Projects and logistics

National Network

4, Aida Str, fl. 3
6300 Haskovo

+ 359 38 622989
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 899 578500
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 888 426682
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non Governmental Organization Governing by General meeting; Board of members. Staff: technical assistant 15 volunteers Partners: Public institutions and NGOs 2.7 300 EURO in a year 3. Membership fees; funding by projects and donors 4.Project "Young masters' workshop", financed by Youth Programme; Seminars: Multicultural understanding;Sivil education for young people Partners: Implementing Programme of AIDS/SPIN prvention and control, financed by UN Global Fund; of Social Integration and Rehabilitation Centre "Open world" 5. NGOs;local institutions and public authorities
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Impruving the social and iconomical status of young people
Objectives:educations and trainings;consultations; participating in developing programmes and strategies for young people

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: preparing and execution of projects for young people and risks groups.
Proviging information and consultancy for NGOs - developing and managment
Social activities for groups at risk of social exclusion

Contact (1) Full Name
Cenko Conev
Head of the organisation
Cenko Conev- Chairman of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Irena Grigorova

Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria Country Office

National Network

42A, Tsar Simeon Str., 1st flore, app. 2

+359 (0)2 9834817
Telephone (other)
+359 (0)2 9835217
+359 (0)2 9835217
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria was established in 1993. Currently 3 people are working at the Bulgarian Country office - Gerasim Gerasimov-director; Veselin Drobenov-project manager and Julia Dencheva-project and technical assistant. The foundation is well known among environmental NGOs. We have been cooperating effectively with the government, local authorities, companies in the environmental sector, private and state institutions. Sources of funding: Mitsubishi Fund for Europe and Africa, SGP of GEF, FM of EEA Grants, EU LIFE Program and ect. Main partners involved in our projects/activities: Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Bulgarian Society of Bird Protection - Birdlife Bulgaria, Time -eco projects and ect.
Mission and Objectives

We assist in the environmental problem solving on local level throughout combining the experience of our team, international support from REC HO and Bulgarian partners. We are part of regional projects and international initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

REC for CEE - Bulgaria promotes NGOs, private and state sector and other stakeholders in the environmental field for the implementation of their role within a democratic and sustainable society. REC for CEE - Bulgaria implements projects in the following fields:
* Environmental capacity building
* Environmental information dissemination
* NGO support
* Business and environment
* Local initiatives
* Public participation
* Environmental policy
* Environmental education
* Environmental law
List of recent projects:
“Education for NATURA 2000 - introducing the ecological network in the Bulgarian schools”, financed by the NGOs fund of the Financial mechanism of the European Economic Area (the EEA grants), 2009 – 2010;
“Osogovo, Ograjden and Belasitsa for kids”, financed by the Mitsubishi corporation fund for Europe and Africa, 2009 – 2010;
“West Balkan Mountain for kids”, financed by the Mitsubishi corporation fund for Europe and Africa, 2007 – 2008;
Strengthening trans-boundary cooperation mechanisms in the Western Stara Planina region, follow-up of the project “Trans-boundary Cooperation through the Management of Shared Natural Resources”, 2002 – 2008;
‘Tourist Trail West Balkan – Ecotourism for the Benefit of People and Nature’, GEF Small Grants Program, 2007 – 2008;

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerasim Gerasimov
Head of the organisation
Gerasim Gerasimov

Sports club “Ekoatlet- MC”

National Network

Orfey 35, G

+359 898 865770
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 898 865770
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Sports club “EKOATLET – MC” – Haskovo town is a nongoverment organization – independent, voluntary public organization of people who love sports: badminton, basketball,wrestlig, volley-ball, atlethics, sports shoting, football, chess, cycling, petanka, and work for sports affirmation and popularizing it among youths and population of Haskovo municipality. Activities: We engage youths and citizens’ free time with sport so this helps them to grow healthy and asadequate personalities. We take part in championships and tournamentс on each sport. We increase professional training of the trainers, contestants and technical staff ; We popularize sports, described earlier, in Haskovo municipality and we find young talents for creating contestants in the described sports. The sports club worked with people from different ages – from 8 to 20 years old. Children and youths are separated on three different groups – children, youths junior and senior groups. The sports club take part also in tourism, combine cultural activities with tourism, arrange exchanges, seminars and other initiatives, dirrected to the civil and health education of children and young people. Members- 5 Volunteers- 15 Sources of funding- projects, voluntary work
Mission and Objectives

Sports, youth activities, children development, training of teachers, youth and child workers

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation’s volunteers have participated in Youth exchange projects in Italy, Poland, Northern Ireland, Greece, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asen Tomov
Head of the organisation
Mr. Asen Tomov
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristina Tomova

