
National Network

17 Sobki st Dokki

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
010 130 3333
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
NGO working in the field of cultural development with no employee just volunteers. Budget coming from the members and no funding yet. Has different projects like offer a new book for a child which is based on colleting books from people to offer them to children in need. Organising workshops and seminars in different cultural field including education of children general information about constitution and writes. Organising exchange cultural program between countries to present the different cultures to each others.
Mission and Objectives

General Culture activities

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Hozayen, Vice President of the board
Head of the organisation
Dina El Ghamry, President of the board
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Abdalla, Treasurer

The Egyptian European Council

National Network

5 Mokarar, El Shaheed Sayed Zakaria Khalil St.,4th Fl.,Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo

+20 2 22693777
Telephone (other)
+202 2269 4777
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives

The Council's Objectives
- To facilitate closer contacts and ties between Egypt and Europe, and build goodwill and better fellowship for members around the region;
- To provide the appropriate forum for discussion, exchange of viewpoints and build a network of communication on different issues of mutual interest;
- To develop a comprehensive vision, a sophisticated data base, a specialised library and vibrant web-site on various spheres of business;
- To provide workable mechanisms for the Council's members to have immediate access to governmental departments, non-governmental organisations and specialised agencies in Egypt and all over Europe;
- To encourage European and Egyptian corporations to identify niche markets in which to operate; providing exporters and importers with technical, authentic and detailed information that they may need to enter such markets;
- To offer an appropriate platform for notable visiting speakers from Europe, and facilitate promotion visits of Egyptians to Europe;
- To help technological cooperation, and facilitate training, retraining with the European Union
- To act as a vehicle to raise members' awareness of different European development programmes and opportunities;
- To promote a closer relationship and networking between civil society organisations in Egypt and Europe;
- To address issues of multinational character, such as Trade and Trade Related issues, E-Commerce, Investment, Tourism, Intellectual Property Rights and Regional Cooperation.
- To attract investments and join ventures into main sectors, such as communication, transport, banking, insurance, ect.
to create new job opportunities for generations to come, by helping in providing a sound sustainable economic, and social development and indispensable infrastructure.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ambassador Dr. Ihab Sorour (Vice President)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammed Mohammed ABOU EL-ENIEN (President)

Young Men's Christian Association

National Network

74 El Gomhoria St.Ramsis, Cairo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The YMCA work began in Egypt in 1986 as a Student Association at the College of Assuit. In 1911 the first city YMCA was established in Assuit followed in 1923 by as association in Cairo and in Alexandria in 1927. Although staff was provided in the early years by the International Committee of the YMCAs of USA and Canada, Egyptian staff members gradually took over. Thanks to a continuous process of training for professionals and program volunteers. Egypt YMCA pioneered in introducing leisure time education, group work, camping, basketball, volleyball and the informal education program.
Mission and Objectives

• To build a World of Brotherhood.
• To develop young people, Spiritually, Mentally and Physically.
• To work with local communities, to achieve their goals, for better standard of living.
• To serve the whole community with disregard to color, gender, religion or nationality

Main Projects / Activities

Children and Youth sections
From 1 – 5 KG.
Then sections from 5 – 8, from 8 – 12, and from 12 – 16 years old
These sections have a unique system of self-government to train young people in Democracy.
Young adults department
• From 16 years old, until graduation form University, emphasis for young adults are put on rendering services to local communities and needy groups.
• This is beside the rich traditional YMCA programs.
Adult department
• From about 25 years old and up. This department also provides the YMCA and the local community with the volunteer leadership.
Other activities in different YMCAs:
- Information Technology Club and Language Lab:
Aims to develop skills and raise youth efficiency in ICT, to enable them to participate in work field/ to be able to enter and join work field and find job opportunities.
- Health Projects:
Co-operation between Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and the Egyptian Swiss Development Fund (ESDF).

