
Corso analista euro-mediterraneo - 11a ed- Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)


Corso analista euro-mediterraneo - 11a ed- Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

The Mediterranean is, even more so today following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a crossroads of confrontation and conflict but, also, of opportunities for political and economic cooperation. Public and private institutions, businesses, financial operators, civil society actors and nonprofit organizations operate and interact in this rapidly changing context. To best manage this complexity, there is a growing need for qualified professionals who can analyze, understand and actively contribute to the various decision-making processes, identifying the most strategically correct choices for those who operate, in various capacities, in the Mediterranean.

The course is aimed at students, recent graduates and civilian and military professionals with a social science background with a specific interest in the political and economic dynamics of area countries, and will be held in Italian (with the possibility of some modules in English) every day (in the afternoon slot) from April 17-21, 2023, in a hybrid mode.

The Euro-Mediterranean Analyst course is part of the Advanced Certificate in "International Policy Analyst" and the Advanced Certificate for "International Careers."

To participate, you must fill out the online registration form attaching your curriculum vitae.

The registration fee is €449.00.

For further information:

COSARARA – Cultural Musical Association

National Network

43100 PARMA

+39 0521 350573
Telephone (other)
+39 0521 284921
+39 0521 284921
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 1808162
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1.Non profit association of 5 members. 3 members involved in project management and organization. Up to 30 External staff (musicians and organization staff) 2. 15.000 to 90.000 euros per year, depending on projects 3. commissioned by public and private organizations. 4. seminars, scholarships, musical workshops and concerts 5. Regional and Local Institutions, Mediterranean schools of music.
Mission and Objectives

Development and promotion of culture
Promotion of encounter and aggregation of artists (musicians), scholars and music lovers
Promotion of cultural crossing
Project management in the field of culture with peculiar stress on music.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Five research programmes on: Islam, Civil Society and the Public Sphere; Muslim Cultural Politics: Family Dynamics and Gender; Contemporary Islamic Identity and Public Life; Agency and Change in
Contemporary Muslim Societies; The Production of Islamic Knowledge in Western Europe
2. Publications: The ISIM Review (free of charge); ISIM Paper series; ISIM Book series (per 2006); ISIM Dissertations series (per 2006)
3. Events and activities aimed at the transfer of information to expert and general audiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

CReA - Centre for Research and Activity

National Network

via Gran Sasso 42
00000 00030 Palestrina (RM)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CReA is a NGO , operating in the area of the province of Rome. Founded in 2003, it has 30 professionals associated, all working in the field of cultural-intercultural relationship and development issues. Funding is coming exclusively from public funds and the last budgetary years closed with 60.000 € of incoming funds. The main funders are European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Interior, The Province of Rome, the Social-Health District, Schools. CReA is partner in several national and international platform (DEAR forum of Concord, AOI -Italian Association of NGOs). Among the last implemented projects there are European Fund for Intergration Educational Activities( Workshops with teachers, pupils, social assistants, public officers); Awareness Raising Activities in Development education in "Challenging the Crysis" Europeaid NSA LA educational activities.
Mission and Objectives

CReA promotes initiatives aimed at promoting a cultura della solidarietà e del rispetto, in collaborazione con enti pubblici e privati. Le attività vanno dalla progettazione alla realizzazione, dal monitoraggio, alla valutazione e supervisione nell'ambito di azioni a favore delle nuove forme di convivenza civile . culture of solidarity and respect, in collaboration with public and private entities. Activities range from planning to implementation, monitoring, evaluation and supervision in an action in favor of new forms of civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

