Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)

National Network

23, Wadi’a Shatarah Street, Batn Al-Hawa, Palestine, P.O. Box: 54262, Jerusalem 91516
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Human Rights/ Specialized in Women’s Rights. Women victims of GBV. ▪ Women whose lives are threatened. ▪ Women who are at-risk of violence. ▪ Women survivors of violence. ▪ Families of women victims of violence. ▪ Housewives. ▪ Working women. University students & Volunteer groups. ▪ Women from underserved parts of Palestine. ▪ Palestinian Ministries. ▪ Women who suffer discrimination under current Palestinian law ▪ Members of civil society ▪ Grassroots organizations ▪ Community leaders and activist. ▪ Political parties ▪ Members of the media ▪ International human rights activists ▪ UN bodies ▪ International community ▪ Women whose rights have been violated by the Israeli occupation ▪ WCLAC's field workers
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to the protection and empowerment of women suffering discrimination and violence.
2. Promote women's rights to access justice and eliminate discriminatory policies against them.
3. Develop institutional and human capacity in order to ensure the sustainability, effectiveness and efficiency of WCLAC.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Randa Siniora
Job Title
General Director.
Head of the organisation

Yaboos Charity Society

National Network

Rafah-Zourob Square
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Yaboos works in local community to improve livelihoods of poor families, and raise awareness of these families’ members. As an important category, Yaboos contributes to develop and build the capabilities and talents of children and works to create a safe recreational and educational environment for children to protect them from all forms of violence. In another hand, Yaboos works to build and develop the capacity of youth and promote their participation to build a civil society through supporting and encouragement creative ideas and initiatives. 
Mission and Objectives

Contributing in poverty reduction and sustainable development in community.
Create a safe environment to develop children's abilities
Promote the role of youth and empowerment them.
Develop and build institutional capacity for the Association and its partners

Main Projects / Activities

Good relationship with local community through local committees in all target areas.
Empower More than 100 youth groups to participate in the community
Improve the livelihood of more than 10000 vulnerable family in southern area of Gaza strip
Established more than 50 safe play area for children and youth in southern area of Gaza strip
Implemented more than 100 community initiatives and campaigns leaded by youth.
Contributing in developing of the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the strategic goals, Yaboos seek to Promote the role of youth and empowerment them. Where Anna Lindh Foundation also works to empowering youth voices.
As a main component of most of projects in deferent fields Yaboos works to Influence the Policy Makers, where Anna Lindh Foundation also works to do.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haitham S. Aqel
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation

University College Ghent (Hogeschool Gent)

National Network

Kortrijksesteenweg 14
B-9000 Gent

0032 9 243 34 82
0032 9 243 33 52
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
With more than 15,000 students and 2,000 staff members, University College Ghent is the largest 'hogeschool' in the country in terms of budget, staff and student population. We offer the widest range of subjects, in fact almost everything from the fine arts to engineering sciences and from music to biotechnology, divided over 22 professional Bachelor programmes, 14 academic Bachelor programmes and 25 Master programmes. Ten of the study programmes on offer are unique in Flanders. Currently, nearly 300 researchers are actively involved in more than 150 research projects, 80 of which are Ph.D. projects.
Mission and Objectives

University College Ghent strives to excel in education, research, service provision and practice of the arts. Through the expertise of its staff and graduates and the valorization of its research, University College Ghent is making a valuable contribution to a critical, creative and open society.

Main Projects / Activities

University College Ghent offers numerous programs in each of the individual study fields. The international dimension of our institution is reflected in its student mobility, the stimulation of active staff mobility, the support of international educational projects and international institutional cooperation through internationalisation of curricula and internationalisation at home.

Contact (1) Full Name
Inez Adriaensen, Staff Officer International Relations
Head of the organisation
Dr. Robert Hoogewijs, Principal

Agency East European Development

National Network

Bul. G.Delchev,bl.Detelina,vx.B.,et.1
7001 Rousse

+359 82 824 075
+359 82 824 075
Mobile Phone
+359 884 207 388
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
NGO The Agency East European Development has its own office where highly qualified experts work.These people occupy different positions at state and municipal institutions in Rousse and the region.Over 45 volunteers work in the Organisation realizing various projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main aims of Agency East European Development are:
1. To help the recognition of humanistic and culture values, civil society and encouraging the initiative of society.
2. To work for the stable development of the town of Russe and its geographic and administrative region and at the territory of the whole country carrying out activities in the sphere of the regional development, keeping the environment clean, science, economics, education, culture, tourism, health care at regional level.
3. To support the dialogue between the authorities and business to solve social and economics problems.

