Génération DYS

National Network

Siège : Chambre du Commerce d’Industrie et Services

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Notre association compte 7 personnes dans le bureau. Notre but étant la sensibilisation et l’information autour des troubles cognitifs qui affectent les enfants et adolescents. Parmi ces troubles nous retrouvons la dyslexie, la dyspraxie, la dysphasie, le trouble du déficit de l’attention, l’hyperactivité, le haut potentiel et le spectre autistique.
Mission and Objectives

Nos principales missions sont axées autour de la sensibilisation et l’information. Nous avons élaboré un circuit de spécialistes auquel nous adressons les familles afin d’obtenir un diagnostic fiable pour leur enfant. Nous les encadrons dans toutes les démarches médicales et scolaires. Le soutien que nous apportons concerne les professionnels également, que ce soit dans la compréhension de ces troubles ou dans l’accompagnement du sujet concerné.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos activités sont diverses. Nous organisons régulièrement des rencontres d’information, de soutien et de partage tout au long de l’année. Des événements sont aussi programmés, appuyant ainsi nos missions. Par ce moyen, nous fédérons des rencontres avec des spécialistes de haut niveau, permettant ainsi de créer un riche réseau de compétences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le partage d’informations est essentiel pour la réussite de toute action.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lmimouni Salwa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Associates faveur des enfants à besoins spécifiques


National Network

Begur 58
Carrer de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, 08005 Barcelona
08028 Barcelona

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
deba-t.org is a youth platform which through colloquiums, roundtables, conferences and electoral debates will foster critical debate from a multidisciplinary perspective not aligned with any partisan position. Our aim is to create a common ground for critical thinking for the youth of the city of Barcelona, not only in a universitary level but for the youth of all grounds of expertise.  deba-t.org was founded in 2009 by three restless students who wanted to know the Spanish and Catalan political situation beyond the teaching plan that their university courses offered. For this reason, they created an association that created spaces of approximation between the student's community and the political world. For this, they began to organize events with political profiles of the moment such as presidents, councilliers, business C.E.O and other rellevant actors of our society that lasted until today, when deba-t has become a reference association within the civil society groups. 
Mission and Objectives

As described in our website, our main objectives are encouraging critical thinking among youngsters and advocacy for the actors we reunite with, giving the student community discussion spaces to generate and debate our main agenda issues, and finding new approaches to understand or solve those issues. 
Related to the previous objectives, our main values are: ideological independence (in order to make everyone confortable in the discussion environment), democracy (as a tool to encourage and promote critical thinking), respect and tolerance (as the common path to built proposals together), plurality and diversity (as the only possible way to create a common consensus) and a commitment to the associative and studentship (as they are the reason of our action and activities). 

Main Projects / Activities

As a youth association, our main activities are the following ones: 
- Colloquioum: it is an encounter between a reduced group of young leaders and a rellevant person, such as presidents, civil society movements's leaders, activists, ministers, DGs or SG to talk about their career or area of expertise. 
- Round tables: it is an encounter between a reduced group of young leaders and an expert or reduced group of experts to discuss critically about an issue, where the voice of each member is equally listened. This format encourages critical thinking and generates ways to raise awareness about some topics, as well as to get to the roots of it using the previous preparation and the expertise of our guests. 
- Conferences: this format is the one which better fits our public visibility, as it is a format where we invite a guest regarding its field of expertise in order to give us a chat about a concrete topic. This format is opened to the whole student community with the aim to visibilise our task and also to raise awareness on a concret topic among students. 
- Exchange programs: we organise yearly exchange programs with other student organisation and colleges in Madrid and we are planning to do the same with other Mediterranien countries. The result is really good because it gives our associates the chance to not only engage and interact with other young leaders but the chance to understand our common problems or threats from different perspectives. 
- Candidate debates: it is our biggest event and it involves the whole university. The idea of candidate debates is to generate a space between candidates and the studentship to get the polititians closer to the university and , with that, enable students to interact and make their demands in the university area. It makes us proud to be the only association who throws a candidate debate for every single election and our will is to continue with such a challenging activity. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The task that we promote as deba-t is perfectly compatible with other environments and universities. Our aim is to export the deba-t format to other associations as well as to grow and learn from other ways to generate debate and discussion among youngsters. We would also like to interact with other intiatives and try to help them or to get involved in more challenging formats that can unite our efforts and create a bigger impact in our society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have already participated in different initiatives that are entitled in the ALF Network, such as debates from the Young Med Voices programme, young leaders reunions organised by the IEMed and the EDDs conferences in Brussells. The huge impact it had and the new techniques of debate it teached us made us realise the importance to get involved in such network. We also got recommendations to join it and here, we decide to take the first step. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariadna Romans i Torrent
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ariadna Romans i Torrent
Contact (2) Full Name
Pol Xavier Salvadó
Job Title (2)

