Syrian Press Center

National Network

31500 Reyhanli/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Syrian Press Center is a non-governmental media organization, independent with no affiliation or association with official and informal currents or policies, adopts a written editorial policy whose source of its rules are based on the ethical code for Syrian media employees and professional standards, and distance itself from political and partisan conflicts. Religious, whose workers believe democracy is the best solution for building society and rejecting violence, murder, extremism and terrorism. The Press Center based in the northern region of Syria and has a plan to have offices in all Syrian provinces. The center's staff distribute among the following disciplines (editor, reporter, writer, technician, expert, photographer, translator, presenter, program renter, monitor and photographer). Budgetary resources available in a year/2018 Sources of funding:Cominix organization
Mission and Objectives

1. Impact on society and change in a positive direction.
2. Contributing to the advancement of the media work and its development towards professionalism.
3. Strengthen the confidence of public in independent media.
4. Contribute to the creation of effective elite capable of positive change in the structure of society.
5. Conveying reality with credibility and impartiality
6. Correcting the misperception of media work that has made the media a purely authoritarian act and serves the attitudes of totalitarian authority.
7. Work to find an effective partnership with local, Arab and international media organizations and cultural organizations.
8. Dissemination Effectively of media content and use content across all our information stands.
9. Attracting, developing and maintaining media competencies in the organization.
10. Strengthening strategic and operational management capabilities to ensure outstanding results
11. Work to make the Syrian press center a source of accreditation for media organizations and human resources.
Our mission
To support the aspirations and values of Syrian society based on tolerance and respect for others, and to consolidate freedom of expression and independence.

Main Projects / Activities

 The press center provides integrated training and information services and produces the following materials (news, analysis, images, video, television, radio and documentaries, television, press and radio reports, press investigations, news analysis...).
 The Syrian Press Center has implemented three media projects with Cominix organization on mobilization and advocacy for democratic institutions, raising awareness of the importance of democracy and raising awareness of the negative effects of the war.
 The Syrian Press Center trained 820 activists inside and outside Syria
 The Syrian Press Center participated in the establishment of a code of honor for Syrian media professionals to control the media work.
 Provide media content to local and international organizations free of charge.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Akram Alahmad
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Akram Alahmad

Club Mansouria des Jeunes

National Network

Commune El Mansouria
13072 Mansouria

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Le Club Mansouria des Jeunes est une association indépendante à but non lucratif, ses membres sont experimenté dans le domaine associatif, nous avons eu l'occasion de monter des projets d'echange interculturel et des chantiers de solidarités avec Erasmus plus

Mission and Objectives

Le Club Mansouria des Jeunes vise à: -Former et encadrer les jeunes dans les domaines des droits humains, du développement durable et de la protection de l’environnement. Développer l’action associative dans le domaine de l’innovation et de la création. -Mettre en place des espaces de coopération et d’entraide avec les opérateurs nationaux et internationaux dans les domaines qui concernent les jeunes. Participer à la réhabilitation des jeunes en vue de leur insertion dans la vie active et partant, lutter contre toute forme de délinquance

Main Projects / Activities

- Les Journées culturelles de Mansouria - Exposition de livre -Decouverte des talents de la region - Forum d'orientation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we would like to share our experiences with other associations and get some help and learn more things from your network,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it would be a great thing to be a part of your network, we already had some partnerships with other organisations like the municipal council, and already being a part of international organisation adds to us a high value.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mustapha Assadague
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mustapha Assadague


National Network

25 rue Falque

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Maison de L'Ecologie Provence (MEP) is an association for environmental education. 

Mission and Objectives

The association promotes sustainable development ideas to raise level of environemental awareness. It also creates and makes available free-of-charge downloadable teaching tools; to raise awareness among as many children as possible of the importance of the air/water quality, nature and biodiversity. 

