Maison d'Antioche

National Network

P.O.Box 29, Zouk Mikaël, Lebanon

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
La Maison d'Antioche est une sarl dont le siège principale est au Liban. Elle a été fondée en 1996 par Mère Agnès-Mariam de la Croix avant qu'elle ne fonde le monastère Saint Jacques-le-Mutilé. Les ressources annuelles viennent de mécènes qui sont intéressés à sauvegarder le patrimoine. Ainsi une famille de Banquiers a versé 20000 $ en 2009 pour la restauration d'une collection d'icônes. La Maison d'Antioche travaille à la mise sur pied de projets globaux où elle s'occupe à la fois de trouver le financement et les experts et leurs collaborateurs aptes à mener à bien l'action. Les partenaires de la Maison d'Antioche sont le CCL d'Arles (Centre de Conservation du Livre), le monastère de Valamo en Finlande, l'Institut Royal pour le Patrimoine Artistique (IRPA) à Bruxelles, le C2RMF (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches des Musées de France), le réseau Icon Networking, etcLLL
Mission and Objectives

La Maison d'Antioche veut contribuer, dans la mesure de ses moyens, à la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel. et par là aider l'Orient à retrouver ses racines et favoriser les liens d'entente et d'estime entre les diverses communautés grâce à la connaissance d'un patrimoine prestigieux qui leur est commun.
Notre ligne d'action est triple:
- Faire connaître notre patrimoine pour mieux le conserver
- Former à la conservation préventive des oeuvres d'art et autres éléments du patrimoine moyen-oriental;
- Servir de plate-forme opérationnelle pour des initiatives visant à la connaissance et à la conservation du patrimoine.
Pour contribuer à ce but la Maison d’Antioche s’occupe actuellement des domaines suivants :
- patrimoine écrit
- patrimoine pictural

Main Projects / Activities

1- Constitution d'un réseau international d'experts dans les divers domaines relatifs à la conservation du patrimoine.
2- Formation à la préservation du patrimoine écrit à travers diverses initiatives (sessions- stages - séminaires).
3- Séminaires à thème sur la restauration des peintures mobiles.
4- Organisation de Colloques Internationaux sur la préservation du patrimoine.
5- Organisation d’expositions à thèmes au Liban et en Europe.
6- Sessions d'iconographie orientale
7- Diverses restaurations d'icônes, de tableaux votifs appartenant à des institutions religieuses ou à des privés.
8- Service conseil pour l'aménagement et la réhabilitation des sanctuaires.
9- Projet d'inventaire et de restauration des icônes au Liban et en Syrie, en collaboration avec un Comité d'experts internationaux.
10- Atelier d'art sacré (icônes-peintures murales- fresques- mosaïques-vitraux).
11- Coordination pour la réalisation de catalogues des manuscrits non catalogués.
12- Numérisation de divers ouvrages sur le patrimoine manuscrit et constitution d'une base de données.
13- Confection de boites de conservation

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmel Dawalibi

Mediterranean Design Organization

National Network

San Antonios road

+961 3 250180
+961 9 925554
Mobile Phone
+961 3 250180
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Motto: “Invest in People for a sustainable future” At times of global monetary crisis it is wise to take some time to rethink some strategies that have not been sustainable. This is the time to rebuild a global and sustainable future and “investing in people” along side other investments could be the key for success.
Mission and Objectives