One Terrene International

National Network

10B Vasileias Str.
2232 Nicosia

Mobile Phone
+357 99777116
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

One Terrene International has 5 permanent positions as staff in central offices in Cyprus and UK and over 375 partners in its network within an out of EU. Our budget comes from private donations and the realisation of projects under Erasmus+, Europe For Citizens, European Social Fund, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, European Solidarity Corps and other Local, National and International Funding Frameworks. (around 1.000.000 euros per year as a network of locals) You can find a list of our current and past projects on our site (www.otinternational.org) under Mobilities and Areas of Interest sections.

Mission and Objectives

One Terrene International, in short OTI, is the parent/umbrella of an international network of organisations involved in adult education and youth work in a variety of fields in Europe. The organisation was born in 2009 in London, UK and in 2013 in Cyprus and now its network has spread out to more than 14 countries including but not limited to Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and other OTI locals in EU and non EU countries. The organisation has strong partnerships with Eastern European Partnership countries and EUROMED countries as well. The organisation has been very active in Youth in Action from 2009 and is very active in Erasmus+ Projects since its start in 2014 for all Key Actions youth and adult education. The organisation also selects schools and informal groups that consist of students and teachers from schools as partners in order to influence the school education format, and encourage teaching methods to involve non formal learning methodologies in their curriculum. The organisation has also been very active in Europe For Citizens programmes and twinning with municipalities and organisations with Italy, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Cyprus. Our projects include young people, youth workers, profesionals and participants of any age. We include participants with fewer opportunities and we give emphasis on projects that empower minorities and inclusion for people with disadvantages.

Main Projects / Activities

OTI has experience in developing methodologies that enhance and develops the following skills: * Empowering youth abilities and skills * Awareness for Active Citizenship, balance of responsibilities, obligations and rights of European Citizens. * Self Confidence building and Employability (CV building, Public Speaking etc.) * Entrepreneurial Trainings, Skill Development and Workshops * Non Formal Learning Methodology development and simulations * Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Projects * Intercultural Exchanges and awareness projects for understanding differences and gaining respect of these differences. * Environment and Sustainability OTI and its network have successfully realised more than 80 mobility projects, proving that the quality of the offered programmes are fruitful, fun, progressive and creative. We are a official Charity (number pending) registered in Cyprus and approved by the Ministry of Finance since the 25/08/2022.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have already collaborated with the NGO Center and Plan Be in many projects and local initiatives. Our netowork partners and our staff are members of the Cyprus Youth Council and can contribute in various actions and projects throughout the year. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to gain experience also out of EU contexts as we are already familiar with Neighbouring countries and frameworks. We would like to be able to expand and offer our experiences and gain experiences and voices to our youth in a bigger network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Theo Mavrosavva
Job Title
Head of Operations and Communications
Head of the organisation
Marios Efthymiou

Cirkus Unik

National Network

Åvägen 24
41251 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Cirkus Unik wants to make the world a little bit better with circus. We want to create changes at the individual, group and community level. Circus is a brilliant tool that increases children's self -esteem, interpersonal skills and allows them to believe in their dreams. We are a hybrid organisation, consisting of Cirkus Unik non-profit association, Org. 802498-5445, and Cirkus Unik Sweden AB, Org num. 559035-6704. We have 5 employees and in addition to this our team also includes volunteers, advisors and consults.  Current partners: Kulturskolan Hisingen, Kulturskolan Östra Göteborg samt Kulturskolan Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo, Skapande Skola Göteborg Stad, Västra Götalandsregionens kulturnämnd.  We are also an alumni from Reach for Change.     
Mission and Objectives

