
National Network

12000 RABAT

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
General Information
I am an individual person.  
Mission and Objectives

I want to make it easy to establish peace between europe and arabic countries.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As I live in Morocco, the origin country of Mr André azoulay, I think that my country needs help in many cases such as religious tolerance and especialy tolerance between irrelegious and religious people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to contribute as I can in the realisation of freedom, tolerance and progression.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Society "Cooperation Platform"

National Network

Loka maģistrāle 7-6
Jelgava, LV-3004

+371 29822258
Telephone (other)
+371 29453656
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+371 29822258
Mobile Phone (other)
+371 29453656
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

In 2012, an informal association of 10 different NGOs was established. In 2014, the Cooperation Platform was registered as a legally independent organization. 26 non-governmental organizations, both Latvian and foreign, representing people of different nationalities, ages and social groups, are active in the cooperation platform. There are no permanent employees in the Society. Work is based on voluntary work. But within the projects, appropriate professionals are also accepted as employees or service providers. The annual budget turnover is EUR 100 000.00. Finances are raised by participating in design contests. Since 2014, organizes the activities of the informal movement “Latvian Ambassadors for Culture”, which has 262 participants from all over Latvia - NGOs, educational institutions, state and municipal institutions. Both training camps and informal meetings are organized regularly, with a strong focus on developing mutual cooperation and civil society, reducing prejudice and developing intercultural and societal dialogue between all people.

Mission and Objectives

Mission We are an organization that unites societies and foundations of various backgrounds in Latvia and the diaspora to jointly develop innovative cooperation initiatives to strengthen civil society in Latvia and beyond, utilizing our members' unique and diverse knowledge and skills. Vision We are a strong, cohesive and competent association of organizations that creates and implements high quality cooperation projects to strengthen Latvian civil society and promote intercultural dialogue in Latvia and the diaspora. Values COOPERATION. We create innovative ideas, bring them to life and look to the future based on mutual partnership and collaboration. OPENING. We are open to each other, ready to share our competencies and experiences. We are open to diversity and cooperation in Latvia and the world. INTEGRATION. In our work, we support and promote the principles of an inclusive society.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its inception, intensive work has been done by the member organizations of the Cooperation Platform in meeting, analyzing progress, solving the identified problems, searching for the best and most effective solutions, setting tasks for further cooperation groups, supporting and promoting the participation of NGOs of different nationalities in the development of joint civil society, supporting and cooperating with Latvian organizations of the diaspora, thus ensuring a link with Latvia, Latvian society and public life, in each case nominating one of the Cooperation Platform member organizations. In 2018, implemented the project “ABC of Integration - 2017” aimed at promoting immigrants' inclusion in the local community, their involvement in civic activities through the expression of mutual hatred between immigrants and the host society. 2016 to date project “Latvian Culture Ambassadors”, 2018. “Latvian Culture Ambassadors Academy”, 2019. “Latvian Culture Ambassadors Academy 1” Objective - To strengthen the sense of nationality and belonging of Latvian society to their country by encouraging self-organizing processes and cooperation. The projects work with NGOs, self-governing bodies, young people and students. Projects supporting the integration of minorities living in Latvia into society and preserving their cultural heritage - 2018. "Masquerade traditions in different nations", "Meet us!", 2017 "Tolerance Day in Mazsalaca", "We are united in Latvia", etc. NGO development, cooperation - "We can do more together", "Latvian Culture Ambassadors - Festival and Summer Camp", etc. He actively supports small NGOs by engaging in project implementation as a partner and transferring practical experience - "Multicolored Rezekne", "Getting to Know Jewish History of Aluksne!", "National Tea Events in Zemgale", etc. Implemented projects - see http://collaboration SP members are members of the Advisory Committee of Minority Non-Governmental Organizations of the Ministry of Culture, the Riga City Council Advisory Council on Public Affairs. The SP is actively involved in the Cross-sectoral Dialogue Platform, engaging in the process of analyzing and proposing public administration decisions. To date, more than 20 projects have been implemented.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Society can engage in activities organized by others and organize activities based on intercultural dialogue, transferring its experience gained so far. Would like to introduce other countries to the Movement of Latvian Cultural Ambassadors, an activity that Latvia has become a significant association of active community leaders and ensures successful work in strengthening and implementing people's processes of social cohesion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Society wants to learn about the experience of other countries in the work of intercultural dialogue and promotion of people's cooperation and cohesion. He would like to participate in the activities of organizations of other countries, thus learning and gaining practical new skills, which could then be transferred to Latvia.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Gunta Kelle
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Board Chairwoman Lauma Celma

