Women’s Center AlThouri Silwan (AWC)

National Network

82 Al-Ras, Abu-Tur, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
  يعمل المركز على نشر الحقوق الاجتماعية والعمل على توفير فرص عمل بشروط عادلة للنساء وتمكين المرأة اقتصاديا وسياسيا وصحيا وذلك من خلال برامج توعية وبرامج تشغيلية وصحية وثقافية وبرامج تدريبية للنساء والاطفال في سلوان بشكل خاص والقدس بشكل عام
Mission and Objectives

يهدف المركز الى تطوير الفتيات والنساء في جميع مراحل الحياة ، واكسابهن الفرصة لتطوير انفسهن من نواحي اجتماعية ، من خلال البرامج التدريبية المختلفة وورشات عمل نتخصصة .

Main Projects / Activities

1. برنامج التطوير للمرأة
2. برنامج تنمية وتعزيز النواحي الاقتصادية للمرأة والشباب
3. مشروع نساء من أجل غد أفضل
4. برنامج تأهيل النساء والشباب لتطوير مهارات الاتصال والتواصل باللغات الاجنبية
5. برنامج الدعم النفسي للعائلة
6. برنامج التوجيه الديني للفئات المختلفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا في المركز النسوي الثوري سلوان باعتبارنا مركز مجتمعي يقوم بتزويد الخدمات للفئات المختلفة بالمجتمع المحلي المقدسي فاننا نعتقد ان العلاقات المختلفة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بفلسطين ستقوم بتوقيد العلاقات مع الشبكة الوطنية بفلسطين ونحن كمركز نسوي نعتقد اننا قادرين على ان تزود القائمين بالمعارف والخبرات الضرورية باطار توقيد التعاون الدولي اعتمادا على الثقافات الموجودة يوجد عندنا شبكة من العلاقات الفاعلة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بالقدس والضفة الغربية وهذه العلاقة المهنية للمركز النسوي ستطور عمل الشبكة الوطنية بشكل كبير من حيث القدرة على التأثير للشبكة الوطنية والمساهمه بالتغيير الايجابي .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نعتقد بالمركز النسوي ان مؤسسة انا ليند والشبكة الوطنية هي من المؤسسات الريادية على المستوى العالمي الذي يحث على احترام الثقافات وتعزيز الدور المجتمعي لمختلف الثقافات بين اواسط الفئات المختلفة عموما والشباب على وجه الخصوص نعتقد ان المؤسسة تمت من الخبرة والمعارف ما يمكنها حتما من المساهمه الايجابية لبناء المجتمع بالشكل المهني السليم نرغب كمركز نسوي من الانضمام الى الشبكة لاننا نؤمن بأهمية الدور الذي تلعبونه ولاننا نعتقد بأن هذه المؤسسة هي المنبر التفاعلي بين الاعضاء وهو منبر لتبادل الخبرات والمعارف الضرورية ونتوقع الكثير من الفوائد المتراكمة التي سنجنيها لقاء انضمام مؤسستنا الى مؤسستكم العريقة .

Contact (1) Full Name
Abeer Zayyad
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Palestine Association for Education and Environmental Protection ( PAEEP)

National Network

Amro ben Al-Ass street –Northern Remal –Gaza ,Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
PAEEP is formally registered since 1999 as a Non-profit organization under registration number: 7191 by the Palestinian Ministry of Interior (MOI).  
Mission and Objectives

