
Circular Skills Almost There_SE

Circular Skills training modules

The Circular Skills project seeks to improve the vocational training of so-called circle life skills. Critical design thinking is a key approach to facing such a challenge, which is based on co-creation processes that bring learners to design and implement...



The CirculART-e project revolves around visual art education as well as digital and circular skills with the aim of boosting social entrepreneurship of youth with migratory and minority background across Europe. To achieve this goal, CirculART-e includes different activities: development...

Città di Torino - Settore Relazioni Internazionali

National Network

Via Corte d'Appello, 16


+39 011 4437801
Telephone (other)
+39 011 4437833
+39 011 4437878
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 349 4161030
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 4161342
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The capital of the Alps and the gateway to the Mediterranean, in the new, extended European geography Torino lies in an increasingly central position between the east, the west, the north and the south of Europe, at the junction between important areas of development and travel routes. The geographical position and the history of Torino (the first capital City of Italy and historically linked to France and northern Europe) are the basis for the relationships that our City is developing throughout the continent, on the one hand acting as a interchange between Europe and the north and the Mediterranean basin, and on the other hand as the prime mover in supporting the integration of the new European countries. The historical relationships between the Torino region and other areas of the world are also the basis of international contacts, beginning with the vast communities of Piemontese emigrants settled in South America and the relationship with the automotive department in the USA, China, Japan, Brazil. At the same time, international cooperation, peacekeeping activities and contacts with the Third World are an established reality in our city, which has a long tradition of social and international solidarity, thanks to the nineteenth century benefactors and the missionaries based here. All these elements make up a framework of relationships and strategies with interlocutors in Europe and on other continents, which have intensified in recent years thanks to the organisation of the 2006 Torino Olympic Winter Games and further international events.
Mission and Objectives

International relationships are an essential tool to share experiences, information, activities, projects and to open the territory to the world in order to promote development. In these last years Torino has gained a key role in the relations with foreign countries, and a wide network of relationships, exchanges and collaborations within Europe and worldwide has been established, in collaboration with other public and private bodies. Several themes have been addressed: revitalization of culture and tourism, sustainable development, environmental protection, strategic planning and urban design, economic
redevelopment, North-South dialogue. As a matter of fact, international exchanges and the relations with foreign cities have been recognized as one of the most ‘horizontal’ activities of the administration of the City of Torino.

Main Projects / Activities

At the conclusion of the territorial reorganization and promotion interventions funded according to the measures and resources provided by the 2000-2006 funds, the City's focus moved to new projects supporting research, innovation, environmental and energy sustainability and urban requalification in harmony with ROP FESR 2007-2013 provisions. The City of Torino plays an active role within the European Project framework, and has actively participated since 2007 in the new programmes from the European Union for which the Torino territory is eligible: Alcotra Italy - France, Alpine Space, Central Europe, Med, Interreg IVC, URBACT II. Finally, the City of Torino continues working on various European programmes, such as Culture, e-Ten, Europe for Citizens, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Socrates, Youth, 7 Framework Program and IPA Program, just to name a few.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raffaella Scalisi
Head of the organisation
Sindaco on. Sergio Chiamparino
Contact (2) Full Name
Fortunata Armocida

City Council of Carpineto Romano - (Department for Culture, Tourism and Sustainable Development)

National Network

Piazzale della Vittoria n° 1, 00032
Carpineto Romano

+39 3204390014
Telephone (other)
+39 0697180028, +39 0697180044
+39 0697180035
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 3204390014
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Carpineto Romano is located in the province of Rome. It seats on a hill (700 mt. above sea level) in the heart of the Lepini mountains, surrounded by a beautiful green landscape. The population amounts to about 5.000 people. The administration of the City Council relies on about 40 employees (public officers, employees, technicians, workers etc.). Budgetary resources: about 3 million euros per year, mainly funded from the State, the Region, the Province and the EU.
Mission and Objectives

Support to the development of the community.
Promotion of the territory and relevant artistic, historical and cultural resources.
Hosting events and welcoming visitors, especially young people, in the view of a renewed dialogue with other people and cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

