GCAS College Dublin

National Network

38/39 Fitzwilliam Square

+353 87 754 1417
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information

We are a collaboratively owned, degree granting higher education college. Our model is designed for delivering debt-free, higher quality, zero carbon footprint, self-sustaining, green-business startup for the social good.  Staff: 8-10 10,000 euros/ year (resources available) We are self-funded. We offer free or low-cost tuition to qualified applicants. We deliver world-class seminars to students and the public. Economic Space Agency and Mile Square Labs and accredited higher-education institutions (Mexico, USA, Brazil)

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission “To provide the highest quality education and research opportunities in the world, debt-free.” Our mission is global and enduring.  The sufficient capability and capacity to become a leader in global education require courage and a consistent push for innovation. These innovations come from the expertise and dedication of all GCAS faculty, staff, researchers and students.  Our professors are committed to teaching practices focused on theoretical and practical ways to maximize students abilities and gifts to better our world. The GCAS community relies on our diverse student body to continue providing opportunities for this well-grounded, debt-free and empowering education.   THE 6 PILLARS OF GCAS The education model we developed for our college is the first of its kind and rests on the following six pillars:  High-Quality Faculty: our faculty co-own the college collectively. Alumnx Ownership "TOP": Graduates of our degree programmes are invited by the faculty to co-own the college upon graduation. Their ownership value is equal to their tuition invested meaning that tuition is turned into an investment. Communal Ecosystem: We deploy a fair and democratic crypto-economy, one that's designed socially and not as with many other crypto designs, individually. Our crypto tokens, "GCA$¥" are used internally to our eco-system primarily used by students to help with basic tasks (e.g., edit our peer-reviewed journal, The GCAS Review etc.) in exchange for tuition reduction. This is our way for our academic community to "self-invest" so external leverage is minimized.  Debt-Free: We are committed to debt-free tuition levels. Centres: We have seven centers or “nodes” located worldwide with demands for more including in China. Accreditation: We are applying for accreditation.  

Main Projects / Activities

Self-Sustaining, eco-zero farm: https://gcas-farm.com

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking to partner with a similar organization for sharing space in Dublin or in Ireland for code-compliant teaching facilities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF has very similar goals as GCAS College. We want to give our the younger generation the best opportunity a way to achieve college degrees without incurring debt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Creston Davis
Job Title
Chancellor and Founder
Head of the organisation
GCAS College Dublin
Contact (2) Full Name
Tere Vadén
Job Title (2)
Board Member and Researcher


National Network

75019 PARIS

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
collectif de femmes mediterranenes 
Mission and Objectives

travail citoyen sur les conditions des femmes dans le bassin mediterranen

Main Projects / Activities

café litteraire sur le sfemmes ecrivaines
projet de formation des femmes elues en Tunisie

Contact (1) Full Name
faouel raoudha
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Innovation Sandbox for Social Good

National Network

Rogelio Folgueras, 3 - 2A
28038 Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Innovation Sandbox for Social Good is hub willing to bring together innovation, knowledge and people´s experiences across the Mediterranean region.Through a distributed network of experts, the hub provides the space for people to meet, share ideas and launch their own projects in line with the core principles which shall guide the works happening across the network: sustainability, environmentally friendly, social responsibility, gender-inclusiveness, generating positive social impact.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to connect ideas, people and resources to provide lifelong learning paths to individuals, institutions, companies or authorities interested in exploring new means to strategize and design their activities.
Our objectives are to:
Connect stakeholders and generate high social impact projects.
Deepen the knowledge about innovation and social development.
Build a community of multidisciplinary practitioners for social good.
Generate knowledge and raise awareness on human development challenges and the role of social innovation in pursuing a more sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

Lifelong learning programmes: Innovation for Social Good Academy and International Innovation Management Course.
Design and implementation of innovation projects
Research and knowledge dissemination
Innovation Talent Programme: skills for Social Good

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide technical knowledge and expertise in the use of innovation approaches for social good. The team is made up by experts which have been working in the Mediterranean region in development and cultural programmes for more than ten years, bringing together expertise on human development, humanitarian interventions, culture management, art programs and logistics. The team members speak Arabic, English, Spanish, French and Turkish fluently.
The organization is willing to engage in projects and initiatives meant to boost the role of youth and citizens in areas such as good governance, economics, social dialogue equality, environmental issues and social entrepreneurship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The organization has a strong Mediterranean personality. Although it is headquartered in Spain, the network members are distributed across different countries in the region. In addition to Spain, part of the team is already based in Turkey, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco. For this reason, becoming members of the ALF is in line with our mission and strategic vision of our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Tarancon Sanz
Job Title
Head of Makers
Head of the organisation
María Tarancón Sanz

