
Comunità Università Mediterranee C.U.M.

National Network

Villa La Rocca, via Celliso Ulpiani, 27 - Bari

+39 080-5478336/7
+39 080-5478203
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Luigi Ambrosi Presidente

Confcooperative Sardegna

National Network

Piazza Salento n. 5

070 402278
070 485074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
CONFCOOPERATIVE è un'organizzazione che si articola su livelli nazionale, regionale e provinciale. La Confcooperative Sardegna, nel territorio isolano, è presente con una Unione regionale e quattro Unioni Provinciali con sedi a Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro ed Oristano. Le cooperative aderenti sono inoltre rappresentate dalle Federazioni Regionali di settore: Federabitazione, Fedagri, Federcoopesca, Federcultura-Turismo-Sport, Federlavoro e Federsolidarietà. Il Sistema Confcooperative Sardegna comprende diverse organizzazioni che completano la gamma di servizi specialistici rivolti alle cooperative aderenti. I Centri Servizi Co.As.Co (UP Cagliari), Confservizi (UP Oristano) e Puntocooper (UP Nuoro e Sassari) svolgono le loro attività di assistenza amministrativa, contabile e fiscale in stretta connessione con le rispettive Unioni. Fin.Coop., Coop.Fin e Fidicoop Sardegna sono invece le società che offrono assistenza in materia finanziaria.
Mission and Objectives

CONFCOOPERATIVE è un'organizzazione che si articola su livelli nazionale, regionale e provinciale.
La Confcooperative Sardegna, nel territorio isolano, è presente con una Unione regionale e quattro Unioni Provinciali con sedi a Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro ed Oristano.
Le cooperative aderenti sono inoltre rappresentate dalle Federazioni Regionali di settore: Federabitazione, Fedagri, Federcoopesca, Federcultura-Turismo-Sport, Federlavoro e Federsolidarietà.
Il Sistema Confcooperative Sardegna comprende diverse organizzazioni che completano la gamma di servizi specialistici rivolti alle cooperative aderenti.
I Centri Servizi Co.As.Co (UP Cagliari), Confservizi (UP Oristano) e Puntocooper (UP Nuoro e Sassari) svolgono le loro attività di assistenza amministrativa, contabile e fiscale in stretta connessione con le rispettive Unioni.
Fin.Coop., Coop.Fin e Fidicoop Sardegna sono invece le società che offrono assistenza in materia finanziaria.

Main Projects / Activities

CONFCOOPERATIVE è un'organizzazione che si articola su livelli nazionale, regionale e provinciale.
La Confcooperative Sardegna, nel territorio isolano, è presente con una Unione regionale e quattro Unioni Provinciali con sedi a Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro ed Oristano.
Le cooperative aderenti sono inoltre rappresentate dalle Federazioni Regionali di settore: Federabitazione, Fedagri, Federcoopesca, Federcultura-Turismo-Sport, Federlavoro e Federsolidarietà.
Il Sistema Confcooperative Sardegna comprende diverse organizzazioni che completano la gamma di servizi specialistici rivolti alle cooperative aderenti.
I Centri Servizi Co.As.Co (UP Cagliari), Confservizi (UP Oristano) e Puntocooper (UP Nuoro e Sassari) svolgono le loro attività di assistenza amministrativa, contabile e fiscale in stretta connessione con le rispettive Unioni.
Fin.Coop., Coop.Fin e Fidicoop Sardegna sono invece le società che offrono assistenza in materia finanziaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabio Onnis
Head of the organisation
Fabio Onnis

Connecting Cultures

National Network

Via Merula 62, 20142

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Connecting Cultures is a Non profit Cultural Association. Its members are : Anna Detheridge, founder and President, was editor for the arts pages of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore from 1985 to 2003; Daniela Ricciardi, graduate in Economics, coordinates the administrative structure of Connecting Cultures’ projects and manages the relationships with private and public partners; Laura Riva, graduate in Art History, is Archivist and Director of the Contemporary Arts Archive; Anna Vasta, graduate in Contemporary Art, curates and organizes Connecting Cultures projects. The budgetary resources available in a year are 100.000 Euro. The sources of funding are various: public fundings (Lombardy Region, Milan Council), private fundings and European University Partnerships. Modalities of action: workshops, public art projects, art lectures and seminars, open publishing websites. Main partners: Fondazione La Triennale di Milano, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Cittadella Fondazione Pistoletto, DIAP – Politecnico di Milano, University of Wales-Newport.
Mission and Objectives

