International Integrity Foundation

National Network

27 Main Street Kirkop, Malta, KKP 1081
Kirkop KKP 1081

+356 27258234
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
+356 27258234
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The International Integrity Foundation is a newly established entity, which aims to support and empower people by developing various initiatives related to multi-sectoral issues that address social, economic, legal and cultural spheres and which impact all aspects of people’s lives and their communities. The focus of foundation is placed on women and girls, children and migrants by helping them to grow their internal potential, encouraging their personal and professional development and promoting and safeguarding their rights.  We are a team of four (4) professionals working in the fields of entrepreneurship, international affairs, communications, psychology and well-being. Sources of funding: EU funds, Local private and public funds, sponsorships  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote integration, social cohesion and individual well-being. We put strong emphasis on the importance of human equality and rights.  Specific objectives: To promote integration and social cohesion as cross-cutting and multi-sectoral issues that pertain to policy areas addressing economic, social, legal, cultural, and civic spheres and impact all aspects of people’s lives and their communities; To guarantee human rights and to encourage social justice for all by increasing the quality of life of citizens and improving individual wellbeing; To empower young voices through mobility, training and networking and to support and educate vulnerable children; To support psychological well-being through specialised training and by raising awareness; To empower and support women and young girls towards personal and professional development; To promote entrepreneurship and to encourage people to become entrepreneurs and to make it easier for them to set up and grow their businesses; To contribute towards the development of fundamental rights such as: non-discrimination, equality, anti-racism and tolerance, cultural diversity and the respect of human dignity; To conduct research and raise awareness of the challenges and needs of refugees and asylum seekers; and To raise awareness about gender disparities.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: WO-MENtrepreneurs project Co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program The main aim of the project was to provide support, knowledge, techniques and tools for young females who would like to become entrepreneurs. The support was provided through sixteen (16) hour training sessions organized in three participating countries – Malta, Spain and Italy. These mentoring sessions were provided by mentors in the field of entrepreneurship. The project was implemented within a period of twelve (12) months. The prime objective of the project was to train and support women to become entrepreneurs and therefore to: Encourage women to believe in themselves; Give women concrete ideas on how to make a business plan; Support women learning and networking with each other; and Help women’s entrepreneurship to be more visible within our society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The key members of the Foundation have extensive epxertise in various fields and this will add an additinal value to the ALF network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of the ALF Network, because we would like to connect with other organisations like ours, gain and exchange valuable experience, and learn from others wihtin the network.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Katina Mladenova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katina Mladenova
Contact (2) Full Name
Leyla Yavadova
Job Title (2)


National Network

75002 PARIS

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas BRIEN
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nicolas BRIEN
Contact (2) Full Name
Louis-Simon Boileau
Job Title (2)
Chief of Staff

Marca - Associação de Desenvolvimento Local

National Network

Rua Luís de Camões
7050-123 Montemor-o-Novo

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Marca - ADL is a non-profit association headquartered in Montemor-o-Novo (district of Évora) officially recognized as ENGO, Youth Organization and Public Utility Institution. Marca - ADL staff members (4 workers, 6 volunteers, 9 board members, 3 free-lancers) have professional background and skills in the following areas:  cultural and creative industries, design, environment, climate change adaptation, psychology, sociology, biology, management and accounting.  Last year (2018) the association had an annual budget of 99,573.12 €.Marca - ADL fosters activities and projects in the following areas: - Nature Conservation; Environmental education; Citizenship; Human rights; Tourism and Cultural heritage; Natural Heritage; Social inclusion; Employability; Participation and associationism; Youth. To develop these actions/activities, we have established several partnerships, such as with the district schools, youth centres, city hall, universities, and other entities that identify with the objectives of the projects. At an international level, we have worked with several associations that are also part of the Erasmus +.
Mission and Objectives