Main Projects / Activities

1.”Perspectives”- February,2006 The project’s aim is to enforce following of people’s wrights and the fundamental liberties, guaranteed by he European convention supporting people’s wrights with the use of art resources between organizations for the community and the representatives from the marginal groups of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary
2.”Equality”- March,2006, The project Equality aims at approbating ethnic tolerance in representatives of different ethnic groups (Roma, Turkeys and Bulgarians) using means of art in a series of workshops
3.European citizenship- april,2007, with Municipality of Varvaru de Jos- Romania
4.For better world- October 2007 , with partners from Hungary,Romania,Ukraina and Azarbeijan. The project ‘For Better World’ has а designation to create a steady mechanism about the forming of effective national and international youth policies
5.” Youth development- increasing youth NGO ‘s capacity”-September 2008 with partners from Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Azarbeijan ,Greece,Hungary and Morocco. The project provides the educational activities :

Contact (1) Full Name
Yankova Milena
Head of the organisation
Netzova Lidia
Contact (2) Full Name
Netzova Lidia

Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives

National Network
+359 2 944 63 89
Telephone (other)
+359 2 944 13 50
+359 2 944 13 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 887 692 698
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 889 716 937
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI) is a nongovernmental organization, registered in public benefit in the beginning of 2006. The association has established branches in five cities in Bulgaria – Lovech, Blagoevgrad, Vidin, Haskovo and Silistra. Its main office is situated in the Bulgarian capital – Sofia. It has also a vocational centre, established to the NGO, which is licensed to organize trainings for 56 specialties. The association with its branches is registered by the Agency for Social Assistance for 4 types of social services. The NGO structure has 5 people personnel and various partners, including a consultancy company. Its sources of funding consist mainly of project financing and donations.
Mission and Objectives

ARGI supports civil society development in Bulgaria by encouraging participation of people from all social groups in public life and governance of the country in order to enhance socio-economic status and quality of life of the Bulgarian citizens.
We work for local and regional economic development as initiate, advise and assist:
* Local and regional initiatives aimed at more effective local government;
* Activities of local and regional governments, aimed at the dynamic development of the economy;
* The development of programs for economic development and promotion of small and medium enterprises
* The implementation of educational and training courses with a practical orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

The above described structure works mostly in the sphere of regional development. It has also implemented activities for supporting intercultural dialogue, local tourism, vocational training, human resources and cultural heritage. Since the association works with a big number and various types of organizations, one оf its main objectives is to prepare and implement projects, financed by European programmes. It achieves its objectives by participating in national and international initiatives, establishment and participation in partner networks with national and foreign organizations and NGOs and by giving expert consultations to local authorities, small and medium enterprises and nongovernmental organizations.
ARCI has successfully participated in the following projects as applicant, partner, trainer or consultant:
* Two projects for vocational training, financed by Operational Programme Human Resources Development
* “To have a choice”, financed by the Trust for Civil Society in CEE.
* “Development of the cultural heritage of Svilengrad municipality through restoration of the Mezek fortress”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Tatul – the Orpheus’ Sanctuary”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “The City of Victory near the Mesta River”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Business without borders”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Think globally, act locally”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Together we can more”, financed by the MATRA/KAP programme.
* Preparation of project proposals for Operational Programme Regional Development (OPRD) for Silistra municipality.
* Preparation of documentation for projects for OPRD, operation 2.1 for fund Republican infrastructure.
* CBC PHARE project management for Blagoevgrad municipality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yordan Milanov
Head of the organisation
Cvetelina Neshkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Cvetelina Neshkova

Altera Foundation

National Network

blvd. "Skobelev" 71

359 2 952 45 64
Telephone (other)
359 2 885 76 18 93
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
359 2 885 76 18 93
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Foundation's goal is to support, organize and forward activities in relation to scientific, educational, cultural or for human rights protection. Our activities are mainly in the field of culture, social researches and legal protection in interest of the society, ethnic minorities, children and youth.
Mission and Objectives

* Support in the researches for new ways and forms for solving of cultural and social contradictions.
* Organize and participate in projects to support the social awareness development.
* Participation in science projects in Cultural heritage protection.
* Join to activities and researches about the Management of dissonant cultural heritage.
* Help and join in actions for adequate social realization of ethnic minority groups.
* Participation in science projects in the socio-cultural scope.
* Help and join to projects for developing the free access to law resources.
* Help and join to projects for access to technologies for child protection.
* Support for intellectual property rights protection.
* Organize and participate a social initiatives for free access to information and public resources.

