Media Development Center

National Network

6 Triaditsa St.

(359 2) 988 9265
(359 2) 988 9265
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(359 878) 759774
Mobile Phone (other)
(359 878) 634459
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
= Non-governmental, not-for-profit independent organization; 6 full-time staff and over 25 associated experts = Approx 400,000 Euro = International grants, projects - 90%; paid-for services - 10% = Training for journalists and other media professionals from all over South East Europe, EU-member states, Caucasus, Central Asia ; media related research; awareness campaigns; publications; technical assistance; PR consultancy = BBC World Service Trust, Radio Nederalnd Training Centre, Deutsche Welle Akademie, European Journalism Centre, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, South East European netwrok for Professionalization of Media, International Center for Journalists, Internews International
Mission and Objectives

Media Development Center, Sofia (MDC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization established in 1998 to promote independent media in Bulgaria and to foster capacity-building of the media by encouraging good practice in journalism, stimulating the professional ethics, institutionalizing the dialogue among the state administration, the media and the NGO sector, and to boost the networking and cross-border cooperation in the region of Southeast Europe

Main Projects / Activities

Media Development Center works on national, regional and international level in the following areas:
1. Education and training for media professionals and journalism students in Bulgaria;
2. Professional training for journalists and media managers from Southeast Europe;
3. Training courses in language skills for media;
4. Support for the development of the free media market;
5. Development and implementing media projects in Bulgaria and abroad;
6. Research, consultancy and information services on media and for the media;
7. Publication of media-related books and training materials;
8. Media promoting events; conferences, round-tables, discussions
1. 2007 – 2010 - Georgian Initiative for the Enhancement of Broadcast Training Activities (GIEBTA), funded by MATRA program of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. 2007 - Bulgaria Country Development Marketplace, funded by The World Bank
3. 2007 - Ringing The Bell – A National Awareness Raising Campaign on Social Inclusion, funded by European Commission
4. 2004 - 2005 - Technical Assistance for Improving the Professional Standards in the Bulgarian Journalism, funded by European Commission
5. 2003 - 2006 - Radio as a Mean of Improving the Informational and Educational Culture of the Bulgarian Society, funded by MATRA program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
6. 2000 - 2006 - Support to media in South East Europe, funded by Government of Germany within the Stability Pact for South East Europe

Contact (1) Full Name
Ognian Zlatev
Head of the organisation
Ognian Zlatev
Contact (2) Full Name
Yana Pelovska

Municipal Board of Trustees - Gabrovo

National Network
+359 (66) 806552,
Telephone (other)
+359( 66) 808691
+359( 66) 808691
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Municipal Board of Trustees Gabrovo is the first association of its kind in the country after a long period of broken bond between parents and teachers, parents and children and teachers and children. It was initiated by "School and Health" Association and established in 2001, fully supported by the local government, represented by the mayor, city council and municipal administration /Department of Education in particular/. All 47 members of the board were elected among teachers, parents and community leaders, applying democratic procedures - after being nominated by all local schools. In May 2001 the association is registered in court as a non - governmental organisation, headed by Mrs. Magdalena Vasileva - school principal and teacher of many years, nominated by the General Assembly of the association.
Mission and Objectives

Main objectives of the Municipal Board of trustees are as follows:Active participation in building and implementing of local policy in the field of education;Promoting the establishment and development of other school boards of trustees within schools and kindergartens;Involving parents in issues of education;Applying best practices of good membership in the board.
To support municipal policy in the filed of education /especially with children with specific needs and children in risk;