"Women and families neo-EU migration: health, maternity and culture" The project, co-funded by the Province of Rome in accordance with Law 328/00 in 2010, aims to improve the living conditions of women and families and neo-Community immigrants through education, prevention, training, dissemination and 'activation of social and health development interventions. Cognitive Enhancement - Using methods Instrumental Enrichment Program (Feuerstein) One of the sections of which has recently been enriched CReA is a working group that uses the methods of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program The Instrumental Enrichment Program (PAS) is a program of cognitive education. The PAS systematically strengthens the cognitive functions that enable learners to: 1. define problems; 2. make connections 3. catch relationships 4. self-motivation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through bedate and discussion, and bringing the experience realized also in other coordination bodies at european level as DARE Forum of Concord and European Civic Forum where Crea is representers for italian reality of CSOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we feel that sharing and collaboration in Mediterranean Area is nowadays a must for everybody wants to be engaged in global citizenship and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Berbeglia
Head of the organisation
Paola Berbeglia
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinzia Greco

CRIC - Centro Regionale di Intervento per la Cooperazione

National Network


0039 0965 812345
Telephone (other)
0039 0965-812560
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3475501969
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3387319405
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Centro Regionale d’Intervento per la cooperazione (CRIC) is a no-profit association born in 1983. It operates in international solidarity and cooperation, as forms of “exchange and reciprocity” between social, cultural and economic realities most active in Italy and the social actors in the emerging countries in the South of the World. In May 1986 CRIC in accordance with law 49/1987 has been registered at Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) able to operate within the domains of the Italian Cooperation with Developing Countries. In the same year CRIC was admitted by EC as implementing partner for development, education to development and intercultural programmes. In September 1993 CRIC signed a Framework Partnership Agreement with European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) aiming at promoting and managing humanitarian aid action in the countries in situation of crisis and emergency. In the reference period CRIC has been very active in the promotion and consolidation of numerous initiatives of exchange and collaboration with other International cooperation stakeholders. This commitment has favour the construction of operational networks, finalised to the realisation of socio-economic development at International level, as listed below: Network/Institution Location Members REVES – the European Network of cities and regions of social economy Italy, Europe Municipalities, NGOs, Associations MEDFORUM – Mediterranean NGOs Network for the Environment and Sustainable Development Mediterranean Municipalities, NGOs, Associations Enlazando Alternativas – Rete bi-regionale Europa-America Latina e carabi Europe – Latin America and Caribbean NGOs, Associations Red de Hermandad con Colombia Europe NGOs, Associations, Trade Unions Programmes at National and International level CRIC continued the activities in the territories where is present: Calabria and Sicily Regions, the metropolitan areas of Rome and Milan. Through awareness campaigns, linked to the organization’s intervention fields in Developing Countries, attention of public opinion was driven on the importance of International solidarity and on the link North/South of the world. By another hand new relationships were started with local governments and privates upon the valorization of the relationship South-South. CRIC headquarters are in Reggio Calabria, a difficult territorial context, characterized by socio-economic problems of social degradation, by the presence of mafia and its socio-political logics (nepotism, struggle for the economic-criminal power). It is evident that in such a scenario, the issue of international cooperation is often disregarded or considered as marginal and the link with the specific social condition of this territory is a must. The initiative carried out are: Local Sustainable Development: - participation to the Welfare and Solidarity Forum in Messina, Sicily - participation to the fair Do the right thing, Milan Interculture CRIC implements project in favor of migrants communities in Italy, operating in a triangular system: Italy, immigrants, original community. This approach is based on exchange of experiences and knowledge with migrant communities and constitute the axis of CRIC intervention in the fields of human rights and cohabitation. During 2007 CRIC consolidated the partnership with migrants communities such as the Senegalese Association in Milan and Province, the Ecuadorians Community in Milan and the Association Todo Cambia. CRIC committed in the diffusion of inter-culture as an education methodology, continued the work with libraries in Milan Province. Specific activities have been realised to promote the protagonism of migrant through cultural events and exhibitions by artists migrants in Italy, whose contribution to the construction of a new culture is unquestioned. Intercultural paths to the oneself discovery in a multi-cultural society have been activated in the schools In Milan has been activated the Neighborhood Contract – San Siro, where CRIC field office is located, which created the Neighborhood Workshop, a space to put synergies of the present realities together in programmes and initiatives orientated to improve the cohabitation in the peripheral metropolitan area, particularly decaying. The volume “Archipelago of Migrations” was published on the history of migrants’ presence, thanks to the contribution of migrants to the Province of Milan during the years. BOARD OF DIRECTORS president : Rosalia Bandera Grazia Valenzano Maria Emilia De marco Rosemaire Rodriguez Isabella Giunta
Mission and Objectives

