Dar El-Nimer for Arts & Culture

National Network

America Street, P.O.Box 113-6412
Villa Salem

Telephone (other)
00961 1 367013
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
  Structure of the organization, including the number of staff employed and/or partners Mr. Rami El Nimer: Founder Ms. Lama Koubrously: Projects & Collections Ms. Maha Kobeissy: Outreach & Programs Mr. Omar Thawabeh: Communication & Content Ms. Farah Fayad: Graphic Design Ms. Lea Vicente: Assistant for the Collections Mr. Rimah Salah: AV Technician Ms. Mariane Kahale: Admistrative Assistant Ms. Leila Rizkallah & Ms. Marlene Rizkallah: Reception Budgetary resources available in a year Approximately USD 500,000 Sources of funding The founder Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Production of exhibitions Public programs including seminars, workshops, screenings etc Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Institute for Palestine Studies, American University of Beirut and Taawon Other institutions are labelled under the collaboration category as Dar El-Nimer engages with them based on certain projects and programs.    
Mission and Objectives

Located in the heart of Beirut, Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture was founded in 2016 as an independent non-profit art foundation for historical, modern and contemporary cultural productions from Palestine and beyond. Dar El-Nimer promotes deep cultural, historical and intellectual awareness by hosting productions by artists, curators, writers, historians, performers and filmmakers, whose works engage with the challenging social realities and political currents shaping the region. Dar El-Nimer is also responsible for showcasing the El-Nimer Collection, the private art collection of the founder, Rami El-Nimer.
Preserve: Celebrating the region’s rich and complex cultural heritage to trace its continuity, creativity and perseverance. Dar El-Nimer challenges stereotypes through arts and culture, opening up the possibilities for deeper understanding.
Experience: Broadening the palette of cultural and artistic experiences. Dar El-Nimer offers a vibrant space for interaction. Alongside its annual exhibitions, its space is open for lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, musical and theatrical performances and workshops.
Outreach: Inviting schools, universities, institutions, communities and individuals to develop an understanding of arts and culture through activities and dialogue. Dar El-Nimer engages in multidisciplinary collaborations and innovative ways of bridging society with artistic and cultural production.

Main Projects / Activities

Three kinds of exhibitions take place at Dar El-Nimer: exhibitions curated from the El-Nimer Collection, commissioned exhibitions in support of artists in different fields of art and hosted exhibitions from the region and abroad. All exhibitions are accompanied by guided tours and a tailored public program rotating around the exhibited themes.
Dar El-Nimer offers a wide range of spaces for cultural performances to include auctions, storytelling, film screenings, panel discussions, workshops for all ages, book signings etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Dar El-Nimer can contribute to designing, producing or hosting activities that meet the foundation objectives with other ALF members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and developing projects with other members of the ALF network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maha Kobeissy
Job Title
Outreach & Programs Manager
Head of the organisation
Rami El-Nimer
Contact (2) Full Name
Lama Koubrously
Job Title (2)
Projects & Collection Manager

Middle East Center for Culture and Dev

National Network

Al Lidd Street
Amman 11183

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
IMAN M. AL HINDAWI --M.A./Arts Management/Performing Arts --Columbia University, New York-USA Is a renowned personality and an experienced professional in the field of arts, arts administration, cultural management, events creation, management and organization of global live events.  Al Hindawi’s professional life reflects on her Odyssey into the Ever-Expanding World of Arts and Culture over the past twenty-five years.  Spanning across the United States, Europe and the Arab world, her journey has been marked with extraordinary accomplishments and achievements. Al Hindawi has been awarded the privilege to establish and lead world class performing arts organizations and manage several arts institutions such as the Spring of Culture in Bahrain, the Royal Opera House Muscat (Muscat/Sultanate of Oman), King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, ARAMCO/Saudi Arabia, the Middle East Center for Culture and Development (MECCAD) in New York/USA and Amman/Jordan, Institute for Cultural Enterprise (ICE) in New York/USA, Abu Dhabi Festival, Abu Dhabi, UAE, The Latin American Cultural Market, Salvador de Bahia/Brazil, The African Cultural Market, Los Angeles, USA. 
Mission and Objectives

Promoting the Arab cultural and artistic expression worldwide to combat stereotype images of Arabs in Western media
 Management of Not-for Profit Organizations | Arts & Cultural Management | Strategic Management & Partnerships | Artistic Planning –Performing Arts | Events Management Expert | International Relations | Philanthropy | Development & Fundraising |

