles et culturelles

Main Projects / Activities

1- cours d'oral(français - arabe - anglais)
2-création sites et CD
3- clavardage - correspondances
4-Presse: papier/ electronique
5- activités éducatives périscolaires: théatre / danse / peinture

Contact (1) Full Name
Soeur Liliana SEREDYN
Head of the organisation
Soeur Sonia AOUN et Soeur Liliana SEREDYN
Contact (2) Full Name
Soeur Sonia AOUN

Egyptian Assocition of Junior Scientists

National Network

Block 14 Home 13 Madient Elomal, Imbaba, Giza

+2 02 331 213 57
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
002 012 35 23 158
Mobile Phone (other)
002 010 833 234 8
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
governing council,excutive council and assembly of experts.35 members.budgetary resources are acually from members and social affairs administration.sources of fund will be from bussinessmen,foundation that support science.
Mission and Objectives

our mission is to help the community in general and youth in particular to increase the awareness and the interest in scientific research in all fields and thier applications in order to achieve scientific revolution.objectives:1 encouraging youth to engage in scientific research 2 raising awareness and sensitizing the community about the concern of scientists and scientific development 3 scientific research projects to serve the community 4 developing scientific thinking and innovative skills of youth.

Main Projects / Activities

activities: 1 publishing an arab scientific journal by young reasearchers 2 competitive research among young people 3 scientific grants for youth 4 providing electronic library and literature and the latest versions of scientific journals 4 organizing scientific seminars worjshops and conferences to present ideas and achievments of youth and scientific teams 5 building scientific website to link arab youth researchersand provide online education opportunities 6 rewarding the best young innovator 7 linking researchs to industry and society 8 scientific research approach courses
main projects : 1 basic program 2 think tank 3 researchs stock

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Tamer Sabry
Head of the organisation
Dr Tamer Sabry
Contact (2) Full Name
Eng. Ahmed Said Ibrahim

Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Rights

National Network

7 Mohamed Mahmud Street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Egyptian Foundation for Refugee and Migrant Rights is a non-governmental organization that assists in securing the rights of refugees and migrants in Egypt as guaranteed by international and domestic law. The Foundation provides legal services to individual refugee and migrants and to groups of refugees and migrants
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has as its goal the promotion of the enjoyment of the rights of refugees and migrants in Egypt as guaranteed by international and domestic law.
In order to achieve this goal, the Foundation conducts the following core activities:
• To provide assistance to individual refugees and migrants and groups of refugees and migrants in domestic and international legal proceedings designed to secure the enjoyment of their rights in Egypt;
• To educate refugees and migrants in Egypt, Egyptian lawyers, non-governmental organizations, Egyptian government officials, journalists in Egypt, the Egyptian public and others about the rights of refugees and migrants in Egypt;
• To otherwise advocate for the enjoyment by refugees and migrants in Egypt of their rights and other benefits fundamental to their basic human dignity
As much as possible, the Foundation coordinates its activities with elements of civil society in Egypt and abroad and with refugees and migrants themselves

Main Projects / Activities

Legal Aid
Awareness of the rights of refugees
Programs of tolerance and acceptance of other

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Badawy ahmed Bakri