

National Network


+39 081 26 45 35
Telephone (other)
+ 39 081 563 07 96
+ 39 081 554 63 23
Mobile Phone
+ 39 348 24 98 224
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 39 338 18 27 306
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. D&S Group est une coopérative qui compte 12 membres de l’équipe, 2 travailleur salariées et 5 collaborateurs externes. 2. Le ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles s’élève à €350.000,00. 3. Le sources de financement est, principalement, dans les projets communautaires et régionales. 4. D&S Group travaille à travers projets, séminaires, échanges. 5. La coopérative collabore avec Écoles, Universités, Collectivités Locales, Associations d’Entrepreneurs, Pactes Territoriaux et Organisations Syndicales.
Mission and Objectives

La coopérative œuvre pour favoriser, promouvoir et soutenir le développement local, à travers la réalisation d’actions de système et de projets intégrés à l’amélioration du bien-être économique et social. Notre formule permet de réaliser des parcours intégrés à travers une série d’actions – des cours de selfassesment en salle ou par correspondance – de l’orientation, des services de conseil, des parcours de formation, des activités de matching et d’accompagnement vers l’entreprenariat, le travail autonome et salarié.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous promouvons des logiques participatives de développement territorial entre sujets économiques, sociaux et politiques. Nous menons des activités de formation en les intégrant à des actions d’animation territoriale et de sensibilisation pour les opérateurs du secteurs public et du secteur privé. En Italie et à l’étranger, D&S Group propose son expérience, le bagage de compétences de ses experts et des outils méthodologiques originaux aux Collectivités Locales, aux Associations d’Entrepreneurs, aux Organisations Syndicales, aux Pactes Territoriaux, aux Écoles, aux Universités et à tous les sujets publics et privés impliqués dans la promotion du développement local.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Defence for Children International Italia

National Network

Legal address: Via Vetulonia 90
Office: Via Gallia 202


0039 06 45481994
0039 06 45492835
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3478798453
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3294020164
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Defence for Children (DCI) is worldwide network with national sections and associated members in over 40 countries in the world. DCI’s International Secretariat, located in Geneva, is the focal point of the movement and provides an invaluable link between DCI’s national sections and the United Nations. Defence for Children Italy is the Italian branch of Defence for Children International movement. It is an independent, autonomous, nonprofit, voluntary organisation based in Rome, established in 2007 by a group of people with various qualifications and of different ages who are all committed to the promotion of the rights of the child and to social, national and international cooperation. The National Assembly counts on 11 and the Board of Director is composed of 6 members. The organisation can count on 1 coordination person and 7 volunteers. The budgetary resources available in 2008: total income 4055,00 euro. Sources of funding: in this start-up phase DCI Italy can count on its associates memberships and private donations, but it is trying to develop a project funding strategy at national and European level. DCI Italy concentrates its activity in the organization of action campaigns which include analysis and research; information, sensitization and training; speak out against violations; promotion of concrete proposals; development of pilot projects. Other than to support and cooperate with the international activities of the movement, the Italian section is consolidating the basis for a consistent action in the national context and is developing a programme of initiatives in the following fields: • Minors in conflict with the law • Marketing and children rights • Migration and children rights At European level, we are reinforcing the collaboration with other DCI sections, in particular with the Duch, the Belgium and the Albanian branch, in order to exchange information, policies and best practices and to draft projects to be submitted for funding to the EU commission. We are strictly cooperating with the Palestinian Section to support their lobby and advocacy activities. At national level, we are collaborating with Megachip and Baby Consumers for consultations on research on marketing to children, and with UNICEF Italy and Arciragazzi in relation to juvenile justice and migration issues.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: DCI is dedicated to ensuring on-going, practical, systematic and concerted international action directed towards promoting and protecting the rights of the child, as articulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, its optional protocols and all  other human rights instruments.
Our Vision: Children should enjoy and exercise their rights in a just and responsible society.
Institutional Objectives
·To advocate for children's rights so as to achieve the acknowledgement of children as equal subjects before the law, within the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, its optional protocols, and all other human rights instruments;
·To develop national and international strategies for interpellation and public denunciation of the infringements on the individual and collective rights of children.
·To foster awareness about, and solidarity towards the rights of children, children's rights initiatives, situations and issues throughout the world;
·To create forms of massive social and educational communication which promote debate and raise awareness among the public regarding the realities of childhood and adolescence, helping to generate public opinion.
·To seek, promote and implement the most effective means of securing the protection of children’s rights in concrete situations, from both a preventive and curative standpoint.
·To implement projects and actions destined to protect the rights of children directly and effectively, specifically in those problematic areas not safeguarded by other organizations.
·To carry out follow-up activities to inspect the design and implementation of policies, laws and other provisions related to childhood.
·To guarantee that in the event that a child’s rights are threatened, restricted or violated, the affected child will have easy and immediate access to optimal mechanisms of protection, defence and safekeeping.
·To promote spaces in which children have the opportunity to act as protagonists in societies and communities, to participate in decision making processes which involve them, as well as to create decent lives for themselves.
·To approach the rights of children and adolescents from a development perspective, which implies different levels of action: political, social, community and family-based and in collaboration with all stakeholders in the development of the child.
·To provide an institutional point of reference for local, national and international efforts oriented toward promoting, protecting, defending and developing the rights of all children, by influencing national and international legislation.

