LC Educational

National Network


00357 25661614
00357 25661614
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
LCEducational is a new educational centre but our employees have more than 10 year experience in education and training. Our team is combined of accredited scientists, educators and trainers, both from Cyprus and abroad.The staff is consisted of 5 persons and 2 par- timers.Our staff has long experience and a large educational background dealing with the rehabilitation of people with special needs in the psychosocial, migrants and people of vulnerable groups of the society,mainly in the vocational area. The LCEducational and Training Center is in close collaboration with similar training and education organizations in the European Union. The LCEducational and Training Center aims to provide all kinds of formal and informal education and training, initial or supplementary, certifying trainees with the necessary qualifications. It is approved and co-funded by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
Mission and Objectives

LCE offers high quality training services, which are designed to cover the needs of businesses for a complete and thorough training in current subjects which will be able to reflect the needs of the newly formed society of knowledge and economy. These services cover the entire spectrum of diagnosis, design and implementation of a training program
More specifically, what we offer is professional educational training, both initial and supplementary, as well as planning and implementing conferences, seminars, educational programs and many other European and national projects.
General objectives of the LCEducational are:
Raising public awareness in education and training.
Provide education and training, counseling, technical advice, information to businesses, associations, institutions and organizations.
Organization and implementation of conferences, seminars, educational programs and other European and national projects.
Promotion of the working projects and services.
Information and dissemination.
Development of activities and educational programs to promote economic, cultural and social development and to address and exploit the changes and developments in the global economy for the benefit of general interest.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of LCEducational:
Provide educational programs to the employed and unemployed.
Provide specialized education and training to the workforce of small and medium enterprises.
Advisory / coordination services to institutions, organizations, businesses and individuals or groups on specialized training.
Cooperation with other organizations, universities, academies, institutes and other training centers in Cyprus and abroad, towards the realization of the purpose of LCEducational.
Development of integrated trans-European projects to promote human resources and equal opportunities.
Studies / surveys
Provision of continuing vocational training programs, subsidized by the European Social Fund, for the unemployed and special social groups.
Programs and training for skilled workers, businesses, organizations subsidized by the HRDA.
Main projects:
Women's empowerment workshops( it's an ongoing program co-organised with the municipality of Limassol and LCEducational).
Greek language skills for foreign carers(60 hour program)
Carers for people with special needs(60 hour program)
Training assistants for the elderly(90 hour program)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Mass Media & Communication Institute (IMME) Intercollege

National Network

16 Andrea Papandreou, Office 102, 2414 Egkomi

(+357) 22351274, ext. 106
Telephone (other)
(+357) 22352311, ext. 106
(+357) 22353682
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+357) 99568665
Mobile Phone (other)
(+357) 99698595
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
1. Governed by a Board (Council) of seven counselors. The Board is assisted by an Honorary Council, which comprises people from the fields of education, arts and communication. Number of employees: 3 2. Approx. CYP £20.000 3. Private and official. 4. Systematic recording of the history of the Cypriot Press, since 1878, and the creation of archive around it, research on contemporary issues emerging from the daily press and the organization of a variety of seminars, conferences and exhibitions on related issues. 5. Our main research source is the Newspapers Archive of the Press & Information Office (PIO) of the Republic of Cyprus plus all the libraries on the island that keep any sort of archival material that relates to the Cypriot Press since 1878.
Mission and Objectives

1. The setting up of archives for the study of the History of Cypriot Press/Journalism.
2. The development of research programs in the field of communication and the production/collection of opticoacoustic material on the Cypriot mass media and journalists.
3. The publication of various books and other printed material, relevant to its objectives.
4. The introduction of Cypriot journalism awards.
5. The organization of courses or seminars addressed to Cypriot journalists or other people working in the media.
6. The organization of special events to honor Cypriot journalists.
7. The promotion of cooperation among Cypriot mass media and the people working in them and especially among the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot journalists.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Collection of archival material on 77 dead or alive Cypriot journalists since 1878.
2. Collection of archival material on 24 newspapers since 1878 and a rare collection of 35 volumes of newspapers since then.
3. Two research projects on contemporary issues and press.
4. Nineteen book publications.
5. A number of new publications ongoing (3 in total).
6. Organization of a variety of conferences (1), seminars (2), meetings (4), honouring events (4), exhibitions (4), book presentations (7), educational courses (2), press conferences (2), and research missions abroad (2).

