Arabian Organization of Zero waste Culture

National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
We are an arabian organization working in  Lebanon & Syria. We are focusing all our programs efforts on  sperate the zero waste culture in arab society. We are working to draw the attention of the  new generation of Arab youth to the dangers of landfilling or incineration and We are working to raise awareness of new global programs &  applications of zero waste culture between  them. In cooperation with schools, institutes and  universities and through our modern factories in Lebanon, which is now able to deliver the solid household waste to zero degree that work  Through 100% environmental industrial  processes. In this field we have many projects and  ambitious ideas for environmental projects  ideas that we hope it will receive the suiteable  support in the future. We hope to be one of your team. With kind regards. Sincerely. Prof.Hussam.M.Kahil Arabian Organization Of zero waste culture
Mission and Objectives

We are focusing all our programs efforts on sperate the zero waste culture in arab society.
We are working to draw the attention of the new generation of Arab youth to the dangers of landfilling or incineration and We are working to raise awareness of new global programs & applications of zero waste culture between them.
In cooperation with schools, institutes and universities and through our modern factories in Lebanon, which is now able to deliver the solid household waste to zero degree that work Through 100% environmental industrial processes.
In this field we have many projects and ambitious ideas for environmental projects ideas that we hope it will receive the suiteable support in the future.

Main Projects / Activities

We are focusing all our programs efforts on sperate the zero waste culture in arab society.
We are working to draw the attention of the new generation of Arab youth to the dangers of landfilling or incineration and We are working to raise awareness of new global programs & applications of zero waste culture between them.
In cooperation with schools, institutes and universities and through our modern factories in Lebanon, which is now able to deliver the solid household waste to zero degree that work Through 100% environmental industrial processes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr.Hussam Kahil

جمعية الشارع الثقافي The Cultural Street Association

National Network

Rawda bldg, facing the Lebanese Kuweiti School, ground floor.

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The Cultural Street is a non-profit NGO, independent of any political affiliation in its direction, vision, mission, and work.It has been established since 2005 with a decree number 268/AD Issued by the Lebanese ministry of Interior.Its main goal is to develop leadership and initiative skills on the level of the individual and the community academically, creatively, and socially.Our main objective is to spread awareness among the youth and deepen their cultural and intercultural thinking skills, social skills, citizenship skills, mental skills, and creative skills to empower them to build a better community and boost the society on various levels. Financial support: by the members' contributions, grants and funding provided by local and international associations and boards, according to the proposed projects.

Mission and Objectives

Vision: To develop creative and cultural thought to be the gateway to the development and development of society. Mission: 1- develop the cultural and social knowledge in the city through conducting workshops and hosting activities that tend to develop the cultural value if the city. 2- To foster culture knowledge through all types of creative arts that tend to reveal the hidden talents of the young. 3-Conducting charitable, and social events in collaboration with other NGOs in Lebanon. 4- Enhance the relation with officials and initiate and share ideas with decision makers in order to preserve the cultural value of the city by proposing projects designed by experts in the field, seeking to make change on a significant level.

Main Projects / Activities

Bridging the Gap Project: Project Keys: (Education - Heritage - Media - Development) 100 Students participated to the project from public and private school in Saida city, to document the spoken history of Bishop Basilios Hajjar Street, known as Shakrieh Street, by identifying the most important archaeological and basic landmarks in the street through training workshops on how to document, interview, photography and video, and the preparation of development ideas through specialized workshops in the development of entrepreneurial skills. The result of the project was the creation of a documentary and a booklet on the historical and tourist importance of the street. (November 2018 to April 2019). The project was funded by the US Embassy in Beirut and co-operated by the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Development and the Sidon and Neighborhood School Network. My Toy Treasure  loabati kanz :  : Project Keys: (Arts - Humanitarian - Charity) chemotherapy patients visit the hospital regularly to take the necessary treatment as well as patients in the hospital to implement an environmental game that is entertaining them in the implementation and when sold due to the support of patients in the department, and funded by the association and in cooperation with Hammoud University Hospital In Sidon. Shakierh Street Development Project: : Project Keys: (Heritage - Media - Development) The Association is urging the concerned authorities of the Municipality of Sidon and political officials to work on organizing and improving the conditions of the street because of its great importance in the history of the city and all aspects of social, economic and tourism, after the completion of the documentary study in the previous project "Bridging the gap." The association submitted a special report with some designs to the Municipality of Saida to start working on improvements and development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through specialized projects and workshops in which experts and specialists contribute in several fields, which need it in our Lebanese society and especially in our city of Saida.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through the launch of initiatives and ideas in several areas that support the community to become better, and through the exchange of local and international experiences in those areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zaher El Bizri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zaher El Bizri