The Mediterranean Design Organization is a non-profit organization established in 2009 in the city of Beirut, Lebanon. Its mission aims at the contribution to the integrated development of the Mediterranean Sea region through a design-led arts and crafts methodology. MeDO concentrates on innovative activities compatible with the environment and the preservation of the cultural heritage of this region. MeDO focuses on a multidisciplinary approach through design, arts and crafts it also encourages research and entrepreneurship.
The founding objectives of MeDO are:
- The support of the Design-led Arts and Crafts professions in the region.
- The promotion of the preservation of cultural heritage of the eastern Mediterranean region.
- The promotion of research activities in the fields of Design, Arts and Crafts.
- The promotion of advanced communication networks through the use of new technologies in the areas of creativity, innovation, design development and entrepreneurship.
- The promotion of design-built methodology, technology, ecology and nature science as the rational for exploitation of the natural and human resources in the region.
- The promotion of multidisciplinary educational methods aiming at exploring and developing new design areas.
- The promotion of inter-exchanging skills that consist in the creation of new programs to encourage design and art mobility across the Mediterranean countries.
- The promotion of sustainable design environments that aim at enhancing socio-economical growth in the region.
- The promotion of a new Apprenticeship method as a means of educating under privileged people.
- The promotion of partnership in design research and entrepreneurship amongst the Mediterranean cross border countries.
- The promotion of continuing education programs in the different Design, Arts and Crafts disciplines.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Streams:
1- Marketing
2- Academia
3- Projects
4- Data base
- Creation of a Design-led arts and crafts production center.
- Promote Arts and Crafts exhibitions.
- Creation of an Arts and Crafts school of Apprenticeship
- Arts and Crafts incubators and entrepreneurship.
Research topics:
- Phoenician Arts and Crafts: Investigation of the path and
the network established by the Phoenicians in the Mediterranean Sea.
Search the Partnership intends to rediscover what lead the Phoenician to travel in the Mediterranean and research the aspect of their endeavor. Emphasis on the Phoenician alphabet, and arts and crafts.
- Revival of the Lebanese tradition and cultural heritage.
- Lebanon: a society’s sustainable life style.
- Arts and Crafts in Lebanon.
- Design society in Lebanon.
- Design Entrepreneurship: A new profession?
- Research and methodology in Design.
- Research and Methodology for designers in the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Haddad

National Heritage Foundation

National Network

Yazigi Atelier-Beyrouth-Badaro-Al Hajj Bldg, 5th floor
Hazmieh, Baabda

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
46 members form the General Assembly of the National Heritage Foundation, 12 of which are the Executive Committee. Its financial support, budgetary resources available and sources of funding are mainly from the voluntary contributions: 72%, members' subscriptions: 6%, from the proceeds of different auto-financing activities: 22%. The Foundation partners involved in its projects & activities are mainly its members, some activities are in coordination with the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and also in collaboration with the present representatives, State and Associations. Essentially the decision making office for all activities and projects is the Executive Committee.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation strives to: safeguard, protect, preserve & promote the national heritage, advocate a better understanding of the national heritage & the dangers threatening it, contribute to the restoration, conservation of sites & buildings of archaeological & historical importance; preserve, develop, revive the artistic, cultural, natural & living heritage, assign a social function to the cultural & natural heritage & to its values, organize seminars to identify adequate judicial, technical, administrative & financial measures for the protection & preservation of the heritage, encourage & finance research allowing people to better value their heritage and develop specific strategies for its conservation & protection.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation major projects since 1996 are: the rehabilitation of Beirut National Museum (1996-1999), celebration of the National Heritage Day, yearly since 1997, Show House–La Fête exhibition, June 2002; Map of Lebanon: Natural & Historical Heritage, Oct. 2002; restoration of Steles of Nahr-El-Kalb, Nov. 2003; creation of Terbol museum in the Bekaa, 2004; awareness campaign, rescue campaign, 1997; teaching session in Arabic Calligraphy, 1998; Open House Days, 1999, participation "Liban, l'Autre Rive" exhibition (98-99); Encounter of Cultures, Oct. 2001, Nocturnal Evenings-National Museum, yearly since Dec. 2000-2001; exhibition "The Creators at the Museum", yearly since Dec. 2002

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Serge Yazigi

Silat Wassel

National Network

Karim ctr. 550

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
Silat Wassel is formed from 7 members who are at the same time its board members, and activists. It is represented officially by Mr. Shahed Naji its president, and the rest of the members each has his/her own mission/tasks. The group of 7 is formed of 2 artists, 2 social/medical trainers, 1 journalist, 1 poet and 1 financial director. The fundings Silat Wassel receives is throught the contribution done by its members and raising money from the projects it is doing with the help and support in form of grants from international NGOs such as USAID. Silat Wassel is building a coalition of NGOs in the north of Lebanon with the help and support of the following associations: Ataouna: represented by Abdel Razzak Ismail Hariri social association (Akkar): represented by Pascal Chidiac Tripoli disabled sports association, Maakom Welfair association: Toufic Allouche WAY: Dr. Mohammed Baroudi.
Mission and Objectives