Contact (1) Full Name
Madeleine Michel
Head of the organisation
Samy Armia Nashed

althowra for democracy and human rights

National Network

newcairo-altgamoo altalet- masaken alsherkaalarbia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
* staff: six researchers and Osama Abdul Razek (manager) * did not receive a place on the funding and researchers working Epeshklttuay until obtaining financing. * The Centre participated in several exercises for the political participation of youth organizations with a network of young and Protection Center also participated in exercises center on the right of national protection mechanisms for freedom of opinion and expression. * Director of the Centre also participated in the implementation of the project on the political participation of young people, backed by MEPI, which is implemented by the NGO network, who is young and Director of the Centre as its Chairman, will also participate in the implementation of a project supported from the same institution, which will be implemented Protection Center in the coming period. * Support center in the implementation of its activities on the network with a number of organizations, including the network of organizations - Protection Center - Center for the right to Democracy and Human Rights – young organization network
Mission and Objectives

Message Center: baptizing the center to the defense of human rights and to promote a culture of democracy, especially after the revolution of the twenty-fifth of January, which eliminated the provision Aldictauori and opened prospects for good governance and freedom of opinion and expression on the wide of the draws of the Egyptian people which is attached as passengers in democratic countries, and here we seek to work in an institutional To promote democracy in every way possible and address any violation is located on any Egyptian citizen, regardless of sex, religion, creed or political affiliation in order to ensure the values ​​of tolerance and citizenship among all the Egyptian people.
The Centre for the thawra in the field of democracy and human rights, and adopt the defense of freedom of opinion and expression and the dissemination of the values of tolerance in society, respect each other, as well as promote a culture of human rights, especially among young people to help create a new generation in the nation's progress.

Main Projects / Activities

Does not have a place for the implementation of the projects did not receive funding, but he participated in the implementation of several training for youth on political participation, as well as training of journalists on freedom of opinion and expression and the legal framework governing them to participate with other centers.

Contact (1) Full Name
osama abd elrazek
Head of the organisation
osama abd elrazek
Contact (2) Full Name
noha shehata

Association of the Configuration of Knowledge and Creativity

National Network

81, Kanoub Street, off La Gaîté Street, Ibrahimmiya

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0020 (0)103153998
Mobile Phone (other)
0020 (0)0123992044
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Egyptian Cognitive Centre is a NGO registered in Alexandria under the number 1351-2000. It was established in 2000. Amongst the staff, 5 volunteers working in creativity development, and 3 employees (1 secretary and 2 monitors working with children with special needs). The organization is supported through the subscriptions of its 70 members. It is also funded through projects undertaken in collaboration with Egyptian or foreign partners
Mission and Objectives

- Developing extra-curricular activities.
- Developing creativity as an added value to our community.
- Developing the ability for Egyptians to live in a globalized world, by promoting such qualities as democracy and tolerance.
- Creating a new global personality, regardless of gender and religion, within the Egyptian society.

Main Projects / Activities

- Workshops in developing creativity, organized within the Cognitive Centre's premises or in government and private schools
- Development of educational culture within the family context.
- Helping children to overcome their disabilities in education.
- Special trainings for teachers, mostly focusing on developing their creativity.
- Project with the British Council in Cairo aiming at creating a manual for civic and human rights education in schools.
- Conferences targeting the community and aiming at changing mentalities in the society.
- 2 projects in the filed of changing the educational system (one related to setting educational standards, and the second one promoting public education and fighting private tuition).
- Developing the awareness and creativity of the children in need within the framework of the Coptic Church.
- Running of a unit of psychological assessment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Atef Nabih
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ma'azouza Ebed

Dialogue Forum - Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Library of Alexandria)

National Network

El Shatby, Alexandria 21526, Egypt

+(20-3) 483 9999 Ext: 5102
Mobile Phone
+2 0120666626
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Within the Library of Alexandria’s efforts to become a platform for cultural dialogue, the Dialogue Forum provides a medium for liberal thought and cultural exchange to promote the values of cultural diversity, and to create an enabling environment for dialogue, reform and development. The Forum fosters a future generation of informed and engaged youth through the encouragement of leadership, participation and exchange.
Mission and Objectives

The Forum aims to defend others’ freedom of expression and to understand human civilizations on national, regional and international levels, as well as promote and support the role of civil societies through the creation of networks and outreach programs in an attempt to create a vision of a promising future for the Arab region.