We want to create a world where all children have the same opportunities to grow and develop despite various social, economic and cultural background.
Our mission is that, with new circus as a tool, all children will be able to develop personal self-esteem and group collaboration in the forefront as well as being a platform for integration in society.

Main Projects / Activities

Circus shool - Cirkusskolan: http://www.cirkusunik.se/skola.html
Meeting place - Mötesplats: http://www.cirkusunik.se/motesplats.html 
Circus relay - Cirkusstafetten: http://www.cirkusunik.se/skola.html#stafett 
Circus for children with disabilities - Cirkus för barn med funktionsvariationer: http://www.cirkusunik.se/skola.html#funktionsvariationer 
Workshops: http://www.cirkusunik.se/workshops.html
Shows: http://www.cirkusunik.se/shower.html

Contact (1) Full Name
Elin Anna Björnstad Lütke
Job Title
Operations manager
Head of the organisation
Elin Lütke

Association des jeunes créateurs

National Network

Résidence Aichatou 2, 2ème étage, Avenue MED 6 – Guelmim - Maroc
81000 Guelmim

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

L’Association des Jeunes Créateurs ( ajcmaroc  ) a été crée le 13 janvier 2013 à Guelmim, ville du sud-ouest marocain. L’association est une extension du « Club des Jeunes Créateurs », établi en 2003 à la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines d'Agadir, et elle vise à encourager les compétences créatives des jeunes et à les accompagner dans le montage de leurs projets, conformément aux principes de la liberté d’expression et de la responsabilité citoyenne

Mission and Objectives

L’AJC espère ainsi contribuer au développement social des jeunes et des générations montantes  à travers un accompagnement adapté à leurs aspirations et à leurs modes d’expression, en amont et en aval, et à la sensibilisation citoyenne .

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis 2013, l’AJC a mis en place plusieurs activités et a participé à divers évènements organisés par ses partenaires, dont notamment : L’organisation du Forum national « bab sahra » pour les créations des jeunes ,  dans sa deuxième édition en 2018 . La mise en place du projet « L’art au service du développement social »  en 2016 et 2017 . La participation aux formations dédiées à la société civile marocaine, La participation au forum arabe de l’intégration économique des jeunes, organisé par le ministère de la jeunesse et des sports ; La participation au forum de la paix pour le volontariat et les médias électroniques, organisé par l’Union Internationale des Sites Web, en Tunisie.(2017) L’obtention de prix  de la meilleure initiative de jeunesse arabe au Koweït ( 10 novembre 2018 ).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'encouragement des iniatives de dialogue portées par les jeunes ,et contribuer au leurs  développement social   pour résoudre le manque d'estime personnel et du sentiment d’incapacité par le renforcement des qualités  biais les activités artistiques et culturelles.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

On veut participer dans le réseau pour renforcer notre methode de travail et de familiariser avec les experiences des gens contribuent dans  le developpement du trvail associatif et surtout les participants dans ce réseau .

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Boukassel
Job Title (2)

Centre FOKUS on Heling Children

National Network

Rruga “Islam Alla”, 72/1, Apt. 7

+355 67 206 8270
Telephone (other)
+355 67 206 8270
+355 67 206 8270
Mobile Phone
+355 67 206 8270
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The activities of the FOKUS were initiated in 1997 by a group of professionals who decided to work together on helping the children with intellectual and physical disabilities (including mental health) in Albania. FOKUS’ priorities are set by its own programs: rehabilitation of children as victims of domestic violence, human trafficking and/or in street situations, through medical and psychological services, education and awareness dedicated to frontline practitioners; advocacy for social changes; participation in decision making; gender equality; accountability; volunteerism