Main Projects / Activities

• "Municipal Board of Trustees - development and perspectives" Project - implemented with the financial aid of the government of Switzerland /Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development/ in the period 2001-2002. Project activities were carried out in training courses, attended by 30 members of the board. As a result members of the Board of directors were trained, printed materials were disseminated and Parents Guide and Charter were distributed. Trainees improved their knowledge on public relations and project development cycle. The total cost of the project is 18 000 lv.
After the completion of the project, 2 members of the board were appointed in municipal commissions and other 4 took part in the "Teacher of the year" contest, where the chair was nominated. In 2002 the later was bestowed the Sign of Honor of Municipality of Gabrovo, given for special contribution to local education.
• "Chance for women" Project – PHARE Program, budget line BG 0102.05 Labor market initiatives, number of contract with Ministry of regional development and public works BG 0102.05.05.046, subtitle - Professional training of single mothers of children in kindergartens and schools in Gabrovo in the period 2002 - 2004. As a result 30 ladies were trained and 70% of the target group are currently employed. Total cost of the project was 37 030 Euro. The European Commission in 2005 nominated the project as one of the most successful in the country.
• "Prometei" Project - implemented in partnership with Association "Support for Education" Gabrovo in the period 2003 – 2004 as professional training of young girls up to 24 years old. The project was financed by UniCredit Foundation, Italy.
• “Symbols in human socializing” Project – joint project of Municipal Board of Trustees as leading partner, High school for mathematics and science Gabrovo and Artgroup Alkuone, city of Aalst, Belgium, implemented in 2004 with the financial support of Ministry of young people and sport through "Youth' Program. The project envisaged cultural exchange of young people from that institutions at the cost of 6 195 Euro. As a result 3 art studios in music, plastic and dance were created and a joint performance was carried out.
• "Media educational program for parents" Project - started in April 2005 and continues until April 2006 in partnership with Municipal Radio Gabrovo at the cost of 2 400 Lv. The project is being developed within the frame of Municipal Program for Children's Misbehavior Prevention.
Young leaders of Gabrovo” - 360 students per year were educated. Total cost of the project - $10050; financed by the Democracy Commission SMALL GRANTS 2005 - 2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Magdalena Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Svetla Savcheva

Municipal Youth Centre - Ruse

National Network

2A Rayko Daskalov St.
Ruse 7000

00359 82 834 723
00359 82 834 723
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00359 894 406 423
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Municipal Youth Center(MYC) - Ruse was founded in 1996 as a municipal structure and a non-political center for strengthening social contacts and spiritual bonds among young people. Through its specific services, the center provides opportunities for young people in town to get involved in worthwhile activities in their spare time. The activity of the Ruse Municipal youth center complies with young peoples' interests and needs and aims at utilizing their free time. The main activities of MYC - Ruse are focused on information for youths, culture and art, informal education, ecology and sports. Dance troops and youth choirs have been set up at the MYC. MYC - Ruse organizes, holds and carries out international, national, and local contests, festivals and tournaments. International exchange programs are successfully carried out with the active participation of young people. An information and consulting center for youths is opened on the territory of the MYC Ruse.
Mission and Objectives

MYC is a union of youth activities and initiatives, implemented by artistic teams, clubs of different interests, social-informational activities and other amateur forms within the centre. Its basic purpose is to create and distribute cultural values, to organize educational courses in the field of arts, public and humanitarian sciences. The Centre creates conditions for information service and consultancy on ethnography, civil education, psychological problems of the young people, problems of their reproductive health etc. It encourages cooperation between the young people in Europe and the world, through research and distribution of information, as well as through exchange of experience in conferences, seminars, publications, exchange programs, festivals, researches and documents. It cooperates for the preservation and development of the Bulgarian and local traditions and customs. It gives opportunity for the development of amateur creative work and club forms of occupation.

Main Projects / Activities

Our international projects are basically realized under the program “Youth in Action” of the European Commission. The implemented up to now projects are the following:
1) “Let’s sing and dance together” -20-27.06.2008 – intercultural project for getting to know each other’s traditions, culture, customs, songs and dances of the partner organizations. The partners were from Tunisia, Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.
2) “World without prejudice” – 20-29.06.2009 – training on European Voluntary Service. The aim of the training course was young people and youth workers to learn more about volunteering, to learn how accreditation is done, how to apply for an EVS project and to exchange contacts and best practices. Participating countries: Tunisia, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria.
3) “Today is yesterday’s tomorrow” – 19-27.06.2010 – training for increasing the capacity of youth NGO’s when working in a multicultural environment, project management. Participating countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria. (We have attached pictures from this project).
Nowadays at Municipal Youth Centre we have the following clubs: folk dance club “Zora”, modern ballet “Impuls”, vocal studio “Ikonomov”, photography club, club for applied arts “Palette”, break dances, choir, theatre etc. There is a Eurodesk point functioning at MYC – an informational centre which is a part of a European network for exchange of information on volunteer programs, youth exchanges, seminars, festivals which are taking place all over Europe. Since 2009 MYC is accredited to send volunteers in European countries under the program European Voluntary Service.
Every year we hold the international modern ballet dance festival – “Dancing River” – in 2011 the 5th edition is going to take place. Also an international contest for pop-rock singers Northern Lights” („Северно сияние”) – the 15th edition is going to take place this year.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Parvanova