Alliance civile pour les Droits de l'Homme

National Network

n 413 app 4 étage 3 lotissement zitouna rte klm 6 Meknès
50000 Meknès

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Nous travaillons en partenariat avec diverses institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, telles que le Ministère de la justice, la mutuelle général des administrations publiques au Maroc, et les communautés locales. notre ONG Indique les Droits sociaux et économique, vie privée, discriminations, jeunesse, violence à l’égard des femmes et enfant, justice, organisation des séminaires de sensibilisation sur les Droits de l’Homme.
Mission and Objectives

- Renforcement du respect des droits de l’Homme et des libertés fondamentales.

Main Projects / Activities

- Attachement à la dignité humaine, développement du respect de soi et des autres.
- la promotion et la défense des Droits de l’homme, du Droit international Humanitaire et le règlement pacifique des différends.
- Encadrement d’enfants dans des établissements d’enseignement. Le respect de la dignité et de la sécurité des jeunes et leur protection contre les abus sexuels, la délinquance et la discrimination..
- Aider les réfugiés, et défendre leur Droit à une vie décente.

Contact (1) Full Name
bendiab abderrahmane
Job Title
Head of the organisation

IIDebate Association

National Network

13 Rue du Senegal 1002 Tunis
1002 Tunis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

iiDebate is a non-profit, whose mission is to develop next generation of civic leaders, activists and change agents by giving young people the opportunity to actively participate in the political process. By opening up spaces for democratic education and youth participation in schools and government, we strive to prioritize the needs of low-income youth and under-resourced schools and regions.iiDebate has a board of advisors composed by our supporters from different iNGOs, Partners or other. We also have three executive board members and 12 staff members. Finally we also have our chapters in 7 regions managed by executive board in each local chapter and volunteers part of "iiDebate Innovation & Research Center". We manage every year more than 150K$ and we have different projects mainly focusing on:  Education reform program: using debate as a tool to integrate it part of the educational system, also through our IRCs that represent the HUBs inside educational institutions  Rehabilitation program: By working in prison's, areas with very high rate of violence and through our Drabzeen Academy we try to train trainers who can impact their local communities through knowledge sharing  Community resilience: In this program we use all the scientific approaches to reach the youth community resilience in rural and vulnerable areas. Our approach is based on "People Development Model" and "Community Youth Mapping". 

Mission and Objectives

Through iiDebate work we want to create an alternative platform for non-formal education that can be used in all the institutions, centers of training and center of rehabilitation. We see young people as the main power for any change we want to reach however the tools and the current mentality is always limited by the classic approach. Our objectives are:  1/ Integrate debate part the school system  2/ Make all organization experts in debate through a capacity building program and integrate it as part of their activities  3/ Create a platform for exchange of opportunities between young people

Main Projects / Activities

Cafe Talk: Café Talk is about organizing open discussions in Cafes. We aim to bring young people together by giving them the space to discuss and debate about topics they feel concerned about.  We believe that having powerful conversations is the first step to improve our communities and make change. Tounsi W Nghayer:  it’s an incubator project that aims at promoting youth initiatives in Tunisia all within a vivid competition frame set around an exciting gaming theme. Tounsi W Nghayer is launched in 6 different regions across Tunisia; Tunis, Bizerte, Sfax, Gabes, Gafsa and Sidi Bouzid. The competition is an election simulation process for young people to discover the basics of civic education and why elections is important in our daily life. The competition also aims to solve an issue matter or develop the community /governorate they are in. This election simulation was first organised in 2016 reaching more than 200 participants, today it is executed in Tunisia in more than 6 regions and it targetted more than 200 participants.  Drabzeen Academy Tunisia: Since human development is the process of enlarging people’s capacities and potentials, the Drabzeen Tunisian Academy envisages contributing in this endeavor through training learners on several areas of thought, knowledge and skills. Through this intended development, learners will be enabled to be efficiently active in their communities on the one hand, and to embark in their professional career while equipped with the necessary knowledge and modern skills on the other hand. Indeed, capacity building has become a major ambition for learners, mostly youth, considering the ongoing and rapid evolvement of societies and employability requirements. It is a key element for taking an active, leading role in social change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We were part of ALF through Young Arab voices before and through UNESCO, and we saw what ALF is doing in the region with a great impact and large network. Today; we believe that joining the network could very interesting to share our expertise in debate or teaching through creative methods. Also, to reach a new level of applying democracy in a country where everything is possible nowadays. Also, part of our decentralization process, we would like to make our big network of more than 10000 people to hear about the opportunities and share it with them.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF could be very impacful for iIDebate in term of networking, in term of scale up our work, in term of scaling up our programs and finances as many activities from which iID is working are on the same scope of work of ALF. Finally, IIDebate is working also mainly on debate and collaborating with the YMV could be very interesting in inetgrating the debate education part of the educational program. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Elyes Guermazi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elyes Guermazi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Essghir
Job Title (2)