The Department for Culture, Tourism and Sustainable Development is especially committed to rediscovering the historical-cultural roots of this community by means of a number of cultural initiatives, reconstruction of the historical centre, establishment of the City Council Museum “La Reggia dei Volsci” etc.
Carpineto Romano also boasts a twinship with the town of Wadowice (Poland). Such positive relation started about 15 years ago, and every year delegations of students from both towns meet for intercultural programs.
Among the most important yearly cultural events, is the “Pallio della Carriera”, an historical costume reconstruction traced back to 7th century , with about 300 costume figurants and an exciting horse race with rivalling neighbourhoods.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Battisti
Head of the organisation
Quirino Briganti
Contact (2) Full Name
Massimo Santucci

City of Bologna

National Network

Piazza Maggiore, 6
40124 Bologna

+39 0512194355
Telephone (other)
+39 0512194042
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Bologna is among the most important and well-known municipality in Europe. The municipality is divided into Areas, Departments and Sectors and has around 4.300 employees. The municipality is member of several Eu and Council of Europe networks of cities, among which Eurocities, ICLEI, ECCAR, UNESCO Creative Cities, and has a longstanding experience in participating to EU projects, both in the role of coordinator and partner. Main source of finance is the national government, then local taxes, provision of services and grants from regional, national and international specific projects. The participation to EU projects is facilitated by the support provided to all municipal departments by the International Relations and Projects Office which is composed of a staff of 15 experienced projects and financial managers. Development cooperation projects are followed by the new citizenships, cooperation and human rights office, dealing specifically with decentralised cooperation and cooperation with third countries.
Mission and Objectives

The municipality guarantees and enhances the rights of citizens, social groups and those interested, users and associations, as expression of the community at the local level. It implements the right to political and administrative participation by guaranteeing complete and accessible information on the activity carried up. It inspires its actions to the principle of horizontal subsidiarity and collaboration with social and economic factors, fostering sustainable growth and promoting the initiative of the citizens, single and associated, for the carrying out of activitiy of general interest and care of the common assets. It directs its action to prevent and remove all forms of discrimination without distinction of sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, political opinions, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and psycho-physical condition. It recognizes water as a heritage of humanity and the status of water as public common good. It ensures conditions of equal opportunities between women and men and acts to ensure the right of accessibility to the city with particular regard to the disabled. It promotes the most extensive initiatives in the field of assistance, social integration and rights for persons with disabilities. The municipality contributes to the reduction of pollution

Main Projects / Activities

AMITIE _ Awareness on Migration, development and human rights through

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Lombardo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Virginio Merola, Mayor
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucia Fresa
Job Title (2)
Project Specialist

Club Per L'UNESCO di Palermo

National Network

90139 Palermo

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Le Associazioni e i Club per l'UNESCO sono organi senza scopo di lucro, legalmente e finanziariamente indipendenti dall’UNESCO, i cui associati operano su base volontaria nell’ambito dei maggiori programmi dell’UNESCO. Lo scopo principale delle Associazioni e dei Club per l'UNESCO è promuovere la comprensione e il sostegno della missione, delle priorità e dei programmi dell’UNESCO nell’ambito della società civile. Per questo, gli obiettivi strategici delle Associazioni e dei Club per l'UNESCO sono: incoraggiare l’interesse di un vasto pubblico per le priorità e i programmi dell’UNESCO, promuovendone la conoscenza e la condivisione  contribuire a livello locale all’attuazione dei programmi dell’UNESCO, in coordinamento con la Commissione Nazionale per l’UNESCO  diffondere i valori di solidarietà, tolleranza e rispetto della diversità culturale e promuovere l’educazione alla cittadinanza globale, ai diritti umani e allo sviluppo sostenibile
Mission and Objectives

