
Comune di Messina

National Network

Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 27

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Public Authority Reference office: Department of International Relations - staff constituted by 6 persons. 2. Budget line: € 50.000,00 3. Municipal budget 4. Projects 5. Public Authorities, Trade associations, Thematic Networks (member of REVES network).
Mission and Objectives

Institutional objectives.
The Municipality of Messina is willing to contribute to the implementation of the objectives of equal opportunities and the dialogue between different cultures.
Furthermore the Municipality of Messina aims to realize actions in order to the implementation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the euromediterranean countries, making easier the growth of economic development and the reduction of the social and cultural gap.

Main Projects / Activities

As member of the network REVES aisbl (Réseau des Villes & Regions de l’Economie Sociale) has developped many projects within partnership with other european towns. The main experiences concerning the management of european fundings have been developped through the following projects:
o Ecos Ouverture 97/99: Project “Women Managing social self help”.
o Pic Equal : Project “F.La.Vi.A.”
o Programmes and actions in the social end employment sector: Exchange for inclusion: 1) Project “EXCI -Exchange for inclusion: a strategy based on rights” e 2) Project “ECSA: Enhancing a Common Strategic Approach”
o MIUR (Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca) : Project “Cr.I.S. Creazione di impresa sociale (Making a social enterprise)”
o Decentalized cooperation: Project “SMIR: Centro per l’educazione ambientale e lo sviluppo nel Municipio di Tétouan Marocco (Center for the environmental education and the development of the Municipality of Tétouan Marocco)”
o Human resources: Project “Donne per l’Europa (Women for Europe)”

Contact (1) Full Name
Furfaro Domenica
Head of the organisation
Commissario Luigi Croce

Comune di Monza

National Network

Piazza Trento e Trieste

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Comune di Monza is the local government of the city of Monza. Our city is situated in Lombardy, a region in northern Italy, settled in the middle of a highly industrialized area territory; it counts about 120.000 inhabitants Monza’s municipality cooperates with local group delegates to underpin the needs and the wishes of it’s inhabitant. We organize several initiatives in diverse fields for all aged people.
Mission and Objectives

The municipality represents and administers many citizen interests (building; social service, schools, commerce, performing arts, …)
It’s objectives is to improve citizen wellness.

Main Projects / Activities

We realized some European Projects especially in educational and employment areas. We’d like to collaborate with other Countries to exchange good practices and gain proficiency especially in youth, arts, town twinning, and many others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Stefano Tubaro
Head of the organisation
Roberto Scanagatti

Comune di Pescara

National Network

Piazza Italia 1, Pescara

+39 (0)85 4283638
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Massimo Luciani
Head of the organisation
Luigi Albore Mascia

Comune di Pescasseroli

National Network

Piazza S.Antonio

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Localita' della Marsica nell'alta valle del Sangro e in provincia de L'Aquila, Pescasseroli e' il centro piu' importante del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise. La stazione sciistica di Pescasseroli offre ampie e diverse possibilita' per lo sport e la vacanza invernale: piste da discesa, efficienti impianti di risalita, neve programmata, servizi, anelli per lo sci da fondo e un'infinita' di sentieri da percorrere in armonia con la natura, con la stessa filosofia del suo splendido Parco. I 5 impianti e i 3 punti ristoro servono circa 20 km di discesa per ogni difficolta' suddivisi in 14 piste da sci. Gli appassionati della neve trovano a Pescasseroli la possibilita' di soddisfare numerose esigenze e abilita' differenti, abbinando sport e natura. La seggiovia Orsa Maggiore nelle stagioni verdi favorisce molte escursioni. Grazie ai moderni impianti, alla varieta' dei tracciati e alla particolare bellezza di un contesto naturale unico e' sempre un'emozione sciare a Pescasseroli.
Mission and Objectives

The applicant organization is a Municipality: it is responsible for administration of the population and the territory, for cultural and social services and for economic growth.

