
Associazione Yourope Sardinia

National Network

Via Alghero, 24
Via Roma 235

320 6850386
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
PROMOZIONE DEL TERRITORIO:     Assistenza degli operatori sardi, del pubblico e del privato, sardi nel portare sia le loro esigenze che le loro proposte progettuali a conoscenza delle istituzioni competenti;     Promozione di accordi, protocolli e partenariati internazionali con Associazioni Professionali e di Categoria SOCIALE, CITTADINANZA ATTIVA E CULTURA EUROPEA:     Eventi quali seminari, conferenze, congressi, fiere, mostre, manifestazioni culturali e turistiche rivolte ad un pubblico internazionale e inerenti a tematiche europee di primaria importanza;     Organizzazione e promozione di dibattiti incentrati su tematiche europee di primaria importanza, quali mobilità, lavoro, inclusione sociale, cittadinanza attiva e politiche giovanili, incoraggiando i cittadini ad assumere ruoli sempre più attivi attraverso una partecipazione diretta alla vita pubblica;     Reperimento e segnalazione dei programmi dell’UE, delle modalità di partecipazione, delle opportunità offerte agli Enti locali, alle Imprese ed ai cittadini;
Mission and Objectives

    Assistenza degli operatori sardi, del pubblico e del privato, sardi nel portare sia le loro esigenze che le loro proposte progettuali a conoscenza delle istituzioni competenti;
    Promozione di accordi, protocolli e partenariati internazionali con Associazioni Professionali e di Categoria
    Eventi quali seminari, conferenze, congressi, fiere, mostre, manifestazioni culturali e turistiche rivolte ad un pubblico internazionale e inerenti a tematiche europee di primaria importanza;
    Organizzazione e promozione di dibattiti incentrati su tematiche europee di primaria importanza, quali mobilità, lavoro, inclusione sociale, cittadinanza attiva e politiche giovanili, incoraggiando i cittadini ad assumere ruoli sempre più attivi attraverso una partecipazione diretta alla vita pubblica;
    Reperimento e segnalazione dei programmi dell’UE, delle modalità di partecipazione, delle opportunità offerte agli Enti locali, alle Imprese ed ai cittadini;

Main Projects / Activities

23.07.2011 – Protesta statica per la mobilità
    26.07 – 20.08.2011 – Progetto Archeo 3: Masullas incontra l’Europa
    3-10.08.2011 – ELSA Italy Training Days
    1.10.2011 – NUR: Dal passato il futuro tra visioni e “mal di Sardegna”
    3.10.2011 – Politiche giovanili per lo sviluppo di Cagliari: La sfida per una città nuova
    18-21.10.2011 – Build Your Future: Europe is your next challenge – 1° step
    28.11 – 1.12.2011 – Build Your Future: Europe is your next challenge – 2° step
    2-3.12.2011 – ROOTS ISOLAE
    15-16-19-20.12.2011 – Build Your Future: Europe is your next challenge – 3° step
    23.12.2011 – New Way Sardinia: Promotional Video
    19.10.2012 – Info Day: Gioventù in Azione
    17.11.2012 – Book-Up: Stradescritte
    27.12.2012 – 02.08.2013 – Maribor NYE 2013
    8-9.03.2013 – Giornalismo da Zero a 2.0
    29.03 – 05.04.2014 – ORientiamo lo Sviluppo

Contact (1) Full Name
Pamela Baccoli
Head of the organisation
Pamela Baccoli

Astragali Teatro – Eufonia scrl

National Network

Via Giuseppe Candido 23

+39 0832306194
Telephone (other)
+39 0832301823
+39 0832301823
Mobile Phone
+39 3281258010
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3209168440
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
-Astràgali Teatro is managed from 1999 by Eufonia s.c.r.l., a limited liability cooperative society. The staff employed is made up of 12 people and there are several collaborators. -budgetary resources available in a year are 350.000 € -Public institutions, European Commission, local administrations, private sponsors -projects, exchanges, seminars, performances, workshops, festivals -Apulia Region, Province of Lecce, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, University of Lecce, Municipalities, Chamber of Commerce of Zakynthos, Theatre of Zakynthos, University of Athens, Region of Ionian Islands, Cyprus Centre of International Theatre Institute, Mediterranean Institute of Malta, University of Malta
Mission and Objectives

Astràgali teatro was founded in1981 in Lecce in order to promote theatre, train actors, give life to a place for exchange of practices. It operates in the field of theatrical production and training, audiovisual production.
Astràgali is a place of theatrical research, of meeting of thoughts with the never tired challenge of life in theatre, that lead to visit theatrically as pioneers, some fascinating or forgotten architectonic and natural places and to open to syncretism practice of cultural exchanges and crossings, above all with Mediterranean countries, bringing to the creation of a cultural network and of " Multimedia Archive of Mediterranean countries".

Main Projects / Activities

Among the performances realized by Astràgali’s company, under the direction of Fabio Tolledi, we can remember: "Ali- questo corpo, questo fuoco", "La Betissa" (from the text of Antonio Verri), "Mistero Buffo (Schizzo Majakowskij)”, "Nos - l'architettura degli amanti", "Q - il cantico dei cantici per lingua madre", "Le Vie dei Canti", "Porca Miseria - le comiche storie del tragico sud".Among the several events we remember the four editions of "The Poets’ Night", "Scene del desiderio”, "Tamburi e coltelli", "Le Terre di Mezzo", the two editions of the festival “Dyonisos’traces”, the two pilot projects on behalf of the Ministry of Welfare and the Ministry of Public Education: " I giardini delle meraviglie" and "Progetto in viaggio"
In 1999 it is partner of D.E.P.A.Z. in the project “Popular Theatre in Renaissance” in Zakynthos(Greece) within the EU programme INTERREG III Italy-Greece.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Quarta
Head of the organisation
Fabio Roberto Tolledi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivano Gorgoni

Astràgali Teatro-Eufonia

National Network

Via Giuseppe Candido 23
73100 Lecce LE

0039 0832 306194
Telephone (other)
0039 3209168440
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0039 3209168440
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3276909662
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Eufonia manages Astràgali Teatro, a theatre company founded in 1982. A main aim is the promotion of international projects on multicultural, site-specific performing arts productions and collaborations, favouring artists exchange and mobility. It has carried out numerous projects supported by EU and other institutions that brought its company to work in more than 30 countries in Europe and all over the world, collaborating with cultural operators and social agents, enhancing the heritage of communities, working with communities for social inclusion, carrying out projects of research-action on performing arts and interculturalism also in conflict zones. It was recently Leader of EU projects: WALLS, Theatrum Mundi, Legends on circular ruins, GENIUS LOCI-performing arts between heritage and future, of Anna Lindh Foundation project 'Women!'. It realized many projects in the field of Social and Community Theatre with innovative cross-sectoral actions with international artists and communities.

Mission and Objectives

The challenge of a theatre as a practise of knowledge and relationship. Perfecting a practise of vision, in which the actor’s body and gesture, the sound of the spoken word take place poetically, bringing the viewers’ gaze into themselves. The constant quest for “other” places to set the scene, in the certainty that never so much as in this case has the theatre been a way of both investigating and of revealing the genius loci, by incessantly establishing and re-establishing communities. A theatre company formed in Lecce in 1981, Astràgali Teatro has, since its birth, combined production, training, and theatrical experimentation, while broadening its sphere of action over time with a segment specifically oriented towards designing and producing services for the theatre and culture. In a constant relationship with a network of international bodies in the area of the performing arts, cooperation, and intercultural dialogue, Astràgali Teatro has for years been a presence in the Mediterranean and the Near East, with theatre production and cultural cooperation projects. In this path, the relationship with the “language of others” has become an essential, bedrock part of its artistic experimentation – an element that has been the mark of its productions in recent years. From Ali- questo corpo questo fuoco a La Betissa, Nos-l’architettura degli amanti, Q Il cantico dei cantici per lingua madre, Le vie dei canti, Antigone- anatomia delle resistenza dell’amore, Doni di guerra, Persae, and Lysistrata- Primo studio sull’oscenità del potere, to the more recent Divenire animale, Veli, and Metamorfosi, the work on the shows has been both a constant investigation of the present and a search for the origins of theatre, considered a bottomless reservoir of images and suggestions. Through its investigation of tragedy and ancient comedy, Astràgali Teatro has brought to centre stage crucial questions connected with conflicts, violence, migrations, and the political boundaries that forcibly divide peoples and cultures. It is a philosophy that has at the same time been the mark of Astràgali Teatro’s artistic residence in Lecce’s Teatro Paisiello, with a project embarked on in 2010 and still in progress. Albania, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Cyprus, Turkey, Tunisia, Brazil. Doing theatre in places of conflict has been characteristic of most of the international projects and productions in recent years – efforts that have brought Astràgali to about 30 countries around the world. Supported by the European Union, these efforts have been marked by the need to comprehend – in aesthetic practise – the relationship between tradition and contemporaneity: Il corpo dell’arte; Teatri di guerra – pratiche di pace; War gifts; Persae; Le rotte di Ulisse – per una critica della violenza; Front/frontier- dynamics of inclusion of the other; Roads and desires-theatre overcomes conflict; H.O.S.T. – Hospitality, Otherness, Society, Theatre; Stories of stars and acrobats; Walls- Separate Worlds; Theatrum Mundi. Astràgali's official objectives: - to produce, co-produce, play, organize theatre performances in Apulia, in the other Italian regions and abroad, and to produce and make audio-visual and cinema products - to promote theatre activities through performances, festivals, meetings, exhibitions, schools and in general with any means also in the neighbourhoods, in schools of every order and grade, in work places, with the aim of cultural, civil, social and political growth of citizens in accordance to the democratic principles and in the respect of the constitutional laws; - to make an activity of research, documentation, training in the cultural and social field, in favour of the associated or on behalf of a third party, public or private, and activity of publishing production; - to organize groups of research and study, meetings, seminars, to promote a monitoring and a catalogue of cultural heritage directly or indirectly connected with performing arts, to disseminate the materials of the research, either cinematographic, radio, audiovisual or press materials, providing also their production (preparation, publication, press); to make editorial and information activities, putting a particolar attention on cultural issues, with tipographical techniques and with any other means of communication and anyhow connected to the social purpose; - to promote and manage recreational, free time activities with a high cultural value; - to make any other similar activity or connected to those mentioned in order to create possibilities of work for the members for assistence purposes, also through the fulfillment of the programs and directions provided for by the laws concerning vocational training. - creation and management of archives, with a particular attention to the multimedia creation of them; - creation, organization and management of press-offices; - dissemination of publishing, video and record materials; -to operate in the field of cultural tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

Astràgali Teatro-Eufonia is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Culture as an innovation theatre company. It is member of the Creative District of Apulia Region, active in the cultural and creative sector, since the establishment of Astràgali Teatro in 1981. It produces theatre performances and multidisciplinary performances. It organises theatre programmes and festivals. It is active in the field of theatre training, publishing, audiovisual, multimedia production. It produces and disseminates goods and services on performing arts. In 1985 it receives the support of the Ministry of Culture and enters the regional and national theatrical circuits. In the last years it promotes and takes part in many cultural projects supported by European Union, Italian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Region Apulia, Province of Lecce, University of Salento, Municipalities and many other institutions at national and international level. It develops projects related to multilingual and multicultural theatre production, with its theatre company made up of international performers. It realised international projects on cultural cooperation,community involvement,site-specific performances and with marginalised people (in about 30 countries all over the world). It develops projects on theatre and intangible cultural heritage in Italy and abroad and fosters international collaborations aiming at intercultural dialogue. It fosters artistic experimentation with site-specific performances in special sites, to rediscover the value of fascinating and forgotten cultural and naturalistic sites, with an important study of the places, connecting the performances with the communities. With its projects Eufonia investigates through the perfoming arts crucial questions of conflicts, gender,violence,migrations,the political boundaries that forcibly divide peoples and cultures.I t develops educational projects for children, young people and adults.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our mission is perfectly consistent with the objectives and priorities of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Our organization has been working for thirty years to build a more just, supportive and respectful society. The work in the theater, in art, in the enhancement of cultural heritage in the world and mainly in the countries of the shores of the Mediterranean has constantly characterized all the intercultural activities of Astràgali. In addition, the organization has benefited from the support of the Foundation for the "Women!" project, a beautiful project that has seen many intercultural activities for the exchange of knowledge and practices in the performing arts sector between Italy and Tunisia. We are convinced that our work can best contribute to the intercultural dialogue activities of the Anna Lindh network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization has been part of the Anna Lindh network for years. This request is to be able to continue contributing to the mission of the network today, to have the opportunity to know, collaborate, cooperate, co-design interventions of the highest level with many other organizations in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Quarta
Job Title
International projects coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ivano Gorgoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Pierluigi Greco
Job Title (2)
International projects

Aurora Vision

National Network

via Oltrefersina 24
38057 Madrano TN

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

AURORA is a centre of film production, documentaries, TV formats, reportages, coexistence laboratories, meetings, exchanges, idea workshops, online communication, to fill with light the darkest corners.
There are 25 persons involved in different stages.

Mission and Objectives

There are thousands of positive, important, strength-filled projects that cannot find a way to be known. AURORA can give a voice to these experiences, to the weakest and the voiceless. Voice, sound, and image…

AURORA is a centre of film production, documentaries, TV formats, reportages, coexistence laboratories, meetings, exchanges, idea workshops, online communication, to fill with light the darkest corners.

We want a perspective and a way of seeing the world of media, communication, culture, and art, starting from the dignity of each human being and their openness to the transcendent.

Main Projects / Activities

AURORA is a centre of film production, documentaries, TV formats, reportages, coexistence laboratories, meetings, exchanges, idea workshops, online communication

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help with the communication in social media

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To spread our productions and to establish links for new one

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lia Beltrami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lia Beltrami

Ayira Akira

National Network

117 Rue loualou ouenze

00242 7886575
Telephone (other)
00242 6867418
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00242 9446671
Mobile Phone (other)
00242 4042765
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Nous somme specialiser dans le domaine de l'arts graphique et plastic.
Mission and Objectives

En effet nous un groupe des jeunes congolais évoluent dans le domainne, des arts plastics et graphiques dont le but de sortir du gaiteau. Merci pour votre attention

Main Projects / Activities

Exeposition au lieu du forum des nos ouevres

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Via acherusio 85
00199 Roma

+39 06 86 32 81 78
+39 06 86 32 81 78
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1 et 4. L’Association culturelle Babelmed (à but non lucratif) édite le site Elle a pour vocation de relier les acteurs et productions culturels en Méditerranée, et de fournir une information indépendante sur différents thèmes. La rédaction romaine, constituée de 4 personnes, gère le réseau des 16 correspondants couvrant 13 pays: Algérie, Espagne, Egypte, France, Grèce, Italie, Liban, Malte, Maroc, Palestine, Syrie, Tunisie, Turquie. 2. 50.000 euros 3. Babelmed est actuellement financée par la Fondation Seydoux et la Fondation européenne de la Culture, qui financeront la Rencontre des Journalistes prévue à Rome en mai 2006, ainsi que les enquêtes qui en découleront. 5. Un partenariat éditorial a également été créé avec le magazine culturel libanais Nawafez et l’hedomadaire égyptien Al-Ahram Weekly ;et avec Radio France (émission hebdomadaire)
Mission and Objectives

Son objectif est de promouvoir les échanges culturels en Méditerranée et de faire circuler l’information et les idées qui gravitent autour de cette mer commune, au moment même où les tentations d’amalgames et de repli identitaire, qui sévissent dans les sociétés du nord comme du sud, édifient de nouveaux murs.

Main Projects / Activities

Le site édite une revue de culture et politique en Méditerranée grâce à un réseau de correspondants méditerranéens sélectionnés pour leur indépendance et leur connaissance des milieux culturels. Son nom évoque la Méditerranée “med” et sa diversité culturelle et linguistique“babel” : les articles sont en français, anglais, arabe, et parfois en italien, espagnol... ;“bab”, porte en arabe, donne l’idée d’une ouverture sur l’ailleurs. L’objectif éditorial est de décloisonner les cultures nationales méditerranéennes : le travail de concertation du réseau permet de cerner les grandes problématiques transversales à la Méditerranée et de les traiter dans une dynamique de confrontation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nathalie Galesne
Head of the organisation
Nathalie Galesne
Contact (2) Full Name
Catherine Cornet

Barone & Associati

National Network

Piazza Sannazaro, 71

081 667383
Telephone (other)
081 7611594
081 681846
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Barone
Head of the organisation
Valerio Barone

National Network

Registered office: via dei Candelai, 58 90131 Palermo Italy
Operative office: Piazza Leti Sansi, 3 06049 Spoleto Italy
Cambodian Branch office: Street 302, House 25A Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Spoleto and Palermo

+39 0743.252022
Telephone (other)
+39 0743.252001
Tel. +39 0743.252003
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1) has a Scientific Advisory board (4 members)and a Board of Directors(4 members),its number of staff employed is 10. 2) Budgetary resources available in a year are 160.000 €. 3)Grant programmes of the EU and national programmes of youth and further education in Italy. 4)Action 2 (EVS) and Action 5 (support measures)of Youth in Action Programme, International project Daphne, distance learning, project management and evaluation for Europaid project, .5) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: NGO's or University from Italy (CESIE Eurocultura, Università Tor Vergata),Germany (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Life e.V, RAA Brandenburg, Dissens e. V.), Portugal (Vertigem), French(Eurocicle FR), Cambodia(YRDP,KYSD,Youth for peace), Malta, UK(Goldsmith University), Austria(Maennerberatung Graz), Slovenia(The Peace institute).
Mission and Objectives

Aim of is to contribute in development, social promotion and insertion of the weak people into the workforce, to operate in order to defend human rights, children, immigrants and women; furthermore it wants to develop social cohesion and the respect of human dignity according to an harmonic and integrated development of cultures, conscious that through education, acknowledge of diversity and participation to decisional processes it is possible to pursue ideals of equality, democracy and solidarity.To pursue these objectives operates in different sectors: Education/Training; Vocational and Further Education; Defence and Valorisation of civil and human rights; Defence and valorisation of nature and environment; Gender main streaming and Equal opportunity; International mobility; Defense of minorities, children; youth and teenagers, immigrants; Promotion of good practices; Promotion of democratic processes; Cultural promotion and valorisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of are: Youth exchange, university education, informal learning , integration of disadvantage groups, gender main streaming, diversity management, social research,training of trainers, development of civil society initiatives, technical assistance to municipal initiatives, evaluation in development cooperation, organisation of study tour,organisation of seminars and informative events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marion Fischer
Head of the organisation
Monika Maria Savier
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Gonzi

Be Equal

National Network

Via Argento, n. 16
Via De Cardona
87100 Cosenza

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Be Equal è una organizzazione di volontariato, con quattro soci fondatori e otto volontari. Il suo budget per l'anno 2015 è stato di circa Euro 25.000 e cerca i fondi attraverso le call aperte nazionali ed europee. Nell'anno 2015/2016 ha realizzato molti progetti Erasmus+ e molti progetti nazionali dedicati ai giovani, alle donne e ai temi della  cittadinanza attiva. I suoi partner sono le Istituzioni locali e associazioni del territorio.
Mission and Objectives

BE EQUAL odv is a non-profit, non-political, non-party, free and voluntary and seeks solely to achieve social solidarity with the aim of supporting the socially weak with special attention to people with uncomfortable issues. It promotes activities related to the principles of solidarity and targeted the involvement of social and cultural realities. Fight against all forms of exploitation, ignorance, injustice, discrimination and marginalization. It promotes and organizes all forms of active citizen volunteers, members or not, in order to safeguard and recover the social and community spirit among them, also through collaboration with other institutions or associations. The association is apolitical and nonpartisan and adheres to the following principles: the absence of profit motive, democratic structure, elective, gratuity of associative charges, gratuity of the services provided by their members, who carry out their activities in a personal and spontaneous. Fight against all forms of exploitation, ignorance, injustice, discrimination and marginalization. It promotes and organizes all forms of active citizen volunteers, members or not, in order to safeguard and recover the social and community spirit among them, also through collaboration with other institutions or associations. The odv is recorded at Registrio of volunteering in the province of Cosenza at no. 401; CSV Cosenza and 12.06.2013 has signed the training agreement with curricular UNICAL Cosenza - Department of Political and Social Sciences

Main Projects / Activities

Be Equal organizes and manages national projects aimed at social networks through partnerships and other associations in the area and at national and regional level. One of the main activities is training for disadvantaged and vulnerable people, such as women and unemployed youth. Those responsible for Be Equal such as those involved in the project will bring their expertise and their experience in the organization, explication of the content and focus of the project themes. In particular, previous experience of some components of the combination (several members participated: ACE project for youths Youth in Action Programme Action 1.1; YET. Europe! 2014 Erasmus + KA1; Appetiser Sweden in Sweden - Kalmar from ' 8 to 12 October 2014 where the Well eqaul volunteers who knew the members of the Foundation European Meeting Centre-Nowy Staw Foundation.) will provide opportunities to repeat what has been acquired and learned during the activities realized in projects overseas and in international trade. The same stakeholders also have acquired skills in the organization and management of the Civil Service projects (design, implementation and training) and ATM Informastudenti Dam Unical. The design staff involved will bring its expertise in the groups run by the management, discussion, listening, stimulation and orientation of the participants, although not beyond an imaginary line, the potential invasion of the territory by the expression its own opinion on the merits of the contents; skills in the organization / coordination of technical and managerial resources (catalyst); in the translation of languages, in support of the person and of the group (mediator); skills in the reception capacity of the emotions, accompanying the new behaviors and attitudes (help Agent); Finally, the creation of a right climate for knowledge, learning in the action, in special groups and project (motivator). Previous works: Youth in action: ACE; Erasmus + "Witty"; "Well done!"; Get in the game "; national projects 2015/2016:" Crazy for the Radio "supported by the Foundation with the South;" A woman measures "supported by OPM Tavola Valdese.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

BE EQUAL will contribute to their country network through constant activities to protect and safeguard the civil rights and working to prevent and fight against gender violence. The association also provide its know-how in the field of national and European projects to help empower non-profit agencies and organizations in the collection of funds. His important research of social innovation and the continuous interaction with the social and the nonprofit world stands as a key component in the interaction between a poor and disadvantaged area (such as Calabria) and the rest of Italy. It Is Equal, finally, in view of its geographical position, Calabria, on the border of southern Europe, will be an antenna on the social context and the interaction with the Mediterranean world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Be Equal wants to participate in the ALF Network because it believes that it can help you meet and communicate better with other Mediterranean countries but also to acquire models of good practice can be transferred on their territory. The association also thinks that joining a large network can be an advantage for Calabria and the province of Cosenza, areas in which it operates Be Equal.
The opportunity to be a part of this network will be an example for the nonprofit Calabrian to open up and integrate with the European world to the north and south with the Mediterranean world. Be Equal believes strongly in the interaction of cultures and exchanges between peoples.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragani Gabriella
Job Title
Eu Project
Head of the organisation
Luigi Marrazzo
Contact (2) Full Name
Luigi Marrazzo
Job Title (2)

Be+ Map and Compass

Navigating the Erasmus+ programme can be an exciting, yet challenging journey. To help schools stay on track and achieve the international goals of your school, the BE+ project aims to offer them a map and a compass to guide schools...