United Nations Association of Bulgaria

National Network

12 Vassil Aprilov Str.

+359 878 955 311
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
United Nations Association of Bulgaria is a national NGO, established in 1948 in order to assist the process of Bulgarian membership into UN which becomes a fact in 1955. UNA-BG is a member of the global family of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) – the civil support of the UN. The United Nations Youth Association was established in 2003 and is respectively a member of the World Youth Federation of the United Nations Associations. The members of the Association are usually diplomats, university professors while the members of the Youth Association are predominantly students in International Relations and Law studies.. UNA of Bulgarian works in a partnership with United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign affairs - Direction UN, Red Cross, UNHCR and other NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of UNA-BG is to attract the support of the Bulgarian society for the United Nations and for the international peaceful coexistence and respect to the main human rights and freedoms. The Association promoted and applies the UN ideas, principles and decisions in Bulgaria. UNA develops alternative methods for civic education in the spirit of UN. It has a national network of over 30 UN school clubs.
The Youth Association works for the fulfilment of this mission mainly among university students. Its strategic aims are to raise the civil awareness of Bulgarian youth and to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Bulgaria. Its activities are primarily related to education and awareness raising, namely it is organising Model UN simulation games on national as well as international level and raising awareness among students and youth about the UN, its goals and activates and main campaigns to access youth on various occasions.
Human Rights, Intercultural dialogue and Peace education are areas of a great priority for us.

Main Projects / Activities

We actively work in the frame of EC Programme "Youth in action" and we recently became a sending EVS organization; In the past we carried projects in the frame of PHARE Programme concentrated on work with refugees and Peer-to-Peer education.
We are working to become a Resource center for Human Rights education; Since last year we carry the project International Bookstore where university students meet school students and discuss with them different topics as cultural diversity, peace and war, identity, there are presentations of different countries in an interesting for the puppils way.
Last year we were a partner in a project which took part in Palestinian Authority "Explore, understand and promote understending in the Mediterranean region"; Our volunteers took part in a Training Course of Council of Europe "Youth in intercultural dialogue and Euro-Arab Cooperation" etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mila Begova
Head of the organisation
Ivan Garvalov
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Izvorska


National Network

6 Mutkurova St. 7000 Ruse, Bulgaria

00359 82834 859
00359 82834 859
Mobile Phone
00359 894 406 421
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The association consists of a president, Managing Body – 3 persons, 5 fee-paid trainers, accountant. The budget for 2010 is 12 500 euro. The sources for financing are donations, membership fees, organization of culture events, co-financing at winning a project. The association has a running project for an informational and consulting youth centre – MIKC – Ruse ( – this is its 3rd year of implementation. It includes trainings for the youngsters, cultural events, informational campaigns. And it also had a project “Danube rhythms” – in 2009 – for getting to know the different Bulgarian folk districts. Our common partners are the Municipality of Ruse, the Ministry of education in Bulgaria, civil associations and NGOs dealing with youth activities, the schools and university in the region.
Mission and Objectives

Supporting the social, cultural and sport development of the young people in Ruse district and in Bulgaria; development of civil society and encouragement of the civil initiative among the youths; reconsideration of the young people’s free time by providing them opportunities for development and manifestation of their skills and capabilities in the fields of sport, culture, education and arts, together with their coevals from other countries; creating conditions for development of intercultural cultural youth exchanges; exchange of experience through international youth exchanges. Creation of conditions for full integration of the youths from minority groups in our modern society; cooperation for defense of the human rights; encouragement of public discussions on problems of the civil society in national and international context. Participation of young people in public life. Support for the socially disadvantaged young people for their social adaptation, undertaking measures, directed to restoration, preservation and reproduction of nature.

Main Projects / Activities

The association “Vdahnovebie” was created by idea of the team which realized the project “Via Regia” (Youth informational and consulting centre – MIKC – Ruse, 2007). The association realized also project “Via Regia 2” (MIKC-Ruse 2008-2009) and is now implementing “Via Regia 3” (MIKC-Ruse 2010). By means of this project the range of young people was increased who took advantage of the services offered by the centre. We increased the target group and the services offered by the centre. We made trainings in the small towns and villages where there is a lack of information on youth activities and opportunities which the young people have to realize their own ideas, helped by the existing youth programs. We realized various campaigns, sport and culture events for the young people in Ruse.
The association has a project “Danube Rhythms” on which the activities were realized in 2009. The aim was the young people to get to know and learn the characteristic for each folklore district in Bulgaria – songs and dances, to preserve the folk wealth of the Bulgarians and in this way to reconsider their free time occupations. The project was financed by the Program for youth activities of the State Agency for Youth and Sport (ДАМС).