Main Projects / Activities

Air and Me programme : to raise awareness of air quality. Air and Me is a creative and co-operative initiative, co-created with many actors (children, teachers, experts, facilitators, parents...). Thanks to Air an Me, more than 500,000 chidren have now been made aware of air quality. Water and Me programme : to raise awareness of water access and conservation.  Nature and Us programme : to raise awareness of the importance of nature and biodiversity. The program came from the project "Les Calanques et Nous", realised in partnership with the Calanques National Park (France); through which 10 educational tools on the Park's biodiversity, geology, history and protection issues have been created. Nature and Us aims now to create a real awareness network, for the preservation of different natural sites. All Regional and National Parks is then invited to participate in the programme, to have educational tools adapted to their territory.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association are really interesting in contributing to the Anna Lindh Network. As the Foundation is focussed on intercultural action and also build dialogues and exchanges amongst societies ; we think we could share and improve our environemental awareness actions through your network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Maison de L'Ecologie Provence is interested in empowering exchange on environmental issues. In order to leave to the future genarations a better world, we need to interact with other organisations. Our association also needs to enlarge its perspectives, to be able to raise awareness among more children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olivier Aslangul
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Florine Panella
Job Title (2)

Wali Alami Expertise

National Network

Rue Abou al wakt khalaf Residence Bahr Lind B Apt 17. 4etage. Bourgogne.

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
Wali Alami Expretise is an Accounting & Audit Firm in Morocco newly established in Casablanca; Founded by Mohamed Wali Alami CPA from ISCAE Casablanca; Willing to dig more in Corporate Social Responsabilty; a misknown area in Morocco, and which is a branch of our expertise, i am looking forward an exchange of Knowledges whethere, in leaderership, Entreprenariat or other areas
Mission and Objectives

Raise the awareness of sustainable development aiming to a Green Morocco

Main Projects / Activities

Share the knowledge about CSR

Contact (1) Full Name
Wali Alami Mohamed
Job Title
Charted Accountant
Head of the organisation
Wali Alami Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Boussetta Fatimazahra
Job Title (2)

Vibrations for the Heart Music Therapy

National Network

Oude Waal
1011ca Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
My name is Niall Mc Guigan. I am a music therapist and musician. I have been combining music, storytelling and voice work with mindfullness and spirituality in workshops and concerts based at bringing people together beyond their personal ideologies towards a more compassionate and human perspective. As a music therapist I work mainoy with special needs clients such as Autsim, Dementia, Brain Injury and Mental health.
Mission and Objectives

To help bring individuals into a perspective of wholeness through awareness practices such as mindfullness and music.
When there is a perspective of wholeness  and contentment in oneself then we are truley ready to bring change into the world.

Main Projects / Activities

I have been touring extensively throughout Europe with my workshop Discovering stillness through music & self-inquiry.
"Discovering stillness through music & self-enquiry". This is an experiential music concert which offers participants the opportunity to recognize our natural state,  a state of "being" and authenticity through music, dialogue, and group voice work.​
The interactive nature of the concert and introspective focus unlocks our ability to observe and question the psychological mind using awareness and the natural curiosity of self-discovery.​
Music is an incredible tool which helps us to access a deeper connection with the heart as it is through the heart that we deepen our sense of "being". Through this connection, self-inquiry can begin to uncover our true nature, the heart of reality and an ever-present stillness within.
As a music therapist I will soon have my research paper "A hueristic enquiry into the development of therapuetic presence as a student music therapist" published in the peer-reviewed music therapy magizine Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a volunteer for events or possible entertaiment for events or workshops as a musician with a message that is in line with your mission statement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to be involved in a project that is influncial in bringing people together. Music is a fundamental part of this and I believe that I also have something to bring as an ethomusicologiist and music therapist.