Priority Actions ¤ Promoting local self-development and accompanying the construction of processes of participative democracy; ¤ Promoting, strengthening and supporting the networks that propose models of social and supportive economy; ¤ Supporting actions in defence of the environment and promote the use of alternative techniques and technologies; ¤ Activating awareness, information, intercultural education, and rights protection actions ¤ Protecting the most vulnerable ¤ Gender Mainstreaming Methodology The strategic plan of actions identified by CRIC is constantly verified, deepened and re-modulated to adhere to the changeable scenarios which characterize our time. In this perspective, either innovative actions realised in Italy or those in already known areas and countries, are finalised to establish partnership relations with associations, groups and local NGOs with which to support political initiatives and concrete projects within our mission.MEDITERRANEAN The Mediterranean Area always constituted for CRIC a natural reference basin. The various initiatives here realized are mainly finalized to networking among the local actors. The Partnership Network for a Sustainable Future in the Mediterranean was created together with numerous partners euro-Mediterranean as a place where the logics of the social and solidarity economy lead to processes of sustainable development as relational system among actors interconnected and creates a system of approaches, methodologies, readings and tools. The PNSFM already counts on strategic and political guidelines inspired to Agenda 21 and UNCCD, and is participated by NGOs, Fair Trade Associations, other networks, Parks, Institutions of the Mediterranean Countries of France, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain. Turkey. Programs of emergency and humanitarian aid. The approach of CRIC to the humanitarian aid is characterizes by the refusal to run after the emergencies but rather it wants to transform the humanitarian aid in a direct impulse to the development ,avoiding the pure welfarism.All that, promoting programs of support to the populations hit by the disasters and the wars only where CRIC has been present and rooted in the local realities It’s for this reason that CRIC has consolidated the own presence in the areas theatre of conflicts in the previous years. With programs of intervention aimed to the management of the post-emergency it has been attempted also to create in some countries like Ecuador, Eritrea, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Palestine an homogeneity and a synergy of actions between emergency and development realized by CRIC and starting politics of deepening and improvement of work methodology and its effectiveness.