Contact (1) Full Name
Teodora Trayanova

Yambol Choir School "Professor Georgi Dimitrov" Society

National Network

8 John Aranassov str., 8600 Yambol

+359 46 66 15 52
+359 46 66 33 98
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 899583056
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 878892088
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Structure Yambol Choir School “Prof. G. Dimitrov” is a Public/Private Non-Profit Society between Yambol Municipality and two Non-Governmental Organizations – Choir School “Prof. G. Dimitrov” Society and Scientific Technical Union – Yambol. The number of the staff employed is four. The partners unite their efforts to promote the local cultural heritage, musical, singing art and the musical culture of Yambol and the region, but also to present them on the national and international level. The society realizes information and consulting work, in relation with development of the musical education and the creative abilities of the children and adults from Yambol, promote the creative activity and the creative product realization in Bulgaria and abroad. 2. Budgetary resources € 15 000 3. Sources of funding The society fee by the Yambol Municipality, Educational fees from children and adults, funding by the projects 4. Modalities of action Initiatives: Children’s Song Festival – Yambol 2003, 2010; Organizing, and participation in the Choir Music Festival Days –“100 anniversary of professor Georgi Dimitrov birth” –Yambol; A presentation concert – performance „Bulgarian tunes – traditions and modern times”, together with Troupe for national songs and dances „Tundzha”; International Thracian Choir Festival - 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Participations in Choir festivals in Bulgaria and abroad. Participation in Bulgarian and International projects. 5. Main partners: The Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, The Yambol Municipality, Territory Organization of Scientific Technical Union – Yambol, The Bulgarian Choir Union, The Bulgarian Choir Conductors’ Society, foundations, sponsors and etc.
Mission and Objectives

To support people in their self realization;
To facilitate the culture communication and cooperation between people
To preserve Bulgarian cultural and spiritual values and traditions
To support humanitarian, social and artistic activities
To popularize the creative abilities of the Bulgarian singers and their performing art.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in projects as partners:
- “Buchlesung in Thuringen” – Erfurt, Germany
- „4 choirs – 4 cultures” – Lublin, Poland
- "Arts and parks" - Samothrace, Greece
Participation in projects and programmes to the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Bulgarian Goreign Ministry

Contact (1) Full Name
Vessela Kotelnikova
Head of the organisation
Vessela Kotelnikova

Youth and Civil initiatives in the Rose Valley

National Network

71 General Kartsov St.
4300 Karlovo


00359 335 93300
00359 335 93300
Mobile Phone
00359 898742757
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non-profit making, non-governmental organisation with two full time employees and more than 100 volunteers for our local and international projects and initiatives. We have our budget formulated mainly by membership fees and project development. We are partnering with two local authorities in the area who are our members and support all our projects. We are mainly working with the "Youth in Action" programme, "Europe for Citizens", COE's European Youth Foundation programmes as well as with many national and foreign donors such as Open Society Institute, Peace Corps, Bulgarian Fund for Women etc. We are hosting and sending youngsters for international youth exchanges and training courses and seminars on various important topics such as intercultural dialogue, citizenship, gender equality and human rights.
Mission and Objectives

We aim at raising young people’ s awareness of the aching problems of our world, integration of socially disadvantaged and disabled people, fostering cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, mainstreaming gender equality and human rights in youth work

Main Projects / Activities

We organise various awareness raising campaigns, local and international events, seminars, conferences, surveys, polling citizens’ opinion on different issues, hosting and taking part in intercultural youth exchanges.We are an accredited sending and hosting organisation for the European voluntary Service and we also have a Peace Corps volunteer helping our organisation implement its goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsvetina Zaharlieva
Head of the organisation
Tsvetina Zaharlieva- Exacutive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Katya Stoynova

Friends of Al Rowwad organization

National Network

24 rue Custine
Paris, 75018

(0033) (0)1 42 59 06 59
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(0033) (0)6 32 58 96 84
Mobile Phone (other)
(0033) (0)6 10 18 86 70
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Société des Amis d'Al Rowwad, a French NGO, 1901 act status. - Staff: volunteers only. - Partner: Al Rowwad cultural Center, Aida camp, Bethlehem, Palestine. Al Rowwad ‘s director is the vice president of our association. - Average budgetary resources in a year: 70.000 euros (donations and handcraft’ sales) - Main activities: * Cultural exchanges (theatre and music tours) * Financial support (fundraising for Al Rowwad, Palestinian students and prisoners, funding Al Rowwad’s new building, 1st two floors achieved...) - Main Partners: * In Palestine: Al Rowwad (Bethlehem), French Consulate in Jerusalem, The Freedom Theatre (Jenin), DARNA and the national music conservatory (Nablus). * In France: les Amis de DARNA, les Amis du Théâtre de la Liberté (ATL), Association France-Hébron, the Philistin (importation of olive oil from Palestine), + a large network of theatre and music companies. * In Belgium : Association Belgo-Palestinienne (ABP)
Mission and Objectives