Association marocaine de chans soufi

National Network

24زنقة شرم الشيخ حي القدس وجدة
24زنقة شرم الشيخ حي القدس وجدة المغرب
60000 Oujda

47 05 12 6(212)
Mobile Phone
47 05 12 6(212)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Religion
General Information
الرابطة المغربية للمديح والسماع الصوفي تهتم بتنظيم الملتقيات والمهرجانات الدولية لتعايش الثقافات والاديان.
Mission and Objectives

تنظيم ملتقى متوسطس لتعايش الثقافات والاديان

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم الملتقى المتوسطي الاول لتعايش الثقافات والاديان

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تنظيم ملتقى متوسطي لتعايش الثقافات والاديان.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتعاون في تنظيم ملتقى متوسطي لتعايش الثقافات والاديان.

Contact (1) Full Name
El harti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Noureddine el harti

Association marocaine de chans soufi

National Network

24زنقة شرم الشيخ حي القدس وجدة المغرب
24زنقة شرم الشيخ حي القدس وجدة المغرب
60000 Oujda

47 05 12 6(212)
Mobile Phone
47 05 12 6(212)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

جمعيتنا المسماة "الرابطة المغربية للمديح والسماع الصوفي بوجدة) هي جمعية تنظم ملتقيات دولية ومهراجانات محلية ووطنية في مجال التصوف وتعايش الثقافات.

Mission and Objectives

تنظيم ملتقى متوسطي لتعايش وتقارب الثقافات

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم الملتقى المتوسطي الاول لتعايش وتقارب الثقافات والاديان بوجدة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

اريد الانضمام اليكم للتعاون في مجال تعايش وتقارب الثقافات والاديان

Contact (1) Full Name
El harti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Noureddine el harti

Nicehearts ry

National Network

Lummetie 2bA
01300 Vantaa

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Nicehearts ry on vuonna 2001 perustettu tyttö- ja naistoimintaa tuottava yhdistys, jonka tavoitteena on mahdollistaa, että tytöt, naiset sekä sellaisiksi itsensä kokevat löytävät oman paikkansa yhteiskunnassa sen tasa-arvoisina ja yhdenvertaisina jäseninä. Ehkäisemme syrjäytymistä vahvistamalla tyttöjen ja naisten osallistumismahdollisuuksia ja edistämällä jatkopolkujen sekä oman paikan löytymistä yhteiskunnassa. Kasvatamme ja koulutamme tytöistä ja naisista muutoksentekijöitä! Niceheartsin arvoja ovat tasa-arvo, yhdenvertaisuus, yhteisöllisyys ja ilo. Nicehearts ry:n toiminta luo pitkäkestoisia naisten keskinäisiä verkostoja ja edistää eri kulttuuristen ja eri-ikäisten kohtaamisia arjessa. Nicehearts ry tekee vaikuttavaa työtä tyttöjen ja naisten aseman edistämiseksi. Yhdistyksen toiminta on saanut alkunsa tytöille suunnatusta nuorisotyöstä Vantaalla vuonna 2001 ja laajentunut sen jälkeen tyttö- ja naistyöstä myös Espooseen, Helsinkiin ja Lappeenrantaan. Yhdistys on voittoa tavoittelematon, poliittisesti ja uskonnollisesti sitoutuman järjestö, jonka jäseneksi voivat liittyä kaikki säännöt hyväksyvät, yli 10 vuotta täyttäneet ihmiset sekä organisaatiot.  Yhdistyksellä on vuonna 2019 28 kokoaikaista työntekijää. Lisäksi palkkaamme useita kymmeniä tuntityöntekijöitä vuositasolla sekä ohjaamme opiskelijoita ja tarjoamme mm. yhdyskuntapalvelutyötä ja työkokeilu- ja palkkatukitöitä. Yhdistyksen rahoitus on valtaosin julkista ja säätiöiden myöntämää avustusrahaa. Avustuksien lisäksi yhdistys tekee omaa varainhankintaa.  Yhdistyksen toimintamalleja ovat: Tyttöjen Tila toiminta Vantaalla WahvaNainen -toimintamalli (palveluohjaus ja ryhmät) Vantaalla ja Espoossa Lisäksi käynnissä on kolme kehittämisprojektia: ItseNaiset, Kotiäitydesta kohti opiskelua ja työelämää -hanke ESR rahoituksella Naapuriäiti -toiminnan kehittämishanke, Stean rahoituksella Tyttöjen Tila toiminnan käynnistäminen ja kehittäminen Lappeenrannassa Stean avustuksella. Yhteistyökumppanuus verkostomme on erittäin laaja. Teemme yhetistyötä mm. kaupunkien eri viranomaisten kanssa, eri organisaatioiden ja järjestöjen sekä oppilaitosten ja yritysten kanssa, joiden tavoitteena on edistää tasa-arvoa ja yhdenveratsiuutta yhteiskunnassamme. 
Mission and Objectives