Strategic objectives:
PAEEP aims to contribute to:
 Upgrading educational thinking, environmental awareness and consolidating and disseminating community involvement and responsibility towards preserving the natural wealth.
 Providing the society with the environmental information means.
 Improve health care quality and safety through support care in the community and at home.
 Contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation and working on reducing the environmental contaminants
 Contributing to the formulation and development of environmental laws and legislation
 Rehabilitating and empowering human resources in protecting the environment and motivating them.
 To facilitate the empowerment of farmers/producers through assistance for mobilization, organization into associations, cooperatives etc. for their increased participation in planning, marketing, technology dissemination and agro-processing etc.
Improving the Children's Environmental Learning in Al-Shijaia District" funded by United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) November 2014
Improving the children's environmental learning in Al-Shejaiia after the war” project that implemented in the East Gaza in Gaza Governorates. The project was aiming to restore normal life to children of Al-Shejaia KGs after the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip that resulted nearly 2,200 deaths including nearly 500 Palestinian children that reported children experienced heightened distress.  In addition, this project improved the educational attainment of children through the distribution of recreational and educational tools for the use of children in kindergarten.  This project targeted nearly 970 children (530 male and 440 female) in three Kindergartens who are mostly in the age between 3 to 5-year-old and 38 KGs teacher.
Support affected families" funded by Norwegian People's Aid, October 2014.
PAEEP distributed cooking utensils to 285 families in need in North and Gaza Governorate to support families who were affected by the July 2014 war on Gaza Strip.
PAEEP distributed clothes for 600 children from the Gaza Strip from the families who had their home destroyed in the Last war on Gaza Strip, as part of a project of Gaza Emergency Relief
Reducing Food Insecurity through Food basket Assistance extremely to vulnerable and conflict affected older people headed" funded by United Palestinian Appeal (UPA)
To ensure that 45 food insecure older people have provided the basic needs in Ramadan to food and better nutritional status through distribution a food basket.
Strengthening civil society as a means of poverty reduction for vulnerable older people in the occupied Palestinian territory
The action aims to increase the productivity and scope of the livelihood’s activities of 250 older people and their families to increase their household income. It will do this in two main ways: (a) Livelihoods training and (b) Provision of assets/inputs for earning income: the action will provide poor older people with additional assets to expand their opportunities for future income and food for their own consumption. The assets/inputs will include bee keeping, poultry, sheep and vegetables and will vary according to the local economy and individual household priorities
Enhancing food security conditions of marginalized communities in WB and Gaza" funded by Norwegian Peoples Aid
The project was aiming to improve and sustaining agricultural activities, resource management and food security of 274 families in Gaza and WB. The project has three main activities in Gaza: 1) Planting 191 dunums of seasonal crops for 45 farmers ( 34 M, 11F)   2) Land Rehabilitation of 49 dunums for 8 farmers (7 M, 1F)  3) Creation of 925 workdays for 23 (18M,5F) unemployed agricultural field supervisor and worker, and 5 main activities in WB: 1) Establishment of 15 water harvesting cisterns for 15 farmers(11M,4F) and recharged each with 50 m3  2) Rehabilitation of 30 damaged cisterns for 30 farmers(23 M,7F) and recharge each with 50m3 3) Planting of 90 dunums with olive, citrus& almonds for 24 farmers(17M,7F)  4) Rehabilitation of 36 green houses for 29 farmers (19M, 10F) 5) Creation of 775 workdays for 10(4M,6F) unemployed agricultural field worker and supervisor. The project period extended one more month to end in 28 Feb. instead of 31st of Jan 2014 which was an emergency relief to the affected farmers in Tulkarm by the last storm of cold and rain in December 2014 .The extension activities in Dhinnaba Tulkarm 1) Distributing nylon of damaged green houses for 45 farmers (29M, 16F), open fields crops for 45 farmers(35M,10F) and compost  for the same 90 farmers 2) Leveling of agricultural road in Ertah Valley 3) creation of 75 workdays for 3farmers (2M,1F)  unemployed agricultural field supervisor.
Youth engagement in civic society to increase the environmental awareness (Environment Guardians)"Funded by USAID in partnership with Catholic Relief service
It aimed to develop the grassroots Palestinian youth skills who are engaged in environmental awareness to boost their community participation and increase the awareness of Palestinian public in Gaza Strip on critical environmental issues. The project has three main activities: 1) Opening Workshop 2) Life Skills Training 3) Celebration of the Arab Environment Day on 14 October. The project period has been extended one more month to end in 30 Nov. instead of 31st of Oct. 2013.
The actual main activity of awareness and planting campaign was held at Gaza Community College for Tourist Studies, Gaza Training College (UNRWA), and Gaza University. After a deep coordination with AlAzhar University and AlQuds Open University, the midterm exams were the biggest problem for those universities to accept the participation in our project activities. On regards to the activities that were canceled, there were two activities: design and publish the three websites and the laptops purchase, these were canceled upon the new amendments to extend the project one more month, according to the approval of CRS's supervisor.
Rehabilitation of agriculture land and cultivated with mature plant and job creation program
The project aims to support the agricultural sector through rehabilitation of damaged lands, and to provide employment opportunities for poor and marginalized farmers in Gaza and the North Governorate. About 160 dunums was rehabilitated and planted with mature trees in Gaza and North Governorate.                                                                                                                  
Rehabilitation of 160 Greenhouses Destroyed by the Israeli in Gaza Strip 2008-2009
The PAEEP proposes through this project to rehabilitate and maintain 160 greenhouses and in the targeted area. Wire mesh installed in each greenhouse.
The rehabilitation of the greenhouses includes the use of iron props and nylons and the plastic sheets that are needed to cover the greenhouse skeleton. Wire mesh installed at the rehabilitated greenhouses.
PAEEP will select the beneficiaries according to the set selection criteria and in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture
Installation of 30 water desalination units at Kindergarten, Schools and Clinics
This project aims at improving the quality of water for drinking purposes at the proposed schools and enhance the environmental awareness through Providing (30 RO units) in the targeted KGs, schools and clinics with the production of 200-300 lit/day as sensitive targeted group with suitable water for drinking/domestic use, which will improve the health condition among children in the 30 targeted KGs, schools and clinics
“Improvement of potable water quality and enhancement of environmental awareness in and Khan Yunis schools through installation of five water desalination units at the elementary schools
This project aims at providing the Primary, girls/boys schools in (5 units) five units for the schools with the production of 1000 lit/day as sensitive targeted group with suitable water for drinking/domestic use which will improve the health condition among school children. Ten declination units (RO) will be installed at the five schools as recommended by the Ministry of Education. At the same time, this project will provide a campaign of public awareness activities for both the children as well their teachers. In addition, a workshop focusing and highlighting the clean environment as a basic issue of human rights will be conducted at one of the targeted schools just to attract the attention of people ion decision-making to consider this issue in the future projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing community services and improving environmental infrastructure.
Economic empowerment of vulnerable families in the Gaza strip
To protect the environment from environmental pollution risk.
To reinforce the resilience of the Palestinian society at emergency and disaster.
Mitigating the psychological and social effects of poor economic conditions and difficulties in the Gaza Strip