It aims is to promote qualified development of Montemor-o-Novo municipality in particular to support actions in the social & cultural sphere, environmental preservation and enhancement of natural and human heritage, entrepreneurship and support for business creation and quality services. Environmental and heritage concerns were at the root of the creation of the MARCA ADL, that currently has the legal status equivalent to Environmental Non-Governmental Organization ENGO. Our action goals are: - Contribute to a balanced and sustainable development encompassing the physical and cultural space of the community with local capabilities, defining strategies to overcome the current problems; - Encourage the participation of the people in different levels of development process, with special attention to youngsters and adults with integration difficulties in the labor market. Enhancing citizenship and community participation; - Revitalize traditional alternative activities and enhancing endogenous and exogenous resources in a perspective of action research that allows the revitalization of the local socio-economic sphere and employment promotion; - Promoting cultural, human and natural heritage, landscape; - Connect culture and science to local development, articulating them with the local economy. In order to achieve these objectives, MARCA - ADL has developed projects and actions in partnership with other local-level institutions, national and international. 

Main Projects / Activities

-SVE: For Youth (2018-2020) ERASMUS +: This European voluntary project is framed in a local an initiative that brings together three organizations that intend to bring to the municipality of Montemor-o-Novo greater openness to the issues of interculturality and European citizenship, especially as regards the younger ones.
-Youth Action to Grow (2018-2019) PARTNERS - KA2 - ERASMUS +: The project aims to create a network of entities that work with young people with fewer opportunities. Together, partners will design and implement actions to increase the participation of youth with fewer opportunities in Erasmus+ Volunteer Projects.
- Solidarity Corps - 2019 - Intergenerational Project whose objective is the fight against the social exclusion of the elderly, the cognitive stimulation, and the breaking of stereotypes and prejudices about the ageing by the young people.
-Volunteer Escapes (2018-2020) - Life program and European Solidarity Corps - The project uses young volunteers to work in nature conservation and environmental education.
-LIFE+-LINES (2015-2020): this project is being developed in Évora and Montemor-o-Novo councils in partnership with universities, local governments and other public organizations. MARCA ADL role is to manage an Autochthonous Plant Nursery, to perform eradication actions on invasive plant species and to involve local communities and organizations in green voluntary actions.
- Promotion and valuing of local products (2015-...): this project has a subset of different actions like Cookery workshops to both professionals and amateurs and Local Certification Stamp as a dynamic process.
- Saídas de Mestre - CREATOUR - Creative tourism (2018/2020): Develop, implement and promote activities in the municipality of Montemor-o-Novo, for creative tourism about 
We have also developed voluntary projects in the field of human rights, citizenship and participation, in partnership with the Portuguese Institute of sport and youth and the grouping of schools in Montemor o Novo. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Anna Lindt network objectives through the activities developed by the Marca.  We work to empower young people at a local, national and international level, promoting also the intercultural dialogue mainly through volunteer activities.
In this sense and meeting its areas of intervention, Marca ADL can contribute to the network in several ways, namely:
- Develop activities in the context of local human heritage;
- Activities that foster intercultural dialogue and build a more open and resilient community;
- Empower young people for young people to build together more open, inclusive and resilient communities;
- Develop actions that promote a more resilient and empathic society; 
- Social inclusion activity with various audiences;
- Promote the empowerment of our organization and different audiences;
- Disseminate the goals and values ​​of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our perspective, it would be important for us, as a local development association, to bring to the municipality of Montemor-o-Novo (Évora District) new approaches on different topics. To stimulate, raise awareness and educate for intercultural dialogue to achieve social cohesion among the younger generations, is one of the objectives that MARCA intends to achieve.
In this sense, incorporating the network would be important in building partnerships and achieving our objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosa Coelho
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marta Mattioli
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Mattioli
Job Title (2)

ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality

National Network

Furn El Chebbak, Sector 5, 51 Bustani Street, Najjar Bldg., Ground Floor

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
ABAAD– Resource Center for Gender Equality is a UN ECOSOC accredited organization that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region.  The dynamic team is comprised of more than 120 dedicated activists, lawyers, consultants, social workers, volunteers and researchers, who creatively test new approaches as part of a larger effort to achieve an equitable society, free of hegemonic masculinities and violence against women. Strategy To eliminate Gender-Based Violence, ABAAD realizes that unfair laws must be changed, community behaviour should shift away from patriarchal practices and GBV survivors who suffer from extreme physical and psychological trauma should receive comprehensive, survivor-centred quality care services. To do that, ABAAD developed a five-pillar strategy that aims at: advocating for fair gender policies and laws, reducing all forms of gender-based violence and mitigating its harmful effects on GBV survivors, empowering women and girls and increasing their agency, providing women and girls, especially those affected by humanitarian crises, with appropriate, relevant and gender-sensitive care and protection services; and, enhancing civil and public organizations’ capacities and skills to plan, work with and mainstream gender-related issues. ABAAD effecitvely collaborates with governmental partners, local and international NGOs, political leaders from all groups, the media and religious leaders from different confessions. ABAAD has also been the co-chair of the National Technical Task Force to End GBV against Women and Girls (alongside the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs) since 2012.
Mission and Objectives

ABAAD advocates for the development and implementation of policies and laws that enhance women’s effective participation, through a rights-based approach that would bring about tangible change to gender justice. With the purpose of ending gender-based violence, ABAAD adopts a holistic care approach to provide protection and support services to GBV survivors/right holders during times of peace, war and disasters. As a leading agency on gender equality in the MENA region, ABAAD also seeks to support and build the capacities of local, regional and international entities that are working on protection programmes, case management, Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), Mental Health & Psychosocial Support and sexualities. Through its pioneer ‘’Masculinities’’ programme, ABAAD effectively engages men in working towards achieving an equitable society, free of hegemonic masculinities and violence against women.

Main Projects / Activities

Based on its five-pillar strategy, ABAAD has developed a comprehensive portfolio of programs that targets women and girls of all age groups from both host and refugee populations, men and boys of all age groups and people affected by crisis and disasters. ABAAD's through its programs and approach aims, not only to build the resilience and agency of GBV survivors and provide them with health, legal, social and economic services but aim at resolving the root causes that cause these gender inequalities and abuses through changing discriminatory laws and the attitude of the local community regarding gender roles and the use of violence.
Our projects and activities have a broad reach to refugees & right holders, inclusively from various gender, age nationalities and special needs, as we work across Lebanon and currently operate 12 Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) & Family Support Units (FSU) in partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), 3 Men Centers providing psychological rehabilitation services for men with violent behaviors and 3 Emergency Safe Shelters for Women and Girls survivors of GBV in life threatening situation.  
For those unable to access ABAAD centers and services, ABAAD goes to them through the Mobile Bus ‘’Jina Al Dar Programme’’. The bus tours in the most marginalized areas, towns and villages with a specialized team aiming to provide services on the prevention and reduction of all forms violence against women and girls and fostering social stabilities in host communities.
Our portfolio includes:
1. Direct care services that include:
“Al Dar” program that provides a free, safe and temporary housing for women at risk or survivors of GBV, including single and married women and their children. Al Dar also provides crisis counselling, legal rights counselling, emergency support, psychosocial support, access to resources and referrals to external service providers.
"Women and Girls Safe Spaces" program provides a safe, non-stigmatising environment for women and girl survivors of GBV and their children to receive comprehensive holistic care services.
The ''Men Center'' program aims to engage men and provide support at the individual, family, couples and community level, with the aim of promoting non-violent behavior and reinforcing positive familial and social relationships.
2. Focused programs targeting gender equality, advocacy, primary prevention, masculinities, emergency repose, SRHR and sexuality and a cross-border program mainly in Syria.
3. National campaigns and initiatives, such as:
Abolishing Article 522 from the Lebanese Penal Code. The #Undress522  national campaign was spearheaded by ABAAD and resulted in abolishing Article 522 from the Lebanese Penal Code  Watch on Youtube - Repealing #Article522: a case study from Lebanon. This national campaign also led to enhancing coordination for SGBV prevention and improving response among the humanitarian actors, local service providers and government agencies (such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, MoSA, the Ministry of Public Health, MoPH, and the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, MoI).
Development of GBV case management ''National Standard Operating Procedures'' (SOPs). The SOPs aim at providing a unified and standardized road map and tools to guide the work of service providers, ministries, the police, NGOs, and other frontliners with GBV survivors in Lebanon.
For more information, please visit our website.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a leading actor on gender equality in Lebanon and the region, ABAAD is perceived as a reliable reference and partner by the local, regional and international entities that promote gender equality, peacebuilding and sustainable development. 
ABAAD has been serving on the steering committee of the Lebanon Humanitarian & Development NGOS Forum (LHDF), and also sits on the Advisory Board of the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF). For the past two years, has been actively engaged with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) by attending and contributing to the periodic meetings as the voice & perspective of civil society in Lebanon. In addition to that, ABAAD is a representative of the Local NGOs in the Protection Core Group, and attends the following Working Groups (WG): the Durable Solutions Work Group, the Protection WG, Child Protection WG, SGBV TF, CMR WG and MHPSS TF, both on a central and sub-regional levels.
ABAAD recently signed an agreement with Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) to enhance gender sensitivity of the educational curricula in Lebanon. Our effective relationships with UN agencies, donors, INGOs, Local NGOs in addition to relevant sectoral ministries including MoSA, MoPH\National Mental Health program, Ministry of Interior & Municipalities, Ministry of Justice and MEHE, brings a leverage of securing advocacy & policy reform work with great reach within ministries.
Furthermore, due to our Special Consultative Status at the UN ECOSOC and membership in the “UN Global Compact”, local advocacy messages can be brought on regional & global policy platforms for further advocacy impact.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look forward to joining forces with more than 4000 CSOs to share best practices and highlight common solutions to common challenges!