Nicehearts ry toiminnan tavoitteena on mahdollistaa, että tytöt, naiset sekä sellaisiksi itsensä kokevat löytävät oman paikkansa yhteiskunnassa sen tasa-arvoisina ja yhdenvertaisina jäseninä. Kohderyhmänämme on yli 10 vuotiaat tytöt ja naiset, erityisesti erityistä tukea tarvitsevat henkilöt. 

Main Projects / Activities

Tyttöjen Tila toiminta Vantaalla
WahvaNainen -toimintamalli (palveluohjaus ja ryhmät) Vantaalla ja Espoossa
Lisäksi käynnissä on kolme kehittämisprojektia:
ItseNaiset, Kotiäitydesta kohti opiskelua ja työelämää -hanke ESR rahoituksella
Naapuriäiti -toiminnan kehittämishanke, Stean rahoituksella
Tyttöjen Tila toiminnan käynnistäminen ja kehittäminen Lappeenrannassa Stean avustuksella.
Yhdistyksen tuottamia palveluita ovat mm, yksilötyö, avoimet ja suljetut vertaisryhmät, kokonaisvaltainen palveluohjaus, kielenopetusta, koulutukseen ja työelämään ohjaus ja tuki, merkityksellistä vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuvaa toimintaa, erilaiset tapahtumat, tilaisuudet, seminaarit ja koulutus. 
Lisäksi koordioimme Espoon ja Lappeenrannan me.taloja. Me.talot ovat uudenlaisen yhteistoiminnan ja innostavan tekemisen tiloja kaikille kaupunkilaisille. Me-talo tarjoaa vapaa-ajan harrastustoimintaa, kursseja, kerhoja ja tapahtumia, kokoustilaa sekä apua ja neuvoa eri elämäntilanteisiin ja ongelmakohtiin vahvasti syrjäytymistä ennaltaehkäisevällä otteella, yhteistyössä alueen viranomaisten ja toimijoiden kanssa. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yhdistyksessä on vahvaa osaamista liittyen kulttuuri-ja sukupuolisensitiiviseen työhön, eirtyistä tukea tarvitsevien ihmisten auttamiseen ja kotoutumiseen liittyen. Myös aluekehitysnäkökulma on työssämme vahvasti mukana. Olemme valmiita jakamaan asiantuntemustamme vastavuoroisesti. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Asiantuntijuuden, verkostoitumisen ja yhteiskehittämisen lisäämiseksi.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Sjöholm
Job Title
Executive director, toiminnanjohtaja
Head of the organisation
Johanna sjöholm
Contact (2) Full Name
Miia Salo
Job Title (2)
administration secretary, hallinnon sihteeri