Main Projects / Activities

Souk Ukaz; An International Cultural Market in Jordan

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing experiences, empowering the field of not-for profit arts and culture organizations anad representign Jordan and the region on global platforms

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am an expert in the field of arts and culture whose contributions to the field in the Arab world have been marked with extraordinary achievements.  My expertise in the management of arts and culture not-for profit organizations can benefit the Network as well as my dedication to reflect the reality of the Arab artistic heritage worldwide through arts and culture can be most beneficial to the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Mohammad Al-Hindawi
Job Title
Arts and Culture Expert
Head of the organisation
Iman Al Hindawi

Association Arij

National Network

41000 Chichaoua

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
L'association Arij est une organisation non gouvernementale a but non lucratif ; indépendante sur le plan financier et administratif , elle n'a pas de tendances politiques, politiques ou religieuses fondée en 2005
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs de l'association sont :
Création d'activités culturelles, éducatives, sportives et sociales
Création de projets de développement r S'occuper des enfants, des femmes et des jeunes en situation de vulnérabilité et en situation de handicap F Organisation des formations.
Autonomisation économique des jeunes et des femmes en situation difficile et en situation de handicap -
Médiation familiale -
Organiser des camps et des voyages thématiques
Services à distance
Echanges culturels de jeunes et d'enfants au niveau national et international. 

Main Projects / Activities

projet Moucharaka: favoriser la participation politique de la femme et des jeunes financé par le ministère de l'intérieur
projet moustachara:  formation en faveur des conseillers des communes de Chichaoua financé par le ministère de l'intérieur
projet Chabab: serie de formation pour les jeunes dans les logiciels de traitement de l'image et du montage vidéo
projet grand écran: formation pour les jeunes dans le cinéma

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

participer à l'organisation des événements
la mobilisation de la société
mettre à la disposition les locaux de l'association à Chichaoua pour organiser des événements.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour participer à toutes ses activités dans le monde
intégrer un réseau qui possède un savoir faire
partager les expériences entre les membres

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Mohssine Elhassani
Job Title (2)

Association des jeunes créateurs

National Network

Résidence Aichatou 2, 2ème étage, Avenue MED 6 – Guelmim - Maroc
81000 Guelmim

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
L’Association des Jeunes Créateurs ( ajcmaroc  ) a été crée le 13 janvier 2013 à Guelmim, ville du sud-ouest marocain. L’association est une extension du « Club des Jeunes Créateurs », établi en 2003 à la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines d'Agadir, et elle vise à encourager les compétences créatives des jeunes et à les accompagner dans le montage de leurs projets, conformément aux principes de la liberté d’expression et de la responsabilité citoyenne.
Mission and Objectives

L’AJC espère ainsi contribuer au développement social des jeunes et des générations montantes  à travers un accompagnement adapté à leurs aspirations et à leurs modes d’expression, en amont et en aval, et à la sensibilisation citoyenne .
Redynamiser la recherche, les études et les travaux dans tous les domaines du développement humain (économique, social, culturel et sportif).
Contribution à l'organisation de séminaires, réunions et expositions et assurer la réalisation de projets qui contribueront à améliorer la situation des jeunes.
Encourager la créativité et la recherche scientifique dans les domaines de la poésie, de la narration, des études critiques, des arts plastiques, du théâtre, de la musique et du sport.
Production et adoption de créations de jeunes.
Soutien à l'éducation et la lutte contre l'analphabétisme et l’éducation à la citoyenneté.
Réalisation des échanges culturels à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays.
Organiser des voyages et des camps au profit des enfants et des jeunes et de les sensibiliser au respect de l'environnement et l’espace  vert.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis 2013, l’AJC a mis en place plusieurs activités et a participé à divers évènements organisés par ses partenaires, dont notamment :
L’organisation du Forum national « bab sahra » pour les créations des jeunes ,  dans sa deuxième édition en 2018 .
La mise en place du projet « L’art au service du développement social »  en 2016 et 2017 .
La participation aux formations dédiées à la société civile marocaine,
La participation au forum arabe de l’intégration économique des jeunes, organisé par le ministère de la jeunesse et des sports ;
La participation au forum de la paix pour le volontariat et les médias électroniques, organisé par l’Union Internationale des Sites Web, en Tunisie.(2017)
L’obtention de prix  de la meilleure initiative de jeunesse arabe au Koweït ( 10 novembre 2018 ).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On peut contribuer par le partage de l'information avec d'autre comunités et associations , et aussi par l'encouragement des jeunes de s'inscrire dans le travail associatif.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Rejoindre un réseau c'est la bonne manière de renforcer les qualités et les compétances de membres de l'association ;soit par les ateliers de foramtion,soit par le partage de l'information.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