Contact (1) Full Name
Niall Mc Guigan
Job Title
Music Therapist & Musician
Head of the organisation
Niall Mc Guigan

فدوي أوهاب

National Network

93000 تطوان

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
    طبقا لمقتضيات الظهير الشريف رقم : 1.02.206 الصادر في 12 جمادى الأولى 1423 الموافق ل 23 يوليوز 2002 بتنفيذ القانون رقم :75.00 المغير و المتمم بموجب الظهير الشريف رقم :1.58.376 الصادر في 03 جمادى الأولى 1378 الموافق ل 15 نوفمبر 1958 بشأن حق تنظيم تأسيس الجمعيات ، تأسست بمدينة تطوان بتاريخ 11 يوليوز 2005 و لأمد غير محدود جمعية للتنمية المجالية المندمجة المستدامة تحمل إسم : " جمعية الألفية الثالثة للتنمية و التضامن و التعاون " و يمكن لها إحداث فروع و ملحقيات تابعة لها داخل المغرب و خارجه .                
Mission and Objectives

* المساهمة في تحقيق تنمية شاملة ضمن إستراتجية التكامل مع سياسة المبادرة الوطنية للتنمية البشرية .
* محاربة الإقصاء الإجتماعي في المجالين الحضري و القروي من خلال البرامج الحكومية و بالشراكة مع المؤسسات الوصية و مع المنظمات غير الحكومية داخل المغرب و خارجه .
* القيام بالأعمال الخيرية و الإجتماعية التي تهدف إلى مساعدة المحتاجين عن طريق تنمية الإحساس لدى القطاع الخاص و أصحاب المهن الحرة و المقاولات و الشركات و المعامل و المصانع بأهمية الدور الإجتماعي لهم بجعلهم شركاء و مشاركين في برامج و مشاريع و أنشطة الجمعية .
* المساهمة في تعميم التمدرس و محاربة الأمية و المشاركة في برنامج التربية غير النظامية بالوسط القروي و الحضري من خلال البرامج الحكومية و بالشراكة مع المؤسسات الوصية و الوكالات الدولية و الهيئات المنتخبة .
* توفير و تشجيع التكوين في مجالات التكنولوجيات الحديثة و الإعلام و الاتصال و التواصل لفائدة شباب الأسر الفقيرة و العالم القروي .
* القيام بالبرامج التي تهدف إلى تعزيز قدرات الأشخاص الراغبين في تأسيس الجمعيات و التعاونيات و إحداث المقاولات من خلال المواكبة أثناء التسيير و التدبير .
* إنشاء مركز للتأهيل المجتمعي متعدد التخصصات .
* المساهمة في تعميم التمدرس و التكوين و الإدماج و التنشيط الثقافي لصالح أطفال و شباب الأسرة الفقيرة من خلال البرامج الحكومية و بالشراكة مع المؤسسات الوصية .   
القيام بالأوراش التطوعية و الإجتماعية. من خلال الإستفادة من خبرات المؤسسات العاملة في المجالات الأتي ذكرها و بدعم من الجهات الداعمة و المانحة في المجالات التالية :
المساواة و مقاربة النوع
حقوق الإنسان و التربية المواطنة
البيئة و الحفاظ على المناخ
التنمية القروية المستدامة
التأطير التربوي و التنشيط السوسيو – ثقافي
تنظيم القوافل الطبية
تنظيم خيمات طبية لفائدة صحة الأم و الطفل
العمل على الإشعاع للثقافة و الفن و التراث الأمازيغي بإعتباره ركيزة من ركائز الحضارة المغربية المغربية في تنوعها الثقافي و الفن و التراثي و مصدرا في إرثها الحضاري .
العمل على الإشعاع للثقافة و الفن و التنمية المجتمعية من خلال الإستفادة من الخبرات و تبادل التجارب بين المغرب و باقي دول البحر الأبيض المتوسط .
إنشاء مركز الدراسات و التعاون الدولي لتقوية قدرات النسيج الجمعوي و تطوير كفاءاته و ذلك بالشراكة مع المؤسسات الحكومية و غير الحكومية و الوكالات الدولية و الهيئات المنتخبة و المنظمات غير الحكومية بالمغرب و خارجه .
* العمل على التنسيق و عقد إتفاقيات الشراكة و التعاون مع : المؤسسات الحكومية ، المؤسسات الشبه حكومية ، الهيئات المنتخبة ، الوكالات الدولية ، الشركات ، المقاولات ، جمعيات المجتمع المدني و المنظمات غير الحكومية داخل المغرب و خارجه التي تلتقي مع الجمعية في أهدافها أو ذات الإهتمامات المشتركة .