Global Opportunities

National Network

24 Messaoudi Ouchen, Blida - Algeria
09000 Blida

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Global Opportunities is the First opportunity discovery platform for youth in Algeria. Many of them have trusted us as the most effective and easy to use platform to find the most relevant opportunities for low cost and Search for important Academic and Professional contents for continuous self-development.  Besides offering opportunities to obtain useful international experience, we help young people realize their dreams by promoting a “Can Do” mindset, and develop self-confidence and entrepreneurship skills exactly when they need it the most, in their twenties.  We Have Always believed that university education is important For the Development of Youth, but it remains far from enough to fulfill the need of today’s work standards in our highly competitive and globalized world. Our Platform provides that advantage on top of the college degree that makes graduates more skilled and experienced making them better prepared for the challenges to come in the professional world.  
Mission and Objectives

We believe that Access to Information is not a privilege rather a basic right. Despite the praiseworthy development of the Information and Communication Technology, still exist an acute deficiency in awareness level among youth about the different opportunities Available to their development. And As a result, thousands of youth are missing out on important chances for self-development in form of education, international exposure, training, and employment. We are working to build local awareness by sharing opportunities and ensure free and equal access. 
Our mission statement puts young people first and defines our clear purpose - to give all young people the ability to have their voices seen and heard, regardless of all barriers - geographical, educational, language, or otherwise. We believe that everyone who wants to make the world a better place, should be able to.
Applicants have many questions related to finding and pursing opportunities which often remain unanswered. Global Opportunities believes that every question deserves an informative answer to build a required awareness and knowledge among youth

Main Projects / Activities

Our Flagship program, GO Study, and it’s an assisting service for the youth to study abroad, GO Lead, it’s a integrated program with the different materials for the youth to educate how to apply for the different opportunities, we provide the frameworks to empowering young people to develop their own profiles, and with the assistance of partners, knowledge partners and expertise from professionals, GO Ambassador, it’s a program to attend global events by a youth delegation to represent their countries, GO World Citizen and it’s an exchange program for the young people, GO Start ,and its acceleration program to empower and inspire the new entrepreneurs and startups to engage on a solution with an existing problems for a social impact to make a change in their communities and to connect with professionals from the globe, by through this programs they’ve learned through the programs, but through the relationships they’ve fostered through The Global Opportunities community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Contribution to the network is to enhance the visibility of the Lindth foundation to the youth since we are reaching over 3 Millions youth from Algeria every year, in the same time we are open to collaborate in different programmes regarding the sustainable development goals especially on :
Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 16: Peace and Justice
Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals
which includes opportunities for the youth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We also believe that the world of social change is a lot of talk, and not a lot of walk. We’re here to inspire the walk, to harness the inner power of youth in order to catalyze new ideas and turn them into real, working solutions that help solve the challenges plaguing our world by providing the different opportunities to enhance culture understanding between the youth by creating north south parternships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdellah Aouf
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Global Opportunities

NGO Pass Sarajevo ( European Fashion Passport )

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ćamila Avdića 24.
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The project is supported by the City of Sarajevo, the Ministry of Culture of the Cantons of Sarajevo, the Canton of Sarajevo, the Embassy of Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom and EU support in BiH. The project partners are: Oriflame, FUJIFILM, Oaza, Zlatna dzezva, Klas, Hotel Arijaan by Rotana, Media partners of the project are Hayat TV, Radio M, Furaj.ba and Life.ba
Mission and Objectives

