Centre d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées en Restauration et Conservation des Monuments et Sites Historiques / Institut des Beaux-Arts / Université Libanaise

National Network

Avenue Maarad , Immeuble Dar al-Salam , 2eme étage

+ 961 ( 0 ) 6 44 88 20
Telephone (other)
+ 961 ( 0 ) 6 201 669
+ 961 ( 0 ) 6 44 88 20
Mobile Phone
+ 961 ( 0 ) 3 96 00 31
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 961 ( 0 ) 3 86 72 99
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
L’Organisation principale dont nous relevons est l’Université Libanaise. Comme toute université, l’UL (Université Libanaise ) a plusieurs facultées , et l’Institut des Beaux-Arts en est une . Le CRC ( Centre d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées en Restauration et Conservation des Monuments et Sites Historiques) ( qu’est le nôtre ) dépend d’une manière directe de l’ l’Institut des Beaux-Arts . Notre budget nous est attribué par l’Université Libanaise ( qui est sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’Education Nationale )
Mission and Objectives

Formation ( post -diplôme ) des architectes diplômés par un cursus de deux ans sur les projets de restauration et de conservation des monuments et sites historiques. ( suivant l’exemple du Centre des Hautes Etudes de Chaillot à Paris en France )

Main Projects / Activities

_ Formation de haut niveau
– Séminaires pour la sensibilisation du grand public
– Colloques
– Etudes

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Rawya Majzoub Baraké
Head of the organisation
Dr. Rawya Majzoub Baraké : Directrice du Centre
Contact (2) Full Name
M. Wassim Naghi : architecte - restaurateur

Université Saint-Joseph (USJ)

National Network

Rectorat de l'USJ, Rue de Damas, Mar Mikhaël

+961-1-421000 ext. 1158
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

L’USJ est un établissement multidisciplinaire francophone. Elle compte environ 12.000 étudiants et 2000 enseignants. Créée en 1875, elle est administrée par un Conseil composé du Recteur qui le préside, des vice-recteurs, des doyens des facultés, des directeurs d’instituts d’enseignement, des directeurs des centres régionaux, des administrateurs des campus universitaires.

Mission and Objectives

L'Université entend remplir au Liban et au Proche-Orient quatre missions fondamentales: Offrir aux étudiants une formation universitaire dans une discipline précise débouchant sur une profession, donc une culture assumant une spécialisation professionnelle et une culture adaptée à l'univers dans lequel ils auront à vivre Encourager l’activité scientifique et la recherche à travers les centres de recherche, les chaires universitaires et les écoles doctorales Promouvoir une perspective humaniste, accueillante aux valeurs spirituelles, soucieuse de dépasser les cloisonnements qui guettent les différents groupes sociaux et professionnels, favorisant le dialogue par le biculturalisme et le plurilinguisme Demeurer un lieu de réflexion et de formation intégrale de la personne  

Main Projects / Activities

Académique 12 000 étudiants 2000 enseignants 500 membres du personnel 13 facultés14 instituts 5 écoles 4 chaires universitaires 1 centre professionnel de médiation Recherche 19 centres, 31 laboratoires, 3 unités, 1 observatoire et 1 banque de tissus International Plus de 350 conventions avec des universités étrangères Plus de 400 professeurs étrangers en mission Répartition géographique 5 campus à Beyrouth (Liban) 3 centres régionaux (Liban) 1 centre à Dubaï (Émirats Arabes Unis) 1 bureau administratif à Paris (France) 1 résidence universitaire pour les étudiants à Beyrouth (Liban) 1 garderie pour les enfants du personnel à Beyrouth (Liban) 1 centre sportif 1 complexe de terrains de sports couverts Culture 2 centres culturels : Le Centre académique japonais (Cajap) et l’Institut Confucius 5 bibliothèques universitaires 1 bibliothèque patrimoniale : La Bibliothèque Orientale 2 théâtres : Le théâtre Béryte et le théâtre Monnot 1 Université pour tous 2 musées : le musée de préhistoire libanaise, le musée des minéraux (mim) - Salim Eddé 1 maison d’édition : les Presses de l’USJ Langues 8 langues étrangères (anglais, espagnol, italien, allemand, persan, japonais, chinois et russe) 4 langues anciennes (latin, syriaque, grec et hébreu) Soins médicaux 1 centre hospitalier universitaire : Hôtel-Dieu de France 4 centres de soins : dentaires, orthophoniques, psychomoteurs, radiologie maxillo-faciale. 1 centre universitaire de santé familiale et communautaire Pôles 4 pôles technologiques : Pôle Technologie Santé de l’USJ, Berytech Technological Pole, Berytech Health and Technology, Berytech Digital Park  