Main Projects / Activities

* إنشاء ،  تأسيس و الانظمام الى: شبكات ، روابط ، مراصد للمنظمات غير الحكومية ذات نفس إهتمام عمل الجمعية أو مجالات إشتغالها بالمغرب و خارجه .                                                                                                      
* القيام ، بإنجاز : أبحاث علمية و دراسات ميدانية.                                                                           
* تنظيم : لقاءات ، معارض ، ندوات فكرية و ثقافية ، ملتقيات دولية ، أوراش تحسيسية ، تنظيم أيام و أسابيع ثقافية     و فنية .                 
 * تنظيم ملتقيات و أوراش محلية ، وطنية و دولية .                               
* تنظيم : دورات تكوينية و تدريبية ، مخيمات ربيعية لفائدة اليافعين و مخيمات صيفية لفائدة الأطفال .                
* القيام بنشر أنشطة الجمعية في المجلات ، الجرائد و على صفحات المواقع الإلكترونية مع الترويج لها في مختلف وسائل الإعلام داخل و خارج المغرب .                                                                                                 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة جمعيات المجتمع المدني و ملتقيات للمنظمات غير الحكومية .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

عن طريق الإشارة للعضوية بالشبكة 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Baraka Aouhab
Job Title
الرئيس المنتدب
Head of the organisation
رئيسة المكتب التنفيدي

Association for Supporting of Women Candidates

National Network

Buyukdere Cad Cinar Apt No:95 K:6 D:23-24 Mecidiyekoy
34394 Istanbul/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
KA.DER is a women's organization which advocates equal representation of women and men in all fields of life. KA.DER sees equality between women and men in all elected and appointed decision making bodies, where decisions concerning the society and the individuals are made, as a matter of democracy. Women in Turkey have established their presence in different fields of social life. However, in top management positions and especially in politics, women are still too far away from being equally represented. KA.DER was established in March 1997 with a mission to eliminate inequality, to provide participation of all citizens in decisions, and to bring women's experience and resolution ability into social and political arenas. KA.DER strives to increase the representation rate of women in all decision making bodies, both elected and appointed.
Mission and Objectives

Considering the political arena's determinative feature on social life, KA.DER defines ensuring equal representation, primarily in politics, as its main objective. Equal representation ensured in the political field will pave the way for equality between women and men in all fields. KA.DER has 5 branches and 4 representations across the country. KA.DER head office is located in Istanbul.

Main Projects / Activities

To raise awareness on equality between women and men to counter male domination in social and political life.
To eliminate economic, social, cultural and legal obstacles which hinder women's participation in politics.
To have positive discrimination articles for women, in laws and party by-laws, to secure equal representation in decision making bodies.
To remove discriminatory statements directed at women from laws and regulations.
To have laws which secure women's rights and liberation.
To empower women in general, and to encourage them to use, defend and expand their rights.
To empower women and to render their visibility in political parties and encourage them to become candidates for local and general elections.
To carry out lobbying, advocacy, campaigning, organization, solidarity and training activities to strengthen cooperation and collaboration among women in political parties, and to have them, and the women's movement, act in cooperation on issues and policies concerning women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To recognize in all platforms and organize mutual projects/events/etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet civil society organizations araound the world to strentghened women rights and increase woman representation in all decision-making points.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nuray Karaoglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayse Kasikirik
Job Title (2)
Projects Coordinator

Power of Education

National Network


+355 685843614
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Power of Education is non-governmental organisation. 