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Narod Haroutunian
Job Title
Public Affairs Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ghida Anani
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamad Mansour
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director/ Head of Operations

Antonios Gavriilidis

National Network

I. Tselepi 18, Ano Toumba
54352 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Antonios Gavriilidis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Antonios Gavriilidis

Young Sustainable Impact

National Network

Lotissement Elkhalil 9
8100 Jendouba

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in December 2018, Young Sustainable Impact is a youth-led NGO that offers young people an innovative range of opportunities for self-education and personal development in order to find a passion for acting.   
Mission and Objectives

To empower Tunisians youths to solve sustainability challenges with a measurable impact.

Main Projects / Activities

We are Environmental, Economical and Social Sustainability hackers ! Our projects are uniquely crafted trainings and workshops with non formal educational content that is considered a support pillar to shape a holistic sustainability-focused young generation with a tremendous self-discovery potentials, personal and professional development, networking opportunities, learning tools, community engagement ad youthful activities...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF really inspires us for various reasons. First of all, we are from Tunisia, an emerging country in the northern part of Africa that looks for a new generation of young leaders in order to join the development path. Secondly, this network will offer us the unique opportunity to exchange with other young leader and find common solutions for national and international challenges. Hence, we have the higher interest to join ALF network because it will certainly push us another step forward in order to achieve our aim of being Tunisians change makers.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Wajdi Hasni
Job Title
Director / Co-founder
Head of the organisation
Wajdi Hasni
Contact (2) Full Name
Aymen Bouazizi
Job Title (2)
Program Manager

Albanian Club Via Egnatia

National Network

Rruga Riza Cerova Nr 26
Rruga e Dibres Nr 126

00355 682032160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00355 682032160
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are brand New Organisation wich is trying to grow everyday recruiting people tha are interested in Promoting Cultural&Natural Heritage trying to put in evidence what is an Historical&Environmental interes for the Public.Our main aim is to Promote such interests for a Sustainable Tourism&Economy.

Mission and Objectives

The Mission of A.C.V.E. is to Promote the Cultural,Hitorical&Environmental Tourism in Albania through sensibilisation and activitties that in their own aim has the developpment of backwarded Rural areas through sustainable Tourism and creating economy&jobs.