Youth Entrepreneurship Club

National Network

Eleutheriou Venizelou 4
73100 Chania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Entrepreneurship Club is a Non Profit Organization that aims to inform and support young people with interest about business, willingness to learn and eager to work. So, we enable them to develop their personal skills, creative thinking, knowledge, understanding of business objectives and the wealth creation process. This process will help young people to adapt in real world of market economy. Our core team has 4 members and our with our permanent volunteers we reach 15 member. Many times we reached over 100 volunteers in our big events which funding comes from sponsorships. We have organised and we have supported a variety of conferences, talks, educational programs, contests, relevant to entrepreneurship / social economy / creative economy. Experience-wise, Youth Entrepreneurship Club has been advocating in youth development. This is one of the reasons that some of our partners are the European Representative office in Greece, the Chamber of Commerce, the Organisation for the Development in Crete, Crete Region and many more NGOs, as well as Greek and international authorities. Our partnership with them has allowed us to form an international, multicultural team and to expand our horizons and views. 
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to inspire and support young people in order to show them that everyone, can create
value from nothing; in order to create a positive social or economic impact in Greece. As promoters of this objective our organization will be entitled to select the appropriate participants, prepare them through trainings and send them to their project. Of course we will publish, advertise and promote their project. Youth Entrepreneurship Club
is also willing to actively participate on every preparatory step of the project as well as to
provide data, opinions, results and outcomes after the support has been completed, as has
already done plenty of times both as a sending organisation and at Youth Entrepreneurship
Club events we have organised ourselves.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our latest actions:
ΥΕC Uni Days - Talks in Universities (What if I was a student)
School of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Educational Program
Startup Europe Week Crete - Conference
YEC Pre-Incubation Program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Youth Entrepreneurship Organisation is proud of the quality of the members and staff, as we are one of the most active organisation in Greece, with a record of members and projects completed. Our members are always highly motivated and usually quite experienced when it comes to participating in projects, as usually they are active members of our organisation and they have helped or organised events and projects in Greece. Our board members are experienced organisers so we strongly believe that we can contribute to the growth of the local startup network by our events and support.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Beeing a member of the ALF Network will give us the means to expand our view for the global entrepreneurship ecosystem and moreover will help us make new cooperations with major organisations and companies. So we look forward to become a member of your network and continue pursuing our goals.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Athanasios Paraschos
Job Title
Co - Founder
Head of the organisation
Athanasios Paraschos
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikolaos Tsekas
Job Title (2)
Organizational Developement Manager

Palestine Daily Newspaper in the Gaza Strip

National Network

Gaza strip
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information
Palestine is a daily Palestinian newspaper published in the Gaza Strip. The newspaper employs more than 80 journalists and employees interested in covering Palestinian daily events. In its daily, monthly and annual income, the newspaper relies on a combination of revenue through advertising and business investment.
Mission and Objectives

Documenting violations of the Israeli occupation Strengthening the bonds of love among Palestinian society Publish daily news Continuous coverage Documenting events Making a leap in the Palestinian media

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are the establishment of courses and training projects for Palestinian journalists in the areas of report and investigative reporting and the story.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By enhancing the status of media professionals in society