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Rita Ayoub
Head of the organisation
R.P. Salim Daccache s.j. (Recteur)

Progressive Youth Organization-P.Y.O

National Network

Wata el Mousaitbeh- Jabal el arab street-PSP bldg.

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1-P.Y.O members are volunteers who exceed 4,000 in number and are spread all along the country, acting within regional framework and composing P.Y.O’s Congress that elects P.Y.O’s executive board, with 6 full time staff. 2- 161000 Euros/Year 3-Membership fees, activities’ revenues and donations. 4- The organization acts through local and international youth exchanges, seminars and voluntary service on a local and international level, workshops and training courses. 5- Local and international non governmental organizations are the main projects’ partners as well as local social, cultural and youth bodies, such as student bodies, clubs and platforms
Mission and Objectives

Motivate youth towards a unified action in search for peace, equality and justice, To have fairness and equality of opportunity, so that everyone will have a chance participating in the political, economical and cultural life of the country.
We are strongly committed to the principles of freedom, democracy, social justice, equality and solidarity in its local and international dimension. Helping its members to act as a catalyst in the development of the society through active participation within the community.
Promoting the concept of voluntarism. Building network and long partnership with other organization on the local and international level mainly within the framework of Euromed Youth Program.

Main Projects / Activities

Euromed Youth Programme
? Organized and hosted two Activities under the Euromed during March and May 2003
• Established a platform for the Euro-Arab Dialogue
• Arranged a workshop in Beirut for Arab youth organizations to discuss the incidents of 11 of September and its indication and reflection on Arab youth.
• Youth empowerment and capacity building activities(summer camps, workshops, seminars, etc)
Latest Activity
• Preparing, Organizing and implementing “Follow The Women” for 2 consecutive years (17-25 April 2004 and from 15-23 September 2005)
250 women from 23 European and Mediterranean countries cycled from Lebanon through Syria and ended up on Amman.
• Training Course on “EVS and Intercultural Learning” from 10 – 17 December 2004 / Action 5
• Youth Exchange “Cultural Diversity: Preconceptions and stereotypes”: from 20-29th June 2005

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Yehya
Head of the organisation
Rayan Ashcar
Contact (2) Full Name
Maida Bou lhosn


National Network

Beyrouth – Rue Clemenceau- Ecole des Filles de la Charité

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1- N.G.O registered in the official journal of Lebanon no 212 AD. Committee members : 5 members . Members in charge : 10. Active members : 267. Number of partners : 100 schools / 21 local associations /4 internationals . 2- USD 60.000 3- Donations: ( 60.000 usd) and nature donations (40 companies , 200.000 USD) value). 4-Development of misery centre: a- Prisons b- Juvenile delinquency c- Renovated districts . d- Vacation camps E- Rebuilding site 5 - Offre joie France, ASMAE, local municipalities, scouts
Mission and Objectives

- To help to create oasis of meetings between Lebanese youth and children, without any discrimination of regions or religions .
- To promote the value of the citizenship by direct engagement for the most disadvantaged people of the society through sustainable development projects.
- Summer camps.
- Reconstruction site (Prisons , Schools )
- Sustainable development (districts of misery )
- Seminars.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mohamad HAMADE
Contact (2) Full Name