Main Projects / Activities

The Dialogue Forum is concurrently responsible for the Arab Reform Forum, the brain child of the recommendations of the first Arab Reform Conference in 2004, culminated in the Alexandria Declaration. The Arab Refom Forum organizes regular workshops and seminars in areas affecting Social, Political, Economic or Cultural reform, as well as an annual conference which has taken place since 2004, and has recently taken a visionary strategy by becoming the Arab Future Conference, beginning 2010. Other reform projects include the Development Gateway; the Arab Reform Observatory; the coalition for Fighting Corruption and Promoting Transparency; and the Info Mall.
Arab youth and middle generations are equally engaged through a number of ongoing projects and regular brainstorming sessions. The Youth are provided a regular platform for exchange and voicing of opinions and thoughts, through the annual Arab Youth Forum, as well as being offered various opportunites to build on existing skills, and acquire grants and scholarships to help them leave their imprint on society through small yet effect projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esraa Adlan
Head of the organisation
Heba El Rafey

Egyptian Cancer Research Network

National Network

High Institute of Public Health, 165 ElHorreya Avenue, Hadara.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Egyptian Cancer Research Network was launched in July 2010 on a 4 million EGP infrastructure grant from the Science and TECHNOLOGY Development Fund. Current members of the network are Alexandria University, Cairo University, Assiut University and Menofia University. Currently we have three active research programs.The ECRN aims to provide links between the various cancer research professionals in the country. These links should facilitate the design and implementation of research studies in cancer by enabling researchers to identify and locate resources and expertise that may not be available to them at their own institutions and hence plan collaborative work that may not be possible for a single institution separately. This network should also enhance the conduction of large scale research studies that require the participation of multiple institutions, the identification of National research priorities in the field of cancer and the process of technology transfer among Egyptian research institutions. We currenlty have several active research programs, each with its own grant funding.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to establish functional links between cancer research groups operating in Egyptian universities and research centres that enable them to share resources and expertise, conduct large multicentric and multi-institutional studies, address nationwide cancer research priorities and provide a robust evidence base for strategic planning for cancer health services Nationally and regionally.
We aim to expand our network regionally and internationally ; as well as our role . Thus by promoting and facilitating research partnerships that allow colleagues across cultures to get to know each other from a starting point of a joint perspective, and hence allow cross-cultural flow of communication alongside research activities with the purpose of enhancing peace, tolerance and understanding between cultures.
We hope that by participating in the AFL network, we will be able to benefit from the connections with colleagues worldwide and at the same time we hope to be able to offer a means for spreading AFL mission among Egyptian researchers.

Main Projects / Activities

Work Agenda:
1– To assemble a directory of research institutions and organizations involved in cancer research in Egypt
2– To assemble a directory of individual researchers and their specific areas of expertise and contact details
To conduct open discussion forum alongside local and National conferences that aim to identify National priorities in cancer research and possibilities for collaboration on specific projects
3– To develop research programs that shall be conducted in collaboration among the network members
4– To locate and advertise funding opportunities for cancer research
5– To connect with regional and international cancer research organizations
Currently, we have several active research programs: - a breast cancer program titled: Genetic, Hormonal and cultural determinants of breast cancer risk in Egyptian women under 50. - utilization of 5HTT gene polymorphism as a prognostic indicator in cancer. - National HCV prevalence study and others

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Noha Awad, National coordinator