Mission and Objectives

The specific objectives of the organization are:  - Promotion of youth initiatives and entrepreneurship for the socio-economic empowerment of young people  - Protecting human rights with marginalized focus groups.  - Education in the field of health, environment and gender equality and undertaking relevant initiatives to solve problems. -  Promoting social and cultural values ​​with a focus on youth activism and volunteering.  

Main Projects / Activities

We are new organisation, we plan to do youth activities.   

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our knowledge in youth work and with the infrastructure of our organisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to create new relationship with other NGO-s and to make new partners in the future and to develop new topics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klodiana Kadeli
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Klodiana Kadeli
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristjan Marku
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Creative Space Beirut

National Network

Beirut Souks, Khan El Joukh, Block D, Units 102/104, Creative Space Beirut

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Creative Space Beirut is a free school for fashion design that provides quality education to talented youth from low socio-economic backgrounds. We believe that there is so much talent in Lebanon that is being wasted merely because education is so expensive. It is our mission to find these talented gems and provide them with the education they need to be able to pursue their dreams. In operation for eight years, the school has grown from a three-month project in the basement of a hostel, to a three-year program with two adjacent, bright, and spacious rent-free studios in Downtown Beirut Souks! We offer a comprehensive, quality program built on a holistic curriculum that utilizes alternative methods of education where technical skills are embedded in the creative process, empowering our students from the get go. Our program is entirely free of charge, covering supplies and transportation as well.  Our students come from different backgrounds across Lebanon, including Palestinian and Syrian refugees. The school provides a space of radical tolerance and acceptance for its diverse students. Our system of free education and subsequent support disrupts current creative industry infrastructures that make it difficult for those without financial means to penetrate the design world. Our aim is to promote equal opportunity into the industry, making it more accessible to those with vision and dedication, regardless of social or economic barriers. Our graduates have gone off to start their own brands, gain positions at exciting labels, teach at universities, and pursue their masters.  Creative Space Beirut is funded predominantly through student-based scholarships sponsored by generous individuals who believe in the importance of free creative education. Sources of funding firstly include donors. We received a generous contribution from Drosos Foundation that will help fund our project for four years. We also receive funding from individual donors who sponsor our students. We organize evening fashion workshops that take place in our space and the proceeds generated are donated to the school. However, the school also raises funds through the following: Events: Creative Space Beirut collaborates with an array of venues and partners to emphasize the significance of free education every year. Notably, the organization partners with AHM (a sought-after nightlife destination in Beirut) each year to co-host a fundraiser party. This event is advertised through social media, and a percentage of the profits made at the fundraiser is donated to Creative Space Beirut. Exhibitions: Every year, the Creative Space Beirut students are provided with the opportunity to showcase and sell their pieces at a post-fashion show exhibition. The profits are donated to Creative Space Beirut.  