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in the Mediterranean Award, I'm Linda

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
yehya yaqobi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Al - Wasat Printing & Publishing Co
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Organisation nationale de développement et action sociale

National Network

DOUDOU mekhtare BEN aknoune ALGER
16000 Ben aknoune

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
General Information
The National Organization for Development and Social Action was established in 2017 and operates in 42 states
Mission and Objectives

The organization aims to1. Spreading the culture of citizenship among young people
2. Empowering women socially, politically and economically

Main Projects / Activities

Social and economic empowerment of women in fragile areas

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization can contribute to citizenship work

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Benefit from experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud sellah
Job Title
Secrétaire général
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud SELLAH


National Network

Ain Enoub Aley Casa
Wajih Humaydan Building
Ain Enoub

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

ARRAWI aims at supporting culture  and literature mainly among the youth. It is a non profit personal based center that works for encouraging the youth to write and express their ideas and to stand facing censorship and silence. As mentioned ARRAWI is a personal initiative founded by the writer Iman Humaydan. Within Arrawi Iman Humaydan organizes creative writing workshops in Lebanon and Europe in collaboration with universities and cultural centers. In each project Humaydan works with different persons based upon the nature of the project. Partners are Pen Lebanon, Cite Des Arts in Paris, Atelier Mondial in Basel, and university Paris 8 in France. Arrawi had different sources of funding. At present ARRAWI is applying for a writer in residence project in Beirut and Paris to be funded by 1001 titles  project in Sharjah.

Mission and Objectives

Support the youth in bringing them nearer to cultural life and mainly to literature.

Main Projects / Activities

Creative writing workshops.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By exchange of experience and ideas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be a part of a larger family. To live in diversity that surely enriches any experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Humaydan
Job Title
Owner and Directer
Head of the organisation
Iman Humaydan

Pen Lebanon

National Network

Hazmieh Baabda Bassil Building

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information

Pen Lebanon was founded in 2012 by prominent Lebanese writers and journalists. Among these names Iman Humaydan, Hassan Daoud, Abbass Beydoun, Yussef Bazzi, Chaza Charafeddine, Hala Kawsarani; Hazem Saghieh, Mohammad Abi Samra, Alawiyah Sobh, Marie Tawk,  and many others. Pen Lebanon focused mainly on the youth through its activities in schools and cultural clubs. It aimed at narrowing the gap between the youth and literature by encouraging them to read and to express themselves. Encounters that bring writers and secondary students together took place in many places in Lebanon mainly in public schools in remote areas of the country. Our partner in this project was the American University in Beirut, Writers Unlimited in Netherlands,  and Pen International.  In order to achieve and implement its projects Pen Lebanon depends upon the membership fees and on its partners as well as on the volonteer work of its members. There are no staff members in Pen Lebanon and no office base. Our archives are on our Facebook page and our mails. WE organoze meetings in cafes and in our homes. However, in 1948 Camille Aboussouan, writer and ambassador has founded Pen Liban , then a member in pen International, which was a Francophone Pen center. During the civil wars in Lebanon ( 1975-1990) Pen Liban was not active and later it was put into dormant.   In 2012, one of the members of the old Pen Liban, Hyam Yared, poet and novelist, made contacts with many Lebanese writers and journalists to found a new Pen.  A new Pen center was founded with a new registration number and a new legal identity. It includes Lebanese writers who write Arabic, French as well as English. Pen Lebanon is a reflection of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the country. Since its establishment, Pen Lebanon became an active member of  Pen International.  The center has been presided by Hyam Yared (poet and novelist) from 2012 till 2015. At present it is presided by Iman Humaydan (novelist and researcher). Elections for a new board will take place in January 2020.  

Mission and Objectives

Pen Lebanon is  an affiliated and active member in Pen International based in London. Thus it follows the general chart of Pen International that calls for freedom of expression of thinking of imagination and fights against repression and censorship. WE chose to work with public schools mainly in the remote areas inorder to support the new generation and to encourage it to love reading and love writing literary texts.