Main Projects / Activities

The Italian section has joined the international campaign “No kids behind bars” promoted at global level by the international network and coordinated by DCI Nederland and is, in this framework, carrying on research, information and networking activities in the Italian territory. It has also cooperated with the Dutch section regarding translations of legal papers for judicial proceedings in cases of serious violations of children’s rights.
In Italy Defence for Children International has participated in 2008 at the establishment and is a member of the Board of the National Institute for the Rights of the Child (INDIMI) founded by Prof. Luigi Citarella, the Italian Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Along with Indimi, UNICEF, Arciragazzi, Save the Children it is promoting in Italy the campaign to abolish corporal punishment on children launched by the Council of Europe.
It is collaborating with UNICEF on the working table on the Italian legislation on migration in order to analyse and advocate for the protection of children rights.
As far as training on children rights in 2008 we participated as speakers at seminars and conferences (in particular University of Rome Tre, University of Bologna, University Pontificia Salesiana).

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriella Gallizia
Head of the organisation
Pippo Costella

Delfino Lavoro soc. cooperativa sociale

National Network

Via Francesco Miceli Picardi 11

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The staff is composed of a chief executive, three executives of area and 5 employees. Resources for activities amounted to about 300,000 per year and come mainly from the sale of services and government grants. DELFINO LAVORO acts mainly through productive activities, practical projects, events and intercultural exchanges. The main partners are associations and networks of association and public institutions.
Mission and Objectives

DELFINOLAVORO's mission is to promote social inclusion and employment of the socially disadvantaged through productive activities in the field of communication, training and event management.
DELFINOLAVORO is also engaged in promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation between social organizations and between youth organizations of Southern Italy and the Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2004, DELFINO LAVORO promotes "Rexpo'- Euro-Mediterranean area of social responsibility", an annual meeting between civil society organizations.
Since 2008 he started the experience of "MeYouMe - Mediterranean Youth Meeting", a meeting attended by over 150 leaders of youth organizations from almost all countries of the Mediterranean.
DELFINO LAVORO also deals with production and graphic design and publishing and professional training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Serra
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Bevilacqua
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Luberto

Department of Economics -Universita Politecnica delle Marche

National Network

Piazza Martelli, 8
60121 Ancona

+39 071 2207088
Telephone (other)
+39 071 2207112
+39 071 2207102
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 349 3555765
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 340 6894848
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. The university of Acona was organized as a public institution in 18 January 1971 . In 2003 the university changed its domination , following the Rector's decree in 2002 , becoming the Poly-technical University of the Marche . 2. Euro 309,215.71 in 2003 , Euro 384,974.19 in 2002 , Euro 920,851.04 in 2001 . 3. University's funds , Ministry of University and research , other ministries , Public and private institutions , European Union ( framework V-VI ) , National centre for research . 4. Examples of EU co-financed researches , agricultural sector in the member state and EU , Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant countries . 5. Université de Poitiers ( France ) , Association marocaine d'études et de recherches sur les Migrations ( AMERM), department of Geography - Universidad de Salamanca ( Spain ) , Faculte des Sciences Humaines et Sociales ..
Mission and Objectives

The department's mission is to teach applied economics at undergraduate , master and PhD levels as well as conducting emipirical and theotrical researches on socio-economic issues , using innovating instuments at both national and international levels aiming at the development of pooer regional areas of the world .