Main Projects / Activities

Published a Travel Book..The Antique Via EGNATIA...History,Events&Atractions.....Cultural&Environmental. Runing through History&Nature on Old Roman Route Via Egnatia in contact with Nature and hundreds years old Olive Trees

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through information and sensibilisation of attractions that offers my Country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the same principals and aim...Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Tourism

Contact (1) Full Name
Bukurosh Reci
Job Title
Freelancer..Touristic Promoter
Head of the organisation
Bukurosh Reci

Fundacja Active Kids

National Network

Os.K.Szymanowskiego 19/17
32-020 Wieliczka

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The "Active Kids" Foundation, is very active in the field of social, cultural, ethnic and geographical inclusion. Through its activities based mainly on the theater of the oppressed - forum theater. Thanks to constant work and expanding the scope of its activity, it conducts trainings in the field of work method in diversified intercultural and ethnic environments. The organization also gained experience in the field of the projects (theater of the oppressed, drama), by sending and training its employees in institutions closely related to the mainstream theme, both in Poland - completed license-coaching courses in "DramaWay", "StopKlatka", "School of trainers Act ") and abroad (courses of Mr. Jackson, at the University of Sydney, Strasbourg). Employees of the organization - a team of 17 people with extensive experience in the context of informal education methods and about 20 volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the foundation is the activity for the activation of young people, which includes:   1. Developing and strengthening attitudes focused on active cooperation in the development of civic society, both at the local, regional, national and international levels. 2. Promoting voluntary work as an effective tool for gaining experience. 3. Initiating and supporting innovative solutions in various areas of social life, especially in the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, encouraging initiatives and entrepreneurial activities. 4. Increasing international mobility.     5. Supporting political and social activities related to the development of democracy and civic society in Poland and other European countries as well as participation in creating a common Europe. 6. Supporting activities for the development of education and culture. 7. Creating initiatives to overcome intercultural barriers. 8. Assistance to marginalized groups and support for young people and children with lower socio-economic opportunities. 9. Activity for the elderly, disabled. Organization of workshops, training and seminars. 10. Activities for children. Organization of projects, workshops, training and other activities. 11. Creating the basis for intergenerational dialogue between youth and older people. 12. Developing skills in the fields of: sport, culture, pro-ecological attitudes, entrepreneurship, intergenerational dialogue, health. 13. Activities for organizations whose statutory objectives are: scientific activity, scientific engineering, education, culture, in the field of physical culture and sport, environmental protection, charity, health care and social assistance, vocational and social rehabilitation for invalids. Assisting marginalized groups and supporting young people and children with lower life chances; promoting the idea of ​​a united Europe; promoting cultural heritage, both local, state and European; preventive measures of unemployment among young people: developing entrepreneurship and learning additional skills, both through formal and non-formal education; developing civic attitudes among the society