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Andreas Cl. Sophocleous
Head of the organisation
Prof. Andreas Cl. Sophocleous
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Damian Lambidonitis


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Members of the organization are women of all ages from the area of Kythrea in Cyprus. More then one hundred ladies are up to now members. It is rued by a Board of Directors, President, Vice- President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, organizational Secretary, Assistant Organizational Secretary and 9 members. It doesn’t employ any staff and no partners. 2. Its annual resources are the annual fees, 10€ / person for each member and the income coming from different activities. 3. It doesn’t get any funding. 4. Modalities of action: European projects, seminars, travelling, volunteering and learning activities. 5. Main partners involved are the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Organization of Women Rights.
Mission and Objectives

Its mission is to keep and promote our cultural heritage, traditional art and history, to contribute to social and cultural education of the young people of Kythrea Area (Area of Kythrea is an area of six villages which after 1974 is under Turkish occupation) who were born away from their homes and volunteering, learning and entertaining activities of the elderly people. It promotes communication and friendship among women of the area and among other organizations of Cyprus and abroad dealing with some matter.
Its main objectives are cultural, educational, social, artistic, literary and national.

Main Projects / Activities

• European projects-Equal project on employability- integration to the Labour market of the women. The project’s name is Channels for Access. Its main objective is to increase the access of women in the workplace through the creation of channels that will allow women to work using alternative employment methods.
• Travel agents project. Its main objective is the travelling, volunteering and learning activities generating employment for the over 55.
• Seminars and workshops of equality among men and women and on the role of women in modern society
• Discussions on current educational and cultural matters
• Seminars and workshops on traditional art, ceramics, woodcarving, mosaics, music and dancing
• Entertainment activities (musical afternoons, theatre, poetry, dances etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network


+357 22 377402
Telephone (other)
+30 210 3240416
+357 22 761878
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation is composed from the Board of Directors, the President, the Financial Manager, the Office Manager and three employees. It collaborates with six (6) partners and its budgetary resources available in a year is 100.000 cyp. This amount is recovered from self-financing, European and National funds. The Foundation is mainly active in concrete projects that are related to culture. Its main partners are Ministry of Education and Culture, Municipality of Nicosia, Talos RTD, and Artos Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’s mission is to promote its collection through public exhibitions; to create Libraries and Search Centers, and to serve on an international level as a cultural vehicle for the dissemination of study research. Specifically, the collection of rare books and manuscripts contains 600.000 titles; the periodic press numbers 120.000 titles in popular literature, children’s books and comics; and its collection of toys and games is estimated by Vectis and Christies, auction houses, as first in value throughout the world.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation is now organizing the creation of a Cypriot Cultural Museum and Library where material regarding the culture of Cyprus (school books, natural history items, agricultural tools posters, stamps and coins) will be kept , while the researchers from all over the world will have the possibility to deep further into Cypriot history and tradition. Also, the Foundation is planning to re-open the first printing house that was created in Cyprus as a Press Museum-Research Center that will show the history of Press Development in Cyprus. Since the foundation is the holder of one of the biggest collections of toys, we are planning to open a Research Center where all the toys are going to be exposed to the public as well as to researchers and children so to meet with the history and growth of toys.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre

National Network

19, Apostolou Varnaua St.
1500 Nicosia

+357 22 797 400
Telephone (other)
+357 22 797 393
+357 22 432 531
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+357 99 497067
Mobile Phone (other)
+357 99 448159
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. Agreement between Nicosia Municipality and Pierides Foundation Staff employed: 9 2. Variable 3. Private and Public Sponsorships 4. Exhibitions, seminars, roundtables 5. Cultural institutions, Ministry of Education and Culture
Mission and Objectives

One of the major aims is to show the different approaches to contemporary cypriot art and art in general.

Main Projects / Activities

2007: Supernova-Constellations
The exhibition examines the way young artists from Cyprus, Greece and Britain interpret and get inspirations from the geometric abstraction that influenced the development of Modernism in the 20th century. Twenty six artists participate in the exhibition with paintings, sculptures, video and installations.
2006: Crossings: A contemporary View
Touring exhibition of contemporary art to France and Cyprus with participants from Europe, Middle East and North Africa.
2005: Theotokos-Madonna
This exhibition represented 40 rare Byzantine icons from Cyprus and Italian renaissance paintings of Madonna.
And many more....

Contact (1) Full Name
Yiannis Toumazis
Head of the organisation
Yiannis Toumazis
Contact (2) Full Name
Jenny Fryda

Youth Board of Cyprus

National Network

62 Aglantzia Avenue, P.O. Box 20282 – 2150

+35722 402600
Telephone (other)
+35722 402602
+35722 402700
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Budgetary resources available for 2007 – CYP 4.269.520 2. State subsidy 3. More than 40 youth NGOs who participate in the General Advisory Body - more additional youth NGOs who are participants of the aforementioned body
Mission and Objectives

? Consult the Governmental bodies for youth policies
? To create and manage infrastructures for all young people of Cyprus
? To design and run program for the promotion of youth information and training, participation and equal opportunities for all young people in Cyprus
? To study and survey the socio-economical environment in Cyprus; to measure and identify certain trends and behaviors of young people
? Information and Transparency
? Dialogue
? Participation
? Consensus
? To safeguard that the young people of Cyprus have full access and a strong voice to the decision making bodies and procedures
? To create and consult infrastructures and programs necessary for the young people of Cyprus for participation and social inclusion.
A collaboration aiming at making Youth Board of Cyprus the main body that supports, promotes and fulfills the goals and visions of young people in Cyprus.