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activity consists in conducting research and teaching programes . It most distinguished feature in the conduction of researches of both empirical and theoretical nature , general and speculative , making use of innovative methodologies and aiming at the maximum visibility on both the international and national panorama.
Our department has got priviliged channels for inhacing the international relations such as our PhD program , the "Adam Smith Network " Political Economy program and researches financed by the EC .
We also promote the national /international mobility of professors and students within the framework of exchange programs , e.g Erasmus .

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Mauro Gallegati
Head of the organisation
Prof. Alberto Niccoli
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Marco Gallegati

Department of Law and Economics of Firms and Persons of the Faculty of Law of the Insubria University (Como and Varese)

National Network

Via G. Garibaldi 61/63
22100 Como


+39 (0)31 3305823
+39 (0)31 3305830
Mobile Phone
Alessandro Ferrari: + 39 3381293839
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Department has 17 members (Professors and lectures) and one permanent secretary. The Head of the Department is regularly elected and he fulfills his role pro tempore. The Department is autonomous in its research. The Department's budget is about 150,000-200,000 euros a year and it mainly comes from public institutions for research activities. The Department organises seminars, workshops, conferences and a Summer School on Comparative Law, with a special focus on the themes of Multiculturalism and Languages and Law. In the organization of its activities, the Department works with other university bodies and also with private partners, depending on the field of the research. In 2005 prof. Alessandro Ferrari joined the Department. His activities have been and are concentrated on the topic of Law and Religion, with particular focus on the relationships between Islamic and European Law. Scholars on both sides of the Mediterranean are involved in this research.
Mission and Objectives

The Department has 17 members (Professors and lectures) and one permanent secretary. The Head of the Department is regularly elected and he fulfills his role pro tempore. The Department is autonomous in its research.
The Department's budget is about 150,000-200,000 euros a year and it mainly comes from public institutions for research activities.
The Department organises seminars, workshops, conferences and a Summer School on Comparative Law, with a special focus on the themes of Multiculturalism and Languages and Law.
In the organization of its activities, the Department works with other university bodies and also with private partners, depending on the field of the research.
In 2005 prof. Alessandro Ferrari joined the Department. His activities have been and are concentrated on the topic of Law and Religion, with particular focus on the relationships between Islamic and European Law. Scholars on both sides of the Mediterranean are involved in this research.

Main Projects / Activities

The main research project addresses state and religion in the context of Mediterranean Islamic Countries (i.e., Algeria; Egypt; Jordan; Libya; Morocco; Palestine, Syria, Turkey and Tunisia) and it is the first step of a wider project aiming to:
1) collect and catalogue the laws of “Islamic countries” (i.e., the countries with a Muslim majority) devoted to regulating religious affairs;
2) provide a documented and structured analysis of the relationship between Religion and State in contemporary “Muslim countries”, which will be divided in four geo-political areas: Islam in Mediterranean Countries; Islam in Gulf States; Islam in Africa; and Islam in South and Southeast Asia.
3) build a network of researchers from “Muslim countries” specialised in Law and Religion and able to cooperate with other networks in the same field (e. g.: the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies ).

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Alessandro Ferrari
Head of the organisation
Prof. Giuseppe Colangelo

department of sociology, University of Padova

National Network

via cesarotti 10/12

+39 0498274304
+049 657508
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Department of Sociology at the University of Padova, Italy, is a vibrant, outward looking department that combines intensive research activity with a strong commitment to high quality undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate teaching. With 32 full-time members and 10 joint members, the department is the largest of its kind among public universities in Italy. The administrative board consist of 12 members. The Department provides a computer room, multi-media laboratory, library (located in the Faculty of Political Sciences), Lecture hall (300 seats), and 5 class rooms (25-30 seats). Concerning Mass communication, the Department has recently acquired an innovating system for digital multichannel recording, archiving and monitoring all national TV programs. The departmental research profile has been expanding quickly since 1990. The Department offers an excellent range of BA, MA and PhD programme. It provides concentrations in the fields of Sociology of Religions, Migration studies, Cultural Sociology and Social Theory. However, research in the Department cuts across sub-disciplinary and disciplinary boundaries. Since 1990 the Department of Sociology established a research unit on Migration, Identity and Diversity in Europe. The research unit runs many investigations on Religion and Migration and has achieved an excellent reputation both in academic terms and the public domain. Prof. Enzo Pace is the chair of the Department. Former president of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion and a leading international scholar of sociology of Religion, he is the author of numerous books and articles.
Mission and Objectives