Municipal Youth Council

National Network

2850 Petrich
16, Zografski manastir Str.


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Board - three people on co-chairman position. All two of three co-chairmans deligate decision making functions to Vangeliya Karachorova (front of notary). Control counsel - five people and General meeting. Budgetary resources: 2500 euro per year were available and given by Municipality Petrich, but from 2005 to this moment this Municipality grant is not resume. “Build up Municipal Youth Culture – Informative Center” ;“Partnership – way to youth collaboration” I & II part;“Let’s make the World merely, playful and colour” I & II part “Improvement of culture – historical heritage” 2003-BG-6; “Community center – center of education and health way to live ”; “ Let’s paint together” I & II part.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Youth is youth and needs development and realization.
Objectives: To support and encourage participation of the youths in decision - making process of social meaning problems;
Working with youth communities with aim their integration in society; to assist of fulfil professional realization of the young people in Bulgaria and encourage employment of the youths;
To assist for built-up of European face of the Bulgarian youth with aim more quick integration of the republic Bulgaria within European and Euroathlantic structures;
To make researches and analyses among youth communities by democratically problems and issues;
Development of civil society and democracy;
Impute of innovation practices in different spheres of civil society;
Defend of human rights and environmental; Confirmation of active local home rule;
To working for built-up and confirmation of traditions and values among youths in municipality and social integration of minorities.

Main Projects / Activities

We were epresentatives of the Municipality Petrich in round table by invitation of State Agency of Youth and Sports “Spare time of the young people in Bulgaria – possibilities and challenges”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vangeliya Karachorova
Contact (2) Full Name
George Georgiev

Municipality of Plovdiv

National Network

1 Stefan Stambolov Sqr.

+ 359 32 656 723
Telephone (other)
+ 359 32 656 439
+ 359 32 656 434
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 888 999 788
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Plovdiv Municipality was founded in 1978. Its territory is 101.981 sq. km. with approximately 385 000 inhabitants. The Municipal council, which consists of 51 municipal counselors, represents legislative power in the town. The functional system of the Municipality comprises of the Mayor and his six deputies with a four-year term of administration. Among the main activities of the Municipality the following can be outlined: “Urban planning and architecture”, “Health care, ecology and environment”, “Social policy and ethnic issues”, “Education and science”, “European integration”, “Transport”, etc. The Municipality of Plovdiv has 780 full-time employees. The income part of the Plovdiv Municipality Budget for 2008 is at the rate of 106 920 000 euros. In the last 5 years Plovdiv Municipality has accomplished a number of educational, social, infrastructural and other projects.
Mission and Objectives

Plovdiv is an European ancient and modern city. It is the most important administrative, university, economic and trade center of South-central region in Bulgaria. It is a city with great scientific potential and dynamic knowledge based economy; city with preserved and recognized unique history, culture and arts; city with well-developed cultural, historical and business tourism; city ensuring security, clean environment and high living standard of its citizens; city, where people from different ethnic groups and cultures work and live together in peace.

Main Projects / Activities

1.COMMERCE “Creating Optimal Mobility Measures to Enable Reduced Commuter Emissions”, co – financed in the framework of the “Intelligent Energy – Europe” Programme.
2.SORCER “Stimulating Obtaining Results in Communities in relation to Energy – efficiency and Renewables”, co – financed by “Sixth Framework Programme”
3.“Sheltered home for people with disabilities in the Municipality of Plovdiv”, financed by Phare 2005 BG 2005/017-353.01.02
4.“Different, but equal – for independent and deserving life for people with disabilities in the Municipality of Plovdiv”, co – financed by OP “Human Resources Development”
5.“Preservation and protection of cultural – historical monuments in the city garden “Tsar Simeon” in the city of Plovdiv, financed by “Youth in action” programme

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gancho Kolaksazov - Deputy Mayor "European policies, projects and international cooperation"
Head of the organisation
Mr. Slavcho Atanasov - Mayor of Plovdiv
Contact (2) Full Name
Gocho Gochev - Senior Expert

NGO Vselena

National Network

Street Dimcho Debelianov 7

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organization was created in august 2010. There are 7 members people working there - 1 psychologist , 1 social worker, 1 pedagogue, 1 journalist and 3 students. The organization is just starting his activities and is gathering money from imports of the founders, donations fees and Grants. Partners of the organization are : Municipality of Bourgas, Organization for Democratic education, Association for domestic violence Demetra, Community Library, Alliance of progres Burgas.
Mission and Objectives

Organization for personal development and creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

For the short time it has been working , the organization has finalized one project - "Art vacation for children". Now the organization is working on its second project - weekend atelier away from the city. The other project we are developing is project for people with disabilities. Our basic methods are art therapy and psychotherapy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Desislava Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Veselka Yordanova

Open Mind

National Network

registraion address: Zona B5, bl. 2/A/5/16, Sofia 1303
mailing address: 6, Hr. Botev Blvd. Sofia 1463