We are a non profit research agency based in Milan, Italy, active in the field of the Visual Arts. We work with artists, designers architects and performers, and the public attempting to bring them together in meaningful ways. Our approach is interdisciplinary and cross cultural.
Our aims are:
promoting collective awareness of resources and potential of the local;
providing opportunities for cross cultural exchange;
implementing ideas for urban ecologies;
acting as catalysts for change and a sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

One of Connecting Cultures’ main activities is to work with artists on public projects in problematic urban areas. Artists, working as catalysts for change whether in city centres or in edge cities or periurban areas, are not marketing oriented and may raise politically sensitive issues difficult to deal with. We strongly believe in the necessity to confront these issues reaching beyond social assistance and politically correct or incorrect policies, basing ideas for change on new perspectives and the involvement of all stakeholders into the equation.
Our ongoing Art and Survival programme based on artists working with Human Rights issues in countries devastated by widespread warfare has developed a variety of reflections and ramifications.
We have founded and manage global and local social networks and digital platforms such as (now under reconstruction) and (also being updated).

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Ricciardi
Head of the organisation
Anna Detheridge
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Detheridge

Consorzio ABN A&B network sociale

National Network

Via F.lli Cairoli, 24, 06125 Perugia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ABN Network is a pool of cooperatives (social and common cooperatives) constituted in 1997 on the initiative of some Italian social cooperatives of the Umbrian territory of the province of Perugia. The pool was born with the aim of sharing integrated strategies targeted to pursue human promotion and citizens’ social integration objectives, as established in the art.1 of the L.381/91. Nowadays, in ABN cooperatives work approximately 2500 persons, of which nearly 1600 are employed in social cooperatives of type B and, 570 are disadvantaged persons, and approximately 460 employed in social cooperatives in type A services to people. The pool is structured on the model of the network company, in which various subjects join their own specificities, frameworked in shared strategies, in order to integrate various functions and to optimize the performances, following rigid qualitative standards and the “paper of the values” of the pool. The ABN Pool has developed in the years a managerial system more and more careful to the offered services quality, to the organization efficiency and the effectiveness, to the respect of the atmosphere, the social responsibility towards its own workers. Such engagement is attested and sanctioned, from 2005, also by the attainment of the three certifications concerning: quality management system, in compliance with the international norm UNI EN ISO 9001:2000;, environmental management system in compliance with the international norm UNI EN ISO 14001:2004; social responsibility management system (ethics), in compliance with the norm SA 8000:2001. For the attainment of their own goals, the Association has a common bottom made of: a) associates’ quotes and b) private and publics contributions c)selling services ABN collaborates with trade unions, non-governmental organisations, local development agencies, local authorities, Universities and research centres. ABN has a Balance shet total of euros 35.273.444,00.
Mission and Objectives

ABN has the aim to integrate the type A social cooperation (management of socio-medical and educational services), the type B social cooperation (job inclusion for disadvantaged people) and the common cooperation activities, operating on multiple plans:
- working for the social inclusion, both through the social participation and through the development of the occupation;
- mainstreaming the “good practices” of the job and social integration and inclusion of disadvantaged persons on the regional, national and international territories;
- to guarantee the products’ quality through its trademarks (specificly the “social product” quality and mainly as regards the one tied to the working integration of the disadvantaged persons);
- to realize coordinated plans, in active partnership with the public beings and related to the social realities of the territory, also investing its own resources, in a perspective of “participated” welfare;
- to allow the social companies development and their new entrepreneurial plans, in the “connection strategy” perspective inside the territories.
ABN has, moreover, developed a specific skill in the management of job inclusion for people coming out the job market, both on behalf of public beings and by itself.