Main Projects / Activities

2008, “Gypsy communities in Bulgaria. Current situation – cultural processes and strategies for integration”;
2008, “Ideas for civil initiatives for information access and publicity of important criminal trials and documents”;
2008, “Analysis of the changed culture environment. New factors in the culture after EU membership;
2009, “Construction of the differences – migration and nomadism. Analysis and comments”;
2009, “Places of memories and presence construction. Cultural policy for heritage. Analysis and comments”;
2010, “Memory and cultural heritage”;
2010, “Cultural heritage. Legal frame”

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Simeonova

Association Business Information and Consulting Center - Sandanski

National Network

5 Skopie Street

00 359 746 3 05 49
00 359 746 3 24 03
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
BICC - Sandanski is a non-profit association founded in 1997 as a result of the initiative of local entrepreneurs and the municipality of Sandanski. Currently there are 22 members of the organization as the membership is comprised of small and medium enterprises and private entrepreneurs from Southwest Bulgaria. The management bodies are the General Assembly and the Management Committee. The General Assembly is the supreme managing body of the organization and it is comprised of all the members of the organization. There managing board is comprised of 5 members. The management board is obliged to implement the decisions of the General Assembly. The management board selects the Director which manages the operations of the organization. BICC – Sandanski employs seven staff members. All employees are full-time, one of which is a Peace Corps Volunteer. The employees are specialized in different areas of economic development and the centre delivers a wide variety of business support services. The organization also has 8 external experts working on part-time civil contracts when it is needed to implement a specific task or organize a larger event. In January 2008, BICC - Sandanski is a member of the Bulgarian Association of Regional Development Agencies and Business Centers (BARDA), which has 28 member institutions. BICC is one of the initiators of Euroregion “Strimon - Struma". Members of the Euroregion are municipalities and non-governmental organizations from the border region of Bulgaria and Greece. BICC - Sandanski has actively participated in the European Initiative B2europe. B2europe is the alliance of European business support networks that support companies and potential entrepreneurs, by initiating the establishment of a regional network. This network is comprised of local authorities and business support organizations from Bulgaria and Greece. In January 2008 Business Information and Consulting Center - Sandanski became a part of "Enterprise Europe Network", consisting of 500 organizations and more than 4000 highly qualified experts from 40 European countries.
Mission and Objectives

The activities of BICC - Sandanski support the economic, cultural and educational development of South-West Bulgaria. It does this through providing assistance to the needs of the local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and through the promotion of the region as a modern economic, social, cultural and sports center. BICC - Sandanski assists the SMEs in the region by organizing exhibitions, conferences, business forums, matchmaking events, etc. The organization works to increase the competitiveness and competence of local companies by informing them about current economic and social topics through seminars, training courses, workshops, round tables, discussion forums, and also through the publication of a monthly electronic newsletter, as well as other periodic publications. The organization develops and maintains a business and investment related Internet portal with various business information and news from the region of South-West Bulgaria. BICC – Sandanski strives to attract foreign investors to the region by creating conditions for easy and quick access to competent and timely information on opportunities and administrative requirements needed start a new business and/or invest in an existing business.

Main Projects / Activities

- Market research;
- Registration of companies, associations, NGOs and other organizations;
- Development of strategies and solutions for business development;
- Consultations in business planning, tax and legal systems, human resources, etc.
- Information and consulting services;
- Organization of workshops and training of companies;
- Introduction of company management systems;
- Business support for the introduction of innovations and implementation of technology transfers;
- Project development and management;
- Preparation of business plans and economic research;
- Assistance in negotiations with banks and other financial institutions;
- Information on financial programs and mechanisms;
- Information on existing credit lines in Bulgaria and international financial institutions;
- Information about legislation and administrative procedures in other countries;
- Organization and support for the participation of companies in fairs, exhibitions and matchmaking events;
- Providing a forum for discussions;
- Establishing organizations for the entrepreneurs from the region;
- Developing and distributing informational materials;
- Providing access to national and international databases for business cooperation;
- Development and maintenance of virtual databases;
- Electronic subscription - Information services;
- E-consultation and information, graphic and Web design;