Federation of Egyptian Youth NGOs

National Network

18, Mahmoud Bassiouni, Tahrir

+20 2 2575 1911
Telephone (other)
+20 2 2575 1888
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 10 5228089
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The federation is a federation of currently 14 youth-led NGOs Structure: Board: 7 members Staff: 2 full-time, 1 part-time, 2 volunteers Budget: varies 200k - 900k EGP Source of funding: Private Sector, Foundations, culture centers, other int'l NGOs Actions: Training, funding of youth NGOs, exchanges, culture relations Main Partners: British Council, Goehte Institute, Danish Youth Council - Denmark, EFG-Hermes Foundation, Microsoft, World Bank, League of Arab States, WE Centre - Jordan, Jugendwerk AWO - Germany
Mission and Objectives

I. Background:
The Federation was founded by 11 of the most active youth-led NGOs in Cairo, Alexandria and Minia and registered on the 14th of January 2006 at the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (registration # 4/2006). The federation is considered an umbrella and hub of Egyptian youth-led NGOs and NGOs working in the area of youth development. It is targeting to constitute all youth related NGOs in Egypt. Currently it has 14 members.
II. Mandate/Mission:
The federation main objectives are: first, to build the capacity of its member NGOs; second, to coordination of development efforts among its member NGOs; third to improve communication and coordination between the youth civil society (including NGOs and others) and other sectors like the donor, private and governmental sectors in their youth development activities; fourth establish national, regional and international youth contacts, exchange programs

Main Projects / Activities

1. Capacity Building activities
2. Networking & Promoting Youth Civic Engagement
3. Support of Youth-led NGOs
4. Regional & International activities:

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamer El-Fouly
Head of the organisation
Amr Abdallah

Friends of Historic Cairo

National Network

18 atfet el dewidar from Mohamed abdou st, behind el azhar mosque

(00202) 25142144
(00202) 25142144
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 0 12 2113501 ( Prof.Lamei)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Centre is directed by Prof. Dr. Saleh Lamei, had different departments: 1- Publication Department. 2- Drawings & computer lab. department 3- Monitoring & photogrammetry department 4- Analysis & research department 5- Technical specification department 6- Site supervision department
Mission and Objectives

Preserving the cultural heritage and the distinct principles , values of the Islamic architectural and urban character in the Arab World; as well as upgrading the urban surrounding ; training the local architects and craftsmen to work on a proper way according to the universal standards and preparing the historic buildings for an adaptable reuse for the social, cultural economical benefits of the local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Scientific Restoration Researches.
2. Historical & Architectural studies.
3. Architectural Documentation studies.
4. Monitoring using photogrammetry.
5. Assessment of structure behavior.
6. Rehabilitation of Urban fabrics.
7. Restoration of monuments.
8. Construction of sacral buildings.
9. Projects’ supervision.
10. Training programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arch. Marie Georges Hagopian
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Saleh Lamei
Contact (2) Full Name
Arch. Khaled Samir

International Association for Intercultural Studies (IAIS)

National Network

11 b Cobba Street, Heliopolis, Masr el gedida, Cairo, Egypt.

(+202) 4321323
(+ 202 ) 4321323
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The IAIS is a scholarly non profit organization registered in Bremen, Germany, and geared towards accurately studying the false images, prejudices that exist in the various socio-cultures predominantly in the Euro-Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean context, thus pave the way to eliminate the possible sources of conflict between said societies and help transform them instead into an element of mutual creative interaction and co-operation. The structure of the IAIS comprises of the General Assembly that meet every two years at the event of a symposium or a congress of the association and a board that consists a president and two vice-presidents and a further six board members representing the various areas of research in the IAIS, such as comparative architecture, Education, etc. The sources of budget of the IAIS are mainly the subscription fees of its members who hail from scholarly institutions, mainly universities, in twenty five countries.
Mission and Objectives

See above.

Main Projects / Activities

See above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof Dr Magdi Youssef (President)
Head of the organisation
Professor Dr Magdi Youssef (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof Dr Martin Franzbach, Bremen University, Germany.