Main Projects / Activities

Main fields of activities:
- TRAINING: ABN has an accredit permission by the Umbrian Region in order to exercise the following activities of professional training for the following typologies: advanced training, continuous and permanent training
- START_UP: ABN made the start-up process for many new cooperatives and other companies typologies in the national territory and gave support to many entrepreneurial development plans
- RENEWABLE ENERGETIC SOURCES: activities in the thermic solar area, in the photovoltaic field, biomasses, aeolian,...
- Evironment and sustinable development: with project in Italy and in Albania

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Velloni
Head of the organisation
Roberto Leonardi

Consorzio I MAKE

National Network

Via Santa Caterina da Siena c/o Ex Macello Comunale
70017 Putignano

+39 0804054878
Mobile Phone
+39 366 2120775
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
I MAKE is a consortium of associations that manage a Cultural Centre, the Former Slaughterhouse in Putignano, in the heart of Puglia, and deals with creativity and wellbeing. It is a very large space with a big yard and rooms dedicated to trainings, creativity and relaxation. The consortium is composed by local associations that works in music, theatre, visual arts and whose members are cultural operators, artists, artisans and designers with various and different skills and passions. In particular I MAKE organize events and workshop and support other organization in promotion and communication strategy, activation of spaces and territorial animation. I MAKE partners are Public Administation (Regione Puglia, Comune di Putignano), other consortium of operators and assosiations (GAL Trulli e Barsento, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese) and local associations. The I MAKE sustainability is garanted by the activities in the Cultural Center, the collaboration with partners in projects, event and activity in general.
Mission and Objectives

The I MAKE mission is to re-activate the cultural center in Putignano through the creation of multidisciplinary teams, the involvement of the territory, sharing experiences. This experience and methodology is repeated in all the activities of the Consortium outside the Cultural Center and has as its objective in creation of a different model of project management.

Main Projects / Activities

CULTURAL EVENT - Each month within the spaces of the former macellovengono cultruali organized events such as book presentations , concerts , theatrical performances.
WORKSHOPS - The cultural center is home to various cultural workshops in various disciplines : Music, theater and photography, workshops for the disabled, in arts and oriental disciplines .
RICREA - The project idea is establishment of urban spaces with social and commercial activities, starting with the creation of an urban vegetable garden. The team is composed by young people: cultural operators, architects who works on urban planning, a grafic designer and art director and a chef with international experience.
FARM FESTIVAL - Music, contemporary dance, short films, painting, photography, ceramics , sculpture, gastronomy, eco -sustainability , astronomical observation. In a beautiful farm in Puglia artists, volunteers, technician, operators and cultural associations meet each other to give life to a Festival with European feature sensitive to artistic expression.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I MAKE can be

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Notarangelo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fonte Carmine Parrotta


National Network

Via montenero 9

+ 39 051 557442
+ 39 051 557442
Mobile Phone
+ 39 339 56565680
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Research
General Information
Cultural association with project in contemporary art- architecture and design with 7 persons staff. Year budget approx 19.000 € with source funding by private 55% and public 45% Organization of exhibitions, seminars, and public conference in the theme of : contempoary creation in art, design and architecture Rotterdam – c/o provoost – public lecture – Artra Gallery Milan, London - Institute of Contemporary Arts – KIOSK - Modes of Multiplication - running books archive Napoli – Palazzo Reale – Ansamed: Mediterranean Trends – Public Conference contributors– (with Francesco Morace) Roma - Università La Sapienza – Public Conference – Impresa etica e Design Venezia - W PS1 / Web Radio PS1 New York – 51° Biennale di Venezia Milano - Salone Internazionale del Mobile – Salone Satellite Design - Home Less is More project
Mission and Objectives

Help and support innovative ideas in contemporary creations

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Daniele Pario Perra
Head of the organisation
Daniele Pario Perra
Contact (2) Full Name
Mark Mistergends