Contact (1) Full Name
Zhivko Ivanov
Head of the organisation
Zhivko Ivanov

Association for integrated development and sustainability - AID

National Network

63 Jaroslav Veshin str. building 11, app.7

+359 2 8580779
Telephone (other)
+359 899355318
Mobile Phone
+359 899 355 318
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
A non-governmental organization, founded in 2008 by group of highly experienced professionals in the area of urban management, community development, cultural exchange, urban ecology and social science. According to the statute of the organization, the mission of AID is to support improvement quality of life in cities and towns, by promoting integrated economic and social development, inter-cultural dialogue and to facilitate, develop and implement projects in accordance with the concepts of integrated development, inter-cultural cultural exchange, community democratization and regional development.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives:
AID mission is to foster development of integrated, sustainable, environmentally-friendly, cultural diversed and safety living and working environment in urban areas, according to the most advanced knowledge, experience and technologies of the European countries and world-wide, by promoting integrated plans, programmes and projects for inter-cultural dialogue, multi-sectoral communication and community development.
We aims to anticipate a holistic and integrated approach in order to:
- assist governmental bodies, national and international organizations dealing with sustainable urban development;
- support decision-making for sustainable urban development and public participation in the decision-making at all levels;
- work for mitigation economic and social sagregation and exclusion in urban areas
- create opportunities for multy-sectoral communication that foster urban development and community democratization;
- assist inter-cultural exchange between institutions, organizations, professionals and common people from different countries and nations;
- encourage raising public awareness in integrated and democratic urban development;
- strengthen capacity for sustainable development and social inclusion in urban areas;
- provide opportunities in long-life learning, training for trainers and adults.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization in experienced in implementation of multi-disciplinary project and consulting cultural exchange and project-cycle management of the projects funded by the European Union and other international donors. The AID is acting in the following scope of interventions:
• Sustainable development, based on the concept of integrated development;
• Consulting community based projects and development;
• Developing and implementation of green design projects in urban areas;
• Ensuring environmentally friendly and safety working and living environment, and improvement of labor market;
• Cultural exchange and inter-cultural dialogue
• Multi-sectoral communication and cooperation;
• Social inclusion and avoidance of segregation in urban areas;
• Public open space management
• Occupational health, management and safety;
• Raising Public awareness;
• Training and long-life education;
Main projects during recent years:
1. Project title: Cultural industries and urban resilience; An explorative multi-level analysis of the contribution of cultural industries to urban resilience; Project under the Urban-Net, Pre-research work, 1 February 2009 – 31 January 2010
2. Project title: GreenKeys – Urban Green as a Key for Sustainable Cities - May 2005-August 2008 , Project partly-financed by the European Community Initiative INTERREG III B in the CADSES area and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS).

Contact (1) Full Name
Borislav Radovanov

Association International Management Institute (IMI)

National Network

3 Bulgaria Str
9300 Dobrich


+359 58 655 628
Telephone (other)
+359 58 655 620
+359 58 605 760
Mobile Phone
+359 885 398 676
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Association "International Management Institute" (IMI) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1993. It is managed by the Chairman of the Managing Board with a contract for management and additionally employed administrative personnel in the position of director and assistant. IMI is represented by its Chairman. Founders and members of IMI are the Municipality Balchik and the Dutch high school in tourism Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht. Its members count 222 towards December 2006, among them are prominent economic structures, scientific workers, students, managers in the tourism industry, etc. The Association is founder of one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Bulgaria - International College Albena which is a private high school, created under a project of Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht, Netherlands, as part of the Dutch Government Program for collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe and the bilateral agreement for collaboration between Bulgaria and Holland from 1993. The full-time staff of the International Management Institute consists of 13 persons. However its activities are implemented by the members of the High School International College Albena - 50 persons full-time staff, International College Ltd.- 26 persons full-time staff and the team of the Accountancy Company "Inter" - 3 certified accountants.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of IMI is to work toward establishment of effective community environment for development in Bulgaria through innovating and improving the quality of education together with the quality of living.
Some of the strategic objectives of the Association are:
- Development of the higher education in tourism, management, marketing and other business related qualifications and their implementation in practice;
- Improving of the regional tourism potential;
- Improving the quality of living in the north-east region of Bulgaria by encouraging the development of tourism and other business spheres traditional for the region;
Development of strategies for human resources management and consultancy in human resources development;
- Supporting the development of civil society in Bulgaria and promoting the education in Europian citizenship through trainings, consultancy and other activities;
- Facilitation of the integration of young people in the community by encouraging their initiativeness;
- Stimulating the integration and implementation of innovative approaches in the tourism sphere by more intensive use of communication and information technologies;
- Supporting community integration of minority and vulnerable groups by supporting NGOs and other organisations engaged in working on their issues through providing consultancy and opportunities for qualification and pre-qualification of their members.