National Network

Sanayi Sitesi, 5. Cd. No:281, 34775 Dudullu/Ümraniye/İstanbul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
ARDEM is a private consulting company that manages projects in development and research. Previously ARDEM has run projects under the ABIGEM umbrella for development in 6 Turkish cities that are priorities in Turkish development. Also, ARDEM got grants from the Turkish Research Organization, TUBITAK, for her projects on SME promotion. Currently, there are 5 employees that work at INNOEM full-time and 6 master's degree students working part-time. In 2010, the semi - year gross earnings are 120 000 € and INNOEM is capable of running internationally funded projects. Of the 5 people employed by INNOEM, 1 holds a PhD degree, other 2 hold master's degrees and the rest 2 hold BS degrees. INNOEM gives training under the Enterprise Europe Network in all over Turkey and previously helped German Steinbeis run their 3,5 M € project in Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

ARDEM's mission is to help Turkish development through giving support to disadvantageous groups by using innovation as a means. ARDEM believes that innovation is a fundamental component of growth and will end up in creating jobs and increasing living standards. Instead of direct funding, ARDEM is for supporting disadvantageous groups by training them in entrepreneurship, women empowerment, networking and on the job training. For this mission ARDEM has closely worked with uneducated women, workers and SME

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are:
- trainings
- NGO support
- on the job training preparation
- networking

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Project Networking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Project Networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
CMA,CPA,General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dilek Adalı
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
General Coordinator

I learn

National Network


+962 7 9282 8150
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information

In 2012, I Learn was founded with a small scale academic program and psychosocial programs aimed at giving children and youth a place to express themselves, learn new things, and interact with the large world around them. Ever since, we have scaled our work to reach thousands of young people and parents, and built partnerships on the national and international level. During the proceeding years we reached these numbers ; • More than 1800 children enrolled in the camps held by I Learn and supported by our partners Drosos , Zain Jordan, Women Micro fund. • More than 300 volunteers took part in the activities of I Learn camps. • 30 camps held in different locations in Jordan (Jerash, Zarqa, Baqa’a, Altafileh,Alazraq Kherbet al Souq, Alhashen Alshamali,Alramtha and Deerala) • More than 800 sessions conducted from different subjects (Arts, Life Skills, Language and IT) • 500 Students from 4 public schools in Amman and Jarash engaged in our Activities through a National programme with an aim to building capacity for youth from ages 14-16 ,implemented by the Ministry of Education • 10 CBOs partnered in the implementation of Camps.

Mission and Objectives

Youth Support Through innovative educational approaches we  seek to establish a mentality that fosters intellectual  growth and strengthened agency of disenfranchised  youths. Through increasing the capabilities of local  youths they in-turn can affect their communities on a  larger-scale as future leaders and role models. Community Engagement As I Learn engages the most targeted members of  the local communities, we fill a critical deficiency by  providing personal agency through legal education,  cultural enrichment, and entrepreneurship.  Increased outreach and recruitment campaigns bring  together participants with volunteer educators,  role models, and our partners in a environment that  allows them to affect their communities from within. Child Development By educating children in a creative and safe  environment we encourage diversity and critical  thinking that forms the foundation for their  continued growth. We employ innovative educational  approaches that includes art and digital knowledge,  which supplements formal education and allows the  children to reach their true potentials