Main Projects / Activities

 The "Active Kids" Foundation, is very active in the field of social, cultural, ethnic and geographical inclusion It was created on the initiative of youth workers, leaders, educators and local trainers to support excluded and less privileged for social, economic and geographic reasons from the areas of Wieliczka, Sygneczow, Grabówki, Niepołomice, Lanckorona, Siercza, Podstolice, Janowice, Rożnów and Lednica Górna. Organization works mainly with authoring methods based on the principles of nonformal education. Our foundation works with people from broken / incomplete families, migrants (with particular emphasis on the Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian and Russian minorities). The organization works in the context of including discriminated people, migrants, ethnic and religious minorities. The Foundation is constantly looking for new methods and tools to improve the efficiency of its work. The main methods used by the Foundation are drama, theatre of the oppressed and improvisation. The organization has 23 members. 3 drama trainers, 5 social animators, 2 improv trainers, 3 IT specialists, 10 youth workers. Currently the organization coordinates Erasmus+ KA2 about re-framing drama and theatre of the oppressed methods into IT channels- tutorial that could be used by other European organizations in frames of social, economical and ethnical inclusions. Coordinates project about social inclusion of Ukrainian and Russian minorities from Małopolska region, where creates a base of common understanding and inclusion tools for Polish and Eastern European societies. The organization is in charge of 4 youth projects based on inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities through theater, aiming to raise theirs' awareness of active citizenship, democracy, tolerance, inclusion mostly based on antidiscrimination and anti-radicalistic workshops. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During our activities we try to influence the aspect and attitude of the young to become responsible adults. Mainly we reach the target audience by visiting school classes, festivals, other programs. Furthermore we transact international youth exchange programs (youth exchange), trainings (mobility of youth workers), Erasmus+ Programmes, children and family programs, exhibitions, camps, quizzes, courses, concerts, performances, and traditional programs to achieve our goals. Educational activities, trainings, workshops and counseling with groups of teenagers in relation with their current problems. Main areas of our activities involve counseling, developing strategies and action plans concerning communities on youth, leading informational campaigns, training activities and workshops. During our activity we gather information about the problem of the youth, they can ask us and we give the answers to their questions. We have been generating projects for supporting inclusion and acceptance in the past year at national and international level, promoting gender and international volunteering, active social engagement, youth involvement, and supporting peer educators. We coordinated and still coordinate 23 young European volunteer services. In our international projects, 800 young people and youth worker participated in our collaboration. We provide low- threshold services so we can reach more young people. We manage free participation from supporters. We provide university students practical space. We work with the tools of non-formal learning. We are involved in domestic and international training involving young people, because it is important for the professionals who work with them to progress. We monitor the development of international youth policy, participate in influencing processes defining domestic youth policy. Expanding domestic and international calculations will ensure the continuity of activities. Building on our expanding domestic and international volunteer base, we ensure continuity of activities. With their involvement, we can meet several requests at the high schools, at city-level events. We provide disadvantaged young people with opportunities that they will not achieve without our support, helping their integration into the community and their participation in voluntary activities. We are regularly present in online and offline media (eg Facebook, Youtube, Instagram). A key element of a democratic society is the participation of young people in communities. They must have the right space, rights, means, knowledge, opportunities to be able to create a proper society. It is relevant to recognize the need for common social responsibility, the need for equal opportunities, and the emphasis on positive interdependence.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would love to join the ALF Network for partnering with young people to build together more open, inclusive and resilient communities. Our aim is to bring together and inspire other civil societies and multiplying our impact in that way. joining ALF Network would be a great opportunity for our organization to become more engaged in the process of developing and strengthening attitudes focused on active cooperation in the development of civic society, both at the local, regional, national and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michal Gorecki
Head of the organisation
Michal Gorecki


National Network

Malamou 1
48100 Preveza

(+30) 2682400873
Mobile Phone
(+30) 6944762802
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
General Information
AROGOS is a cultural organization based in Preveza, Greece. Our organization is the first international NGO for the promotion of cultural heritage in North-western Greece. It was registered in the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports' Portal of Cultural organizations in September 2017. We represent the interests of professionals involved in the management of cultural heritage and seek to improve the cooperation between all affected parties.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to familiarize the public with the history and value of cultural heritage. Through projects and events we want to revive, promote and offer an interpretation of the local cultural heritage. In addition, our innovative programs will create a sustainable economic and cultural environment for the benefit of the surrounding local population and society in general.
The purpose of AROGOS, is to link research and innovation through the implementation of projects and cultural events at local, national and international level to achieve economic and cultural sustainability as a long-term goal. In addition, we aim to become a dynamic mechanism for the upgrading and sustainable development of the Local Authorities, through our cooperation with the civil society and by implementing innovative ideas for problem solving in modern cities. Another goal is to monitor, research and evaluate political and public questions, events and concepts related to culture and cultural products.
Our vision is to explore the history of our past in order to influence financially and culturally the sustainability of today's and tomorrow's Greece. We look forward to long-term cultural and economic sustainability in low-growth areas through the promotion of cultural heritage to attract tourism and interested stakeholders to invest in the area.
1. Promotion of cultural heritage and spiritual wealth in Greece.
2. Increasing the access to knowledge and education.
3. Development of alternative tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

• Festival "2000 years Preveza"
• "Festival of Octavian Augustus"
• The Hunt for the Secret Treasure of Octavian Augustus
• Epictetus
• "2 minute Stories"
• "Incubator" of Ideas
• Educational programs
• seminars
• consulting
• research