Main Projects / Activities

Interculture CRIC implements project in favor of migrants communities in Italy, operating in a triangular system: Italy, immigrants, original community. This approach is based on exchange of experiences and knowledge with migrant communities and constitute the axis of CRIC intervention in the fields of human rights and cohabitation. During 2007 CRIC consolidated the partnership with migrants communities such as the Senegalese Association in Milan and Province, the Ecuadorians Community in Milan and the Association Todo Cambia. CRIC committed in the diffusion of inter-culture as an education methodology, continued the work with libraries in Milan Province. Specific activities have been realised to promote the protagonism of migrant through cultural events and exhibitions by artists migrants in Italy, whose contribution to the construction of a new culture is unquestioned. Intercultural paths to the oneself discovery in a multi-cultural society have been activated in the schools In Milan has been activated the Neighborhood Contract – San Siro, where CRIC field office is located, which created the Neighborhood Workshop, a space to put synergies of the present realities together in programmes and initiatives orientated to improve the cohabitation in the peripheral metropolitan area, particularly decaying. The volume “Archipelago of Migrations” was published on the history of migrants’ presence, thanks to the contribution of migrants to the Province of Milan during the years. Education to development, information and communication Water. A Common Good. National campaign aimed at the awareness raising of public opinion as concerns national problematic linked to the scarcity of this resource, indispensable for the survival on human being. Cooperation? Yes, thanks! Campaign to recall attention of public opinion on problematic related to the international cooperation to development in the present context. It highlight the critical points and the potentialities, besides the transformation occurred in the course of the years, with the participation of new actors and the proposition of new strategies bottom-up. The campaign allowed a research on the perception of the problematic by developing country, and about the cooperation discourse among young people in Italy. From conflict to partnership for development. Campaign mainly addressed to schools and universities about problematic related to international armed conflict, the role of humanitarian aid and the intervention of NGOs. With this logic it was intended to give space to the direct expressions of those living personally the drama of the war, who represents it though artistic language. The focus was on four case studies: Kosovo, Congo, RASD, Palestine. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION CRIC has started its experience of international cooperation realizing initiatives of local development in Central America and South America since1984. It has been promoting also plans of support to the populations in areas of serious conflicts since 1987, working in Palestine (since 1987), in the Balkans (1992), the Horn of Africa (1990), trying to answer to the hit subjects with the own solidarity .The commitment in the so-defined programs of emergency and humanitarian aid it should be read in this key of interpretation. Bethlehem 21 Project - Environmental Sustainability for a Better Life: An Integrated Approach for Localizing Agenda 21 in the Bethlehem District Bethlehem District: Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Za’tara, Al Khader municipalities, the rural council of Battir - Palestina DESCRIZIONE Leaded by ARIJ (Applied REsearch Institute-Jerusalem) in partnership with CRIC, Bethlehem 21 project will develop the capacities of local and national authorities including Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Za’tara, Al Khader municipalities, the rural council of Battir, the Ministry of local Government (MoLG) – Department of Joint Councils for Services, Planning and Development (DJCspd), the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority (PEQA), the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), Bethlehem Governorate, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) and the Water and Sanitation Authorities to reinforce them to enter into dialogue with citizens and local organizations in order to develop local sustainability action strategies or “Local Agendas 21”. The participatory approach will be in the form of a visioning process that focuses on bringing together a broad section of the community with the local authority to develop a shared vision for the sustainability of their community and plan how to achieve it. OBIETTIVI The main objectives of Bethlehem 21 project are: • To secure and maintain the involvement of the targeted local and national authorities throughout and after the course of project implementation. • To establish an effective participatory process that ensures a representative participation of the communities’ members with the targeted local and national authorities in the community visioning process. • To assess the communities’ environmental and socioeconomic conditions as well as the institutional arrangements, structures and practices. • To establish a GIS based information system and reinforce the technical capacities of the selected municipalities and rural councils in GIS, database management and environmental monitoring. • To formulate shared community vision statements that declare the communities’ visions for more sustainable communities and to set sustainability goals, targets and actions • To develop local sustainability action strategies “Local Agendas 21” based on the baseline community profiles and the outcomes of the community visioning process. • To transfer the gained knowledge to other local authorities in the West Bank and encourage them to carry out similar sustainability initiatives. ATTIVITA' 1. Developing decision makers’ capacities in sustainable development and the process of localizing Agenda 21 through thematic group meetings with local experts. 2. Issuing a declaration of the sustainability planning effort and seeking the support of the MoLG, DJCspd, PEQA, MoH, PWA, Bethlehem Governorate and the PCBS to endorse the declaration and mandate the involvement of the selected councils in the project. 3. Electing a steering committee from members of the involved authorities to oversee the implementation process. 4. Publicizing the sustainability initiative and its outcomes at the various stages by means of press releases in local media, conducting meetings with local organizations and decision makers, preparing flyers and establishing a project website. 5. Organizing community awareness campaigns in the form of information and awareness sessions targeting the communities’ members. 6. Electing citizens’ committees from members of the various communities sectors. 7. Data collection through review of available databases and publications and through conducting semi structured interviews with local authorities and organizations. 8. Establishing a GIS based information system composed of environmental and socioeconomic databases. 9. Transferring the GIS based information system and the computers hardware to the targeted councils and training selected personnel on GIS techniques, database mangement and on environmental monitoring. 10. Profiling the communities using the pressure, state, current practice framework. 11. Conducting community forums to bring people together to participate in the visioning process in order to develop shared visions for more sustainable communities and formulate sustainability goals, and actions through brainstorming and establishing key area task forces. 12. Developing a detailed description for each of the identified actions. 13. Integrating the outcomes of the visioning process, the actions’ description and the findings of the community profiles to develop local sustainability action strategies. 