Silat Wassel is a non-profit, civil and cultural association. It aims to activate the dialogue between different sects of the society through artistic, cultural, social and environmental activities. It also aims to create an atmosphere of non-violence through events and workshops different age groups in marginalized communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Talk to Me 1 (funded by OTI/USAID)
Art Encounter (partnership art project with Goethe Inst. of Beirut)
M529 (Modern Art exhibition for young artists with the French Cultural Center)
I draw my city (art project with municipalities of small town in the north of Lebanon)
Talk to Me 2 (funded by USAID/OTI)
Things I have seen with my own two hearts (Art project with the French cultural center)

Contact (1) Full Name
Shahed Naji
Head of the organisation
Shahed Naji
Contact (2) Full Name
Hala El Zohbi

Société Libanaise d’Histoire des Sciences Arabes («Equipe d’Etude et de Recherche sur la Tradition scientifique Arabe»)

National Network

1) Faculté des Sciences – Université Libanaise – Section 3-Qobbeh – Tripoli – Liban 2) CNRS-L ; B.P. 11-8281, Riad el Solh, Beyrouth-Liban

06 616337
Telephone (other)
01 542758
06 385089 ou 01 822639
Mobile Phone
03 228607
Mobile Phone (other)
03 481739
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
1.The team of studies and research on the Arab Scientific Tradition was established in 1997 in the headquarter of Lebanese CNRS. It is a non-profit researchers association , formed by university teacher-researchers specialised in different fields of exact sciences. It's mebers work in Lebanon, Europe and United States. The team, as a scientific association has no statute allowing it to collect and use the public money. The Lebanese company for History of Arabic Sciences was created in 2001 , in order to assist the team to support the activities on all the plans . 2- Annual budget : 10 millions of pounds (#6000 € par ans). 3- Ressources : Allowances of the Lebanese University, Lebanese CNRS , of the ministry of culture , and collects to finance some activities: conferences, seminars, publications, etc
Mission and Objectives

-To contribute to inventory, locate and classify Arabic scientific manuscripts.
- To contribute to study and edit the Arabic Scientific Heritage - Sources and impacts on the world culture .
- To create universities teams in the fields of history and sciences .
- To create a library specialized in the history of sciences .
- To organize conferences and scientific seminars .
- To establish scientific relations with institutions , with similar teams and with personnalities working in this fields .
- To collaborate with the ministry of the the National Education , and the ministry of the Culture and the Higher Education .

Main Projects / Activities

Long-term aiming: The Team hopes to evolve into an Arab and international publication, research and study center in history of sciences.
Projects in progress:
- The installation and the inauguration of a library for research on history of sciences - Beirut , and of a library of Maths and the history of Maths - Tripoli.
- Drawings exhibition :
Mecanism applied in the Arab scientific tradition .(IXe S. - XVIIe S.) - Edition of a book: Acts of the Conference Arabo-European on the Scientific Interaction of the cultures .
( Beirut 2002 , visit our wedsite ).
- Organization of annual seminars of the team .
- Arab dimension and participation of European colleagues..
- Collective research projects within the frame of the CEDRE program .

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas FARES
Head of the organisation
Nicolas FARES (Maître de Conf. Fac. Sc. Univ. Libanaise)
Contact (2) Full Name
Youssef ELIAN (Maître de Conf. Fac. Lettres. Univ. Libanaise)

The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies

National Network

Sin El-Fil,Tayar Center,Bloc C,3 rd Fl.,P.O.Box:55-215 Sin El-Fil

961 -1-490561
Telephone (other)
961 -1-490566
961 -1-490375
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
LCPS employs 17 highly motivated research, editorial and management staff to lead and coordinate its activities .LCPS also relies on a network of experts and professionals in Lebanon and the Arab region. LCPS’ yearly Budget is in the neighborhood of $400k.The C enter works in concert and partnership with a host of local, ,regional ,and international organizations including the Conrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS),the World Bank, and Partners for Democratic Change among others. LCPS funds its activities mainly through grants from international and Lebanese organizations, the sale of its publications, consulting contracts with specialized UN agencies and other international public organizations, and unrestricted contributions from individuals.
Mission and Objectives

LCPS is an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit think tank with an
extensive record of work on public policy issues. It seeks to inform,
shape and influence discourse and debates on issues of public concern
including but not restricted to good governance ,elections ,social and
economic development, judicial reforms, and media reforms. Although
research and publication are central to the center’s objectives,
advocacy ,training, and cooperative processes are also a large part of
the work of LCPS .While LCPS focuses on Lebanon ,the Center works
throughout the Middle East and North Africa region.