Da quando Palermo è diventata Patrimonio UNESCO  con il Sito seriale  Arabo Normanno, e in occasione di “ Palermo Capitale della Cultura 2018”  oltre a lusingarci enormemente ci ha fatto sentire una grande responsabilità come CLUB che ha voluto  pertanto contribuire alla diffusione della conoscenza del Patrimonio Culturale nello spirito di condivisione ed attuazione dei Valori dell’UNESCO e per contribuire allo sviluppo di un turismo sostenibile come opportunità di sviluppo locale e di occupazione per i giovani siciliani che come sappiamo tutti vivono un grande disagio in questo  che li costringe ad emigrare.
Si è voluto intraprendere un progetto di ricerca di tesori nascosti con esperti del Patrimonio Culturale della Città e con il coinvolgimento di artisti, testimoni viventi delle tradizioni popolari siciliane.
Nell’ambito dell’iniziativa sono stati formati studenti  provenienti dall’Università o giovani guide che collaboreranno alle visite  del Sito Seriale Arabo Normanno e valorizzando il Patrimonio culturale anche intorno ai Siti UNESCO .
Sono stati individuati anche altri percorsi inediti, come “i mercati storici a Palermo, Sulle Orme dei Normanni, Il Percorso Ebraico a piedi o in bicicletta, alla scoperta di alcuni degli innumerevoli tesori della città di Palermo, da raccontare ai Soci dei Club e dei Centri per UNESCO d’Italia ed Esteri che vorranno onorarci della loro visita, ma anche ai Siciliani stessi curiosi di approfondire il proprio Patrimonio Culturale. Poi si è aggiunta l’Esperienza della Trasversale Sicula, un percorso di un Progetto di  Rediscovery a tappe da Kamarina a MOTHIA di trekking,  del territorio siciliano  che il club ha promosso e che oggi conta 20000 contatti .
I club oggi, tantissimi in Sicilia e in Italia, messi in rete con  altre Istituzioni che operano per L’UNESCO come rivoli di un grande fiume, grazie al Brand UNESCO, un Brand al primo posto nell’immaginario collettivo per la fiducia verso gli interessi collettivi,  devono essere  sempre di più al servizio della società civile, accendendo arcobaleni e contribuendo a valorizzare  iniziative meritevoli  per  ingrossare le acque di un fiume, quasi in secca, che solo tutti insieme possiamo rendere navigabie.
Informazioni del Club:
E possibile prenotare (al numero di cellulare 3921690243) le Visite attraverso il Club Per L’Unesco Di Palermo che ha messo a punto anche delle proposte di soggiorno  dedicate ai Club Italiani ed Europei ma non solo. Tali percorsi sono stati messi a disposizione del Comune di Palermo e del Visitor Center UNESCO e vengono proposti all’interno della Settimana delle Culture che, quest’anno  si svolge dal 11 al 19 maggio  2019.

Main Projects / Activities

Educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile per i giovani con esperienza di alternanza scuola lavoro
Trasversale Sicula 
Cerealia Festival dei cerali nel Mediterraneo
La dieta mediterranea educazione per le  comunità locali
Diritti Umani Oggi  e integrazione 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promuovendo attività indirizzate al dialogo intercultulrale attraverso l'educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile strategia du Agenda 2030

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Oggi l'importanza di entrare a far parte della rete si evince dal confronto positivo che rete stessa genera, dallo scambio di buone prassi e per l'effetto moltiplicatore che attraverso le reti si ottiene nella promozione degli obiettivi per un sano futuro delle Comunità del Mediterraneo

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Cinzia Suriano
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Biologo esperto in sviluppo sostenibile

CNR – Office for Mediterranean and Middle East

National Network

Centro Direzionale di Napoli - Via Porzio, 4 – Is. G1-sc.C 47/49

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
The Office for Mediterranean and Middle East of Naples is a structure of Italian National Research Council (CNR). Its activities are carried on by a staff of seven people working in collaboration with other scientists and/or postgraduates on specific subject-matters. It operates since 1995 in collaboration with Italian and foreign institutions. Its main activities: -Management/coordination of bilateral agreements between CNR and similar institutions of Med Countries. -Identification of strategic lines of Scientific/Technological cooperation at a bilateral/multilateral level -Support into the identification of national/international cooperation programmes and elaboration of projects to be submitted for a co-financing -Organization of international conferences and training initiatives -Dissemination of results -Studies/analyses in sectors of particular relevance
Mission and Objectives

The Office represents CNR reference structure as concerns the implementation of policies and actions to develop S/T cooperation with Mediterranean and Middle-East Countries. It works in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian embassies in Mediterranean and Middle East Countries to develop actions aimed at favoring mobility of researchers and technicians, identifying priority sectors to implement S/T euro-med cooperation, sharing information on opportunities of collaboration and providing dissemination of results.
It supports the work of the Monitoring Committee for euro-Mediterranean cooperation in S/T established following the Barcelona Declaration in 1995.

Main Projects / Activities

-Coordination of bilateral agreements signed by CNR with: ASRT-Egypt; MOST-Israel, CNRST-Morocco; TUBITAK-Turkey.
-Training initiatives: “Euro-Med post-graduate Advanced School on New Materials and technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage ...” (1999and2001); “Multi-media Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage” (6.11/7.12.2000), Training Through Research Programs in priority sectors (nov.2002); “Short Advanced Course on Conservation of Cultural Heritage” (29.05/2.06.05).
-Coordination/involvement in EU projects: The Euro-Med Forum on Co-operation in agriculture and food agro-industry (1998), co-funded under MEDA Program; “Euro-Med Forum on Scientific/Technological research as a tool for regional integration (2000), 5thFP; “Second Forum of high representatives of Euro-Mediterranean public institutions of RTD” (2002), 5thFP; “Thematic workshops for the definition of the S/T euro-Mediterranean policy within FP7”, 6thFP; “Innovative materials and technol

Contact (1) Full Name
Marilena Rossano
Head of the organisation
Ezio Martuscelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Staempfli

Co.Re. (Cooperazione e Reciprocità) - Consortium of social cooperatives

National Network

Via Provinciale Botteghelle di Portici, 139

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Co.Re. is a consortium of social cooperatives, which works from many years in the social sector offering to its members a real opportunity to grow up and to improve the level of their management skills in the social areas, and in running of the social cooperative. Services: Business administration; General contracting; Social project; Training and consulting support for the development of social enterprises Staff employed: 52 (6 full time; 46 contracted on project basis) 2006 consolidated turnover: 783.756 euros (54% public funds 46% private funds) Members: Thirteen members (11 cooperatives, 1 organization of social cooperatives, 1 Non Governmental Organization) Partnership: Public bodies like: • Regione Campania • Comune di Napoli Non profit organizaztons like: • Confcooperative • CGM – Consorzio Gino Mattarelli and two of its companies: Accordi and Luoghi per Crescere • Consorzio ASIS • Caritas diocesana di Napoli • Fondazione Umana-Mente Profit organizations: • Ikea – Afragola
Mission and Objectives

Co.Re. was thought as an “open space”, where members can share best practises, improve skills, organize training courses, conventions and debates about social and non profit sector.
Our purpose is to give a contribution to the realization of local communities development through:
• the implementation of a social enterprise network which are available to the collaboration and the integration with civil society organizations;
• the strengthening of associated organizations developing synergies between associated organizations, supporting the acquisition of managerial skills;
• implementing high quality services;
• promoting actions of active citizenship;
• promoting and supporting the start up of new organizations, capable to realize strategic plans based on community development approach;
• fostering a networking system among institutions, organizations and citizens associations which works in Naples.

Main Projects / Activities

Project “SAFIYA” - Equal Opportunity- activities in favor of immigrant women. Aggregation Center; Career / budget powers; Home for women in distress
Project SIPOSCA, (Italian Caritas – Program "Kosovo") Project reconciliation between Serbs and Albanians through training activities about intercultural dialogue and tolerance, mediation and conflict management, peace education.
Implementation of a residential home. “ CLORINDA- house of peace” comes to life to accept girls age between 12 and 17 years old in conditions of severe emotional, cultural and social deprivation
Action Research to analyse needs of children and their families in Naples
PROJECT "Caracoles"
Parenting support and promotion of foster care; local educative actions for teenagers
AGEA Program management of food aid to needy peple in Naples
Business administration and answering service of the project
Management of "Smaland" - IKEA store of Afragola(NA)- Space for Educational and recreational activities for children and young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianluigi Achella
Head of the organisation
Arnaldo Rossi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ciro Gagliotta

Codici - Agenzia di Ricerca Sociale

National Network
Address IV Novembre, 1 20124

+39 02 89053913
+39 02 36560403
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Indipendente social research agency, 2 person employed and 8 member of the organization. Budget available in a year: 270.000 Sources of funding: mainly public funding Modalities of action: concrete project
Mission and Objectives

Codici is an independent social research agency born to offer support and technical consulting to entities of the welfare system.

Main Projects / Activities

Codici is an independent social research agency. It assists public institutions, third sector organizations or private companies, helping them to understand and cope with social and cultural change. Codici’s researchers and social workers employ the tools of applied social research to analyze emerging social and cultural phenomena, and it offers consultancies, training courses and technical assistance on specific social and cultural topics and policies by supporting project development and evaluation for innovative social and cultural services. In the last few years, Codici has developped more and more projects with a strong integration between cultural and social elements or objectives, using often media and communication tools as means of change-making. Interculture and Migration are two of the main issues faced by Codici’s activities. Codici | Social Research Agency’s work experience has also given birth to its non profit, more markedly social work-oriented twin, Codici Onlus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Zamboni
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Breveglieri

Codici Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

National Network

viale Sondrio 3
20124 Milano MI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Codici has 21 structured employees and 1 internal consultant, all associated members of Codici. The management is in charge of the Board of Direction (2 male members, 3 female members) and of the Assembly of associated members. Since 2018, with the average turnover of 700.000 euros, Codici is implementing around 70 projects each year. Main source of incomes are: public local funds, funds from local and regional philantropic foundations, public tenders for consultant, structural funds from Ministry of Home Affairs (FEI, FAMI), European Programme's funds (REC, JUSTICE, AMIF), direct commitments from third sector organisations. Main modalities of actions: concrete projects at local, regional, national and international level. Main partners: public authorities, social cooperatives providing services for social inclusion/social cohesion/welfare, foundations, youth associations and cultural associations, educational institutions (formal and non formal).

Mission and Objectives

Codici is an independent non-for-profit social research organisation, founded in 2005 in Milan (Italy). It assists public institutions, third sector organizations or private companies, helping them cope with social change. Codici’s researchers and social workers employ the tools of applied social research to analyse emerging social and cultural phenomena, offer consultancies, training courses and technical assistance on specific social topics and policies, support project development and evaluation for innovative social services.
Codici is focused on social intervention, mainly built up by and with all the people involved in the actions. The wide previous experience in management consulting and in methodological supervision implemented by the all the people working in Codici, lead the company to understand how often social organizations and social institutions think, plan, and achieve their actions starting from themselves and their needs, instead of thinking of their users. Codici wants to subvert this way to act, and wants to work in the social field by taking care of people, valorising them as subjects who bring competences, who are able to define their needs, who need a stronger motivation to realise their dreams. The fundamental mission of Codici could be synthetized by a good mix between combining high quality standards for all subjects working with and for the Social Co-operative, to the extreme attention paid to social processes activated by its daily work. Its purpose is to test and implement innovative action projects in the areas of social welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

Migrants, minorities and second generation young people represent one of our main targets of intervention.
Within the Third Countries Integration European Fund, we’ve been working in several national projects involving immigrants, aimed at their social integration, linguistic inclusion, and professional integration throughout various activities such as: action-research, field research, thematic surveys, participative methods of involvement, consultancy groups, focus groups, peer research, field interviews and video documentation.
The specific activity carried out in favour of migrants in Italy consists of four types of interventions:
1. Community mediation and development activities for improving social cohesion processes, integration and civic participation and for the promotion of individual identity and empowerment. This type of intervention was carried out in collaboration with Local Territorial Entities, subjects of the third sector active in the offer of social and socio-educational services.
2. Consultancy and accompanying activities for system actions aimed at migrants, aimed at developing new services, modelling services, improving access for migrants to existing services in the social welfare, socio-health, educational and bureaucratic-administrative fields. This type of intervention was carried out in collaboration with Local Authorities, Healthcare Organizations, third sector subjects active in the provision of social and socio-educational services.
3. Activities of public art and storytelling as a tool for socio-cultural integration: Codici is experienced in the analysis of social processes and develops engagement and intervention strategies with the target of young Italians and foreigners using the tools and communication channels of the arts visual (video reportage with participatory approach), of the media (website, webdocumentary, app for smart phones) and of social networks (Facebook, blog), with the aim of gathering and telling in a participatory and as widely as possible way the stories of life and reference social contexts. Several projects of Codici involved strategies and tools of public art and visual arts, social media and collective storytelling aimed at the integration of third-country nationals and social cohesion, through the European funds for the integration of third-country nationals (FEI 2007-2013, FAMI 2014-2020).
4. Monitoring and evaluation of projects through the use of own methodologies for evaluative research and participatory methodologies. Various interventions have been made in projects aimed at foreign users, both within the framework of the European Fund for the integration of Third Country Nationals, and on the commission of foundations such as Cariplo and Compagnia di San Paolo, concerning the themes of integration policies, community welfare, social inclusion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By joining ALF Codici may contribute to:
1. enriching the network's expertise in social research applied to targeted topic such as intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and social inclusion: Codici is experienced in working side to side with ground based organisations providing facilities and service directly to target groups, and it help them to better understand social change, analyse effective practices, design new methods of intervention, renew their organisational structure according to social change, reinforce their capacity of sharing and exchange know how improving their ability to intercultural dialogue.
2. provide knowledge and inputs on the adoption of participative methods in social work targeting in particular young migrants, non accompanied minors and second generations, according to its several projects and researches carried out.
3. offer expertise for the development of cultural activities as a mean to promote social integration, community development, social and community storytelling and social cohesion. Through the production of cultural products (short films, photography, books, exhibitions in public spaces or diffused museums) we work on past and present stories in order to understand social processes and change. Participative methods and crowd based design of cultural products are our main approach to the storytelling process. Several activities on community memories and collective stories as means of social cohesion have been implemented in specific social and urban context, with a focus on intercultural and intergenerational exchange.
4. make available of the ALF Codici's point of view on intercultural dialogue, on migration processes, on social inclusion policies according to study and researches carried out by Codici in Italy, as well as its network with several stakeholders in the public and private sector of North of Italy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mainly for 3 reasons:
1. we strongly share and believe in dialogue as a fundamental mean for getting people closer. our identity is strongly connected and generated by meeting and living close to people with different social and cultural background. that's why Codici always encourage dialogue in its daily research projects and interventions on field and train professionals in social field in observing, criticizing, reframing their capacity of getting into dialogue with others. we are part of a wider Mediterranean community, we share social development issues and intercultural processes linked to industrial development, migrations, climate change, globalisation. we wish to be part of the network to have the opportunity to play a more active role in the development of a respectful, rightful and creative Mediterranean identity.
2. we wish to disseminate the approach of social research as a tool for coping with social change and contribute to better shape and design social responses of institutions and third sector organisations, especially considering recent pandemic's impact at global level. we intend to take part in the process of post-pandemic change and re-design of societal challenges that will especially affect relationships, exchange and dialogue between close countries.
3. we would like to increase our knowledge and competences by attending exchanging opportunities between professionals in the field of intercultural dialogue and improve our network of connections with Mediterranean countries. In the field of migration study that Codici carried out, we focused on local situation and on the development of local policies, but what we need to improve is the possibility to involve directly countries from where migrants come from, working on crossborder cooperation among countries around the Mediterranean sea.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
project developer
Head of the organisation
Massimo Conte
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
project developer