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AROGOS can contribute to the Greek Network by preparing the organizational framework and action plan for the promotion of cultural heritage and tourism development and by designing and organizing innovative programs to highlight, interpret and promote cultural heritage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to expand our professional network of connections and to share good practises with other organizations to improve the performance and productivity of AROGOS.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Lamprakoulis, PhD
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Head of the organisation
Georgios Lamprakoulis, PhD

Daem for Media Center

National Network

Rasheed Area

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Daem is a non-governmental non-profit organization established in Amman – Jordan early in 2012 concerned to enhance the freedom environment by directing media sector attention on development subjects. The stockholders of Daem are experts in civil society and media transactions as the administrative of Daem are ex-administrative in TV stations, Radio, owners and publishers of electronic news sites, creating TV and radio programs & campaigns. The 7 full time staff of Daem are media specialists holding BA and Master Degrees from universities in media and journalism. Main Previous Projects: -Training courses for journalists both sex to cover elections 2013 in coordination with US Embassy in Amman. - Implementing project "the rights of access to information" project with UNISCO 2013-2014. - Developing women parliament Members role in Media outlets with MEPI 2013-2014 -  Raising Awareness of Digital Broadcasting in Jordan project with OSF 2014. -  Enhancing provinces Youth both sex awareness in info sources with King Abdullah II Fund/ 2014. - Lobbying and campaigning to cancel article 308 in the Jordanian law (Exclusion punishing the rapist in case of marriage the victim) supported by Netherland Embassy 2014-2016. - Developing Government spokesmen in media skills supported by US Government 2016. - Empowering 11 both gender sport TV reporters 2016 supported by king Abdullah fund 2016. - Organizing "Rethinking women Journalists" for 25 European and Mideterainian women Journalists in partnership with International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) 2017. - European Union visual awareness production 2016 & 2017. - Empowering Women Members of Parliament in Social Media 2017-2018 supported by JWC. - Media Influence program for Yemeni women with EU- Delegation 2018.
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to the consolidation of the concepts of human rights; support the media and the right of access to information. We seek to develop our media sector, through the provision of training and continuing education for media People, and contribute to the process of political, social, economic and legislative reform, support freedom of the media and journalists, and provide specialized legal aid to them in media Cases and issues.
1. Training media Personnel and journalists.
2. Implement the activities of advocacy in support of the reform process and information along with decision-makers.
3. Working with relevant sectors to support democracy, the freedom of information.
4. Open lines for youth to express thoughts and raising voices to do change.
5. Legal defense of journalists and media organizations. 

Main Projects / Activities

Main Previous Projects:
-Training courses for journalists both sex to cover elections 2013 in coordination with US Embassy in Amman.
- Implementing project "the rights of access to information" project with UNISCO 2013-2014.
- Developing women parliament Members role in Media outlets with MEPI 2013-2014
-  Raising Awareness of Digital Broadcasting in Jordan project with OSF 2014.
-  Enhancing provinces Youth both sex awareness in info sources with King Abdullah II Fund/ 2014.
- Lobbying and campaigning to cancel article 308 in the Jordanian law (Exclusion punishing the rapist in case of marriage the victim) supported by Netherland government 2014-2016.
- Developing Government spokesmen in media skills supported by US Government 2016.
- Empowering 11 both gender sport TV reporters 2016 supported by king Abdullah fund 2016.
- Organizing "Rethinking women Journalists" for 25 European and Mideterainian women Journalists in partnership with International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF).
- European Union media activities video producer 2016 & 2017.
- Empowering Women Members of Parliament in Social Media project supported by UN Women.
- Signed a memorandum of understanding with Radio and Television Corporation in order to develop the content and exchange expertise and held trainings for radio and TV staff.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can establish new chances for International organization to work in Jordan and to be a good partner for them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking to build relations with International organization to enhance our capacity building and open new lines for cooperation.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Abdel Fattah Al Kayed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Abdel Fattah Kayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Shahed Deebajah
Job Title (2)
Operation Manager