+359 2 852-4726
Telephone (other)
+359 2 852-7713
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 898 414854
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 359 888 864 737
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure Open Mind is a Non-Government Organisation functioning as an individual legal body with purpose for public service. Ruling bodies are: 1) General Assembly 2) Board of Directors 3) Head Director All staff is working on a volunteer basis - there are no employment contracts. 2. Budgetary resources Open Mind does not have budgetary resources dedicated on an annual basis. All the funding is project specific, so each year it varies depending on the number and type of projects. 3. Sources of funding Youth For Europe, PHARE, European Council, French Embassy in Sofia, OFAJ - German-French Youth Office, British Council Bulgaria, Canadian International Development Agency, Bulgarian government and other non-governmental organizations. 4. Modalities of action Local environmental campaigns -, Street actions. Music Festivals - Artmospheric festival, Cube festival Exchanges, seminars, European voluntary Services - non-formal education trainings, workshops, intercultural exchanges. 5. Main partners: Agenda 21 (Bucharest – Romania); Pac Evere (Brussels, Belgium), ARCI (Chieti, Italy), Motyka, (Toryn, Poland), (Bulgaria)
Mission and Objectives

- To support young people in their self realization;
- To facilitate mobility of the young people;
- To facilitate the communication and cooperation between young people;
- To preserve Bulgarian historical, cultural and spiritual values and traditions;
- To promote racial, ethnic, religious and sexual tolerance;
- To support humanitarian, social and artistic activities;

Main Projects / Activities

“S.V.E.glia! – Raising of cultural awareness and European information in Chieti” European Voluntary Service (Action 2, Youth Programme) - 2003
“Education for Sustainability and awareness: learning by doing” International Youth Exchange (Action 1, Youth Programme) - 2004
“Faces and sounds of Europe: developing ideas for media and youth participation” Contact Making Seminar (Action 5, Youth Programme) - 2005
Cube Festival 2003, 2004, 2005
"Critical and sustainable development: sharing experience in Europe" (Action 5, Youth Programme) - 2006
Artmospheric Festival 2007, Artmospheric Festival 2008 - international art gathering

Contact (1) Full Name
Kliment Dichev
Head of the organisation
Tatyana Kossekova
Contact (2) Full Name
Tatyana Kossekova

Partners Bulgaria Foundation

National Network

2A Yakubitsa Str, fl.3, ap.13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
PBF everyday decisions are taken through its executive management team: executive director, vice-director, financial director and project managers. Each project usually has a consultative body consisting of experts in the area and representatives from respective ministries, local municipalities and donor’s organizations. This consultative body aim at gaining authorities and public support for PBF projects. PBF has a policy to keep projects transparent, monitored and politically recognised and supported. PBF team consists of 12 professionals - psychologists, social policy experts, social workers and experts in child development. PBF team is trained in implementing children rights agenda in child programming. PBF has a solid professional, operational and administrative capacity. Most of the PBF activities have been developed in collaboration with the State Agency for Child Protection; the Agency for Social Assistance, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, Central Commission for Combating Juvenile Delinquency, and the Ministry of Justice. During the period 2000 – 2008 PBF has worked in 13 municipalities where successful cooperation with local authorities has been achieved, e.g. PBF has contributed to development of child protection strategy of municipality of Lom. PBF has been granted government licenses to work with children and provide social services. PBF has extensive experience in establishing partnership networks and in consolidating the efforts of civil and professional organizations for joint initiatives aimed at protecting children’s rights. Currently our main donors are OAK Foundation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, and Swedish International Development Agency.
Mission and Objectives

PBF works to encourage participation of various underrepresented groups including children and women, disabled people, and different ethnic communities in public life and decision making process. PBF develops strategies for effective management of social processes where participation of civil society is crucial. PBF works to improve communication between civil society, government and business, to promote a culture of peaceful conflict resolution and protection of human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Partners Bulgaria Foundation (PBF) workes to promote children rights and to facilitate development of adequate child protection policies in Bulgaria. PBF aims at improvement of social policy for children through various child protection programs such as providing access of minority children to education and social services; introducing a juvenile justice program; preventing internet initiated forms of abuse; providing child rights response to child trafficking; increasing the resilience of care leavers; prevention of abuse among high risk groups of children and promotion of children rights in all levels of social system. PBF has implemented more than 30 child protection projects and supported many other NGOs working in the area of child protection. In 2000 PBF established a Child Rights Information Center in Sofia in collaboration with Save the Children Sweden, Save the Children UK and King’s Baudouin Foundation. PBF works internationally as well locally. Main projects during last four years: European network against child trafficking (ENACT); Child Trafficking Response Program - Phase II and III (Save the Children, Albania); Training in Human Rights and Trafficking, Skopje, 2005; Regional program for identifying children victims of trafficking 2006-2007, EC AGIS program; Prevention of Child Abuse: Development of program for prevention of child abuse 2005-2008, collaboration with Nobody’s Children Foundation (Poland); Towards community competence to support children leaving institutions 2005-2008; Child in the web, protecting children from internet related sources of abuse, in partnership with British Embassy, Sofia 2005-2008; Introducing a child rights approach to children witnesses in the court, in partnership with Nobody’s children foundation (Poland); Preventive program against abandonment of new born children in Rodopi region, Sofia 2006-2007; Development of policy, methodology, training program and community support system for children with challenging behavior (3-11 years old), 2007-2010; Program for integration of ethnic minorities through improving their access to education, social services and labor market 2000- 2007;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tanya Ilinska
Head of the organisation
Daniela Kolarova