iraqi warcrimes documentation center

National Network

jordan- amman
amman 00962

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
 Personal Information Name: Omar Abdullah Mohammed bellied Nationality: Iraq Date of Birth: 1980 Fax: 00962788475401 E-mail: omaalzobaee@yahoo.com               Omaralzobaee80@gmail.com 2. Qualifications 1. BA political science / University: Baghdad Specialization: Politics Graduation Year: 2003 good MARK 2. Master person / University: Human Ganan_ Lebanon. Specialization, human rights Year of graduation: 2012. Appreciation very good 3. Currently: PhD student Aris University (thesis title: international intervention and the extent of the protection of the principles of human rights during international conflicts in the light of international law) (parked because of recognition) 4. Master student in Political Science (University of the Middle East): Jordan / Amman .... first year. 5. holds a degree in International Trainer of international humanitarian law by the International Committee of the Red Cross in its 2015 to 2016. 6. holds a certified degree in human rights by the French Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg and in cooperation with Jinan University. 7. holds a degree in preparing human rights reports from the Organization of dignity for Human Rights (Geneva) 3. Training Courses 1. Training course in media journalist and art 2. intensive course on human rights and work in the field of humanitarian work 3. course in the Hadith 4. course in preparation commander 5. skills development course 6. course in diplomatic international law 7. course in international humanitarian law, with the International Committee of the Red Cross 4. Skills 1. edit news 2. Write articles 3. researcher on Middle East affairs. 4. prepared reports on human rights 5-participant conferences and scientific co-where Aldroat 1. The Conference of the Union of NGOs of the Islamic world's fifth conference in Morocco 2. The Conference of the Union of NGOs of the Islamic world's fourth conference in Turkey 3. Regional Conference on the development of the human rights system of the Arab League 2013- Qatar 4. participant in the conference right of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails in 2010-Algeria 5. participant in the Human Rights Conference in light of the Arab Spring - the current developments in 2012-Lebanon 6. coach in the CAC diplomatic law and consular 2013- Algeria 7. CAC coach in the diplomatic and consular law 2013- Lebanon 8. participant and organizer of the conference (the right to a peaceful environment) 2013- Lebanon 5-languages Arabic mother tongue English
Mission and Objectives

1- Applying the acquired knowledge in the social sciences, especially the specialization in political science and human rights.
2- Develop knowledge, conduct research, analyze and interpret data. Ability to follow advanced research and studies in fields
3 - active participation in multidisciplinary teams or scientific backgrounds.
4 - Participation in the definition of the challenges and dilemmas of modern and emerging and propose solutions and a plan of action to address and deal with.
5 - Recognize the need for continuing education and the ability to engage in its fields and knowledge of emerging issues
6. Achieving a successful career through the program
7. Follow-up lifelong learning through higher education and continuous professional development. And adapt to changes and developments in a changing and emerging world.

Main Projects / Activities

participant conferences and scientific co-where Aldroat
1. The Conference of the Union of NGOs of the Islamic world's fifth conference in Morocco
2. The Conference of the Union of NGOs of the Islamic world's fourth conference in Turkey
3. Regional Conference on the development of the human rights system of the Arab League 2013- Qatar
4. participant in the conference right of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails in 2010-Algeria
5. participant in the Human Rights Conference in light of the Arab Spring - the current developments in 2012-Lebanon
6. coach in the CAC diplomatic law and consular 2013- Algeria
7. CAC coach in the diplomatic and consular law 2013- Lebanon
8. participant and organizer of the conference (the right to a peaceful environment) 2013- Lebanon

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
omar alkarosh
Head of the organisation
omar alkarosh