European Fashion Passport (EPP) is international fashion concept & network  project that consistof five steps. The first step of the project is toorganize fashion shows for 30 young designers from Europe in Sarajevo in autumn 2019 where we would like topresent their work. Same event is planned to be held in Barcelona 202, and in Prague 2021.
The main goal of the project is to continue its European path. Designers are chosen on the principle of one state by one designer. Each designer presents his country in a given year. The goal of the fashion show is to enable place to promote young designer, through photographs and video as a tool in the further work. At the event, we will organize Awarding ceremony for the most perspective designer, and the Award for the winner is participation in European fashion event, and beside that, we will try for winner to get an engagement in fashion house. BH representative will be chosen from University of Bihac, Textile Faculty in Bihac. The idea is that Bosnia and Herzegovina will be presented by group of young designers with a single collection. Member of the committee of the fashion show will be fashion magazine editors from Europe.
The second part of the project is a thematic workshop that aims at the cross-section of Europe's fashion scene in all segments, trend and color trends, change of dress concepts, textile industry development, all in cooperation with Textile School in Sarajevo and Textile Faculty in Bihac.This workshop aims to provide a database on the current situation of the European Fashion scene and its movements in the coming year. Prominent students of Textile Schools and Textile Faculty will also participate inthis segment.
The third part of the project is a creative workshop where 30 designers aim to create only one work that should remain one of the cultural and artistic institutions of the city and the country in which the project takes place. It is a kind of gift for young designers of the European city in which the event takes place.
The fourth part of the project is photo shooting, in which each designer chooses one location in the cityin which the event takes place and records its collection at that location. In this way, we present the touristic and cultural-artistic potential of the city and the state in which is project held through designer’s work. In this segment we include and develop a photographic and make up scene.
The fifth segment is to digitize all previous segments and the placement of this material on a web platform. On this way, all material should be at the service to designers, photographers, models, make-up artists of Europe. On this web platform, we will have multifarious material of Europe's fashion scene with all the necessary information. This segment in the future will be very important for the textile industry of Europe as a database that will save both time and money for research.

Main Projects / Activities

Animation of young designers from the EU and the region on the principle of one country one designer applying for participation in the project.
• Communication with registered designers and preparing for the event
• Organization of events/fashion shows and collections of young designers
• Theoretical workshop of young designers of Europe and the region in the vocational school in Sarajevo
• Creative workshop of young designers of Europe and the region in the vocational school in Sarajevo
• Digitalization of events, theoretical and creative workshops and raising materials on the web platform
To engage twenty to thirty young fashion designers per project annually
• To present 20 to 30 fashion collections of young designers
• To create a newsletter of trends and dress concepts through the experiences of young designers
• Market integration of young designers at Europe and regionlevel
• Professional communication of young designers
• Exchange of experiences of young designers of Europe and the region
General goals:
• To centralize the fashion scene of the EU and the region
• Centralization of the database of young designers
• Globalization of fashion shows by fashion workers and the audience
• Building the achievement base and understanding the trend and the European market through the knowledge of young designers of Europe
• Co-operation for young designers in the presentation of collections
• Servicing textile companies in Europe with information on trend and trends in the future
Specific goals/Activities are followed by a specific goal:
• To present work of young fashion designers in the EU and the region
through events, for the beginning in Sarajevo, then Barcelona, ​​Prague.
• To create database of young fashion designers and their work in one place through the web platform
• Networking of professional achievements, knowledge, and possibilities in the field of fashion and textiles through theoretical and creative workshops
• The launch of young designers to present their collections outside domestic countries and expand and open-up new opportunities in fashion market
• Collaboration, networking of young designers through a project and raising the vocational culture of communication
• Bringing a fashion audience into a global audience in Europe
• Education of young designers in creating of collections and presentations of them
• Creating a bookable collection as a tool for the potential affirmation of young designers
Problem - need:
• Lack of the possibility of presenting young designers and their collections,
• The closure of state-owned markets to their own designers, the fragmentation of the EU market
• No EU database of young designers, trends, fashion achievements, and trends in the textile industry in the future
• Lack of a fashion festival for young designers in a non-commercial presentation sector
Impact- change – influence:
• To create desk offices that enable young designers to present their collections, to enable network of designers
• Creating one-line platform as a potential place for the exchange of professional information for young designers, but also for companies with lack of creative fashion sector
• Creating a global view of the EU fashion scene
Local goals:
Top goals are: to promote Sarajevo as a capital city and BH as a country that follows the trendofdevelopmentsociety in the field of textile industry and fashion.
• Promotion of BH through a fashion event on Europelevel 
• Positioning the BH fashion scene on the EU market
• The revival of the BH fashion scene and the textile industry