Main Projects / Activities

The applicant organization is a Municipality: it is responsible for administration of the population and the territory, for cultural and social services and for economic growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vito Carbonara
Head of the organisation
Anna Nanni


National Network

Piazza XX Settembre

+39 050 910527 ou +39 050 910205
+39 050 910523
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
la municipalité de Pise encourage la coopération avec les pays de l’UE et les pays tiers, de la méditerranée surtout. Le cabinet du Maire est responsable de la proposition et sélection des projets de coopération, qui sont réalisés avec le soutien du personnel des départements impliqués. Les financements arrivent de l’Etat et des ressources propres. Les projets sont ciblés à la mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel en utilisant les nouvelles technologies. Les partenaires de Pise sont: autorités locales, musées, institutions culturelles et de recherche, universités européennes. Le but est de donner une valeur ajoutée aux initiatives locales à travers l’action en partenariat avec d’autres institutions étrangères qui partagent l’intérêt pour la Méditerranée.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de la Municipalité de Pise en ce domaine est de récupérer les traditions et l’héritage culturel liés à la mer et à l’histoire de la Méditerranée. Depuis la découverte d’un nombre de navires anciens en 1998 ( ), les initiatives de mise en valeur du patrimoine locale se sont multipliées. L’objectif est de concentrer les efforts sur les atouts de la ville de Pise (patrimoine culturel, université et recherche) pour promouvoir le développement économique locale et la coopération avec les partenaire européens et méditerranéens.

Main Projects / Activities

Les projets les plus significatifs sont : création d’un réseau parmi les arsenaux historique de la méditerranée, la promotion de la recherche en archéologie navale, la création d’un réseau pour l’échange d’expérience et de bonnes pratiques pour la gestion du patrimoine culturel, la promotion de produits multimédia pour diffuser l’information et la connaissance du patrimoine culturel vers les différents publics (grand public, écoles, experts…)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mafalda Inguscio
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Gazzarri

Comune di Polpenazze del Garda

National Network

Piazzale Biolchi 1
25080 Polpenazze del Garda

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The city is a popular holiday destination in Southern Europe. It attracts tourists from the immediate area due to its beautiful view of lake Garda and for the lifestyle in its countryside. The general scope of work of the Municipality is to be active at EU level in order to attract international visitors.  To achieve this objective, the municipality is very active in different cross cutting fields such as youth, civil society, environment, biodiversity and sustainability. Within its competences, the Municipality is in charge of the management of schools, childhood services, youth and equal opportunities on its territory, through the following instruments: - Policies to promote and support families and children; - Plan for the removal of architectural barriers in public spaces and open to the public; - Promotion of equal opportunities; - Educational policies and school; - Training and labor market; - Youth and relationships with universities; - Kindergartens; - Programming school building projects; - General Affairs; -Coordination activities for relations with the European Union.
Mission and Objectives

The Municipality of Polpenazze is very experienced in youth work as far as environmental and nutrition activities are concerned as we are are carrying out a KA1 project about the importance of healthy nutrition and diet, Better Food for Better Life.  Therefore AgriLab is the the follow up of Better Food for Better Life, to widen the path and create a bigger community for a larger dissemination and involvement of stakeholders on different levels. The Municipality is also very much involved in the issue of sustainable agriculture. Every year, during the last weekend of July, Polpenazze celebrates the BIOFESTA, an event to celebrate and disseminate bio-agricolture and and bio-food as well as sustainable agriculture.  Also, every year in mid-August Polpenazze celebrates youth with the youth day.
Further on, Polpenazze has been engaged for a long time in actions to promote the protection of women against violence, by raising awareness of citizens, in particularly young people.
On the occasion of November 25th, International Day for the fight of Violence Against Women, every year the city administration of Polpenazze promotes and disseminates initiatives of reflection directed to combat gender violence, in collaboration with the local women's associations and the Province of Brescia.
Last year, in the occasion of the International Day against Violence against women, the municipality of Polpenazze del Garda in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Valtennesi and the Office of the Provincial Councilor for Equality invited citizens and schools to the showing of the video documentary "Talk to him," the Director Elizabeth France, which was held on November 25th, 2014 at 20.30 at the Multipurpose Hall (c / or schools).
The initiative received excellent feedback which saw the participation of schools and citizens during those moments of reflection.
The town of Polpenazze joined the National Campaign "Busy place" launched at regional level by the Councilor for Equality and during the evening, a chair was symbolically reserved the image of "Busy place" in memory of the women victims of gender violence.
In the management of this area of intervention the municipality of Polpenazze works through the synergy and integration of most professions, most operators and employees; this integrates with performance and education, health and psychological, as well as activities of the areas for training policies and work. The service works with various public and private institutions and organizations of the third sector in the context of subsidiarity. This network of expertise will be made available for the project AgriLab in order to ensure the best possible results.  The municipality of Polpenazze is also involved as affiliated partner  (no budget) in two previous projects 4WOMEN and 4WOMEN2 which developed a trans-national network for the fight of VAW more on a policy level, business training for women victims of violence to help them re-integrate in the society and training for social workers specifically working with women victims of violence.
To promote greater opportunities for young people in the area (both the young residents in the municipality of Polpenazze and young people throughout the Valtennesi) the City of Polpenazze joined in January 2015 the National Eurodesk network, hosting an internal service of Antenna Territorial Eurodesks (ATE).