Social Enterprise: In order to achieve Creative Space Beirut’s vision of building an ecosystem and expanding the educational program, the team has developed a social enterprise with the aim of self-sustainability. The social enterprise currently consists of three in-house brands and an online shop that will be launched in 2019.  A percentage of the profits from the social enterprise is donated to the school each year. csb ready-to-wear is a brand designed by head mentor and co-founder Caroline Simonelli, and produced by the Creative Space Beirut team.  SECOND ST is a brand with a playful take on the classic shirt. The brand is designed and managed by Tracy Moussi, Sarah Hermez and George Rouhana.  Roni Helou is the namesake brand of Creative Space Beirut graduate, Roni Helou. The brand is managed by Creative Space Beirut’s team.  Our team has expertise in fashion design production, website development, eCommerce development, photography, videography and content management. The team is composed of three co-founders, five head designers, art department head, graphic designers, a pattern-maker, a production manager, a content manager and an eCommerce manager.  In business for three years, Tracy Moussi (Director and Co-founder) is the Director of the social enterprise and co-founder of the brand “Second St”, a socially conscious brand with a progressive take on the classic shirt, and stands as one of the head designers. Sarah Hermez (Co-founder) is also the co-founder of the brand “Second St.” and also head designer. She is a Lebanese fashion designer who pursued dual degrees in fashion design at Parsons the New School for Design and media/cultural studies at Eugene Lang the New School for Liberal Arts in New York. She moved to Beirut in 2010 and launched Creative Space Beirut, merging the two worlds she is passionate about and bridging the social and the creative industries. She continues to direct the program and act as mentor to the students.  George Rouhana (Co-founder and Head of Art Department) is also the third head designer of Second St brand, in addition to handling all activities related to production and developing content for the website, online shop, and social media platforms. Caroline Simonelli (Designer of csb-ready-to-wear brand) is a Lebanese/American designer who teaches fashion design at Parsons the New School for Design in New York. Caroline travels from New York to Beirut twice a year to teach at Creative Space Beirut. Caroline is also the designer of csb-ready-to-wear brand, a “one size fits most” concept of nomadic clothing. Roni Helou (Fashion designer) is a designer who graduated from Creative Space Beirut in December 2016. He creates modern pieces that strive for originality while building an ecosystem that preserves the brand's values of sustainability, eco-friendliness and ethical practices. Furthermore, the brand strives to be socially-conscious, not only in its production methods, which are entirely local and promote fair practices, but also through collaboration with local artists and artisans. The brand also gives back to its community by donating 30% of its profits to Creative Space Beirut. The Development Manager, Jennifer Jahjah, is responsible for the school, supervising the funding budget, applying to donors and grants, organizing workshops, and managing the overall project. Our content manager, Yasmin Harake, is responsible for creating content for print, digital and social media. Graphic designer Yaman Tomeh ensures the quality of print and digital images. We are currently in the process of expanding our art department and marketing team. The production manager of CSB ready-to-wear and alumna, Aline Seukunian, ensures designs are produced as meticulously as possible. The eCommerce manager, Leen Akkad, attended a digital marketing bootcamp to provide her with the skills and knowledge needed to boost our online shop. Each team member will be responsible for certain tasks in visual identity, social media and marketing.  
Mission and Objectives