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Around 20 years of working within the Palestinian community of large network of civil society organizations in Gaza strip and the West Bank, built trust and confirmed gender and protection mainstreaming in working in the humanitarian context in Gaza Strip. PAEEP is working on providing affected people with required assistances to meet their needs in the form of money and conditional helps. Additionally, relief and emergency, environmental protection, capacity building and development, and economic empowerment programs.  PAEEP builds bridges with the community by targeting different categories; youth, farmers, graduates, teachers, PWDs, elderlies, women, and other people at various sectors. PAEEP establishes development programs that focus on those categories based on the area of need. Intensive power is given to people to discuss, and make a difference, to young people voices, and for those who lead initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Kuhail
Head of the organisation

association de cooperation culturelle et soutien handicaps anx de safi

National Network

Maison des jeunes sidi ouassel
46152 safi

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Association de coopération  culturelle et soutien des handicapés  de safi  Association à 3 partenariats  avec 3 ONG française 
Mission and Objectives

Soutien au pauvres de monde rurale 
Soutien aux handicapés 

Main Projects / Activities

Aide les handicapés  par recherche des dons pour  eux 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
abderrahim zine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
abderrahim zine
Contact (2) Full Name
Laila marouan
Job Title (2)


National Network

Barbaros Bulvarı İBA Blokları No:42 Balmumcu-İSTANBUL
34349 Beşiktaş/

+90 212 213 05 56
+ 90 212 213 05 59
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
As a peace and dialogue initiative, Marmara Group Foundation continues its efforts since 1985. Marmara Group Foundation as a possessor of civil thought philosophy is a force that strives to produce common solutions to common problems through creating campaigns to pressure decision making organs. Accordingly it is one of the new geopolitical actors of globalization. Furthermore, it is an institution that is widely recognized by the international civil initiative realm and it is an important part of the international relations system and the today's geopolitical structure This evaluation might be a little exaggeration but the fact that civil society organizations are amongst the important geopolitical actors in today's world is beyond doubt. With a broader assessment Marmara Group Foundation regards participation as an important intellectual area of social transformation. We believe participation is the main principle of globalization and democracy. As Marmara Group Foundation we also believe that global thinking creates an intellectual sphere within the values of civil society. Therefore, the existence of civil society, combined with globalization has now become one of the tools of sustainable democracy and economic development and hence the progress.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation is: To think about and discuss Turkey’s problems such as economy, democracy and security and to share ideas with public opinion by finding rational and scientific solutions.
In this direction, Marmara Group Foundation conducts researches and implements projects with Middle East, Balkans, Eurasian Countries, national and international think-tanks.
To promote economic and democratic development of Turkey in the direction of contemporary values in the world.
To analyze effects of transformations and developments seen in the areas of science, technology, economy, democracy and their reflections on our social and political life.
To support Turkey EU membership and promote the relevant transformations and gender equality within the framework of EU criteria.
To support the transition from traditional to modernity in order to enable society and individual to be a part of democracy in our country.

Main Projects / Activities

Eurasian Economic Summits are annually organized with the active participation of national and international decision makers and experts in the fields of economy, politics, energy, sociology and security. The purpose of these Summits are to bring our country's businessmen, politicians and academics together and help them to cooperate in the fields of economy, democracy and security. 

Marmara Group Foundation attaches great importance and supports Turkey's EU membership and accordingly watches and evaluates the change in our country with regards to the EU criteria. It implements joint effort with other pro EU NGOs. Implements campaigns in order to establish European values within the thought system of the society. Again within the same framework, it implements projects that promote gender equality and human rights.

We continue to proceed studies related to inter cultural and religion both national and international level for 20 years via conferences, seminars, panels.

As Marmara Group Foundation for almost 6 years we continue studies on One Belt- One Road Project with national and international meetings.

We attach great importance to gender equality and make studies for it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a civil society inititative, Marmara Group Foundation contribute to the promotion of Turkey on abroad. Especially with the studies about peace and dialogue Marmara Group Foundation named as "the bright face of Turkey".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

If we can find opportunity, we wish to cooperate and make common works together for peace and dialogue. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lamiya Valiyeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Akkan Suver

Vakxikon Publications

National Network

Veranzerou 13
10677 Athens

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Vakxikon Publications is a leading publishing company in Greece who promote the literature of Young authors and of the contemporary authors around Europe and the world. 
Mission and Objectives

To promote the young European voices in Greek language. 

Main Projects / Activities

Publishing company 

Contact (1) Full Name
Nestoras Poulakos
Head of the organisation
Nestoras Poulakos


National Network

06543 ANKARA/

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Artistic Center A Casa ao Lado

National Network

Rua Francisco Alves 1058 Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga
Vila Nova de Famalicão