Main Projects / Activities

A. Approach I Learn’s local initiatives are grounded in the needs of the local community. By consulting the community’s youth  we are able to identify their specific needs and then to develop tailored steps to increase the capabilities of the  communities to realize those needs. At the same time consulting the community help expand our outreach and  build lasting networks. Our programs are especially tailored to the needs of the community, in particular for students that are at risk  of or have lost faith in formal education as well as underachieving students. Our curriculums encourage self- learning and respects the student’s natural psychological and social development. A wide range of workshops beside informal educational techniques are employed outside the classroom to  build valuable life skills such as communication, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking. These capabilities are  then reinforced through recreational activities and youth-led collaborative projects that influence the wider  community and increase the participants’ self-esteem. B. Components 1. Academic Support: Through our visitor volunteer program and with the help of local educators we supplement the  formal education of the youths at secondary and higher-educational levels. Our curriculum is tailored to the youth’s’  specific needs and includes teaching subjects such as english, mathematics, and accounting. 2. Informal Education: Programs that employ informal teaching methods that include workshops and collaborative  projects teach valuable life skills such as entrepreneurship, creative thinking, and other skills that aid the youth in their  personal endeavors. The programs are an ongoing process that continuously reinforce and develop these crucial skills,  which are also integrated into our other programs of academic support and community building. 3. Volunteerism : Mutual support between the partners and participants of I Learn foster knowledge sharing and the  continued involvement of alumni of our youth programs as future role models and volunteers. This culture of supporting  the community builds the foundation for the eventual creation of independent self-sustaining entities, whereby the  central organization of I Learn assumes a mentorship role. CHILD DEVELOPMENT A. Approach The children of disenfranchised communities are often its most vulnerable members. One of our core principles are  innovation, meaning that we employ teaching methods that nurtures self-esteem and creative self-learning that allow  access to the basic rights that children should enjoy. With the help of volunteers and caregivers from the community, we are able to, through our informal education, form a  safe and creative learning environment. Our methods include elements of teaching through art, recreational activities,  and academic support. These methods influence the self-esteem and confidence in the value of education of our participants by showing that  knowledge can indeed be reached by fun and creative means. Further meaningful life skills are also attained while  greater psychosocial well-being is promoted within the safety of our learning environment. B. Components 1. Language through creativity: Our interactive teaching methods focus on teaching english through the use of art,  dance, and music, among other things, that foster a fun and collaborative environment. Not only are the methods more  effective but also values the inherent creativity of children while promoting psychosocial well being. 2. Programming: In a rapidly modernizing world, I Learn aim to fill the gap of formal education by teaching children  the skills necessary to succeed in the future. In collaboration with our partners we offer digitalized courses that teach  valuable skills within STEM subjects in a creative and innovative way. 3. Art: By bringing facilitators with artistic backgrounds through our Visitor Volunteer Program we are able to host  workshops and projects that teach design and creative thinking. The workshops allow the children to express their  emotions in a safe and responsible environment that promotes their mental and physical well-being.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nastatie 'an nasila lieadad shabab bishakl kabir wasarie fi mintaqatina. lidaem alshabab watadribihum washarkhm  عرض المزيد We can reach a large and fast youth population in our region. To support and train young people and participate in most activities in the institution and share their ideas and give them opportunities in obtaining technical and logistical support. In building their projects and initiatives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to be a member in order to exchange experiences with other institutions, support young people in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and develop and promote education

Contact (1) Full Name
Saddam Sayyleh
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Saddam Sayyaleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Manasrah
Job Title (2)
Volunteer and Project coordinator media information literacy

Kotof Elkhair Association

National Network

قطاع غزة - الزوايدة
دير البلح
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Youth and education
General Information

nonprofit organization founded in 2006 registered No.7676 , work in Gaza Strip in Palestine, we work to capacity building and Economic and social empowerment for vulnerable group in Gaza Strip to create a secure civil society living in peace and enjoying its civil rights based on the principles of human rights and democracy to achieve sustainable development

Mission and Objectives

Aims: 1. Contribute to improving the quality of education. 2. Activate the role of youth and development in community . 3. Economic empowerment of the vulnerable groups . 4. Social welfare of vulnerable groups. Vision: We seek the development and community empowerment of vulnerable groups in the Gaza Strip. Purpose: kotof Al-Khair Association is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the development and social empowerment of vulnerable groups in the Gaza Strip through a number of programs that achieve sustainable development. the association when achieving his goal's committed of the principles of human rights , including justice, equality, transparency, tolerance, respect, non-discrimination, participation and empowerment of vulnerable groups .