Main Projects / Activities

? Actions
Bicommunal Activities
Research and Studies
European Issues
Combating of Racism and Social Discrimination
Human Rights Education
Activities for Children
? Substance abuse prevention
“Gnorizo” – Substance abuse prevention Programme
? Campaigns
Council of Europe “All different, all equal”
European Commission “2007 – European Year of Equal Opportunities for All – Towards a Just Society”
Campaigns, Seminars, Exhibitions
? International Cooperation – YOUTH
International Cooperation
E.U. “YOUTH” Programme
E.E. EQUAL Programme

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Misiaouli
Head of the organisation
Mr. Thr. Thrasyvoulou

Cultural Centre of Occupied Famagusta (Ammochostos)

National Network

Evagorou 35, P.O.B. 36092, Dheryneia

00357 23 740860
Telephone (other)
00357 23 825527
00357 23 740861
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Centre is run by a 31 member Administrative Committee headed by the Mayor of the occupied city of Famagusta. There are two full time workers and a number of collaborators for various programmes 2. Budgetary resources: CYP 30.000,00 3. A yearly government subsidy, and various, one-off subsidies from other organizations including Alexander Onassis Foundation, Interorient Navigation Co., Central Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Youth Organization, Cyprus Theater Organization, Cyprus Tourism Organization, and other smaller subsidies. 4. Educational Programmes, Art Exhibitions, Liaison with the Famagusta Municipality for organizing various events (conferences, book presentations, seminars, art competitions etc) 5. No partners
Mission and Objectives

The primary mission of two-fold:1. To make known to the wider international community the Turkish military occupation of Ammochostos and to work towards the return of the legal inhabitants of Ammochostos to their homes and properties. 2. To promote the centuries - old History and Culture of Ammochostos.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Tours and Information to a wide spectrum of groups and individual visitors, ranging from Official Foreign State representations to groups of students from Cyprus and overseas. Information dissemination using audiovisual and written material.
2.Exhibitions (Art, Photograph, sculpture, etc) – setting up and organizing these exhibitions as well as offering a the premises to various artists to exhibit their work.
3.Organizing dancing programs based on especially created choreographies dealing with themes taken from ancient Greek, and the recent History of Cyprus.
4.Creating special educational programs for students addressing various needs, e.g. improvement of verbal communication,cultural skills and knowledge , as well as fostering different values and principles like co-operation and respect.
5.Liaising with various government and non-government organizations, for organizing and presenting a number of different events and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hellada Charalambous
Head of the organisation
Mr. Yiannakis Skordis, Mayor of Famagusta
Contact (2) Full Name
Yiannakis Skordis

Cyprus College

National Network

6 Diogenous Str., P.O.Box 22006, 1516

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Cyprus College is the first higher education institution, established in 1961. It is a private, profit-making organization and it employs 210 people, including 100 faculty members and 110 administration members. The main source of funding for the College comes from student fees. The College offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional studies courses. Moreover, the Research Centre (RC) of Cyprus College is involved in many national and European funded projects and has a wide network of partners from all over Europe and the Middle East. Besides the Research Centre, The College operates a number of research centers and units, which among others include the Centre of Applied Research (CAR), the Foundation of Political, European and Social Studies and the Centre for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence.
Mission and Objectives

Cyprus College’s purpose has been to provide a well-rounded education of high caliber in which students could acquire the necessary academic and practical knowledge to meet academic and career requirements.
The mission of the Research Centre is to support the research community of Cyprus College. More specifically, the objectives of the RC are as follows:
• To support the efforts of the College by assisting faculty and other researchers (research centres, institutes, research units/groups within departments, etc) in obtaining external funding and by serving as an additional link between Cyprus College and public and private funding sources.
• To provide information and advice on the costing of research grants and on the procedures for awards from the major grant awarding bodies, such as the Research Promotion Foundation, EU programs and sponsors, and public or private entities in Cyprus.