Creative Space Beirut is a school that’s dedicated to fostering the talent of young, aspiring designers who lack the resources required to pursue a career in the field of design. In creating an educational ecosystem where quality design education, industry experience, networking and career support are provided entirely for free, Creative Space Beirut ensures these young talents are given equal opportunities when it comes to breaking into the increasingly costly and competitive design industry.
Creative Space Beirut aims to become a multi-disciplinary, self-sustainable and expansive educational ecosystem that combines free teaching, industry experience, career opportunities and ethical production in order to both disrupt and challenge socioeconomically exclusive and environmentally destructive design industry methods and practices. 
Creative Space Beirut advocates the importance and delivery of free education, and the significance of guiding individuals towards achieving their full potential through learning and creative expression. 
In a bid to minimize its environmental footprint, Creative Space Beirut promotes the significance of consciousness in everything it does. In order to highlight the importance of environmental awareness and social understanding, Creative Space Beirut encourages and highlights transparency, ethical practice, sustainable production and equal opportunities in all areas. 
Creative Space Beirut has a firm belief that everything it does should promise quality as well as the fullest potential of its intended design and function. Therefore, Creative Space Beirut works to assure the highest quality possible in all services and products it offers. 

Main Projects / Activities

Activities include: Delivery of a holistic three-year education program to enrolled students. Provide relevant internship, volunteering or one-to-one private client experience, in partnership with other fashion schools. Organize a yearly fashion show. Monitor the number of students enrolled in the School. Assist new alumni in navigating the professional design sector, building portfolio, and access to employment.Collaborate with selected alumni (1 alumnus per year) to produce mini-collections that will be sold on the online shop. Undertake continuous photoshoots (weekly) of new products to put on CSB website. Undertake a marketing campaign to support the social enterprise to increase its contribution to CSB. Monitor the marketing trends, using baseline figures to be developed. Launch short workshops’ program. Expansion of brands into new boutiques for wholesale and consignment sales. Participate in yearly showrooms to increase exposure and sales. Develop a three-year business strategy. Revise the existing three-year financial business plan. Develop a strategy for the online shop including marketing sales and targets. Map donors that fund creative NGOs. Submit proposals to donors. Increase the contribution of individual donors. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization is mixture of so many different factors. We are a non-governmental organization that provides quality education for those who do not have the resources to pursue it, and we also have a sister organization that is a social enterprise the helps sustain the school and is socially-conscious. We can contribute to the Network in our country by exchanging experiences, ideas, platforms, friendships, networks, meet other civil society organizations, collaborate with them, and participate in events that can benefit all parties involved. Also, we can introduce other civil society organizations to our mission of free education and ethical labor and hopefully, one day, it can reach the whole world. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network firstly because it would be an honor and a privilege to become a member. Secondly, we believe we share the Foundation's values, and we would love to meet other civial organizations who share the same values as we do and learn about their journeys and missions. We can all help, motivate, and inspire each other and push each other forward because we all bring different things to the table but under the same umbrella of making a difference in the world. We believe so much in making change and it is this drive that keeps us going and expanding.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Sarah Hermez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sarah Hermez
Contact (2) Full Name
Jennifer Jahjah
Job Title (2)
Development Manager


National Network

Rafedia 27000
Palestinian Territories

‏0569 827 830‏
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Witness Center for Citizen Rights and Social Development Vision: Palestinian Political Regime is responsive for Youth and Marginalized community’s needs and perceptions  Goals: Enhance youth role and marginalized communities in decision and planning process in terms of public life Providing young people with knowledge, skills and tools improving their capacities and efficiency Bridging the gap between Young people and marginalized communities with decision makers  Fields of work: Think Tank: providing a space for Palestinian Young Professionals to formulate policy papers reflect their point of
Mission and Objectives

Witness Center for Citizen Rights and Social Development
Palestinian Political Regime is responsive for Youth and Marginalized community’s needs and perceptions 
Enhance youth role and marginalized communities in decision and planning process in terms of public life
Providing young people with knowledge, skills and tools improving their capacities and efficiency
Bridging the gap between Young people and marginalized communities with decision makers 
Fields of work:
Think Tank: providing a space for Palestinian Young Professionals to formulate policy papers reflect their point of

Main Projects / Activities

views and perception among political, economic and development priorities. 
Youth: The main power of change in the society need more investments in their capacities to enhance their positive role in social and political change process 
Media: Aiming to raise young and marginalized community’s voices and supporting media initiatives
Danish Youth Council “DUF”
European Endowment Democracy “ EED”
International Media Support  “ IMS”
GIZ- Palestine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 understanding the main role of economy in supporting peace between the two people which we must believe in strongly and fight terrorism and corruption, even in the Palestinian government. In waiting, and you assure me my position is well, Perhaps in the future it would be in a better position to achieve the international community and the American goals in spreading stability and creating leaders that believe in democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 Combating Extremism and Violence, Spreading Peace and Dialogue between Cultures Conference as part of a project leading management program and providing ongoing support to volunteers themselves, moreover matching  them with a position that suits their skills and interests to get the best out of their potentials
local Palestinian organization that does work in the field of creating an educated youth generation that fights violence and promotes the values of love. It should also be noted that I have many writings and stories about the movements that invested in youth and deceiving them to destroy humanity. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Awwad
Job Title
Projects manager
Head of the organisation
Kayad Mare
Contact (2) Full Name
Kayad Mare
Job Title (2)
Executive manager