Mission and Objectives

The mission is to advance societies of empowered younger generation through the awareness and education, intercultural communication and cooperation between all stakeholders

Main Projects / Activities

FOKUS’ priorities are set by its own programs: rehabilitation of children as victims of domestic violence, human trafficking and/or in street situations, through medical and psychological services, education and awareness dedicated to frontline practitioners; advocacy for social changes; participation in decision making; gender equality; accountability; volunteerism

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through good practices and lesson lernt

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

empowering young voices, influencing policy makers and leading european movements

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Anita Pilika
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Anita Pilika (psychiatrist)

Institute for Activism and Social Change

National Network

rruga muhamet gjollesha, p2/3 apt 1

+355 682079385
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 682079385
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Institute for Activism and Social Change is comprised by a group of experts with experience in the field of human rights, activism, social protection and good governance.  The organization has on bouard professional and well known human rights experts, researchers, educators and psychologists who have been working for a long time in the field of sustainable developlement and democractic standards. IANS/IASC has applied to US Embassy, EU delegation, Terre des Hommes, Save the CHildren and Regional COuncil for Cooperation. IANS/IASC is member of the Albanian Coalition Justice for All

Mission and Objectives

esign activism´ is a response to particular contemporary conditions of geo-political change, social conditions, economic practices and environmental challenges. IASC has emerged in recent years as a term to denote creative practices that invoke social, political and environmental agency. Typically, it distances itself from commercial or mainstream public policy-driven approaches. Instead, it embraces marginal, non-profit or politically engaged design theories, articulations and actions.  

Main Projects / Activities

YOuth Activism, intercultural -development, education and awarenness raising

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To be the member of this wide network means to have more relations with similar organizations, work togetehr to promoter afer societies and a integrated approach towards the culture, heritage and communication.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IANS as a young organization remains in seraching for partnerships, new experiences and exchange what we do like to offer to a common European network

Contact (1) Full Name
Erinda Ndroqi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Erinda Ndroqi Bllaca

Small Isdlands Organisation - SMILO

National Network

3 rue Marcel Arnaud
13100 Aix-en-Provence

0033(0)4 42 91 64 22
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SMILO is a cooperation program to support small islands towards sustainable management, th eassociation has 3 full time and one part time employees since 2019, with an average budget of 250.000,00€ per year from public (EU funds, French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), French Ministry for energy transition, etc.) and private donors (Prince Albert 2 Foundation), supporting concrete actions on the ground, working closely with civil society. Partnerships have been signed with GLISPA and UNESCO-MAB.
Mission and Objectives

SMILO's aim is to carry out projects that actively contribute to a better balance between human development and the management of resources on islands. It operates mainly on small islands (< 150 km2) around the planet using various methods (promoting good practices and innovative solutions, networking and cooperation between peers, technical and institutional support, investments and certification).
The association will help to initiate integrated territorial projects, in collaboration with all stakeholders on the following themes: water, energy, waste, terrestrial and marine biodiversity and ecosystems, landscapes, cultural and socio-economic development and land-use planning.

Main Projects / Activities

- Project for the "Sustainable Small Islands Initiative - implementing an international approach for sustainable small island management and biodiversity protection" (French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM))
- The ISOS project (Isole Sostenibili) “Sustainable Islands: network for the sustainable development of islands and heritage preservation” EU Marittimo France-Italy 
- Project - Zlarin Island labelling with the support of the French Embassy in Croatia
- Project - International recognition for small islands management, French Water Agency
- Project "Sustainable waste management on small mediterranean islands", Prince Albert 2 Foundation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We trust that SMILO could help strengthen exchanges of expertise, knowledge and best practices in the fied of island development. At the hearth of SMILO's activities we find the voluteers. Synergies in the field of environmental conservation (at land and at sea) and cultural and international exchanges could come to life.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SMILO is an international network of small islands, innovative and inclusive gouvernance is core to our action, so we are working with a wide range of partners, individuals and organisations, public and  private, and we which to reach out to more people, to share ideas, build new projects. Joining the ANF would also allow SMILO and its partners to gain visibility.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sylvain Petit
Job Title
Executive secretary
Head of the organisation
President Maxime Prodromides

Biblioteca Giuridica Fedra

National Network

Via Nizza n. 16
96100 Siracusa

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
La Biblioteca d’Informazione Giuridica Fedro è stata fondata nel 1985 per volontà dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano, che ha inteso, in questo modo, offrire un servizio a tutti gli operatori del settore giuridico, e si trova presso i locali dello Studio legale Giuliano di Siracusa. La Biblioteca “Fedro”, “Biblioteca di Informazione Giuridica dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano” aderisce al Sistema Bibliotecario Regionale e consta di oltre seimila volumi, di circa trenta periodici e di sei banche dati informatiche, quattro generaliste e due di diritto amministrativo. Ha inoltre un costante controllo su tutte le altre banche dati giuridiche istituzionali e private in chiaro. La biblioteca conserva testi di diritto e procedura civile, in minor parte di diritto e procedura penale. Significativa è la consistenza di testi e riviste di diritto ambientale, poiché l’attività dello studio è fortemente mirata alla problematica ambientale. Il nome attribuito alla Biblioteca deriva dal testo platonico “Fedro” dove Platone difendeva la tradizione orale a discapito della tradizione scritta, che a suo modo di vedere cristallizzava la sapienza. Elenco e descrizione dei servizi offerti: consultazione di testi e di supporti informatici,  consultazione della sala di emeroteca, ricca delle riviste giuridiche più aggiornate, consultazione di archivi storici, prestito cartaceo e prestito digitale tramite l'iscrizione alla piattaforma Mlol.    Fedro, the Legal Information Library, was founded in 1985 in the Siracusa office to satisfy Corrado Giuliano's desire to offer a service to all operarors working in the legal business. "Fedro" is linked to the Regional Library System (http://sbrsiracusa.comune.siracusa.it) and is made up of more than six thousand volumes, thirty periodical journals, six data banks, four of which concern general law issues and two administrative law, and is in constant update with all other legal institutional and private data banks. The Library holds primarily books on civil law and procedures and some on criminal law. There is also a consistent amount of books and journals on environmental law since the Law Firm focuses on environmental and urban problems. The name assigned to the library derives from the Platonic text "Fedro" in which Plato defended oral over that of written tradition, which, from his point of view, fossilized knowledge. A list and description of the services offered: consultation of books and IT support, consultation of the periodical library full of the most updated legal journals, consultation of the historical archive.
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo della biblioteca giuridica consiste nella disseminazione della cultura giuridica, della tutela dell'ambiente e dei diritti umani tra la società civile e gli operatori del diritto.

Main Projects / Activities

La Biblioteca Giuridica ha svolto numerosi convegni e azioni progettuali volte allo studio del diritto dell'ambiente, alla tutela del paesaggio e del patrimonio architettonico.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La Biblioteca Giuridica "Fedro" potrà contribuire al network nazionale partecipando attivamente alle iniziative e alle discussioni sui topics della fondazione e promuovendo reti di collaborazione progettuale.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La Biblioteca vorrebbe far parte dell'ALF Network per partecipare alle iniziative dell'ALF e creare basi di cooperazione e progettazione condivisa con organizzazioni euromediterranee

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Contact (2) Full Name
Avv. Prof. Daniel Amato
Job Title (2)
R&D Manager

Youth ID

National Network

75013 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Our vocation : Empower young people to be changemakers. Youth ID advocates for an intergenerational society where young people contribute to build a sustainable world. We help the youth to take positive action by developping solidarity, internship and volunteering projects with pedagogical and digital tools.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to restore confidence towards new generations. This requires convincing our decision-makers that integrating the youth with experienced peers is an effective and sustainable solution.

Main Projects / Activities

Our actions
After many international meetings with youth actors and their audiences, Youth ID has focused its actions and expertise around two main axes: mobility & engagement : 
- activities to Empower young people
- Work with vulnerable groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Youth ID