Cooperativa Lilith

National Network

Via Satta, 32

+39 781 670694
+39 781 670694
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Lilith cooperative was founded on 1984 by nine women with different walks of life. Original aim of the cooperative has been studying and promoting reading mainly of female writers and their thinking. So that Lilith is also an independent bookshop with 15.000 titles of any publishing house. In this way Lilith bookshop has any kind of writers including new and unknown authors. The bookshop is the tool of Lilith cooperative that manages it by volunteer activities of the members. Cooperative members professionalise in reading promoting due to own experiences, their relationship with both writers groups and school world. In the last three years the happening “La città che legge. Mediterraneo: navigare fra le letterature” has been organised by Lilith. It regards the promotion of Mediterranean writers in the schools. The happening is the last step of a work that lasts the whole scholastic year. Students read and analyse books of writers that are going to meet on the final happening. Each year Lilith presents to the schools a particular Mediterranean region with its writers.
Mission and Objectives

Promoting reading among young people by the study of books written by authors of Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting of reading by: implementation and improvement of refresher courses about publishing for children; implementation and improvement of reading laboratories regarding the education to the difference; implementation and improvement of initiatives of reading in particular for students and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lai

Cooperativa Sociale Altri Orizzonti by Jerry Essan Masslo

National Network

Corso Umberto 153
Casal di Principe (CE)

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
L'associazione ha lo scopo di combattere e prevenire situazioni di disagio infantile e perseguire l'interesse generale della comunità umana e dell'integrazione sociale dei cittadini attraverso lo svolgimento di attività quali la gestione di servizi socio-sanitari ed educativi e svolgere attività diverse, agricole, industriali, commerciali o di servizi finalizzate all'inserimento lavorativo delle persone svantaggiate. La cooperativa è retta e disciplinata secondo il principio della mutualità senza fini di lucro ed ha anche per scopo quello di ottenere, tramite la gestione in forma associata, continuità di occupazione e le migliori condizioni economiche, sociali, professionali per i soci lavoratori. La cooperativa è a mutualità prevalente, quindi, nello svolgimento della sua attività, si avvale prevalentemente delle prestazioni lavorative dei soci o degli apporti di beni e servizi dei soci.
Mission and Objectives

La cooperativa svolge attività socio-sanitarie, educative ed assistenziali, rivolte a minori, adolescenti, giovani e famiglie.
La cooperazione svolge, stabilmente o temporaneamente, in proprio o per conto terzi, varie attività di tutela e supporto delle fasce svantaggiate

Main Projects / Activities

La cooperativa si adopera in azioni volte a contrastare e diminuire la dispersione scolastica, alfabetizzare comunità e/o individui stranieri, prevenire e combattere la dipendenza da sostanze illecite, creare percorsi di qualificazione di base per specifiche figure professionali di assistenza, quali fisioterapisti, logopedisti, infermieri, insegnanti di sostegno, gestire  servizi socio-sanitari per persone anziane, portatori di handicap, minori, soggetti affetti da disagio psichico, fisico, soggetti affetti da sindrome da immunode acquisita (A.I.D.S.).

Contact (1) Full Name
Natale Anna Cecere
Head of the organisation
Anna Cecere

Cooperativa Sociale CRINALI - Donne per un nuovo mondo A R.L. O.N.L.U.S

National Network

Corso di Porta Nuova 32
20121 Milano

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Social Cooperative CRINALI is a multicultural cooperation group, born in February 2002. It associates 27 women, coming from 10 different countries (Algeria, Chili, China, Ecuador, Egypt, Philippines, Italy, Morocco, Peru, Romania), and different professions (linguistic and cultural mediators, psychologists, counselors, gynecologists, midwifes, social workers). It is operating mainly by programs and services for immigrant people in the fields of health, psychology, social care and education; and for Italian professionals providing formation in intercultural approach by means of seminars, meetings and supervisions. CRINALI operates in partnership with Hospitals, Public Clinics, Schools, Social Services, Universities. It is ruled by a Board of Directors which is elected by  the Shareholders Meeting; the Board elects the President.  It has  N.17  hired employees, including one Administrator and two Secretaries, and 1 voluntary. A network is going to begin with another Social  Cooperative (ALDIA). Last year’s budget was Euro  684.957, mainly coming from public agencies (Region, Hospitals, Municipalities).
Mission and Objectives