AMSEC - Moroccan association of solidarity and citizenship

National Network

5B, rue Chellah, Av Abderrahim Bouabid
av abderrahim bouabid
11000 Salé

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Staff : we are less than 10 main members in the associations. Budgetary resources : mainly donations from partners Sources of funding : we have some partners and resources for our annual activities (Ex : Soletterre, local goverment, AXA atout coeur Maroc,...). we particpate and seminars and exchange activities even in others countries in order to share experience and carry out development projects in our country.(for example, we have two projects underway for the schooling of children in precarious situations and another in recycling). Our mains partners : local commune and goverment, local associations and some schools
Mission and Objectives

Sponsorship and support for poor children and their families Support for the homeless Listening Center Support courses and workshops for children Development and implementation of citizenship actions

Main Projects / Activities

For a few years, we have been running a project to sponsor children without resources. the goal is to help them return to school and accompany them to success. our second current project is garment recycling. always in order to benefit mainly children in precarious situation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

first we want to share the experiences with the other members of the network. We believe that the exchange can help each organization to carry out these local projects in the best way. We can also pass on best practices to our association members and other local partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

joining the network is an ambition. We want to participate in network activities and exchange best practices.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mounia LIDYA
Job Title
Head of the organisation
AMSEC - Moroccan association of solidarity and citizenship
Contact (2) Full Name
Inssaf LIDYA
Job Title (2)
General secretary

الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية لمؤسسات دور الطالب والطالبة صخورالرحامنة

National Network

مركز صخور الرحامنة
إقليم الرحامنة
43451 صخور الرحامنة

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية تعنى بايواء الشبان والشابات المنحدرين من أوساط هشة لمتابعة دراستهم 
Mission and Objectives

التعليم والتربية 

Main Projects / Activities

توفير الايواء والتغدية و التمدرس و الدعم التربوي والاجتماعي ودعم الأيتام خاصة لذى الفئات الفقيرة والهشة 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
كاتب عام الجمعية
Head of the organisation
كاتب عام الجمعية
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد الغالمي
Job Title (2)
رئيس الجمعية

الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية لمؤسسات دور الطالب والطالبة صخورالرحامنة

National Network

مركز صخور الرحامنة
إقليم الرحامنة
43451 صخور الرحامنة

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية تعنى بايواء الشبان والشابات المنحدرين من أوساط هشة لمتابعة دراستهم 
Mission and Objectives

التعليم والتربية 

Main Projects / Activities

توفير الايواء والتغدية و التمدرس و الدعم التربوي والاجتماعي ودعم الأيتام خاصة لذى الفئات الفقيرة والهشة 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
كاتب عام الجمعية
Head of the organisation
كاتب عام الجمعية
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد الغالمي
Job Title (2)
رئيس الجمعية

AFCD Foundation

National Network

B.P 258 AIt Ourir, Marrakech
42050 Marrakech

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Within AFCD all that e work is done through a participatory approach making use of every member's skills and insights. To reach a unanimous agreement among AFCD team we always resort to consulting, exchanging ideas and sometimes debating over almost every single matter regarding all projects from the launching phase to their realization. By adopting a participatory approach we aim to instill and cultivate a spirit of collaboration, open mindedness, and sharing in every single team member. Furthermore, AFCD is remarkably reputed locally, nationally and internationally due to the fact that improving citizens' lifestyles lies at the heart of most of our projects. Thus, we put much focus on education as it is considered the only key to emancipation. Youths and women empowerment issues top our agendas because AFCD consider both youths and women as the backbone of societies and their empowerment will bring about fruitful results. It's really mesmerizing that recently a lot of ambitious and vigor youths have shown an inner desire to work with AFCD which feeds our team year in year out, besides the overwhelming majority of volunteers are young people who are intrinsically motivated to make their areas a safe haven where everyone learns, produces, and shares.

Mission and Objectives

AFCD is an independent association of highly ambitious youths volunteers who vowed to improve their areas, light people's path and raise their awareness about the importance of their contributions to better their living conditions. AFCD has always adopted a sort of thorough approach in the improvement of the regions within their reach; therefore, AFCD focus on the areas that affect people's daily lives on the short, mid and long term; society, economy, and environment. AFCD's volunteers are highly qualified youths who carry the heavy burden of promoting the areas to keep up with the world.  The AFCD is an independent association of young volunteers, which aims to participate in the improvement of areas such as the socio-cultural areas, educational as well as the enhancement of the regional infrastructure. Within our association, we adopt a participatory approach in all stages of the work from decision making to the launch and the realization of the work. This strategy is applied to ensure an inclusive and comprehensive approach to the work and activities carried out by the association, and also to adhere to this approach within the association to ensure the rights of the volunteers to participate in the decision-making process.