Main Projects / Activities

Association program : 1. Capacity Building Program 2. Economic Development Program 3. Human Right's Program 4. Social Welfare Program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By contributing to and promoting network activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build partnerships and relationships with institutions working in the Mediterranean region in order to provide developmental and cultural services to target groups and exchange experiences with those institutions

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Akram abu jayyab
Job Title
Member of the Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Samer Mousa

Initiative For you Student Association - IFSA -

National Network

Centre socio-culturelle Elmers Tiznit
BP 168 Tiznit 85004
85000 Tiznit

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Initiative For you Student founded as a club on November 2013 under the banner of “Artistic Movement Association for Creativity and Sport” (AMACS). On September, 9th 2017 our club turned to be an association under the name of “Initiative For you Student Association” (IFSA), carrying on achieving the same goals. 1- IFSA Staff : 12 volunteer / 35 Adherants / 5 board members 2- The budgetary ressources availabe per year: contribution of the members - Provincial Council - Municipality Council 3 - sources of financing: - Our Projects - Donations.

Mission and Objectives

• Developing recreational and educational skills and social and health values. • Provide an opportunity for campers to learn through practice and work, and campers in learning through interaction with educational attitudes. • Maintain and improve reading efficiency and motivation for reading. • Provide an opportunity for the cart to study and conduct experiments through observation and presentation. • Build individual personality, confidence and skills through a wide range of sports, workshops and cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

* Educational Meeting * English Summer Academy * Education Convoy on Leadership skills * Pecha Kucha Competition

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By the participation of our team.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from the programs and information supported by your cultural exchange foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Western Balkans Network

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Franjevačka 78b
88000 Mostar
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- It is a young non-profit organization, currently led by 4 young volunteers, with an executive board structure. It is not member oriented, but has more than 100 beneficiaries in a year, professors and high school students. Main partners are HERMES (CRO) and Open Communication (SRB) - It is a young organization, founded last year, so the budget is not big - Sources of funding for last year were Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Anne Frank House - WEB is working on two projects, one is "Anne Frank - history for today" traveling exhibition and the other one is "Model International Criminal Court - Western Balkans". Both projects are dealing with a past, actively working on a process of reconciliation on the Balkans.  - Main partners involved are Open Communication from Serbia and HERMES from Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

WEB seeks to pursue, on a national and regional level, the breaking the taboo of Yugoslav history, generating dialogue between the people, groups, and countries that stopped communicating constructively;  bringing together and encouraging cooperation between different generations (primary schools, high schools and universities, professionals) as well as between disenfranchised interest groups (youth, women, professional associations, labor unions, social justice activists and minority groups).

Main Projects / Activities

Model International Criminal Court - Western Balkans (MICC WeB) is an adapted simulation of war crimes trials, where students take on the role of prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, the press. In an intense six-day program, they cover topics of human rights dilemmas, history, and identity de/construction, they interview contemporary witnesses from the wars in former Yugoslavia. The education culminates in the actual trial simulation, where well-known war crimes trials are re-enacted.
By tackling taboos prevalent in the region marked by recent turbulent past, MICC WeB seeks to open up the space for communication in order to digest the difficult history – and not let it hold hostage any longer the region’s young people’s present and future.
The main goal of ”Anne Frank – History for today” exhibition is to raise awareness and encourage discussion about the recent history of nationalism, exclusion, prejudice, discrimination in the region and promote debate and dialogue on our common past. The project also tended to promote critical thinking about historical events and their relevance for contemporary challenges, as well as to inspire an interdisciplinary, civic-education oriented history education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with projects and workshops, in which the recent history, nationalist conflicts, divisive rhetoric, and extremist views are discussed through dialogue and debate, building long-lasting bridges, friendships and networks in the process. Since Bosnia and Herzegovina has so many problems and challenges in the present, our activities bring together disenfranchised interest groups (youth, women, educators, professional associations, labor unions, social justice activists and minority groups), providing an opportunity for exchange of experiences, and building their capacity for advocacy and problem solving in their communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Currently, we are connected with other organizations regionally, and we would like now to continue spreading our network internationally.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmin Elezović
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jasmin Elezović
Contact (2) Full Name
Amina Čolaković
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator