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Be+ train the trainers manual

Be+ Training course on capacity building

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BeFree Social Cooperative on Violence Against Women, Trafficking in Human Beings and Discrimination

National Network

Via della Lungara 19
00165 Rome

+39 0664760799
+3906 64760799
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 0664760799
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3407167690
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
BeFree Social Cooperative Against Violence and Discrimination was launched on February 27, 2007 to counter violence against women, gender-based discrimination, inequality and trafficking in human beings. To this end, BeFree provides services, advocacy, training, education, and outreach activities. BeFree is structured as a permanent “workshop” to develop and implement methodologies and practices of research, fieldwork, support, and assistance (legal, social, and psychological) to victims in a non-judgmental way. It operates with the conviction that victims cases represent living evidence of societal malfunctions which need to be addressed by the society as a whole and that demand to put the interests of the victims first in the respect, protection, and promotion of their human rights. BeFree is funded by government institutions 9at national and local levels), international organizations (UN Volountary Trust  Fund on Modern Forms of Slavery), and foundations (Opens Society Foundations and We World) through the adjudication of competitive grants. It is highly regarded and prominently consulted and featured by such institutions and the media as an indispensable interlocutor, and a source of expertise and excellence. Its permanent staff is composed of 21 members. BeFree also avails itself of a roster of consultants, including auditors and quality control specialists on an on-going basis. It is a member of of the European Women's Lobby and of the Inter-parlamentary Group on Human Trafficking. It is a member of the CEDAW NGOs platform and of the anti-trafficking campaign LasciateCIEntrare.
Mission and Objectives

BeFree’s objectives are the promotion and protection of women’s human rights, as well as the empowerment of both victims and protection actors through the provision of front-line services, research, advocacy and education. The cooperative aims at ensuring that gender rights are mainstreamed in policies and actions. BeFree works to change social perceptions of gender roles and dynamics in order to promote a culture of respect for diversity. It strives to promote protection for victims of human trafficking and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice. To these ends, the cooperative regularly provides training courses to partners in government, educational institutions, civil society and the media.

Main Projects / Activities

BeFree runs four shelters in Central Italy: three for victims of violence against women and the fourth for victims of trafficking. It runs two help desks. The first (and only example in Italy) provides 24/7 counselling to victims of violence and is located within the emergency room of the hospital San Camillo Forlanini in Rome. The second is located within the Center of Identification and Expulsion of Rome where irregular migrants are detained. The cooperative's legal team assists victims and litigates cases on their behalf. BeFree promotes advocacy campaigns either on its own or in partnership with other organizations in civil society. It conducts research on the themes of its mandate and promotes recommendations stemming from this research with the government and international organizations (the UN, EU, Council of Europe, Organisations for Security Cooperation in Europe). It holds regular training courses for social operators, law enforcers, health specialists, academia, and other individuals from concerned civil society. It promotes gendere studies and culture through an annual summer school. It is regularly consulted by government institutions on the themes of violence against women, human trafficking and discrimination.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

BeFree can provide information and advocacy on the network's themes. It can facilitate contacts between network members and Italian partners. It can host events (conferences/lectures/ meetings) at the International House of Women in Rome --where BeFree is headquartered.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since 2013, BeFree has developed an international projects capacity. As a result, its international outreach has increased. However, the cooperative would like to extend its network beyond its traditional partners and interlocutors and liaise with like-minded organizations and networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Loretta Bondi'
Job Title
Director, International Projects
Head of the organisation
Orietta Gargano, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Oria Gargano
Job Title (2)

Biblioteca Giuridica Fedra

National Network

Via Nizza n. 16
96100 Siracusa

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
La Biblioteca d’Informazione Giuridica Fedro è stata fondata nel 1985 per volontà dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano, che ha inteso, in questo modo, offrire un servizio a tutti gli operatori del settore giuridico, e si trova presso i locali dello Studio legale Giuliano di Siracusa. La Biblioteca “Fedro”, “Biblioteca di Informazione Giuridica dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano” aderisce al Sistema Bibliotecario Regionale e consta di oltre seimila volumi, di circa trenta periodici e di sei banche dati informatiche, quattro generaliste e due di diritto amministrativo. Ha inoltre un costante controllo su tutte le altre banche dati giuridiche istituzionali e private in chiaro. La biblioteca conserva testi di diritto e procedura civile, in minor parte di diritto e procedura penale. Significativa è la consistenza di testi e riviste di diritto ambientale, poiché l’attività dello studio è fortemente mirata alla problematica ambientale. Il nome attribuito alla Biblioteca deriva dal testo platonico “Fedro” dove Platone difendeva la tradizione orale a discapito della tradizione scritta, che a suo modo di vedere cristallizzava la sapienza. Elenco e descrizione dei servizi offerti: consultazione di testi e di supporti informatici,  consultazione della sala di emeroteca, ricca delle riviste giuridiche più aggiornate, consultazione di archivi storici, prestito cartaceo e prestito digitale tramite l'iscrizione alla piattaforma Mlol.    Fedro, the Legal Information Library, was founded in 1985 in the Siracusa office to satisfy Corrado Giuliano's desire to offer a service to all operarors working in the legal business. "Fedro" is linked to the Regional Library System ( and is made up of more than six thousand volumes, thirty periodical journals, six data banks, four of which concern general law issues and two administrative law, and is in constant update with all other legal institutional and private data banks. The Library holds primarily books on civil law and procedures and some on criminal law. There is also a consistent amount of books and journals on environmental law since the Law Firm focuses on environmental and urban problems. The name assigned to the library derives from the Platonic text "Fedro" in which Plato defended oral over that of written tradition, which, from his point of view, fossilized knowledge. A list and description of the services offered: consultation of books and IT support, consultation of the periodical library full of the most updated legal journals, consultation of the historical archive.
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo della biblioteca giuridica consiste nella disseminazione della cultura giuridica, della tutela dell'ambiente e dei diritti umani tra la società civile e gli operatori del diritto.

Main Projects / Activities

La Biblioteca Giuridica ha svolto numerosi convegni e azioni progettuali volte allo studio del diritto dell'ambiente, alla tutela del paesaggio e del patrimonio architettonico.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La Biblioteca Giuridica "Fedro" potrà contribuire al network nazionale partecipando attivamente alle iniziative e alle discussioni sui topics della fondazione e promuovendo reti di collaborazione progettuale.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La Biblioteca vorrebbe far parte dell'ALF Network per partecipare alle iniziative dell'ALF e creare basi di cooperazione e progettazione condivisa con organizzazioni euromediterranee

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Contact (2) Full Name
Avv. Prof. Daniel Amato
Job Title (2)
R&D Manager

Breathing Art Company

National Network

Via Borrelli
70125 Bari BA

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

“The Breathing Art Company” was founded in 2005 by Simona De Tullio and since then has been working to promote the development and diffusion of dance in Italy and abroad. The company, which is part of the “Albo dello Spettacolo della Regione Puglia”, has presented works in Germany, Spain, Hungary, Albania, Puerto Rico and the USA (Miami, New York, Charlotte, Newport), developing an international network supporting the “Premio Internazionale di Danza San Nicola”, the annual highlight of the company’s productions. The ultimate goal of any company should be to develop emerging talent and this is why dance school “The Studio” in Bari is considered an important support.

Mission and Objectives

The company since its infancy, has seen the discovery and development of new talents as its main focus, encouraging workshops with such influential teachers as: F. Monteverde, T.Assam, R. Cerloj, J. Green, A. Taylor, M. Causey, M. Van de Westeringh, G. Santucci, L. Saillot, F. Esposito, plus many more. “The Studio” in Bari facilitates all the courses, workshops, rehersals and activities of the company.

The company is also heavily involved with the local authorities in activities focused on the rehabilitation through art of youngsters with problems and also with programs for the elderly. These collaborations and projects were made possible thanks to the support from Comune di Bari and Municipio 2, where the school is located
The productions of the “Breathing Art Company” have been presented throughout Italy and abroad in festivals and events promoted by a variety of different theatres, companies and artistic networks. Brucia Strega Brucia, Suite Rouge, A Qualcuno Piace Donna, Madame, Rendezvous, Human Beings… Be Human, Il Brutto Anatroccolo, Principessa Per Caso, Tutte Le Donne di William are the main works that brought the company to prominence, as well as guest appearances in local events supported by the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese- Regione Puglia.

Main Projects / Activities

The Premio Internazionale di Danza San Nicola, the Galà Città di Bari and Ai Confini del Corpo are three well known events in the national schedule of dance, events of a high quality and great opportunities for young dancers to shine and for schools to meet and exchange ideas.

The company is also involved in events and activities in which dance is not the only medium of expression, but the arts in general.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our company is already involved in international collaborations and we'd like to improve our network and offer new chances of exchanges with new partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WE want to improve our exchanges and host new realities to show the community the importance of sharing and discovering new cultures

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Simona De Tullio
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Simona De Tullio

C.E.S.T.A.S Centre of Health Education and Appropriate Health Technologies

National Network

Via Ranzani 13/5/f, cap 40127

+39 051 25 50 53
+39 051 42 11 317
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. CESTAS is a non-profit organisation, and a NGO recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it has a main headquarter in Bologna with a library and a training and education centre, and a headquarter in Jesi (AN). Number of staff employed: 18; CESTAS is part of the COCIS, COONGER, ASSOCIAZIONE DELLE ONG ITALIANE, participates in CCU (consorzio cooperazione universitaria) and in many other European and international network, namely OKO INTERNATIONAL. 2. balance sheet: active: 9.610643,48- red: 9.604296,68 Euro Total amount of financial resources: 1.950.541,99 Euro(2004) Net: 6.346,80 Euro 3. Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, Local Governments and private donors. 4. Mainly scholarships (CESTAS organises every year a Master course for students coming from developing countries); concrete projects 5. Universities, Ministries of Health and Cooperation in developing countries, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo regions
Mission and Objectives

The organization’s aim is to promote knowledge, study and initiatives concerning the struggle against underdevelopment and hunger worldwide; its activities are based on the value of human solidarity and on the defense of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

CESTAS projects, carries out and manages programs of international development cooperation both by itself and together with other public and private, national and foreign NGOs and agencies. CESTAS promotes equality as a basis for new development paradigm, working against discrimination by gender, race and/o ethnicity, religion and/or ideology, handicap, age. Defense of children and teenager’s rights is particularly regarded.
CESTAS projects, carries out and manages civil service activities and information campaigns addressed to the public opinion about interdependence, solidarity, intercultural, people’s cooperation, peace and development education, and cultural integration.
CESTAS is working for professional and refresher training in Italy and abroad. As a certified professional training and education centre, it promotes Master’s programs, specialization courses for citizens from the European Union and developing countries in order to train managers and experts of sustainable development

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Viola
Head of the organisation
Uber Alberti

C.E.T. Consorzio Economia e Territorio

National Network

Via Alberto Caroncini, 23

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Il consorzio nasce nel 1996 e si sostiene tramite fondi privati. Si occupa di ricerca per politiche di liberalizzazione, razionalizzazione e sviluppo nei servizi di pubblica utilità.
Mission and Objectives

Svolge attività di supporto tecnico, giuridico e amministrativo alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni, sia centrali che periferiche, nonchè a persone giuridiche pubbliche e private.

Main Projects / Activities

Il Consorzio partecipa a conferenze sull'impatto ambientale e si occupa di redigere studi in merito; presta, inoltre, assistenza tecnica e svolge analisi comparate nell'ambito dell'armonizzazione della legislazione e del mercato delle infrastrutture e dei servizi di pubblica utilità quali trasporti, energia, telecomunicazioni, acqua etc.
Al fine di raggiungere suddetti scopi il Consorzio è abilitato a partecipare ad associazioni temporanee di impresa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gustavo Gagliardi
Head of the organisation
Gustavo Gagliardi


National Network

Via Borgosesia, 30, 10145

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Non for profit organization. Management board: 1 chairman, 1 director, 2 counselors Staff: 3 full-time, 3 part-time employees, 4 consultants. Budgetary resources in 2005: 449.640 € Funding: Local institutions (Comune Torino, Regione Piemonte, Provincia Torino), foundations (Don Mario Operti, Compagnia San Paolo, CRT, Unidea), other private funding. Modalities of action: concrete cooperation projects, exchanges, seminars, training, intercultural education, studies, publications. Main partners: Comune Torino, Provincia Torino, Regione Piemonte, Compagnia San Paolo, Turin and Catania Universities, North-South Center, Khouribga Provincial Delegation of the Education Ministry, Moroccan Youth Ministry, APPSDS (Khouribga), CICSN (Casablanca), Carmel School (Haifa), Ghaza Municipality, Al Ghad Association (Cairo).
Mission and Objectives

Cicsene is a local cooperation and development organization. Its original purpose is to find new solutions to the problem of housing and social, cultural and economic habitat, in countries in the South and in the North of the world, by means of integrated local development programs.
Cicsene has developed four branches for its work: Progetto casa, Tecniche urbane, Pianeta possibile, Percorsi internazionali. In particular, Pianeta Possibile department promotes intercultural education, educational cooperation and exchange among associations, schools, universities and local bodies of North and South of the world, in particular euro-mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

Cicsene’s Pianeta Possibile department focuses on cooperation with Mediterranean countries and areas of major migration. It:
? carries out educational materials and information towards intercultural relationship.
? proposes intercultural education activities, school exchanges and cooperation.
? studies and spreads methods and strategies for the daily practice of interculture.
? tries to establish relationships between educational bodies in the Mediterranean region, supporting the relationship between different realities and starting cooperation experiences.
? aims to the living together of different realities and to social cohesion promoting participation.
? plans and carries out cultural events and educational and citizenship courses.
For further information:

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianfranco Cattai
Head of the organisation
Gianfranco Cattai