Research and education

Main Projects / Activities

one of the main projects focuses on the study of the African Diaspora in the mediterranean in particualar on the West African Pentecostal Diaspora as a manifestation of spirituality but also of multivocal identity, traditions, creativity, negotiation and ethnical resistance. Particular attention will be paid to the pluriformity and contextuality of the religious and cultural practises, to the patterns of faith and spirituality which make immigrants overcome the climate of conflicts both within and around the African communities, and fight, from a socio-economic, political, spiritual and creative position the neo colonial and global condition of African migrants living in Italy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Pace
Head of the organisation
Vincenzo Pace
Contact (2) Full Name
Annalisa Butticci

DICA - Development Immigration Cooperation Association

National Network

Via delle Lenze 151 Pisa 56122 (PI) Italy
56122 Pisa

+39 3334612393
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3339306050
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3931306334
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
DICA ONLUS is a no Profit Association. The board of governors is composed by the President Daniele Gizzi, the Financial officer Khaled Sghaier Hajlaoui, the Secretary Selene Bottosso, the Cooperation Manager, Daniele Carpita, the Communication Manager Ilaria Piccini, the Immigration Manager Elisa Meini. The resources available for the first years of are around 6.000 euro. The main sources of funding are represented by the membership fee and by the grant coming from regional, national and international donors. DICA operats with concrete projects in the Mediterranean Area, in the Balkans and in Eastern Europe. DICA has several partners in Albania, Tunisia, Marocco, Palestina, Bosnia, Italy (Associations, Local Authorities, NGOS)
Mission and Objectives

DICA promotes the diffusion, in Italy and in the international wide, of the typical values of the E.U., as the respect of human dignity, of freedom, of democracy, of equality and human rights respect, include rights of people who belong to a minority groups. The purpose is to encourage and support actions for the social-economic self-development of the developing countries, with big economically and medically deficiencies. D.I.C.A promotes and carries out at local level, according to the actions of International cooperation, efforts in favour of the immigrants who come from not E.U. countries. Those actions are implemented in coordination with others associations, NGO, National and International institutions, fairly with the law that regulate the cooperation’s world.

Main Projects / Activities


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Contact (1) Full Name
Daniele Gizzi
Head of the organisation
Daniele Gizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled Sghaier Hajlaoui


National Network

Via E. Cosenz 13

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
- President: Lucia Valenzi The operative team is composed by: • Gina Annunziata who is a doctorate final year student in visual studies • Maria Antonietta Selvaggio who is a researcher in sociology • Alessandro Senatore who is a lawyer • Domenico Spinosa who is a Doctor of Philosophy • Teresa Tomaselli who is a historian of the contemporary age Lucia Valenzi is an university researcher at the Department of Historical Subjects of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, she teaches Contemporary History for the Philosophy degree course. - 5.000,00 Euro - Public fundings
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote dialogue and exchanges between these two countries, particularly between the two cities of Naples and Tunis, with particular attention to the genders’ viewpoint.
Tunisia has been for a long time a meeting point for different groups and nationalities, Europeans, Arabs, Jewish and Africans. Naples is considered as a point of reference in the Mediterranean, it helps dialogue and peace among different cultures.
The previous mayor of Naples, Maurizio Valenzi, comes from the large and active Italian colony that had been present in Tunisia since the XIX century. These connections have lasted despite the dispersion of the Italian community after the independence. This initiative starts in Naples also for this reason.

Main Projects / Activities

Tunisian production of a cinema exhibition in Naples at the Cinema Astra, Via Mezzocannone, from the 24th to the 28th of may 2008;
twinning between the boards of the lawyers Associations of Naples and Tunis about family and emigration; legislation researches, publications and congresses about sociological, juridical and historical features of Italian presence in Tunisia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucia Valenzi
Head of the organisation
Lucia Valenzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Gina Annunziata
digital practices for inclusive programmes_SwIdeas swedish network

Digital Practices for Inclusive Programmes Guidebook

The Inclusive Guidebook - How to create inclusive programs using digital resources - has been developed to provide useful tools, materials and experiences to teachers, educators, trainers, counsellors and experts working with migrants and/ or with people with special needs...