Mobile Phone
+351 934841129
Mobile Phone (other)
+351 936950840
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Artistic Center The House next door(A Casa ao Lado), in the development of its activities has focused a significant part of its work on the creation of a platform of projects with Institutions, Municipalities and Associations related to the area of Social and Cultural Dynamization. These projects consist of actions in the area of development of Artistic Education, Social Inclusion through Art and Urban Interventions. A Casa ao Lado is an UNESCO Club. The House next door has as its mission the support for the development of technical skills linked to the arts, through the promotion and promotion of the improvement of people's capacities. It consists of qualified human resources with experience in the arts area, namely in technical areas, and knowledgeable of the added value inherent to materials and their applications. Through contact with audiences of different age groups, groups with greater social vulnerability, with a view to facilitating the encounter and dialogue between different social groups, age, cultural, equal opportunities and strengthening social and territorial cohesion, detected the need to bring this type of knowledge and motivation to the population.  The ability, of The House next door, to convert ideas into realities and leisure is a strategy and a competitive requirement.Being The House next door, interventional with and for the Community, faced over the years with the lack of understanding of the Community towards the importance of the historical evolution of the Graphism of Man, thinking the same as urban interventions were something of the current.  In this context, the Interpretive Center of Graphics arises – Labyrinth of the Arts, one of A Casa ao Lado's Projets. The Labyrinth of the Arts aims to reinforce some of the contents covered in school curricula, introducing concepts that are usually more absent from this sphere, allowing to create lasting and stimulating bridges between school and non-school learning, in a creative and appealing way.  Is it possible to go around the world of Art History in a creative maze? Travel for different times, know customs and discover techniques kept as a secret for centuries? From Rock Art to the Art of the 19th Century. XXI, the Labyrinth of the Arts aims to be a learning space based on the development of Graphism, where artistic movements, artists, aesthetics and styles of the most diverse horizons are presented in a creative journey.  The space seeks to enhance factors such as creativity, individual expression and capacity for representation, fostering the discovery of artistic movements through theoretical explanations and practical works related to each presented season. In the artistic intervention projets, A Casa ao Lado has several Projets with the Comunity. The team of A Casa ao Lado has 4 plastic artists, 1 designer and 1 person from art and heritage. A Casa ao Lado works with private institutions, city halls, schools, cultural centers.    
Mission and Objectives

it is intended to develop and arouse the interest of the individuals involved, community in general, through accessibility and artistic experimentation, seeking to distinguish the following objectives:
• Stimulate creativity and aesthetic sensitivity;
• Promote interculturality through the arts: Awareness and knowledge of cultural practices and art forms strengthen personal and collective identities and values, contributing to promote cultural diversity.
• Promote the formation of new audiences for the appreciation of artistic manifestations: Promote activities, addressed to different audiences, of seduction and stimulation for the arts.
• Promote the integration and cooperation of the institutions of the community;
• Contribute to the fight against loneliness and isolation, through the dynamization of artistic and cultural practices;
• Foster access to culture for new audiences;
• Actively contribute to the increase in the feelings of belonging of the individual in the Community through the promotion of social ethics and cultural and artistic participation through innovative interventions and integrative and inclusive responses;
• Direct involvement in artistic and cultural experiences as active participants in the creation of brands of cultural heritage;
• Integrate young people with NEe at risk of social exclusion, through a methodology based on artistic practice;
• Enable the subject to recognize his/her as an active cultural agent through the construction of his identity;
• Intervene in the formation of the individual so that he becomes active, able to question the world and act on him;
• Develop civic awareness, by promoting citizenship and participation in the community, through a civic education to promote art and culture and the approximation of art with the community;
• Allow participants, with vulnerable socio-economic conditions, to enjoy artistic experiences making known other realities, bringing them closer to culturally different people without losing the values of equity and social equality;