Main Projects / Activities

Since two years and beside readings in public schools, Pen Lebanon expanded its activities and became a founding member in Salon de Livre in France maghreb de Livres. IN February 2019, Pen Lebanon invited 2 Lebanese writers to participate in the book fair: Tracy Chahwan and Dr. Ahmad Beydoun. Pen Lebanon covered the financial and logistic expenses of both writers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By many ways, mainly exchange in experience ,. ideas and openness

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be an active part of the whole and to give and take experiences and ideas on cultural developemnt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Akram Rayyess
Head of the organisation
Hassan Daoud

Claudia Kutscha- If I was young-

National Network

12459 Berlin

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Hi, my name is Claudia Kutscha, and I make short films. In 2017, I finished 4th in the South Asia Short Film Compition. In 2018 I was  made the reports about the fight of the Berlin fire department. As we move from progress to regression, and the cold war becomes warmer rather than colder, we should remember how much dreams war can destroy about the war. How destructive is regression instead of progress? How many dreams can we destroy by arms race and war? Can you say that about? Rember what you do in peacefull times and not into a war... So we would made the movie "IF I WAS YOUNG" including Syrian refugees and other members of army from around the world.
Mission and Objectives

The film will be screened at film festivals around the world. The film's goal is not worth the war and shows the devastated and their lives afterwards. We have already shot with the former actor Jürgen Draeger, who has written history as "German" James Dean. He survived World War II and today works as a painter.

Main Projects / Activities

We have already created the promo movie and start selling the movie tickets, because we want to present the movie in April 2020. We therefore need every support we can get. The next step will  shoots and recordings with Syrian children both here as refugees and in Aleppo/syria. Most of the support goes into the cut, because only a well-cut film can be viewed well. We always work in a small team and try to keep the costs as small as possible, but the quality so high that the film is successful at festivals. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Your network is unknown here, only after many searches on the Internet I came to your site by chance. Through my work and my network I can make you public, both as a journalist and as a filmmaker. Of course, you will be named in the film as a sponsor of this project and you will get public at all film festivals worldwide. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am a team player and only community makes everyone strong

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Kutscha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Claudia Kutscha

Atlantis Culture

National Network

14 Naxos street, Office 402

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
the organisation was very active in the first six or seven years; since 2013 it has been a consultant to innovative festivals; this month it will host a reading, as part of a world wide initiative for the Freedom of Expression new facebook page -
Mission and Objectives

to promote art and artists, equality, tolerance, acceptance

Main Projects / Activities

art and artists
consultants to iΠoet - a project by young people on spoken word inviting / hosting students aged 14 - 19

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by involving young adults in the decision making process

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it is important to bring the youth from various countries together so that THEY can decide their furture....

Contact (1) Full Name
Nora Hadjisotiriou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nora Hadjisotiriou
Contact (2) Full Name
Annetta Benzar
Job Title (2)
programme manager

Skills to Succeed

National Network

Complexe Administratif Ouswa 3eme Etage
3200 Tataouine

216 75857 255
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Skills to Succeed is a local development organization based in Tataouine and working on promoting local development in the region. It is showcased through vocational training, economic development and capacity building programs aiming to boost employability and income generation.

Mission and Objectives

Establish relations with the authorities, civil society, and the private entities in order to contribute to the economic and social development.   Enhance economic growth through income generation, capacity building &employability programs leading to improve quality of life. Provide additional services in cooperation with local institutions to support entrepreneurs and local businesses  

Main Projects / Activities

RAED:  Entreprneurship program supporting the creation of 94 small business in 3 south tunisian regions  RAGMA: Social Entreprise promoting handcrafts products and supporting rural women  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribution could be through sharing out our achievement and lessons learnt in our NGO 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn about other NGO work  and best practices and improve the work of our NGO

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Amna Tounekti
Job Title
Founding member
Head of the organisation
Ahmad El Karam