Main Projects / Activities

The Research Centre of Cyprus College is widely known in Cyprus and abroad due to its significant success in conducting innovative research. During the last five years, it has developed an intense action in a wide spectrum of socio-economic and humanistic subjects.
The College is also the national coordinator of the European Social Survey (ESS), another project included in the ESFRI report. The RC has recently won a grant from the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation for the establishment of the Social Research and Humanities Research Observatory, which is the first of its kind in Cyprus.
Cyprus College has developed long-term collaborations with Mediterranean, non-EU institutions, in order to strengthen and enhance the research community within the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Evripides Polycarpou, Director of the Office of the President and Administration
Head of the organisation
Dr. Andreas Eleftheriades
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Celia Hadjichristodoulou, Research Associate, Research Centre

Research Centre - Intercollege

National Network

46 Makedonitissis Ave. , P.O.Box 24005 , 1700, Lefkosia

+357 22841600
+357 22357964
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+357 99660215 (Kyriakos E. Georgiou
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Research Centre is an independent non-profit-making institution, associated with Intercollege. It is governed by an independent Board and has about 15 full time staff. An extensive network of professionals are associated with the Center on a project to project basis. The Center is self financed, from research projects, and the annual budget is about 150.000 Cyprus Pounds. Partners include local and international bodies, NGOs, Research Centers, Universities, and Think Tanks.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to serve the public good through activities and contributions that widely inform and constructively impact the decision-making processes both at home and overseas where Cyprus is a concern. We also aim to raise public awareness and the level of public debate for greater effective participation in the democratic process. We seek to promote our mission through a range of activities including :
• Organising public conferences and symposia
• Participating in local and international public conferences and symposia
• Publishing proceedings
• Conducting independent research and publishing results
• Undertaking commissioned research projects
• Performing topical round table discussions

Main Projects / Activities

Research Projects are funded by the EU, the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and other public bodies. An abbreviated list of some of the most recent projects that the Center was involved in include:
Awarded by the Research Promotion Foundation:
• “Decomposition of Human-made and Biogenic Compounds in the Troposphere and climatic changes”) 2006-2008.
• “The Future of Language in Cyprus” 2006-2007.
• “The economic and Social Consequences and Projections from the Partial Lifting of the free movement along the Green Line in Cyprus” 2006-2007.
Awarded by the EU:
• EU Program Prince “Raising Green Awareness Creating Active Citizens” 2005-2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Andreas Theophanous
Head of the organisation
Prof. Andreas Theophanous
Contact (2) Full Name
Kyriakos E. Georgiou

Al Majd Women’s Association

National Network
+ 972 8 2552569
Telephone (other)
+ 972 8 2554383
+ 972 8 2552569
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 972 9 743013
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 972 9 843097
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Al Majd Women’s Association is a non governmental/non political//non profitable Palestinian body, established in October 1995, and was initiated by a group of active women in the district. It is registered at the Palestinian Ministry of Interior under no. 4074, having a General Assembly consisted of 180 members (women), and managed by an Elected Executive Board of seven members. It is located towards the end of Khaled bin Walid St. Al Zuwaida Road Nusseirat Camps. Number of employees is 15 of both genders. Source of funding: • Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) – Long term Project • World Vision Organization • The MAP Foundation in UK - temporary project
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to serve the society, enhance the standard of living, and provide a suitable infrastructure for future generations. The association is working on building and developing women’s, children’s, and young people’s abilities.
• To focus on women’s needs and rehabilitate handicapped women.
• To promote the role of the Palestinian woman in society.
• To assist in education, culture, and eradicating illiteracy.
• To promote the social and health status of women through training.
• To provide moral, financial, and mental support social cases.
• To develop talented children’s abilities.
• To participate in reviving and maintaining the Palestinian heritage.
• To participate in exhibitions and festivals.

Main Projects / Activities

• Training, rehabilitation, and employment –1996 to 2005 ($5,000)
• Child rescue and women employment – Nov. 2002 to Jan 2003 ($8,600)
• Manufacture of Silk - Feb. 2003 to June 2004 ($39,705)
• income increase for poor women – March 2003 to August 2003 ($27,306)
• Training and rescue – Feb. 2003 to April 2003 ($5,000)
• Enhancing youth health – Aug 2003 to March 2004 ($15,000)
• Supporting women in the middle district – Dec. 2004 to March 2005 ($26,630)
• Appeal for children’s rights - April 2005 to April 2008 (150 monthly for 3 trainees for 3 years)
• Job opportunities for graduates - April 2005 to Sept. 2005 ($270 monthly for 3 graduates for 6 months)
• Women’s right in voting - 10/5/2005 to 3012/2005
• Enhancing the financial status of poor families in Nusseirat, 1/11/2005 to 30/1/2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hussein Al Khatib
Head of the organisation
Ms Nawal Al Ghussein – Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Seham Harroun