14. Organizing a national workshop with participation of local authorities, ministries, non-governmental organizations, international funding agencies and the established key area task forces to disseminate the findings, transfer the gained experience to others and identify funding sources. Also the project SMIR - Centre for the environmental education and the development in the city of Tetouan, in Morocco- is part of the initiatives of safeguard and valorization of the natural resources. The selected strategy is to create a Centre for the Environmental education and sustainable tourism (CEATUS) that it allows to realize educational campaigns addressed to the local population and tourists on the priority themes of the zone, creating occasions of development compatible with the characteristics of the context, taking advantage from the experiences and the competences of all the partner involved ( Reves network and Municipality of Messina - Laboratory of environmental education and the Moroccan ngo Centre Mediterranen pour Envoironnment et developpment - CMED). In Palestine, besides the socio-educational and food security projects already mentioned, the work of CRIC has engaged on the improvement of the hygienic-environmental conditions in the Municipality of Beit Lahiya, rationalizing the system of collection of the garbage and orienting it to the reduction of the amounts conferred in rubbish dump and to theirs use as derived raw materials. Two initiatives are in course in this within, “Management and Recycling of the City Solid garbage in the Municipality of Beit Lahiya - Strip of Gaza” and “Sanabil Production of Compost from City Organic Garbage and environmental education in the Municipality of Beit Lahiya”, co-funded by the Ministry for foreign affairs and the Lombardia Region. An other important engagement is the project “Bethlehem 21 Project - Environmental Sustainability for a better life: An Integrated Approach for Localising Agenda 21 in the Bethlehem District”, realized in partnership with ARIJ (Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem) that aimed to strengthen the capacity of local and national authorities in dialogue with the citizenship and the local organizations with the objective to develop local strategies of action for the sustainability or “local Agendas 21”. In Lebanon in order to contribute to the return of the population in five villages bombed during the last israelo-lebanese conflict and with the specific objective to restore the social, educational and cultural life of the young people, it has implemented the project “Strengthening of the Social Cohesion in the process of reconstruction of the post-conflict country” that is proposed to restructure spaces of aggregation for the youth, preesistent and damaged during the conflict in order to make them usable again like places of promotion of the dialogue, the social cohesion and the inter-religious and inter-communitarian cohabitation. Moreover it promotes the organization of formative training (focused on the social Dialogue, the Prevention of the Conflicts, the self-education and the Resilience) and of capacity building (management of the cultural and youth centres, awareness on various social thematic like environment , formation etc.). At last in the within of the project it is previewed to promote moments of encounter and exchange in order to support the social cohesion between the young people and the inter-religious and cultural dialogue. In 2007 the collaboration with the National Union of the Saharawi Women has been developed trough a project in the refugees camps near Tindouf in Algeria. The three years project is implemented in 27 Febrero camp and it becomes part of the efforts that the UNMS, on one side, and the School of Formation of the Women, from the other, are leading in order to promote the socioeconomical development of the Saharawi women. In particular the project strengthens the system of formation and existing education (through course of formation in several matters, from computer science to driving, etc), it supports the handicraft cooperatives created by the women, supporting moreover the introduction of the productions in trade circuits and at last it values the traditional culture with particular emphasis on that feminine one, through an anthropological research and its publication on web for a local and international spread. In the environmental field, it is being achieved in Albania and Macedonia the project “Parco Transfrontaliero di Prespa - Program of support to the cooperation and the sustainable local development in protected areas of the district of the Orhid lake, Prespa”. Through this project the skills in the field of environment protection, planning and management are being strengthened oriented to the sustainable development of the local communities and the natural resources and to the marketing of the products in the local, national and international markets. It answers to the express and shared needs of the institutions involved to transform the parks in laboratories directed to improve the living conditions of the local populations and to facilitate the participation in protection and environmental monitoring activities. Therefore it has been turned specific attention to the following fields : -Prevention of the disasters and the natural calamities -Environmental Emergencies -Refugees support -Community Services -Socio-educational support -Psycho-social Support -Food Security CRIC has achieved in this field of intervention in the last period the following initiatives: - “Socio-educational support to the children of Gaza Strip” who has allowed to give continuity to the experience of CRIC in Palestine in many kindergartens of Gaza Strip thanks to the financings of the European Commission (ECHO). The children under school age are the first beneficiaries of the project through activity of not formal education for the creation of a pleasant atmosphere where they can feel theirselves sure and shielded and where they can discover and express “the being child”, condition denied in the conflict situations - “Enhancing food security and economic conditions for vulnerable Bedouin families living in Gaza Strip” who supports 1200 breeders belonging to 26 communities Bedouins in Gaza Strip from the formative and veterinary level, having as indirect beneficiaries approximately 9.000 persons. The project has promoted and implemented activities of formation for the flock care , forage cultivation, improvement of the living conditions of approximately 20.000 ovines, vaccinations and distribution of food for the flocks. Youth in action. In the framework of Youth in action programme has been organised the international training course : CROSS THE BORDER, creative citizenship trough art and media :The project is a multilateral training on artistic practices for social transformation for youth leaders, educators and multipliers working with young people in the Euro-Mediterranean Area (coming both from Formal and Non Formal education sector) engaged in context of conflict .The countries involved are Italy, Lebanon, Greece, Palestine, Spain and 25 participants (5 for each country) The Subject of the training course is the so-called engaged art or those forms of artistic expression used as a way of socio-political participation : how the use of visual art can become tool of social integration. Its aim is to develop a process of reflection and action about the use of arts and media as tool to promote the access to citizenship as a possibility to influence and thus change on its community. The project wants to stimulate people to use their creativity and react on what is happening around them. The idea behind this training course is to give participants an opportunity to think about their own identity, the elements it comprises of and the factors that shaped it and then to go a step further and explore the ways in which their identity can be linked to their needs, interests, dreams and expectations within their local communities. The course is designed to create the space where participants experience and reflect upon activities and concepts central to human rights education based on experiential learning approaches. The course is also designed as a space for mutual learning, where participants exchange their approaches to training and compare human rights situation, especially regarding human rights issues, across the Mediterranean Area in a dialogical intercultural approach and environment

