National Network

Franz-Josefs Kai 27/1
1010 Vienna

+43 1 533 87 47-36
Telephone (other)
+43 1 533 87 47-0
+43 1 533 87 47-66
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
M-MEDIA is an NGO dealing with the phenomenon of migration in the Austrian media. News in mainstream media is mainly focused on migrants who are victims or perpetrators. Who, summed up, might represent around two percent of the total migrant population. The other 98 percent doesn’t come up in the news. Source of funding depends on Projects: City Council of Vienna, The EU, the Austrian Government. Concrete projects are available here: http://www.m-media.or.at/projekte/
Mission and Objectives

-Motivate Migrants to be Journalists and shape their own Image into Mainstream Media
-Support mainstream Journalists to report on Migrants not only as victims or perpetrators
-Organisation differents Symposium and Mediafair in order to give another immage of People with migrant background
- Encouraging Diversity in our society

Contact (1) Full Name
simon INOU
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Center for Culture, Education, Protection and Promotion of Human Rights IDENTITY

National Network

Montenegro, Podgorica, Bulevar Sv. Petra Cetinjskog 46

+382 67 873 205
Telephone (other)
+382 68 081 180
00382 202 175
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 67 873 205
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 68 081 180
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Non-profit organization of 11 equal members. Decision-making bodies are the Assembly and the Executive Director.
Mission and Objectives

NGO Center for Culture, education, protection and promotion of human rights IDENTITY was the initiative of people in different areas have the results of general public importance. IDENTITY activists have impressive professional and a great volunteering experience and all are trained to act according to democratic principles, for nenesilnu communication, training the trainers and fascilitatori for team work and have the personal qualifications to perform the activities of the Association.
Joining is - together, we shared ambition to osvijetlimo dark times in the stages of genesis of civilization, the aspirant that our contribution will be useful for the whole society and that our objectives will be achieved fruitful, visible and valuable current and future man, who is a collective noun, run , base, shelter and altruistic reason for our mission.
In the context of the cultural activities we are to preserve the cultural identity of Montenegro, fostering cultural heritage, strengthening links with the Diaspora, cultural multidisciplinary field of activity, cooperation with other organizations and institutions, the loklalnom, regional and international level, that as their primary work with the culture and incentive for individuals that culture without borders give a relevant contribution.
In the field of education insist that the institutional and vaninstitucionalnom education provide adequate guidelines to modern methods adapt educational contents, to educate staff for the implementation of the application of interactive knowledge acquisition, the importance of the principles of classical and adapts efektnije implemented in the general educational system, to in obrzovanje introduce animatorski factors, greater funding and motivational strategy for employees, and for users to governmental and non-governmental sector a coherent planning and execution of educational activities that education needs to become and to all strata of society.
Protection and affirmation of human rights provide an authentic place in the process of social transition and jurisdističke practice, initiating an ethical code that includes the correlation of moral and legal binding requirements, and ethical models. Uspostvljamo digniteti arbitration in the fight against all ovlika violence, discrimination, chauvinism, racism, and mobinga nehumanih action, as well as all anticivilizacijskih phenomenon that imprisons and pridubljuju crisis morla and obezvrijeđuju identity, existence and esenciju reality. Opposes the empirija which antinomičnom in relation to philanthropy and pacifimom. Support the sanctioning of crime and degradation konfirmisanih value. Empowers raising individual and collective moral consciousness as a basis for any legal and humane actions, necessary for the development of healthy, modern democratic society, and focused on the constant convergence sphere of justice and law.
Constituted as an ambitious expert team, our mission posvijećenost this proves sensibility and pride, which is implemented in the sublime work.

Main Projects / Activities

Plan activities for this year: humanitarian concert I record and projects that we have a volunteer research needs: ID CULTURE CG and ethical Krug Podgorica (which will be specifically to deal with the protection and affirmation of the rights of children, young people and employees). Obvljamo special preparation counseling abused children, and a campaign, "Poverty and the drubbing much pain." Opening Eduka / center, with a number of program activities, it is the beginning of next year. In continuity, we maintain that publishing activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragana Radoman
Head of the organisation
Nevenka Vukovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Velibor Damjanovic

Center for Euro-Atlantic Politics

National Network

Njegoševa 36a

+ 382 68 02 30 06
Telephone (other)
+382 68 02 30 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 22 50 84
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The bodies of the Association are the Assembly, Management Board, and the Executive Director. Beside the Executive Director, President of Assembly and Executive director assistent, we have 20 permanent contributors. The sources of our funding are donors, and depending on project these funds go from 2 to 15 thousand euros. Our yearly budget is app. 50.000 EUR. Our main action is daily editing, updating and maintaining our web portal European reporter (www.europeanreporter.com), as well organizing the trainings and seminars for journalists and local officers. Our main donors and partners are FOSI ROM, British Embassy in Montenegro, USA Embassy in Montenegro, Norway Embassy in Serbia, NATO Headquarters in Brussels
Mission and Objectives

To support the development and strengthening of the media in Montenegro, through the connection of professional journalists at the local and regional level;
Education of local journalists for specialized topics, by organizing training, courses and seminars;
Promotion of European and Euro-Atlantic Politics by organizing seminars, round tables and panel discussions;
An objective and accurate reporting on current political and economic developments;
Further promotion and support for civil society in Montenegro operation;
The promotion of democracy and the rule of law.