Main Projects / Activities

The association is a good example for established successful public-private partnership among different types of organizations with the common purpose to achieve sustainable regional development, increased qualification of human resources, provision of equal access to education for people in unequal social position, elderly people, people with disabilities. The main activities of the International Management Institute are: providing consultancy and management activities; preparation of information materials; selection of professional trainers and experts; training and retraining activities; improving the qualification of the academic staff; preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management; providing training for increasing the qualification; professional training. IMI has long-lasting experience in organizing international forums, seminars and training modules; development of information and advertisement materials; organizing media events, etc. The Association has the know-how and experience in training and education of adults, experience in new methods of education and international image.
Some of the major projects IMI worked on:
"Concepr for methodlogy for horizontal control in the administration"
"Eco and rural tourism - alternative employment in the region of Dobrich and municipality of Antonovo"
"Planning of local economical development in the municipality of Kaolinovo";
"Our enemy is corruption, not the government"

Contact (1) Full Name
Venera Zasheva
Head of the organisation
Associate Prof. Todor Radev

Association of Slow Food Convivia in Bulgaria

National Network

9, Pierre Degeytre Str., bl. 3, app. 39

+359 885 432 540
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The organization includes about 80 members. Its board consist of 7 people with different backgronud relevant to the objectives of the NGO. No permanent staff so far. Main partner is Slow Food International based in Italy and NGOs in the Balkans and Europe dealing with protection of local food, traditional farming, sustainable rural development. Main budgetary resources are projects and donations from Slow Food International. Potential sources of funding are various donor programs, structural EU funds. Slow Food Bulgaria implements projects, organizes exchanges of farmers and other relevant stakeholders and seminars for raising the awareness on food origin, quality and fare payment to its producers in Bulgaria. Apart from the organizations from the international Slow Food Network partners of Slow Food Bulgaria are also local authorities (municipalities and mayoralties) as well as the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Sofia University. Agrarian University in Plovdiv, private business entities in the field of tourism and farming.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Applicant organization are:
1. To discover, document and restore the rural culture including food traditions in different parts of Bulgaria and promote it as a part of the national heritage and an instrument for sustainable development of local communities;
2. To create partnerships at national, regional (Balkan Peninsula) and transnational (SEE) level thus preserving the existing agro-biodiversity, food culture, rural heritage and to increase the well being of the related local communities;
3. To promote Bulgarian food culture and traditions and related livelihoods at international forums.
The goals are achieved through systematic research of rural areas in Bulgaria, various information campaigns for different target groups, networking with organizations and institutions in the country and abroad in the respective domains, elaboration of legal regulations and action plans for protection of the food culture, consultancy on relevant topics, implementing projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Slow Food movement in Bulgaria exists since 2004. In 2009, on its basis was registered the Association of Slow Food Convivia in Bulgaria (Slow Food Bulgaria). Main activities:
- Research of local food and preservation of traditional knowledge for food production
- Promotion of local food among Bulgarian consumers at festivals, exhibitions, etc.
- Promotion of Bulgarian food at international forums
- Elaboration of legal documents related to on-farm food production and its direct sale
- in 2010 was organized the first regional forum Terra Madre Balkans at which took part representatives from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo. At a discussion forum in Sofia University was discussed how to protect local food and rural heritage in the Balkans. At a parallel Food Market was demonstrated the quality and economic potential of local food to the visitors of the event.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Dessislava Dimitrova