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

CTM Onlus

National Network

CTM Onlus - P.zza Bottazzi,1 73100 LECCE

0039 0832 342481
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: CTM has 12 members, 3 members of the Executive Board, 3 employees at headquarter , 2 cooperants with registered contract by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 3 volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year: 609.000,00 Euro (2011); 771.000,00 Euro (2010); 627.000,00 (2009). Sources of funding: project donors – co-funding (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Committee for charity interventions in the third world countries-CEI ) private donations, 5%0 (Devolution of the citizens of percentage of their taxes) Modalities of actions: concrete projects (development cooperation projects, emergency projects, educational and informational projects), exchanges, workshops, researches, vocational trainings.
Mission and Objectives

CTM is committed in to the promotion of cooperation and international solidarity in the South of the World and Eastern Europe. The actions of the association are aimed at reducing poverty and improving living conditions of the poorest people.
CTM has chosen to support projects agreed with local organizations and associations that can represent the interests of the communities targeted for intervention and to promote participation, democratization, human rights and environmental protection, particularly in the areas of literacy, vocational training, agriculture, environment, local crafts, health and social services.
CTM carries out projects to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged groups such as disabled, women, children and Palestinian refugees, through various programs of inclusion and integration.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: “Socio-economic development of the rural population of the South of Lebanon” co-funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Status: Ongoing
Project: “Strengthening of social and educational services for Palestinian children in Nahr el Bared and Beddawi refugee camps – Lebanon” ” co-funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Status: Ongoing
Project: “Social communication in the webnet as an instrument of ethnic and religious integration in Lebanon” co-funding: Committee for charity interventions in the third world countries-CEI. Status: closed June 2012.
Development Education project: “Educating the youth on dialogue between peoples of different cultures and religions through global communication tools” co-funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Status: closed June 2010.
Emergency project: “Rehabilitation and support to the Psychiatric Hospital of Al Fanar, Zahrani”. Co-funding: Italian Cooperation Office in Lebanon – UTL. Status: closed April 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think we can contribute to the Network through participation in the initiatives, the coordination between different realities, and opportunities for discussion, collaboration and sharing of experiences and best practices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since its foundation, CTM is committed in projects aiming to promote participation, democratization, human rights and environmental protection, particularly in the areas of literacy, vocational training, agriculture, environment, local crafts, health and social services.
We believe that education for dialogue and mutual respect among cultures of different languages and religions is the basic tool for maintaining peace and strengthening cooperation and solidarity among peoples.
With ALF we share common objectives and social commitment therefore to join the ALF Network will be an opportunity to widen our experiences, contacts and interventions through the cooperation of associations working in the same field, to improve and grow together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrico Azzone
Head of the organisation
Enrico Azzone (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilaria Orlandi