Main Projects / Activities

The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies is involved in the management
of several political, economic and social development projects which
include the presentation of a reform proposal for new parliamentary
election law, judicial reforms, reviewing Lebanon's industrial policy,
promoting Arab youth political participation and advocacy, transitional
justice in postwar Lebanon, reform of the security sector in the MENA
region, parliamentary reform and civil society participation in the
region and media and political reforms in the Arab World. Since its
establishment ,LCPS has planned ,organized ,and implemented several
conferences ,workshops, and seminars on political ,social, and
economic issues in Lebanon It has also produced and disseminated a
wide array of books and manuscripts on the issues described above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Safar
Head of the organisation
Oussama Safa
Contact (2) Full Name
Juliette Zoghbi

The Lebanese League of Women in Business

National Network

Berytech Building, 3rd Floor, Damascus Road, Beirut

+961 1 612500 Ext. 1990
Telephone (other)
+9611 611005
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
President Founding Members Board of Directors Employed:Director Employed:Executive assistant Source of Funding: Grants Some examples of our work: In April of 2011 we announced our collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization through Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion Program. UNIDO EDIP Program has an economic development target that is being achieved through the assistance of micro, small, and medium Enterprises. The main purpose of this program is to support Business start ups and existing Businesses from all sectors to solve their problems and to help them grow. UNIDO EDIP will have the same purpose with all LLWB members in their workplace as current entrepreneurs or potential future entrepreneurs through trainings, professional counseling, financial linkages, business development services, advisory for enterprise establishment & Growth through UNIDO EDIP virtual business incubator & Technology Park. After hosting successful programs in 2008 and 2009, we convened in our third Corporate Ambassadors Program (CAP) in 2011, an initiative which brings small delegations of international businesswomen and senior executives to the Middle East and North Africa for business training and knowledge exchange. The Program addresses national trend of family-owned businesses and focuses on strategies for management and succession This was one of our major achievements since it brought together more than 200 insightful professionals and inspiring speakers gathered at the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business at the American University of Beirut (AUB) to discuss the difficulties of leading a family business and the challenges inherent in creating strategies for succession and management. This event was held in partnership with the Middle East and North Africa Business women’s Network (MENA BWN), Vital Voices Global Partnership, and Exxon Mobil. The 2011 Corporate Ambassador Program proved to be a powerful forum for the exchange of ideas. LLWB’s commitment to creating brighter prospects for women, their families, and the community at large, was clearly evident at this event. In the same year also established a LLWB chapter in the Bekaa that is highly active. The Branch offers business training and other opportunities to women in rural areas. Also, the LLWB was a founding member of the MENA Businesswomen Network. The MENA BWN was incorporated in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2010 and represents over 2,500 individual members with associations in 10 countries. Its mission is to promote the advancement of women, enhance economic and professional growth and contribute to the development of individual members and the organizations to which they belong, resulting in progress and prosperity for families and communities in the MENA region and the world at large. The MENA BWN has supported over 20,000 men and women through targeted programs, workshops and skills building workshops that have resulted in the creation of over 500 new companies, expanded business-to-business connections and increased company revenue. As you know, our Non-profit organization relies on the support of grants, fundraising and contributions in order to develop activities that are beneficial to Lebanese business women who have the potential to succeed and contribute greatly to the economy. Main Partners involved: MENA Businesswomen Network, Vital Voices
Mission and Objectives

LLWB is a scientific and cultural organization that aims to bring together professional women by providing them with a forum in which they can exchange experiences and expertise, discuss common challenges and issues, provide specialized training through vocational development programs, facilitate the exchange of information, network and prepare handouts, brochures, circulations and publications for the purpose of promoting the potential of women in the world of business.
Moreover, the association aims to:
Cooperate and coordinate with NGOs and civil society groups to boost the role of women in the world of business
Help and support female university graduates implement and execute projects and businesses that directly impact the development of the Lebanese economy
Educate, enlighten and guide youth in general, and young women in particular, about the significance of women's participation in the world of business through training sessions and seminars
Conduct training sessions, conferences and seminars to promote the role of Lebanese women in society
Form and establish an incubator, and benefit from support and expertise of national and foreign organizations, and implementing the same in the Lebanese business community
Prepare and offer programs for school and university students that deal with the world of business and its role in promoting the national economy, in particular the role of the working woman in the fields of business and economy
Conduct conferences and training sessions for professional women to develop their skills
Draft and participate in drafting bills that aim to boost the role of the working woman and secure her effective participation in all fields
Cooperate with governmental and non-governmental organizations to elevate awareness of women rights across the socio-economic spectrum, especially those rights related to the working woman
Support activities that aim to secure and promote the working woman's role through international conventions and local laws and regulations
Improve the potential and aptitude of the Lebanese woman in her profession through encouragement and networking
Develop relationships with professional women all over the world, in particular in the Arab world and Lebanon, as well as in the Lebanese Diaspora
Elevate and enhance women rights' awareness through conducting specialized sessions for all the classes of the society
Harness the media to help achieve the aims of the organization