- Develop the collaboration network between European and Palestinian theatre companies and music groups
- Promote intercultural dialogue between Europe and Palestine, with an emphasis on reciprocity and collaboration.
- Target children and young adults in order to open an opportunity for them to express and develop their imagination and creativity.
In Europe :
- Present Palestine through a different scope than violence
- Sensitize people to the stakes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and claim for justice and peace to end a 58 year old conflict.
In Palestine :
- Break the cultural isolation of Palestine.
- Open a parenthesis in daily life under occupation thanks to quality cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

- 2003: Theatre tour of Al Rowwad’s children troupe in France, 25 performances over a month and a half.
- 2006: Tour of Al Rowwad’s children theatre troupe and the musicians of the national music conservatory of Nabluz, 30 performances in France and Belgium over a month and a half. Production of the DVD of the play.
Both time the troupe performed “We are the children of the camp”, a play by Abdelfattah Abou Srour, director of Al Rowwad center.
- October 2007: Theater and Music Festival in Palestine, as a project to reinforce networks of cultural cooperation between European (France, Belgium) and Mediterranean (Palestine, Morocco) countries. Five theater troupes and one music group will perform in 6 cities of the West Bank over 12 days.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laure Fourest
Head of the organisation
Jean-Claude Ponsin
Contact (2) Full Name
Julien Villalard

Bulgarian –American center of Economics and Management "ECOM INTELLECT"

National Network

2, Konstantin Velichkov Str.
Plovdiv, 4000

+359 32 655 225
Mobile Phone
+ 359 889 219 774
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ECOM INTELLECT is a Private Professional College issued by Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria since 1992. We have the right for execution of the forth educational degree, accomplished in two years in the following professional fields: • Management and Business Administration; • Marketing and Management; • Animation; • Computer Science; • Hospitality and Tourism Management; • Tourist Guiding There are 1200 graduates at present. In January 2006 ECOM INTELLECT received an award in for the College of the year. The education is both in English and Bulgarian. The students are from 20 to 35 years old. Both full time and distance courses are offered. For the excellent execution of the educational process we have prepared highly trained team of qualified lecturers, who teach in English. After Bulgaria became a member of EU on January 1, 2007 we as educational institution have the intention to establish fruitful and beneficial cooperation with similar institution from EU countries. We have contacts with a lot of foreign organizations and universities.
Mission and Objectives

ECOM INTELLECT main mission statement is to make education accessible to all by offering full-time,part-time and distance learning degree programs as well as increasing the adult participation in the non-formal educational system. We prepare students for success in a global market. We would like to restore the link between labor market and education and maintain and enhance leadership role in education and enhance intercultural and cultural relations.
The Bulgaria’s membership in EU is challenge for us for enhancing our cooperation with foreign universities and colleges including the possibilities for representing them in Bulgaria.

Main Projects / Activities

We participated in projects at PHARE program concerning proffessional education of unemployed.
We organize seminar with local public autority concerning environment and sustainable development, education and career development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krasimira Bakardzhieva

University of Foggia

National Network

Via Antonio Gramsci 89-91

+ 39 0881 338 337
Telephone (other)
+ 39 0881 338 343
+ 39 0881 338 545
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 320 4394548
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 5954925
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1- State University: about 11,000 students, 350 staff members employed, 300 professors and lectures; 2- About 85.000.000 euros 3- Running transfers, students’ fees, etc; 4- ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and ‘Erasmus’ Programmes; Tempus- Meda Projects: ‘Women, Civilization and Law Systems’; ‘Women, Labour and Training’; Asia-Link Project: ‘Comparing European and Asian Studies: Towards the Renewal of Curricula’ ‘International Curricula on Post harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops’ (EU/ USA Programme of Cooperation); International conferences on gender issues and the future of Iraqi Universities; Scholarships to 7 Iraqi female students 11 Iraqi post-graduate students in Foggia
Mission and Objectives

Principal objectives are internationalisation, didactics, research, gender issues.

Main Projects / Activities

2 Tempus-Meda projects:
University of Foggia, promoter and contractor,
Partners: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria;
1 Asia-Link project in partnership with the University of Murcia (promoter), Hunnan Normal University (China) and Pune (India);
1 Eu /Usa Project of cooperation (as promoter and contractor);
‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and ‘Erasmus’ Programmes;
International meetings on gender issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Rita Saraò (Mrs)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Antonio Muscio
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Ciavarella (Ms)