Contact (1) Full Name
Adnan Hajrulahović Haad
Job Title
Art director of European Fashion Passport
Head of the organisation
Adnan Hajrulahović Haad
Contact (2) Full Name
Edita Hajrulahović
Job Title (2)
President of NGO Pass Sarajevo

В 15:30. Сибирь – Витязь смотреть онлайн, видео трансляция матча 22.10.2019 - хоккей

National Network

В 15:30. Сибирь – Витязь смотреть онлайн, видео трансляция матча 22.10.2019 - хоккей

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
..   =“Сибирь” после последнего матча выездной серии против “Сочи” (4:1) получила заслуженный отдых, чтобы затем в Новосибирске сыграть против подольского “Витязя”, который выигрывает не так часто в последнее время, как привыкли, но основные новости связаны с тем, что Самонов и Швец-Роговой были обменены в СКА на Кочеткова и Бывальцева, что на самом деле очень странно. “Сибирь” пока идет так хорошо, что занимает второе место в дивизионе Харламова, обгоняя “Автомобилист” и “Трактор”, набрав 24 очка. Ориентировочные составы на матч Сибирь - Витязь (стартовые пятерки): “Сибирь”: Сятери (Красиков) - Йокипакка, Пиганович -Михайлов, Руохомаа, Пуустинен. “Витязь”: Ежов (Кочетков) - Ержабек, Пыленков - Макеев, Бывальцев, Семин. Статистическое превью перед матчем Сибирь - Витязь: В трех из четырех последних матчей “Витязь” смог забросить “Сибири” в гостях не более двух шайб. Поставить на ИТ2М 2.5 можно с коэффициентом - 1.45. Средняя результативность четырех последних матчей команд на арене “Сибири” составила 6.75 шайбы за игру. Поставить на ТБ 5.5 можно с коэффициентом - 3.35. Прогноз на матч Сибирь Новосибирск - Витязь Подольск: “Витязь” на выезде играет очень хорошо в этом сезоне, проиграв всего два матча, и забрасывает не менее двух шайб за игру, но и “Сибирь” дома играет достаточно хорошо, чтобы быть фаворитом пары, к тому же у подольчан не будет перерыва после игры с “Барысом”. Наш прогноз: победа хозяев с форой 0 с коэффициентом - 1.80.
Mission and Objectives

=“Сибирь” после последнего матча выездной серии против “Сочи” (4:1) получила заслуженный отдых, чтобы затем в Новосибирске сыграть против подольского “Витязя”, который выигрывает не так часто в последнее время, как привыкли, но основные новости связаны с тем, что Самонов и Швец-Роговой были обменены в СКА на Кочеткова и Бывальцева, что на самом деле очень странно. “Сибирь” пока идет так хорошо, что занимает второе место в дивизионе Харламова, обгоняя “Автомобилист” и “Трактор”, набрав 24 очка.
Ориентировочные составы на матч Сибирь - Витязь (стартовые пятерки):
“Сибирь”: Сятери (Красиков) - Йокипакка, Пиганович -Михайлов, Руохомаа, Пуустинен.
“Витязь”: Ежов (Кочетков) - Ержабек, Пыленков - Макеев, Бывальцев, Семин.
Статистическое превью перед матчем Сибирь - Витязь:
В трех из четырех последних матчей “Витязь” смог забросить “Сибири” в гостях не более двух шайб. Поставить на ИТ2М 2.5 можно с коэффициентом - 1.45.
Средняя результативность четырех последних матчей команд на арене “Сибири” составила 6.75 шайбы за игру. Поставить на ТБ 5.5 можно с коэффициентом - 3.35.
Прогноз на матч Сибирь Новосибирск - Витязь Подольск:
“Витязь” на выезде играет очень хорошо в этом сезоне, проиграв всего два матча, и забрасывает не менее двух шайб за игру, но и “Сибирь” дома играет достаточно хорошо, чтобы быть фаворитом пары, к тому же у подольчан не будет перерыва после игры с “Барысом”. Наш прогноз: победа хозяев с форой 0 с коэффициентом - 1.80.