Main Projects / Activities

he mission of the LLWB is to encourage women in business to “Take the lead and succeed”.
In that perspective, we provide a multidisciplinary podium through which we advocate, research and disseminate information, develop innovative ideas, business network, assist and enlighten the youth and promote professionalism and leadership. The LLWB also endorses women's issues in the business world and advances entrepreneurial opportunities and access to resources. For those who aspire to become independent entrepreneurs or become more proactive in their business environment, the LLWB provides direction through the following 5 pillars:
Educational and Vocational Programs
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
We at LLWB believe that women are a vital element in society’s development and prosperity. A woman should have the opportunity to achieve her full civic, social and professional rights and potential through:
Equal Opportunities
Unrestricted Access to Resources

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are working with many entities already, like the NCLW (National Commission for Lebanese Women.) Our aim is to join forces to consolidate efforts that are being duplicated.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have new members joining us on daily basis and our organization has grown rapidly in the last few years. Furthermore, the caliber of our members has risen as well. They are highly motivated women well educated women from different industries. One of our lessons learned is that that we need to upgrade our services to cater to them.
They have developed exponentially over the past years, with a very obvious thirst for information. And in order for us to stay ahead of our game, we need to expand out network and bring in new ways to push them either further.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samia El-Solh
Head of the organisation
Hanan Saab
Contact (2) Full Name
Rola El-Taki

Monte Carlo Doualiya

National Network

Le Victoria - 13 bd Princesse Charlotte – Monaco

00 33 1 56 40 16 84
Telephone (other)
00 33 1 56 40 17 01
00 33 1 40 50 17 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. - SOMERA S.A. - Une centaine de personnes incluant 45 journalistes et 5 animateurs, aussi 45 correspondants dans le monde 2. Chiffre d'affaires 2007 : 12 024 501 € 3. - Radio France Internationale RFI (68 %) Ressources propres (32 %) 4. - Production de programmes radios - Opérations culturelles et attributions de prix(danse, musique et littérature) -Formation de journalistes 5. Radios, Commission Européenne, MAE, France Cultures , SACEM, COPEAM, Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie, Institut du Monde Arabe
Mission and Objectives

Radio France Internationale d'expression arabe, Monte Carlo Doualiya traite de l'information internationale, nationale et régionale.
C'est la radio de référence dans les pays du Golfe et dans le Proche et Moyen-Orient ainsi que dans tout le MAghreb.
Internationale et Pan-Arabe, elle a l'ambition de devenir une radio de proximité pour ses auditeurs, attentive aux évolutions sociales, culturelles, politiques et économiques de la région.

Main Projects / Activities

Monte Carlo Doualiya émets 24h/24h de ses 11 relais FM et par satellite ainsi que 17h30 par jour sur moyennes ondes. Elle diffuse toutes ses émissions dans les pays du Golfe, du Proche et Moyen-Orient et des pays du Maghreb. Elle s'appuie sur des équipes professionnelles et qualifiées, sur un réseau important de correspondants, sur de l'information pluraliste, des programmes variés et une sélection musicale arabe, française et internationale.
Depuis 2006 l'accent est mis sur l'information internationale, plus particulièrement régionale, sur les news sportives, les grand rendez-vous et la culture. La priorité est donnée aux reportages et aux recherches, qui donne la parole aux acteurs politiques, économiques et sociaux de la région.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilie Laot Yahou
Head of the organisation
Alain de Pouzilhac
Contact (2) Full Name
Rémy Guiller