Main Projects / Activities

Establishment and maintaining of web portal European Reporter (project continuously funded by FOSI ROM for over two years )
Training of local government officers on European Integration (funded by the Municipality of the Capital Podgorica)
Reporting on NATO integration - project continuously funded by USA Embassy in Podgorica for two years )
Production of 120 episodes of TV show on European integration "Euroscope", funded by British Embassy in Podgorica
Four trainings of journalist for reporting on European and Euro-Atlantic Integrations

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojana Šupeljak
Head of the organisation
Bojana Šupeljak
Contact (2) Full Name
Neđeljko Rudović

Fondacija " Ljubica i Tomo Lompar"

National Network

Ivanbegova 70

0038241231 277
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation has been founded by prof. Marko Lompar. Structure is a private non-profit foundation. The board consist of 3 persons, Chairman of the Board academician Mladen Lompar, prof. Dr Mihajlo Kuli{ member, academician Zuvdija Hod`i} member. "Ljubica & Tomo Lompar" Foundation awards scholarship to a certain number of Montenegrin students in a difficult financial situation . For now we have tree generation of scholarship recipient. Also we have a project for cultural and social happening which goal is to encourage society to assist in our mission - to help education. "Ljubica & Tomo Lompar" Foundation scholarships are granted exclusively to the best of students. The scholarship shall last until the end of the studies only if the recipient meets the requirements stipulated in the Statute of the Foundation. "Ljubica & Tomo Lompar" Foundation scholarships are granted exclusively to the best of students, they are highest in Montenegro ( 400 a month ten months in a year), and they demand the most of its recipients to work hard - for their own benefit, contribute to Montenegro, and prove that they deserve the award. Until now we awarded student from our private budget.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to encourage community development through the philanthropy and civil initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

"Ljubica & Tomo Lompar" Foundation awarding scholarship to a certain number of Montenegrin students in a difficult financial situation. Wi Goal of our project is to encourage society to assist in our mission - to help education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Lompar

Foundation National Youth Steering Committee of Montenegro

National Network

Novaka Miloseva 28

+382 20 232167
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 348 919
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 67 273 381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Foundation National youth Steering Committee of Montenegro is established to provide legitimacy of the National Youth Steering Committee of Montenegro, as co-management and consultancy body,responsible to develop, monitor and evaluate the process of implementation of the National Youth Action Plan (NYAP)in Montenegro. It closely co-operates with the ministries, Youth office,Youth NGO network in Montenegro and various international partners, playing the role of the "engine of transformation and development" within the area of youth policy in Montenegro. It has 11 members, and was financed mostly from the governmental budget, but needs additional financial assistance due to enlargement of the activities and competences undertaken.
Mission and Objectives

National Youth Steering Committee, through the foundation, is developing, supporting, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the National Youth Action Plan (NYAP)in Montenegro, in cooperation with various stakeholders and partners on national, international and local level. The foundation aims to develops new action plan for youth in Montenegro for another 5 years as well and to improve active youth representation and participation through National Youth network (Youth Forum)respecting all democratic principles such as equality,

Main Projects / Activities

Foundation is the partner in implementation of the project "Social revitalization of the Young People in Montenegro" which is implemented by International organization for migration (IOM) and supported by the Italian government.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Milosevic
Head of the organisation
Sladjana Petkovic

Roma Scholarship Foundation / Institute of Social Inclusion

National Network

Bratstva jedinstva 57/1, 81000

0038220620941, dial 3
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Roma Scholarship Foundation - Institute of Social Inclusion has 6 members of staff. But this number is increasing when we include our project partners, volunteers, students etc. Resources available in a year vary between 80.000 to 100.000
Mission and Objectives

To support integration of Roma population through education providing them access to a necessary resources for employment and/or continuing their formal education, and non-formal as well in cases when this support help individual to make better integration in formal ways of living.

Main Projects / Activities

Giving scholarships to young Roma and Egyptian people to finish their secondary school, and continue their education studding faculty also supported by scholarships of FSR/ISI.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zdravko Cimbaljevic
Head of the organisation
Aleksandar Sasa Zekovic