Cultural Association SCIROKKU

National Network
Address Sicilia 10, 90010
Finale di Pollina (Palermo)

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
339 6136622 (Alessandro)
Mobile Phone (other)
320 7768569 (Massimo)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Scirokku is a not-for profit association, whose activities rest on the commitment of a wide basin of volunteer active members. 2. The association proudly overall finances its activities relying on self-financing initiatives, amounting to approximately 10.000 Euros a year. 3. Mostly self-financing, but it also receives funds from Italian local authorities (i.e. municipality of Palermo and the Region Sicily) on a project basis. 4. Organization of cultural festivals, public meetings, sport competitions and solidarity actions. 5. The organization ‘s.p.a.r.o.’ as well as other Italian organizations such as ‘Laboratorio Zen Insieme’, both based in Palermo.
Mission and Objectives

Scirokku is committed to the construction of a democratic society based on the values of social justice and freedom from oppression. It works for the respect, promotion and advancement of social rights for all, focusing peculiarly on citizenship rights (such as the right to proper housing).
It is strongly committed to struggling against mafia in Sicily through the promotion of solidarity activities involving marginalized sectors of the society.
Finally, it is involved in the promotion of awareness-raising activities aiming to safeguard the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

‘Voices from the south’: it is a Euro-Mediterranean festival of arts (music, theatre, circus) dedicated to migrants’ rights and to fighting against social exclusion;
"Once upon a time there was Palermo”: it is a festival of arts taking place in the historical centre of Palermo and in other marginalized neighbourhoods of the city;
“A kick to racism”: it is a football championship in which the teams of the Italian neighbourhoods of Palermo play together with those composed of second generation migrants;
“Scirock Fest”: a summer music festival providing cultural and recreational activities as well as resources for the association’s own self-financing;
‘Anti-racist Mediterranean’ (under preparation): a festival jointly organized in Palermo by Italian and migrant communities;
solidarity activities with Palestinian women and children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Di Rienzo
Head of the organisation
Lara Salomone
Contact (2) Full Name
Massimo Castiglia