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our Artistic Projets  with the Comunity
Regarding the commemorations of the Fifth Centenary of the First World Tour (2019-2022), as well as Fernão de Magalhães, also the project “A TRACE by Magalhães”, considered it possible for the Portuguese Community spread throughout the world to leave its “mark” through Community artistic interventions.
"Urban Youth" is an urban intervention project in partnership with the Youth House of Famalicão that aims to promote the encounter and dialogue between young people from 12 to 35 years, in order to strengthen social and territorial cohesion through art. In order to promote artistic activity as an instrument of economic, social and cultural development, the "Urban Youth" project also has as its objective the valorisation of urban spaces through artistic interventions.
Project, titled "TRACE" - Urban Art Intervention - Towers of Lameiras Buildings, sought to provide access to new forms of art and information to young residents, enhancing their social integration and citizenship, thus overcoming the situation of imminent social exclusion in which they were.
Winning project of "Networking" 2017 by the Municipality of V.N.Famalicão.
Urban community intervention in 20 banks of Rua Luís de Camões, in Famalicão, with the graphic narrative of the 10 stories of the "Lusíadas".
MARK - Interventions in school spaces, so that each student leaves his mark and at the same time requalify-transform your school.
Labyrinth of the Arts
In the Labyrinth of the Arts, visits are made by the light of a lantern that illuminates the route and leads the look through the murals, creating a special surrounding. The new interpretive center of graphics has ten rooms depicting different periods, duly contextualized by the guide: first, a Paleolithic cave, followed by a long time corridor that runs through the Metal Age, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Impressionism and the different artistic movements of the 19th century. XX (Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Pop Art…). In the end, there is also a reproduction of a work by Vhils, probably the best known Portuguese urban artist today. A note to recognize the inexhaustible need to record and communicate through murals.
The Paleolithic Year
The visit to the Labyrinth of the Arts, with about two hours, has always associated a workshop. Each year, theoretical and practical activities will be concentrated at one time for a deeper approach. Until April 2020, the focus is on the Paleolithic, joining the Côa Museum to hold lectures and exhibitions on rock art. During the week, the interpretative center only hosts school, on Saturdays, the doors are open to the community, to realize, after all, that this painting of walls had been done for thousands of years.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we will seek to enable access to new forms of art and information to participants in our artistic interventions, enhancing their social integration and citizenship, also seeking to enhance their knowledge for different graphic techniques and enhance the evolution of Graphism over time.
Through the promotion of a non-formal education and the realization of cultural, teaching and leisure activities it is intended to impel interpersonal development and strengthen the exercise of citizenship of the participant, with a view to good integration in their social context; and developing and/or enhancing personal growth and development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our Work and our Goal is to leave an artistic mark with the Comunity. We wuold like to join ALF Network to know the realities of other Comunities and to connect with groups from the Comunities in shape of an intercultural work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joana Isabel Sousela Brito Gamboa Fernandes
Job Title
Art Director
Head of the organisation
Joana Brito
Contact (2) Full Name
Ricardo Jorge Amorim Nogueira Miranda
Job Title (2)
Art Director

MAC Club for Social Development

National Network

23rd St. El Nasr - El Manshya

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
MAC Club is a civil society organization founded since the 5th of October 2011, working on the social development, training and consultancy. The letters MAC are abbreviation for (Make A Contribution) to be the mission for developing our community through our contribution. The organization consists of 10 working staff members;  4 Board of Chairman  6 Officers  In addition to 40+ volunteers  MAC Club operates from an administrative headquarters however, our activities are located in different venues.  The sources of fund are usually based on crowd fund and sometimes we got fund per activity, however the main issue remaining is having a sustainable operational fund.  Our modules take the format of;  Awareness Campaigns.  Non-formal education projects  Training programs Our partners varies per the activity and scope of work;  Heritage Theme: Al Horya Center for Creativity Arts Health and Environment Theme: Bibliotheca Alexandrina  Women Empowerment theme: Alexandria Regional Center for Women's Health
Mission and Objectives

To be the social changing entity that can help the community towards finding better and tangible solutions and to be the destination for youth who want to invest their energy to add a remarkable value to their community.
MAC Club 2020
MAC Club to be sustainable development organization, able to raise the qualifications of the individuals and provide a platform for enhancing the community.
Introduce MAC Club as a social development organization nationally and regionally.
Run MAC Club as a business module through; projects, training programs and events.
Empower the capacity and potentials to be able to create, implement and perform.