Lebanon Conflict Resolution Network-LCRN

National Network

Fakhoury-Daouk Bldg., Ardati Street, Manara, Ras Beirut

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1.The LCRN is a non-profit conflict resolution consultancy. Its members offer specialized conflict resolution and organizational dynamics training, intervention and public awareness projects. It retains two full time staff in Beirut, one part-time project manager in Dubai and another in Amman. The LCRN trainers and consultants are remunerated per project. 2.Around $50,000 USD 3.Mostly project-based funding 4.Concrete specialized conflict resolution and group dynamics oriented training, intervention and public awareness projects. 5.The LCRN has held specialized conflict resolution projects partnering with the following organizations : •Save The Children Federation (USA) •National Democratic Institute- NDI (USA) •Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars (USA) •Search for Common Ground (USA) •Adventist Development and Relief Agency (USA) •Mennonite Central Committee – MCC (Canada) •Quaker Peace and Service- QPS (United kingdom) •Comité Catholique Contre La Faine et
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the LCRN is to develop and disseminate the principles and skills of conflict resolution and organizational dynamics through non-adjudicatory means such as negotiation, mediation, facilitation, and other collaborative problem solving methods, in a way that would best suit the nature and needs of the concerned communities

Main Projects / Activities

From inception and through a network of highly competent and dedicated trainers and experts the LCRN has been active in the three regions of the Arab world (Levant, Gulf, Maghreb) and beyond (Caucuses, Balkans, and Scandinavia).
Within the context of conflict resolution the LCRN has been involved in: 1) Training 2) Interventions 3) Public Awareness campaigns

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Zeina Abla
Head of the organisation
Executive Director- Mr. Armen Balian
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Armen Balian

Association "Kulturas mezgls"

National Network

Maskavas street 12/2

+371 26005212
Telephone (other)
+371 29394494
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure: Kristaps Pukitis (Head of organization, budget planning, excibitions),Krista Jansone (theatre, education, international connections), Anna Sīle (youth events, education, international connections). And 3 to 7 voluntaries depending on period. Budget: ~ 10000 LVL Sources of funding: Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia, Riga city council Department of education culture and sports Modalities of action: culture events producing, informal education events Partners: Pan-European theatre network “The @worknetwork ” , French Culture Centre in Riga, Latvian centre of contemporary art.
Mission and Objectives

To organize different kind of activities connected to informal education of youth and young artists. Producing of culture events. Organizing seminars and workshops in order to develop contemporary and non- commercial art.

Main Projects / Activities

Theater- in collaboration with young theater professionals and independent groups of actors “Kulturas mezgls” is running independent theatre called “Dirty Deal Teatro”, in 3 years theatre produced 12 performances and organized several local workshops. “Dirty Deal Teatro” also is a part of international theater network “The @worknetwork”.
Exhibition room- For the second year “Kulturas mezgls” is running exhibition room. Exhibitions are organized in collaboration with Latvian Academy of art, Lomographic Society Baltics, “Five levels production”, French Culture Center in Riga etc.
Informal education- in future “Kulturas mezgls” is planning to develop several projects connected to international exchange of artistic ideas and informal youth education

Contact (1) Full Name
Krista Jansone
Head of the organisation
Kristaps Pukitis
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Sīle

Israeli Committee Against House Demolition

National Network

14 King George St., PO Box 2030, Jerusalem 91020, Israel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The core of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD) is composed of 5 members of staff. The budgetary resources available per year amounts to an average of 500,000 Euro. ICAHD's main resources of funding derives from the Spanish cooperation, Anna Lindh Foundation, European Union, Norwegian Cooperation, private donors, ICAHD UK and ICAHD US. ICAHD's work is mainly carried out by providing educational tours, holding seminars, publishing booklets, leaflets and articles as well as holding workshops, roundtables and lectures. The Israeli Committee Against House Demolition works with a variety of International partners such as the Spanish NGO ACPP or the International Alliance of Inhabitants, Israeli as well as Palestinian organizations like the Alternative Information Center, Breaking the Silence, the Combatants for Peace or Al Haq.
Mission and Objectives

ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories. As a direct-action group, ICAHD is comprised of members of many Israeli peace and human rights organizations. All of our work in the Occupied Territories is closely coordinated with local Palestinian organizations.
Since its founding, ICAHD's activities have extended to three interrelated spheres: resistance and protest actions in the Occupied Territories; efforts to bring the reality of the Occupation to Israeli society; and mobilizing the international community for a just peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The main areas of activities carried out by the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD) include international and local advocacy, that includes projects such as speaking tours as as well as alternative tours through Jerusalem, publishing leaflets, booklets, articles or film footage. Furthermore, ICAHD's reports and publishes documents on human rights violations concerning house demolitions, evictions and land theft. In addition to that, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition also provides legal advice to families whose houses are being target for demolition, as well as providing training for law students at different universities in Israel. A further area of focus concerns the initiation of encounters between different sections of Israeli, international and Palestinian society. Through alternative tours, meetings with Palestinian families and youth, panel discussions or re-building activities, situations and platforms are being created to enhance discussions and encounters.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Godfrey-Goldstein
Head of the organisation
Jeff Halper and Meir Margalit
Contact (2) Full Name
Sahar Vardi

Centre for Lebanese Heritage-Lebanese American University

National Network

Centre for Lebanese Heritage-LAU

+961 1 78 64 64 ext.1600
+961 1 78 64 60
Mobile Phone
+961 3 618700
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
3 -winged –centre including a museum collecting all kinds of Lebanese heritage items (such as : books, periodicals, documents, personal and private collections and belongings,…) and a centre of documentation and cataloguing data, as well as a periodical forum for lectures, conferences and debates all related to the Lebanese heritage . The Staff is a volunteer corpus of a board of councils (ten) and an academic council (14) The budget is offered by the university itself and reaches one hundred thousand $ per year, able to be raised if needed . The Centre has no partners but rather connection with similar centres in Lebanon and abroad .
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Poet Henri Zoghaib
Head of the organisation
Poet Henri Zoghaib

The American University of Beirut - Office of Grants & Contracts

National Network

Ras Beirut-Bliss Street 11-0237

01-350000 ext 2979 or 2978
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
1. Pre-award Functions and 2. Post-Award Functions Some of the pre-award functions of the Office include: A. Help in identifying funding sources and disseminates regular reports on funding opportunities B. Assist faculty members in preparation of proposals and budgets by clarifying founder’s submission procedures and guidelines. C. Review research proposals before submission and making appropriate recommendations to the Provost for approval. Proposals are reviewed for conformance to University Policies as well as sponsor guidelines. D. Negotiate, prepare and review contracts and agreements between AUB and funding agencies. E. Formally submit proposals and follow up on their status after submission. F. Develop contacts with funding agencies and securing information on funding sources and opportunities. G. Continually updates information on compliance regulations, policies and procedures.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support AUB faculty members in administering research grants as well as help them in soliciting sponsored research.
OGC serves AUB full-time faculty members and staff, University administration, and the various organizations and foundations that sponsor research projects and programs at AUB.

Main Projects / Activities

Since university research support is limited to small amounts of funding and is focused on supplying seed money for small projects or start up of projects, faculty members are encouraged to contact external funding agencies and organizations.
The Office also provides a listing of funding opportunities sorted by faculty and includes such information as funding agency name, program title, program synopsis, deadline date for proposal submission, and the website link to the full description of the research program.
The listing is updated on a bi-weekly basis so faculty members are encouraged to search it regularly and if interested in applying to any program they are advised to contact OGC to double check application eligibility

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rosie Nasser
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. May Awar Ammar

L’ Orient Le jour

National Network

Kantari- Imm. Kantari Corner

00 961 1 365365
00 961 1 360390
Mobile Phone
00 961 3 777105
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
- General company of Press and Edition: - Staff Members : 120 - Sources of financing: sales, subscriptions, publicities
Mission and Objectives

Press and edition

Main Projects / Activities

L’ Orient-Le jour is an independent daily newspaper which appears in Lebanon in French language. It was born from the fusion of two newspapers: L'orient(founded in 1923) and le jour (founded in 1935)

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Chakhtoura
Head of the organisation
M. Michel Eddé