Muslim Philanthropy Digital Library

National Network

AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74, New Cairo 11835, Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Digital Library team has 2 full time members, 4 part-time assistants. We are partners with the Women and Memory Forum and Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy. The initial funding was provided by IDRC. We have an AB with representatives from the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Women and Memory Forum, Al Azhar, IDRC and Indiana University. The digital library holds an annual workshop at a conference titled: Takaful: Arab Civic Engagement and Philanthropy, to disseminate research on Muslim philanthropy. An annual research paper is produced every year by MPDL.
Mission and Objectives

The Muslim Philanthropy Digital Library (MPDL) seeks to make widely available a repository of the world’s knowledge on all forms of philanthropy as expressed through original documents, reports, graphics, waqf registrations, scholarly analysis in Muslim-majority countries and Muslim communities worldwide.
Mission: Create an open-access global information resource and virtual library on the range of philanthropic practices in Muslim-majority countries and Muslim communities worldwide.
Vision: Establishing Muslim philanthropic practices and knowledge as an integral part of the contemporary global philanthropic realm.

Main Projects / Activities

Framework: The digital library comprises: a digital collection, and interviews section titled Voices of Philanthropy and a Visual Exhibition. The Library will hold a research workshop on an annual basis in addition to other lectures to be held at the American University in Cairo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sherine El Taraboulsi