PEACE AND SPORT, L'Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport

National Network

42 Ter Bvd Jardin Exotique - Immeuble les Mandariniers
98000 Monaco

+377 9797 7800
+377 9797 1891
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
. Structure : association monégasque à but non lucratif sous le Haut Patronage de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco, équipe de 10 personnes . Partenaires : - Stratégiques (Nations Unies, Conseil de l'Europe, IRIS, Aegis Media) - Sportifs (Fédérations Internationales, Comités Nationaux Olympiques, AS Monaco, sportifs) - Fondateurs (Onexim Group, Mercure International Monaco)
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission est de promouvoir la Paix durable, en sensibilisant les populations et en éduquant la jeunesse à la paix par les valeurs structurantes du sport.
Si les responsables politiques et sportifs sont de plus en plus conscients des valeurs pacifiques véhiculées par le sport, et de ses vertus dans le cadre de la prévention et de la résolution des conflits, ils ne maximisent pas encore assez le potentiel du sport dans ce domaine.
Confrontés à des situations complexes, ils éprouvent souvent des difficultés à mettre en place les synergies nécessaires pour régler les problèmes.
Peace and Sport se propose donc d’agir pour que le sport devienne le point d’appui d’actions politiques concertées, efficaces et adaptées, et devienne ainsi un outil essentiel au service de la paix.
Pour y parvenir, Peace and Sport établit une coopération internationale entre les acteurs politiques, le monde du sport et les acteurs sociaux et économiques.

Main Projects / Activities

L'action de Peace and Sport se décompose en 5 axes :
- Forum International Annuel et Régional : l'ensemble des acteurs peuvent se rencontrer pour échanger leurs expériences et renforcer leur coopération
- Projets sur Zone : mise en place et le suivi de programmes sur le terrain
- La création d'une plateforme de coopération internationale à l'aide d'un Centre de Ressources
- Peace and Sport Awards : récompensent des initiatives qui ont fait la différence sur le terrain
- Champion for Peace : collectif de sportifs qui souhaitent s'investir à divers niveaux pour des programmes de paix par le sport

Contact (1) Full Name
Frédéric Teboul (Secrétaire Général)
Head of the organisation
Président Fondateur - Mr Joël Bouzou

A4 - Asociacia zdruzeni pre sucasnu kulturu

National Network
Slovak Republic
+421 918 716 071
Telephone (other)
+421 918 716 072
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+421 915 794 942
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
A4 - asociations for contemporary culture is a non-governmental organisation running a multifunctional non-commercial centre of contemporary culture "A4 – Zero Space" in the centre of Bratislava, Slovakia. There are 6 intern employees and cca 20 part-time workers and volunteers. Budgetary resources is approximately 76.000 EUR in a year. Sources of funding are mainly Ministry of Culture of Slovak republic, Visegrad Fund, Kultura 2007, Ars Bratislavensis, Komunitna nadacia Bratislava, foreign cultural institutes, sponsorship, own earnings Main partners: Fleda /Brno, CZ/, Nova sit /Prague, CZ/, L1 Független Táncmüvészel /Budapest, HU/, Stowarzyszenie Teatralne A Part /Katowice, PL/...
Mission and Objectives

A mission of A4 - Zero Space is a long-term support of innovative artistic creation, presentation and education in the field of up-to-date manifestations of contemporary theatre, dance, music, film, visual culture and new media art.
A4 permanently struggles to strengthen the important local/regional communication and production nodes in all contemporary art spheres.
One of the main objectives is arranging a series of professional meetings, workshops and performances, improving the quality and availability of information.

Main Projects / Activities

In A4 - Zero Space are gathered high-quality intependent theatre, dance, music, film, visual culture and new media art productions.
Domiciliary theatre SkRAT acting own plays two times a week here, plus constantly acts in abroad (Brno, Prague, CZ).
Music dramaturgy is focused on independent and experimental expressions of contemporary music. Many musicians renowned internationally have had the concerts here. There are organized own music workshops called PLUG_IN, which are open to public.
Asociation of Contemporary Dance´s production arranges except for own performances the foreign dancers´ ones.
A4 cine-club KINO INAK offers the screenings of main-of-stream films which are not distributed in Slovakia.
In A4 are strongly supported the multimedia performances focusing experimental and cross-genre forms, series of seminars, presentations and workshops.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jana Ondikova
Head of the organisation
Lubomir Burgr