Partnership for sustainable development

National Network

1 Stefan Karadja street, 2 A

359 971 66527
359 971 66545
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
PSD is a non-profit organization established in 2000.Board of members.20 voluteers /doctors,teachers/.Funding by donors and projects,members fees.
Mission and Objectives

Partnership and participation in developing programes and strategies for women and youth.Improving social and economical statuse of women and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

We work with local schools,women's organizations.Workshops and edocational activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Verochka Tsenova
Head of the organisation
Dr.Sasho Tsvetkov

People To People International - Bulgaria

National Network

5, 11th August Str., 4000 Plovdiv - Bulgaria

00359 887 584 054
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
PTPI is an international network of chapters that is dedicated to enhancing cross-cultural communication within each community, and across communities and nations. Tolerance and mutual understanding are central themes. PTPI supports the basic values and goals of its founder, President Dwight D. Eisenhower. People to People International is a voluntary effort of private citizens promoting international understanding through direct people-to-people contacts. PTPI Plovdiv Chapter is pro-European non-governmental organization which promotes the idea of the united Europe and its values, such as democracy, pluralism, tolerance and human rights. PTPI Plovdiv Chapter was founded in May 2005, now it has up to 120 members and a long different project experience. Main activities of the organization are organizing regular meetings for its members, seminars, camps, lectures, discussions and street actions, tea evenings with discussions, Europe Week celebrations, encouraging young people to become active citizens of Bulgaria and European Union. Organization's staff consists from elected board of 7 people. PTPI Plovdiv Chapter work with the projects, that are mainly organized by the board and supported by approximately 30 young volunteers very active in the organization, participating in meetings and daily work of the office. Target group is students of high schools and universities, age group 15-25, which corresponds to the age group of active members of PTPI Plovdiv Chapter. Average annual budget, approximately 140 000 BGN. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activitie - 32 member chapters in Europe and 12 other partners.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
The purpose of People to People International is to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures. It will cooperate with any and all other organizations which are of similar nature and purpose.
•We believe that greater understanding between individuals and peoples, worldwide, reveals universal values and aspirations.
•We believe international educational and cultural exchange among youth further ensures long-term friendship and understanding.
•We believe we all benefit from sharing different approaches to solving common problems.
•We believe that individuals can often be more effective than governments in promoting human relationships and world peace.
•We believe if people can better understand other cultures, they are more tolerant and accepting of differences.
•We believe that citizens of all countries need personal contacts with other peoples and cultures.
•We believe we need to ensure the enduring legacy of People to People International.
•We believe that People to People International is inspirational!
•We believe in people!
•We believe in Peace through Understanding!

Main Projects / Activities

-European wide action week against racism;
-Participation and network activities of youngsters Dissemination of information
«YouthEu » Virtual Youth Network;
-Understanding the Europe! Active citizenship, learning identity and culture, Sheki, Azerbaijan;
-Training course « Religion, Culture & Society »;
-From Strasbourg to Brussels: a route to promote the European Parliament,Strasbourg, France;
-Training of Trainers Human Rights Education with Young People;
-Photographic competition and Exhibition "Art against Racism"(Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and Poland);
-Drug education in schools;
-Protection and integration of roma youth and children;
-Leadership seminar -« Volunteers for intercultural learning »;
-"Religion and religious diversity in youth work";
-Training for youth trainers on intercultural sensitivity;
-"Initiatives for anti-discrimination";
-Training course on Active Youth Participation & Empowerment;
-Upcycle all you can-tools for creative methods in intercultural youth work;
-„European Federation of Mentors for Girls and Young Women";
-"Promotion of children's rights and the protection of children from violence";
-"For Diversity. Against Discrimination".

Contact (1) Full Name
Zinaida Lyubenova