Main Projects / Activities

=“Сибирь” после последнего матча выездной серии против “Сочи” (4:1) получила заслуженный отдых, чтобы затем в Новосибирске сыграть против подольского “Витязя”, который выигрывает не так часто в последнее время, как привыкли, но основные новости связаны с тем, что Самонов и Швец-Роговой были обменены в СКА на Кочеткова и Бывальцева, что на самом деле очень странно. “Сибирь” пока идет так хорошо, что занимает второе место в дивизионе Харламова, обгоняя “Автомобилист” и “Трактор”, набрав 24 очка.
Ориентировочные составы на матч Сибирь - Витязь (стартовые пятерки):
“Сибирь”: Сятери (Красиков) - Йокипакка, Пиганович -Михайлов, Руохомаа, Пуустинен.
“Витязь”: Ежов (Кочетков) - Ержабек, Пыленков - Макеев, Бывальцев, Семин.
Статистическое превью перед матчем Сибирь - Витязь:
В трех из четырех последних матчей “Витязь” смог забросить “Сибири” в гостях не более двух шайб. Поставить на ИТ2М 2.5 можно с коэффициентом - 1.45.
Средняя результативность четырех последних матчей команд на арене “Сибири” составила 6.75 шайбы за игру. Поставить на ТБ 5.5 можно с коэффициентом - 3.35.
Прогноз на матч Сибирь Новосибирск - Витязь Подольск:
“Витязь” на выезде играет очень хорошо в этом сезоне, проиграв всего два матча, и забрасывает не менее двух шайб за игру, но и “Сибирь” дома играет достаточно хорошо, чтобы быть фаворитом пары, к тому же у подольчан не будет перерыва после игры с “Барысом”. Наш прогноз: победа хозяев с форой 0 с коэффициентом - 1.80.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
В 15:30. Сибирь – Витязь смотреть онлайн, видео трансляция матча 22.10.2019 - хоккей

Ibrahim Sorri

National Network

Farooq St.

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
- worked with the police force 2009- 2015 -Journalist 2015 till now -Master trainer 2016 till now - Radio for youth presentor 2019 - Zarqa City President of Zarqa City Council 2016 till now
Mission and Objectives

-spread awareness among the youth
-respect the other
-commoning debating skills 
-media ethical awareness
-against hate speech
-fighting rumors

Main Projects / Activities

Debate skills trainings
master trainings
media and information literacy 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

investing in media relationships, networking with local and international NGO's, sharing my expertise with other network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to be involved with network activities, exchanging experiences, develop my skills. i had good practices with Anna Lindh before, i was a master debate trainer in the Young Arab Voices, and become ambassoder with the Young Mediteranean Voices in Jordan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Sorri
Job Title
Freelance Journalist and master trainer
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Sorri


National Network

33100 MEZİTLİ/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Merhaba  ben bir kadın üretici olarak avrupa dstekli projelerde yer almak istiyorum.Organik tarım bununla beraber ipek boyama, botanik ve unutulmuş türk sanatlarını önceden başladım istiyorum. destek olmak hemde kendim bir iş planı kurmak istiyorum.Bu konuda destek ve proje yatırımları yardımına ihtiyacım var.
Mission and Objectives

Bİr kadın üretici olmak
Kendime ve çevreme bağlı bir birey olarak birlikdeliği.
Var etmek, getiren ve yeni başarıları gösteren 
Herkesin bir gün başaracağına inandırmak.

Main Projects / Activities

Büyük bir arazi üzerinde organik tarım, ve kurs merkezi planlama istiyorum .Birlikde önce üretimin jambonu maadesini oluşturup kendi sistemimizi kurduk.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

yeni ürün ve tarasımlar sunarak 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ben tek başıma bu ağa sahip olamam .Eğer istediğim iş başarmak istiyorsam bir şekilde bir kurum ya da dernekden destek alarak bunu yapmamızı istiyorum.Birlik olmak ve birlikde başarabileceğiniz için istekte olmak istediğim var.
Lütfen bana başarı yolumda yardımcı olur musunuz?
Teşekkür ederim ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation