
Centro Studi Difesa Civile

National Network

Via Salaria, 89

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+393356512166 (Davide Berruti)
Mobile Phone (other)
+393498783395 (Matteo Menin)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. The organisation is a no-profit association structured with a members assembly, an executive board (7 members) and a number of 3 staff members 2. … 3. Public Administration and private donors 4. Organisation of conferences, training and workshops, research activities 5. Universities, Associations from Non-violent movement
Mission and Objectives

Promoting the idea of non-violence in inter-personal and social and international conflicts;
Studying, testing and exploring tools and means for the positive conflict transformation;
Training to conflict transformation skills and testing innovative training tools.

Main Projects / Activities

Research in the field of mediation in conflict: training standard, skills directory, employability, professional profiles.
Training courses for peacekeepers and mediators.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Davide Berruti
Head of the organisation
Prof. Gianni Scotto
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Matteo Menin

Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca

National Network

Montesca, 06012
Città di Castello, Perugia

0039 075 852 1512
Telephone (other)
0039 075 852 2185
0039 075 852 1610
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 335 6010579
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 347 8780829
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
The CSFVM works with the purpose to realize training programs and projects, also through the production of didactic materials, for a great variety of interlocutors. The Center follows the objective to develop and to value the activities of the Pole of Excellence of Villa Montesca in matter of Environmental Formation. The Center has seven employed and the budgetary resources available in a year are about 400.000 euros. The sources of funding are the Umbria Region, the Perugia District and the European Commission; in the last years three projects in the Socrates program, two in the Leonardo da Vinci program and one in the Equal program have been funded.
Mission and Objectives

The CSFVM realizes education programs and projects to develop, to plan and to experience innovative approaches for the development and monitoring of the professional competences, by defining specific methodologies and instruments for the analysis of the competences in the processes of the human resources management. Estimating the mainly meaningful international experiences and maintaining intense contacts with national and foreign research centers, the team of the CSFVM works in the analysis of the distinctive competences to develop through educational activities the most suitable methodologies and instruments.

Main Projects / Activities

The Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca realizes educational paths in environmental fields, which foresee in particular: - research of innovative methodologies to realize educational integrated paths - Some spread initiatives to find out useful instrument for the environmental and the territorial planning - production of environmental projects in the environmental field turned to citizenship or to specific population strips - realization of communication project to reveal and valorise territorial and cultural resources
The CSFVM is moreover involved in some integrated research projects tied to the community programs like Leonardo Da Vinci, Equal and Socrates.
The CSFVM, to support all the activities connected to the educational process, has the ERA-EDU learning platform, a technological architecture which is a suitable answer to requisition of reliability, security.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrizio Boldrini
Head of the organisation
Fabrizio Boldrini
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Rita Bracchini

Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS Soc. Coop. a r.l.

National Network

Via Arrigo Davila, 16
00179 Roma

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
IDOS is a research centre, specialized on studies on migration and asylum, supported by a team of senior researchers working in this field for almost 20 years as well as several external experts. On this topic IDOS does not only elaborate studies, researches and surveys (in which transfuses data collected and processed statistics from different sources), but also organizes or participates in conferences, seminars and training courses both in Italy and abroad, in collaboration with international organizations, national and regional bodies, ngos, also in the framework of multinational projects. For its own initiative or on behalf of other institutions, IDOS also carries out research activity on specific issues related to immigration as well as on emigration from Italy. Significant donors are the European Commission, UNHCR, International Organization for Migration Rome, Presidency of Council - Antidiscrimination Office, National Council for Economics and Labour, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, National Institute for Social Pensions, National Institute for Insurance againts Disabilities, National Union of Chambers, Lazio Region, Rome Province, Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Caritas Italiana, Migrantes Foundation, Caritas of Rome, Istituto di Studi Politici San Pio V, Unicredit Foundation, Deutch Botschaft Rom, Morocco Kingdom Embassy, Open Society Foundation, Ethnoland Foundation, Money Gram and several social organizations. Finally IDOS is also the publisher of the review “Affari Sociali Internazionali”, that until 2009 was published under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ patronage. IDOS staff consists of 10 members: 7 researchers and 3 employees with administrative and secretarial functions. Furthermore, IDOS has a network of 33 regional representatives and 150 
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of IDOS is to produce the "Dossier Statistico Immigrazione" (27 editions) a statistical report on immigration and asylum in Italy. Moreover IDOS produce other two national reports: The "Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni" (12 editions) and the "Rapporto Immigrazione e Imprenditoria" (3 editions).
Moreover, IDOS is committed in a broad awareness-raising on migrants integration issues through the publication of different surveys and research, workshops, conferences, training.
Finally IDOS is also the publisher of the review “Affari Sociali Internazionali”, that until 2009 was published under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ patronage.

Main Projects / Activities

Each year, IDOS researchers produce a statistical report on immigration and asylum in Italy called Dossier Statistico Immigrazione (next issue: IDOS Pub., Rome, October 2017). This book, about 500 pages, is published in 10,000 copies and distributed throughout all Italy. In occasion of the 2003 Italian Presidency semester of the EU, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), an English edition was also published (Contemporary Migration in Italy. Current trends and future prospects, Nuova Anterem Pub., Rome, September 2003). Moreover, few years later, always in cooperation with IOM, IDOS has edited a book about 60 years of immigration flows in Italy (1951-2011. Migration in Italy between past and future, IDOS Pub., Roma 2012).
From the end of 2002 to March 2014 IDOS was chosen by the Ministry of Interior as technical support of the National Contact Point at the European Migration Network of the European Commission, due to the capacity to gather and analyze information and data on migration and asylum at national level. Twenty-four comparative studies have been uploaded on the EU website and 3 pilot studies and 7 bilingual reports have been published (last issue: Migrants and social security. Seventh EMN Italy Report, IDOS Pub., Rome, March 2014). An Italian edition of the Emn Glossary on Asylum and Migration has also been finalized in 2011 (Glossario Emn Migrazione e Asilo, IDOS Pub., Rome, July 2011) as well as an Arabic edition in 2013 (IDOS-Sinnos Pub., 2013). For the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), IDOS has implemented an immigration database (CnelStats) and produced a yearly report on Indices of territorial integration of immigrants in Italy, in which, through a system of original indicators and indices, the researchers apply a methodology in order to measure the different levels of social, cultural and employment insertion of foreigners in various regions of Italy. Among the reports uploaded on the website, the last output is: Cnel, Indici di integrazione degli immigrati in Italia. IX Rapporto, Cnel, Rome, July 2013. Within the same field of research, it is to underline also the report referring to the EU project INTI (bilingual version): IDOS Centro Studi e Ricerche, Measuring Integration. The Italian Case, IDOS Pub., Rome, March 2008. Actually (from January 2016 to January 2018), IDOS is the coordinator for Italy of the eMORE Project.The eMORE Project, co-financed by the European Commission, and implemented in 9 Member States, addresses the need to support the development/improvement of efficient monitoring and reporting mechanisms for online hate speech and hate crime and, in particular, the need to foster the integration between monitoring and reporting tools into a joint innovative knowledge model. Indeed, knowledge is the key-factor to implement efficient/effective multi-stakeholders initiatives to fight back against crime, but currently there is a “chronic lack of reliable and comprehensive data/information on hate crime” (OCSE, 2014). The synergy between monitoring and reporting is, therefore, essential to bridge this gap, and to develop a far-reaching knowledge-based framework.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IDOS can make available his strong expierence on immigration issues and his great ability in involving people in his own activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IDOS is strongly interested in the activities of ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Ugo Carmine Melchionda
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ugo Carmine Melchionda

Centro Studi euromediterranei - La Rosa di Gerico

National Network

Via XX Settembre, 27/B, Roma - Italy

+39 0642013867
Telephone (other)
+39 06472871
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Baldassarre Armato (President and legal representative)

Centro Studi Medì. Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo

National Network

Via del molo 13a - 16128

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Centro Studi Medì was created in 2003 by a group of NGO in Genoa, as a temporary project. In 2007 Medì became itself a NGO. Medì has organized various social researches in Genoa and in Regione Liguria, perhaps. Medì has a board council (five persons); a Scientific Director (Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini) and an Operative Director (Dott. Andrea T. Torre); The budgetary resourses amounted annually 250.000€. Medi collaborates with University of Genoa, University of Milan, Caritas Italiana, ISMU (Milan), FIERI (Turin).
Mission and Objectives

Medì conducts social research in the field of international migration; organizes courses, conferences and seminars for scholars and social workers.
Medi through his activities documents the processes of integration of foreign peoples in the context of Italian society

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 Medì has realized many social researches commissioned by public authorities (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova).
Medì organizes, every year, since 2005, a Summer School on Sociology of Migrations in collaboration with the University of Genoa and the University of Milan and sponsored by Italian Association of Sociology (AIS), FIERI (Turin), Foundation ISMU (Milan), Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas/Migrantes (Rome).
Medì also collaborate with OECD and has organized, in may 2009, Teacher Education for Diversity Experts OECD Meeting.
In 2008 has been established the Prize Mondi Migranti-Carige funded by Fondazione Carige; the prize is awarded to important scholars and professor, known for their studies in the field of international migration. The first three editions of the prize were awarded to Saskia Sassen (2008), Ulrich Beck (2009)and Immanuel Wallerstein (march 2010).
Medi created in 2007, Mondi Migranti. Review of studies and researches about international migrations, published by Franco Angeli. (Indexed on Google Scholar).
Medì Publications
M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio, A. Ravecca (ed.), Primo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2004
L. Queirolo Palmas, A. T. Torre (ed.), Il fantasma delle bande. Genova e i latinos, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, A. T. Torre (ed.), Secondo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M.Ambrosini, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), I latinos alla scoperta dell’Europa (atti del convegno), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005•
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), Terzo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, 2006
F. Lagomarsino, A. T. Torre (organización y supervisión de), El éxodo ecuatoriano a Europa. Jóvenes y familias emigrantes entre discriminación y nuevos espacios de ciudadanía, Abya Yala, Ecuador, 2007
M. Cannarella, F. Lagomarsino, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), Hermanitos. Vita e politica di strada tra i giovani latinos in Italia, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2007
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, (ed.), Quarto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, 2007
• D. Erminio, Immigrati e lavoro autonomo, Imprenditori transnazionali a Genova, Working Paper, Medì, 2008
F. Lagomarsino, A. T. Torre, (ed.) La scuola plurale in Liguria. Una ricerca su didattica e mediazione culturale, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, (ed.), Quinto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, Ed. Medì, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, E. Abbatecola (ed.), Famiglie in movimento. Separazioni,legami, ritrovamenti nelle famiglie migranti, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2010

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea T. Torre
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vinci

Centro Studi Medì. Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Balbi 16
16126 genova

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Centro Studi MEDI’ was founded, in 2007, by a five Ngo (Federazione Regionale Solidarietà e Lavoro, Consorzio Sociale Agorà, Fondazione Auxilium, Provincia Religiosa San Benedetto di Don Orione , Coop. La Salle) that operates, in Genoa, in the fields of immigration. 
Mission and Objectives

Medì has been supported since its constitution by the Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino. Medì has produced studies and  researches for local institutions about prostitution, trafficking, second generation and transnationalism (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova, Comune di Genova) and collaborates with several universities (Università di Genova, Università di Milano), other indipendent Research Centers (FIERI, Fondazione ISMU, CeSPI), and international organizations such as the OECD. Medì adheres to the ALF Network.Medì, since 2007, publishes “Mondi Migranti. Review on international migrations”, the only issue published in Italy on the topic. Medì has been inserted in Sector A to ANVUR for the competitive sector: Sociology. The journal is also indexed on: Catalog of periodicals Italian / Acnp, EBSCO Discovery Service, Essper, Google Scholar, ProQuest Summon, Torrossa - Casalin Full Text Platform
Since 2008  has been established The Mondi Migranti Prize; prize awarded to international personalities who have significantly contributed to the study of migration. In the past editions the prize was awarded to Saskia Sassen (2008), Ulrich Beck (2009) and Immanuel Wallerstein (2010), Etienne Balibar (2011), Arjun Appadurai (2012), Tzvetan Todorov (2013), Julia Kristeva (2015)

Main Projects / Activities

M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio, A. Ravecca (a cura di),
Primo Rapporto sull’Immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2004
L. Queirolo Palmas, A.T.Torre (a cura di),
Il fantasma delle bande. Genova e i latinos, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Secondo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, L. Queirolo Palmas (a cura di)
I latinos alla scoperta dell’Europa (atti del Convegno), Franco Angeli, Milano 2005
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre, L. Queirolo Palmas (a cura di)
Terzo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2006
F. Lagomarsino, A.T.Torre (organizacion y supervision de)
El exodoequatoriano a Europa. Jovenes y familias emigrante entre discriminationy nuevos espacios de ciudadania,
Abya Yala Ecuador, 2007
M. Cannarella, F. Lagomarsino, L. Queirolo Palmas
Hermanitos. Vita e politica di stradatra i giovani latinos in Italia, Ombre corte, Verona, 2007
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Quarto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2007
F. Lagomarsino, A.T.Torre
La scuola plurale in Liguria. Una ricerca su didattica e Mediazione culturale, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2009
Studiare nonostante.  I percorsi degli studenti di origine immigrata nell'istruzione superiore,
FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Quinto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, ed. Medì, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, E. Abbatecola
Famiglie in movimento. Separazioni, legami, ritrovamenti nelle famiglie migranti , Il Melangolo, Genova, 2010
A. Naser Eslami
Architetture del commercio e città del mediterraneo, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2010
M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio (a cura di )
Sesto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Settimo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2012
A.Ravecca, F. Lagomarsino (a cura di)
Il passo seguente. Studenti di origine straniera all’università, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014
M. Ambrosini, A. T. Torre (a cura di ),
Primo Rapporto sull’immigrazione in Liguria, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2014

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Tomaso Torre
Job Title
Director- Manager
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vinci

centro universitario teatrale

National Network

via ruggero manna 28
34134 trieste

0039 0402602442
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
CUT is a cultural association which, from 1987 tries to promote theater culture in the territory, starting from rising awareness in the youngest once. To do so, it organizes annual theater courses held in the last five years from many national and international directors, plays, conferences, short intensive workshops with experts coming from all over the world, and from 2014 TACT Festival, first international theatre festival under 35 of Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the association is to create a "space" for live theater activities through the testing of its languages, according to a contemporary vision also opened to discussion and debate, and then to generate a deep and not trivial aggregation. The CUT allows everyone to get closer to understand and discover the theater world, with commitment, professionalism and fun.

Main Projects / Activities

- Each year theatre courses for student on 3 level
- Each year about 10 workshop with international artist
- Conference and Seminar about theatre
- Each year TACT Festival, international theatre festival under 35
- CUT is member of Young European Theatre Network (Rencontres du Jeune Théâtre Européen)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For the ALF Network we can became a cultural center on the east europe, in fact Trieste is a city on the border  beetwen Italy , Slovenia , Croazia
Morevorer our experience on building network can be usefull also for other ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nowdays in Italy is really hard to survive for cultural organization like us, with ALF subscription we hope to find some found to go on on our activities and future project.
Morever we hope to extend our international network and so to find some new cultural partner to work with.

Contact (1) Full Name
marco palazzoni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
marco palazzoni
Contact (2) Full Name
annalisa dalla mora
Job Title (2)


National Network

II trav. Corso del Mezzogiorno
71100 Foggia


++39 0881 634382
Telephone (other)
++39 0881 663147
++39 0881 663147
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++39 339 1532979
Mobile Phone (other)
++39 333 3322060
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is a private company (cooperative)employing 17 people as actors, directors, organization staff, educators. We are based in Oda Teatro, a theatre with 300 seats, foyer, bar and offices,where we develop our activies all the year long. We also are advisors for Teatro del Fuoco, in Foggia. Budgetary resources 300.000 euros of which 140.000 euros fundings from Minstery of Arts and Culture/Puglia Regional governement/Province of Foggia. We devolop two theatre seasons in two different theatres hosting 40 productions a year with more than 18.000 spectators. We produce two/three shows a year, focusing on different themes, including social ones. We host different seminars and conferences and we are more and more getting involved in multicultural exchanges particularly through educational works with foreign communities of the area. Our partners in the organization's projects are Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, Province of Foggia and occasionally local theatre companies.
Mission and Objectives

Theatre is the language we use to interact with the world we live in. Not only through our performance but also through our works as educators (with workshops, seminars and conferences). Most of our jobs tries to reflect on contemporary society and we are constantly in search of new forms of communication and interaction. Building up a theatre community is a great part of our mission and being able to bring different forms of art to this community a constant search. We work in a land facing constant exchange with the mediterranean area and we feel the responsabiity of being based in a crucial point of Italy looking both at eastern countries and southern ones.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activity is Theatre.
We realize Theatre Productions both for children and adults. We recently realized a trilogy of productions for children on English masterpieces (Peter Pan, Alice in wonderland and Tresure Island) we are currently bronging on tour in Italy and abroad and a production for an adult audience on the theme of drug addiction.
We hold a year long theatre season in two theatres hosting more than 40 performances of different companies from all over Italy.
We realize workshops in our theatre and in other spaces (we usually act with different type of communities and we recently work with a group of refugees).
We do a constant educational job with schools and we had more than 15.000 students visiting our theatres and taking part in our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Cerealia 2023: Celebrating Mediterranean Heritage & Sustainable Cultures - 13th Edition, Rome

The picture showes two woman celebrating cereals

Cerealia. Cerealia Festival. Ceres and the Mediterranean, is an annual, international event founded by the Italian cultural association Music Theatre International-M.Th.I. ETS in 2011.
The Festival is dedicated to all cereals and inspired by the rituals celebrated in ancient Rome, between April and June. Over the years it has twinned with the following countries: Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Morocco, Malta, Tunisia, Jordan and the European Union.

The 13th edition will take place in Rome and other Italian cities from September 16 to October 31, 2023 and will be dedicated to the Republic of Slovenia.

The core topics of the event will be: culture, society, economy, food and gastronomy, environment, land and landscape, tourism, collective identities, and shared memories among the peoples bordering the Mediterranean. Besides raising awareness of land customs and traditions, the Festival will be a great opportunity for participants who are interested in exploring cultural interchange at various levels, addressing issues such as sustainable models of circular economy, environment, food and wine, tourism and social innovation practices aimed at safeguarding the Mediterranean ecosystem.

For additional info and contacts, please refer to the following link and email address

CESF Centro Edile per la Sicurezza e la Formazione

National Network

Via P. Tuzi 11
06128 Perugia PG

0039 075 5059488
0039 075 5002475
Mobile Phone
0039 348 6023869
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Cesf is a no profit bilateral organization which supports companies and workers in construction sector. It also opened training centers in Jordan and Palestine. Cesf employes 10 people and it's funded by building companies with a percentage of mass wages. It also receives financement by public institutions (AICS, Inail, Regione Umbria, ecc.). Cesf organizes about 300 training courses for about 3.500 workers each year. Main partners are Associations of building Entrepreneurs and trade unions.

Mission and Objectives

Constitutional aims of CESF are to promote, organise and realize, in its region, training courses for young people who come for the first time into building sector, refresher courses for occupied people in building enterprises, training courses to qualify, specialise and update workers, administrative and technical employees, and entrepreneurs too, also in the field of safety. CESF has significant experiences within LLP-LdV and other initiatives for sectoral application of EU principles and tools for transparency/recognition of learning outcomes/qualifications. Cesf is also operating as promoter of training courses to qualify, specialise and update workers in its new training centers in Palestine and Jordan.

Main Projects / Activities

- LdV project aimed to start and implement an ECVET process within European VET systems of Construction sector (CeSaTra - Certified Safety VET Trainers: An experimental intervention to put in transparency and to recognise the competences of the trainers on safety matter in the European VET systems of the Construction sector;;
- IEE project Build Up Skills Italy project (, which is defining a national roadmap, aligned with EQF and ECVET, able to improve competences of workers needed to reach in Italy "nearly zero emission buildings" EU objective, gathering relevant public/private bodies;
- LdV project aimed to start and implement an ECVET process integrated with ECTS for the EU sectoral occupational core profile of building entrepreneur (CertEnt - Applying ECVET and ECTS to Certify Learning Outcomes and Qualification of the Entrepreneur in Construction sector;
- Project AID 11331 funded by AICS (2018-2022) to realize training centers in Palestine and Jordan

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristiana Bartolucci
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cristiana Bartolucci