Main Projects / Activities

- Youth First funded by the Danish Youth Council - Awarnes,Advocacy and action in EL Haouz a project funded by High Atlas Foundation in partnership with US Office of -Oceans and Environment and Sciences. - The Youth Forum for young Entrepreneurs.  - Environmental Film Festival  - 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a group of motivated,passionate and highly active young activists. Our mission in life is impacting and changing our communities. We are full of energy and positive spirit and an optimistic perspective toward our society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as a youth organization are doing work in ground  and bringing ipmact to our communities. Yet, we could have done better if we have recieved more trainings and mentoring. A great way to be empowered is via joining the ALF network where we could learn from the experts and the expertise of the network as well as share learn from the best practices mainly about  building a movement for dialogue and ways to foster it. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
kamal Akaya
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation
kamal Akaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Ajrinija Mouhamed
Job Title (2)
Community Manager


National Network

Zahrani Street, Tarazi Bldg, 5th floor, Sioufi

+961 3 294028
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information

Madanyat has a president, a general secretary, and a treasurer Employees are hired and paid, based on project assignments  50 000 USD International donors and cost-share Concrete projects, workshops, round tables, focus groups Being a co-founder of Women in Front, an NGO founded in 2012, Nada Anid, Madanyat’s founder has been coordinating with 30 international and national partners and with more than 25 programs have been implemented all over the country, including all regions, communities and major political parties. She and Madanyat are still connected with 600 women who took part in Women in Font’s activities and who are still actively engaged and regularly involved in various activities in addition to strong ties with journalists and TV anchors UNDP, ONDES, WYCA, member of Women in Parliament coalition, Women in Politics Coalition

Mission and Objectives

Madanyat’s mission is to achieve balanced participation of women and men in politics and in the public sphere, believing that a diversity of voices will lead to a fairer, more inclusive and democratic society. The NGO's objectives are: Actively contribute to reaching gender equality in all designated and elected bodies; Bring together women, youth and men from around the country willing to work for political, economic, cultural and social justice for all; Advocate a new vision where politics is accessible to women and youth by working with all political parties, promoting electoral and other changes and raising awareness about the impact of women’s under-representation; Spread art and culture as a vector of social cohesion, diversity and human rights.  

Main Projects / Activities

Launching a national survey in collaboration with Ipsos and UNDP LEAP to understand why the lack of interest in politics is so widespread among women and what is the public perception about their role in public life; Gathering women leaders from different backgrounds to initiate public discussions, around conflicting or unifying subjects by using solid communication tools: mediation, non-violent speech, respect, political knowledge, etc. This initiative will reinforce the role of women in the consolidation of civil peace and their presence in negotiations and conflict resolution; Encouraging women and youth to take part in the next municipal and parliamentary elections; Elaborating tool kits to act against sexism (harassment, defamation, discrimination, political violence) and establishing a charter of good practices to measure the commitment of public and private institutions toward equality; Conferences about gender stereotypes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can strengthen our network lobby groups to influence Policy Makers, Organize art and cultural events that promote intercultural dialogue and fight stereotypes and extremism Create awards in line with Anna Lindh Foundation core values, Provide women and youth with debate and negotiation skills

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since 2012, when I took part in the Euro-Mediterranean forum in Brussel and got to know about Anna Lindh foundation through its representative, I was hoping to collaborate in a way or another with the Foundation. Because ALF mission is very much in line with the values and the objectives of Madanyat, I am convinced that being part of a network that promotes dialogue and civil peace while respecting the specificities of all partners is very enriching and will allow us to exchange good practices in our respective field of work My country, Lebanon has been long struggling with sectarian and political divides and is currently facing new challenges, I believe that we have many things to pass on to others and also a lot to learn from other organizations’ experience, successes and failures included. Moreover, based on a previous and successful experience, my NGO believes that art and culture, one of the strongest pillars of ALF, are very powerful means to promote equality social, cohesion, diversity and human rights.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Saleh Anid
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nada Saleh Anid