CRINALI’s mission is to contribute in building a multicultural society, in which women and men may live together in peace, with social justice and respecting cultural and gender differences; for this purpose its work develops mainly with the aim of  realizing health and education rights.
Its objectives are:
- to spread hospitality culture and cultural and gender differences respect, among professionals working in public services, teachers and educators, Italian citizens and immigrants;
- to develop social health and educational services based on these principles, in collaboration with public authorities;
- to spread cultural linguistic mediation and trans cultural approach in the fields of health and education.
- To develop knowledge about means of preventing children and adolescents failure and marginalization in immigrant families.
-  It also has the objective to develop a multi professional approach, knowing that social and health problems with immigrant people  present great complexity to be faced.
CRINALI  finally wants  to experiment, by means of its own organization, a multicultural business experience, checking its resources and difficulties.

Main Projects / Activities

Crinali works in partnership with public authorities and social private businesses.
Its activities are:
- Two “Health and counseling clinic for immigrated women and their children” by S. Paolo Hospital and S. Carlo Borromeo Hospital in Milano
- Two services for “Trans cultural psychotherapy” for immigrant children and their families, one located in Milano and one in Pioltello (Milano’s hinterland)
- Cultural linguistic mediation in 7 Family planning services in the province of Milano, and in one private Family service named “Mother and child village” in Milano
- Cultural linguistic mediation for diagnostic and rehabilitation interventions with immigrated children and adolescents and their families, in Children Neuropsychiatric Services, by IRCCS Ca’ Granda Foundation of Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico , and S.Paolo and S.Carlo Borromeo Hospitals.
- Cultural linguistic mediation and psychological counseling for immigrant children and their families in 10 schools located in Pioltello (hinterland of Milano), and 3 in Milano.
- CRINALI organizes courses for formation, tutoring and supervision, for psychologists, doctors, midwifes, teachers, educators, nurses ,about the relation with patients, children, users, coming from other countries and cultures. In the last 3 years CRINALI has led 35 courses and seminars, for almost 864 hours of teaching, with 1630 participants.
- CRINALI organizes meetings, seminars, books presentations in order to promote discussion on the items of inter culture and prevention of maladjustment of children and families.
- CRINALI has a permanent collaboration with University Paris XIII and Paris Descartes, collaborates also with Bicocca University and Catholic University of Milano.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution to the Network  can come out of our specialization in mother and child  health and in education. This has been developed through projects and experiences oriented to integrate people coming from different cultures, with special care to gender specificity. Our experience within public services and our mediation intervention allow us to directly interface with institutions and get the right appreciation of the importance of our approach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Over past  years our organisation is trying to develop and increase its network.
Within our work of promotion mental and physical health of migrants, intercultural dialogue and the culture of hospitality, more and more we feel that is important to get in touch with different private social network, in order both to increase knowledge and promote intercultural dialogue, and also to seek new funding to continue our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Gavazzi
Job Title
president of the organisation
Head of the organisation
president : Elena Gavazzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Karina Scorzelli Vergara
Job Title (2)
vice president of the organisation

Cooperativa sociale Millepiedi onlus

National Network

Vico Merello n° 11 09017 Sant'Antioco CA - Sardinia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Cooperativa sociale Millepiedi onlus" is a social no profit organization and works with pubblic institutions and private. Millepiedi cooperative organization offers: social, educational services and projects focused on ecological and sustenible ideas.
Mission and Objectives

Social, educational and ecological projects with children and young people

Main Projects / Activities

Educational and domiciliar service with problematic young people; aggregation and ludic activities with children; baby parking; ECOLU' - ecological and creativity project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can give our contribute studying projects and activities to improve our culture, our social community with the Network and to create new opportunities and possibilities of growth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we need a more large visions and perspectives to work and live; we need to have more network to improve our projects and mission, now and in the future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marzia Varaldo
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Madeddu