NGO Niegreda

National Network

Svetozara Markovica br.12, 20000 Podgorica, Montenegro

00382 67 727 878
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Niegreda is a Non-Govrenmental Organization established in January 2010 in Podgorica,Montenegro. With five members who professionally operates in various cultural sectors, NGO Niegreda tries to contribute to fostering the cultural scene in Montenegro. Since it is a new organization, Niegreda paths its way to available funds in Montenegro in order to maintain a kind of ordinary available resources. The structure of the organization includes Assembly, Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, while the Assembly is the highest authority in decision making. Basic idea, and at the same time a great ambition of its members, is raising awareness, affirmation and realization of projects considering the importance of creative industries. By organizing exhibitions, fairs, festivals, conferences and similar projects dedicated to questions of creative industries, we provide an opportunity for various audience to act, actively or passively, in the field of creative industries. In attempt to change the situation considering creative industries in Montenegro, NGO Niegreda makes partnerships with artistic faculties (Faculty for Visual Arts, Faculty for Architecture) and NGOs that share similar ideas in Montenegro.
Mission and Objectives

Official objectives brought by the statute of the NGO Niegreda, are as follows:
- Promotion, development, broadening and fostering of the creative industries sector in Montenegro;
- Making associations in order to precipitate individual creativity, talents and crafts;
- Stimulation of private sector to invest in creative industries;
- Organization of projects that promote creative industries;
- Raising awareness about creative industries among inhabitants, businessmen, and local authorities in Montenegro.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of NGO Niegreda are realization of projects in the field of creative industries:
- Advertising,
- Architecture,
- Photography,
- Design,
- Fashion,
- Film,
- New media,
- Music,
- Performing arts,
- Education,
- Publishing,
- Television and radio,
- Cultural management.
The first project of NGO Niegreda was organization of 88th Travelling Exhibition of The Art Directors Club from New York, that took place from 19th April till 1st May 2010 in Podgorica.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Jovanovic
Head of the organisation
Sanja Jovanovic, MA
Contact (2) Full Name
Dijana Buskovic

NVO kulturno sportski centar DiANo

National Network

Orijenski bataljon 31/25
Herceg Novi

+282 31 326 404
+382 31 426 404
Mobile Phone
+382 69 349 069
Mobile Phone (other)
382 69 088 069
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Our organization carries out its activities through their studies as follows: classical ballet, contemporary ballet and creative arts. We have 15 groups that bring together 200 members from the ages of 3-25 years of age. Studies guided by teachers and choreographers. Total center has three full-time employees and four educators who occasionally visit. The center is funded by monthly fees, tickets sold during maintenance , shows, performances and partly financed from the budget of municipality of Herceg Novi. Classes in our center are performed daily. Four to five times a year we organize independent performance . Once a year (August) organized a seminar named'' Body and movement''. We cooperate with independent artists from the region, public institutions of culture Herceg Fest-Herceg Novi, primary and secondary schools, preschools, in Herceg Novi theater, ballet school'Vasa Pavic'; Podgorica,ESDU, Barcelona Dance Award, NGO ExpeditioChildrens cultural center Belgrade,dance and sport center RUMBa- Belgrade, dancing school Beodance/ Belgrade,
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is constant education of children and young people in the field of performing and other arts.
Our goal is to create an institution that will at all times be able to motivate young people to create and provide them with quality meet their cultural needs

Main Projects / Activities

activity in our center are daily from 15 to 23 hours in the afternoon.Classes serve not only to convey their knowledge to children, but children and young people develop their creative ability.
We Have very large number of dance and art revue and competition performances so far we have twice been European and once the worlD CHAMPIONS in modern dance. we are Producers the first musical for teenagers in Montenegro called ''Cinderella and rock star''

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonija Djurovic Novoselac
Head of the organisation
Antonija Djurovic Novoselac
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalibor Novoselac

NGO Systemic Eco-Cultural Action SECA

National Network

Velji Vinogradi b.b. 85310 Budva

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Organisation staff numbers 10 people, all included voluntarily. Sources for funding are collected through sponsorships from companies, institutions and foundations. SECA stand behind Budva Ecological festival and cooperates with NGO Infomont on various projects.
Mission and Objectives

Non-governmental association „Systemic ecological and cultural action - SECA'' was established as a non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit organization whose goals are focused on the ecology and culture, and on promotion of those goals through organising public events and researches and lectures on environmental issues and issues related to culture and cultural tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

Montenegrina.net first digital library of Montenegrin culture and Budva Ecological Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Slobodan Markovic
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ljubomir Filipovic

P'tit Coeur

National Network

Faculté de Médecine de Sousse

73 348 330
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
23 258 444
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ptit coeur est composé par plus de 100 étudiants de la faculté de medecine de sousse et c est a travers les soirées qu on organise que nous réussissons a récolter des dons pour financer nos actions annuelles.
Mission and Objectives

aider les enfants défavorisés hospitalisés dans les hopitaux a se procurer les soins, opérations, examens complémentaires et prothéses dont ils ont besoins, rendre l enceinte de l hopital plus agréable et plus chaleureuse. ptit coeur aide aussi les enfants necessiteux des écoles de sousse à se procurer les fournitures scolaires qui leur manque.

Main Projects / Activities

pour cet été, ptit coeur a commencé à dépister dans plus de 3 écoles les enfants necessiteux qui ont une acuité visuelle dinminuée et leur préparer des lunettes de vue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zeineb Zemni
Head of the organisation
Khadija Bne abderrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Asma neily