Main Projects / Activities

The Municipality of Polpenazze is very experienced in youth work as far as environmental and nutrition activities are concerned as we are are carrying out a KA1 project about the importance of healthy nutrition and diet, Better Food for Better Life.  Therefore AgriLab is the the follow up of Better Food for Better Life, to widen the path and create a bigger community for a larger dissemination and involvement of stakeholders on different levels. The Municipality is also very much involved in the issue of sustainable agriculture. Every year, during the last weekend of July, Polpenazze celebrates the BIOFESTA, an event to celebrate and disseminate bio-agricolture and and bio-food as well as sustainable agriculture.  Also, every year in mid-August Polpenazze celebrates youth with the youth day.
Further on, Polpenazze has been engaged for a long time in actions to promote the protection of women against violence, by raising awareness of citizens, in particularly young people.
On the occasion of November 25th, International Day for the fight of Violence Against Women, every year the city administration of Polpenazze promotes and disseminates initiatives of reflection directed to combat gender violence, in collaboration with the local women's associations and the Province of Brescia.
Last year, in the occasion of the International Day against Violence against women, the municipality of Polpenazze del Garda in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Valtennesi and the Office of the Provincial Councilor for Equality invited citizens and schools to the showing of the video documentary "Talk to him," the Director Elizabeth France, which was held on November 25th, 2014 at 20.30 at the Multipurpose Hall (c / or schools).
The initiative received excellent feedback which saw the participation of schools and citizens during those moments of reflection.
The town of Polpenazze joined the National Campaign "Busy place" launched at regional level by the Councilor for Equality and during the evening, a chair was symbolically reserved the image of "Busy place" in memory of the women victims of gender violence.
In the management of this area of intervention the municipality of Polpenazze works through the synergy and integration of most professions, most operators and employees; this integrates with performance and education, health and psychological, as well as activities of the areas for training policies and work. The service works with various public and private institutions and organizations of the third sector in the context of subsidiarity. This network of expertise will be made available for the project AgriLab in order to ensure the best possible results.  The municipality of Polpenazze is also involved as affiliated partner  (no budget) in two previous projects 4WOMEN and 4WOMEN2 which developed a trans-national network for the fight of VAW more on a policy level, business training for women victims of violence to help them re-integrate in the society and training for social workers specifically working with women victims of violence.
To promote greater opportunities for young people in the area (both the young residents in the municipality of Polpenazze and young people throughout the Valtennesi) the City of Polpenazze joined in January 2015 the National Eurodesk network, hosting an internal service of Antenna Territorial Eurodesks (ATE).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through youth projects aimed to human rights education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF network in order to meet other organizations to enlarge our experience and potentiate the implementation of international projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Calzolari
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Andrea Dal Prete
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Verna
Job Title (2)
Project manager

Comune di Pontedera (City Council of Pontedera)

National Network

Corso Matteotti, 37
56025 Pontedera – Pisa

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1-Pontedera is a city of about 26.000 inhabitants situated in Tuscany. The City Council has totally 280 employees and of these 10 belong to the Sector of the Culture Projects. 2-The total budget of the cultural sector is of about 600.000 euros. 3-The sources of funding are those tipical of a local government. 4-Realization of projects, art exhibitions, theatrical representations, projects of cooperation with european and non european countries, scholarships,etc.. 5-Association and cities of the European Festival Sete Sois Sete Luas, Festival ”Musica Strada”, Piaggio Museum, Tuscany Region, ecc..
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Pontedera in this field is to mantain an active role in the promotion of art (expecially modern art), cultural dialogue and exchange of best practices and experiences.
Furthermore we are interested to continue in our partecipation in those projects which focus on the themes of the Mediterranean identity and of the common European cultural identity with exchanges of artists, art works and so on.
1- to promote projects with the aims descripted above;
2- to create permanent relationships with other European and non European subjects, both public and private.
3- interested in the issues.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Exchange of artists and artistic manufacts on the cultural themes of Meditterranean identity with the other cities of the Sete Sois Sete Luas network which covers Italy, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Greece and, in the future, Israel;
2- Cooperation projects in Serbia, Nicaragua;
3- Development cooperation project in Senegal in the field of agriculture;
4- Partecipation at the Round Table of the Peace of the Region of Tuscany;
5- Activity of the Pontedera Theatre Fundation of which the City Council is part;
6- Activity of the Council of Strangers constituted in Pontedera.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Riccardo Ferrucci
Head of the organisation
Avv. Simone Millozzi

Comune di Recanati - Ufficio Servizi Sociali

National Network

Piazza Leopardi, 26 - 62019 Recanati (MC)

+39 071 75871
Telephone (other)
+39 071 7587247
+39 071 982 416
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Number of permanent staff of Social Services & Gender Dept. of the municipality: 5 Number of temporary staff of the Dept: 6 Budgetary resources available in a year for the activities managed by Social Services & Gender Dept. of the municipality: 2.000.000 euros Sources of funding: 12% structural and thematic funds of EU
Mission and Objectives

To improve living condition and to assure social and psychological assistance to vulnerable people. To assure social services to specific targets.

Main Projects / Activities

Main fields of action of the Dept.: day care, disability, microcredit, migrants,intercultural dialogue, gender-based violence, child custody, educational services to 0-19 aged people, environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giorgio Foglia (Head of Social Service & Gender Dept.)
Head of the organisation
Francesco Fiordomo (Mayor)
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Maria Montironi (Segretariato Sociale)

Comune di Recanati - Ufficio Servizi Sociali (Municipality of Recanati - Department of Social Services)

National Network

Piazza Leopardi, 26 - 62019 Recanati (MC)

+39 0717587305
Telephone (other)
+39 0717587200
+30 0717587238
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
General Information
Public body with n. 129 public servants.
Mission and Objectives

Welfare & Education

Main Projects / Activities

Intercultural education and services, social support to families and individuals with economic and psychological difficulties, psychological support to victims of gender-based violence, social housing, support to disabled people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dirigente Dott. Giorgio Foglia
Head of the organisation
Francesco Fiordomo
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott.ssa Anna Maria Montironi

Comunità di S.Egidio-ACAP

National Network

Piazza di S.Egidio 3/a

+39 06585661
+39 065883625
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Non-Governmental, non- profit Organisation (NGO) according to the Italian law, issued on 1973 from the Community of Sant'Egidio (1968), free association of lay men and women who, moved by their Christian faith, lead lives of solidarity with the poorest and those injured by life. The Community of Sant’Egidio counts at present 70,000 members around the world in 50 countries. They are all volunteers. A great part of the activities with the poor is self financed, also through a network of solidarity between the Communities that live in richer countries and those who are active in the poorest parts of the world. The Community also systematically organizes the collection of goods such as drugs, food, clothes. Important projects are financed by individuals or entities always by means of voluntary contribution. The initiatives of solidarity and the humanitarian actions are characterized by an extreme flexibility and they have undergone substantial evolutions during the years.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: implementation of the humanitarian activities of the Community of Sant'Egidio.
Friendship among people of different nations and cultures is the everyday way to express this international fraternity. In a world which, at the end of the second millennium is raising barriers and emphasising national and cultural differences so much that they become the cause of old and new conflicts, the communities of Sant'Egidio testify to the existence of a common destiny not only for Christians, but for everybody. All the services of the Community of Sant’Egidio are services to reconciliation and peace. Thus the emphasise on peace that is common to all the services of the Community. “Nobody is ever so poor not to be able to help another”: this principle inspires great part of the humanitarian work of the Community of Sant'Egidio, that promotes a culture of solidarity wherever it operates.

Main Projects / Activities

* educational work with children (Schools of Peace)
* solidarity with the old people
* friendship for people with disabilities (handicap)
* centres and language schools for immigrants
* social and cultural activities for the Gypsies (services of care to minors, health care and legal assistance)
* care for the homeless (soup-kitchens, “roaming dinner", distribution of clothes)
* humanize the conditions of the detention places in thew world (regular contacts with inmates, psychological support, legal and administrative counsel and rehabilitation programs)
* facilitating dialogue, peace and reconciliation
* solidarity and humanitarian aid to the civilian populations who suffer most from war.
* ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Since 1987 Sant'Egidio has been committed both at the grass-roots and the international level to arrange annual meetings, conferences and prayer gatherings, in the "Spirit of Assisi".

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Di Domenicantonio
Head of the organisation
Matteo Maria Zuppi / Cesare Giacomo Zucconi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ulderico Maggi