Main Projects / Activities

MAC Club main project and activities are subdivided from its working themes and they are; 
Heritage Preservation: Throughout Revival Alexandrian Heritage Program that aim to raise the awareness about the importance of heritage and its moral value.
Child Protection: through Spotlight program that provides all the possible ways to achieve child safeguard and provide space for children to create and integrate in their communities. 
Women Empowerment and Gender Diversity Management: Through Bridges program that seek to raise the potentials of youth and especially young females through training to create new female potentials. 
Peace Building and Dialogue: Within different partnerships with stakeholders in national and regional programs as Young Mediterranean Vocies with Anna Lindh and British Council Co funded by European Union. 
Health and Environmental Awareness: MAC Care program is aiming to provide the easiest possible ways of raising the awareness in public health and enhance sustainable communities within environmental policies. 
In addition to working in the Events' management and Training in development related activities. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network through our activities illustrated above, joining the network would allow us to expand it in a large scale. Also helping the network through event planning and training at any related field if possible. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network would allow MAC Club to expand regionally and nationally with different stakeholders and this will help in achieving our objectives, in addition to promoting intercultural and civil society dialogue to stand against the surrounding challenges. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed El Bayar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed El Bayar

Association Tamaguit pour les Droits les Libertés et la Culture Amazighe

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Association Tamaguit pour les Droits les Libertés et la Culture Amazighe est une association tunisienne cree 10 juin 2017      

Mission and Objectives

pour objectif ameliore la culture de droit de l homme et de travailler que soit les lois tunisienne adapter a les les conventions international de drot de l homme et proteger et devlopper la culture amezigh  

Main Projects / Activities

l association a organise  des cours chaque semain pendant une annee d apprentissage de la langue amezgih on a organise des evenements pour feter une nouvelle annee amezigh

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

on met tous nous experience a votre disposition

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
esseket mohamed mohsen
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

Calle San Luis 72, 3D
41003 Sevilla

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Azimut is a non-profit organization broadcasting artists from the Arab worlds which objective is to give them more visibility and to show contemporary realities from the Arab worlds through arts.
Mission and Objectives

The project was born out of a meeting between two young women and their passion for art. Linked to the Arab world through our stories and life course, we follow very closely the news, the challenges the people have to face, and the tools and spaces of expression that arise in this contemporary context. We are both passionate about art and convinced of its capacity to encourage a better understanding of the other, and thus a greater tolerance. Located between Morocco, Algeria, Andalusia and Marseille, we created a network of cultural actors and artists from the Mediterranean South Shore that allowed us to launch the activities of Azimut in Seville.

Main Projects / Activities

Through the organization of multidisciplinary event (Azimut's Creative Encounters on the Arab Worlds) in Seville, AZIMUT aims to show works by young artists, new writings and new formats in order to present realities that are not very visible through official channels. The objective of these Encounters is not to essentialize an Arab identity but to show its diversity. Art has the particularity of being a permanent laboratory of inventions, and in territories in crisis, it seems necessary to invent new forms of expression. Artistic creation allows individuals to speak for themselves, to formulate ideas and feelings that are often difficult to express. Artists are social actors influenced by the cultural, social and political context in which they live, and often engaged in the issues of their time. As much as the artist is influenced by society,his works influence it in return.
The works shown will be selected either for their innovative forms of expression or for the message or information they want to convey. We seek to ensure that each work is the subject of reflection and debate with the public and the artist who will be present.
In addition, the dissemination of these works is for AZIMUT a form of support for the freedom of expression of these artists, for whom it is often difficult to create and express in a free manner, sometimes subject to censorship.
The Creative Encounters on the Arab Worlds are a multidisciplinary event taking place for a week in Seville. These Encounters are an opportunity to give voice to a lively and creative youth. Through these few days dedicated to the creative effusion of contemporary Arab worlds, we wish to create spaces and times for exchanges and sharing with artists from both shores and audiences from diverse backgrounds to become aware of the diversity of faces of these worlds we call Arab.Through the creations of emerging artists, there is the desire to write new narratives, new stories about contemporary Arab worlds, to overtake common beliefs. It is a question of giving to see and  hear geographical territories not to enclose them in frozen mental borders. Arts appeared to us as the best medium. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Based between Spain, France, Algeria and Morocco, the AZIMUT team has developed a network of cultural and artistic actors throughout the Mediterranean basin. She would like to be able to share this network and expand her own. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network seems to us to be a reference network on issues of democracy and living together in the Mediterranean. We would like to share our ideas and enrich them by meeting other actors whose values we share. In addition, we are interested in the voice of today's youth. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Soukaina Sentissi
Job Title (2)