CVM - Comunità Volontari per il Mondo

National Network

Piazza Santa Maria , 04
Via delle Regioni, 06

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
_MG_2451 (800x613) (640x490)   Il CVM (Comunità Volontari per il Mondo) è un gruppo di persone che condividono ideali, esperienze e un'utopia: un mondo migliore è possibile. Da oltre trent'anni, la nostra ONG promuove, nel Sud del Mondo, progetti di autosviluppo e, in Italia, iniziative di sensibilizzazione dell'opinione pubblica sui problemi dello squilibrio fra Paesi. Breve Storia Nel 1978 alcuni giovani, rientrati da esperienze di volontariato nel Sud del Mondo, recavano con sé il desiderio di non far morire ciò che intensamente avevano condiviso con le comunità locali. Forti di questo anelito, si misero assieme e decisero di dar vita a una ONG per proseguire nella lotta alla povertà e alle ingiustizie sociali. Così nacque il CVM, Centro Volontari Marchigiani. Dall'anno della sua fondazione il CVM è membro a pieno titolo della FOCSIV (Federazione Organismi Cristiani). Nel 1979 viene inserito nella lista delle Ong che posseggono i requisiti per operare nei PVS (Paesi in Via di Sviluppo) con la Commissione della Comunità Europea e, nel settembre 1980, invia i suoi primi due volontari in Etiopia per un progetto idrico nei villaggi rurali del Wolayita.
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo ultimo di tutto il nostro operare resta invariato. Oggi come trent'anni fa la sfida rimane lo "sviluppo di tutto l'uomo e di tutti gli uomini". La fame, l'AIDS, la mancanza di beni primari – cibo, acqua pulita, un'abitazione dignitosa, l'istruzione- e altre forme di ingiustizia ed emarginazione, privano uomini e donne della possibilità di una vita normale e della loro dignità di persone.
Per CVM, lo sviluppo è prima di tutto un processo di liberazione dall'oppressione della povertà. Liberare le potenzialità insite in ognuno è la strategia ricorrente in tutte le attività e proposte da CVM.

Main Projects / Activities

La prima parola chiave per l’esistenza del nostro organismo sono “i poveri”. Alla base del nostro operare c’è il desiderio di lottare contro le tante forme di povertà, a partire dalla povertà economica. Vogliamo lottare contro forme di vita disumana, operare perché il grido dei poveri venga ascoltato dai “potenti di turno”. Mosè, Gesù, Francesco, Gandi, Martin Luter King e tanti altri sono i nostri punti di riferimento.

Contact (1) Full Name
Padovani Paolo
Head of the organisation
Padovani Paolo


National Network

Piazza Santa Maria, 4 60121

071- 202074
071 - 202074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
CVM has three offices in Italy (Ancona, Porto San Giorgio, Pescara) with various competences: General Management, accounting, fund raising, project team, training and general activities on development and intercultural education addressed to Italian civil society, intercultural centre, schools education. Its staff is composed by 6 people full time employed, 3 part-time employed, 95 local staff in Africa and 4 civil service volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year are around € 1.741.590 and they mainly come from donations, fund-raising campaigns, and projects funding mainly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, private foundations, local institutions. In Africa, CVM works in partnership with APA (Irish NGO) and with local organizations and institutions, while in Italy it collaborates with several NGO and local associations and institutions. Main modalities of action are: concrete projects in Africa and Italy, training courses, seminars, laboratories in schools, sensibilization campaigns
Mission and Objectives

C.V.M. – Comunità Volontari per il Mondo – is a Non-Governamental Organization that has been working to promote new forms of cooperation and justice between different people and countries all around the world. It was founded by a group of returned volunteers who, after some years of voluntary work in Africa and South America, had a deep interest to help people in their struggle to exist. The group had a vision of the need for appropriate and global development, and based on this vision, CVM formulated its mission statement as follows: “working for a more human world through the development of the whole person and of all persons both in the North and in the South of the World”. In order to reach this general aim, C.V.M. has been developed since its birth a lot of activities in two main areas of intervention: International cooperation and intercultural and development education.

Main Projects / Activities

C.V.M. is carrying on cooperation and development projects in two African countries (Tanzania and Etiopia) in partnership with local organizations and institutions. The projects concern the prevention and cure of HIV/AIDS, water provisions and the construction of wells.
C.V.M. realizes activities in the area of Development Education and it’s accredited from The Ministry of Education able to realize activities in the area of intercultural education with teachers and students. Main projects:
- laboratories with students;
- The National Seminar on Intercultural Education opened to teachers coming from all over Italy;
- Training courses for teachers, educators and volunteers
- Publication of the Religions Calendar;
- The regional Campaign “Target 2015 – I poveri non possono aspettare” aimed to promote the UN Millennium Development Goals.
- The project “Insieme contro l’AIDS”, aimed at educating Italian youth on the risks of HIV/AIDS and at fighting against prejudices existing around this illness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Cionchetti
Head of the organisation
Mario Moriconi
Contact (2) Full Name
Attilio Ascani